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Alba María Martínez Navarro
1 Strategies for part 1 (Interview)

2 Strategies for part 2 (Long turn)

3 Strategies for part 3 (collavorative task)

4 Strategies for part44 (Discussion)

Grammatical Discourse Interactive
Lexical Resource Pronunciation
Resource Management communication

• Produces extended
• Is intelligible. • Initiates and
stretches of language
with very little
• Intonation is appropriately,
Uses a range of hesitation.
appropriate. linking contributions
Shows a good appropriate
to those of other
degree of control of vocabulary to give • Contributions are
• Sentence and word speakers.
a range of simple and exchange relevant and there is
stress is accurately
and some complex views on familiar a clear organisation
placed. • Maintains and
grammatical forms. and unfamiliar of ideas.
develops the
• Individual sounds interaction and
• Uses a range of
are articulated negotiates towards
cohesive devices and
clearly an outcome.
discourse markers.
In Part 1 of the Speaking test, the interlocutor asks
candidates questions. The questions are about the
candidate’s personal life, for example, Where are you from?
and then there are some more questions on general topics
which require candidates to talk about everyday topics
such as sports. The quesions used in this part are rather
predictable; therefore, you should prepare well-formed
answers to these questions in advance. You do not need to
learn everything by heart but to have a general idea about
the points you want to introduce and the aproppriate
advanced vocabulary you are expected to use.
Future ambitions, plans and life goals
Friends, family and social life
Holidays & travel
Habits and personalities
Free time and leisure activities: art, sports, cooking,
reading, films, TV, music, celebrations, etc.
Animals and pets Where are you from?
Countries and cities What are you doing for a living?
Culture and traditions Do you prefer to go on holiday with family or with friends?
School, college and university How do you most enjoy spending your free time?
Careers and work How have your ambitions changed in the last few years?
Language learning Where would you like to go on your next holiday? …… (Why?)
The Internet and new technologies Does music play an important role in your life? …… (Why?)
Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
Can you tell us about something you have done that you’re really proud
What’s the best thing about the area where you live?
How do you think learning a foreign language can help you?
What do you think about the use of new technologies in one’s academic
What person has had the greatest influence on your life? …… (Why?)
Likes/dislikes Future Plans
I’m into… With any luck, I will probably…
I’m a keen/avid (surfer) I have a burning ambition to…
I’m keen on/fond of (surfing) I’ve always dreamed of… so I expect I will…
I (go surfing) to unwind, to escape the I haven’t made up my mind yet but I’m leaning towards
stresses and strains of my day to day life. studying…
I like nothing more than (to go surfing) In all likelihood I’ll study…/work in…
I’m itching to try/go…. (I really want to) I see myself working in the field of…
I find ... to be quite unappealing. I’ve got it all mapped out first I’m going to… then… not align with my interests I have always had aspirations to go into the field of…
I find little enjoyment in + V.ING I expect I’ll follow in my Mum/Dad’s footsteps.
....does not resonate with me.
vibrant/lively/charming/modern/historic/inviting/ _____ is great, but the cost of living is
magneficient/spectacular/peaceful/ really high. That can be quite stressful
village because you’re always thinking about
It’s famous for its landmarks such as... money and how to make ends meet.
It’s a huge, bustling, international city. People from all _____ an exciting place, but it’s really
over the world live and work there. crowded and it can be exhausting to live
It’s got such a rich culture and there’s always there. Air quality can be an issue,
something interesting going on. particularly in the summer.
It is a great place to live. It’s a real 24-hour city and ______ is nice, but sometimes I find it a
you can meet people from all over the world. bit boring. There’s not much nightlife and
Living in _ suits me. sometimes it feels a bit cut off from the
It’s a quiet place wider world.
it’s small enough that you can get to know your
neighbours and have a sense of community.
Traffic can be an issue.
There’s not much for young people to do.
"I am currently pursuing a degree in [your field of study] at [your
university]. (Future:I am going to pursuit/I intend to take a course on... )
I am actively involved in a [...] course focused on [specific topics]
I have undertaken advanced coursework in [specific subject]
My degree/course... has significantly enhanced my
analytical/critical/creative/logical thinking skills.
I am currently enrolled in courses such as...//This semester, I am taking
a course on...
I am deeply committed to my studies, often spending long hours in the
library to prepare for my exams and complete assignments.
This course/subject... has enabled me to develop my
Research/critical/analytical/writing/public speaking/problem-
solving/collabotation skills
Aside from my academic responsibilities, I am a member of.../ I volunteer
as.../I participate in...
Internet and social media.
Learning a language The internet and new technologies have
Learning a new language opens doors to revolutionized education, making learning more
new cultures and perspectives. accessible and interactive...
Mastering a foreign language requires Digital tools have transformed classrooms into
dedication and persistence. dynamic learning environments
I am determined to become fluent in... Online resources provide students with instant access
Learning __has been a rewarding challenge to vast amounts of information
that enriches both my personal and The internet connects students and educators
professional life. worldwide, enabling cross-cultural exchanges and
Studying ___ has allowed me to appreciate collaborations
___art, music, and history on a deeper level. Social media and chat rooms can be used by
Practicing ___with native speakers has predators to manipulate and harm students...
accelerated my language acquisition The internet provides unrestricted access to
Bilingual individuals often have access to a inappropriate content such as violence,
broader range of employment pornography...
opportunities... Students' personal information and data may be
vulnerable to hacking
Excessive use of social media and online
entertainment can distract students from their
studies/academic performance...
Practice common questions, but don’t memorise any
Provide detailed answers, but not too long: this part is
meant to last ONLY 2 minutes so do not try to speak
more than necessary
Stick to the topic: This has to do with the previous point.
If you stick to the topic, it will be easier to provide a
relatively brief answer to the question.
Be and sound natural: This part is a simple
conversation/interview, so try to relax, answer truthfully
and sound as natural as possible.
SMILE :) : Smiling can take you far!
Part 2 is the main individual part of this Speaking test and
it comprises two main tasks. Firstly, in turns, each
candidate is given three photographs and two questions
about them. The interlocutor asks each candidate to
compare two of the photographs while responding to the
questions. Secondly, when one candidate has done the first
task, the other candidate has to respond to a question
about the first candidate’s pictures.
Saying which pictures
Describing similarities Describing differences Agree/Disagree
you’re talking about

