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Caring, Cheerful, Clever Claire

It was a hot summer day in 6th grade. Claire had nothing to do and was

bored. Her dad had just discovered his passion for long-distance running a year

ago. That day, he was going on a mile run. He saw Claire and asked her if she

wanted to run with him. At first, she was reluctant but he offered a stuffed animal

in return. She accepted the bribe and ran her first mile with him. She was hot and

sweaty by the time she was finished but she felt accomplished. After this run, she

started getting into running and by 7th grade, she was one of the best in cross

country. Now, even in track and field, she likes to run long distances, such as the

mile run. She plans to keep running throughout high school.

Claire’s nationality is Chinese. Both her parents are Chinese, and her mother

immigrated from Beijing, China, to America. One of her family's favorite

traditions is the Chinese New Year. On Chinese New Year, her family meets with

family friends and everyone performs a talent and hands out red envelopes. On the

other hand, Claire’s favorite holiday is Christmas since there is snow and an

abundance of gift-giving. During her winter break, she loves to go on vacation, like

when she went to Iceland. One of her favorite places that she traveled to was

Iceland because there were flocks of sheep and amazing views. Speaking of one of

her favorite breaks, another break she adores is summer break. Summer is one of

her favorite seasons because her birthday is in the summer. Claire also loves
summer because there is no school so she gets to have fun. In the summer, she also

goes on vacation with her amazing family.

Claire has one older brother whose name is David. He is 14 years old and

goes to Watchung Hills Regional High School. They fight as normal siblings do

but they are very close, and they like to share secrets. Claire doesn’t have a pet, but

as a dog lover, she wants a King Charles Spaniel.

Claire has many hobbies that include reading, drawing, and playing the

clarinet. She has played the clarinet since 4th grade, and she wants to continue

playing it in high school. One of her favorite book series is The Hunger Games

because of the interesting plot. Out of all of her hobbies, her favorite is drawing

faces because she likes to draw off of references. When she grows up, she wants to

become a doctor or someone that is in the field of medicine because her mother

works in medicine. I hope you have learned a lot of things about Claire from me.

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