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Re-motivational Therapy

Mhica B. Prestoza BSN 3-2

1. Establishing Acceptance
SN : Good afternoon, ma’am. I am Mhica, you’re your student nurse for this activity. Today is
The 9th day of July 2024, at 10:00 in the morning. We are here at the conventional hall, where we
will be having re-motivation therapy. Re-motivation therapy is a simple therapy technique that
will help you stimulate interest, communication, social skills, and vocation in your environment
and get you to think about realities about yourself.
SN : Now that I finished introducing myself. It is now your turn to do the same. Please do
introduce yourself.
Client: Hi, I am Riley.
SN : Hi, Miss Riley, you have a beautiful name. I am glad that you are here this afternoon. I am
hoping for your complete cooperation for us to meet our objectives. Can I expect your full
participation in this therapy?
Client: I am willing to cooperate.

2. Connecting with Reality

SN : Let’s start by talking about something concrete. Can you share something you enjoyed or
found meaningful this week?
Client: I took a walk in the park. It was nice being outdoors and seeing nature.
SN : That sounds relaxing. How did you feel during and after your walk?
Client: I felt more relaxed and less stressed, I think.

3. Engaging with the World

SN : Nature has a way of connecting us. What other activities make you feel connected?
Client: I enjoy reading and chatting with friends. Those things help me feel connected.
SN : Reading can open new perspectives, and friendships strengthen bonds. It’s great you have
these in your life. What book are you reading now?
Client: I’m reading a novel by [Author’s Name]. It’s pretty interesting.

4. Appreciating Daily Life

SN : It’s wonderful to hear about your interests. Taking time to appreciate daily moments can
enhance well-being. What’s something small in your day that you appreciate?
Client: I appreciate my morning coffee. It’s a nice ritual that starts my day well.
SN : That sounds calming. How does that morning coffee make you feel?
Client: It makes me feel calm and ready for the day.

5. Cultivating Appreciation
SN : It’s important to acknowledge these positive aspects—your peaceful walks, enjoyment of
reading, and morning coffee. They all contribute positively to your life.
Client: Yes, I realize there are things I should appreciate more.
SN : Absolutely. Recognizing these moments can keep you motivated and positive. How do you
feel about making this a daily practice?
Client: I think it’s a good idea. I’ll focus more on the positives.
SN : That’s a positive step. I’m here to support you. Let’s build on this foundation together.
Client: Thank you. I feel more hopeful now.
SN : You’re welcome. Let’s continue this journey of finding and appreciating the good in your

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