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Unit 1: Friends
A) Vocabulary
2. Read the poem and look at the picture. Find and write two naming, action
and describing words each.

Naming words

bed tree sky

Action words

look flicker bent

Describing Words

little kind big

Rhyming words
4. Write a poem on pollution by using the given rhyming words. One stanza has
been done for you.
When I stepped outside
I wanted to go back and hide
The noises! What a sound!
Cars, buses and motorcycles go around!

I then saw a street with rubbish piled high

It was so high it could almost reach the sky
There was so much rubbish in the street
It made a nasty smell under my feet

I walk past a canal full of dirt
If you fell in, you would get hurt
The canal needed to be clean!
It was such a horrible scene!
B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a) The sky is described like a kind and big smile that is bent sweetly.
b) Wind, sunshine, cool breeze, moonlight.
3. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct digraphs.
Look at the pictures for help.

5. Read the given sentences and underline the words with trigraphs.
 Do not fight with each other.
 He strictly followed his schedule.
 Last night they want to his friend’s house.
 Fetch me a bucket of water.
 It is an amazing sight.

Silent letters
7. Complete the given word puzzle with silent letters.

D) Grammar
Read the poem again and find two countable and uncountable nouns each. Note
them down.
Countable Nouns: tree, bed
Uncountable Nous: wind, sunshine
Articles ‘a’ and ‘an’
Tick (√) the correct options.
1. There was an apple tree in the garden.
2. Ali got admission in a new school.
3. Please give me an orange.
4. I saw a beautiful bird in the park.
5. Asim is an intelligent boy.

5. Put the following adjectives in the correct boxes.

F) Writing
Write the syllable division and the number of syllables in the given words.
Words Number of syllables Syllable division

Sunshine 2 sun.shine
Flicker 2 flick.er
Through 1
Mother 2 Moth.er
Important 3 im.por.tant

G) Creative writing
Write a paragraph about your good friend in your notebook. Underline all the
multisyllable words in it.
I have many good friends in my life. We go to the same school. We study
together. We help each other in studies. We also play in the park in the evening.
We invite each other in our houses for studying together. We respect each other.
We enjoy the nature and are thankful for all the blessings of Allah (SWT).

Unit 2: The Apple Tree and the Farmer

B) Comprehension
Answer these questions.
1. The farmer used to play under the apple tree in his childhood.
2. The farmer decided to cut the apple tree.
3. Squirrels, sparrows and many other animals lived in the apple tree.

Topic sentence
2. Read the given paragraph and write its main idea in your notebook.
The farmer realized his mistake and he asked Allah for forgiveness.
Picture Description
3. Describe what is happening in the pictures below. Write the story in your

Ahmed was very excited as he saw a dream last night. In which he found himself
as a hero. He saw that he was flying over a playground. Suddenly, he saw a group
of boys fighting with each other. They were beating a small boy. Ahmed came to
them and asked them to stop beating him. He advised them that fighting is not a
good thing. We should be kind to our young ones. The boys listened to him
carefully and went away. Ahmed was very happy.
C) Phonics
Tick (√) the words with short vowel sounds and circle the words with long vowel
pet √ dim √ back √

D) Grammar
1. Write the plurals of the given regular and irregular nouns. One has been done
for you.
Regular Nouns Irregular Nouns
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Farmer Farmers Woman Women
Beehive Beehives Child Children
Squirrel Squirrels Tooth Teeth
Grasshopper Grasshoppers Goose Geese
Peach Peaches Foot Feet

2. Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ with the given words.

3. Write ‘a/an’ or ‘the’ to complete the paragraph.
Once there was a farmer who lived in a village. He had a big garden. There was an
old apple tree in the garden. The garden was full of colourful flowers and trees.
One day the farmer decided to cut an apple tree.
5. Circle the correct degrees of adjectives.
1. A grasshopper is smaller than a squirrel.
2. Ahmed runs faster than Azmat.
3. Saleha is younger than her brother.
4. The plant is the biggest in the jungle.
5. This baby girl is the prettiest of all siblings.
6. Use the given forms of regular adjectives in sentences of your own. Write
them in your notebook.
 There was a heavy rain yesterday.
 The king was the kindest among all people.
 He is stronger than Ali.
 She is a great poet indeed.
 Hamza is the cutest baby of all.
F) Writing
Write a paragraph on ‘My Childhood Memories’ using supporting details in your
I still remember some of the pleasing memories when I was young. One of the
most important occasions I remember in my life was the day I celebrated my first
birthday. It was the 23-9-2020. We invited family and friends to our home for a
birthday party. The delicious and colourful cake was so beautiful. It was made
with fresh strawberries that tasted like they were picked right from the garden. I
got overall 25 gifts and 8 covers from my family and friends. This was the day I
enjoyed a lot and this became my one of the most wonderful memories of my

G) Creative writing
Write a short paragraph about the benefits of trees.
Trees are beneficial components of our environment. Trees are also important for
human beings. They provide oxygen which is needed to breathe and absorb
carbon oxide from the environment. They are helpful to reduce pollution. Trees
are giving different fruits, medicines, rubber, gums and also give us wood for fuel.
Trees also help to prevent soil erosion and save water. Trees are home for
millions of birds and animals. They provide shade for living things. In short, trees
are needed for the survival of all living beings.

Unit 3: A Visit to the Seaside
A) Vocabulary
2. Complete the given dialogues by using expressions of requests.

