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For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) a Be Grateful xi/*+ Look at the pictures and write the names of the given blessings in the boxes below. werttuig elurMomhend pineapple tomatoes | pots aubergine | capsicum © What is your favourite fruit or vegetable? te Sobrante! ‘Ans.My favourite fruit is mango. My favourite vegetable is okra.< Sintra cese-<¢t @ Describe why you like it the most. wh Sihrteh eee gh Lt Ans. like it because itis very tasty. sweet and full of energy. mete Aa Stiietole pote SL yntlge it © Can you explain the nutritional value of the chosen fruit or vegetable? Sut Loot fosi iS al Face! ‘Ans.Mango has'a great nutritional value. It is full of vitamin A and vitamin C. naif fa FS baste tel eteansa ele @ Imagine what life would be like if these blessings were not created by Allah ($a)? PDK GiIL Lug Pedic Brg ‘Ans. Life would be tasteless if Allah Jsszu did not create these great blessings. People could not arrange parties of delicious fruits. ELM ee PSA Leg 2 rgd rin BS ¢ Name a few more natural things without which life is not possible. ae Aldor ilnghinrh Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 13 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Look atthe pictures and read the ttle of the lesson. Guess five words related to It ae ed te le Rotel Ans. 1. taste 2. emotion 3. passion 4. tenderness 5. appreciation 2 vey ae ah © Name some blessings of Allah (EX) LMA Saoa Ans. Stars, rees, ar bids, flowers, sun, moon, clouds, rain, animals, fruts etc are some lessings of Allah (5) cs. 2'Cunvcdnay d I You S 4 ¥ | Tsee You in the stars, | When the night glows Z te * When the night glows with a soark When | __the trees. When the trees sway in the air And Bires) envoy __ther I a 2% eins © 2 [And birds enjoy their share ‘When the flowers | bloom a queue, ae < ee = 2. A ea When the flowers bloom in aq And [sleep [And sieep at right win daw, Wher 7 [22 [When I needa lot of care, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 14 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Your presence Z or feel Your presence there, Do help 3 we wan AERO € T ‘emile or when T weep, | ve a “ i sé ia i = oe 7 | he Tsmile or when | weep, mwitnb ent Y fot aS 10 hear z 7 o [Aa no one else oan hear, When 7 Niihien 1 biteny shed ny ti ee ‘* Which quality of Allah ($39) is discussed in the second stanza of the poem? Ans.Omnipresent |s the quality of Allah Is discussed in the second stanza Wi ter Se Vite wih A SA SOSaH Of the poem. None olher suppor | 4 a | a te & wartha | None other can support my smile, te Send Ive judged it tr] miles I've judged it far off miles, Enlighten [Enlighten please my core, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 15 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) O Allah! Just love me morell! aot a 7 e 7 ait cy ver 2 [0 Allaht Just love me morell! Fatima Mehru 376 emer How doyou show your love for Allah ($$)? Discuss different ways. Sh RAR rh iia Sabb ‘Ans.| show my love for Allah Jérsicby obeying his commands, Obeying Allah means | prey five times a day | speak the truth. | love my family, friends and neighbours. WL wxnS er uiiScnd i tie Sad dwreicd nL Ape Spol papitata Jerid es Ut hethe eA aly Ems © Write a note onthe blessings of Allah (iy) for us. uted e mn USeuricd! ‘Ans.Allah has blessed us with a lot of gifts. Allah Jz:si'made us Muslim It is a great blessing He sent to us his dearest Rasool Hazrat Muhammad (aczi¢ziuis 2444). He gave us food to eat, clothes lo wear. He gave us parents, brotners and sister We have Countless blessings of Allah Jis-vc. Barden sthoWPUe sid op crete 26 oL sted RRA gtd tag whe LM Satna Ke LANE LDL MBIA cots fy Sirois A) Oral Communication puss ! @ Learning the Sounds f Vowel Sounds a i. Read the given sentences and notice the use of words with vowel sounds. -adeduery Ahsiie uit eles creatures of Allah) ($4), « The children saw an€lephandin the zoo. They ved in an (GlO9) during the winter season, «There is GN OCtOpUS> inthesea «He used an during the rain A vowel is a letter that makes a distinct sound by itself. The five vowels in the English aphabet are a ei, oand u. ,0,1,,UZrhebs7 tg erin tb leg Sei Underline the words that begin with vowel sounds. tg orbs stGurt OAL shes Ans.