I ’ve chosen the A common feature of both

While / Whereas the
photograph that photos is ...
people in one photo seem I support my
shows ... and the one In certain respects the
to be ..., in the other one partner’s viewpoint.
with … pictures are quite similar
they are ... I agree/disagree with
I’m going to compare because ...
The biggest difference my partner on that...
the picture on the left While each photograph
between them is ... I'm on board with my
with the one in the focuses on different
In comparing these partner’s perspective.
centre... elements, they both...
photographs, it becomes I understand my
Among the Both images portray...
evident that they convey partner’s perspective,
photographs, I have Both images present
selected the one that different aspects of... but I hold a differing
striking similarities in...
shows... and the one These two pictures offer view.
They’re quite alike in that
where we can observe... distinct viewpoints on....
Compare, don’t describe:Candidates often spend the
entire minute describing both pictures separately,
instead of comparing them.
Justify your opinions
Don’t focus too much on one picture: A minute is not
much time, so you should make sure your speech includes
the most prominent ideas about both pictures.
Stick to the topic: When the examiner asks you the
follow-up question, simply stick to the topic and answer
what he or she asked specifically.
CAE Speaking Part 3 is the main collaborative task of the
C1 Advanced test. In this part, you and your partner are
presented with a topic in the form of a question and a few
prompts linked to it . You are then expected to develop a
two-minute discussion around the topic, making use of the
prompts provided (optional). When the two minutes are
over, you’re asked to make a decision with regard to the
topic. You will have one more minute to do this.
Starting the
conversation and Asking for opinion. Expressing opinion Agree/Disagree

I support my partner’s
Would you like to begin, What are your thoughts viewpoint.
or shall I? on this? I agree/disagree with
Shall/May I begin? How do you see this issue? In my opinion,… my partner on that...
Would it be alright if I Do you agree with what I The way I see it,… I'm on board with my
begin? have just explained? If you ask me,… partner’s perspective.
Do you mind if I start? What's your take on this? I would say that… I understand my
Should I go ahead and
What do you think about It seems to me that… partner’s perspective,
this issue? In my view… but I hold a differing
Shall I go first?
What's your impression of As for me... view.
[subject]? As far as I’m concerned,… shall we agree on this
What's your stance on one?
Of course, go ahead.
[subject]? I believe we have an
Sure,no problem.
agreement, don’t we?
This section of the exam evaluates your skill at engaging in
a conversation based on the content raised in the
collaborative task in Part 3. For Part 4, the interlocutor will
moderate the discussion by asking questions that expand
upon the topics explored in Part 3.
Starting the
conversation and Asking for opinion. Expressing opinion Agree/Disagree

I support my partner’s
Would you like to begin, What are your thoughts
or shall I? on this? I agree/disagree with
Shall/May I begin? How do you see this issue? In my opinion,… my partner on that...
Would it be alright if I Do you agree with what I The way I see it,… I'm on board with my
begin? have just explained? If you ask me,… partner’s perspective.
Do you mind if I start? What's your take on this? I would say that… I understand my
Should I go ahead and What do you think about It seems to me that… partner’s perspective,
this issue? In my view… but I hold a differing
Shall I go first?
What's your impression of As for me... view.
[subject]? As far as I’m concerned,… That’s a great idea.
What's your stance on I couldn’t agree more.
Of course, go ahead.
[subject]? Yes, I see what you
Sure,no problem.
Have a clear discussion, not 2 monologues: it is what
you say that counts, and in these sections, you should
be discussing rather than speaking alone.
Justify your opinions
Try to speak about MULTIPLE options, not just one: even
though it is not a requirement, if you rely exclusively on
one option, you will have less of a chance to
demonstrate your ability to interact with others.
Finish your statements with a question
Address your partner:pay attention to your partner,
maintain eye contact while talking...

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