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Electrical Systems of Buildings

Chapter 3: Lighting & Daylighting

Senior T. A. Abdul Ghani Noori

Heating and Cooling of Buildings: Design for Efficiency, Revised

Second Edition, CRC Press, 2010

Kandahar University
Engineering Faculty
Energy Engineering Department 7-Mar-22

 Understanding the principle of electric and daylighting.

 Analyze and Design of electric lighting for buildings.

 Analyze and design of daylighting.

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3.1 Principles of Lighting
 Lighting of building is one of the major consumer of energy. (5% of USA energy)

 Lighting could be done by two methods, but by considering the time of usage of a
I. Natural lighting (sun)

II. Artificial lighting

 Lighting can cause heat addition to the space.

 By the first law of thermodynamics, if a lamp consumes Qlight of electric power, it

decreases the heating load and increases the cooling load by light,
where f is the fraction of Qlight that escapes to the outside.

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Cont. Important Terms and Definitions

 Lumen: is a unit used to measure the amount of light perceived by the human
eye. For example, a 100W incandescent lamp typically produces around 1750
lumens (lm).

 Luminous Flux(ø): is the amount of visible light emitted

by a light source per second. Its unit is lumen (lm).

 Luminous efficacy: is a measure of how well a light source produces visible
light. It is the ratio of luminous flux to power (Lm/W).
It is 10 to 20 lm/W for incandescent lamps, 50 to 90 lm/W for fluorescent lamps and
100-120 Lm/W for the sun.

Luminaire efficiency: is calculated by

comparing the amount of light coming out
of the fixture to the amount of total light
produced by the light source. (%)

 Illuminance: is the luminous flux (Lm) divided by the area on which it is
incident (m2). Its SI unit is lux (lx) and US unit is foot-candle (fc)

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 Required Illumination for different areas

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 Luminous intensity: is the luminous flux emitted by a source into an
angular region of unit solid angle [measured in steradians (sr)]. its unit is
the candela (cd)

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 Luminance: is defined as the luminous flux emitted per unit area and per unit
solid angle in a given direction (cd/m2).

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Apart from energy consumption, principal considerations for the design of lighting
systems are:
I. Luminous flux (Area * Illuminance)
II. Spectral composition (color rendition)
III. Angular distribution of the radiation

In designing lighting systems, the glare effect should be considered. which is the
extremely bright sources of light within the normal field of vision.

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3.2 Electric Lighting
 The light bulbs have been illuminating our homes, offices, and buildings since
Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan invented the first incandescent bulb in the 19th

 Two century after, the lights bulbs have seen tremendous development and
significant improvement regarding efficiency, quality of light, density, and energy

 Light bulbs are available in different shapes, sizes, voltages, and material.

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 Low-pressure sodium lamps produce yellow light, only suitable for outdoor like

 High-pressure sodium lamps yield white light with fairly good color rendition,
but the efficacy or effect is lower.

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 Gaseous discharge lamps must be connected to the electricity via a special

device, called the ballast.

 Ballast prevents the current from exceeding the design value, it provides the
starting voltage kick, and it corrects the power factor.

 The power consumption of the ballast can be a significant item, on the order of
10 percent of the total.

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Five most common types of Light Bulbs used in buildings are:

1- Incandescent Bulbs: are the typical bulbs. In an incandescent bulb, a tungsten

filament glows when the current passes through it, illuminating the bulb.

 Incandescent bulbs only work for 700–1000 hours and are energy inefficient.

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2- Halogen Lamps: are an improved version of incandescent bulbs in which tungsten
filament is wrapped with a compact transparent envelope.

 The bulb takes its name from the filling of a small amount of Halogen with an
inert gas. The inert gas increases the brightness and lifespan of the bulb resulting
in higher luminous efficiency.

3- Fluorescent Lamps: In a fluorescent tube, the electric current passes between the
cathodes, exciting mercury and other gasses which are filled inside, radiating energy.

 The phosphorous coating at the outside converts radiant energy into visible light.

 The fluorescent lamps use less energy to produce the same amount of light and
can last longer.

4- Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL): working on the principle of fluorescent
lamps. It consists of multiple tubular loops, filled with mercury and has a
resemblance to the incandescent bulb.

 CFLs have a longer lifespan up to 10000 hours, are more energy efficient.

5- Light Emitting Diode (LED): LED is a semiconductor device in which the
electricity is applied to the negatively charged diode, resulting in the flow of electron
and release of the photon. The photons combine to emit light from the diode.

