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Units 7–9 Progress Test

Standard Test

GRAMMAR 4 My cell phone takes excellent pictures. My cell

phone is fairly new. (which)
1 Complete the conversation with the correct ___________________________________
form of the verbs in parentheses. ___________________________________
AIDAN Did you remember 1 (mail)
5 Yesterday I saw Peter. I hadn’t seen Peter since
that letter, Carla? It’s really important.
last January. (who)
CARLA I think so. I did it yesterday when I went out ___________________________________
(buy) some bread ___________________________________
AIDAN Are you sure you mailed it?
CARLA Of course I’m sure. I remember
(put) it in the mailbox just 4 Circle the correct options.
before I saw my friend and stopped 1 Has anybody / somebody / nobody seen my cell
(talk) with her. phone? I think I left it in the classroom.
AIDAN I’m still worried about my letter. 2 Someone / No one / Anyone commented on my
CARLA Can I suggest 5 (mail) it post on the music forum. I’m really
yourself next time? It might be a bit easier.
3 This is a useful product. I think that’s why
5 nobody / somebody / everybody likes it so much.
2 Complete the questions with the simple past 4 Some of the people who commented on my
form of the verbs in the box. blog were arguing with each other / themselves
/ myself rather than responding to what / wrote.
buy help post see win 5 Lots of ads try to make us compare us /
ourselves / themselves to others.
1 What online yesterday?
2 Who at Jack’s party last 5
Saturday? Was Anne there? 5 Correct the underlined mistakes in the text.
3 Who you with your homework? Leo and Laura were talking about books they had
Someone must have. It’s perfect! read recently. Leo asked Laura 1what was her
4 Which country the last World favorite book .
Cup? Laura admitted that she 2doesn’t have
5 Which brand of toothpaste ? a particular favorite, but
that she liked a lot of different books. Leo then
asked Laura if she 3did like
3 Join the sentences using the words in science fiction books.
parentheses. Laura told him that she 4has read
1 Black Friday is the name of the day. Most a lot of science fiction. She
Americans go shopping on that day. (when) said that she was reading The Hunger Games and
___________________________________ asked Leo if he had read it. He said that he
___________________________________ hadn’t, so she promised 5lending
2 This is a great website. I buy music online at it to him.
this website. (where)
3 That woman is a friend of mind. Her logo won
an award. (whose)

Shape It! 4 Units 7–9 Progress Test– Standard Test – page 1 of 4

6 Complete with the words and phrases in the 9 Listen to an interview. Number the topics
box. You do not need all the words. (a–e) in the order that they are mentioned
amused bear in mind cross my mind
down glad make up my mind thrilled a Flying in turbulence is almost always
completely safe.
1 She was very that people b The risk of a flying accident is
had offered to help her after the accident. extremely low.
2 Her story was really funny and we were all c It is essential to be positive.
extremely . d The best solution is to know some
3 The cold, gray weather is making everyone feel basic facts about flying.
a little bit today. e Talk to the person who is sitting
4 I don’t know where to go for my vacation this next to you.
year, but I’ll have to soon. 5
5 Always that you can’t use a
10 Listen again. Complete the sentences with
calculator in the exam.
the correct words.
1 You have a one in million
7 Complete the words in the sentences.
chance of being in a plane accident.
1 It’s important to read r s before
2 Traveling in a car is times
you choose a new cell phone.
more dangerous than flying.
2 Most major entertainment companies now
3 If you are worried, this can make you think you
a e online.
are , even if you are
3 If you’re tired of seeing so many ads online, you perfectly safe.
can use an a r.
4 Taking a flight can help
4 If I were you, I would d e those reduce your anxiety.
comments, as some people might not like
5 Slow, regular breathing can help
you .
5 Why don’t you s e to this 10
new video channel?
8 Circle the correct options.

A couple in Texas 1… that they had become sick

after eating seafood in a local restaurant. They
… that they had been sick for more than a
week and 3… that their illness had been caused
by the seafood. The company
` denied that its
food was responsible and 4… explained that, as
no other guests had become sick that evening,
the couple had invented the story. 5… , the
couple admitted that their story was a lie.

