bio ethics LONG QUIZ

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Jim, a senior nurse, asks the newly hired colleague why the younger
generation of nurses are not as obedient and as respectful anymore.
Which reply reflects the best understanding of moral development? *
Behaving ethically develops gradually from childhood, maybe the younger generation doesn’t
value this enough to develop an ethical code
Ethics is genetically determined, it’s like having blue or brown eyes
It’s impossible to be ethical when working in a practice setting like this
It’s a new age, and the ethics are new.

When a health care provider seeks guidance to come up with moral

decisions from Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path, it
can also signify the person’s: *
Value Ethics
Interactive Characteristic

Which of the following statements is applicable about Good

Samaritan Laws? *
The good samaritan law will protect the nurse if she was negligent in her action
The good samaritan law will likely protect the nurse if she acted in her patient’s best interest
The good samaritan law will protect the nurse from any lawsuit filed by family members
The good samaritan law will is not applicable to nurses and health professionals

To resolve ethical conflict, the first step that nurse Tracy will do in
working with parents of a seriously ill newborn, and that surgery has
been proposed for the infant, but the chances of success are
unclear : *
Identifying people who can solve the difficulty
Exploring reasonable courses of action
Collecting all available information about the situation
Clarifying values related to the cause of the dilemma

A family member of a patient in a hospital where Nurse Barbie is

working is complaining to the head of nurses. She accused the nurses
on the station of slandering her brother. What does it mean by
slander? *
The act of examining the patient’s record for her/his personal information
Making false statements about the patient
Act of harming the person in writing informations
Offensive performing of treatment towards the patient

Nurse Hannah has a patient who is in end stage liver cancer. His
family member is just sitting at the bedside. To give the best aid at
this situation, what can a nurse do? *
Deflate spiritual practices because this will be little connection
Look and find for simple and appropriate care activities for the family to perform.
Limited visitors to the client may stay so that they do not lose
Limit the time visitors may stay so they do not become overwhelmed by the situation.
Nurse Joy is caring for a terminally ill client, she wants to maintain
the client’s dignity during her care. Nurse Joy can facilitate this by: *
Making decisions for clients so they don’t waste time to make them
Place the client in a private room to provide privacy at all times
Spend time to let clients share their life experiences
Decrease emphasis on attending to the clients’ appearance because it only increases their

Most of the areas in the Philippines that have access to health care
usually depend on a client's ability to pay for health care, it may be
through paying the bills in cash or their health insurance. When a
patient does not have insurance and even no enough cash, this
situation would involve primarily the principle of: *
The client’s autonomy will be violated if he does not receive the treatment
Accountability, because you as the nurse are accountable for the well being of this client.
Justice, because the first and greatest question in this situation is how to determine the just
distribution of resources.
Ethics of care, because the caring thing that a nurse could provide this patient is resources for a
liver transplant.

In the interplay of equality and maximal liberty in theories of

distributive justice, Nurse Ray ensures that: (Select all that apply) *
Everyone getting equally what need is maximal liberty
Everyone getting equally even what they don't need is maximal liberty
The desired end goal is everyone has equal access to what they need
The desired end goal is everyone has equal access to what they want.

The interpretation of bereavement may be as: *

Emotional response to loss
The social expression of loss
Denying thus delaying the awareness of the reality of the loss
Showing outward reaction of the loss coming from the inner feeling

Nurse Quenny was ordered to administer penicillin IM to a patient.

She gave the medicine to the patient without performing the skin test
first. The patient exhibits adverse reactions minutes after. What has
the nurse done in this circumstance? *
Criminal Negligence

In evaluating the degree of heritage consistency in a client, which of

the following is not included? *

Nurse Tracy informed the attending physician, Dr. Cruz, that his client
refused to his suggested treatment and that he needs a second
opinion from a specialist. The client’s right to refuse treatment is an
example of: *
Statutory Law
Common Law
Civil Law
Criminal Law

The nurse supervisor should call the attention of her staff for the
following invasion of privacy regarding a patient's medical records?
Select all that apply *
Sharing the results of a test in front of family members or other patients without your permission
Taking pictures of an undressed patient under anesthesia
Mentioning a patient’s medical history in a document that is open to the public
Sharing digital health records open for non-medical personnel to access
Gossiping about a patient’s health condition on social media

In the foundation of law, Nurse Tracy is bound by a variety of laws.

