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The Laryngoscope

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

© 2007 The American Laryngological,
Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.

Abnormal Sensorimotor Integrative

Function of the Larynx in Congenital
Laryngomalacia: A New Theory of Etiology
Dana Mara Thompson, MD, MS

Objectives/Hypothesis: Laryngomalacia is an LPST decreased in all subjects (3.1–3.5 mm Hg, P ⫽ .14),

enigmatic disease in which laryngeal tone is weak, result- which also correlated with symptom resolution. Neuro-
ing in dynamic prolapse of tissue into the larynx. Senso- logic, genetic, and cardiac diseases were more common in
rimotor integrative function of the brainstem and periph- infants with severe disease (P ⬍ .001). Gastroesophageal
eral reflexes are responsible for laryngeal tone and reflux disease (GERD) and feeding problems more com-
airway patency. The goal of this study was to elucidate mon in those with moderate and severe disease (P ⬍ .001).
the etiology of decreased laryngeal tone through evaluat- Apgar scores were lower in those with severe disease (P ⬍
ing the sensorimotor integrative function of the larynx. .001). Most symptoms resolved within 12 months of pre-
The secondary goal was to evaluate factors and medical sentation. Those with GERD benefited from treatment.
comorbidities that contribute to the wide spectrum of Supraglottoplasty resulted in few complications. Multiple
symptoms and outcomes. comorbidities (⬎3) influenced the need for tracheotomy.
Study Design: Prospective and retrospective collec- Conclusions: Laryngeal tone and sensorimotor inte-
tion of evaluative data on infants with congenital laryn- grative function of the larynx is altered. The degree of
gomalacia at two tertiary care pediatric referral centers. alteration correlated with disease severity, indicating that
Methods: Two hundred one infants with laryngo- factors that alter the peripheral and central reflexes of the
malacia were divided into three groups on the basis of LAR have a role in the etiology of signs and symptoms of
disease severity (mild, moderate, severe). Patients were laryngomalacia. GERD, neurologic disease, and low Apgar
followed prospectively every 8 to 12 weeks until symptom scores influenced disease severity and clinical course, ex-
resolution or loss to follow-up. Sensorimotor integrative plaining the spectrum of disease symptoms and outcomes.
function of the larynx was evaluated in 134 infants by Sensorimotor integrative function improved as symptoms
laryngopharyngeal sensory testing (LPST) of the laryn- resolved.
geal adductor reflex (LAR) by delivering a duration- (50 Key Words: Laryngomalacia, stridor, sensory test-
ms) and intensity- (2.5–10 mm Hg) controlled air pulse to ing, laryngeal adductor reflex, gastroesophageal reflux dis-
the aryepiglottic fold to induce the LAR. Medical records ease, laryngopharyngeal reflux, supraglottoplasty.
were retrospectively reviewed for medical comorbidities. Laryngoscope, 117(Suppl. 114):1–33, 2007
Results: The initial LPST was higher (P ⬍ .001) in
infants with moderate (6.8 mm Hg) and severe disease
(7.4 mm Hg) compared with those with mild disease (4.1 INTRODUCTION
mm Hg). At 1, 3, and 6 months, infants with moderate Laryngomalacia is a condition where laryngeal tone is
and severe disease continued to have a higher LPST weak and results in dynamic prolapse of supraglottic tissue
compared with those with mild disease. At 9 months, the into the airway, causing inspiratory stridor and airway ob-
struction. The diagnosis is suggested by inspiratory stridor
that worsens with agitation, crying, feeding, or supine posi-
From the Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology–Head and Neck tioning and is confirmed by flexible laryngoscopy. Findings
Surgery, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, University of
Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.; and the Depart- may include prolapse of the arytenoid cartilages or the
ment of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Mayo Clinic and supra-arytenoid mucosa, shortened aryepiglottic folds, and
Mayo Eugenio Litta Children’s Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. an “omega”-shaped or a retroflexed epiglottis.1– 4
Editor’s Note: This Manuscript was accepted for publication Febru-
ary 12, 2007.
Send correspondence to Dr. Dana M Thompson, Department of Pe- Laryngomalacia: Spectrum of Disease
diatric Otolaryngology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, 3333 Burnet Ave, Presentation and Clinical Course
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039. E-mail:
Laryngomalacia is the most common laryngeal
DOI: 10.1097/MLG.0b013e31804a5750 anomaly and affects up to 45% to 75% of all infants with

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
congenital stridor.5–10 The typical presentation is inspira- Etiologic Theories of Laryngomalacia
tory stridor that begins within the first 10 days of life and Although the condition was first described in 1843,
increases over the initial few months, with a symptom the etiology remains elusive.39 Several theories have been
peak at 6 to 8 months. Although most cases are a benign, proposed without consensus or compelling supporting ev-
self-limiting process that resolves between 12 to 24 idence. The anatomic theory proposes that the etiology is
months of age,6 there are varying degrees of disease se- abnormal anatomic placement of flaccid laryngeal tissue
verity. Most patients are rarely seen by the otolaryngolo- causing stridor and airway obstruction.1,2,7,40 – 42 The car-
gist and are cared for by their primary care physician tilaginous theory, also termed “chondromalacia,” proposes
where expectant management or treatment by reposition- that the laryngeal cartilage is abnormal, immature, and
ing the infant is usually effective. Others present with pliable, leading to airway obstruction and stridor.21,43,44
additional symptoms of regurgitation, feeding difficulty The neurologic theory includes several proposed mecha-
with or without weight loss, inconsequential cyanosis, and nisms. Neuromuscular hypotonia is the most commonly
cited neurologic etiologic cause.31 Others have proposed
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It has been im-
compromised airway patency from an abnormal neural
plied that infants in this clinical spectrum have associated
pathway originating in the nucleus ambiguus45 or dis-
GERD,11–17 but the role of antireflux therapy has not been
rupted cortical function.41 In addition, GERD11 has been
established. Although GERD is a well-established co-
implicated as a causative factor because of a high associ-
morbidity of laryngomalacia,11,12 the association and
ation between the two. Some support multiple etiologic
impact of GERD on the symptoms of laryngomalacia are theories of laryngomalacia.1,24,42,46
under-explored. No studies evaluate the benefit of re- Despite these multiple etiologic theories, the litera-
flux treatment. ture best supports a neurologic mechanism. Neurologic
Up to 22% of cases are severe and have major abnormalities have been reported in up to 20% of infants
complications of upper airway obstruction that may be with laryngomalacia.14,23,29,31,47– 49 Central nervous sys-
life threatening. These complications include airway tem (CNS) sedation of infants results in classic signs and
obstruction with cyanosis, life-threatening apnea, feed- symptoms of laryngomalacia with collapse of laryngeal
ing difficulty with failure to thrive, developmental de- tissue.50 CNS insults such as seizures, strokes, or hypoxic
lay, pectus excavatum, cor pulmonale, cardiac failure, brain injury can lead to acquired laryngomalacia in adults
asphyxiation, and death.10,14,18 –20 Those with severe dis- and children. The insult occurs at the brainstem nuclei for
ease usually require surgical intervention.1,4,14,18,21–29 breathing and airway patency.51–54 This parallel suggests
Options include bypassing the affected larynx by a tra- a cause and effect relation between abnormal integration
cheotomy or endoscopic microsurgical techniques of of sensorimotor function at the brainstem and acquired
trimming the redundant tissues of the larynx, also laryngomalacia. Many cases of acquired laryngomalacia
known as “supraglottoplasty.” With increasing experi- resolve with improvement or reversal of the underlying
ence and success with supraglottoplasty over 20 years, neurologic condition.52 Using acquired laryngomalacia as
this has become the procedure of choice. Retrospective an example provides a basis for a cogent argument that
studies that evaluate supraglottoplasty treatment congenital laryngomalacia could be a consequence of al-
report symptom reversal and success in 70% to 100% tered or underdeveloped sensorimotor brainstem reflexes,
of cases.1,14,28,29 The complication rate is less than akin to a CNS insult. In a similar manner to acquired
8%.30 Because of the high associated morbidity, trache- laryngomalacia, it is possible that the symptoms of con-
otomy is usually reserved for supraglottoplasty fail- genital laryngomalacia resolve as the brainstem nuclei
ures or patients with complex medical diseases and and their sensorimotor reflexes mature in a process, sim-
comorbidities.4,14,28 ilar to symptom resolution after improvement or reversal
of the underlying CNS condition.
Laryngomalacia affects the full spectrum of infants
and includes those with neurologic disease, cardiopulmo-
Sensorimotor Integrative Function of Larynx
nary disease, congenital anomalies, syndromes, and other
Although a neurologic theory is the most popular and
medical comorbidities.3,4,12,14,30 –38 No studies to date es-
best supported, it is unclear whether the alteration is
tablish whether medical comorbidities correlate with dis-
neuromuscular or whether the problem is located in the
ease severity irrespective of the symptoms at presenta- peripheral nervous system,46 CNS,45,50 or both. The sup-
tion. Studies that evaluate the influence of medical port of a peripheral vagal nervous system alteration as an
comorbidities are restricted to surgical series and suggest etiology of airway obstruction was first demonstrated in
that comorbidities have a negative impact on supraglotto- the study of Thomson and Turner46 at the turn of the 20th
plasty outcomes.4,14,26,28,30 century. In a model used to study congenital stridor, vagal
Otolaryngologists who manage infants with laryngo- denervation of larynges showed symptomatic passive me-
malacia understand the disease severity spectrum and dial prolapse of supraglottic structures and laryngeal ob-
appreciate that not all laryngomalacia is a benign, self- struction. This study suggests that there are conceptual
limited process. Some infants require feeding and reflux parallels to the effects of vagal denervation and laryngeal
management intervention, and others may require surgi- tone in the etiology of laryngeal obstruction and congeni-
cal intervention. Why some infants have mild symptoms tal laryngomalacia.
and others develop life-threatening complications is Sensorimotor integration of peripheral sensory affer-
poorly understood. ent reflexes, brainstem function, and the motor efferent

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Fig. 1. (A) Neurologic pathway of intact laryngeal adductor reflex. (B) Neurologic pathway of altered laryngeal adductor reflex (LAR). SLN ⫽
superior laryngeal nerve.

response are responsible for laryngeal function and tone. implicated in causing dysfunction of the sensory afferent
This is a vagal nerve-mediated reflex known as the laryn- limb of the LAR. An LPST of 6.3 mm Hg in infants and
geal adductor reflex (LAR). The LAR is activated by sen- toddlers and 5.8 mm Hg in adults is seen in patients with
sory stimulation of the mechanoreceptors and chemore- GERD and LPR. The acid alters laryngeal sensation,
ceptors of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) located in thereby changing the air pulse intensity required to acti-
the region of the aryepiglottic fold.55,56 As seen in Figure 1, vate the sensory afferent reflex.61,65,66,71–73 The clinical
stimulation of these receptors sends sensory afferent result of altered laryngeal sensation in infants and tod-
information by the SLN to brainstem nuclei that regulate dlers is coughing, choking, and discoordinate swallow-
respiration and swallowing. Information is then inte- ing.71 These are common symptoms in patients with la-
grated between the nucleus tractus solitarius and nucleus ryngomalacia and GERD. LPST decreases (3.5 mm Hg in
ambiguus. From here, an involuntary efferent response by infants/toddlers, 3.8 mm Hg in adults) after antireflux
way of the vagus nerve results in a motor response of treatment. This finding shows that acid reflux treatment
adduction of the vocal folds and a swallow.55,57–59 This improves laryngeal sensation. The clinical outcome is im-
efferent vagal response is also responsible for laryngeal proved swallow function.71,72 The resultant sensory abnor-
tone. Dysfunction anywhere along the afferent, brain- malities may explain why infants with laryngomalacia
stem, or efferent pathway of the LAR can result in altered and GERD develop coughing, choking, and swallowing
laryngeal function and tone. In laryngomalacia, it is plau- problems.
sible that the laryngeal sensorimotor integrative function Infant apnea occurs because of underdeveloped cen-
between the brainstem and the peripheral afferent and tral mechanisms that control breathing. An elevated
efferent reflexes of the LAR is altered and may have a role LPST (6.3 mm Hg) is also seen in premature infants with
in the etiology and causation of the signs and symptoms of apnea,67 some of whom have GERD, suggesting a combi-
the disease, namely weak laryngeal tone, apnea, and swal- nation of a peripheral afferent sensory and central brain-
lowing problems (Fig. 1). stem abnormality that may contribute to airway tone.
Sensorimotor integrative function of the larynx and
the LAR can be tested by laryngopharyngeal sensory test-
ing (LPST). This is done by applying a duration- (50 ms)
and intensity- (2.5–10 mm Hg) controlled air pulse to the Experimental Evaluation of Laryngomalacia
aryepiglottic fold and observing a response of glottic closure Disease Etiology
and swallow.60 – 67 Normative LPST data for an adult are Circumstantial clinical and experimental evidence sug-
between 2 to 4 mm Hg, with an average of 2.3 mm Hg.68,69 gest that alteration anywhere along the pathway of the LAR
Normative data are not available for infants and children; results in weak laryngeal tone and compromised function. It
however, infants without neurologic disease or develop- is possible that alteration of the sensorimotor integrative
mental delay who were evaluated for airway obstruction function of the larynx causes the signs, symptoms, and clin-
have an average LPST of 4.3 mm Hg.67 An elevated LPST ical examination findings of laryngomalacia. This may ex-
of greater than 5 mm Hg indicates that there is an abnor- plain why some infants with a “laryngomalacia”-appearing
mality or pathology somewhere along the pathway of the larynx have symptoms and others do not. The degree of
LAR. An elevated LPST of greater than 6 mm Hg in alteration may result in a broader spectrum of symptoms
children or adults suggest that CNS and brainstem pa- and may explain why there is variation in disease symp-
thology may be involved.62,63,65,69,70 tom presentation. The primary goal of this study was to
Comparison of LPST data is available in infants and elucidate the etiology of decreased laryngeal tone seen in
toddlers with reflux disease and infants with apnea.65,66,71 laryngomalacia by evaluating the sensorimotor integra-
GERD and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) have been tive function of the larynx assessed by LPST.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Evaluation of Disease Spectrum Presentation of 2.5 mm Hg, the intensity of the air pulse was increased in 0.5
and Clinical Course mm Hg increments to a maximum of 10.0 mm Hg. A positive LAR
The reason for the broad spectrum of symptoms and response was determined by observing vocal cord closure and a
disease presentation is poorly understood. Through eval- swallow response. The intensity level in mm Hg required to
induce the LAR was recorded.
uation of demographic characteristics, symptom severity,
The infants were followed prospectively every 8 to 12 weeks
the presence of medical comorbidities, and correlation of until symptom resolution or loss to follow-up. At each follow-up
LPST threshold data, the secondary goal of this study was visit, parents were queried whether presenting symptoms were
to determine why this spectrum exists. The influences of the same, worse, or better or whether there were any new or
the medical and surgical interventions that reflect the additional symptom developments. Changes, improvement, and
practice of the author and colleagues are also evaluated. resolution of symptoms were documented at each visit. Infants
who had LPST testing were retested at follow-up intervals to
determine whether there was any change in the threshold to
Between June 1998 and June 2003, evaluative data were The treatment and management strategies reflected the
collected in a combination of prospective and retrospective fash- clinical practice of the author and colleagues. These included
ions from 223 patients with congenital laryngomalacia evaluated antireflux therapy or surgical interventions. In a nonrandomized
by the author and colleagues at two tertiary care pediatric refer- fashion, antireflux therapy was initiated at the discretion of the
ral centers. Institutional review board approval was obtained at author or another care provider on the basis of clinical symptoms
both institutions. Infants were excluded if follow-up was less than and findings. This included the use of proton pump inhibitor (PPI)
3 months, as were those infants diagnosed with laryngomalacia therapy (omeprazole 1 mg/kg/day) or histamine-2 receptor antag-
after 3 years of age, and those with conditions that mimic laryn- onist (H2RA) therapy (ranitidine 3 mg/kg/dose, 3 times a day).
gomalacia, such as a type I laryngeal cleft. Demographic data and Parents were queried whether they noted overall improvement in
presenting clinical symptoms were documented at the time of the symptoms after reflux treatment. Fundoplication was reserved
initial interview and before group assignment. Before confirming for severe or refractory cases of reflux disease thought to be
the diagnosis of laryngomalacia by flexible laryngoscopy, infants contributing to airway or feeding complications. Changes or dis-
were divided into three clinical groups. Group assignment was continuance of antireflux therapies were recorded at each visit.
determined by disease severity at the time of the first presenta- Infants with life-threatening complications required sur-
tion to a physician (primary care physician n ⫽ 173; otolaryngol- gery as determined by the author or colleagues of the author.
ogist n ⫽ 28) for any symptom related to laryngomalacia. Group Indications for surgery included failure to thrive, weight loss,
1 infants, with mild disease, included those who presented with apnea, cyanosis, pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale, severe
inconsequential inspiratory stridor with or without coughing respiratory distress, pectus excavatum, hypoxia/hypercarbia, and
symptoms during feeding. Group 2 infants, with moderate dis- failed medical intervention. Supraglottoplasty (and revision su-
ease, included infants with inspiratory stridor and the addition of praglottoplasty if needed) was performed under spontaneous
any of the following symptoms: difficult to feed with or without breathing anesthesia with an operating microscope through a
weight loss but no failure to thrive, coughing, and choking during Benjamin-Lindholm suspension laryngoscope without an endo-
feeding with air gasping events, frequent regurgitation, inconse- tracheal tube. The supraglottoplasty was performed using micro-
quential cyanosis, inconsequential brief apneic episodes, and in- laryngeal instruments. Areas addressed were determined by the
consequential intermittent dyspnea with retractions that did not operating surgeon and recorded at the time of surgery. Standard
require medical intervention. Group 3 infants, with severe dis- pediatric tracheotomy techniques were used in those who re-
ease, included infants with inspiratory stridor and life- quired tracheotomy. All medical records were retrospectively re-
threatening complications that include any of the following: fail- viewed for diagnostic test of GERD and medical comorbidities of
ure to thrive, cyanosis requiring medical intervention, dyspnea neurologic disease, congenital cardiac disease, and genetic disor-
with retractions requiring medical intervention, pectus excava- ders or syndromes.
tum, life-threatening apneic episodes, hypoxia, pulmonary hyper-
tension, or cor pulmonale.
After group assignment, the diagnosis was confirmed by Statistical Analysis
flexible laryngoscopy, and the laryngeal findings were recorded. Data parameters were summarized using standard descrip-
No sedation was given. With pulse oximetry monitoring, the tive statistics and by laryngomalacia disease severity group at
infant was positioned in the upright or semi-reclined position in the time of presentation. To determine whether there were
the lap of a caregiver with gentle restraint. Two percent viscous unique demographic or patient presentation characteristics or
lidocaine was applied to the outer surface of the scope before medical comorbidities that correlate with disease severity, com-
insertion in the nose. Flexible laryngoscopy was performed with parisons were made between those who presented with symptoms
either a 2.5 mm diameter flexible laryngoscope or a 4.0 mm of mild (group 1), moderate (group 2), and severe laryngomalacia
diameter scope with a channel for an air pulse delivery. (group 3). Comparisons of dichotomous or categorical parameters
To determine whether there was an alteration in the sen- between the groups were made using the chi-square test or Fish-
sorimotor function of the larynx, 134 patients, a subgroup of the er’s exact test, as appropriate. Comparisons of ordinal or contin-
laryngomalacia patient cohort, had LPST of the LAR with use of uously scaled parameters were made between the groups using
the 4.0 mm diameter flexible laryngoscope (FNL 10 AP Laryngo- the Kruskal-Wallis test or an F test from a one-way analysis of
scope, Pentax Precision Instruments Corp., Orangeburg, NY) variance model if the distribution was normally distributed.
that was equipped with an accessory channel and interfaced to a The cumulative incidence of resolution was calculated sep-
calibrated air pressure device for delivery of an air pulse (AP- arately for four major presenting symptoms. Calculations were
4000 Air Pulse Sensory Stimulator, Pentax, Golden, CO). A made using the Kaplan-Meier method to take into account vary-
duration- (50 ms) and intensity- (2.5–10 mm Hg) controlled air ing durations of follow-up. Duration of follow-up was calculated
pulse was delivered to the aryepiglottic fold to induce the from the date of symptom onset to the date of resolution or last
LAR.60,61,65,67,68 The tip of the laryngoscope was advanced to follow-up. Associations between laryngomalacia disease severity
within 2 to 3 mm of the aryepiglottic fold. Starting at an intensity group and time until resolution were made using the log-rank test.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Testing (LPST) Thresholds in Congenital Laryngomalacia.
Mean (SD) LPST, mm Hg

