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Intelligent Business

New words

Unit 12

1. Crunch /krʌntʃ/ – n. რთული სიტუაცია, რომელიც გაიძულებს მიიღო

გადაწყვეტილება ან გააკეთო რამე; a difficult situation that forces you to make
a decision or do something: The crunch came when she was forced to choose between
her marriage and her career.
2. Crunch time - a period of intense pressure; a critical situation: It's
crunch time for high-tech companies.
3. Switch – v. გადართვა, შეცვლა, to change suddenly or completely, especially from one
thing to another, or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another:
She started studying English, but switched to Law in her second year. In
1971, Britain switched over (= changed completely) to a decimal currency.
4. Differentiate /ˌdɪf.əˈren.ʃi.eɪt/ – v. განსხვავება; დიფერენცირება; 1. to show or find
the difference between things that are compared: We do not differentiate between
our employees on the basis of their race, religion, or national origin. What
differentiates wheat from other crops is that it is almost exclusively used as a food
product. 2. to show how a product or company is different from other similar ones and
what its advantages are, especially in order to attract a particular group of consumers:
The company wanted a website that would differentiate them from their competitors.
5. Economes of scale – ეკონომია, განპირობებული წარმოების მასშტაბების გაზრდით,
მასშტაბის დადებითი ეფექტი; the reduction of production costs that is a result of
making and selling goods in large quantities, for example, the ability to buy large
amounts of materials at reduced prices: Big public companies frequently enjoy
economies of scale and dominant market shares.
6. achieve/benefit from/create economies of scale - Selling to
a global market would enable us to achieve huge economies of scale.
7. Forestry /ˈfɒr.ɪ.stri/ – n. მეტყევეობა, სატყევე მეურნეობა; the science of planting and
taking care of large areas of trees.
8. Mining /ˈmaɪ.nɪŋ/ – მოპოვება, სამთო საქმე, სამთო მრეწველობა. სასარგებლო
წიაღისეულის მოპოვება; the industry or activity of removing coal and other substances
from the earth.
9. Hip – fashionable, trendy; knowing a lot about what the most modern fashions are, esp.
in music, social behavior, and styles of clothes.
10. Unveil – v. reveal, disclose.
11. Cede /siːd/ – v. გადაცემა, დათმობა; give up, abandon.
12. Dabble /ˈdæb.əl/ – v. get involved in sth as an amateur.
13. Peripherals /pəˈrɪf·ər·əl/ – n. printers, scanners, and other devices, used with a computer.
14. Revered /rɪˈvɪərd/ – adj. დაფასებული; respected and admired.
15. Ooh and aah – to express admiration: We watched the fireworks, oohing and aahing
with everyone else
16. Inevitably [ɪ'nevɪtəblɪ] – adv. გარდაუვლად; certain to happen and unable to be
avoided or prevented: The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/ outcome
of carelessness.
17. Stunning ['stʌnɪŋlɪ] – adj. გასაოცარი, განსაცვიფრებელი; extremely beautiful or
attractive; shocking or very impressive: They make a stunning couple. a stunning
18. Runaway – adj. გაქცეული; შეუკავებელი, სწრაფად მზარდი; 1. having escaped or
run away from somewhere: a runaway child sleeping on the streets; a runaway bride (=
who ran away from her wedding); 2. out of control: A runaway bus/
horse caused chaos on the streets. We have to rein in our runaway spending.
19. Runaway success is surprisingly sudden or great: Her first novel's runaway success
came as a great surprise. He is the runaway leader at the top of the
competition scoreboard.
20. Niche – n. ჩაარღმავება,ფოსო, ნაპრალი კლდეში ან ქვაში; ნიშა, ადგილი,
მოღვაწეობის არეალი, რომელშიც ადამიანს ან ორგანიზაციას შეუძლია
გამოამჟღავნოს თავი უკეთეს რაკურსში.
21. Niche player - a company holding a specialized and profitable part of a commercial
22. Conceivable /kənˈsiː.və.bəl/ – adj. possible to imagine or think of: Books on every
conceivable subject lined one wall.
23. Entire /ɪnˈtaɪər/ – adj. whole or complete, with nothing lacking, or continuous, without
interruption: He read the entire book on the flight to Buenos Aires. Her entire family
gathered for their annual reunion.
24. Flash – n. a brand name for a computer program that is used to create moving images for
websites and advertisements on the internet.
25. Explicitly [ɪk'splɪsɪtlɪ] – adv. პირდაპირ; ნათლად, ცხადად; გასაგებად, მკაფიოდ.
