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The gender gap widens among the healthcare professionals. These differences can greatly

impact on the quality and productiveness of healthcare institutions and hospitals. These could differ on

the characteristics, behaviors, and leadership among men and women. Worldwide, there are significant

differences among the distribution of women with leadership and proficiency in healthcare with

reference to men. According to Davidson, JM, Lambert, TW, Goldacre, MJ. Career pathways and destinations
18 years on among doctors who qualified in the United Kingdom in 1977: postal questionnaire survey.

BMJ 1998;317:1425–8 , “The number of female medical students in the United Kingdom has

gradually risen over the years. Women now represent 59% of the yearly intake in contrast to

32% in 1977 .” It is difficult to estimate why in health establishments relating to leadership positions.

These presumptions are always inclined on the personality, prestige, wage, academics, and

administrative disposition. In line with the current problem , Philippines also suffer from gender

disparity among health care professionals. According to Yen Le Espiritu. Gender, Migration, and Work

Filipina Health Care Professionals to the United States. p. 55-75, “Since the 1960s, the Philippines has

sent the largest number of professional immigrants to the United States, the majority of whom are

Filipino health care practitioners.” These are further backed by the femininization of medicine which has

been an occurrence and is more evident to concentrations of women. According to Servando ‘Ben’ Halili

Jr,Fortunato Cristobal,Torres Woolley,Simone J. Ross,Carole Reeve &A-J. Neusy. Addressing health

workforce inequities in the Mindanao regions of the Philippines: Tracer study of graduates from a

socially-accountable, community-engaged medical school and graduates from a conventional medical

school. Pages 859-865 “This more positive mindset toward holistic and equitable healthcare may be

attributed to ADZU-SOM’s philosophy of socially accountable, community-engaged education. Through

this philosophy, ADZU-SOM students are taught in the classroom and on community placement about

the social and economic factors which determines an individual’s or a community’s health status, and
students also practice developing holistic health action plans in collaboration with community

stakeholders, based on actual community health needs and real life situations.” But with the regards on

the current trends in which men also are entering the competitive healthcare challenges to better

resolve the healthcare disparity among genders.

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