1 a admitted b complained c refused

2 a claimed b announced c promised
3 a apologized b denied c insisted
4 a fluently b secretly c patiently
5 a Eventually b Occasionally c Gradually

Shape It! 4 Units 7–9 Progress Test– Stangard Test – page 2 of 4

READING 11 Read the text. Put the headings (a–e) in the
Advertising is Getting Smarter correct place (1–5).
(1) ( ) a Can ads be good for the customer?
b Does that ad know what we are looking for?
How often have you looked through a website and
c How valuable is our personal data?
been amazed at an ad that seems to suit you
d Should we discuss how our data is collected?
perfectly? It might be for a shampoo that you have
just been thinking of trying. Or a new sports watch e Is your data being collected offline too?
that some of your friends have been recommending. 10
Sometimes, it almost seems like some marketing
companies know us as well as the people closest to 12 Read the text again. Circle the correct options.
us - or even better. 1 The writer suggests that marketing companies
(2) ( ) understand us better than … .
We leave behind a digital footprint whenever we go a we understand ourselves
online. Companies can collect information not only b other types of company
about what websites we visit, but also about what c our friends and family
device we are using and even where we are at the 2 The article says companies can get data
time. Gradually, a detailed picture can be built about about … .
us. For marketing companies, this personal a the machines we use
information is extremely valuable because
b the people we communicate with
eventually, they can make pretty accurate guesses
about the type of things we want to spend money c how much money we have
on. Then they can make ads that are aimed directly 3 The data that marketing companies collect is
at us. useful because it helps create ads … .
(3) ( ) a for much less money
Some people claim that, in some ways, this might be b for things we wouldn’t usually buy
beneficial for us, as well as for the companies that c that are less general
are trying to sell us things. As the computers that 4 The article says that marketing companies can
collect our data become smarter, the ads they make ….
are much more likely to interest us. After a while, we a collect data from people in stores
will become less likely to see ads for things we would b only get information from people on the
never buy. The ads may even help us improve our Internet
lives by encouraging us to follow our interests and
c change the way we feel about a store
5 The best summary of the final paragraph is: … .
(4) ( )
a Marketing companies are developing ways
However, many people are concerned about to understand how we think.
marketing companies reaching into our private lives
b We should be pleased with the new
even when we are not online. Already, it’s possible
developments in technology.
for cameras to scan our faces, figure out how old we
are, and identify if we are male or female. These c Marketing companies want to control the
cameras can also provide information about how we way we behave.
feel based on our facial expressions. Some 10
companies have started using this technology to
13 Find words in the text that mean the following.
discover more about who is walking into a store, how
long they spend there, how they feel about the 1 very surprised (paragraph 1)
products on display, as well as what people buy. 2 little by little (paragraph 2)
3 helpful, good (paragraph 3)
(5) ( )
4 find something (paragraph 4)
In a sense, marketing companies are learning how to 5 happy and pleased (paragraph 5)
read people’s minds. Whether or not we should be
glad about this technology becoming a regular part
of our lives is something we all need to consider.

Shape It! 4 Units 7–9 Progress Test– Standard Test – page 3 of 4


Own it! 1 Diagnostic Test page 1 of 3

14 Complete the text with the correct form of the
words in the box.
allow design feature include miss
The new River compact tablet is a great new ___________________________
product. It is very good value and much cheaper ___________________________
than many of its competitors. It is 1
to be used when you are traveling or on vacation.
You can take it everywhere with you, even to the ___________________________
beach. One of its best 2 is ___________________________
that it comes with a range of apps, and you can ___________________________
easily download free apps to add to the ones
already built in. It also 3 you
to take pictures and make videos with its camera ___________________________
mode. A microphone is also 4 ___________________________
so you can record yourself and your friends. The ___________________________
one thing that’s 5 is a high-
quality speaker, so it’s not great for playing ___________________________
music. However, it’s one of the best products on ___________________________
the market at that price, and I can’t recommend ___________________________
it enough.
5 ___________________________
15 Write a review of a product. Use the prompts ___________________________
below to help you. ___________________________
Write at least 140 words. ___________________________
• Make a list of its features. ___________________________
• Say what you like and dislike about it. ___________________________
• Say whether you would recommend it or not.


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