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Senior Researcher | Lecturer | Blockchain & AI Models

+58424.207.00.25 | | LinkedIn:ánchez-phd-66388647

Doctor of Sciences, Law and Lawyer in International Economic Law. For more than twenty years he has
worked as a lecturer and researcher at the undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral levels; and
also providing international legal and financial consulting services to companies and institutions in several
sectors. In the last seven years he has focused all the referred activities on digital economy and finance, as
well as on blockchain contractual developments and artificial intelligence models applicated to law.


• Word • Conceptual learning. • Oral and written communication.
• Powerpoint • Team spirit. • Creativity and innovation.
• WordPress • Adaptability. • Analytical thinking.
• Excel. • Self-confidence. • Strategic decisions.

❖ Design of the Digital Financial Innovation Laboratory, management model integrated to the Center
for Banking and Financial Studies, which main goal is strengthening the innovative capacity of any
organization that provides Fintech services, deploying Blockchain and AI systems resources (2024).

❖ Creation of the Triple Effect of Legality by Reflexion (TELER), qualitative-quantitative model whose
major functions are the harmonised interpretation of some disruptive contracts to measure their
illegality risks; and the regulatory impact exerted by ethics on the artificial intelligence algorithms
embedded in them (Doctoral Dissertation - 2023).

❖ Formulation of the Sustainable Integration Model (SIM), qualitative standard focused on

harmonizing some conflicting subjects. On the one hand, economic, social, and technological factors;
and on the other, economic, social, and cultural human rights (Postdoctoral Research - 2006).

Elaboration of articles, dissertation, and papers, highlighting the following:

❖ A conceptual approach to the study of artificial intelligence as a techno-economic paradigm of

the digital age. Review “Temas de Coyuntura” N. 88. Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences,
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, July-December 2023.

❖ Disruptive Contracts. Normative Phenomenon of the Digital Age in a Globalized World

(Doctoral Dissertation). Doctorate in Sciences, Law. Center for Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Law
and Political Sciences, Universidad Central de Venezuela, October 2023.

❖ Smart Contracts and Blockchain. Regulatory Mechanisms of Digital Economy (Doctoral

research). Doctorate in Sciences, Law. Center for Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Law and Political
Sciences, Universidad Central de Venezuela, October 2023, October 2018.

❖ An approach to the fundamentals of sustainable integration in Latin America. Latin-American

Parliament Editions, year 4, number 16, January 2004.

❖ Origin, Foundations and Jurisdiction of IMF and IDB Actions (Master´s Degree Thesis). Center
for Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences. Universidad Central de
Venezuela, N° 630, May 2003.

Senior Researcher in Disruptive Investments. Global Investment Consulting -GLINCO- (2012 – ).

Research on strategic plans for disruptive innovation investments; design of financial and organizational
strategies for levering up start-up projects; legal and financial advice on Fintech projects; Advising on ethical
regulation programs for AI systems, self-regulatory systems, and regulatory compliance in tech companies.

Senior Researcher in Digital Finance. Center for Banking and Financial Studies -CEBAFI- (2024).
Research on Digital Financial Activities (DFA); leader of the project "Truths and shortcomings of digital
disruptive innovation in Latin American economies"; director of the Digital Financial Innovation Laboratory
(CEBAFI-LIFID); content generator for CEBAFINANZAS AL DÍA; and co-organizer of the seminar "Regulatory
Trends Applicable to Business and Financial Ventures in the Digital Economy".

Guest lecturer. Universidad Central de Venezuela (2024).

Doctorate in Sciences, Law: Course "Artificial Intelligence as a Paradigm of a Disruptive Contractual Reality".

Lecturer and researcher. Universidad Central de Venezuela (1998-2013).

School of Law: General Theory of Law and Normative Ethics; Public International Law; International
Environmental Law. School of Political Studies: International Financing for Governors and Mayors' Offices;
Environmental Policies as a Public Control Mechanism; Sustainable Development and Technology Policies.
Specialization in Human Rights: Seminar "The Millennium Challenge: Harmonization of Environment,
Information & Communication Technologies and Human Rights".

Visiting postdoctoral researcher, normative ethics, CIPOST – UCV (2006).

Development of a research project at the Center for Postdoctoral Research, Faculty of Economic and Social
Sciences of the UCV (CIPOST) attached to the study program on Normative Ethics, in charge of Dr. Julia
Barragán (Stanford University) for the formulation of the SIM.


Doctor of Sciences, Law. Universidad Central de Venezuela (2023).
Dissertation: "DISRUPTIVE CONTRACTS. Normative Phenomenon of the Digital Age in a Globalized World".

Executive Training Program in Disruptive Technologies. Singularity University (2016).

Exponential thinking and computing, artificial intelligence, disruptive innovation, and global impact.

Master´s Degree, International Economic Law. Universidad Central de Venezuela (2000).

Thesis: "Origin, Foundations and Jurisdiction of the Actions of the IMF and IDB".

Lawyer. Universidad Central de Venezuela (1994).

Computer Analyst Programmer. Eastman Computing Institute (1990).

Computer languages and computer systems analysis.


• English. Complete professional competence.

• French. Job competence.

Available upon request.

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