Time Mild (n ⫽ 66) Moderate (n ⫽ 50) Severe (n ⫽ 18) P Value*

Baseline 4.1 (1.2), n ⫽ 66 6.8 (1.6), n ⫽ 50 7.4 (2.5), n ⫽ 18 ⬍.001

1 month 4.2 (1.5), n ⫽ 54 6.2 (1.9), n ⫽ 45 6.5 (1.9), n ⫽ 11 ⬍.001
3 months 3.7 (1.1), n ⫽ 66 4.7 (1.6), n ⫽ 49 5.7 (2.3), n ⫽ 18 ⬍.001
6 months 3.4 (0.9), n ⫽ 65 3.9 (0.9), n ⫽ 47 4.4 (1.2), n ⫽ 16 ⬍.001
9 months 3.1 (0.6), n ⫽ 54 3.5 (0.8), n ⫽ 43 3.5 (0.9), n ⫽ 12 .14
P value for LPST ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001
change over time
*P values for mild disease versus moderate or severe disease.

All calculated P values were two-sided, and P values less cantly greater in those with moderate and severe disease,
than .05 were considered statistically significant. All statistical implying that maturation of the reflex occurs in all, but
analyses were performed using the SAS software package (SAS greater changes are required in those with moderate and
Institute, Cary, NC). severe disease. As seen in Table II, the mean LPST was
significantly higher (P ⬍ .001) among patients with
RESULTS GERD, both with (7.3 ⫾ 2.1 mm Hg) and without neuro-
Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Testing of logic disease (6.2 ⫾ 2.1 mm Hg) compared with patients
Laryngeal Adductor Reflex Results without either comorbidity (3.9 ⫾ 1.3 mm Hg), demon-
The median LPST threshold to induce the LAR at the strating that these comorbidities may affect the sensori-
time of diagnosis in the 134 infants tested was 5.3 mm Hg. motor function of the larynx in infants with laryngomala-
As seen in Table I and Figure 2, higher mean thresholds cia (Tables I and II) (Fig. 2).
(P ⬍ .001) were required to induce the LAR in children Patient demographic characteristics and dis-
with moderate (6.8 ⫾ 1.6 mm Hg) and severe disease ease severity. The demographic description of 201 infants
(7.4 ⫾ 1.6 mm Hg) when compared with those with mild who met the criteria is presented in Table III. At the time
disease (4.1 ⫾ 1.2 mm Hg), implying a greater alteration of the first presentation to a physician (86% to primary
in either the afferent, central, or efferent control of the care provider; 14% to an otolaryngologist) for the symp-
LAR in those with moderate and severe disease. toms of laryngomalacia, 39.8% had mild disease (group 1),
At 1, 3, and 6 months, those with moderate and 41.3% had moderate disease (group 2), and 18.9% had
severe disease continued to have significantly higher severe disease (group 3). Boy infants were more commonly
thresholds compared with those with mild disease, imply- affected than were girl infants, demonstrating a ratio of
ing a longer time duration of alteration in either the 1.4 to 1 that was not statistically different between the
afferent, central, or efferent limb of the LAR. It was not disease severity groups. This study showed that laryngo-
until 9 months that there was no difference in the LPST malacia was a disease of term infants with a mean gesta-
thresholds. tional age of 38 weeks that was not different between the
Over time, the LPST thresholds decreased in each groups and, thereby, not influenced by disease severity.
group (P ⬍ .001); however, the decreases were signifi- The type of delivery was not different between the groups,
with 71% born by vaginal delivery and 22.9% born by cesar-
ean section. The birth weight ranged from 800 to 5,450 g,
with a median of 3,270 g that likewise was not influenced by
disease severity. The median Apgar scores were significantly

Baseline Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Testing (LPST) Thresholds in
Those With Neurologic and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
(GERD) Comorbidities Compared With Those With No
Medical Comorbidity.
Baseline LPST
No. With (mm Hg),
Baseline LPST Mean (SD)

Neurologic disease and GERD 12 7.3 (2.1)

GERD comorbidity only 75 6.2 (2.0)
Fig. 2. Line plot graph showing decrease in laryngopharyngeal Neurologic disease only 1 3
sensory testing (LPST) threshold (mm Hg) means over time based No medical comorbidity 46 3.9 (1.3)
on disease severity.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Demographic Description of Infants With Congenital Laryngomalacia.
Total Mild Moderate Severe
Characteristic (n ⫽ 201) (n ⫽ 80) (n ⫽ 83) (n ⫽ 38) P Value*

Sex (%) .27

Boy 116 (58) 41 (51) 50 (60) 25 (66)
Girl 85 (42) 39 (49) 33 (40) 13 (34)
Race (%) .014†
White 154 (77) 57 (71) 72 (87) 25 (66)
Black 35 (17) 18 (22) 9 (11) 8 (21)
Asian 1 (1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (3)
Hispanic 7 (3) 3 (4) 1 (1) 3 (8)
Other 4 (2) 2 (3) 1 (1) 1 (3)
Gestational age (wk) .11‡
No. 198 79 82 37
Mean (SD) 38.0 (2.6) 38.5 (1.9) 37.9 (2.7) 37.1 (3.2)
Median 39 39 39 38
IQR 37, 40 37, 40 37, 40 36, 40
Range (26–42) (32–42) (26–42) (28–40)
Type of delivery (%) .23§
Vaginal 142 (71) 58 (72) 63 (76) 21 (55)
Cesarean 46 (23) 18 (22) 17 (20) 11 (29)
Unknown 13 (6) 4 (5) 3 (4) 6 (16)
Birth weight (g) .17
No. 188 79 75 34
Mean (SD) 3,227.7 (679.1) 3,341.3 (638.1) 3,177.0 (726.1) 3,075.8 (639.1)
Median 3,270 3,295 3,270 3,000
IQR 2,865, 3,738 3,000, 3,790 2,780, 3,780 2,730, 3,636
Range (800–5,450) (1,650–5,450) (800–4,545) (1,720–4,090)
1 minute Apgar score (1–10) ⬍.001储
No. 183 79 75 29
Mean (SD) 7.3 (1.4) 7.6 (1.1) 7.3 (1.3) 6.1 (1.9)
Median 8 8 8 6
IQR 6, 8 7, 8 6, 8 5, 7
Range (1–9) (5–9) (3–9) (1–9)
5 minute Apgar score (1–10) .005§
No. 183 79 75 29
Mean (SD) 8.4 (1.2) 8.7 (0.9) 8.4 (1.4) 7.8 (1.4)
Median 9 9 9 8
IQR 8, 9 8, 9 8, 9 7, 9
Range (1–10) (6–10) (1–10) (3–10)
Age at onset (%) .063
Birth 151 (75) 64 (80) 55 (66) 32 (84)
1–7 days 19 (9) 7 (9) 12 (15) 0 (0)
8–14 days 11 (5) 3 (4) 5 (6) 3 (8)
2 weeks⫹ 20 (10) 6 (7) 11 (13) 3 (8)
Age at presentation to health care provider (days) .34
Mean (SD) 67.3 (63.6) 63.1 (63.4) 61.7 (51.9) 88.5 (82.0)
Median 49 47 47 72.5
IQR 27, 89 18.5, 84.5 32, 73 14, 145
Range (0–344) (0–344) (2–284) (0–307.0)

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Total Mild Moderate Severe
Characteristic (n ⫽ 201) (n ⫽ 80) (n ⫽ 83) (n ⫽ 38) P Value*

Age at diagnosis (days) ⬍.001储

Mean (SD) 102.8 (121.5) 81.3 (71.6) 83.1 (59.9) 191.0 (225.8)
Median 72 64.5 70 147
IQR 40, 125 32.5, 114 47, 91 70, 242
Range (2–1173) (2–385) (9–298) (2–173)
*P value based on chi-square test for comparing nominal variables or based on Kruskal-Wallis test for comparing ordinal or continuously scaled variables
between three groups.
†Upon collapsing race into white versus all others, race was significantly different between the three groups (P ⫽ .014). Evaluation of pair-wise comparisons
identified that patients with moderate disease were more likely to be white compared with patients with mild disease (P ⫽ .015) or severe disease (P ⫽ .007).
‡Patients with an unknown type of delivery were ignored in statistical comparison.
§Apgar scores were significantly different between three groups. Evaluation of pair-wise comparisons identified that patients with severe disease had
significantly lower Apgar scores than patients with either mild disease (P ⬍ .001for 1 min, P ⫽ .001 for 5 min) or with moderate disease (P ⫽ .001 for 1 min, P ⫽
.012 for 5 min).
储Although age on onset and presentation were not significantly different between three groups, age at diagnosis was significant. In particular, patients with
severe disease were diagnosed at a significantly later age than were patients with either mild (P ⬍ .001) or moderate (P ⫽ .001) disease.
IQR ⫽ interquartile range, 25th and 75th percentiles.

lower in those with severe disease when compared with severity groups. When medical records were queried,
those with mild disease or with moderate disease. 65.7% of the infants had a physician-recorded or -reported
Seventy-five percent had stridor present at birth, medical diagnosis of GERD. The proportion of those with
15% within the first 2 weeks of life and 10% after 2 weeks. GERD was higher in infants with moderate (93%) and
The median age at first evaluation by a physician for a severe disease (84%) when compared with those with mild
laryngomalacia-associated symptom was 49 days and was disease (P ⬍ .001), but it was not different in those with
not significantly different between the groups; however, moderate compared with those with severe disease. Neu-
the age at diagnosis was. The median age at time of diagno- rologic disease was present in 13.9% of the infants and
sis for patients with severe disease was 147 days, showing was more commonly seen in those with severe disease
that they were diagnosed at a significantly later age than (34%) when compared with those with mild (8%, P ⬍ .001)
were patients with mild or moderate disease (Table III). or moderate disease (11%, P ⫽ .004). Congenital heart
Symptom presentation and progression and dis- disease was present in 10.4% and was more commonly
ease severity. Stridor was the most common symptom of seen in those with severe disease (34%) when compared
congenital laryngomalacia and was present in 100% of the with those with mild (1%, P ⬍ .001) or moderate disease
infants at the time of presentation to a physician and at (8%, P ⬍ .001). The proportion of those with a congenital
the time of diagnosis. Stridor and feeding problems were anomaly or genetic syndrome was highest in those with
common in all groups. After stridor, feeding symptoms of severe disease (40%) when compared with those with
coughing, choking, and regurgitation were most common mild disease (3%, P ⬍ .001) or moderate disease (12%,
and were seen in the majority of those with moderate and P ⫽ .001). Those with moderate laryngomalacia were
severe disease (P ⬍ .001). Seventy-one percent were de- also more likely to have an anomaly when compared
scribed as difficult to feed; however, the proportion was with those with mild disease (P ⫽ .032). In those who
significantly higher in those with moderate or severe dis- presented with mild (n ⫽ 2) or moderate disease (n ⫽
ease when compared with those with mild disease (P ⬍ 23) that progressed to severe disease requiring surgery,
.001). Table IV lists all symptoms present at the time of 60% had greater than two medical comorbidities
presentation from most common to least common. As an- (Table V).
ticipated, as based on group assignment, poor weight gain, Symptom resolution. Of the 201 patients, 83.6%
cyanosis, and apnea were more common in those with mod- had achieved complete resolution of all symptoms present
erate and severe disease. Pulmonary hypertension and cor at the time of presentation, and an additional 13.4% had
pulmonale were seen only in those with moderate and severe achieved partial resolution. Six (3.0%) patients had not
disease. yet achieved partial resolution of their symptoms at the
Of the 80 infants who presented with mild laryngo- time of their last follow-up; five of these had severe dis-
malacia, 30% (n ⫽ 24) progressed to moderate disease over ease at presentation. Calculations were made using the
a median of 61.5 (range, 17– 400) days, and 0.025% (n ⫽ 2) Kaplan-Meier method to take into account varying dura-
infants progressed to severe at 45 and 54 days. Of the 83 tions of follow-up. Among the patients presenting with
infants who had moderate laryngomalacia, 27% (n ⫽ 23) coughing and choking symptoms, patients with mild or
progressed to severe over a median of 55 (range, 7–210) moderate disease were more likely to achieve resolution
days. The median follow-up for all infants was 11.4 within 12 months of follow-up compared with patients
months (Table IV). with severe disease (P ⬍ .001). The cumulative incidence
Medical comorbidities and disease severity. of resolution of stridor, regurgitation, or failure to thrive/
Table V summarizes the medical comorbidities present at poor weight gain was not significantly different among the
time of diagnosis and comparisons between the disease three groups.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Symptoms of Congenital Laryngomalacia Present at Presentation and Diagnosis.
Total Mild Moderate Severe
Symptom (n ⫽ 201) (n ⫽ 80) (n ⫽ 83) (n ⫽ 38) P Value*

Chokes/coughs while eating (%) ⬍.001†

Yes 158 (80.2) 43 (55.1) 82 (100) 33 (89.2)
No 39 (19.8) 35 (44.9) 0 (0) 4 (10.8)
Unknown 4 2 1 1
Clinical regurgitation (%) ⬍.001‡
Yes 145 (73.2) 38 (47.5) 80 (97.6) 27 (75)
No 53 (26.8) 42 (52.5) 2 (2.4) 9 (25)
Unknown 3 0 1 2
Feeding difficulty (%) ⬍.001§
Yes 138 (71.5) 31 (39.7) 74 (93.7) 33 (91.7)
No 55 (28.5) 47 (60.3) 5 (6.3) 3 (8.3)
Unknown 8 2 4 2
Cyanotic spells (%) ⬍.001储
Yes 61 (30.5) 3 (3.8) 27 (32.9) 31 (81.6)
No 139 (69.5) 77 (96.3) 55 (67.1) 7 (18.4)
Unknown 1 0 1 0
Apnea (%) ⬍.001储
Yes 57 (28.5) 3 (3.8) 23 (28) 31 (81.6)
No 143 (71.5) 77 (96.3) 59 (72) 7 (18.4)
Unknown 1 0 1 0
Poor weight gain (%) ⬍.001储
Yes 53 (26.8) 2 (2.5) 18 (22) 33 (91.7)
No 145 (73.2) 78 (97.5) 64 (78) 3 (8.3)
Unknown 3 0 1 2
Pulmonary hypertension (%) ⬍.001¶
Yes 14 (7.1) 0 (0) 5 (6.1) 9 (24.3)
No 184 (92.9) 79 (100) 77 (93.9) 28 (75.7)
Unknown 3 1 1 1
Cor pulmonale (%) .005#
Yes 5 (2.5) 0 (0) 1 (1.2) 4 (10.8)
No 194 (97.5) 80 (100) 81 (98.8) 33 (89.2)
Unknown 2 0 1 1
*P value based on Fisher’s exact test for comparing nominal variables between groups.
†Proportion of patients with chokes/coughs while eating was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⬍ .001), mild
versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001), and moderate versus severe disease (P ⬍ .01).
‡Proportion of patients with clinical regurgitation was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⬍ .001), mild versus
severe disease (P ⬍ .01), and moderate versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001).
§Proportion of patients who were difficult to feed was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⬍ .001) and mild versus
severe disease (P ⬍ .001) but not moderate versus severe disease (P ⫽ .70).
储Proportion of patients with each of these symptoms was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⬍ .001), mild versus
severe disease (P ⬍ .001), and moderate versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001).
¶Proportion of patients with pulmonary hypertension was significantly different between patients with mild versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001) and moderate
versus vs. severe disease (P ⫽ .011) but not mild versus moderate disease (P ⫽ .06).
#Proportion of patients with cor pulmonale was significantly different between patients with mild versus severe disease (P ⫽ .009) and moderate versus
severe disease (P ⫽ .032) but not mild versus moderate disease (P ⫽ 1.00).

