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Technical English A(AE54B11)(AE54B21)Spring -AB2024

Section II (Speaking)

Read the context (situation), and record your voice message in ENGLISH using your mp3 recorder. Save it with
the appropriate file name (Your student #_Last name. example: “020xxxxx_Yamamoto.mp3”). Submit
your mp3 file via “Final Exam” in the Assignments/レポート tab within the manaba.

1) Context (Situation)
1. 今回のアイデンティティはあなた⾃⾝です。つまり、あなたは筑波⼤学、⽇⽇学類の学⽣で 2024 年春
学期に私(⼭本祐規⼦)の「専⾨英語 A」を履修しています。
2. あなたは、授業でのリスニングの演習がやや苦⼿で、どうしたらもっとリスニング⼒がつくのか「専
⾨英語 A」の教員である私に直接会って相談したいと考えています。
3. シラバスによると先⽣のオフィスアワーは予約制です。そこで、アポイントを取ることにしました。
4. 先⽣の都合を直接聞いて、⾃分のスケジュールを調整したいので、研究室に電話をしましたが、残念

2) Task: Record your message into mp3 file

1. Leave your message using your common sense.
Your message should be less than 50 seconds . **No need to record the sound of voice machine.

2. The following messages should be included:

① あなたの情報 /連絡先
1. 電話番号は個⼈情報です。本当の電話番号は⾔わないでください。 便宜上、029-853-6007
2. ヒント:私は多くの学⽣を教えています。あなたが誰なのかすぐわかるような情報を残して
② 電話した理由
③ 結論(どうしたいのか/どうしてもらいたいのか):

3. Record your message using any mp3 recorder (cell phone, IC recorder, or online mp3 recorder), and
save it with the appropriate file name (Your student #_Last name. example:

If you do not know what to use to record your voice, here are some examples of apps. A voice
recording application should be included in the standard Windows 10 by default. Type “Voice Recorder”
or “ボイスレコーダー” in search box (See figure in below)

Technical English A(AE54B11)(AE54B21)Spring -AB2024

Online Voice Recorder ( Voice Recorder in Windows 10

4. Tips for Section II;

① Speak loudly so that the instructor can hear you clearly. Check the volume of your microphone
and listen to the recorded file before submitting it.
② Try not to get caught up with the Japanese in the instruction.
Direct translation may result in unnatural English! Remember, the task is to understand the context
and include appropriate information to the situation. In other words, it is not necessary to include
every single Japanese word your voice message.
③ Do not worry about small mistakes when you are recording.
In reality, many people will make small mistakes when recording their messages. What do these
people usually do? Unless something is very wrong, they will just correct the mistakes and move on.
④ The main grading criteria for this section are as follows
- Did the message contain all the necessary information?
- was the message clearly stated so that what you are saying can be understood?
- Was the message less than 50 seconds long?
- Was the tone and manner of the message was appropriate to the situation?
- And... Did student follow the formatting instructions (file name, submission rules, etc.).

Good Luck!!

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