 As a semiconductor, the LEDs are high energy efficient and can produce brighter
light with less energy. A LED can emit colored light without using color filters

Cont. Lumen Method for Determining the Required Lights for a Given
Work Plane
In this method, the average illuminance of the work plane is given by,

F = total light output of lamps (not counting absorption by luminaires), lm
Aw = area of work plane
Cu = coefficient of utilization

 If all the light from the lamp reached the work plane, the average illuminance
would be F∕Aw .

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The coefficient of utilization (Cu) represents the efficiency with which the luminaire
transfers the light to the work plane.

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 The coefficient of utilization depends on the geometry and the reflectivities of the
room, and on the luminaire.

 The geometry can be entered only via the room ratio.

∆h = room height - work plane height
W = width
L = length of room

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Cont. Example 3.1

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Cont. Solution 3.1

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3.3 Principles of Daylighting
 Daylighting (also known as natural lighting) is, of course, the oldest means of
illumination, but it has gained new popularity since the oil crises.

 It has psychological appeal in addition to its promise of energy savings.

 Having higher luminous efficacy, daylight is cooler than electric light.

 As a rule of thumb for ordinary windows, the maximum distance to which useful
light can be brought into a building is 1.5 to 2 times the height of the upper
window edge.

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 The potential for savings is greatest in commercial buildings for a number of

 They are occupied during the day and use much electricity for lighting, the
electricity during the day (peak period) is expensive, and the heat of the lights
imposes a cooling load during much of the year.

 Having higher luminous efficacy, daylight is cooler than electric light.

 More than one-half of commercial space is located directly under a roof or

adjacent to a window and thus is accessible to daylight.

 In residential buildings, by contrast, most of the light is needed when there is

little daylight and cooling loads are less important.

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 Design types for daylighting

Unilateral lighting Bilateral lighting Clerestory lighting

Roof monitor lighting Saw tooth lighting Domed skylight

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 A major concern with daylighting is the avoidance of glare, i.e., excessive
contrast, during periods of direct sunlight.

 Diffuse glazing can be quite acceptable in skylights, clerestories, and other

windows not used for vision.

 Aesthetics is an essential quality of daylighting. For example, if a horizontal

skylight with diffuse glazing looks just like a fluorescent fixture.

 Roof structure with linear

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 Buildings lighted by clerestories
and skylights

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3.4 Analysis of Day lighting
For the analysis of daylighting, the following quantities need to be determined

1. The daylight incident on the aperture, keeping track of three separate components:
 Direct radiation from the solar disk
 Radiation from the sky
 Radiation reflected by the ground

2. The fraction transmitted through the aperture, including losses due to dirt.

3. The fraction transmitted to the work plane, taking into account multiple reflections
at walls and other intervening surfaces

4. The electricity that can be saved.

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 Unlike the design conditions for thermal loads, daylighting is rarely designed as a
standalone system for extreme conditions

 In regions far from the equator, the seasonal change of day length makes it difficult
or impossible to rely entirely on daylight for the duration of normal working hours.

 Complete backup with electric lamps is imperative in almost all situations.

 The performance of daylight depends on the:

 Geometry of the daylighting system
 Site and climate
 Control of the backup lighting

 Some computer program such as, DOE 2.1, WINDOWS and SUPERLIGHT are
used for accurate designs. Here we use a simple method for design calculations, the

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Cont. Daylight Data
 The need for daylight data depends on the accuracy of design.

 In order to account for electricity savings, a proportionality is assumed between

daylight (in lumens) and solar radiation (in Watts) and defuse radiations are
assumed isotropic.

 In reality, the lumen distribution is not isotropic, even under a uniform clear or a
uniform overcast sky, to say nothing of the effect of clouds.

 For instance, for an overcast sky, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES)
model assigns a distribution proportional to

Lumen Distribution =

θs = Zenith angle of sun

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 The luminous efficacy of solar radiation varies as a function of meteorological

 The key parameters needed for a detailed modeling of daylight availability are:

 The astronomical coordinates of the sun (zenith, azimuth, solar time)

 The geographic location of the site (longitude, latitude, elevation above sea level)

 The atmospheric conditions (turbidity, cloudiness)

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 The calculation of daylight availability is basically like the calculation of solar
heat gain factors, with the replacement of watts by lumens.

 But, there is a difference. For heat gains, once a ray has entered, it can be
counted as heat gain. But the daylighting effect is quite sensitive to the direction
of the rays.