Medical and Surgical Interventions and firmation of GERD. Esophageal pH monitoring was posi-
Their Outcomes tive in 100% of those tested. Contrast esophagram was
GERD and reflux treatment. GERD was tested for positive in 80%, and esophagoscopy with biopsy was pos-
in 169 patients, and 80% (n ⫽ 141) of those tested had a itive in 48.8% of those tested by each modality.
positive test. This is higher than the 65.7% physician- Of the 201 patients, 157 (78.1%) received GERD
recorded diagnosis of GERD. Of the 141 patients with test treatment on the basis of symptoms. All those who did not
positive for GERD, 89.4% were diagnosed by contrast receive therapy had mild disease. The median duration of
esophagram with reflux, 42.6% by pH-metry, and 14.2% pharmacotherapy treatment was 7.3 months; longer
by esophageal endoscopy with biopsy and histologic con- treatment courses were required in those with moderate

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Medical Comorbidities Present at Diagnosis of Congenital Laryngomalacia.
Total, Mild, Moderate, Severe,
Comorbidity n ⫽ 201 (%) n ⫽ 80 (%) n ⫽ 83 (%) n ⫽ 38 (%) P Value*

Gastroesophageal reflux disease 132 (65.7) 23 (29) 77 (93) 32 (84) ⬍.001†

Neurologic disease 28 (13.9) 6 (8) 9 (11) 13 (34) ⬍.001‡
Congenital heart disease 21 (10.4) 1 (1) 7 (8) 13 (34) ⬍.001§
Any cardiac surgery 5 (2.5) 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (8)
Any genetic syndrome 27 (13.4) 2 (3) 10 (12) 15 (40) ⬍.001储
Down syndrome 7 (3.5) 0 (0) 4 (5) 3 (8)
Other 20 (10.0) 2 (2) 6 (7) 12 (32)
*P value based on Fisher’s exact test for comparing nominal variables between the groups.
†Proportion of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⬍ .001) and
mild versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001) but not moderate versus severe disease (P ⫽ .19).
‡Proportion of patients with any neurologic disease was significantly different between patients with mild versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001) and moderate
versus severe disease (P ⫽ .004) but not mild versus moderate (P ⫽ .59).
§Proportion of patients with any cardiac disease (or specifically congenital cardiac disease) was significantly different between patients with mild versus
severe disease (P ⬍ .001) and moderate versus severe disease (P ⬍ .001) but not mild versus moderate (P ⫽ .064).
储Proportion of patients with any genetic syndrome was significantly different between patients with mild versus moderate disease (P ⫽ .032), mild versus
severe disease (P ⬍ .001), and moderate versus severe disease (P ⫽ .001).

disease (P ⫽ .025). Within 2 weeks of initiation of therapy, The overall complication rate after supraglottoplasty
parents perceived that coughing and choking symptoms was low, with the more frequent complications being tran-
improved in 59.9%, and regurgitation symptoms improved sient dysphagia (11%) and aspiration (14%). At the time of
in 54.1%. This initial improvement was noted significantly last follow-up, in those who had a primary supraglotto-
more often among patients with mild disease compared plasty as the only surgical intervention, 81% had complete
with those with moderate or severe (P ⬍ .001). After 3 resolution of stridor, 71% had complete resolution of cough
months of reflux therapy, parents perceived that coughing and choking symptoms, and 43% had resolution of regur-
and choking symptoms improved in 72.4% in all patients, gitation symptoms. Among the 57 patients who had a
and regurgitation improved in 62.2% but was noted to be supraglottoplasty as the initial surgical procedure, 11
significantly more improved in patients with mild disease (19%) patients required another procedure within a me-
when compared with those with moderate and severe (P ⬍ dian of 39 (range, 5–242) days. Six had a second supra-
.001) disease. After 6 months of therapy, parents per- glottoplasty with success, two had a second supraglotto-
ceived that coughing and choking symptoms were im- plasty followed by a tracheotomy, and three required a
proved in 88.7% of patients, and regurgitation improved in tracheotomy. Of the five who ultimately required trache-
69.3% but was noted to be significantly more improved in otomy, all had GERD and a neurologic diagnosis, and
patients with mild and severe disease when compared three had a congenital anomaly or genetic disorder in
with those with moderate (P ⬍ .001) disease. addition.
Surgical intervention. Thirty-one percent of the A total of 10 patients required a tracheotomy, 5 as the
infants required airway surgical intervention regardless initial procedure and 5 as a salvage procedure. All had
of disease severity at the time of the first evaluation by a severe disease at the time of presentation and comorbidi-
physician. Of those who presented with less severe dis- ties of GERD and neurologic disease. Seven of the 10 had
ease, 2.5% with mild and 27.7% with moderate disease a congenital anomaly or genetic disorder.
went on to need surgical intervention. Of the patients with Retrospective review identified three deaths in this
severe disease, 97% required airway intervention. The patient group. One had a supraglottoplasty only, one had
single patient with severe disease who did not have air- a supraglottoplasty followed by tracheotomy, and one with
way surgery had improvement in airway and feeding Down syndrome had a primary tracheotomy. All three had
symptoms after Nissen fundoplication and gastrostomy congenital heart disease and died of nonrespiratory com-
tube placement. The most common indication for surgical plications. There were no deaths found in any patients
intervention regardless of status at initial presentation who presented with mild or moderate disease (Table VI).
was feeding difficulty with failure to thrive (82%) followed
by cyanosis (79%), apnea (77%), respiratory distress
(68%), and hypoxia (65%).
Of the 62 infants who required surgery, the primary Abnormal Sensorimotor Integration in Etiology
operation was a supraglottoplasty (92%) or tracheotomy of Laryngomalacia
(8%), and the median age at the time of surgery was 4.5 By demonstrating elevated LPST thresholds, this
months. Patient characteristics are summarized by the study shows that the sensorimotor integrative function of
type of primary surgery in Table VI. Five (8%) patients the larynx is altered, thereby providing a plausible expla-
had isolated laryngomalacia (all 5 presented with mild nation for the weak laryngeal tone seen in infants with
disease). The majority had GERD, and nearly half had two laryngomalacia. The initial LPST threshold was higher in
or more comorbidities. infants with moderate and severe disease, indicating that

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Summary of Patient and Surgical Characteristics by Type of Primary Operation for
Severe Laryngomalacia.
Total Supraglottoplasty Tracheotomy
(n ⫽ 62) (n ⫽ 57) (n ⫽ 5)

Mean age at time of surgery (days)

Mean (SD) 179.6 (203.8) 167.0 (162.8) 323.2 (483.9)
Median 128 136 114
IQR 78, 179 78, 179 89, 154
Range (9–1,187) (9–815) (72–1,187)
Patients with isolated laryngomalacia (%) 5 (8) 5 (9) 0
Patients with laryngomalacia and a 57 (92) 52 (91) 5 (100)
comorbidity* (%)
GERD (%) 53 (85) 48 (84) 5 (100)
Neurologic disease (%) 16 (26) 11 (19) 5 (100)
Cardiac disease (%) 19 (31) 18 (32) 1 (20)
Genetic disorder (%) 21 (34) 17 (30) 4 (80)
*Numbers exceed 100% because many patients had multiple comorbidities. Among the 57 patients who had
primary supraglottoplasty, 27 (47%) had comorbidities from two or more of categories. All five of patients who had
primary tracheotomy had comorbidities from two or more categories.
IQR ⫽ interquartile range, 25th and 75th percentiles; GERD ⫽ gastroesophageal reflux disease.

the degree of alteration sensorimotor integrative function with GERD compared with those without, providing the
of the larynx predisposes the infant to more severe symp- most compelling explanation for altered laryngeal sensa-
toms. These data indicate why there is a broad spectrum tion. Although the association of GERD and laryngomala-
of disease presentation. When compared with infants with cia is well accepted, the mechanism of how GERD poten-
mild disease, those with moderate and severe disease also tiates the signs and symptoms of laryngomalacia has been
had higher LPST thresholds over a longer time period, poorly understood. In combining the LPST data and what
implying that their laryngeal reflexes take longer to ma- is known about GERD effects on the larynx, a plausible
ture. These data indicate a broad spectrum of disease explanation is that acid exposure causes excessive local-
presentation and provide a reason as to why infants with ized laryngeal tissue edema, particularly in the supra-
more severe disease may have symptoms for a longer arytenoid mucosa and aryepiglottic fold regions. The ex-
period of time. This maturational effect is conceptually cessive edematous tissue prolapses into the airway during
similar to the report of reversal and resolution of inspiration and leads to airway obstruction, a diagnostic
laryngomalacia-like symptoms and findings seen after re- finding in laryngomalacia. Airway obstruction increases
moval of CNS sedation in infants.50 negative intrathoracic pressure, which promotes more
Even though it took longer for the LPST thresholds to acid reflux into the larynx, thereby creating a vicious cycle
decrease in those with moderate and severe disease, at of laryngeal tissue edema. Prolonged laryngeal acid expo-
more than 9 months, all had similar LPST thresholds. The sure causes altered sensation and a functional denerva-
decrease in LPST thresholds paralleled improvement and tion of the larynx. The resultant functional denervation
resolution of the symptoms of the disease. This implies blunts the afferent reflexes, thereby making it harder for
that maturation of the reflexes occurs in all but at differ- an infant to sense that secretions are present and thus to
ent rates, which may play a role the severity and ulti- initiate a swallow for clearance. The resultant pooling of
mately the disease course of laryngomalacia symptoms. secretions further blocks the airway and leads to coughing
The concept that sensorimotor alteration improves as and choking symptoms and swallowing difficulty; these
symptoms improve in infants with laryngomalacia is sim- are all symptoms seen in those with moderate and severe
ilar to that in adults with acquired laryngomalacia after laryngomalacia, in whom the incidence of GERD was high
CNS insult in whom the length of time to recovery is in this study and others.11,14,18,27,31 The concept of an
dependent on the degree of the initial insult.51–54 anesthetic-like functional denervation of the larynx lead-
Although this study does not determine the specific ing to a broader spectrum of symptoms and signs of laryn-
cause or location of alteration of the sensorimotor integra- gomalacia is supported by previously published work that
tive function of the larynx in infants with laryngomalacia, demonstrated worsening stridor, airway edema, and ob-
this study and the literature support the notion that sen- struction after the application of lidocaine solution on the
sorimotor integrative function alterations occur at the larynx through a bronchoscope in infants with laryngoma-
brainstem and the peripheral sensory afferent and mo- lacia.74 That study also shows that lidocaine affected the
tor efferent reflexes. By demonstrating elevated LPST function and position of the arytenoids more than the
thresholds, this study indicates that peripheral afferent epiglottis. This is similar to our study in which the sensa-
function of laryngeal sensation is altered in infants with tion at the aryepiglottic fold regions was altered, and the
laryngomalacia. LPST thresholds were higher in infants degree of alteration correlated with disease severity.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
The impact of reflux treatment or surgical interven- Laryngomalacia: Demographics and
tion on laryngeal sensation could not be statistically eval- Disease Outcomes
uated because of limitations of study design. Possibilities This study provides the first full demographic de-
are therefore offered. GERD treatment may improve la- scription of congenital laryngomalacia. Similar to others,
ryngeal sensation, as demonstrated by other investiga- this study shows that laryngomalacia is a disease more
tors.71,72 However, even in the groups that received GERD commonly found in term infants11,83 and affects males
treatment, those with severe disease had longer periods of more than females.4,5,8,20,26,28,47,84 This study is compara-
elevated thresholds, further supporting a maturational ble, showing that neither gestational age nor birth
effect in addition to the possible role of acid on laryngeal weight11,28,83 influence disease severity. This is the first
sensation and integration of the LAR. Likewise, surgical study that statistically evaluated racial demographics.
removal of supraglottic edematous tissue may result in Laryngomalacia is more common and more severe in
improved laryngeal sensation by removal of the redun- white infants; however, the potential infant population
dant tissue that covers neurosensory receptors at the bias of the two institutions was not explored, and neither
aryepiglottic folds, thereby increasing the sensitivity of could the rates of health care seeking between the races be
the area to a stimulus and subsequently triggering the evaluated. The correlation of low postnatal Apgar scores,
LAR. stridor, and the development of compromised respiratory
The central and efferent motor response of laryngeal function is recognized85 but until now has not been exam-
function may also be altered as a result of a peripheral ined in infants with laryngomalacia. Both 1 and 5 minute
sensory afferent deficit. In laryngomalacia, functional de- Apgar scores were lower in those with severe laryngoma-
nervation of the larynx could lead to a down-graded neu- lacia compared with mild and moderate disease, which
ronal response of the sensory afferent information that is indicates and supports an underlying developmental de-
sent to the brainstem. This ultimately causes dysfunction lay86,87 as an influential factor in the disease etiology and
of sensorimotor integration of the LAR at the brainstem severity.
and efferent motor response. Peripheral sensory alter- Laryngomalacia is usually diagnosed within the first
ation also effects central control of breathing and modu- 4 months of life.4,11,19 The majority of the infants in this
lation of central neural transmitters and their influences study were diagnosed by 3.5 months of age, similar to the
on the efferent motor responses of airway patency75– 82 reported overall literature; however, this study found
and may influence laryngeal tone and position of the su- those with severe disease were diagnosed later, closer to 6
praglottic tissues, further potentiating airway obstruc- months of age. The specific factors that account for this
tion. This concept is supported by the study of Thomson late diagnosis were not evaluated. On the basis of the
and Turner,46 which demonstrated prolapse of supraglot- experience of the author and nonstatistical review of these
tic structures and laryngeal obstruction that mimicked infants, several reasons for this are postulated. Many
laryngomalacia after vagal denervation. infants with severe disease had complications from other
There are additional findings in this study in support medical comorbidities that required treatment that was
of an alteration of sensorimotor integration of the LAR prioritized over the airway issues, and the airway symp-
and laryngeal function at the central and brainstem level. toms were observed until a significant complication of
Neurologic disease was more common in infants with se- airway obstruction or hypoxia occurred. Some were mis-
vere laryngomalacia. LPST thresholds were higher in in- diagnosed with tracheomalacia and observed until other
fants with comorbidities of neurologic disease and GERD complications occurred. Others were misdiagnosed and
than in those with GERD only. In addition, those with treated for asthma, bronchiolitis, and reactive airway dis-
severe laryngomalacia had higher LPST thresholds than ease until a referral was made to the otolaryngologist.
did those with moderate disease despite having a similar
incidence of GERD and its potential affects on laryngeal Symptoms
sensation. This suggests that those with neurologic dis- In concordance with the existing literature, this
ease have further compromise in the sensorimotor inte- study shows that inspiratory stridor is the most common
grative function that influences laryngeal tone than what symptom of laryngomalacia.1,9,88 Birth was the most com-
GERD alone would cause. Low Apgar scores were more mon time of stridor onset, which is different from the 7 to
common in infants with severe disease. LPST thresholds 14 day onset reported in other studies with statistical
were higher in infants with low Apgar scores. Apgar evaluation.4,11,19,89 This study found that 75% had stri-
scores are a reflection of an underdeveloped CNS and dor at birth and 90% at 2 weeks of age, which is com-
developmental delay. This important finding provides parable with the nonstatistical descriptive reports in
more support of a central mechanism as part of the the literature.40,45– 47,83,90 –93
etiology and contribution to the spectrum of disease This study likewise agrees that feeding problems are
presentation. the second most common symptom.4,11,19,89 The most com-
One of the great enigmas about laryngomalacia is mon feeding symptoms of laryngomalacia were coughing,
why infants who do not have the symptoms of laryngoma- choking, and regurgitation. Coughing and choking occur
lacia may have the same visual appearance of the larynx in any condition of infant airway obstruction because of
as those with symptoms of laryngomalacia. Abnormal sen- the difficulty the infant has with coordinating the suck-
sorimotor integration in patients with laryngomalacia swallow breath sequence. Significant airway obstruction
demonstrates why the symptoms occur in some and not in causes air hunger during feeding, leading to aerophagia,
others. which causes gastric distension and stimulates gastric