26. Outsell – v. მეტი გაყიდვა (ვიდრე კონკურენტები); უკეთესად გაყიდვა (დიდი
რაოდენობით და უფრო სწრაფად ვიდრე სხვა საქონელი); მეტის მოგება; 1. if
a brand or product outsells another, it is bought in larger quantities than the
other brand or product: Analogue radios are now outsold by digital radios by 30 to 1. 2.
to sell more products than a competitor: Airbus was outsold by its arch-rival Boeing in
2006 for the first time in five years.
27. Long-standing problem – შორი, მრავალწლიანი, ხანგრძლივი; ძველი; having
existed for a long time: It’s been our long-standing policy not to allow pets at the
28. Core business – the most important or largest part of a company's business activities: The
company's core operations include entertainment and aviation.
29. Stuck – 1. unable to move, or set in a particular position, place, or way of thinking:
This door seems to be stuck - can you help me push it open? Seven of us were
stuck in the lift for over an hour. 2. in a difficult situation, or unable to change or get
away from a situation: We'd be stuck if your sister hadn't offered to come over
and look after the children tonight. 3. not able to continue reading, answering
questions, etc. because something is too difficult: I'm really stuck - do you have any
idea how to answer these questions?
30. Mainstream ['meɪnstriːm] – n. ძირითადი ნაკადი; considered normal, and having or
using ideas, beliefs, etc. that are acceptedby most people: This is the director's first
mainstream Hollywood film.
31. the mainstream - the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people: The new law
should allow more disabled people to enter the mainstream of American life.
32. Radical /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ – adj. ძირეული, რადიკალური; 1. believing or expressing the
belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change: He was known as a
radical reformer/thinker/politician. 2. relating to the most important parts of something
or someone; complete or extreme: We need to make some radical
changes to our operating procedures.
33. Fully-fledged /ˌfʊl.i ˈfledʒd/ - adj. completely developed, or having all the qualities
necessary to be considered as something: It's becoming increasingly possible
to run a fully fledged business from home. a fully-fledged democracy/economy/
member. Synonyms: mature, adult, grown-up, grown, fully grown, fully developed,
trained, qualified, proficient; experienced, time-served: He never gave up on the dream
of becoming a fully fledged artist.
34. Have no excuse – If you say that there is no excuse for something, you are emphasizing
that it should not happen, or expressing disapproval that it has happened. [disapproval]
There's no excuse for behaviour like that. (ასეთ საქციელს გამართლება არა აქვს.)
35. Cannibalise /ˈkæn.ɪ.bəl.aɪz/ – n. ბარბაროსობა, დაზიანებული მანქანიდან ნაწილების
მოხსნა სხვა მანქანის შესაკეთებლად, (მანქანის გარემონტება ნაწილების
დახმარებით, მოხსნილი სხვა მანქანიდან); გაყიდვების წართმევა საქონელზე,
რომელიც რეალიზაციაშია; 1. to take parts from a machine or vehicle in order to make
or repair another machine or vehicle: He bought an old engine and cannibalized it
for spare parts. 2. to cause a reduction in the sales of an existing product
or service by starting to sell a new product or service: They hope to sell 5 million of their
new game machines, but those sales will cannibalize the sales of their last product.
36. Shrewd /ʃruːd/ – adj. გამჭრიახი; having or based on a clear understanding and good
judgment of a situation, resulting in an advantage: He was shrewd enough not to take
the job when there was the possibility of getting a better one a few months later.
37. Snap /snæp/ – v. 1. to cause something that is thin to break suddenly and quickly with
a cracking sound: You'll snap that ruler if you bend it too far. Some vandal's
snapped off my car aerial again. 2. to suddenly become unable to control a strong
feeling, especially anger: When she asked me to postpone my trip to help her move to
her new house, I just snapped (= got angry). 3. to quickly return to a previous place
or condition: After substantial losses last year, the company has snapped
back to profitability (= started making profits again). 4. to say something suddenly in
an angry way: There's no need to snap at me - it's not my fault that you lost your
wallet. 5. to take a lot of photographs quickly: He was arrested for snapping photos of