4. Write two expressions of instruction and direction and then use them in your
own sentences.

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
1. Visiting the seaside was the dream of the writer.
2. Aunt Iqra invited the writer to Karachi to attend the marriage ceremony of her
3. It was a great experience for the writer to have a journey by train watching the
beautiful landscapes.
3. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from the word box.
Salman went to the market with his friend to buy a few things, similarly fruit,
vegetables and a few other grocery items. His mother had asked him to bring all
things quickly as she had to make dinner. He liked shopping for his mother. First
of all he bought some fruit, then he asked the shopkeeper for two bottles of

apple juice. The shopkeeper told him that it had finished. Therefore he bought
mango juice. In short his friend also bought mango juice. Ali was enjoying the
activity. They ate some chocolates and sweets. Then he dropped his friend to his
house and came back home. Salman was very tired but happy. Lastly he enjoyed
the trip a lot.
4. Write a paragraph on ‘planting seeds in the garden’ using transitional devices
and pronouns.
Rabia had a garden in front of her house. Her grandfather helped to make this
garden. She loved her garden very much. She actually grows flowers there. She
likes red roses whereas her grandfather likes jasmine. One day, he planned on
planting seeds in the garden with Rabia’s friends. She invited her friends for
planting seeds in the garden. We gathered in her house at 12:00 p.m. Then, her
grandfather had asked us to collect all things quickly as we had to start planting.
First of all, Rabia and Mohsin are digging the soil. Then they put seeds into the
soil. Finally, we pour water into the soil. Therefore, planting the seeds in the
garden is done. The work is not very hard. We really enjoyed working in her

5. Look at the picture below. Write five sentences using position words. Circle
the position words.
1. The family is sitting on the mat.
2. There is a tree behind the boys.
3. The girl is sliding down the slide.
4. The bird is flying up the sky.
5. A ball is beside the boy.
C) Phonics
3. Read the story again and circle five words with diphthongs.
1. dream
2. train
3. journey

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4. blowing
5. day
D) Grammar
2. Rewrite the following sentences by changing the nouns in bold into their
plural forms. You will have to make some other changes too.
a) I saw a deer in the Safari Park.
I saw many deer in the Safari Park.
b) Hina caught a fish from the pond.
Hina caught five fish from the pond.
c) They are working to save an endangered animal species.
They are working to save endangered animals species.
d) They released a moose into the wild.
They released ten moose into the wild.
Sentence Structure
4. Write five sentences with direct and indirect objects each in your notebook.
Direct Objects Indirect Objects
1. Ahmed was eating an apple. 1. My mother gave me a gift.
2. I wrote a letter. 2. They sent me the new books.
3. She bought a red dress. 3. Hira served them dessert.
4. They gave me a gift. 4. Iqbal passed Qamar a bat.
5. She stitched a scarf. 5. My father gave me a new bag.

F) Writing
1. Rewrite the given paragraph using correct capitalisation in your notebook.
After a four hour journey, we finally got there. I could not stop myself. I ran towards
the beach as soon as the car stopped. The cold waves touched my feet. I started on
the soft sand. The weather was also fine.

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2. Ahmed and Ali are friends. Write a dialogue on their visit to their favourite

G) Creative writing
Write a paragraph on your favourite place to visit.
My favourite place is Model Town Park. There are many beautiful parks in
Pakistan. However this is the most beautiful park in our area. I wanted to go to
the park every evening but life is too busy so, I visited the park regularly on the
weekends with my family. There are many fresh flowers, green trees and the park
is covered with luscious green grass. It is the most beautiful view of nature. There
are swings in the park too. I also play many games with my friends and cousins. I
also enjoyed the food items that mom bring for us. I feel so calm to feel the fresh
air and enjoy the shadows of the trees. This place is my favourite place that I
enjoy spending a lot of time in.

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Unit 4: Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
A) Vocabulary
3. Make anagrams from the given words.
three there battle tablet care race
deal lead table bleat
5. Change the following words by adding ‘ly’, or ‘ance’. Also mention the part of
Word New word Part of Speech
Kind kindly adverb
Disturb disturbance noun
Generous generosity adjective

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Abu Bakr’s (RA) father’s name was Usman.
b. The meaning of ‘Al Siddique’ is ‘the man of truthfulness’.
c. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) compiled all the verses of the Holy Quran in a book for
and named it as Al-Musahaf.
3. Fill in the given mind map with the information you have underlined above.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) was He was the first man to Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
born in Makkah. embrace Islam. changed his name to Abdullah.

Completing a paragraph
4. Reread the lesson and complete the paragraph using the given word bank.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) accompanied Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) at the time of
migration to Madinah. There they spent three nights in the Cave of Thawr. A snake
stung Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) while Rasoolullah (SAW) was asleep. He chose not to
disturb Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) and let the snake sting him repeatedly.

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C) Phonics
Initial Consonant Clusters
2. Write two words with each given consonant cluster.

Initial Position
bl- scr-
Blend Scream
Blame Scratch

D) Grammar
2. Change the gender nouns to their opposites.
My father gave me a present.
My mother gave me a present.
They went to see their queen.
They went to see their king.
My uncle wrote a letter to me.
My aunty wrote a letter to me.
Her aunt brought her a bag.
Her uncle brought her a bag.
He got a new cat.
She got a new cat.
3. Classify the following nouns according to their genders.
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Husband Tigress paper
Poet Heroine glass
Uncle Hen pen

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5. Tick (√) the correct subjects for the given sentences and write them in the
given blanks.
a. They are teachers.
b. I am fond of painting.
c. She drinks milk daily.
d. He was famous for his honesty.
6. Circle the subject and underline the verbs.
a. He was called Al-Siddique.
b. They were true followers.
c. She is a painter.
d. They are teachers.

F) Writing
2. Underline the titles of the stories and books and capitalise their initial letters
in your notebook.
a. I bought a history book, The Islamic Personalities, for my research.
b. She is reading ‘The Life of a Ladybug’.
c. The title of this book is ‘The Sacrifice of Young Soldiers’.

