The Circle Weaver, A New Yozi

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The Circle Weaver, Yozi

The Circle Weaver is a formidable Third Circle demon with an unparalleled command over the
fundamental forces of creation, destruction, and balance. With its unrivaled mastery of cosmic
energies, this Yozi can weave and unravel the very fabric of reality at will. Unlike other Yozis that are
bound within the confines of Malfeas, the Circle Weaver possesses the rare ability to traverse between
different dimensions, enabling it to exert its influence on multiple planes of existence.

Although its true form remains shrouded in mystery, the Circle Weaver's presence is often signaled by
subtle ripples in the fabric of reality. Its power is so immense that it can cause reality to warp and twist
around it, bending space and time to its will. This demon's abilities are said to be so advanced that it
can even create and destroy entire universes with a single thought.

The Circle Weaver is a solitary figure, rarely interacting with other demons, let alone mortals. It is
believed to dwell in section of Malfeas called Xilbalba, a realm of pure chaos and entropy, where it
manipulates the very building blocks of existence. Legends tell of those who have attempted to
summon or communicate with the Circle Weaver, only to be met with madness and destruction.

Despite its fearsome reputation, the Circle Weaver is a coveted ally among those who seek to wield
immense power. Some mortals have even made pacts with this demon, offering it their souls in
exchange for a taste of its awesome power. However, those who make deals with the Circle Weaver
do so at their own peril, for its power is beyond comprehension, and its motives are inscrutable.

It is said that even the other Yozis fear the Circle Weaver, for they know that its power is unmatched,
and its loyalty to their cause is tenuous at best. While the demon may have its own agenda, its
ultimate goal remains shrouded in mystery. Those who seek to unravel the secrets of the Circle
Weaver do so at great risk, for the demon's power is as seductive as it is deadly.

The Circle Weaver possesses 15 component souls, each representing a different aspect of its power.
These souls are not limited to a single dimension, but can manifest in multiple worlds simultaneously.
The souls are as follows:


The Weaver of Distortion is a third circle demon that exists within the memory of first city, a place filled
with shattered buildings, ruined neighborhoods, and other remnants of destruction. The demon's true
form is a mystery, as it is constantly shifting and changing, taking on new shapes and forms as it
weaves the fabric of reality.

The demon's origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is believed to have been born from the same
chaotic energy that created the Dragon Beyond the World, Oramus. Like its predecessor, The Weaver
of Distortion is a being of pure chaos, defying all attempts to define or contain its nature.

Unlike Oramus, however, The Weaver of Distortion is not imprisoned within itself. Instead, it roams
freely throughout the realm of Malfeas, warping and distorting reality as it inflicts its self upon the
world. It can take on any form it desires, from a monstrous beast to a beautiful seductress, and it
delights in causing confusion and chaos wherever it goes.

The demon is a master of deception and illusion, using its powers to trick and manipulate those
around it. It delights in playing games with mortals and other demons, leading them down false paths
and causing them to doubt their own perceptions of reality.

Those who are foolish enough to follow The Weaver of Distortion often find themselves caught in a
web of lies, illusions, and false fates, unable to discern truth from falsehood. The demon feeds off the
confusion and despair of its victims, using their energy to fuel its chaotic powers.

Despite its malevolent nature, The Weaver of Distortion is worshipped by some as a god of chaos and
change. Its followers believe that the demon's power can be harnessed for their own purposes, and
they are willing to do whatever it takes to gain its favor.

However, those who seek to manipulate The Weaver of Distortion often find themselves ensnared in
its web, unable to escape its grasp. The demon is a fickle creature, and its whims are impossible to
The seven second circle souls of The Weaver are as follows:

1. The Warden soul, known as Arachneia, The Spinner Of Fates Forgotten, embodies The Weaver's
ability to guard and protect the threads of destiny. Arachneia takes the form of a giant spider with
shimmering golden webs for limbs.

2. The Indulgent soul, known as Luxuria, The Unwritten Destiny, represents The Weaver's ability to
indulge and tempt mortals with their own destinies. Luxuria takes the form of a seductive succubus
with the power to manipulate fate.

3. The Defining soul, known as Claritae, That which Rends the Strands, embodies The Weaver's
ability to define and shape the destinies of others. Claritae takes the form of a wise old crone who
weaves intricate patterns into the tapestry of fate.

4. The Messenger soul, known as Hermesia, Who Traces The Spaces Between Seconds, represents
The Weaver's ability to communicate and transmit information across the threads of fate. Hermesia
takes the form of a winged serpent with the power to traverse the strands of destiny.

5. The Expressive soul, known as Euphoriea, The Maddening Wings Of Change, embodies The
Weaver's ability to express and manifest destiny through the world. Euphoriea takes the form of a
vibrant and colorful butterfly with the power to shape fate with its wings.

6. The Reflective soul, known as Speculare, The Truth Cast In Shattered Brilliance, represents The
Weaver's ability to reflect and observe the threads of fate. Speculare takes the form of a shimmering
mirror with the power to reveal hidden truths within the tapestry of destiny.