 For designing daylights, separate calculations for direct radiation (from sun), sky
radiation (defuse) and for ground reflected radiation (defuse) are done.

 Illuminance figures are shown for the three components of radiations in next

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Cont. Direct component of design illuminance as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. HORIZONTAL = Exh,dir, VERTICAL = Exv,dir
(a) Clear Sky

Direct component of design illuminance as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. HORIZONTAL = Exh,dir, VERTICAL = Exv,dir
(b) Partly cloudy sky

Cont. Diffuse sky component of design illuminance as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. HORIZONTAL = Exh,s, VERTICAL = Exv,s/2
(a) Clear sky

Cont. Diffuse sky component of design illuminance as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. HORIZONTAL = Exh,s, VERTICAL = Exv,s/2
(b) Partly cloudy sky

Cont. Diffuse sky component of design illuminance as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. HORIZONTAL = Exh,s, VERTICAL = Exv,s/2
(c) Overcast sky

Cont. Diffuse horizontal half-sky component (= Exh,s/2 = solid lines) of design
illuminance on ground in front of a vertical surface as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. (a) Clear sky

Cont. Diffuse horizontal half-sky component (= Exh,s/2 = solid lines) of design
illuminance on ground in front of a vertical surface as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. (b) Partly cloudy sky

Cont. Diffuse horizontal half-sky component (= Exh,s/2 = solid lines) of design
illuminance on ground in front of a vertical surface as a function of solar altitude
(90 ͦ - θs ). Azimuth label indicates | Øs – Øp | of azimuth angles of sun Øs and of
surface Øp, respectively. (c) Overcast sky

Cont. Lumen Method for Top lighting
 Skylights provide lighting from the top. So its calculation is similar to the electric
 In this calculations, only horizontal apertures are considered.
 The average illuminance Ew on the indoor work plane is,

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 The transmissivity t is different for direct and for diffuse radiation.

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 The Ldirt is given in Table 13.5

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 As transmissivity t is dependent on glazing, therefore 13.5 eq. is re-written for
overcast sky.

Where the exterior horizontal illuminance Exh,s from the sky can be found in Figure

 The fraction of entered light that reaches the work plane is given by the room
coefficient of utilization Cu, listed in Table 13.4 for several reflectivities and as a
function of geometry, represented by the room cavity ratio.

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 If a light well is present, the transmissivity is multiplied by an additional factor,
the well efficiency, obtained from the ordinate of Fig. 13.7 as a function of well
wall reflectivity and geometry.

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 For clear and for partly cloudy days, Eq. (13.5) is generalized to contain two
terms, one for diffuse illuminance from the sky and one for direct illuminance
from the sun:

 The skylight transmissivity tdir for direct radiation is different from tdif and varies
with the angle of incidence. But the Cu is assumed independent of the angle
of incidence, within the approximation of the lumen method.

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Cont. Example 3.2

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Cont. Solution 3.2

Please see the comments!

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Cont. Lumen Method for Side lighting
 With side lighting, the illuminance varies strongly between different points in the
room that are at different distances from the aperture.

 The lumen method gives no credit for direct sunlight in the room; It is assumed
that the window has overhangs, blinds, and shades in order to avoid glare.

 The calculation should be done for several reference points located on a line
perpendicular to the aperture.

 The procedure of IES (1989) recommends five reference points.

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 Disregarding certain complications of angular distributions, the basic formula for
the illuminance Ew on the work plane is,

where Exv is the exterior vertical illuminance on the window and t = tdif is the
diffuse transmissivity, calculated by Eq. (13.6a) as for skylights.

 No area ratio appears in the equation; it is implicit in the coefficient of

utilization Cu.

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 For greater accuracy, the contributions from the sky and from the ground are
calculated separately, with separate values for Cu, and then added:

Where Exv,s/2 = vertical illuminance incident on window from the half sky in front of
the window (Fig. 13.5), Exv,g/2 = vertical illuminance reflected from the ground in
front of the window, obtained from the horizontal illuminance Exh by,

 Analogous to Eq. (6.24); ρg is the reflectivity of the ground.

 For overcast days Exh is the full sky value from Fig. 13.5c.
 For clear or for partly cloudy days, one takes Exh as the sum of the direct
horizontal component (Fig. 13.4a or b) and the horizontal diffuse sky component
(Fig. 13.5a or b).

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Cont. Example 3.3

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Cont. Solution 3.3

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Please solve the following problems from the problems of chapter-2.

13.1 – 13.10

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66 7-Mar-22
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