3. Read the given paragraph and underline the differences. Note them in the
given columns.
Date of Birth Date of Birth
573 AD 556 AD
Name of Family Name of Family
Banu Tamim Banu Asad
Father’s name Father’s name
Usman Khuwaylid
Mother’s name Mother’s name
Salma Fatimah
What people called him What people called her
Al-Siddique Tahira

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G) Creative writing
Write a descriptive paragraph on Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in your
Quaid-e-Azam is the greatest leader of our history. He is the founder of our
beloved country Pakistan. He was born on 25 December 1876 in Karachi and died
on 11 September 1948. By profession, he was a lawyer and a politician. He
struggled day and night for the welfare of the whole Muslim nation. Due to his
wise leadership and strong efforts, we got Pakistan as a result on August 14 1947.

Unit 5: Little White Lily

A) Vocabulary
3. Write synonyms and antonyms of the following words.
Words Synonyms antonyms
Happy Excited sad
Smell Aroma odour
Sweet Delight sharp
Full Adequate empty
Cool Refreshing dull

B) Comprehension
Answer these questions.
a. When the sun shines the little Lily becomes stronger by holding her cup.
b. The little White Lily was sad because she wanted rain and sunshine.
c. The little White Lily thanks the rain and the sunshine.

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3. Use the given prefixes or suffixes to complete each word.
Prefix Base word Suffix
Honour honourable
Success successful
Dislike Like
Unhappy Happy
Impossible Possible

C) Phonics
Initial Vowel Sounds
2. Read the given stanza. Circle the words starting with a vowel sound.

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D) Grammar
Common and Proper noun
2. Circle the common nouns and underline the proper nouns. Make a sentence
with each in your notebook.
Common nouns: city girl country store rose
Proper nouns: Aniqa October Pakistan
City: Sadia and Hamza are from the same city.
Girl: She is a pretty girl.
Country: What is your country name?
Store: He wants to go to the store to buy food items.
Rose: I have a rose.
Aniqa: Aniqa is a good painter.
October: October is my favourite month.
Pakistan: Pakistan is a Muslim country.

Common Gender nouns

4. Circle common gender nouns in the following sentences.
a. The parrot is my favourite bird.
b. I went to the market with my cousin.
c. Alia is a nurse.
d. The doctor prescribed me medicine for my toothache.
e. Ali works as a manager for this company.
5. Read the given nouns and classify them in the categories.
Common Proper Countable Uncountable
grandfather Islamabad Book honey
Pen Imran Glass water
School Honda Pen milk
Book Turkey School

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F) Writing
Write a paragraph about your favourite flower in your notebook with the help
of the given mind map. Punctuate and capitalise properly.
My favourite flower is the red rose. It smells amazing and sweet. It can be found
anywhere in a garden. In my childhood, I grew it in my garden with the help of my
grandfather. We had grown so many roses. My garden was full of those roses. I
loved to water them daily. It gave me pleasure.

G) Creative writing
Visit a park in your neighborhood. What do you see there? Write your
experience in a short paragraph.
Great Park is the most beautiful park in our area. I visited the park with my family
on Sunday. Many people visited the park from different areas. The park is usually
filled with crowds on weekends. I have seen numerous things. There are many
fresh flowers, green trees and the park is filled with luscious green grass. There is
a walking track. Usually, people walked on the track in the morning and evening.
This is a healthy activity which facilities several people. There are swings in the
park too and a lot of children are enjoying the swings. Some children are playing
fun games with their friends. Some families arranged a picnic, having food stuffs,
drinking water, and a picnic mat and also sports items. In short, people take fresh
air, enjoy and release their stress.

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Review 1
Oral communication
Tick (√) the words with short vowel sounds and circle the words with long vowel
pet √ dim √ back √

2. Make new words by changing the initial letters of the given words.

3. Circle the silent letters in the given words.

4. Underline the diphthongs in the given words.

a. They just arrived in our town.
b. The baby is crawling in the room.
c. She bought a new dress.
1. Write two naming, action and describing words each.
Naming Action

rabbit Aisha helping jumping heavy better

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2. Write antonyms and synonyms for the following words.
Words Smell sad cool
Synonyms Aroma unhappy chill
Antonyms Odour happy/cheerful warm

Change common gender nouns to their opposites.
a. My mother gave me a present.
My father gave me a present.
b. They went to see their niece.
They went to see their nephew.
c. My aunt wrote a letter to me.
My uncle wrote a letter to me.
d. My sister purchased a new bag.
My brother purchased a new bag.

2. Write sentence using direct and indirect objects.

Direct objects
1. Nauman eats a pizza.
2. My mother bakes a cake.
3. Fizza wrote a letter.
Indirect objects
1. Aunt gifted Rida a watch.
2. Shahid handed over Jamshad the documents.
3. My friend sends me an email.
3. Write ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ to complete the paragraph.
Once there was a farmer who lived in a village. He had a big garden. There was an
old apple tree in the garden. The garden was full of colourful flowers and trees.
One day the farmer decided to cut the apple tree.

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Write a paragraph about your best friend.
I have many friends but my best friend is Tayyib. We go to the same school. We
study together. We help each other in studies. We also play in the park in the
evening. I like him because he is regular and punctual and he always wears a neat
and clean dress. We invite each other in our houses for studying together. We
respect each other. We enjoy nature and are thankful for all the blessings of Allah

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Unit 6: A Good Deed
A) Vocabulary
3. Write sentences using the following pairs of homophones and homonyms in
your notebook.
eight, ate: They ate eight slices of pizza.
sun, son: His son was walking in the sun.
piece, peace: She got peace of mind after finding the missing puzzle piece.

address, address: I asked about his address. He addressed the crowd.
pole, pole: The North Pole was frozen. The boatman was poling a small boat.
treat, treat: He treated the guests well. They gave us a treat in their house.