Which description of a type of law is CORRECT? *
Common law protects the rights of the individual within society for fair and equal treatment
Statutory law is created by elected legislature, such as the state legislature that defines the Nurse
Practice Act
Criminal law creates boards that pass rules and regulations to control society
None of the above
A terminally ill client refused his treatment despite knowing the
danger of it. This right is an example of: *
Common Law
Nurse Practice Acts
Statutory Law
Civil Law

Under-staff is commonly happening to our hospitals during this time.

If there is insufficient number of staff to have competent care, what
should a nurse do? *
Lead and organize a strike
Make a complaint writing to the administration yet accept the assignment
Refuse the assigned task
Orient the clients of the station

Nurse Tracy is assigned in ICU and is caring for patients for a week
now, develops values from experience to form a personal code of
ethics. Which of the following statements best describes this
process? *
People are born with values
Values act as regulation to guide behavior
Nurse should not let their values influence patient care
Values influence beliefs about health and illness

Nurse Philip is treating all patients equally regardless of gender, age,

sex, religious background, or beliefs...Like treating everyone equally,
what is that ethical principle called? *
impartial treatment

Senior Nurse Rachel provides information to a nurse newbie on

ethical principles with allocation of social benefits and burdens as
medical services, public offices, and military service which includes:
Select all that apply. *
maximal liberty
access and resources

In terms of legal scope of practice in the healthcare setting, which of

the following patient care tasks is appropriate for the member of the
nursing care team? *
A licensed practical nurse; the first assistant in the perioperative area
A licensed practical nurse; the circulating nurse in the perioperative area
An unlicensed assistive staff member who has been certified by the employing agency to insert a
urinary catheter
An unlicensed staff member who has been certified by the employing agency to monitor cardiac

Nurse Faye is managing the care of an immigrant who just arrived

from another country. Which of the following activities would not be
foreseen by Nurse Faye to link up the cultural differences and needs
of the patient? *
Come up with knowledge and skills and assist attitudes and behavior to respectfully meet the
needs of the client regardless of own cultural background and practices.
Have the family representative or interpreter to stay to help in communicating with the needs all
day long while admitted
Confirm the someone understand the reasons and feeling of clients cultural practices to ensure
the balance can be maintained
Start planning with the client’s needs on regular basis to miss overlooking the needs of the client

When designing a plan for pain management for a postoperative

patient, the nurse assesses that the patient's priority is to be as free
of pain as possible. The nurse and patient work together to identify a
plan to manage the pain. The nurse continually reviews the plan with
the patient to ensure that the patient's priority is met. Which principle
is used to encourage the nurse to monitor the patient's response to
the pain? *
Respect for autonomy
Kenneth is in his 4th year level of being a student nurse. He applied
for a job as a nursing assistant in a private organization near his area.
Kenneth is aware that he may perform any function that: *
Requires technical knowledge rather than professional skills
He have been gained in at school
Is associated with the positions in job description
Are anticipated of a nurse in his level of education

*A community health nurse deals with the larger societal issues of

what kind of health care will be provided as a whole? Which of the
following does she applies? *
Macro-allocationon 1

One of the major challenges of the hospital administration in the

Philippines is the shortage of nurses. In the areas of “most need”,
distribution of nurses in times like this is: *
Utilitarianism theory
Deontological theory

A public health nurse made a statement about sexual misconduct.

Which of the following is INCORRECT? *
Between practitioners and patients unethical
Relationship between practitioner and patient always equal
When practitioner feels potential for misunderstanding or mutual feelings of romantic interest, it is
time to end professional relationship
None of the above

Negotiation among members of the health care team is a requirement

for the solution to the most ethical dilemmas, the nurse’s point of
view is valuable because: *
Nurses develop a relationship to the client that is uniques among all professional health care
The nurse’s code of ethics recommends that a nurse be present at any ethical discussion about
client care
The principle of autonomy guides all participants to respect their own self-worth
Nurses have a legal license that encourages their presence during ethical discussions