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
vagal reflexes that lead to postprandial vomiting and re- apy for suppression of breakthrough nighttime acid
gurgitation of gastric contents, also a common symptom in events, as recommended in the adult reflux literature.95,96
those with moderate and severe laryngomalacia, particu- Neurologic disease is a well-acknowledged comorbid-
larly in those with documented GERD. ity in laryngomalacia. The high association of the two is
the primary reason why neurologic dysfunction had been
implicated in disease etiology. This study found that neu-
Medical Comorbidities rologic disease, although more common in those with se-
The existing literature that examines the influence vere disease, was present in all degrees of severity. The
of comorbidities on the symptoms of laryngomalacia is 34% incidence of neurologic disorders in infants who re-
mostly limited to series of infants with severe disease quired surgery in this study is similar to the higher inci-
and who required surgery, so overall comparisons are dence reports in the literature.20,84 Nearly all with a neu-
difficult. GERD and neurologic diseases are the most rologic disease also had GERD. Those with neurologic
commonly reported comorbidities. Similar to other stud- disease likely have poor esophageal motility that can fur-
ies,11,14,18,27,31 GERD was the most common comorbidity ther facilitate retrograde reflux. The same vagal efferent
and was present in 70% of patients. The presence of GERD response that is responsible for laryngeal tone is also
should be considered in all patients with laryngomalacia. responsible for the vagal efferent function of esophageal
There are two distinct reasons why GERD is more com- motility, so the two are likely interrelated and contribute
mon in infants with laryngomalacia. First, airway ob- to the findings in laryngomalacia and may partially ex-
struction generates large negative intrathoracic pressure plain why those with neurologic disease and GERD have
gradients from breathing against a fixed obstruction, more severe disease.
thereby promoting reflux of stomach contents into the The presence of genetic disorders and cardiac disease
esophagus and upper airway.94 Second, the same central has been under-explored in the existing laryngomalacia
and efferent vagal function that is responsible for laryn- literature. They were infrequent in infants with mild dis-
geal tone is responsible for lower esophageal sphincter ease and moderate disease, but, when present, these in-
tone and esophageal motility.94 Alteration in central and fants appear to progress in their symptoms to develop
efferent vagal function as demonstrated by elevated LPST moderate or severe disease. These comorbidities were
thresholds likely has a negative effect on esophageal mo- more common in those with severe disease who required
tility and lower esophageal tone, with the resultant out- surgical intervention. The 40% incidence of congenital
come of increased transient lower esophageal relaxation anomalies and genetic disorders found in surgical patients
events, reflux of acid, and poor motility of the esophagus in this study is higher than the reported literature.4,30,97
for clearance. Esophageal motility and lower esophageal Similar to the report of Denoyelle et al.,30 this study found
tone improve as vagal related reflexes mature, further that medical comorbidities negatively influenced supra-
supporting a maturational influence on the signs and glottoplasty outcomes. This study found a higher rate of
symptoms of laryngomalacia. Contrast esophagram was supraglottoplasty failures and tracheotomy placement
the most commonly used modality of diagnosis, showing and incomplete resolution of symptoms in those with med-
80% specificity, followed by pH-metry, which had 100% ical comorbidities compared with those with isolated la-
sensitivity for GERD. This study suggests that contrast ryngomalacia. In summary, the presence of medical co-
esophagram is a good initial study when correlated with morbidities does correlate with disease severity and are
clinical symptoms and examination. GERD treatment found more commonly in those with moderate and severe
should be initiated in all with laryngomalacia and any disease, and their presence influences the degree and pro-
feeding symptoms. There is a significant parental percep- gression of symptoms. Comorbidity should prompt careful
tion that symptoms improve with treatment, with most consideration of treatment recommendations but not pre-
noting worsening of the child’s behavior, symptoms, and clude consideration of supraglottoplasty as the first opera-
ease of feeding if reflux medication is forgotten or omitted. tion for severe disease. Those with multiple comorbidities
Parental perception also suggest that GERD treatment have worse outcomes, particularly after supraglottoplasty,
also shortens the time span in which an infant is afflicted and have a higher chance of needing a tracheotomy.
with the laryngomalacia symptoms compared with those
not treated, regardless of disease severity at presentation. Surgical Intervention for
Determining efficacy of the dose and type of therapy was Severe Laryngomalacia
not directly studied and would require a controlled, pro- Similar to other series in the literature, this study
spective study. On the basis of the experience of the au- shows that supraglottoplasty is a successful operation
thor and nonstatistical review of the infants presented in with a low complication rate and that tracheotomy is
this study, it is suggested that most GERD-related symp- generally reserved for those with multiple comorbidi-
toms in infants with laryngomalacia are improved with ties.30 A higher percentage of patients with laryngoma-
high-dose H2RA therapy (ranitidine 3 mg/kg, 3 times a lacia needed surgery in this study compared with oth-
day). PPI therapy should be considered for refractory ers.10,14,18 –20 Influencing factors of this inclination could
symptoms and breakthrough symptoms and for those who be the referral patterns to the two tertiary care facilities in
undergo surgical therapy for the immediate perioperative which these patients were seen. Another factor to consider
and postoperative period until complete healing has oc- is that during the course of the study, the author and
curred. Those with refractory symptoms may benefit from associates recognized the benefit of surgery on feeding
combined daytime PPI therapy and nighttime H2RA ther- problems. There were no long-term surgical complications

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
of supraglottoplasty in this series. Supraglottic stenosis, symptoms compared with those with mild disease had
although rare, is the most commonly reported severe or they not been treated.
long-term complication. There were none in this study, Up to 28% of infants required surgical intervention,
likely because of aggressive GERD treatment in the peri- most commonly for consequences of feeding problems.
operative and postoperative period. Of those who under- Half of these patients had GERD and an additional med-
went supraglottoplasty as the initial procedure, 19% re- ical comorbidity. Surgery was successful in this group,
quired a second procedure. Fifty-five percent had successful with no complications or need for a second procedure or
outcomes from a revision supraglottoplasty, and 45% ulti- tracheotomy. Because such a high percentage of those
mately required a tracheotomy, all of whom had multiple with moderate disease went on to have surgical interven-
medical comorbidities (⬎3), as previously discussed. tion, the next question is, should supraglottoplasty be
performed more frequently for those who are difficult to
feed but do not have life-threatening symptoms, thereby
Characteristics of Mild Laryngomalacia
intervening before feeding difficulty leads to failure to
Eighty percent of infants with mild disease had in-
thrive? Prospective studies comparing those with moder-
spiratory stridor present at birth, and nearly all developed
ate disease and feeding difficulty who receive GERD treat-
stridor by 2 weeks of life. Most infants had inconsequen-
ment or surgical therapy may show early benefits of sur-
tial stridor without complications or progression of symp-
gical therapy in relieving airway obstruction, thereby
toms because less than 8% have a nonreflux-related med-
improving GERD. Quality of life may be enhanced, and
ical comorbidity. Up to half of the patients developed a
parental anxiety may diminish.
feeding symptom and had GERD, in whom reflux medica-
The experimental data in this study showed elevated
tions were beneficial in improving the symptoms of cough-
LPST thresholds when compared with those with mild
ing, choking, and regurgitation. Infants who presented
disease. This suggests that GERD and LPR lead to a
with mild laryngomalacia and had more than two medical
functional denervation of the larynx that influences laryn-
comorbidities had progression of their symptoms to mod-
geal tone and integrative function. It is likely that GERD
erate or severe disease. On the basis of projected statistics,
and LPR cause more feeding problems and swallowing
those with mild disease will likely have resolution of all
problems because of difficulty in clearing secretions,
related symptoms by 12 months of age. Experimental ev-
which then creates a vicious cycle of laryngeal edema,
idence shows that the initial LPST was lower in those with
prolapse, and worsening airway obstruction. It may be
mild disease. These infants have fewer factors that influ-
that those with under-treated or inadequately treated
ence stimulation thresholds. They had a lower incidence of
GERD who have no other medical comorbidities are the
GERD, and few had neurologic comorbidities. Therefore, if
infants who go on to be at higher risk for needing surgical
LPST is a measure of laryngeal tone and integrative func-
tion, this suggests that it is minimally altered in those with
mild disease, which may limit the degree of airway obstruc-
Characteristics of Severe Laryngomalacia
tion and obstructive symptoms and their consequences.
Eighty-four percent of the infants with severe disease
had stridor onset at birth, and nearly all developed stridor
Characteristics of Moderate Laryngomalacia by 2 weeks of life. This group had earlier onset of stridor
Sixty-six percent of infants with moderate disease when compared with those with moderate disease, sug-
had stridor onset at birth, but more had stridor onset after gesting the influence of an additional CNS component
birth and after the 3 weeks of life when compared with that impacts symptom presentation and disease progres-
those with mild or severe disease. This finding suggests sion. This group had a higher incidence of neurologic dis-
that feeding problems, regurgitation, and resultant GERD ease and lower Apgar scores, suggesting developmental
and LPR impact symptom exacerbation and disease pro- delay compared with those with mild or moderate disease.
gression. Those with moderate disease had the highest Infants with severe disease were more likely to have all
percentage of feeding symptoms, particularly regurgita- four comorbidities evaluated in this study. This higher
tion. In addition, they were as difficult to feed as those incidence of medical comorbidities may lead to disease
were with severe disease. GERD was as common as in exacerbation or worsening of the degree of symptoms.
those with moderate and severe disease. Symptoms of Although the infants sought medical care around the
coughing and choking improved with GERD treatment, same time as those with mild and moderate disease, most
and those with moderate disease required longer treat- were not diagnosed until 6 months of age, suggesting that
ment courses than those with mild or severe disease. The the symptoms that were mistaken for other conditions
perception of regurgitation symptoms improved with such as reactive airway disease or that treatment of the
GERD therapy but less so when compared with those with other comorbidities took precedence.
similar symptoms and mild or severe disease. Multimo- Most infants benefited and had symptom resolution
dality treatment reflux therapy may be required more in after supraglottoplasty. Complications are rare. GERD
those with moderate disease and refractory symptoms. On treatment in addition to surgery resulted in improvement
the basis of projected statistics, those with moderate dis- and resolution of most feeding problems. Those with re-
ease will likely have resolution of all related symptoms by sidual feeding problems had refractory GERD and were
12 months of age. Because most infants with moderate still on medication at the time of last follow-up or required
disease were treated for GERD, it is unknown whether Nissen fundoplication. Those who required a tracheotomy
these infants would have experienced longer durations of as a primary or secondary operation were sicker and had

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
more comorbidities (⬎3), in particular, neurologic disease Sally Shott, and Glen Bratcher for patient referrals at
and genetic disorders. Those who died had severe disease Cincinnati Children’s Hospital; Amy Weaver, MS, for bio-
and cardiac disease, and all died from complications re- statics assistance at Mayo Clinic; Jamie Bartel at Mayo
lated to the underlying congenital heart disease and not Clinic for her work in preparing the paper; and Dr. Kerry
laryngomalacia. Olsen and Dr. Robin Cotton for years of mentorship and
The experimental data in this study showed elevated endorsement of this thesis.
LPST thresholds when compared with those with mild
and moderate disease. GERD was prevalent in those with
severe disease. GERD and LPR likely create the same BIBLIOGRAPHY
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74. Nielson DW, Ku PL, Egger M. Topical lidocaine exaggerates APPENDIX I
laryngomalacia during flexible bronchoscopy. Am J Respir The goals of Appendix I are to
Crit Care Med 2000;161:147–151.
75. Sang Q, Goyal RK. Swallowing reflex and brain stem neurons ● Provide a historic overview of congenital
activated by superior laryngeal nerve stimulation in the
mouse. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2001;280:
G191–G200. ● Provide a thorough review of the published
76. Broussard DL, Altschuler SM. Brainstem viscerotopic orga- literature
nization of afferents and efferents involved in the control of ● Provide demographic description
swallowing. Am J Med 2000;108(Suppl 4a):79S– 86S. ● Provide signs, symptoms, and complications
77. Kuypers HG. Corticobular connexions to the pons and lower
brain-stem in man: an anatomical study. Brain 1958;81: ● Discuss GERD and laryngomalacia
364 –388. ● Discuss comorbidities and their influence on dis-
78. Kuypers HG. An anatomical analysis of cortico-bulbar con- ease severity
nexions to the pons and lower brain stem in the cat. J Anat ● Discuss evolution of diagnosis and management
1958;92:198 –218.
79. Berkowitz RG, Sun QJ, Goodchild AK, Pilowsky PM. Seroto- ● Discuss evolution of surgical management for
nin inputs to laryngeal constrictor motoneurons in the rat. severe laryngomalacia and outcomes of surgical
Laryngoscope 2005;115:105–109. intervention
80. Sasaki CT, Jassin B, Kim YH, et al. Central facilitation of the ● Discuss the proposed theories of etiology and re-
glottic closure reflex in humans. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol
view of the literature that supports a new theory of
81. Sasaki CT, Ho S, Kim YH. Critical role of central facilitation etiology: abnormal sensorimotor integrative func-
in the glottic closure reflex. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol tion of the larynx
2001;110:401– 405.
82. Jean A. Brain stem control of swallowing: neuronal network
and cellular mechanisms. Physiol Rev 2001;81:929 –969. Historic Evolution of the Terminology of
83. McSwiney PF, Cavanagh NP, Languth P. Outcome in con- “Laryngomalacia”
genital stridor (laryngomalacia). Arch Dis Child 1977;52:
215–218. The term laryngomalacia was first coined in 1942 by
84. Reddy DK, Matt BH. Unilateral vs. bilateral supraglotto- Jackson and Jackson.A1 The first description of congenital
plasty for severe laryngomalacia in children. Arch Otolar- stridor that is historically consistent with laryngomalacia
yngol Head Neck Surg 2001;127:694 – 699. is found in an 1853 French textbook of pediatrics by
85. Issel EP, Eggers H, Plath C, et al. The apgar value of the
newborn and its prognostic value for the course of the
Barthez and Rilliet.A2 They describe an infant with in-
neonatal period. Zentralbl Gynakol 1976;98:1618 –1625. spiratory stridor at birth made worse by agitation and
86. Nelson KB, Ellenberg JH. Apgar scores as predictors of that resolved at age 10 months. These physicians sur-
chronic neurologic disability. Pediatrics 1981;68:36 – 44. mised that the symptoms were caused by compression of
87. Kamper J, Moller J. Long-term prognosis of infants with
the larynx from either the thymus or thyroid gland. In
idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome. Follow-up stud-
ies in infants surviving after the introduction of continuous 1883, LeesA3 was the first to report the “peculiar” shape of
positive airway pressure. Acta Paediatr Scand 1979;68: the larynx in a child with obstructed respiration. In 1897,
149 –154. Sutherland and LackA4 were the first to describe supra-
88. Zeitouni A, Manoukian J. Epiglottoplasty in the treatment of glottic collapse in infants with inspiratory stridor by ex-
laryngomalacia. J Otolaryngol 1993;22:29 –33.
89. Smith GJ, Cooper DM. Laryngomalacia and inspiratory ob- amining the larynges of 18 infants. They called the condi-
struction in later childhood. Arch Dis Child 1981;56: tion “congenital laryngeal stridor,” failing to recognize the
345–349. multiple other causes of stridor in infants. In a similar
90. Lees D. larynx from an infant with a peculiar form of ob- description of infants with inspiratory stridor and laryn-
structed respiration. Trans Pathol Soc Lond 1883;34:19.
91. Variot G. Un cas de respiration stridoreuse des nouveau-nes geal collapse, Thomson and TurnerA5 only added to the
avec autopsie. Soc Med Hop 1898;27:490 – 495. confusion by calling the condition “congenital stridor of
92. Iglauer S. Epiglottidectomy for the relief of congenital laryn- infants.” Jackson and Jackson’s stated that the term of
geal stridor. Laryngoscope 1922;32:56 –59. “laryngomalacia” was derived from the Greek word mala-
93. Hasslinger F. Diagnostik and therapie des stridor congeni-
tus. Z Hals Nasen Ohrenheilkd 1928;21:223–35.
cia, which translates to a morbid softening of an organ,
94. Rudolph CD, Mazur LJ, Liptak GS, et al. Guidelines for the larynx. This has remained the most commonly used
evaluation and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in and uniformly accepted term for this condition because of
infants and children: recommendations of the North Amer- its descriptive quality and differentiation from other
ican Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
causes of congenital stridor. “Exaggerated infantile lar-
[see comment]. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2001;32:
S1–S31. ynx,”A6 “inspiratory laryngeal collapse,”A7 and “hyper-
95. Khoury RM, Katz PO, Hammod R, Castell DO. Bedtime ra- spoudastric stridor”A8 are other poorly accepted contem-
nitidine does not eliminate the need for a second daily dose porary descriptive terms.
of omeprazole to suppress nocturnal gastric pH. Aliment
Pharmacol Ther 1999;13:675– 678.
96. Peghini PL, Katz PO, Castell DO. Ranitidine controls noctur-
nal gastric acid breakthrough on omeprazole: a controlled Incidence of Laryngomalacia
study in normal subjects. Gastroenterology 1998;115: Congenital laryngomalacia is the most frequent cause
1335–1339. of stridor in infants and children and the most common
97. Masters IB, Chang AB, Patterson L, et al. Series of laryngo-
malacia, tracheomalacia, and bronchomalacia disorders
congenital laryngeal anomaly. Large series of infants and
and their associations with other conditions in children. children with congenital laryngeal anomalies cite a 45% to
Pediatr Pulmonol 2002;34:189 –195. 75% reported incidence of laryngomalacia.A6,A9 –A13