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. A van passed the boys when they were in a playground.
b. He was hesitant because his mother had taught him to not keep lost things.
c. He was proud of the boys after hearing the story.
Inflectional Endings
3. Write a sentence using each given inflectional ending in your notebook.
a. He often comes to our house.
b. Suddenly I saw a snake.
c. The landing of the airplane was amazing.
d. They stopped by a restaurant.

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C) Phonics
2. Write two words with each given consonant cluster.
Final position
rst sk
burst ask
first flask

D) Grammar
2. Find five pronouns in the text you have just read and note them down.
they he them their your

Action Words
4. Find five action words in the text you have just read. Write sentences using
them in your notebook.
a. I heard a loud scream from the playground.
b. Don’t blame anyone.
c. She has collected a bunch of flowers.
d. The oranges fell down on the ground.
e. A man came to meet my father.

4. Look at the given pictures and describe them by using action words.

1. A woman is reading a book.

2. A girl is plucking the flowers.
3. A boy and his son are playing with footballs.

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1. Parents are enjoying the art competition.
2. Students are painting different pictures.
3. The photographer clicks the pictures.

F) Writing
Write a paragraph in your notebook about any incident of your life that made
you or your parents feel proud of you. Remember to capitalise and punctuate
Once I went to buy a few things my mother had asked. I was in the shopping mall.
Suddenly I saw a wallet falling on the floor. I just ignored and passed by it. Just
then I thought to pick that wallet and give it to the reception. I just picked the
wallet and walked towards the reception. I was not so far that I heard an
announcement. A man had lost his wallet and he was just announcing if anyone
had seen his wallet. I quickly ran towards him and handed over the wallet. He
checked the things in the wallet and thanked me greatly. The man at the
reception also thanked me and appreciated me.
G) Creative writing
Write a story on ‘Honesty is the Best policy’.
Once upon time, there was a poor woodcutter who lived in a village. The
woodcutter was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. Suddenly his axe slipped and
fell into the water. He became very sad. The angel of mercy happened to pass
that way. He asked him, “Why are you so sad?” The woodcutter told him about
his axe. The angel took pity on him. He dived into the water and brought out a
golden axe. The woodcutter said, “It is not mine”. The angel dived again and this
time brought out a silver axe. The woodcutter refused again saying. “My axe is
made of iron.” The angel dived again and brought out an iron axe. He cried out
with joy. “This is my axe.” The angel was much pleased with his honesty and gave
him the other two axes as a reward for his honesty.

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Unit 7: Unity is Strength
A) Vocabulary
3. Tick the right options to make compound words. Write the compound words
in the given blanks.
high +  way sky = highway
tea + war  pot = teapot
bed +  room shift = bedroom
birth + night  day = birthday
pea + picture  nut = peanut
B) Comprehension
1. Answer the questions.
a. The doves landed on the ground to eat the food.
b. A huge net fell on them and they were trapped.
c. The mouse nibbled the net and they were all set free.
3. Complete the given summary using the given word bank.
Once a flock of doves and their king flew a long distance in search of food. They
found some rice grains scattered under a banyan tree.
As they landed to eat the grains, they all got trapped in huge net set by a hunter.
They were very worried. Their king thought of a plan and asked all of them to fly
together carrying the net with them. They acted upon the advice. After that they
went to a mouse who was the king’s friend and asked him to help them by
nibbling the net to set them free. Soon they all were free. They had learnt that
unity is strength.
C) Phonics
2. Write a sentence using ‘thee’ and ‘thuh’ sound each in your notebook.
The (thee) orange was sour.
The (thee) egg was fried.
This is the (thee) insect I just caught.

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The (thuh) doves were trapped.
The (thuh) boy was reading a book.
The (thuh) fan was not working.
D) Grammar
Reflexive Pronouns
2. Make sentences of your own using the given reflexive pronouns in your
a. I have completed my homework myself.
b. We went to watch the movie ourselves.
c. Have you finished the painting yourself?
d. He killed the little insect himself.
e. The window got stuck itself.
3. Fill in the blanks using the given word bank.

 Sadeeq tried to defend himself when two men attacked him suddenly.
 Some animals clean themselves with their tongues.
 My sister cut herself while she was chopping onions for the salad.
 I think I will buy myself a new smartphone.
 My cat hurt itself when it suddenly jumped out of the kitchen window.
 You should buy yourself a dictionary. I can’t lend you mine as I need it.

‘Be’, ‘Do’ and ‘Have’ as helping verb (Negative form)

4. Make sentences of your own using ‘be’, ‘do’ and ‘have’ each as helping verbs
(negative form) in the given space.
be: He was not coming.
do: They do not want you to join their project.
have: She has not completed writing her novel.

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F) Writing
2. Write some words and their contractions in the space given below.

3. Fill in the following mind map. Then write a fable of your own in your

Story: Once there lived in a forest a hare and a tortoise. The hare was very proud
of his speed. He made fun of the poor tortoise for his slow speed. The tortoise
challenged the hare to have a race with him. The hare accepted the challenge

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The race started on the time. The parrot was the referee. The hare ran very fast.
The tortoise was left much behind. The hare stopped to take rest under a tree and
he fell asleep. The tortoise passed him smilingly and reached the finish point. The
hare woke up and ran as fast as he could. He saw that the tortoise was already
there at the finish point. He had won the race. The hare was ashamed for all he
had done to the tortoise.
G) Creative Writing
Search the internet and find a fable on the moral ‘Greed is a curse’.

Once, there lived a greedy dog in a certain town. He stole a piece of meat from a
butcher’s shop and ran away. He wanted to eat it alone. So he decided to go away
from the town. On the way, he had to cross a stream by bridge. The water was
deep and crystal clear. The dog saw his reflection in the water. He took it for
another dog with a larger piece of meat in his mouth. He was very greedy. He
decided to get that piece of meat also. Without wasting any time, he barked at it.
As he opened the mouth his own piece fell in to the water. Thus, instead of
getting another piece of meat, he lost his own piece.