One of the most important nursing responsibilities of nurse Tracy in

managing client care situations when an ethical issue arises is which
of the following? *
Be able to defend the morality of one's own actions
Remain neutral and detached when making ethical decisions
Ensure that a team is responsible for deciding ethical questions
Follow the client and family's wishes exactly

It is written as the ethical principles for professional nursing practice

guided by the principles of conduct: *
Code of Ethics
Nurse Practice Act
Good Samaritan law

Nurse Jona allocates scarce resources to those with the best

prognosis. Which of the following does she apply? *
Distributive justice
Medical utility
Social utility

An ethical dilemma will happen as an health care issue when: *

The choices required do not seem to be clearly right or wrong
Because of stressful circumstances, decisions must be made quickly.
Decisions based on value system
Obligations of health professionals coexist with the clients legal right

If Jack and Jill both work at the same unit in the hospital, and there
are no relevant differences between them or the work they are doing,
then they are paid the same wages. This principle associated with
concepts of fairness: *
Role Fidelity

Nurse Kim is dealing with a patient who is most unstable and is very
challenging regarding the development of personal identity. What
stage of development model does the patient nurse Kim has? *
Young Adulthood
Middle Childhood

A nurse knows that Cultural awareness is an in-depth self-

examination of one’s: *
Involvement in cross-cultural interactions
Biophysical, Social, and cultural factors
Commitment to caring.
Awareness of biases and prejudices, Backgrounds

Nurse Mila was distributed to a community recently affected with

flood. Besides, there is a nursing shortage in that area. This is an
example of: *
utilitarianism theory
deontological theory

Values, moral frameworks, and codes of ethics influence the

professional nurse's moral decisions in which of the following
ways? *
The nurse will provide direct client care that is consistent with the nurse's personal values
The nurse will seek to ensure that the client's values and the nurse's are the same
The choice of moral framework determines what the client outcome will be
The nurse is bound to act according to the nurses' code of ethics even if the nurse's values are
A nurse is part of the healthcare team of a child who needs an
operation because of her illness. It has been proposed that the child
needs a surgery but the chances of success are imprecise. As a nurse
the first step to do in helping the parents resolve an ethical conflict
on this matter is: *
Take a look of a reasonable courses of action
Accumulate all available information about the situation
Simplify values related to the cause of this dilemma
Know people who can solve the difficulty

Nurse Jefferson was being charged with manslaughter by a state

attorney for administering a lethal medication to a terminally ill
cancer patient allegedly. You know that this is an example of what
type of law? *
Civil Law
Criminal Law
Private Law
Public Law

Which of the following scenarios is a contradiction of professional

nursing ethics associated with its underlying principles? *
The hospital policy permits use of internal fetal monitoring during labor
The nurses on the unit agree to sponsor a fund-raising event to support a labor strike
A client reports that he didn't tell the doctor the truth following his therapeutic diet
A nurse states, i never look up medication indications, i just give what is prescribed

When people with a clear sense of personal values discuss ethical

matters, it will possibly be a successful discussion. With many people
share same values it can be identify as a philosophy of utilitarianism
which proposes that: *
The value of something is shaped by its usefulness to society
To determine the solution to an ethical dilemma, the best way is to refer to its attending physician
The decision to perform a transplant will base on a moral life that the patient has led
The leaders in a church will determine the value of the people

Nurse Hanna arrives at work and is told to "float" to the ICU for the
day because the ICU is understaffed and needs an additional nurse to
care for the clients. The nurse has never worked in the ICU. Which of
the following is the most appropriate nursing action? *
refuse to float in the ICU
consult the hospital lawyer
call the nursing supervisor
report to the ICU and identify tasks that can be safely performed

This can be used to form the principle of fairness through the key
format of making sure that those who NEED a medication/treatment
receive it when they need it according to the severity of their
situation. *
distributive justice
justice equality

Nurse Karen is a clinical nurse who is also preparing to discuss the

moral development of Kohlberg’s theory with a parent. What good
and/or bad actions for the child that motivates them at the
preconventional level? *
Punishment and Reward
Parent’s Behavior
Social Pressure
Peer Pressure

