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Consent Order po a ser [eomrmerno fren soiree oan Seine Cent Sa The Oscupler, MW, Dako Netralya, Dist: Jabalpur, Tal: Jabalpur, SIDC : Not in SIOC Subject: Grant of Consent to Operate unc section 28 ofthe Water (Prevention & Control of Polltion) Act,1974 under section 21 the Air Prevention & Conti of Pollution) ACt.IIS1S and Authorization under Bio Mesical Waste (Management & Transboundary movement) Ras, 2016 Ret Your Consent to Operate Application Reset No, 944992 Dy, 02/12/2019 and ast communication seceived on browiza019 With reference 0 your above application for vous to operate has been considered under the aforesakd Acts and wg rules therein. The agree to grant consent up ty 30LM/2022 subject to the SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS st Floor Omeg2 Child Hospital 659- Gol Bazae Jabalpur tal investment in aks: Ry. 150 ‘The Validity of the consent is up to 30/11/2022 and has to be renewed before expiry of consent validity. Online application through NGN with annual Hcense fees inthis eegard shall be submitted to this office 6 montis belore expiry of the consen/Authorization. Board resceves the /eaneel revoke the above condition In part or whole a4 and ‘when required. Enclosures * Conditions under Water Act * Conditions under Air Ace * Genera conditions *Spevial Conditions Plano, failing which legal action shall be taken against the sand Control of Pollution ) Act 1978 for which hospital (& scanned with OKEN Scanner Pollution Control ard -Jabaipur Consent Order L Scheme No. Mot No. 458456, 55/486, Vijay Nagarsabalpur Jabalpur 76 4082740,2647 CONDITIONS PERTAINING TO WATER (PREVENTION & CONTROL OF POLLUTION) ACT 1974 1. The daily quantity of tae efuent at ov fll ofthe unt shall nt exesed 2.000 KLiday and the ily quantity of sewage 4 ofall of eu sll not execed 1,000 KU 2. Trae Eten Tretment= The applicant shall provide compsehensve eluent weatment system as pe the proposal submitted to the Board and maint the same properly to achieve Following standards- Tete on ”S”*Ctween «SS | [tos SCN enceed Dit mp - |sercatelSsids —Natecead 10g osm Nwexeeat 1000 mgt Iroowiparte Newel Sg I [eo acne! ag | Fer othe parameters yeneral stands of dissharge as wolfe wader EP Aet 1986 shall be applicable 23, Sewage Treatment = The applica shal provide coprchensve sewage Weatment system as pe the proposal submited tothe Board and maintain the sn sana [Been s inet voDsDys27% Noted Mig [Se[ Water Coie (06 tn Npd= Kile Lie per Day] WC= 000 WG? 3.009 Water Souree [Remark [Fr [oom urpse zo | 100 | Toreweit 1 oqo | — 3000 —| ———Torewet 4. The effluent shall be tated up prescribe Stara eu in the process for coling and for greenbelt devolvemen gardening within premises. Hence 2070 discharge condition salle practice. Inno case treated eMMtuent shall be discharged outside of industeyunt premise. 5. Water meter preferably cletromagntictuliasonic type with itl ow recording faites shal be installed separately Toc categary wise consumption of wate for Indesialeolingboler Feed, mine spray, process & domestic purposes and date sal be submited wane tough XGN monthly pateksttemens. The industy/uait shal alo monitor the sated ‘wastewater ow and rot the same ale hgh ml pateal/ttcments 6. Any change in production eapaciy, process, ca mera used ce, an for sny enkancement ofthe above prior permaasion of th Board shall be ubaived.Allsuboried discharges shall be consistent with term and conditions of this ‘Sonsent Facility expansions prodetion iercses or process modifications which result new or increased discharges of polluiats must be reported by Submision ofa Fesh consent application fr prog permission ofthe Board 1. allieatmenvconto failiesysems installed or used by the applicant shal be replay maintained in good working ‘ondse and operate effectively ticity 1 achieve compliance of the rns and eondtions Of hizconsent, 8. The Consent does nol authorize or approve the Construction oF any physical statutes filles othe wadrtaking of {any work in any water couse or with is high ood level HPL} area 19, The speci five Finitations and plltion consul systems applicable tothe discharge pemited herein are set forth 5 above conditions. 