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Unit 8: An Informative Trip
B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Hassan and Baber were interested in scientific inventions and discoveries.
b. Baber invited Hassan to visit to the National Science Museum with him.
c. Natural Sciences, Geography, Health Sciences, Space Sciences, Animal World
and Biotechnology.
Alphabetical order
2. Arrange the given words according to the first letter. Look up these words in a
dictionary and write their meanings.
Without Alphabetical order Meaning
Discovery Appreciate to recognize the good qualities of
appreciate Informative giving useful information
informative Discovery an act or the process of finding
Grateful Grateful an appreciation for something.
Hobbies Hobbies an activity for pleasure.

3. Arrange the given words according to the second letter. Look up these words
in a dictionary and write their meanings below.
Without Alphabetical order Meaning
experience eager strongly wanting to do something

Efforts Efforts the physical or mental energy that

you need to do something;
something that takes a lot of energy
Energetic Empty not filled

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Empty energetic having or needing a lot of energy and
Eager Experience the knowledge and skill that you
have gained through doing
something for a period of time

C) Phonics
2. Underline the short vowels and circle the long vowels in the given words.
short vowels: beg sit sun
long vowels:

D) Grammar
Possessive Adjective and Possessive Pronouns
2. Write six sentences of the pronouns above in your notebooks.
Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronouns
This is my bag. This bag is mine.
This is your book. This book is yours.
This is her ring. This ring is hers.
These are their pets. These pets are theirs.
This is his house. This house is his.
This is our garden. This garden is ours.

Modal Verbs
5. Write a sentence using ‘can’, ‘cannot’, ‘may’ and ‘may not’ each in your
 The fish can swim in water but she cannot live on land.
 He may come to my house but he may not bring his books.

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8. Underline the adverb in each sentence below and write whether it is an
adverb of manner or time.
a. Hassan accepted Babur’s invitation happily. (adverb of manner)
b. Babar met Hassan yesterday. (adverb of time)
c. Babur welcomed them warmly. (adverb of manner)
d. Hassan woke up early in the morning. (adverb of time)
e. I never go to sleep late at night. (adverb of time)
9. Use the adverbs of manner and time given above in your own sentences in
your notebook.
a. The kids went to the zoo happily.
b. My class teacher did not come yesterday.
c. I welcomed the guests warmly.
d. The children wake up early in the morning to go to school.
e. They never get late to complete their homework.

F) Writing
1. Rewrite the given paragraph using correct punctuation in your notebook.
Hassan looked at the model of the fast moving old car keenly and made his notes.
‘What are you writing?’ asked Babar. ‘I am writing its features.’ replied Hassan.
‘Oh that’s great,’ said Baber.
2. Write a short note to your friend to thank him/her for her/his gift.
Dear Saliha
22nd October 2019
I have got your precious gift last night. It was a beautiful pen holder. Thank you so
much. The gift is very lovely. I shall keep it with care. It will always remind me of
your love. I thank you once again.

32 | P a g e
3. Write an invitation to your friend to visit any famous place in your city in your

Dear Arman
2nd July 2019
I have a plan to visit the famous places of Lahore with my family. I invite you to
come and visit me. We will gather a lot of information and enjoy. I will wait for
your reply.

G) Creative writing
If you become a scientist, what things will you invent for the betterment of
If I become a scientist, I shall invent a recycle plant. Because I want to reduce the
amount of waste from my surroundings. It also conserves natural resources such
as timber, water and minerals. I want to prevent pollution by reducing the need
to collect new raw materials. I also want to save energy and energy resources.

33 | P a g e
Unit 9: Anthills
A) Vocabulary
3. Complete the following analogies using the given word bank.
a) Bicycle is to cyclist as pool is to swimmer.
b) Boat is to wear as aeroplane is to sky.
c) Pea is to vegetable as orange is to fruit.
4. Look at the given pictures and complete the similes. One has been done for
a) as hot as the sun
b) small like an ant.
c) as wise as an owl.
d) cute like a baby.
e) as brave as a lion.
B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Ants make their houses by building small sandcastles on the ground.
b. Ants spend their summer by cleaning their rooms and houses all the time.
c. Labour and hard work is a blessing for ants.

2. Read this glossary and answer the given questions.
a. What is the meaning of blessing?
Something that is good and helpful.
b. Where do ants live?
Ants live in sandcastles.

34 | P a g e
C) Phonics
2. Tick (√) the correct -ed sound for the given words.
/d/ /t/ /id/
liked 
stayed 
enjoyed 
walked 
waited 

D) Grammar

Noun-Pronoun Agreement
2. Tick (√) the correct option.
a) The cake was very tasty. It had a lot of nuts.
b) Sana, Usman and Umer enjoy playing cricket. They love teamwork.
c) Ali hits the ball. He hits it hard over the boundary.
d) Ants are very hard-working. They help each other.
e) Iqra is going to the seaside with her sister.

Use of ‘Should and Should Not’

4. Write two sentences of your own using each given modal.
a) You should complete your task in time.
b) You should always help your parents.
Should not
a) You should not waste time playing all the time.
b) You should not backbite anyone.

Adverbs of place
6. Make sentences of your own using the given adverbs of place in your
inside: The ants are working inside their rooms.
away: The grasshoppers are far away from the houses of ants.
everywhere: It was raining everywhere.
outside: The ants went outside to collect their food.

35 | P a g e
F) Writing
1. Find out three pairs of rhyming words from the poem. Write a poem about
ants using them in your notebook.
Ants in the sugar,
Ants in the tea,
Ants on the playground,
Ants stinging me.
Ants on the sidewalk,
Ants in the cracks,
Ants in a tunnel,
digging for snacks.
Ants on a teaspoon,
Ants on plate,
Ants back to the nest,
Its getting late.
Rhyming words: tea-me cracks-snacks plate-late

2. Write the main idea of the poem ‘Anthills’ in your notebook. Remember to
punctuate and capitalise properly.
The main idea of this poem is we should work hard. The little and tiny creature,
ants, work so hard to make their sandcastles. In the summer they collect food.
They always keep their houses clean. They work so quickly that a human cannot
imagine. The ants think that labour is a blessing to them. They cannot keep
themselves idle, they always prefer to work.