¢ Rida usually eats an egg with bread in the morning * The woodcutter works with an axe. # My mother brought some oranges. # Put some foe in the juice. He was a famous umpire ili, Write ten words that begin with vowel sounds in your notebook. ALLL AEM LIL nbsp iI Ans. owl atrow apple ol ox onion elephant —__inkpot ape ant Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 16 of 245) Ans: For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Gye i. Read and practise the given dialogue. FL» Hin: ‘Good morning, Maryam How are you? oe st Maryam: Good merning, Hina. | am fine. Thank you, what about you", SL ie deg UAE DEAT or Hina: lam fine too. Did you read the poem 'O Allah Loves Me"? tedy utter Fin Ghee Maryam: Yes, | read it last night. teelehB Ne tr Hina: Did you like this pcem? What's your opinion about it? Se SRE 4 La J Maryam: Of course, | lke it | think it gives us a good message that Allah (3i3) loves us a lot and He is always there for us when we are sad or happy. wate mnt t Gmgt Letorien Wine le br eet Pe eunl/v4 Hina: Yes. You are right, Maryam. Kh Maryam: We should love Him and obey His commands throughout our lives. We should be thankful to Him for His blessings, _ ep UAns Suite Aneel g oyu, f ii, Arrange a classroom discussion and ask students to express their opinions about any Of their favourite poems. -ufWUpsi te 4Lure ce tvlent Pai fone ear? Ans. Practical work ce itleal Thinking brbtisteny Moe ‘Answer these questions, aumettLysingl © In which things does the post see Allah (ey)? hi Sioa tugs Ans. The poet sees Allah ($5) in Stars, night, trees, birds, flowers and in the air. we Linatiehe eg Bu wt (Se)dre ‘© When does the poet fea! the presence of Allah (Sz)? ‘eth Ss arb Tasicdy re ‘Ans.When he needs a lot of care, he feels the presence of Allah (Ss). HUA Gar Se dinie IrenASivece ie ‘Why doos the poot want more love from Allah ($4)? Se Hipudave re aisle Ans.The poet feels that Allah ($2) is the only support in her happy and sad moments. Therefore, she demands more love and help from Allah ($3). hte She Se hea NL SVE NIE SSS) the Are ii, Look at the given pictures and read the story. [Once there was a lion sleeping in a forest. Suddenly a mouse came and] fy | Climbed on its body. The lion got disturbed and woke up from his sieep. i warchg PovToZ PL Mg LIB ar LEAL AtbraLi [The Tion angily tock Foid of the tiny mouse. The mouse pieaded with the lion to ‘et him go, saying he would help him in need. The lion laughed at the mouse and let him go. raha Sineitl infortiaten Leet ileze ike OL, sbbve ing dre SZ MAS Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 17 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) (One day a hunter came and spread a net to catch the lion. The lion did not) see that net and got stuck in it, He roared and tried to escape but he fallod PL aaiiem LE Arata otek 2. ALN ct Elbe CEM 2L ay The mouse heard the lion's roars and came there He started cutting the| net with his teeth. The lion got out of the net and thanked the mouse. The! mause fulfilled his promise and saved the lion's ite. Pheu new, iii, Look at the given pictures and write a story in your notebook. AW gibi fs (Once a dove saw an ant|And managed to|On@ Gay a hunter|Of the hunter, His gun at the bank of a river. |save the life of the|came and tried to/fell from his hands The ant was drowning. fant. The ant target the dove The The dove flew away. The dove flew thanked dove |ant saw and stung at) The dove thanked the| i 5 , the hand ant for saving her ife iv. Read the poem again and ill in the blanks with the correct er wet bie iaomty? © The poet sees Allah ($o¥) in the stars at night 4) moon il) sun D siars iv) clouds ‘© The post says that the flawers bloom in a queue. i) dry up J bloom inp wither Wy) fade © The poet wants Allah's love i) fathers love i) mothers love ii) afriend'slove J Allan's (375) love © Allan's always near the poet when he cries or smiles i) away from ff) near ii) far from Ww) beyond © When the poet needs a lot of care, Allah is always there. 