A nurse on a busy medical-surgical unit reports for a scheduled shift

after working a double shift yesterday. At the end of this day, two
nurses call in, and the nurse manager tells the nurse that he needs to
stay and cover the next shift. The nurse may refuse to accept an
assignment if: *
He is being asked to care for too many difficult clients
He believes his assignment is unsafe
He is being asked to work overtime
He believes there are not enough nurses to work with him

Nurse Tracy was too tired following a 16 hour shift, to receive and
monitor a patient’s vital signs during a post-operative surgery leading
to death of an elderly patient. She pleads guilty to a misdemeanor
negligence, and was granted recognition by the court in a specialty
area of nursing. What type of credential is this? *
Board approval

A nurse is helping to admit a patient to the nursing unit of a hospital.

The nurse gives the patient some written information about his rights
to privacy while he is in the hospital. Which statement by the patient
indicates that more teaching is needed in this area? *
"When my doctor's partner is on call, he will stll be able to review my information."
"I can get a copy of this medical record if I want to read it."
"The nurse can make a copy of my medical record to send it to my friend."
"You won't tell anyone about my condition if they call in over the phone."

Nurse Julia follows through on a promise- no matter how big or small-

what ethical principle is being displayed? *

Patient Mary asked Nurse Tracy to stand as a witness that Mary

signed the form for her incoming operation. When signing a form as a
witness, Nurse Tracy’s signature shows that the patient: *
Has signed that formed and the witness saw it being done
Was free to sign without pressure
Is fully informed and is aware of all consequences
Was awake and fully alert and not medicated with narcotics

When the side rails were not raised and the client who was on the
bed fell off, which type of liability is this situation? *

A student nurse who is employed as a nursing assistant may perform

any functions that: *
Are identified in the positions job description
Have been learned about in school
Are expected of a nurse at that leve
Require technical rather than professional skill

Nurse Cathy practices distributive justice when she: Select all that
apply. *
apply laws and rules
distributes benefirs and burdens
practice fair and distribution of scarce resources
recognized and protect rights

A patient requests that a nurse not reveal his terminal diagnosis to

his family. The patient explains that his family would probably
disregard his wishes and keep him alive no matter the
circumstances. The nurse recognizes the obligation to keep this
information in confidence and still support the patient’s family.” *
Role Fidelity

Sheryl is a respiratory therapy technician in a small town in Michigan.

The town has a small hospital and a small durable medical supply
company. She is known locally as an entrepreneur ball of fire and has
managed to become both the head of the hospital respiratory care
department and the owner of the small durable medical supply
company. What code of ethics and professional conduct best describe
the scenario? *
Role fidelity
Conflict of interest
Moral duty
Duty to treat
The Philippine Nurses’ Association recommends disciplinary action to
the Philippine Regulatory Board if nurses found guilty of which of the
following examples of misconduct? Select all that apply. *
Committing a medication error
Taking excessive sick time or personal leave
Restraining a patient without obtaining informed consent
Failing to report a person practicing nursing without a license

On a medical unit, several patients are being treated for Hepatitis B

infection. One of the patients contracted Hepatitis B through using
infected needles associated with heroin use. Another of the patients
contracted Hepatitis B through a blood transfusion. Several of the
employees on the unit treat the patient who used heroin rudely and
delay their attention to the patient's requests. The nurse intervenes
and reminds the staff to use which ethical principle? *

Which of the following nurse Tracy’s knowledge and skills is

considered as one of the four essential characteristics of the nursing
profession? *
Provision of all services to society
Grounds for administrative actions
Substandards of educations and practices
Competent in specialized body of knowledge and skill

The practice acts are an example of: *

Criminal law
Common law
Statutory law
Civil law

Nurse Tracy is assisting her client in clarifying her values. Which of

the following statements would be most helpful to the client? *
"That was not a good decision. Why did you think it would work?"
"The most important thing is to follow the plan of care. Did you follow all your doctor's orders?"
"Some people might have made a different decision. What led you to make your decision?"
"If you had asked me, I would have given you my opinion about what to do. Now, how do you feel
about your choice?"

Nurse Mario is aware that retributive justice includes all except: *

justifiable punishments for crimes
distributes benefits and burdens
rights; recognized and protected
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