G) Creative writing
Nature gives us many beautiful things, such as plants, animals, water, stars,
clouds, etc. What is one of your favourite things in nature and why?
My favourite things in nature are animals. Animals are so cute. There are many
animals, I like all animals but my favourite animal is my pet cat. I always find cats
are very smart animals. My cat has a long tail and straight ears. It has powerful
sense of smell which makes her different from other cats. She likes to play in the
garden with a ball. She likes the natural environment. I like to play with her. My
cat is my best friend. I spend my best time with her.

36 | P a g e
Review 2
Oral Communication
1.Write two words with each given consonant cluster.
Initial Position
bl- scr-
Blend scream
blame scratch

Final position
rst sk
burst Ask
first Flask

2. Tick (√) the correct –ed sound for the given words.
/d/ /t/ /id/
played 
stayed 
enjoyed 
cooked 
visited 

1. Look at the given pictures and complete the similes. One has been done for
a) small like an ant.
b) as wise as an owl.
c) cute like a baby.
d) as brave as a lion.
3. Tick (√) the right options to make compound words. Write the compound
words in the given blanks.
high +  way sky = highway
tea + war  pot = teapot
37 | P a g e
bed +  room shift = bedroom
birth + night  day = birthday
pea + picture  nut = peanut

1. Underline the adverb in each sentence below and write whether it is an
adverb of manner or time.
a. Hassan accepted Babur’s invitation happily. (adverb of manner)
b. Babur met Hassan yesterday. (adverb of time)
c. Babur welcomed them warmly. (adverb of manner)
d. Hassan woke up early in the morning. (adverb of time)
e. I never go to sleep at night. (adverb of manner)
2. Write two sentences of your own using each modal verb given.
Should We should save water and plants.
Should not We should not take things from strangers.

3. Tick (√) the correct option.

a) Adil and Asim went to the market with their father.
b) The ants are collecting food in their house.
c) I have a book. It has great information about ants.

Write a short paragraph on different things that make you happy.
I have different things that make me happy. Mostly, the reason behind my
happiness is my family, friends, travelling, playing games, ice cream, book reading
and many more. I spend quality time with my family. My parents take care of me.
My siblings are very supportive. I have many friends with whom I play, study and
eat together. I enjoyed travelling; often we went to different places on summer
vacations. I like chocolate ice cream, especially I eat it in summer. I read different
storybooks at night.

38 | P a g e
Unit 10: The Wise Man Who Never Lied
A. Vocabulary

2. Fill in the missing letters to complete the words and learn their spelling.

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Hammad was famous in town for telling the truth.
b. The headman planned to go for hunting and he left a message for his son, but
actually he was not going for hunting.
c. The headman’s son told his father that he was informed that his father may or
may not come to join him.
4. Look at the given 24-hour clocks and tell the time.

C) Phonics
Pronounce the given words and write the number of syllables in them.
Words Number of
several 3
headman 2
pretend 2
anxiously 3

39 | P a g e
D) Grammar
Pointing Words

2. Tick (√) the right option.

a. These are my pets.
b. I gave you that book.

3. Make a few sentences of your own using pointing words.

a) This is my favourite toy.

b) That is my school library.
c) These are nice flowers but smell bad.
d) Those girls were wearing beautiful dresses.

5. Rewrite the given sentences using the adverbs of frequency in the right
place in your notebook.

a. I help the poor. (always)

I always help the poor.
b. We visit our grandparents. (often)
We often visit our grandparents.
c. Hammad tells lies. (never)
Hammad never tells lies.

Regular and Irregular verbs

7. Write sentences of your own with the regular and irregular verbs given
Regular verbs
 My brother lives alone in the city.
 I ordered a cake for my birthday.
 We all gathered to watch a movie.

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Irregular verbs
 He told the truth.
 We all went for a picnic last Sunday.
 She was known for her punctuality.

F) Writing

2. Write down three words using hyphens with numbers and fractions.


a) Look at the given pictures and write a procedure for making a sock puppet
in your own words.

41 | P a g e
G) Creative writing
Name five things you are grateful for and why you are grateful for them.

I am grateful for having family, friends, teachers, food and drinking water. I am
grateful for having a beautiful family and for their support, their encouragement,
for their strength and undue love. I am grateful for having priceless relationship
with my friends because they are fun, playing games, studying together and they
are always behind my back. I am grateful for teachers who took time out of their
lives to help me study and make me a good human being. I am very grateful for
their guidance. I am grateful for the water I drink as ease of the availability of that
water and the purity of the water. I am very grateful for eating different food
items. I am very grateful for the blessings of ALLAH (SWT).

42 | P a g e
Unit 11: How to Win Others
A) Vocabulary
2. Read the play again and find a word belonging to each part of speech given

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Shalan burst into tears because he did not get any position in his exams.
b. Shalan’s mother gave him an idea that he could have the best manners in his
school if he tried.
c. Shalan gave the parcel of the old woman to her by going to her home.

