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Mhica B. Prestoza BSN 3-2

I’m finding that simple tasks, such as cleaning the floor, organizing chairs and mapping out
rooms, help me to be more engaged with others. These activities allow me to be physically and
mentally active, which gives me a sense of calm and accomplishment. Every action feels
purposeful and therapeutic, whether it’s setting things in order or planning out the environment.
By accomplishing these tasks, I not just help create a peaceful environment for myself and others
around me, but I also encourage a welcoming atmosphere that promotes cooperation and unity in
our shared space.

Re-motivational Therapy
Mhica B. Prestoza BSN 3-2

1. Establishing Acceptance
SN : Good afternoon, ma’am. I am Mhica, you’re your student nurse for this activity. Today is
The 9th day of July 2024, at 10:00 in the morning. We are here at the conventional hall, where we
will be having re-motivation therapy. Re-motivation therapy is a simple therapy technique that
will help you stimulate interest, communication, social skills, and vocation in your environment
and get you to think about realities about yourself.
SN : Now that I finished introducing myself. It is now your turn to do the same. Please do
introduce yourself.
Client: Hi, I am Riley.
SN : Hi, Miss Riley, you have a beautiful name. I am glad that you are here this afternoon. I am
hoping for your complete cooperation for us to meet our objectives. Can I expect your full
participation in this therapy?
Client: I am willing to cooperate.

2. Connecting with Reality

SN : Let’s start by talking about something concrete. Can you share something you enjoyed or
found meaningful this week?
Client: I took a walk in the park. It was nice being outdoors and seeing nature.
SN : That sounds relaxing. How did you feel during and after your walk?
Client: I felt more relaxed and less stressed, I think.

3. Engaging with the World

SN : Nature has a way of connecting us. What other activities make you feel connected?
Client: I enjoy reading and chatting with friends. Those things help me feel connected.
SN : Reading can open new perspectives, and friendships strengthen bonds. It’s great you have
these in your life. What book are you reading now?
Client: I’m reading a novel by [Author’s Name]. It’s pretty interesting.

4. Appreciating Daily Life

SN : It’s wonderful to hear about your interests. Taking time to appreciate daily moments can
enhance well-being. What’s something small in your day that you appreciate?
Client: I appreciate my morning coffee. It’s a nice ritual that starts my day well.
SN : That sounds calming. How does that morning coffee make you feel?
Client: It makes me feel calm and ready for the day.

5. Cultivating Appreciation
SN : It’s important to acknowledge these positive aspects—your peaceful walks, enjoyment of
reading, and morning coffee. They all contribute positively to your life.
Client: Yes, I realize there are things I should appreciate more.
SN : Absolutely. Recognizing these moments can keep you motivated and positive. How do you
feel about making this a daily practice?
Client: I think it’s a good idea. I’ll focus more on the positives.
SN : That’s a positive step. I’m here to support you. Let’s build on this foundation together.
Client: Thank you. I feel more hopeful now.
SN : You’re welcome. Let’s continue this journey of finding and appreciating the good in your
Dance Therapy
Mhica B. Prestoza BSN 3-2

Trying tai chi for the first time was a serene and calming experience. I felt centered and calm,
thanks to the slow, deliberate movements and focus on breathing. It’s like a moving meditation,
and it offers an easy but efficient way of reducing stress. In contrast, TikTok dance was high-
energy and fun, filled with quick, rhythmic steps and lively music. As I tried to keep up with the
trends, my heart was pumping and it made me smile.
Although both dance styles were enjoyable, I found TikTok dancing to be more feel more
energetic. The lively nature of TikTok dance left me feeling joyful, while tai chi felt more like a
gentle, meditative practice. For its fun and stimulating effect, I’d definitely want TikTok dancing
once more.
Mhica B. Prestoza BSN 3-2

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