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Demographics documentation of this well-established presentation of la-
A complete demographic description of infants with ryngomalacia has evolved over the past 165 years. The
congenital laryngomalacia does not exist. Demographic best early documentation of the typical symptoms of la-
characteristics are gleaned from case reports and series. ryngomalacia is found in the 1897 report of Sutherland
There is a reported male predominance,A9,A11,A14 –A19 with and Lack,A4 in which they describe 18 patients who had
an averaged reported 1.6 to 1 male to female ratio. The the condition at birth, associated with intermittent in-
importance of this is not known and likely insignificant. spiratory stridor that worsened with positional changes
Congenital laryngomalacia is thought to occur in and activity. Their initial description has been supported
term or near term birth infants. Most descriptions of ges- by many authors since.A1,A9,A24 As physicians became
tational age are vague and suggest that this is not a more aware of the condition, reports reflected a better
disease of prematurity but occasionally afflicts the prema- understanding of the broad spectrum of disease presenta-
ture infant.A20 Only one study evaluated gestational age, tion, its sequela, and the complications that can occur as a
reporting a mean age of 38.6 weeks in 79% of the infants
result of hypoxia and chronic airway obstruction.
in their cohort of 33 infants. Twenty-one percent of the
Stridor is by far the most common symptom of laryn-
infants in this cohort were premature, but the mean ges-
gomalacia. Anything that increases respiration, including
tational age was not reported. In this study, prematurity
crying, nursing, agitation, excitement, activity, or strug-
was not associated with laryngomalacia, but the trend
gling, also makes the stridor worse.A6,A7,A25,A26 Stridor is
presented suggests that if a larger patient population
were studied, there may have been a statistically signifi- increased by supination and head flexion and decreased
cant association of prematurity and disease severity.A21 by pronation and head extension.A6,A25–A27 Sleep is vari-
The only two studies of gestational age are also the only ably affected by laryngomalacia, with the observation of a
studies that evaluate birth weight in infants with laryn- decrease with quiet respiration and prone positioning and
gomalacia. McSwiney et al.A20 reported a mean birth an increase with a supine position.A6,A20 Upper respira-
weight of 3.4 kg in the 21 infants in their series. Giannoni tory tract infections exacerbate the existing symptoms of
et al.A21 reported a mean birth weight of 5.48 lb (2.5 kg). laryngomalacia and may prove fatal. This association was
Similar to gestational age, these authors did not find birth noted as early as in the 1883 report of Lees.A3 The stridor
weight to correlate with disease severity. The 1953 report of laryngomalacia has also been described as precipitated
of ApleyA14 showed that infants with congenital stridor by an upper respiratory tract infectionA14 in an infant who
had a significantly higher birth weight when compared had no prior history of stridor. Social factors such as
with nonstridulous infants. His series did not report a exposure to second hand smoke also worsen stridor.A21
mean birth weight, and neither did it separate those with Early reports are descriptive and note that stridor
laryngomalacia from those with other causes of congenital is present at birth or within a few days of
stridor. birth.A3–A5,A7,A14,A25,A28,A29 Later reports show that the
The current literature lacks any comment or report of other common time of onset is 2 weeks of age and that
Apgar scores in children with laryngomalacia. Reports that the majority of infants afflicted have stridor by 4
evaluate the method of delivery are brief, vague, and descrip- months of age.A6,A20,A23 More recent series with statis-
tive and show no specific trends or significance.A14,A20 Al- tical evaluation report means of 2.2 weeks,A15 14
though there are many reports that describe the age at days,A23 11.82 days,A21 and 7 days.A22 Giannoni et al.A21
onset of symptoms of laryngomalacia, only a few reports found that age of onset of symptoms was not influenced
determine the mean age at diagnosis of the condition. by gradations of GERD-associated laryngomalacia or
Three available series that have statistically evaluated disease severity.
this show a mean age at the time of diagnosis of 3.8 Without intervention, most reports agree that the
months,A15 3.2 months,A21 and 2.5 months.A22 There are
natural course history is for stridor to worsen during the
no reports that determine the mean age at which a parent
first 8 months of life, reach a plateau between 9 to 12
seeks care for the condition, and therefore the time be-
months, and then spontaneously begin to resolve, with
tween the initial presentation to a health care provider
most children being symptom free by 2 years of
and diagnosis is also unknown.
age.A4,A6,A9,A10,A26 The length of time until resolution,
however, is variable, with reports of stridor resolution
Signs, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Complications given to be as short as 2 to 3 monthsA27 and other reports
of Laryngomalacia of persistent stridor showing resolution from 4 to 12 years
Clinical presentation of laryngomalacia. The of age.A20,A23 Infants with persistent stridor tend to have
classic textbook presentation of laryngomalacia is inter- other medical comorbidities, most commonly neurologic
mittent inspiratory stridor that worsens with feeding, ex- disease.A20
citement, agitation, crying, or positioning in the supine Diagnosis of laryngomalacia. Although the symp-
position. The intensity, pitch, and character vary with the toms of laryngomalacia fascinated physicians of the mid
degree of obstruction.A7 Inspiratory stridor is often 19th century, LeesA3 was the first to describe laryngeal
present at birthA7 or within the perinatal period; however, examination findings in his 1883 presentation to the Lon-
it may be delayed by several months.A20 Symptoms peak don Pathological Society. He performed a laryngoscopic
at 6 to 8 months and usually resolve by 18 to 24 examination on an infant with “a peculiar form of ob-
months;A10 however, they may persist for years.A20,A23 The structed inspiration,” demonstrating the classic findings

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
we know today as congenital laryngomalacia. As he Sequela and complications of laryngomalacia.
described, Multiple reports recognize the link between upper air-
“The upper aperture of the larynx was in the form of a way obstruction from laryngomalacia and its sequela,
narrow median slit, extending from above downwards, with these leading to a broader spectrum of disease
the epiglottis being folded on itself, so that the posterior severity, symptom presentation, and complications. Most
surfaces of its lateral halves were almost in contact, and reported sequela and complications are respiratory.
the aryepiglottic folds close together and almost over- ApneaA22,A31,A37–A45 and cyanosisA31,A44,A46 –A48 are well-
lapping.” described complications in those with severe airway ob-
This infant died a month after the laryngoscopic ex- struction from laryngomalacia. Severe upper airway ob-
amination from complications of diphtheria. Lees con- struction may lead to use of accessory muscles of
firmed his clinical findings at the time of the postmortem respiration including the intercostal and abdominal
examination. From this examination, he was able to cre- musclesA3,A4 with xiphoid retractions and can in some
ate a remarkably accurate woodcut replication of the lar- cases lead to pectus excavatum. Pectus excavatum was
ynx, which is the first published visual representation of described as early as 1897 in the report of Sutherland and
the laryngeal findings of congenital laryngomalacia and Lack.A4 IglauerA25 reported performing an epiglottidec-
remained the only published visual for physicians to refer tomy for the relief of congenital laryngeal stridor in an
to for many years.A3 Improvement in methods, equipment, infant with a clinical description that matches pectus ex-
and skill in direct laryngoscopy facilitated examination, cavatum. Holinger and JohnsonA49 and AtkinsA50 pub-
description, and publication of the characteristics of the lished reports on the correlation between chronic upper
collapsing supraglottic tissues of the condition.A1,A7,A25 airway obstruction and pectus in children with laryngeal
The 1944 report of SchwartzA7 is the first with serial anomalies, some of whom had laryngomalacia. In 1984,
photographs demonstrating the collapse observed Lane et al.A51 were the first to publish information on the
laryngoscopically. reversal of pectus excavatum and cor pulmonale in a child
Although the diagnosis of laryngomalacia is sug- with severe laryngomalacia in whom they performed a
supraglottoplasty. Since this publication, the presence of
gested by its typical history, it is confirmed by direct
pectus or cor pulmonale has become an accepted criterion
examination of the larynx because other conditions may
for surgical intervention.A19,A31,A33,A42 Cor pulmonale can
mimic its clinical presentation. Introduction of flexible
develop by two different mechanisms. Chronic hypoxia
laryngoscopy has revolutionized the ability to examine
can lead to polycythemia and increased blood volume and
the larynx of an infant in an awake, dynamic state.
viscosity. Chronic hypercapnia can lead to increased pul-
Flexible laryngoscopy has allowed for precise descriptions
monary artery vascular resistance, which is known as
of the variants in the laryngeal anatomy. The distinct
pulmonary hypertension. If not recognized, cor pulmonale
clinical appearance includes six abnormalities that may
may prove fatal.A31,A52 McSwiney et al.A20 were the first to
be seen either alone or in combination. These include 1) a
report the increased risk of aspiration in children with
long, tubular, omega-shaped epiglottis that curls on itself;
laryngomalacia, particularly when the stridor is aggra-
2) prolapse of the cuneiform cartilages; 3) prolapse of the
vated by an upper respiratory tract infection. Polonovski
arytenoid cartilages; 4) an epiglottis that falls forward, et al.A17 verified this association in their report of four
obstructing the airway; 5) shortened aryepiglottic folds; or patients with pulmonary infections and upper respiratory
an 6) overly acute angle of the epiglottis at the laryngeal tract infections who eventually required aryepiglottic fold
inlet. These abnormalities result in airway occlusion and excision for treatment. The etiology of aspiration is not
thus the characteristic inspiratory stridor that is often described in these reports but is likely related to the in-
described.A30 –A33 Several reports agree that there are creased work of breathing and airway obstruction that leads
three predominant types of supraglottic collapse involving to a discoordinate suck-swallow breath sequence, thus alter-
a combination of the above-mentioned sites. Posterior- ing airway protection and resultant aspiration.A51
lateral involvement includes arytenoid prolapse and in- Feeding difficulty is another sequela of chronic air-
folding of the aryepiglottic folds. This presentation most way obstruction and tachypnea in some infants with la-
commonly has an associated “omega epiglottis.” Posterior ryngomalacia. Feeding difficulty is the second most com-
involvement includes prolapse of the arytenoid cartilage, monly reported symptom of laryngomalacia.A12,A35,A42
cuneiform cartilage, the supra-arytenoid mucosa, or a Signs of a feeding disorder in laryngomalacia include dys-
combination of all three. Anterior involvement is posterior phagia, aspiration, lack of oral continence, impaired oral
displacement of the epiglottis.A15,A34 –A36 Correlation of the motor skills, oxygen desaturation with feeding, and slow
anatomic features along with the associated stridor con- or laborious feeding.A14,A53 Feeding difficulty can lead to
firms the diagnosis. It is these anatomic orientations that poor nutritional status and weight loss and postprandial
provide for the mechanism for the sound of stridor. These vomiting because infants are unable to nurse or feed
anatomic considerations are also the elements that form comfortably.A7,A20,A35,A49,A51,A54 It can be so severe that it
the basis of the anatomic theory of the disease etiology. leads to failure to thrive, another commonly accepted cri-
The underlying etiologic factors that give rise to the po- terion for surgical intervention.A16,A31,A32,A36,A38,A42–A45
sitioning of the supraglottic tissue and its collapse into Even though feeding difficulty and dysphagia are
the glottic airway are unknown and poorly understood well-recognized symptoms of laryngomalacia, very little is
and are thereby challenges to the anatomic theory of reported about the pathophysiology. The etiology of feed-
disease etiology. ing problems is likely multifactorial. The correlation of

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
laryngomalacia and airway obstruction causing an incoor- series.A14,A15,A19,A43,A44 However, review of the Down syn-
dinated suck-swallow breath sequence and feeding diffi- drome literature shows that up to 50% of those who have
culty with inability to breast feed is well illustrated in the respiratory symptoms have laryngomalacia, and it is the
case report of Glass and Wolf.A54 There are several indirect most common airway anomaly seen during endoscopy of
associations and reports of infants with laryngomalacia, these children.A66 –A68
GERD, and feeding disorders, but the cause and effect Micrognathia and its two commonly associated ge-
relationships have not been described or substantiated in netic disorders, CHARGE association (choanal atresia,
the literature.A32,A55–A60 There are other reports of infants posterior coloboma, heart defect, choanal atresia, retarda-
with laryngomalacia and neuromuscular disease,A38,A61 tion, genital, and ear anomalies) and Pierre Robin Se-
with a postulated pathophysiologic mechanism of neuro- quence, also randomly appear in the laryngomalacia lit-
muscular weakness of the muscles of swallowing and air- erature, with incidence as high as 13% in one surgical
way patency. Feeding difficulty has also been described in series.A45 The cumulative laryngomalacia literature men-
children with laryngomalacia or “laryngeal stridor” and tions only a few cases with associated micrognathia, so the
brainstem dysfunction,A62,A63 with a postulated mecha- incidence of these genetic disorders in infants with laryngo-
nism of compression of the medulla at the level of the malacia is difficult to discern.A7,A14,A15,A65,A69,A70 Other syn-
nucleus tractus solitarius and nucleus ambiguus, the nu- dromes associated with laryngomalacia in which more
clei for swallowing and respiration. Reported outcomes of than one report appear in the literature include di
feeding problems are only known in those with failure to George syndrome,A69,A71 Larsen syndrome,A72–A75 and
thrive who require surgical intervention. Feeding diffi- arthrogryposis.A65,A76
culty improves and usually resolves after surgical inter- Congential heart disease can coexist withA14,A21 and
vention, in most cases, with the highest reported resolu- can exacerbate cyanosis, apnea, and stridor symptoms of
tion of 77%.A16,A17,A19,A35,A46 Those who have co-existing laryngomalacia. Cardiovascular disease is a reported co-
neurologic disease are more likely to have persistent feed- morbidity in 31% of infants with laryngomalacia in the
ing problems.A16 series of Reddy and Matt;A18 however, the specific type of
Symptoms of regurgitation during feeding in infants disease is not delineated. Masters et al.A65 report a 13.7%
with laryngomalacia include recurrent emesis, postpran- incidence of congenital heart disease in their series of
dial vomiting, coughing, and choking. The pathophysiol- infants with malactic airway disorders; however, the
ogy of regurgitation during feeding and its resultant con- specific incidence of those with laryngomalacia was not
sequence of vomiting, coughing, and choking in relation to differentiated from those with tracheomalacia or
laryngomalacia are not well described. However, in any bronchomalacia.
condition of airway obstruction, air hunger during feeding Outside of clinical presentation, no studies to date
can lead to aerophagia. Aerophagia causes gastric disten- establish whether medical comorbidities correlate with
sion and stimulates gastric vagal reflexes that lead to disease severity irrespective of the symptoms at presen-
postprandial vomiting of gastric contents. When the gas- tation. Most of what is known about the influence of co-
tric contents enter the hypopharynx and laryngeal inlet, a morbidities is limited to the surgical literature and is
reflexive cough follows to protect from aspiration into the reviewed in a surgical outcomes section of this thesis
tracheobronchial tree. appendix. Very little is known about the influence of med-
Medical comorbidities. Laryngomalacia affects ical comorbidities and disease outcomes in those with less
the full spectrum of infants from premature and term severe disease. Twenty percent of the 58 infants in the
infants, to healthy infants, to those with medical comor- study of Olney et al.A15 had severe neurologic compromise
bidities. GERD, the most commonly associated medical or multiple congenital anomalies. They found that those
comorbidity, will be reviewed in the next section of this with congenital anomalies had longer durations of symp-
thesis appendix. Neurologic disease is the second most toms and a longer time to symptom resolution compared
commonly reported medical comorbidity, with an inci- with those with isolated laryngomalacia. This finding is
dence of 8% to 50%.A14,A15,A18,A19,A36,A38,A43,A45,A64 Neuro- difficult to interpret because the time frame to resolution
logic conditions include hypotonia, developmental delay, was not statistically different between those with isolated
cerebral palsy, mental retardation, microcephaly, and disease and those with a medical comorbidity, and neither
quadriparesis.A14,A15,A19,A38,A61 The precise relationship of did this study evaluate the potential impact of GERD
co-existing neurologic conditions and laryngomalacia is treatment or surgical therapy on symptom duration and
poorly understood. However, it is this high incidence that resolution. Most surgical series suggest that comorbidities
suggests a cause and effect relation between the two that negatively influence supraglottoplasty success, and symp-
is the primary reason neurologic dysfunction is a proposed tom resolution occurs less frequently, particularly in those
theory of disease etiology. The literature contains insuffi- with underlying neurologic disease.A17,A36,A45
cient convincing experimental evidence to support this
hypothesis. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease,
Congenital anomalies and genetic disorders occur in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux,
infants with laryngomalacia, with an estimated incidence and Laryngomalacia
of 8% to 20%.A15,A65 Down syndrome appears to be the Gastroesophageal reflux is a common physiologic
most commonly reported associated genetic disorder. occurrence in neonates and infants. The classic symp-
Laryngomalacia publications mention a few isolated toms of pathologic GERD are emesis, dysphagia, belch-
cases of Down syndrome, usually one to two in each ing, choking, gagging, and failure to thriveA77 and are