10. Compilation of Monitoring dar {Samples and measurements taken to meet the monitoring eeutements spite above sal be representative ofthe volume and nature of monitor dissege. ii Fllowin promulgation of pudelines establishing tet procedures forthe sali of polls, all sampling and analytical methods sed lo meet the monitoving requifementsspeifisl above sal conform to such guidelines unless eanform tothe lst edition ofthe Indian Standard specications an whee iis nt spect the guelines as por slanaa nets fr the examination of Water and Waste test eign of the American Publi Heal Association, New York U.S.A shall be used. i The applicant sll ke saps admission lo met the monthly retements specie above and report online through XGN the same to the Hoard tothenvise speified sump and analytical mths 3h 1, Recording of Monitoring Activites & Result {The applicant shall make and mainain olive secur oll iformation resulting om monitoring atvites by this a ge TEST IN a al np Hae TA Rae TT Comsat No:AWI-T2ONT (& scanned with OKEN Scanner Consent Order elem 55.456, Vijay Nagarsabatpur f Tele: O761- 4042780.2087878 The applicant shal cord for cach measurcment of samples tken pursuant to the requirements of this Consent 38 follows: 1) The date, exact place and time of sampling {Gn The dates on shih analysis wereperformed GinWho performed the analysis? {issThe analytical telus of methods used and {The resol of al ote analysis Ihe applicant monitors any Polltant mote fcgucnily 38s by this Consent he shel include the rests of such monitoring nthe alelaton nd reporting of values requtedin he discharge monitoring rsports which may be prescribed bythe Board. Such increase! regucney shall be indicated onthe Dischange Monitoring Report Form. iy. The applicant shall retin for? minimum of 3 year all second of monitoring atisities including al records of Cation and muinlenanve of asiumentatsn td orginal sep chat regarding continuous monitoring instrumentation ‘The period of tetention shall be extended Jang the course uf any watesslved itigation regarding the disharge of pollutants bythe applicant or whom equate by Central or State Board rth court 12 Reporting of Monitoring Results ‘Monitoring Information required by tis Consent shall be summarized and reported by submitting a Discharge Monitoring feport on linet the Bua 13. Limitation of dachangs of oil Hazatdous Substance i hornful quanti “The applicant shall not discharge oil or her hazaedous substances in quantities defined 3 harmfol in relevant egulations into natural water course: Nothing in this Consent shall s demo ta preclude the instition of any Tegal aetion no relive the applicant from any responsibiiies, abilities oe penatics 1 which the applicant or may be subjett aus mitation of visible ating solide and oa 4 the applicant sl oot discharge lating sls or visible foam. Daring the pst Beginning date of sua 15, Disposal of Collested Solid wastestudse Al azanious wast'ste sal be disposed of 2 per the Authorization issu under Hazardous & other waste (MAT) Rules 2016, Andother Solids Sludges. Git. siltor ether pollutant separated fom or resuling from teatment shall Be Uisposedofin such a manne 3 fo provent any pollutant fr such masts fom eateting any such water Any tive ab, ‘Stall ish or other animal collected or rapped ae a rsul af inte water screening or reatment may be returned t0 eaters Way bia 16. Provision for Eletic Power Failure= “The applicant shall sure tothe consent sing authority thatthe applicant has installed or proved for an alternative ‘levt power source suicent to operate sl asics utlized bythe applicant to maintain compliance with he terms and conditions of te Consent 17. Prohibition af By pass system of teatment faites: “The diversion oe By-psve ny discharge Tro» faites wile by the aplieat to maintsin compliance with the terms and conditions ofthis Conse in probe exeept Fahere unavoidable to preven loss of ie or Severe property damage, ot {i Where excessive stor drainage ue run uf woul damage any facilities neeessry for compliance with the terms and Conitions ofthis Consent The applicant shall immediately notify the consent suing authorities in writing of each such “iversion or by-pas ia accondanee wit the procedure specie above for reporting non-compliance, agement shal submit the ifocmtion online tough XGN in reference to compliance of 1 fadustey/statefmine consent conlitions a (fama) Water sande Consent Nox WB-72081 © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ix0ZL-ALAWV: Apna —_meevianas tenertnchem meres © scanned with OKEN Scanner sates sede ater now our ans el Font FOOD sy saeds oleae “soe yes sens 00 jae Avess99 pourenses-y povsoda 9 fos SEs pu VoESHD 10 und sesiuatadim yan jo Fusion was yr1s0 cists cedeet mapnoinatape ast Ru 0K snows ag 20) UE 3 uodas ag ur syn 2919 301008 Jou po aa pouty se 93) pa su "sour oy s0.d ep ost 2 oepasie #1999 puro “sms aio nds Aso 4 1 ka pourengo ag on a ese yununedeg 39 Stop poe fo 9d sm (wawaaew Cepunogsue 3p wsaSe juny 391861 BE 1N0. 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