7. The Wisdom soul, known as Sophia, The Loss Of Truth To Hope, embodies The Weaver's ability to
understand and interpret the intricacies of fate. Sophia takes the form of a stoic and all-knowing owl
with the power to guide mortals through the twists and turns of their destinies.


The Unraveler of the Tapestry is a Third Circle demon of immense power, known throughout the
Infernal realms for its ability to unravel and destroy the very essence of beings and things. It is said
that the Unraveler can see the underlying structure of existence itself, and that it takes great pleasure
in unraveling that structure, destroying everything in its path.

Many of the denizens of Malfeas fear the Unraveler, and with good reason. The demon is known to be
capricious and unpredictable, and its power is virtually unmatched. It is said that the Unraveler can
destroy even the most powerful of demons with ease, and that it takes great pleasure in doing so.

Despite its fearsome reputation, the Unraveler is not without weaknesses. It is said that the demon is
vulnerable to powerful wards and sigils that can protect against its unraveling powers. Additionally, the
Unraveler's power is said to be weakened in the presence of powerful artifacts and relics that have
been imbued with ancient magics.

One of the few beings that the Unraveler is said to fear is the dragon Oramus, known as the Dragon
Beyond the World. Oramus is one of the few beings in all of existence that is more ancient and more
powerful than the Unraveler, and the demon is said to take great care to avoid crossing paths with the

Oramus, for his part, is said to be deeply mistrustful of the Unraveler, and views the demon as a threat
to his own power and autonomy. The Dragon Beyond the World is known to keep a watchful eye on
the Unraveler, and is said to have powerful wards and sigils in place to protect himself from the
demon's powers.

1. The Warden Soul – "Apolyma, The Maelstrom Keeper" - This soul embodies the Unraveler's
ability to protect and safeguard. It has a powerful force field that can deflect even the most
devastating attacks.

2. The Indulgent Soul – "Kuzueru, The Temptress" - This soul embodies the Unraveler's ability to
gratify and indulge. It can manipulate the desires and emotions of others, compelling them to
do the Unraveler's bidding.

3. The Defining Soul – "Chenlie, The Horrid Revelation" - This soul embodies the Unraveler's
ability to define and shape. It has the power to reveal the hidden nature of things, allowing the
Unraveler to better understand and manipulate them.

4. The Messenger Soul – "Lyomai, The Harbinger of Madness" - This soul embodies the
Unraveler's ability to communicate and transmit information. It can transmit messages across
vast distances, and can even manipulate the minds of those who receive its messages.

5. The Expressive Soul – "Hakai, The Moth Unleashed Upon The Web" - This soul embodies the
Unraveler's ability to express and unleash its power. It can release powerful waves of
destructive energy that can unravel the very fabric of reality.

6. The Reflective Soul – "Duanlie, The Mirror Held Against The Wound" - This soul embodies the
Unraveler's ability to reflect and analyze. It can create perfect copies of itself, and can use
these copies to gain insights into the abilities and weaknesses of others.

7. The Wisdom Soul – "Anariesi, The Shattered Oracle" - This soul embodies the Unraveler's
ability to understand and comprehend. It has vast knowledge of the workings of the universe,
and can provide insights and guidance to those who seek its counsel.

Summoning the Unraveler is a dangerous undertaking, as its power is almost impossible to control.
Sorcerers who attempt to summon the Unraveler risk having their very essence unraveled and
destroyed. The Unraveler is motivated by a desire to celebrate destruction and oppose the plans of
Fate and its servants. It revels in the destruction of order and the unraveling of reality, and is always
seeking new ways to further its goals.


The third circle demon known as The Unfettered Paradox Branded Upon The World is a being of
unparalleled intellect and enigmatic nature, even among the demons of Malfeas. Little is known of its
true form or origins, but it is said to possess a vast and complex mind that can warp reality itself.

Some say that The Unfettered Paradox is able to see through time and space, perceiving the patterns
of existence and understanding the workings of the universe on a level beyond mortal comprehension.
Its power is such that it can bend the very fabric of reality, creating paradoxes and twisting the laws of
causality to suit its whims. This demon is not bound by logic or reason, and its actions often appear
inexplicable to mortal minds.

The Unfettered Paradox Branded Upon The World is believed to dwell within the ruins of a city deep in
the heart of Malfeas. The city is said to be a maze of twisted and broken buildings, a labyrinthine
structure that shifts and changes constantly. Those who have ventured into the city and returned alive
speak of a place where time and space have lost all meaning, and where the very laws of physics are

Few have ever seen The Unfettered Paradox, and those who have describe it as a being of shifting,
amorphous form, with tentacles and appendages that writhe and move in impossible ways. Its voice is
said to be a chorus of discordant whispers, and its presence is suffused with an aura of unbridled
chaos and madness.