3. Write down the summary of the play using your note-taking skills.
‘How to win Others’ is an excellent piece of writing about the importance of good
manners and kindness. It describes that how we develop good relations with
others through our good behaviour and kind deeds.
C) Phonics
2. Write down the number of syllables in the given words using a dictionary.
Words Number of syllables Syllable Division
Neighbour 2 neigh.bour
Shopping 2 Shop.ing
Compete 2 comp.ete
Patiently 3 pa.tient.ly
Parcel 2 par.cel

43 | P a g e
D) Grammar
3. Write a short paragraph about your daily routine using the simple present

I wake up early in the morning. I say my Fajar prayer. I brush my teeth. I take my
Then, get ready for school. I go to school by bus. After school, I do my homework.
In the evening, I play with my friends and sibling. At night, I have my dinner with
my family. Then I go to sleep.
5. Write sentences using the given question words.

when: When will you go to office?

why: Why were you late today?
How often: How often do you visit the library?
How many: How many of you are coming to my house?

F) Writing
Complete the given mind map first and then write a short paragraph about the
given topic.

Kindness is composed of many factors like kind behaviour, kind words, polite
attitude and positive response. Kind behaviour is achieved as kind to everyone so
no one is get hurt. Kind behaviour can show by polite attitude to all. We should
also give positive response if anyone is harsh with us.
Kindness always works with kind words.

44 | P a g e
G) Creative writing
Write a short paragraph about how you help your parents at home.

My parents are really loving and caring about me. My father’s name is Ejaz
Qadeer and my mother’s name is Nighat Ejaz. They both are highly educated and
doing government jobs. They are working hard to making our lives better. In the
morning, I get ready myself for school. I keep my books in my school bag. I do my
homework myself daily. I water the plants every Sunday. I clean my computer
and laptop when my Mom says. I clean my room sometimes when my parents
remain busy. I help my parents in home chores. I serve glasses of water and other
little things; which my parents need. I also serve the guests with my Mom. I
helped my mother in the kitchen. Usually I prepare Salad at lunchtime.
Sometimes I also cook Omelets for my parents. I respect and obey my parents’

45 | P a g e
Unit 12: Manchester of Pakistan
A) Vocabulary
3. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order in your notebook. Look them
up in a dictionary and also write their meanings.
Words Alphabetical order Meanings
former Crowd a large number of people gathered together
in a public place
several Former that existed in earlier times
goods Goods things that are produced to be sold
crowd Several more than two but not very many

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. The former name of Faisalabad was Lyallpur.
b. Sir Charles Riwaz and a local landlord laid the foundation of the Clock Tower.
c. Karkhana Bazaar, Aminpur Bazaar and Rail Bazaar.

2. Look at the 2021 calendar. Circle the dates of the given events.
Pakistan Day Defence Day Kashmir Day

46 | P a g e
Pie chart and Bar Graph
4. Read the population of the provinces of Pakistan in the given pie chart and
bar graph. Answer the following questions.
a) Which is the largest province of Pakistan? Punjab
b) How much does Punjab make-up of the country’s total population? 55%
c) Which province has the lowest population? Balochistan

D) Grammar
Joining Words
2. Join the sentences by choosing the correct joining words.
a. She has not submitted her homework because she is very ill.
b. Asim had bought a new dress so he will come to the party.
c. She is working on history and culture for her assignment.

Statements and Questions

4. Write ‘S’ for statements and ‘Q’ for questions.
a. His family will come on Eid. S
b. How is your father now? Q
c. Where is the Clock Tower? Q
d. There are eight famous bazaars in Faisalabad. S
e. Faisalabad is not called the heart of Pakistan. S
5. Write five statements and questions each in your notebook.
1. My laptop is not working.
2. My grandfather likes me.
3. Her sister likes to play tennis.
4. It will be an educational trip.
5. They decided to visit the museum.

47 | P a g e
1. Is that your father?
2. Do we play after an hour?
3. Has she worked in a hotel before?
4. Where is he going?
5. Did you finish your homework?
7. Read the following answers and write questions for each.
a. Where is your father? My father is in the art gallery.
b. Whose book is this? This is my geometry set.
c. Which is the most famous place in Faisalabad? The most famous place in
Faisalabad is the Clock Tower.
8. Make questions with question words above in your notebook.
 Why are you disturbing me?
 Where is the Faisal Masjid?
 Whose earnings are those?
 Which is your favourite colour?

10. Complete the following sentences by putting the correct form of the verb.
a. She is making cakes for the guests.
b. They are not visiting their grandparents.
c. Am I going with you?
11. Write six sentences using the present continuous tense in your notebook.
1. She is going on vacation.
2. He is planting a tree.
3. Adan is making greeting card for his father.
4. My uncle is buying a new bicycle.
5. Am I reading this story for you?
6. They are planning for a picnic.

48 | P a g e
F) Writing
1. Fill in the missing information to complete the paragraph using the word
Faisalabad is also famous for its historical Ghanta Ghar. Sir Charles Rizwan, the
lieutenant governor of Punjab, and a landlord laid the foundation of the Clock
Tower on 14th November 1903. This tower is known as Clock Tower.

G) Creative Writing
What do you like about your city? Write a paragraph to express your thoughts
in your notebook.
I live in Lahore. It is famous for its historical places. There are a lot of markets in
Lahore. Its food is awesome. Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that there’s no better
place for food in Pakistan than Lahore. With historic places such as Gawal Mandi
and Anarkali, Lahore is beaming with countless feasting options.

49 | P a g e
Unit 13: Let’s Plan a School Trip

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. Fahad’s friend told him that he had an amazing experience and learnt a lot of
new things during his school trip at the chocolate factory.
b. They decided to visit a shoe factory near their school.
c. The purpose of this visit is to learn new things, procedures and professions.

2. Read the letter given in the unit again and write its summary in your own
Fahad is writing a letter to the manager and seeking his permission to visit the
shoe factory. The purpose of this visit is to learn new things, procedures and

D) Grammar
3. Make three sentences of your own using each of the tenses above in your
a. She was baking a cake for the guest.
b. They were not painting in their art class.
c. Was he riding a cycle?

