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The Rewards of Memorizing the Holy Quran.

My respected teachers, and my dear brothers before I start my speech I would love to say SALAM
on all of you.

A: My friends, as you all know that every Thursday we have a speech debate and as usual again I got an
opportunity to share my thought with you people. So, today, I am gonna make a speech about the incredible
rewards and blessings of memorizing The Holy Quran in Islam. As you all know that Quran is the words of
Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala, revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) as a guide for
humanity. Memorizing it is not only a great accomplishment but also a source of immense reward and benefit.
B: My Brothers, memorizing the Holy Quran is an act of worship that brings us closer to Allah Subhana-
Wa-Taala. When we commit the words of the Sacred Quran to memory, we are preserving the divine
guidance and wisdom that Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala has bestowed upon us. This act of devotion earns us His
pleasure and countless blessings.
C: My dear fellows, memorizing Quran is a mean of spiritual purification and elevation. As we internalize
the verse of the Quran, they become part of us, shaping our thoughts, actions and character. This deep
connection with the Quran strengthens our faith and brings us closer to attaining piety and righteousness.
D: My dear Muslims, the rewards of memorizing all the chapters of the Holy Quran extend beyond this
life into Hereafter. On the Day Judgment, those who have memorized the Quran will be honored and elevated
in the sight of Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala. They will be granted special ranks in Paradise and will intercede on
behalf of their beloved ones.
E: My dear listeners, memorizing the Holy Quran is a source of protection and guidance in this world. The
words of Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala act as a shield against evil and misguidance, guiding us on the straight
path. They provide us with help and guidance in times of difficulty and uncertainty.
F: As a beginner, embarking on the journey of memorizing the Holy Quran may seem daunting, but, you
know what, the rewards that await us are worth every effort that we make. With dedication, perseverance,
and reliance on Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala, we can definitely memorize the Holy Quran and reap its countless
G: My brothers, the act of memorizing the Holy Quran is a form of worship that is greatly rewarded,
especially during the blessed month of Ramadan. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, “The
best among you are those who learn Quran and Teach it to others”. This Saying of the Prophet Muhammad
(Peace Be Upon Him) emphasizes the importance and merit of memorizing and teaching the Holy Quran.
H: Brothers, memorizing the Holy Quran is a mean of preserving the diving revelation for future
generations. As we commit the Holy Quran to our memory, we become carriers of the sacred knowledge,
ensuring that it is passed down intact to posterity.
I: At the end, I would like to conclude my speech but one thing I wanna tell you is that the rewards of
memorizing the Holy Quran in Islam are vast and profound. So, my friends, let’s embark on this noble journey
with sincerity, humility, and determination. My Allah Subhana-Wa-Taala bless us and guide us on the blessed
journey of memorizing His words.

*Thank you, for listening to my speech. Thank you so much*


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