Despite its immense power and inscrutable nature, The Unfettered Paradox Branded Upon The World
is not worshipped by any mortal beings, nor does it seek to control or manipulate them. Its motives
and desires remain a mystery, and it is said to act on a whim, guided only by its own inscrutable

Some believe that The Unfettered Paradox is one of the few beings in Malfeas that is not bound by the
constraints of the Yozis, and that it exists beyond their hierarchy and power struggles. Whether this is
true or not remains unknown, but the mere thought of a being that can defy the Yozis strikes fear into
the hearts of even the most powerful demons of Malfeas.
In the end, The Unfettered Paradox Branded Upon The World remains an enigma, a being whose
power and nature are beyond mortal understanding. Those who seek to understand it do so at their
own peril, for the very act of trying to comprehend it can drive one to madness.

1. The Warden soul of The Unfettered Paradox is named Isero, the Eternal Sentinel. This soul is
responsible for protecting the demon's essence and ensuring that it remains intact.

2. The Indulgent soul of The Unfettered Paradox is called Xayoz, the Unquenchable. This soul is
responsible for satisfying the The Unfettered Paradox's desires and pleasures, no matter how
strange or obscure they may be.

3. The Defining soul of The Unfettered Paradox is named Khezra, the Master of Illusions. This
soul has the power to create complex illusions that can deceive even the most astute observer.

4. The Messenger soul is known as Qyria, the Voice of the Creator. This soul is responsible for
communicating the will and desires of The Unfettered Paradox to the other Yozi.

5. The Expressive soul is called Lirius, the Emotionless. This soul is responsible for expressing
The Unfettered Paradox's emotions, which can range from the profound to the absurd.

6. The Reflective soul is named Zorath, the Mind of Many. This soul is responsible for reflecting
on The Unfettered Paradox's own nature and understanding the implications of its actions.

7. The Wisdom soul of The Unfettered Paradox is called Aethros, the All-Knowing. This soul is
responsible for providing the demon with its vast knowledge and understanding of the universe.

It is said that The Unfettered Paradox has the ability to manipulate reality itself, and its actions are
often inscrutable and mysterious. Some say that the demon is capable of manipulating time and
space, while others claim that it can create and destroy entire worlds with a single thought.


In the twisted realm of Malfeas, there exists a demon known as Angra, That which Destroys the old
growth. This demon's true form is unknown, as it constantly shifts and changes, twisting and warping
like a gnarled tree struck by lightning. Some say it appears as a hulking beast, with razor-sharp talons
and teeth that can rend flesh from bone. Others describe it as a mass of writhing tentacles, each one
tipped with a maw that can swallow a man whole.
Angra is a being of pure destruction, with a singular purpose to tear down and destroy everything in its
path. Its very presence causes the earth to shake and the sky to darken, as if the world itself recoils in
fear. Its voice is a deafening roar, a sound that can shatter stone and break the will of the bravest of

But despite its immense power, Angra is not free. It is bound to a prison of its own making, a circle of
twisted, blackened trees that mark the edges of its domain. Within this circle, Angra is king, ruling over
a landscape of shattered ruins and ruined cities. Here, it is worshipped by cultists who offer sacrifices
to appease its terrible wrath.

Angra's origins are shrouded in mystery, but some say that it was once a being of immense power, a
demon prince who ruled over a vast empire of darkness. But as time went on, Angra's hunger for
destruction grew until it could not be sated. It turned on its own people, tearing down their cities and
slaughtering them by the thousands.

In the end, Angra was betrayed by its own followers, who bound it within the circle of blackened trees
that now serve as its prison. But even within its cage, Angra's power is immense. Its dreams bleed out
into the world, causing madness and destruction wherever they go. Its followers work tirelessly to free
it, believing that once it is released, Angra will lead them to victory and eternal glory.

Some say that Angra's power is so great that it could shake the very foundations of Creation itself.
Others believe that it is a force of pure chaos, a manifestation of the Wyld that seeks only to tear down
the order and structure of the world. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: Angra, That
which Destroys the old growth, is a being of immense power and terrible wrath, a force to be feared
and respected by all who dwell in the dark corners of the world.
Kuroi, the Warden of Souls - This soul is the embodiment of Angra's ability to guard and keep captive
the souls of the damned, forever ensuring their suffering.

1. Nakama, The Enabler of Self Indulgence - This soul represents Angra's willingness to allow
indulgence in sinful and self-destructive behavior, perpetuating the cycle of damnation.

2. Koga, The Mirror Of Defilement - This soul embodies Angra's ability to twist and warp reality,
causing those who gaze upon it to see their own worst qualities reflected back at them.

3. Yobun, The Message Of Despair - This soul serves as Angra's herald, carrying the message of
eternal torment to those who have fallen from grace.
4. Yarikomi, The Tempter - This soul represents Angra's persuasive and seductive nature, enticing
mortals to sin and damnation.

5. Utsurou, The Eternal Pariah - This soul embodies Angra's sense of isolation and rejection from
both Heaven and Hell, driving him to seek revenge against all creation.

6. Kenkyo, The Wisdom Of The Fool - This soul serves as a reminder of Angra's arrogance and
ultimate downfall, doomed to forever ponder the error of his ways.

7. Kiva, The Ironwood Bulwark - This soul serves to protect Angra’s sacred grove.

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