Joining Words
5. Write two sentences using ‘for example’ and ‘for instance’ each.
For example:
 You can use any two colours, for example pink and black.
 There are many fruits in the garden, for example apple, pears, and
For instance:

 I follow all school rules; for instance listen to my teacher carefully.

 You cannot rely on her; for instance she arrived an hour late for an
important meeting yesterday.

50 | P a g e
F) Writing
Write a letter in your notebook to the Parks and Horticulture Authority (PHA)
about the poor maintenance of a public park in your area.

Date: 20-8-19
Address Building# 209, Block A-2 Gulberg Lahore
Dear Sir,
I am living in Layari. I want to inform you via this application that the sanitary
conditions near the parks are miserable. There is garbage everywhere. There is a
lot of pollution because of the sewerage water which has been spread on the
jogging tracks because of the blockage in the gutter system. The sweepers had
not been seen in the parks for months. Kindly take this note seriously and make
the parks clean and tidy.
Yours sincerely:

G) Creative writing
Imagine you have a pen friend from another country. Write him/her a letter
about what your life is like.
Ali Asghar,

Dear friend,
Hi! How are you? I’m fine. I am happy to be your pen friend. I will introduce
myself to you.
I will tell you about my family. I study in class 5. My school name is ABC School.
My favourite subject is English. My hobby is collecting different “key chains”. I
also like to read storybooks. I have two sisters and two brothers. My parents are
very caring.

Bye for now and write back soon! I hope to hear from you soon.

Your pen friend,


51 | P a g e
Unit 14: Evening
A) Vocabulary
3. Write plurals of the given nouns.
singular plurals
girl girls
leaf leaves
man men
country countries
evening evenings

Verb Forms
5. Write forms of the given verbs in your notebook.
base form past past participle
laugh laughed laughed
drive drove driven
throw threw thrown
eat ate eaten
walk walked walked

B) Comprehension
1. Answer these questions.
a. The poet has described the scene of an evening that after the long day passed,
we can see the white stars on the sky. The grass is wet by the dew drops and
the bats fly.
b. The poet has no fear as he thinks that God is always with him in the dark or
c. He says that Allah (SWT) holds all the things. He looks after the poor child and
grow trees and grass.

52 | P a g e
2. Read the given central idea of the poem you have just read. Answer the
following questions in your notebook.
 What did you learn from the central idea of the poem?
Allah (SWT) is always with us. When the darkness prevails everywhere, we
get scared. But we should have faith that Allah (SWT’) is always with us.

 How can we make peace and harmony everywhere?

We should love each other from our hearts.

D) Grammar
2. Make seven questions of your own using ‘do’, ‘does’, ‘did’, ‘are’ ‘had’, ‘have’
and ‘was’. Write them in your notebook.
1. Do they come to see the exhibition?
2. Are you enjoying the fruit?
3. Does she like to paint?
4. Was Amir composing well?
5. Did they cross the railway track?
6. Had he written a letter to the editor?
7. Have you finished your work on time?

F) Writing
1. Read the poem and write its central idea in your notebook.
The poet says that the day has passed. The sun has now set. White stars have
appeared in the dark sky. The long grass is wet with dew drops. The darkness has
prevailed everywhere. Bats are flying here and there in the air. Darkness is fearful
and scary. The poet bows before God. God loves equally the rich, the poor, the
great and the small. The poet is not afraid of darkness anymore. He is sure that
God is always with him everywhere.

2. List three pairs of rhyming words in the poem given above.

night-candlelight way-day you-blue

53 | P a g e
3. Write a poem of your own about the morning using the pairs of rhyming
words above.
Mornings are filled with mist,
Mornings are delight,
Was thinking about you all night,
Coz you are not in sight,

Wishing you a lovely morning today,

Because it’s just another awesome day,
Good morning my dear,
Wish you were near!
(adopted )
Mist-delight night-sight today-day dear-near

G) Creative writing
Write a paragraph about your favourite season.

There are four seasons in Pakistan that is winter, autumn, spring and summer. My
favourite season is winter. There is extremely cold weather in winter. In winter,
people are wearing sweaters, coat, gloves, socks, etc. Mostly, people like to take
soup and hot coffee in the winter and I prefer to take hot chocolate. I love the
winters that turns my cheeks red. When I breathe, I can see my white, hot breath
in the air. In winter, usually we have a lot of snow on the mountains, it is nice to
play with snow, spend more time with family, and have a peaceful and calm

54 | P a g e
Review 3
Oral Communication
1. Write the number of syllables in them.

Words Number of
Several 3
Headman 2
Pretend 2
Anxiously 3

1. Look at the 24-hour clock and write the time.

2. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order in your notebook. Look

them up in a dictionary and also write their meanings.
Words Alphabetical order Meanings
former Crowd a large number of people gathered together
in a public place
several Former that existed in earlier times
goods Goods things that are produced to be sold
crowd Several more than two but not very many

1. Complete the sentences using the correct verb form.
a) She is making cakes for the guests.
b) They are not visiting their grandparents.
c) Am I going with you?

55 | P a g e
2. Write two sentences using ‘for example’ and ‘for instance’ each.
For example:
There are many fruits in the garden, for example apple, pears, and strawberries.

For instance:
You cannot rely on her; for instance she arrived an hour late for an important
meeting yesterday.
3. Make questions using ‘do’, ’does’ and ‘did’.
do: Do you have any extra pen?
does: Does he understand the importance of working hard?
did: Did you listen me?

Write a short story on true friends.
Once upon time there were two friends, a squirrel and a puppy. They lived and
played together. The squirrel was very active and always won the game. The
puppy used to feel bad and thought that it was useless.
One day, it started raining heavily. The squirrel was in high spirits. He started
doing work but suddenly, lost his balance and fell in the rain water. He asked his
friend, the puppy for help. The puppy came to his rescue. The squirrel climbed on
its back and reached a safe place. He thanked his friend for saving his life.

56 | P a g e

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