3) his mother i)_his father D Alan (3) iv) his brother Cyr) Read the poem again and observe different blessings of Allah ($2) around you. Also make a list of blessings mentioned in that poem. Now write a few lines about what life would be it Allah's blessings (trees, birds, ai, sun, water, etc.) were not there. Lb Sei tL Whe PMS TPIS PU LAPD cei Site itp nse wheobdverime spss PS Sircc hg? ‘Ans There are many blessings around us. Days and nights are also blessings. We work at Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 18 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) daytime and sleep at night. Fruits and vegetables are also great blessings of Allah (Sm) Air, sun, birds and trees are greatest blessings of Allah. If these blessings were not there, life would be impossible on the earth ESS NCS MA BEML SHWE ENE oe C)_ Language Focus Read the given words with their meanings. ral desley Words 5 Meanings i [spark ‘a small flash of light [sway to move sowly trom side b side iter ina way that shows thal you feel sad or angry Support to help or encourage somebody cnlighier to give somebody information so fat they understand something better Create a Poem CAP ii” Write a short poem on the topic Friendship’ using the given rhyming words in your notebook. The first stanza has been given for yot eV rd Lay lichen MEPL tLe ite bain lanbArl oe” Friendship is a priceless gif, that cannot be bought or sold. But its value is far greater. than a mountain of gold (fear cheer] understand, hand sends, fiends] For gold is cold and lifeless, cannot see nor hear, ‘And is your times of tourble, tis powerless to cheer. It has no ears to listen No heart to understand, Itcannot bring you comfort Or reach out a helping hand So when you ask God for a gift, Be thankful that he sends, Not diamonds, pearls, oF riches, But the love of a real, true friend . Expressing an Opinion Abe ii. Read the given expressions carefully. eMonsles Emre {n my opinion. Personally, 1 think Priors You're absolutely right. Yes, 1 agree. In my experience. 4 fa< | don't agree with you As far as 'meconcemed..... Petuz | Of course Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 19 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) iv Read the given dialogue and notice the use of these expressions. NW Lats OL» te Jhe-wig SRV LIBEL Fh Ali: Well to me, a friend is someone who is fun to be with. eS AL Penemiivides Danish: to be with? Can you give me an example? Danish: So All, what do you think makes a good friend HER WOVE PY tee cx Su SVE Ae hy [ike friends who go out and have fun together . Lith rE unl ertaunrtaghy Danish: So, does that mean é friend has to ike the same things you do? Suh Meerg tes BS re nL Sen he' No, not really. Just thet they have jolly personality. You know: fun to be with whatever we do. ALIS Rae tn MPL Pe enh nif Poi LIne of Offering and Accepting an Apology Uidenitfide v. Read the given expressions of offering and accepting an applogy. WL ABest, CIcnr Ener Sorry. It was all my fault. Pardon me. -uxtey Soe | Don't worry about this. Please accept my apology. 1/Bdwsedyenx | That's okay Im so sorry. --vriezé | No problem ‘vi, Read the given dialogue and notice the use of these expressions UPS Leino Excuse me, Miss Amna uss petoi se Amna: Yes, what is it? wi I'm sorry i didnt bring my English workbook | was doing my homework last night. | left it on my table. Sh 2g SEA VLAN Unie cundiyde ub Miss Amna: Be careful next time. Make sure that you bring it tomorrow. HL aparSrtrrnet oi Sara: | will be careful next time. Thanks, Miss Amna, SP SBE vii. Write a dialogue of your own using the expressions given above in your notebook. ana NO Lit nt Leaning 2 G6) Saba: Excuse me Miss Tahira arth I hy Miss Tahira: Yes what is it? ee ab Si Jam sorry | did not bring my sccial studies book. - SIGH Veh teh Shel te Miss Tahira: Be careful next me, Make sure you bring it tomorrow. able Ne ete tA abu Saba: | will be careful next time. Thanks Miss Tahira. ieee S Bob Sik be Fill in the missing letters to complete the words. gf rind Li Si judge queue presence eniighten bitterly Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 20 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Regular and irrequtar Nouns Fain, i_“ Read the given regular and irregular nouns. mutes nein ait dd rie tl eae day days man men bag bags foot Tet Bench Benches Touse mice fox foxes tooth Teeth Regular nouns are easily made plural with a few simple changes, su "es" fo the end of the word. Integular nouns don't follow these rules, Suerivikhaie tian es't" ich as adcing an "Ss" of HL wetLente dried LAs eran it Write plurals of the given regular and irregular nouns. ve CLrvxtmmtiZeo COTE | ee tree trees woman women Table ‘ables goose geese oxen children v. Read the given sentences and notice the When we talk about something already known thing of which have been previously mentioned. ituMen [This satis chasing the mou mice There was a man and 4 woman at the party. man, woman, The dentist will examine my tooth dentist tooth The girls puta glass anda plate onthe table | glasse, plate, table My mother bought a book. mother, boos Definite Article (the) (me) Are” use of the definite article ‘the’. LSC Mthey 57k nstefe PL os Thave a parrot. The parrot is green. Do you know where | left the keys? We define or identify a particular person of object Can you see the boy in the red shin? The man who wrote this book is famous. Refer to people or objects that are unique. Clouds difted across the sky. The sun sets at 7 o'clock in the evening Before supeilaiives of adjectives and ordinal numbers. This is the highest buidding in Lahore. This is the third time | have called you today. (With nouns, to refer to @ whole group of people. The giraffe is the talest animal, She has given a lot of money to the poor. With the names of rivers, mountain] ranges, groups of islands, canals ard. oceans. Their ship crossed the Atlantic in three days | They caught fish from the Ravi | Hiking across the Himalayas would be dificult With thé names of famous Duldings, museums, or monuments. VUUNNNY We went fo the Lahore museum. Sara visited the Faisal Masque. Visit for Notes, Old (Page 21 of Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) ¥. Fillin the blanks with the correct articles. ie Pantene © Asiais the largest countinent in the world (anfthe) © Mycousin is a doctor (the/a) © There is _an_ orange on the table. (alan) © Bringme a bettie of waer (alan) ® ‘Sadia’ _an honest gr (alan) © He quickly ate the cake (the/an) vi. Rewrite each sentence using the correct articles in your notebook. wey pnnl AerE interne, © Indus is tongest rer in Pakistan einen Met aren Ae The Indus is the longest rier in Pakistan © Egg has oval shape. ‘An-egg has oval shape © Heiives in house next to ours, He lives in the house ned to ours © His father ikes to read Dally News. his father likes to read the Dally News. © You can go anywhere n world You can go anywhere n the world and ‘an’ with mute consonant letters ALE Srleotan a" Read the given sentences and notice the use of 's' and ‘an’ with mute consonant letters. aby liil Er SAGL Jor Lanstatulatye PLes Sara had retumed after an nour Yousaf is an honourabe ctizen His father is an honest businessman He gave him a wrapped git box. My mother bought a wrist watch, Bring a knife from the kitchen The teacher has shown the diegram of a knee. ns Some words have initial consonants which are not oronounced. e.g. h in honest, w in wrap, k Inknack. We put the arielea or an wih those words by focusing onthe second later. lifer nad, viii. Read the given degrees of regular adjectives with their sentences. PL worl Eric This path is long, } ‘ pam is ne lon view,|the paths Net Fe(U wth [iy bag is heavy, wediasiie This is 2 Small box. My 0ag Is the heaviest of all ised three, Ue uty itis tne smallest box in this roomie Her brother is the tallest bay in Her brothers tall Her brother is taller than my’ brother our scno0l . Ste Me KMS ey tthe redutn My house isbig __|Mynouse ls bigger than yours |My house is the biggest house in setae ta Fn Acie tne town etre —vtwitaie | Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 22 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) There are three degrees of adjectives, Comparative adjectives compare two things using ‘han’ Superiative adjecves compare more than two things. ix your own sentences. large young brave a fast Ans: = as = [large These shoos are large. These shoes are larger than those. Those shoes ave the largest of all young __|He is young. He is younger than |. He is the youngest ofall brave [She is brave She is braver than |. She is the bravest of all old He iS old. He is older than |. He is the oldest of all fast | This bike