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
well-recognized symptoms in some infants with laryn- criteria to determine a positive test in infants and children
gomalacia. The association of GERD and laryngomalacia are still evolving.A85 The sensitivity (31%– 86%), specific-
is well established, with an incidence range of 23% to ity (21%– 83%), and positive predictive value (80%– 82%)
100%.A15,A21,A35,A38,A43,A78,A79 The pathophysiology of of esophageal pH monitoring are superior to barium swal-
GERD in laryngomalacia is caused by the negative pres- low.A85 Several authors have used esophageal pH monitor-
sure generated in the intrathoracic esophagus during ob- ing as a method of determining pathologic GERD in infants
structed inspiration from supraglottic collapse. This neg- with laryngomalacia.A15,A21,A36,A38,A43,A59,A79,A92,A94 Re-
ative pressure acts as a vacuum, drawing the stomach view of these series indicates that all children have esoph-
contents into the esophagusA80 and overcoming the anti- ageal acid exposure, and most have laryngeal acid expo-
reflux barrier of the lower esophageal sphincter. Once the sure on a regular basis.
refluxate leaves the esophagus beyond the upper esopha- Esophageal endoscopy enables both visualization and
geal sphincter, it enters the hypopharynx and larynx and biopsy of the esophageal epithelium. Endoscopy and bi-
becomes LPR.A79,A81–A84 LPR occurs in laryngomalacia. opsy can determine the presence and severity of esophagi-
Frequent LPR events result in inflammation and edema of tis, which is the end-organ damage from chronic acid
the laryngeal tissues, potentially leading to airway exposure. A normal appearance of the esophagus during
compromise.A79,A82 GERD has been implicated as a caus- endoscopy does not preclude histopathologic esophagitis.
ative factor in laryngomalacia because of a high associa- Likewise, subtle mucosal changes of erythema and pallor
tion between the two,A21 but the mechanism is unknown. may be observed in the absence of histopathologic esoph-
It is plausible that the GERD- and LPR-induced edema- agitis. Because there is a poor correlation between endo-
tous changes of the larynx are partially or fully responsi- scopic appearance and histopathology, esophageal biopsy
ble for the prolapse of the supra-arytenoid into the glottic is recommended when diagnostic endoscopy is performed.
inlet, as seen in variants of laryngomalacia. The available pediatric data suggest that intraepithelial
There are a variety of tests used to evaluate and eosinophils or neutrophils as well as morphometric mea-
diagnose GERD in infants. Traditional testing modalities sures of basal cell layer thickness and papillary height
include a barium esophagram study, 24 hour esophageal are valid indicators of reflux esophagitisA85. It is sug-
pH monitoring (pH-metry), esophageal endoscopy with gested that esophageal endoscopy with biopsy is an
histologic evaluation of biopsies, and bronchoalveolar la- excellent means of establishing the diagnosis of patho-
vage for lipid-laden macrophages. There is no single “gold logic refluxA56,A78,A85 in infants and children. However, no
standard” test, nor is one single test always diagnostic in study to date has used biopsy data as the determinant of
infants, and thereby the clinical picture and testing mo- GERD in infants with laryngomalacia, and therefore its
dalities are combined to determine whether pathologic role in the evaluation of infants with laryngomalacia is yet
GERD occurs and whether it requires therapy.A85 Tests to to be determined.
evaluate and diagnose LPR are still evolving and include Bronchoalveolar lavage with quantification of lipid-
24 hour dual and triple probe pH-metryA79,A82,A86,A87 and laden macrophages is a nonspecific test for GERD. Its use
LPST.A83,A84 The detection of acid at a proximal pH sensor in the evaluation of GERD is based on the correlation of
located in the upper esophageal sphincter or esophageal increased lipid-laden macrophages in children with other
inlet is sensitive and specific for LPR.A81,A86,A88 LPST documented positive test for GERD compared with those
testing likewise shows a correlation with LPR.A83,A84 The without GERD.A95 Its role in otolaryngologic diseases and
technical aspects of LPST testing will be discussed in a laryngomalacia is adjunctive.
later section of this thesis. Similar to GERD, there is no In consideration of the high incidence of GERD and
single “gold standard” test for LPR to determine its sig- GERD-related symptoms in infants with laryngomala-
nificance, and thereby the clinical picture, laryngoscopic cia, it is intuitive to the otolaryngologist that antireflux
findings, and testing modalities are combined to deter- therapy is beneficial.A21,A79,A96 Multiple modalities of
mine the need for therapy.A82,A89 –A91 antireflux therapy for infants are used in those with
Barium esophagram is the oldest existing test of laryngomalacia and may include feeding modifications,
GERD. The test is helpful in the diagnosis of reflux; how- upright positioning, pharmacotherapy, and surgical
ever, its usefulness is limited. The presence of reflux dur- fundoplication.A15,A53,A78,A85,A92,A96 Whether antireflux
ing the limited short testing time suggests that GERD therapy influences the severity or duration of laryngoma-
occurs. It is unknown whether the refluxate is acidic or lacia and its symptoms is unknown. Three studies suggest
nonacidic and may result in false-positive results. The that laryngomalacia and its symptoms improve with an-
brief duration of the testing time may result in false- tireflux therapy. Modalities of therapy, disease endpoints
negative results. These factors make it difficult to de- to determine improvement, and statistical analysis are
termine whether the barium swallow alone has any lacking in these studiesA36,A78,A92,A96 and in the collective
positive predictive value of GERD in laryngomalacia. laryngomalacia literature.
Several authors have used the documentation of reflux
into the upper esophagus during barium swallow to Surgical Management of
determine the presence of GERD in infants with Severe Laryngomalacia
laryngomalacia.A15,A21,A36,A38,A43,A55,A92,A93 A common misconception about laryngomalacia is
Esophageal pH monitoring is a valid and reliable that it is rarely severe enough to warrant surgical inter-
measure of acid reflux. Although it is considered the “gold vention. In a primary care practice setting, it is believed
standard” in the determination of GERD in adults, the that approximately 5% of patients have serious enough

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Literature Summary of Percentage of Infants With Congenital Literature Summary of Incidence of GERD and Neurologic
Laryngomalacia Requiring Surgical Intervention. Disease in Infants Who Require Surgical Intervention for
Congenital Laryngomalacia.
No. Patients Requiring
Percentage Surgical Intervention Author GERD* (%) Neurologic Disease (%)
of Infants of Total Number
Requiring Diagnosed With Holinger and KoniorA35 23 Data not provided
Author Surgery Laryngomalacia PrescottA19 Data not provided 30
Roger et al.A36 11.6 115 of 985 Polonovski et al.A17 43.6 Data not provided
Garabedian et al.A58 11.6 115 of 985 Jani et al.A99 75
Olney et al.A15 15.5 9 of 58 McClurg and EvansA43 42 16
Milczuk and JohnsonA22 16 7 of 44 Kelly and GrayA44 44 Data not provided
PrescottA19 18 40 of 213 Roger et al.A36 68 8.8
Friedman et al.A13 22 — Loke et al.A46 6.4 Data not provided
Toynton et al.A16 28 14
Garabedian et al.A58 68 Data not provided
Olney et al.A15 13 8
sequelae to warrant intervention.A97 As seen in Table AI,
Reddy and MattA18 56 45
the percentages in an otolaryngology practice, particularly
Denoyelle et al.A45 Data not provided 20
in a tertiary care facility, range from 11.6% to 22% (Tables
AI and AII).A13,A15,A19,A22,A36,A58 *Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) determined by positive test,
Barium swallow, or pH-metry.
As seen in Table AII, those infants with congenital
laryngomalacia who require surgical intervention have a
reported onset of stridor that is similar to all patients with erate disease, residual stridor, or feeding difficulty who
laryngomalacia.A15,A17,A22,A98 The mean age at time of su- had resolution of the other complicating factors.A18
praglottoplasty ranges from 2.5 to 38.3 months, with the
Medical comorbidities occur in infants who require
most commonly reported age being approximately 3
surgical therapy. To date, there are no studies that sta-
months.A15,A17,A18,A22,A36,A43–A46,A98 Because the symptoms
tistically determine whether the incidence of medical co-
of laryngomalacia usually resolve by 24 months, the re- morbidities is higher in those who require surgery com-
port with the outlier mean ages of 27.1 months and 38.3 pared with those with less severe disease. In addition,
months is difficult to interpret. Review of this reportA18 medical comorbidities are defined differently by different
suggests that the age may be skewed because the authors authors and include GERD, neurologic disease, and ge-
operated on several patients over the age of 24 months, netic disorders. Because GERD and neurologic disease are
with the oldest being 18 years of age. In addition, the the most commonly reported comorbidities in those who
specific criteria for surgical intervention were not given, require surgery, the literature is summarized in Table AIII.
so it is difficult to know whether this series included those As shown in Table AIV, two surgical series have separated
with acquired laryngomalacia or older children with mod- those with isolated laryngomalacia from those with dis-
ease complicated laryngomalacia; however, the diseases
and comorbidities are defined differently in each study
TABLE AII. (Tables AIII and AIV).
Literature Summary of Surgical Patients: Age of Onset of Stridor Indications for surgical intervention are defined
and Age at Time of Supraglottoplasty. differently by authors and are based on severity of the
Age Mean Age disease and associated symptoms. The most commonly
of Onset of at Time of published indications for surgical intervention are life-
Author Stridor Supraglottoplasty (mo) threatening apnea, recurrent cyanosis, dyspnea with re-
Milczuk and JohnsonA22 Mean, 1 wk 2.5 tractions, feeding difficulties resulting in failure to thrive,
Median, 1 day hypoxia, cor pulmonale, and right heart failure. Of these
Denoyelle et al.A45 Not reported 3.6 indications, stridor with respiratory compromise is the most
Polonovski et al.A17 1 wk* 3.7 common indication followed by feeding difficulty and fail-
Olney et al.A15 2.2 wk 3.8 ure to thrive.A17,A19,A22,A31–A33,A35,A36,A42–A45,A58,A64,A98,A99
Roger et al.A36 Not reported 5.5
Loke et al.A46 Not reported 6.5
Kelly and GrayA48 Not reported 7.0 TABLE AIV.
Literature Summary of Infants Who Require Surgical Intervention
McClurg and EvansA43 Not reported 9.0 Who Have Isolated Laryngomalacia Compared With
Marcus et al.A98 Birth* 10.3 Disease-Complicated Laryngomalacia.
Reddy and MattA18 Not reported 27.1† Isolated Disease-Complicated
Reddy and MattA18 Not reported 38.2‡ Author Laryngomalacia (%) Laryngomalacia (%)

*Median or mean not reported. Denoyelle et al.A45 75 25

†Bilateral supraglottoplasty. Toynton et al.A16 53 47
‡Unilateral supraglottoplasty.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Surgical options are tracheotomy or suspension laryngos- Several names have been given to describe this procedure,
copy with microsurgical modification of the collapsing su- including laser laryngoplasty,A43 epiglottoplasty,A31 arye-
praglottic tissues to improve air passage into the trachea, piglottoplasty,A16,A99 and supraglottoplasty.A35 Supraglot-
known as “supraglottoplasty.” Tracheotomy was the gold toplasty is most appropriate because it encompasses any
standard for treatment of severe life-threatening laryngo- area of the supraglottic larynx that is modified to alleviate
malacia until the 1980s, when modern techniques of the flaccid obstructing supraglottic tissues.
supraglottoplasty were introduced.A31,A33,A35,A51,A64,A100 Supraglottoplasty techniques have evolved over the
Because of the excellent surgical outcomes and the sig- past 20 years. Before surgical intervention, flexible laryn-
nificant mortality and complications associated with goscopy of the larynx while the infant was awake facili-
tracheotomy,A101,A102 supraglottoplasty is the procedure tated judgment of the key flaccid areas of the larynx.
of choice, and tracheotomy is now reserved for supra- Surgical approaches are aimed at reducing the redundant
glottoplasty failures or when supraglottoplasty is not flaccid tissue to minimize the obstruction at the laryngeal
possible either because of significant medical comorbidi- inlet. General inhalational anesthesia is administered
ties or anatomic factors preventing adequate laryngo- through a mask, and spontaneous inhalational respiration
scopic exposure. anesthesia is maintained through a nasopharyngeal
tube.A31,A35 Spontaneous respiration optimizes visualiza-
Historic Evolution of Surgical Management tion of the larynx in its dynamic state, giving the surgeon
of Laryngomalacia an additional opportunity to judge which areas of the
The concept of endoscopic surgical correction of col- larynx to modify. The suction test described by Polonovski
lapsing supraglottic tissues has evolved over the past 107 et al.A17 may be a dependable guide for the amount and
years. In 1898, VariotA28 proposed that the condition could localization of tissue to be trimmed. This is accomplished
be treated by surgery after reviewing a postmortem exam- by placing a rigid laryngeal suction into the glottis and
ination of a tracheotomized child with laryngomalacia observing the areas of most prominent collapse. Before the
who died from accidental decannulation. He suggested in surgical procedure itself, a full endoscopy of the airway is
retrospect that division of the aryepiglottic folds could warranted to avoid overlooking a second airway lesion.
have treated the problem. In 1922, IglauerA25 pioneered Supraglottoplasty is performed with microscopic suspen-
the endoscopic surgical treatment of stridor by performing sion laryngoscopy. Variants of the procedure have evolved.
epiglottectomy with a nasal snare, achieving resolution of Aryepiglottic fold lengthening is achieved either by
a child’s stridor. In 1928, HasslingerA29 treated three aryepiglottic fold wedge resection or aryepiglottic fold di-
cases of laryngomalacia by dividing the aryepiglottic folds vision. Reduction of the prolapsing posterior glottic tissue
with excellent results. In 1944, SchwartzA7 achieved im- is achieved by removal of supra-arytenoid mucosa with or
provement of symptoms of laryngomalacia by removal of a without corniculate cartilage removal. Trimming of the
V-shaped wedge from the lateral boarders of the epiglottis. lateral edges of the epiglottis has also been described.
Laryngeal and epiglottic suspension techniques were These variants are performed alone or in combinations.
introduced in the early 1970s, with many modifications Ultimately, areas of tissue removal are determined by the
reported as recently as 2002.A70 Hyomandibulopexy was surgeon and are based on his or her assessment of the
introduced by NarcyA103 in 1970, but it was later aban- areas of most severe collapse and obstruction. Excision is
doned in 1976A104 because it was “not always successful.” conservative to avoid complications of stenosis. To mini-
In 1971, Cagnol et al.A105 performed a modified hyoman- mize chances of stenosis, some even advocate removal of
dibulopexy by suspending the hyoid to the mandible with tissue on one side only, known as “unilateral supraglotto-
a nylon suture. This technique was reported to relieve plasty.” If symptom resolution is not achieved with a uni-
stridor in children with pulmonary hypertension by pull- lateral procedure, a contralateral procedure can be per-
ing the hyoepiglottic ligament toward the mandible, re- formed at a later time.A18
sulting in elevation of the epiglottis and aryepiglottic folds The two technical methods of tissue division or re-
and thereby opening the supraglottic area. Fearon and moval are the use of conventional microlaryngeal instru-
EllisA106 reported decannulation of a child with severe ments, also known as “cold-knife” technique, or the use of
laryngomalacia after suturing the epiglottis to the tongue. the CO2 laser. Cold-knife techniques were used in the
In 1987, Solomons and PrescottA64 combined resection of earliest description of aryepiglottic fold resection by
the aryepiglottic folds with glossoepiglottopexy in 11 pa- HasslingerA108 in 1928. This technique using micro-
tients with severe laryngomalacia. otologic instruments was reintroduced by Lane et al.A51
The concept of endoscopic removal of prolapsing and Zalzal et al.A31 With the evolution of microlaryngeal
supraglottic tissue was reintroduced in 1984 by Lane et surgery over the past 25 years, otologic instruments are no
al.A51 They successfully treated a patient with severe longer needed because sophisticated microlaryngeal in-
laryngomalacia and pectus excavatum by removing the struments exist specifically for this type of surgery. Some
supra-arytenoid prolapsing tissue with otologic instru- surgeons believe that they get a better feel of the amount
ments and trimming the lateral edges of the epiglottis. of tissue to resect using microscissors as compared with
Stridor and feeding problems resolved immediately, and lasers.A99
the pectus reversed by 13 months. Since then, many CO2 laser division of the aryepiglottic folds was de-
authors have used and evaluated the efficacy of this tech- scribed by Seid et al.A33 in 1985. Since then, many authors
nique with excellent outcomes and minimal complicat- have popularized the laser excision technique.A18,A19,A43–A45
ions.A15,A16,A18,A19,A31,A33,A35,A42–A46,A53,A58,A64,A98,A99,A101,A107 Advocates of the CO2 laser state the advantages of ease of

