23-24 seminars v2.0

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FACULTY of Philosophy and Political Science

Department of General and Applied Psychology

Educational program of the specialty

" 6B03107 -Psychology"


in the discipline " PSI 1106 - Psychology"

Compiled by a senior lecturer of the Department of General and Applied Psychology
KazNU them. al-Farabi Dzhakupov M.S.

2 credits

Lecturer and teacher (practical, seminar, laboratory classes):

Dzhakupov Maksat Satybaldyevich - Master of Psychology
Phone: cell. 87771749666
 e-mail: maksat_neo@mail.ru
 cab.: 415, FFiP

Almaty, 2022
Course " Psychology"

Guidelines for preparing for seminars:

1. The seminar lesson includes students' speeches, revealing various approaches to understanding the topic of
the lesson, discussion of speeches, generalization of the information received. 10 minutes are given for each
presentation. The task of the speaker is to present the understanding of the problem by one or another author,
highlight the features of the author's position in comparison with other authors and the material presented in the
lectures, express their attitude to the presented point of view.
During the presentation, students record the main and especially important points in their notebooks. After
the presentation, students ask clarifying questions to the speaker, discuss with him (10 minutes). Thus, students hear
and discuss 4-6 reports during a seminar session.
2. The seminar can be held in the form of a discussion, when the whole group is divided into several
subgroups, each of which receives its own task. Each of the subgroups works independently for 30 minutes, then
they all speak, based on all the speeches, a general conclusion is formulated. At the same time, each subgroup has
the right to clarify questions, discuss and criticize the performance of their classmates.
also preparation of reports for seminars.
3. The seminar can be held in the form of presentations defense. The topic of the report is chosen before the
seminar and agreed with the teacher. The student can propose his own topic, if it coincides with the problem
discussed at the seminar. The report is prepared from several sources. The time allotted for the report to the group is
7-10 minutes.
In the process of the report, you can use the theses, but in no case read out the text. The report is evaluated
according to the degree of interest shown by the audience and the number of questions and messages that have
arisen (5-8 points).
When conducting seminars on the discipline "General Psychology", the teacher is recommended to use
practical teaching methods: psychodiagnostic tasks, various case studies, etc.
Careful preparation for seminars, as well as for lectures, is of decisive importance: the seminar will be held as
the audience prepared for it. Independent work is the pillar on which all preparation for the course under study
rests. When preparing for practical exercises, you should actively use reference literature: encyclopedias,
dictionaries, albums of diagrams, etc. Possession of the conceptual apparatus of the course being studied is a
necessity, this is your vocabulary, and without common meanings, we, multilingual, will not be able to agree on
Here are some rules of conduct in seminars:
 it is desirable to come to the seminar with a stock of formulated ideas, it is good if they are of their own
production; if you are going to use other people's formulations, then try to navigate them as best as
 if you decide to say something at the seminar, then let it be something worthwhile - you should not shake
the air with empty phrases;
 speeches should be as compact as possible and at the same time intelligible, do not occupy the air for a long
time. Try not to interrupt the speaker, this is incorrect; remarks, objections and additions usually follow at
the end of the current speech.
The seminar does not test your preparation for the lesson (preparation is a necessary condition), but the
degree of insight into the essence of the material, the problem under discussion. Therefore, the conversation will not
go on the content of the works read; the teacher will pose problematic questions, not all of which may be directly
related to the literature you have processed.
At the end of the practical lesson, you should turn to it again , repeating the conclusions constructed at
the seminar, tracing the logic of their construction, noting the provisions underlying them - for this, small notes
should be made during the seminar. Thus, the practical lesson will not be in vain for you, consolidating the results of
the lesson leads to better assimilation of the material of the studied topic and better orientation in the structure of the
course. The above procedure should be practiced regularly - stable and diligent work during the semester is the
key to success in the session.

The main objective of the seminars is the formation of systemic thinking on the basis of a psychological
analysis of the theoretical, practical and applied aspects of the phenomena being studied.
Criteria for evaluating responses to seminars

No. Criteria Points (from and to)

1 Active participation, speeches on all issues 0 - no response
1- verbal answer to one question
2- verbal response to two questions
3- verbal response to three or more questions
4- oral answers to all questions and additions to the
answers of other students
5- oral answers to all questions + written execution
of answers (short summary, reference diagrams,
2 Preparing a presentation for a speech 0 - lack of presentation
1 - slides (presentation of the answer) to one or two
questions, without highlighting significant
aspects and qualitative study of the material (only
general data)
2- slides (presentation of the answer) to one or two
questions highlighting significant aspects and
qualitative study of the material (+ additional
3- slides (presentation of the answer) to all
questions with highlighting of essential aspects
and high-quality study of the material, based on
the use of add. literature, + original design and
submission form
3 Use of Literature 1 score - use of recommended literature
2 points - the use of additional literature, sources,
video and audio materials, in addition to those
4 Assessment of the level of understanding of the 0 points - if the student cannot explain the essence of
material the phenomenon being studied, show connections
with other phenomena and processes
2 points - if only reproduces what was read,
without explanation
3 points - if he explains the material, interprets his
understanding, gives examples
4 points - if he explains the material, arguing his
answer based on the works of famous scientists
5 points - if the student not only explains the
material, showing the connection with other
phenomena and processes, but also demonstrates the
ability to apply them in practice

Topics and assignments for practical / seminar / laboratory classes

Topics of seminars
Seminar session 1 .
Topic: Motives and needs. Emotional-volitional sphere of personality.
1) Motives and needs.
2) Types of motives
3) Hierarchy of motives
4) Emotional-volitional sphere of personality

Seminar session 2.
Topic: Individual features of personality. Temperament. Character. Capabilities
1) Teachings about temperament
2) character building
3) Giftedness. Talent. Genius

Seminar session 3 .
Topic: Psychology of professional and personal success.
1) Concept of personal success
2) Negative emotions and health.
3) Features of personality stress resistance
4) Syndrome emotional burnout.
Seminar session 4.
Topic: Analysis of communication in modern society
1) The concept of a communicative process
2) Types of communication
3) Features of non-verbal communication
4) Cross-cultural features of the communication process

Seminar session 5.
Topic: Psychological barriers in communication. Factors of effective persuasion.
1) Mechanisms of influence: infection, suggestion, imitation, persuasion.
2) Factors for Effective Persuasion
3) Manipulations in the communication process
4) Stereotypes and prejudices in the communication process

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