a military parade. She's very pleased with her new camera and was snapping
away the whole time we were abroad. 6. to fasten using two small pieces of metal
or plastic, one of which is pushed into the other: He snapped up his jacket.
38. Inertia /ɪˈnɜː.ʃə/ – n. 1. lack of activity or interest, or unwillingness to make an effort to
do anything: The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia. 2. the physical force
that keeps something in the same position or moving in the same direction. 3. the
tendency not to change what is happening: Many teachers were reluctant to use
computers in their classrooms simply out of inertia. 4. a situation in which there is very
little activity or interest, or people are unwilling to make an effort to change:
bureaucratic/government/managerial inertia
39. Bloom /bluːm/ – v. 1. When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant
or tree blooms it produces flowers: These flowers will bloom all through the summer. 2.
to grow or develop successfully: Rimbaud's poetic genius bloomed early.
40. Steering wheel /ˈstɪə.rɪŋ ˌwiːl/ – n. a wheel in a vehicle that the driver turns in
order to make the vehicle go in a particular direction.
41. Circumspect /ˈsɜː.kəm.spekt/ – adj. წინდახედული, ფრთხილი (ადამიანის შესახებ);
გააზრებული (გადაწყვეტილების და ა.შ. შესახებ); careful not to take risks: Officials
were circumspect about saying what the talks had achieved.
42. Hand-picked – adj. ხელით ნარჩევი, ხელით შეგროვებული; used to describe someone
who has been carefully chosen for a particular job or activity: The 74 year-old
has ceded day-to-day control of the company to a hand picked team of managers.
43. be handpicked for sth to do sth - The 35-year-old Australian citizen was hand picked
for the post.
44. be handpicked by sb - Many boards were hand-picked by the very executives they were
supposed to oversee.
45. IQI is a leading global real estate & investment advisory firm operating and advising in
Dubai, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Philippines and Vietnam. IQI represents quality,
integrity and trust in global residential and commercial real estate.
46. come from behind - to succeed in winning after being in a losing position in a game:
England came from behind to beat Scotland 2–1.
47. Stake – n. a share or a financial involvement in something such as a business: He holds
(= owns) a 40 percent stake in/of the company.
48. have a stake in sth - If you have a stake in something, it is important to you because you
have a personal interest or involvement in it: Employers have a stake in
the training of their staff.
49. Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics and video game
company headquartered in Kyoto. Nintendo is one of the world's largest video game
companies by market capitalization, creating some of the best-known and top-selling
video game franchises, such as Mario, The Legend of Zelda, and Pokémon.
50. The American Express Company, also known as Amex, is an American
multinational financial services corporation headquartered in Three World Financial
Center in New York City. The company was founded in 1850 and is one of the 30
components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The company is best known for
its charge card, credit card, and traveler's cheque businesses.
51. The 3M Company, formerly known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Company, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation based in Maplewood,
Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul.
52. Royal Dutch Shell plc commonly known as Shell, is a British–Dutch multinational
oil and gas company headquartered in the Netherlands and incorporated in the United
Kingdom. It is one of the six oil and gas "super majors" and the sixth-largest company in
the world measured by 2016 revenues (and the largest based in Europe).

53. Danone is a French multinational food-products corporation based in Paris and founded
in Barcelona, Spain. The company is listed on Euronext Paris where it is a component of
the CAC 40 stock market index. Danone is present in over 130 markets and generated
sales of €21.9 billion in 2016, with more than half in emerging countries. In 2015, fresh
dairy products represented 50% of the group's total sales, early life nutrition 22%, water
21% and medical nutrition 7%.

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