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
use, surgical precision, and hemostasisA33,A36,A43,A45,A53 but TABLE AV.
warn that the excessive vaporization can create postoper- Literature Summary of Percentages of Successful
ative complications because of locally induced edema.A36 Supraglottoplasty Outcomes.
Theoretically, heat dissipated in the tissue from the laser Supraglottoplasty
may provide an environment to facilitate the complication Author Success (%)
of supraglottic stenosis, but there are no statistical com-
Marcus et al.A98 100
parisons to support this theory.
Reddy and MattA18* 95.7†
The patient is left extubated and observed in a mon-
Reddy and MattA18* 93.2‡
itored unit or intubated, usually for less than 24 hours.
The commonly reported average length of hospital stay is Kelly and GrayA44 94
2 days,A31 with reported mean ranges of 2 to 13 days. The Zalzal et al.A31 90§
average length of hospital stay of 13 days is longer in those 100储
with medical comorbidities compared with 5 days in those Solomons and PrescottA64 82
with isolated laryngomalacia.A16 Denoyelle et al.A45 79
Olney et al.A15 78
Complications of Supraglottoplasty Polonovski et al.A17 76.9
Surgical complications after supraglottoplasty occur McClurg and EvansA43 71
in less than 8% of cases.A45 Perioperative and immedi- Holinger and KoniorA35 ⬎70
ate postoperative complications are usually related to Loke et al.A46 68.7
the surgical site itself and include bleeding, infection, Roger et al.A36 53
sepsis, edema, respiratory distress, aspiration, and dys- Remacle et al.A96 38.1
phagia. Intermediate and long-term complications are
*Same 2001 publication by Reddy and Matt.
rare.A16,A20,A35,A99 Minor complications include granu- †Initial unilateral supraglottoplasty procedure, but reported success
loma, edema, or a small web. Major complications include percent includes revision and contralateral procedures performed at later
supraglottic stenosis, and death. Death after supraglotto- surgery.
‡Bilateral supraglottoplasty.
plasty is rare. Because of many confounding medical prob- §Initial supraglottoplasty.
lems and other determinants, it is difficult to discern 储Revision supraglottoplasty.
whether reported deaths are related to the surgical
procedure.A16,A43 The reported complication rate of supra-
glottic stenosis is 4%.A18,A45 Even though the risk is small, most common indications for supraglottoplasty, mostly
the complication can be devastating and difficult to repair. resolve after surgical intervention (Tables AV and AVI).
Stenosis occurs when opposing raw surfaces scar together. The determinants of supraglottoplasty failure, simi-
The presence of untreated GERD is considered to be a lar to success, are defined differently by different authors,
precipitating factor.A45 Unilateral supraglottoplasty pro- so a comparison of surgical series is difficult. Supraglot-
cedures have not been statistically proven to be of any toplasty failures are uncommon. Most infants only require
significant added benefit in avoiding supraglottic one procedure to achieve a successful outcome. If the ini-
stenosis.A18,A44 Most authors agree that conservative ex- tial procedure proves inadequate, revision is possible.A35
cision minimizes the likelihood of this complication. Revision supraglottoplasty occurs in a range of 4.4% to
50% of the time.A16,A18,A44 –A46 As seen in Table AVII, re-
vision procedures were more commonly required in those
Supraglottoplasty Outcomes series in which the initial operation was a unilateral su-
Understanding of supraglottoplasty outcomes and praglottoplasty. The study of Denoyelle et al.A45 evaluated
determining success is limited in retrospective studies in revision rates in those with medical comorbidities com-
which medical records are incomplete or length of pared with those with isolated laryngomalacia and found
follow-up is unknown. In general, most series show that no statistically significant difference. As seen in Table
supraglottoplasty is a successful operation, with resolu- AVIII, supraglottoplasty failures are uncommon, and the
tion of most symptoms as a direct result of the surgical
intervention.A15,A17,A18,A31,A35,A36,A43–A46,A64,A98 However,
it is unknown whether surgical intervention has an influ-
ence on the time to symptom resolution compared with
Stridor and Feeding Symptom Resolution After Supraglottoplasty.
those with less severe presentations of laryngomalacia
who do not require surgical intervention. As seen in Table Feeding
Author Stridor (%) Difficulty (%)
AV, the reported range of supraglottoplasty success is 38%
to 100%. The determinants of supraglottoplasty success Roger et al.A36 67 95
are defined differently by different authors, so a compar- Holinger and KoniorA35 92 70
ison of these surgical series is difficult. Most reports are of Toynton et al.A16 94.5 72
bilateral supraglottoplasty operations, although some re- Polonovski et al.A17 79 97
ports are of unilateral procedures. In addition, some series Jain et al.A99 92 70
have larger numbers, which may also account for the Loke et al.A46 90.6 —
variance in the range of successful outcomes reported. As Kelly and GrayA44 94 —
seen in Table AVI, stridor and feeding problems, the two

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
is caused by a local condition or some variation to or
Literature Summary of Revision Supraglottoplasty Procedures. congenital malformation of the structures of the
larynx.A7,A109 Many have speculated as to what these local
Unilateral Bilateral
Author Supraglottoplasty (%) Supraglottoplasty (%) conditions, variations, or congenital malformations of the
laryngeal tissue could be and is the basis for the current
Denoyelle et al.A45 4.4
hypothesized theories of disease etiology.
Loke et al.A46 6 The etiology of laryngomalacia is perplexing. Many
Kelly and GrayA44 17 theories have been described without convincing evidence
Reddy and MattA18 5.1 of support. Proposed etiologies include the anatomic
Reddy and MattA18 25 theory,A4,A6,A7,A30,A32,A35,A109 the cartilaginous theory,A110
Toynton et al.A16 50 the neurologic theory,A111 or a combination of these.A30,A31
In addition, GERDA21 has been implicated in the etiology
of laryngomalacia because of a high association between
the two.
most common intervention is tracheotomy placement. The
The anatomic theory of laryngomalacia is based on
study of Denoyelle et al.A45 also found that supraglotto-
the abnormal positioning of the supraglottis and was first
plasty failures exclusively occurred in those with medical
proposed by Sutherland and LackA4 in 1897. The suppo-
comorbidities. The study of Olney et al.A15 explored the
same statistical comparison by comparing those with and sition is that the abnormally positioned tissue prolapses
without medical comorbidity in the nine patients in their into the laryngeal inlet, leading to obstruction, stridor,
series who required surgical therapy. The number was too and apnea. The omega-shaped epiglottis is thought to be a
small to determine whether the need for surgery or its classic finding in laryngomalacia; however, it can occur in
success correlated with the presence nonairway-related infants without laryngomalacia and can persist despite
medical comorbidity. The remainder of the literature sug- resolution of stridor in those with laryngomalacia.A112
gests that those with neurologic disease fail more often This discrepancy challenges the anatomic theory of etiol-
than those with isolated laryngomalacia; however, the low ogy. Exploring potential factors that cause the abnormal
number of failures in these series makes statistical eval- positing of supraglottic tissue may provide better insight
uation of difficult.A16,A17,A36 Initial or revision supraglot- and supporting evidence of an etiology.
toplasty rarely fails to alleviate or improve symptoms. This cartilaginous theory of etiologyA51,A110,A113 pos-
Less that 8% of all children who undergo supraglotto- its that abnormal, immature, and pliable laryngeal carti-
plasty will require a tracheotomy (Tables AVII and lage, “chondromalacia,” prolapses into the laryngeal inlet
AVIII).A15,A17,A18,A35,A36,A43,A45 to cause airway obstruction and stridor. Histologic studies
of laryngeal cartilages have yielded varying results. The
Hypothesized Theories of Laryngomalacia study by Shulman et al.A113 reported five siblings with
The mechanism of stridor production is well under- laryngomalacia. Histologic evaluation of the cartilage of
stood and is the result of turbulent airflow across the two of the patients showed distinct hypercellularity with
abnormally positioned and collapsing supraglottic tissues. histochemical staining abnormalities but no skeletal de-
The question is what underlying etiologic factor gives rise fects. In addition, dilated lacunae and a relative paucity of
to the positioning of the supraglottic tissue and its col- cartilaginous matrix per cell were found. In contrast, a
lapse into the glottic airway? This enigmatic question, similar study by KelemenA110 showed no consistent gross
raised in the 19th century by those first to describe the or microscopic abnormality occurring exclusively in spec-
condition, LeesA3 (1883) and Sutherland and LackA4 imens of infants with stridor as compared with control
(1897), remains unsolved to this day. Others have since specimens. The theory of cartilage immaturity remains
suggested that laryngeal collapse seen in laryngomalacia questionable. Despite the abnormal appearance of the

Literature Summary of Supraglottoplasty Failures.
No. Supraglottoplasty
Author Failures (%) Management

Denoyelle et al. A45 12/36 (8.8) Tracheotomy; noninvasive ventilation; supplemental

oxygen and nasogastric feeding
Olney et al.A15 2/9 (2.2) Tracheotomy; tracheotomy and Nissen fundoplication
Roger et al.A36 2/115 (1.7) Tracheotomy
Holinger and KoniorA35 1/13 (7.6) Tracheotomy
Toynton et al.A16 8/100 (8) Tracheotomy; Nissen fundoplication; nasogastric
Polonovski et al.A17 1/39 (2.5) Tracheotomy and fundoplication
McClurg and EvansA43 1/24 (4.1) Tracheotomy
Reddy and MattA18 6/106 (5.6 ) Tracheotomy

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
larynx in laryngomalacia, there is little histologic support in an infant animal model. The classic laryngomalacia
for the notion that the cartilage or soft tissues are differ- signs have been seen during CNS sedation in infants.A115
ent in this disorder. Therefore, the anatomic and cartilag- CNS insults from sedative drugs, seizures, strokes, or
inous theories of laryngomalacia have little supportive hypoxic brain injury have resulted in acquired
evidence. laryngomalacia.A111,A116 –A118 The location of the CNS in-
A number of reports have suggested a neurologic sult is at the brainstem nuclei for swallowing, respiration,
rather than an anatomic or structural cause for laryngo- and vagal laryngeal function and tone.A111,A116 –A118 Many
malacia. A variety of different neurologic mechanisms of these cases of acquired laryngomalacia resolved with
have been proposed. These include delay in the develop- improvement or reversal of the underlying neurologic con-
ment of neurologic or neuromuscular control of airway dition.A116 This model provides a cogent argument that
patency, denervation of the larynx, and neuromuscular congenital laryngomalacia findings and symptoms are a
hypotonia. The first suggestion of a neurologic mechanism consequence of altered, immature, or underdeveloped con-
was reported by PollitzerA114 in 1884. He noted the fre- trol neurologic function and tone of laryngeal tissue, akin
quency of “nerve imbalance” in infants with stridor without to a CNS insult. With use of acquired laryngomalacia as a
“pathological accompaniment.” He explained the stridor as a model for congenital disease, it can be seen as plausible
“disturbance of innervation within the physiological range.” that the symptoms resolve as the brainstem nuclei and
The first publication with an experimental study to support their sensorimotor reflexes mature in a process similar to
a neurologic cause over an anatomic cause was published in symptom resolution after improvement or reversal of the
1900 by Thomson and Turner.A5 They used denervated underlying CNS condition. It is also possible that there is
larynges in an ex vivo model and applied suction to repro- an abnormality of the neurologic control of airway patency
duce the flaccidity seen in laryngomalacia. They found in laryngomalacia and that the abnormality physiologi-
that infants who were not afflicted with congenital stridor cally behaves similar to denervationA119 and may cause
had some of the same laryngeal anatomic characteristics airway collapse, as seen with laryngomalacia.
as infants who were afflicted with laryngomalacia, con- The association of GERD has been reported to be as
cluding that the anatomic form found in those with stridor high as 80% to 100% in infants with laryngomalacia.A21,A87
is merely an exaggeration of the normal infantile type In GERD-associated laryngomalacia, tissue edema with
larynx. From this experimental anatomic model, they con- erythema of the posterior glottic arytenoid region is seen
cluded that laryngomalacia is the result of “ill-coordinated on flexible laryngoscopy. Symptoms of laryngomalacia of-
stammering breathing” and that the disturbance of the ten improve after a course of antireflux therapy.A96 Al-
coordination of the respiratory movements was caused by though the association between GERD and laryngomala-
“developmental backwardness of the cortical structures cia is established, the proposed mechanism is uncertain. A
which control them.”A5 plausible mechanism of GERD-complicated laryngomala-
Neuromuscular hypotonia of the dilatory muscles cia is that the gastric acid refluxes into the larynx and
of the laryngeal inlet is the proposed etiologic theory of injures the posterior glottis. This injury causes edema of
Belmont and Grundfast.A38 Through anatomic dissection the tissues, which subsequently prolapse into the air-
of adult cadaveric larynges, they concluded that there are way.A79 Gastric acid injury also causes a sensory deficit of
multiple muscles of the supraglottic larynx whose vectors the larynx by decreasing the sensitivity of the nerve end-
of force could interact to result in dilation of the laryngeal ings of the SLN. The SLN regulates the afferent limb of
inlet. They concluded that there may be hypotonia of these neurologically controlled reflexes of laryngeal function
muscles in patients with laryngomalacia that would result and patency. There is experimental and clinical evidence
in collapse of the laryngeal inlet. These investigators de- in adults and children with GERD and LPR that the
duced a neuromuscular hypotonia theory based on this afferent limb of laryngeal function is altered.A84,A120 –A122
anatomic dissection and the circumstantial finding that It is possible that GERD may cause a partial functional
23% of patients with laryngomalacia in their clinical se- denervation of the afferent response of the larynx. This
ries had an underlying neurologic disorder. The relevance association may have a contributing role in the etiology of
of this theory should be questioned because it was not laryngomalacia and is explored in this thesis.
studied in a dynamic state, the dissection was performed
on adult larynges, and there was no histopathologic cor- Neurologic Control of Laryngeal Function:
relation of the implicated muscles. Muscle tissue is Laryngeal Adductor Reflex
thought to be absent in the laryngeal inlet of infants with Laryngeal patency and function is complex and reg-
laryngomalacia. This suggests that an active muscular ulated through a peripheral and central neurologic mech-
mechanism at the laryngeal level is not responsible for the anism. These laryngeal reflexes play an important role in
laryngeal supraglottic tissue collapse. Rather, an abnor- respiration, laryngeal function, swallowing, and airway
mal or immature neuromuscular or neurologic control of protection from aspiration. Mechanical or chemical stim-
airway patency may have a more significant role. ulation of the supraglottic mucosa or direct stimulation of
A delay in the development of neurologic function and the SLN activates the LAR. The phylogenetic purpose of
tone of laryngeal tissue may play a more important role in this reflex is to protect the airway from aspiration and
the etiology of laryngomalacia. As previously mentioned, asphyxiation of secretions and food. The precise sequence
Thomson and TurnerA5 at the turn of the century demon- of events from laryngeal stimulation allows for an infan-
strated that a laryngomalacia-like passive medial pro- tile suck-swallow breath sequence without significant as-
lapse of supraglottic structures occurred with denervation piration or airway complications. Stimulation of the

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
supraglottic mucosa induces a complex sequence of reflex- The subject is asked to acknowledge when he/she feels the
ive events, resulting in adduction of the vocal cords and delivery of the air pulse. A higher intensity (⬎5 mm Hg)
closure of the laryngeal inlet and a swallow response. The required to elicit a subjective acknowledgment of the air
stimulus activates the chemosensory and mechanosensory pulse is an indicator of a sensory deficit of the larynx.
corpuscles located in the region of the aryepiglottic Subjects who have no sensation or only feel the stimula-
fold,A123–A126 which is richly innervated by the SLN. The tion at higher levels have been shown to have higher rates
SLN then transmits sensory information by way of the spe- of aspiration and loss of the laryngeal protective function
cial visceral afferent fibers of the vagus nerve to the inferior of glottic closure.A128,A129,A146 –A151,A153 This psychophysi-
(nodose) ganglion. From there, information is sent to the cal test of laryngeal sensation is not practical in the
nucleus solitarius, the brain-stem nucleus responsible for infant.
regulation of swallowing and respiration. The efferent Application of the same technique can be used to test
response initiated at the nucleus is ambiguous. From the LAR. The integrative function of the LAR is tested by
here, an involuntary efferent response travels by the va- applying a duration- (50 ms) and intensity- (2.5–10 mm
gus nerve, resulting in a reflexive adduction of the vocal Hg) controlled airpulse to the aryepiglottic fold and ob-
folds and a swallow response. This same efferent vagal serving a response of glottic closure and swallow. This
response influences the tonicity of laryngeal tissues. The testing modality, LPST,A128,A130,A147,A151,A153,A154 is a test
tonicity of laryngeal tissues is altered in laryngomalacia, of the sensorimotor function of the larynx. The advan-
leading to the abnormal prolapse into the glottic inlet. It is tage of this test is that it does not require a subjective
plausible that any alteration in the afferent, brainstem, or response or cognitive functional ability for evaluation. It
efferent neurologic pathway of the LAR results in an al- is intuitive that this would be a more reliable test in
teration in the vagal tone of the larynx that could be infants because it does not require a subjective response.
responsible for the local tissue prolapse seen in laryngo- The aryepiglottic fold region is chosen because of its
malacia. SchwartzA7 presented this etiologic hypothesis in rich innervation by the sensory portion of the SLN. Coin-
1944, but it remains untested (Fig. 1). cidentally, the aryepiglottic fold is also a common area of
Higher stimulus thresholds may be required to elicit supraglottic collapse in laryngomalacia. It is plausible
the LAR response of glottic closure and swallow.A120,A127–A130 that alteration in the sensation of the aryepiglottic fold
It is these alterations in the LAR that lead to pathology. region may abate the function of the neurologic reflex of
The LAR is implicated in infant apnea and breathing the LAR at the brainstem or efferent level, thereby result-
disorders by two mechanisms. Prolonged or excessive ing in alteration in the vagal function and tonicity of
stimulation can induce prolonged glottic closure or laryn- laryngeal tissues. There is clinical evidence to support this
gospasm and apnea.A131–A135 Alternatively, if the process finding. Through flexible bronchoscopy, Nielson et al.A155
of LAR is interrupted, inefficient coordination of airway found markedly exaggerated prolapse of the arytenoid and
protection may result. The clinical symptoms of interrup- aryepiglottic folds after application of lidocaine to the
tion of the LAR include aspiration, choking, apnea, and an region in infants with laryngomalacia. Modulation in the
inability to swallow to clear the stimulus. Sustained ap- sensory response of the larynx specifically at the aryepi-
nea and death can occur unless swallowing intervenes to glottic fold could be a contributing factor in the etiology of
remove the stimulus.A127,A136 –A140 Inability to swallow to laryngomalacia, as proposed by SchwartzA7 in 1944, and is
clear stimulus can lead to a vicious cycle of tissue aggrava- explored in this thesis. Nielson et al.A155 also noted that
tion, localized edema, prolapse of tissue, and apnea. This sensory denervation after lidocaine application affected
cycle of edema and prolapse of tissue into the glottic inlet has the position of the posterior supra-arytenoid tissue but not
been proposed as a causative factor in laryngomalacia.A79 the epiglottis. The omega-shaped epiglottis can occur in
Until recently, testing of the LAR has been limited laryngomalacia and nonlaryngomalacic infants, so its role
to stimulation through the instillation of water, saline, in an etiologic cause of laryngomalacia is challenged.A112
acid, or air into the laryngeal vestibule, with indirect Likewise, not all children with laryngomalacia have an
methods of determining airway closure or a swallow omega epiglottis but may have posterior and lateral tissue
response.A127,A131,A132,A141–A145 LPST provides a quanti- prolapse only.A15,A34,A35 Because lidocaine application ap-
fiable method of testing the LAR and direct visualiza- pears to exaggerate the abnormal positioning of the pos-
tion of the laryngeal response. terior and lateral glottis and not the epiglottis, this fur-
ther supports the idea that sensory or sensorimotor
Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Stimulation modulation has a role in the etiology of laryngomalacia.
Testing: A Test of Laryngeal Adductor Reflex Therefore, testing of the LAR and its sensorimotor inte-
LPST was developed as a clinical test of laryngopha- grative function in infants with laryngomalacia may pro-
ryngeal sensation in the adult population.A128,A146 This vide insight into disease etiology.
test provides invaluable information about laryngopha- This testing modality has been successfully used in
ryngeal sensation and ability to protect the airway from infants and children.A121,A154,A156 Normal adult LPST
aspiration by way of the LAR. In the adult setting, the test thresholds average 2.3 mm Hg.A146,A150 Normative data
can be used as a psychophysical test of laryngopharyngeal are not available for infants and children; however, aver-
sensation or as a test of the LAR.A128,A129,A146 –A154 age thresholds in infants without neurologic disease or
As a psychophysical test, a calibrated air pulse stim- developmental delay who were evaluated as having air-
ulation (intensity range between 2 and 10 mm Hg for 50 way obstruction are 4.3 mm Hg.A156 LPST thresholds of
ms) is delivered to different parts of the laryngopharynx. greater than 5 mm Hg correlate with an abnormality or

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
pathology somewhere along the afferent, brainstem, or gesting a combined peripheral afferent sensory abnormal-
efferent limb or the reflex arc and are most often impli- ity and central brainstem abnormality.
cated in sensory abnormalities of the larynx. Elevated In consideration of this clinical and experimental ev-
LPST thresholds of 5.8 mm Hg in adults and 6.3 mm Hg in idence that supports the idea that an alteration or dener-
infants and children are seen in the setting of chronic vation anywhere along the path of the LAR alters laryn-
GERD that results in LPR.A84,A121,A122,A130,A154,A157 geal function and tone, it is possible that alteration of the
Thresholds greater than 6 mm Hg are seen in children and sensorimotor integrative function of the LAR may have a
adults with neurologic disease that includes CNS and role in the causation of the signs, symptoms, and clinical
brainstem pathology. Studies have also shown that adults examination findings of “laryngomalacia.” Because the
and infants who receive antireflux treatment for LPR etiology of laryngomalacia remains elusive, this thesis
show a reversal in the elevated LPST thresholds (a de- provides evidence to support a sensorimotor dysfunction
creased threshold), indicating increased sensation and theory of causation as seen through LPST testing of the
greater response of the sensorimotor reflex after GERD LAR in infants with varying degrees of laryngomalacia.
treatment.A84,A122 Elevated LPST thresholds have been
demonstrated in adults and children with CNS and brain-
stem pathology.A146,A147,A149,A151,A154 Elevated sensory BIBLIOGRAPHY
thresholds are also seen in premature infants with ap- A1. Jackson C, Jackson C. Diseases and Injuries of the Larynx.
nea,A156 some of whom have GERD, suggesting a com- New York: MacMillan, 1942.
A2. Barthez E, Rilliet F. Traiate clinique et pratique des mal-
bined peripheral afferent sensory abnormality and central adies des enfants. Paris: Germer Bailliere, 1843:484 – 488.
brainstem abnormality. A3. Lees D. larynx from an infant with a peculiar form of
Before the development of the flexible laryngoscope obstructed respiration. Trans Pathol Soc Lond 1883;34:19.
with LPST capability, sensation in adults, children, and A4. Sutherland GA, Lack HL. Congenital laryngeal obstruc-
tion. Lancet 1897;2:653– 655.
infants was determined by random tapping of the laryn- A5. Thomson J, Turner A. On the causation of congenital la-
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prematurity. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988;137:113–118. Negative 31 (15.4)
A139. Khurana A, Thach BT. Effects of upper airway stimulation Not Done 44 (21.9)
on swallowing, gasping, and autoresuscitation in hypoxic Esophagoscopy with
mice. J Appl Physiol 1996;80:472– 477. biopsy
A140. Thach BT. Reflux associated apnea in infants: evidence for
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A141. Tuchman DN, Boyle JT, Pack AL. Airway response to Negative 21 (10.4)
esophageal and tracheal acidification: a possible mecha- Not Done 160 (79.6)
nism of the association of gastroesophageal reflux and
bronchospasm. Pediatr Res 1982;16:180A. Dual pH-metry
A142. Davies AM, Koenig JS, Thach BT. Upper airway chemore- Positive 60 (29.8) 60/60 ⫽ 100%
flex responses to saline and water in preterm infants. Not Done 141 (70.2)
J Appl Physiol 1988;64:1412–1420.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Summary of Treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Testing.
Total Mild Moderate Severe
Characteristic (n ⫽ 157) (n ⫽ 38) (n ⫽ 83) (n ⫽ 36) P Value

Age at initiation of GERD treatment (days) .013

Mean (SD) 108.0 (132.4) 116.1 (76.4) 77.4 (55.0) 169.9 (242.0)
Median 73.0 99.5 65.0 92.0
IQR 46, 124 66, 156 46, 89 24, 180.5
Range (2–1,173) (7–360) (3–288) (2–1,173)
Nissen fundoplication (%) 19 (12.1) 1 (3) 6 (7) 12 (33) ⬍.001
H2 therapy, ranitidine 3 mg/kg 3 ⫻ day (%) 149 (95.5) 38 (100) 80 (96) 31 (89) .017
PPI therapy, omeprazole 1 mg/kg 4 ⫻ day (%) 32 (20.4) 0 (0) 17 (20) 15 (42) ⬍.001
Duration of pharmacotherapy treatment (days)* .025
Mean (SD) 250.9 (192.4) 199.3 (99.4) 259.7 (140.2) 285.3 (322.9)
Median 222 198 249 159.5
IQR 151, 286 147, 256 180, 301 67.5, 294
Range (10–1,446) (45–611) (10–945) (11–1,446)
*Sixteen patients were still actively on therapy at time of their last follow-up.
IQR ⫽ interquartile range, 25th and 75th percentiles; PPI ⫽ proton pump inhibitor.

APPENDIX II: SUPPLEMENTARY RESULTS compared with those with mild or severe disease. A sum-
mary of GERD treatment is presented in Table AX.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
in Laryngomalacia
Review of the medical records found that 70.2% (n ⫽ Surgical Management: Supraglottoplasty
141) of the patients had a test that was considered positive and Tracheotomy
for GERD, which is higher than the 65.7% physician- Surgical intervention was required in 30.8% of the in-
recorded diagnosis of GERD. Results of GERD testing are fants in this study, regardless of disease severity at time of
summarized in Table AIX. presentation. Of those who presented with less severe dis-
Seventy-eight percent of the patients in this study were ease, 3% with mild and 28% with moderate disease required
treated for signs and symptoms of GERD. Those with mod- surgical intervention. Of the patients with severe disease,
erate and severe disease were more frequently treated than 97% required surgical intervention. The most common indi-
were those with mild disease. Treatment modalities included cation for surgical intervention, regardless of status at initial
ranitidine, omeprazole, and Nissen fundoplication. Some in- presentation, was feeding difficulty with failure to thrive
fants required multimodality therapy; however, this factor (82%), followed by cyanosis (79%), apnea (77%), respiratory
was not statistically addressed. Those with severe disease distress (68%), and hypoxia (65%). Table AXI list all of the
were more likely to need PPI therapy or fundoplication when surgical indications from most to least common.
compared with those with mild or moderate disease. Those Of the 62 infants who required surgery, the pri-
with moderate disease required longer durations of therapy mary operation was a supraglottoplasty (92%) or

Indications for Surgical Intervention in Congenital Laryngomalacia.
Total, Mild, Moderate, Severe,
Surgical Indication n ⫽ 62 (%) n ⫽ 2 (%) n ⫽ 23 (%) n ⫽ 37 (%)

Feeding difficulty/failure to thrive 51 (82) 1 17 (74) 33 (89)

Cyanosis 49 (79) 1 18 (78) 30 (81)
Apnea 48 (77) 1 19 (83) 28 (76)
Severe respiratory distress 42 (68) 2 14 (61) 26 (70)
Hypoxia 40 (65) 2 14 (61) 24 (65)
Failed medical intervention 28 (45) 0 18 (78) 10 (27)
Right heart failure 17 (27) 0 4 (17) 13 (35)
Cor pulmonale 8 (13) 0 2 (9) 6 (16)
Other 7 (11) 0 2 (9) 5 (14)
Only one of surgical indications was significantly different between three groups based on comparisons made
using Fisher’s exact test. However, there was limited statistical power given the number of patients in each group.
Patients in moderate disease group were more likely to have failed medical intervention than were patients in severe
disease group (P ⬍ .001).

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Summary of Patient and Surgical Characteristics by Type of Primary Operation for
Severe Laryngomalacia.
Total Supraglottoplasty Tracheotomy
(n ⫽ 62) (n ⫽ 57) (n ⫽ 5)

Mean age at time of surgery (days)

Mean (SD) 179.6 (203.8) 167.0 (162.8) 323.2 (483.9)
Median 128 136 114
IQR 78, 179 78, 179 89, 154
Range (9–1,187) (9–815) (72–1,187)
Time between presentation and surgery (days)
Mean (SD) 105.3 (190.1) 88.0 (134.1) 302.6 (496.5)
Median 51.5 46 95
IQR 21, 99 21, 91 68, 144
Range (0–1,187) (0–732) (19–1,187)
Time between diagnosis and surgery (days)
Mean (SD) 34.9 (75.81) 37.2 (78.7) 8.2 (6.9)
Median 11 11 10
IQR 3, 35 4, 37 2, 14
Range (0–536) (0–536) (0–15)
Patients with isolated laryngomalacia (%) 5 (8%) 5 (9%) 0
Patients with laryngomalacia and 57 (92%) 52 (91%) 5 (100%)
comorbidity* (%)
GERD (%) 53 (85%) 48 (84%) 5 (100%)
Neurologic disease (%) 16 (26%) 11 (19%) 5 (100%)
Cardiac disease (%) 19 (31%) 18 (32%) 1 (20%)
Genetic disorder (%) 21 (34%) 17 (30%) 4 (80%)
*Numbers exceed 100% because many patients had multiple comorbidities. Among 57 patients who had a
primary supraglottoplasty, 27 (47%) had comorbidities from two or more categories. All five of patients who had
primary tracheotomy had comorbidities from two or more categories.
IQR ⫽ interquartile range, 25th and 75th percentiles; GERD ⫽ gastroesophageal reflux disease.

tracheotomy (8%). Patient characteristics are summa- who had surgery, 5 (8%) patients had isolated laryngo-
rized by the type of primary surgery in Table AXII. The malacia (all 5 had mild or moderate disease), 53 (86%)
median age at surgery was 4.5 months. The time be- patients had GERD in combination with another comor-
tween initial presentation and surgery was longer in bidity, and 4 (6%) had a non-GERD comorbidity. As seen
those who had a primary tracheotomy (median, 95 vs. in Table AXII, the complication rate after supraglotto-
46 days); however, the number of patients limited the plasty was low, with the more frequent complication
power to assess for statistical significance. These pa- being immediate postoperative aspiration (Tables AXII
tients were sicker and had more comorbidities. Of those and AXIII).

Complications of Supraglottoplasty in Congenital Laryngomalacia Among 57 Patients Who had
Primary Supraglottoplasty.
Total, Mild, Moderate, Severe,
Complication n ⫽ 57 (%) n ⫽ 2 (%) n ⫽ 23 (%) n ⫽ 32 (%)

Bleeding 0 0 0 0
Infection 0 0 0 0
Aspiration 8 (14) 0 3 (13) 5 (16)
Dysphagia 6 (11) 0 1 (4) 5 (16)
Supraglottic stenosis 0 0 0 0
Granulation tissue 2 (4) 0 1 (4) 1 (3)
Transient Respiratory Distress 6 (11) 0 3 (13) 3 (9)
Other 3 (5) 0 2 (9) 1 (3)
None of complication rates were significantly different between three groups based on comparisons made
using Fisher’s exact test. However, there was limited statistical power given the number of patients in each group.

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology
Symptom Resolution in Infants With Congenital Laryngomalacia.
Log-Rank Test,
Total Mild Moderate Severe Two-Sided
Symptom (n ⫽ 201) (n ⫽ 80) (n ⫽ 83) (n ⫽ 38) P Value

Stridor .13
No. present at baseline 201 80 83 38
No. resolved (%) 184 (92) 78 (98) 77 (93) 29 (76)
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 16.5 12.5 15.7 27.0
by 6 mo
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 79.4 87.5 75.8 68.1
by 12 mo
Cough/choke while eating ⬍.001
No. present at baseline 155 43 82 30
No. resolved (%) 128 (83) 41 (95) 67 (82) 20 (67)
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 21.4 41.9 17.1 3.4
by 6 mo
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 73.0 89.2 73.3 49.7
by 12 mo
Regurgitation .080
No. present at baseline 145 38 80 27
No. resolved (%) 120 (83) 35 (92) 62 (78) 23 (85)
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 12.5 26.9 7.5 7.4
by 6 mo
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 71.5 79.7 69.3 67.3
by 12 mo
Failure to thrive/poor weight gain .14
No. present at baseline 53 2 18 33
No. resolved (%) 45 (85) 1 (50) 17 (94) 27 (82)
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 28.5 * 38.9 21.4
by 6 mo
Cumulative percent of incidence of resolution 74 † † 67.2
by 12 mo
*By 6 months, there were less than 10 patients who had not yet resolved and had more than 6 months of follow-up.
†By 12 months, there were less than 10 patients who had not yet resolved and had more than 12 months of follow-up.

Symptom Outcomes in separately for four major symptoms. Calculations were made
Congenital Laryngomalacia using the Kaplan-Meier method to take into account varying
Of the 201 patients, 83.6% had achieved complete res- durations of follow-up. Among the patients presenting with
olution of all symptoms present at the time of presentation, coughing and choking symptoms, patients with mild or mod-
and an additional 13.4% had achieved partial resolution. Six erate disease were more likely to achieve resolution within
(3.0%) patients had not yet achieved partial resolution of 12 months of follow-up compared with patients with severe
their symptoms at the time of their last follow-up; five of disease (P ⬍ .001). The cumulative incidence of resolution of
these had severe disease at presentation. Table AXIV sum- either stridor, regurgitation, or failure to thrive/poor weight
marizes the frequency of symptoms present at baseline and gain was not significantly different among the three groups
the cumulative incidence of resolution of these symptoms (Table AXIV).

Laryngoscope 117: June 2007 Supplement Thompson: Laryngomalacia, a New Theory of Etiology

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