is fast. This bike is faster than that_ Thats the fastest of al D) wf CieesTa Read the given paragraph and notice the use of conjunctions. eth SLs nrtenntyihigles Ali and Ahmad were not going to school because t was raining outside They were playing and jumping in their room. Ali was hungry $0 he went to the kitchen and looked for something te eat in the fridge He opened the side cabinet and saw different snacks init He grabbed a few and asked Ahriad. “Do you Ike to take chips nr . Conjunetions are words that join words, phrases or sentences. For example, and. but or. because, etc. are the most frequently used conjunctions. ie —-trbecausetbut and’ Write sentences using the above conjunctions in po varnboate ae nt Fe nl Airset 7 a ‘Ans.e Ali and Ahmad are frends. Atif was happy s0 he went to the playground ¢ You can take this bag or that one © {coud not go to the univers'ty because it was raining outside ili, Read the given sentences and notice the use of transitional words. . ag WL wi Shene her PL > For example b * Weeatheaithy food. For example: eggs, mik, frult and vegetables * You should adopt good habits in your life. For example: helping others and being kind to others, For instance qohde © Forinstance, delight is the opposite of sorrow, * Forinstance, a designer can develop an excellent web page. Therefore eu She came first. Therefore, she got admission to a good college. «_I'msleepy Therefore, I'm going to bed Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 23 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Transitional words are used to carry a thought fram one sentence to another. ‘For exampl ‘and ‘for instance’ are used to illustrate what has been already said. We use ‘therefore’ to show the result of an action. LE ie vrltfor instance »!For exemple. ALA LLL Fb ge HLS theretore"A< BUCKY iv. Make two sentences each using the transitional words above in your notebook. ALY Prd Lend Ke VangL erg Ans. For example e ‘* Some people eat unhealthy food. For example: burgers, pizzas and shewarmas, © = | like some vegetables. For example; peas, potatoes, cabbage and cauliflower. For instance ghd @ — For instance, a carpenter can make a table. ©" "dirty is the synonyms of ugly. ‘Therefore ow © lamtired, Therefore, I'm going to take rest He is a honest person. Therefore. everyone trust on him. v. Encircle those things from the given items that you need for making a card. LG Laidleesp Ld sah ihe snd Sar 6 6 es | vi. Use the given pictures for writing the procedure of card making in correct sequence. Lor lsBId Lab iF. Liatwton Ans, Ans. First cul the plain paper with scissors. Next paste the flowers on the paper Then colour the flowers. After that, colour the boundry of the paper with pencil colour ‘Sequence markers are words thal organise our writing, such as first, next, then, after that and finally. We often use sequence’s when we give instructions, describe a process, of tell stories Je sii SY f finally firstinext.then.afer.that Stet 2. ngsleg nL bt near Write any ineident of your life when you treated somebody with kindness. Ans. ate eh lL PK ha anise Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 24 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) [Healso gotlate in departure] @* [The Memorable incident | == [_Tasked him to speak gently. Ttreated him with landness. We Ys ee Read the following stanza and tick (v’) the right option. I see You in the stars, When the night glows with 2 spark, When the trees sway in the air, And birds enjoy their share, When the flowers bloom in a queue, And sleep at night with dew, When | need a lot of care, | feel Your presence there, Do help me in my deeds, I smile or when | weep, AS no one else can hear, When | bittery shed my tears. 1. Towhom does the poet see in the stars? (a) angels lah $35 (c) Prophets (8) fairy 2. Where do the trees away? (a) onground —_—_(b) inthe light in the air (4) in water 3. When does the poet feel the presence of Allah $24? when he needs a lot of care (b) when te is happy c) when he is bored (d) when he writes something. 4. What is the meaning of "spark"? {2) a small log of wood (b) a small animal (©) a small building @ a@ small fiash of ligh 5. The poem is written by: (2) Sylvia Plath (b) Christina Rossetti J Fatima Mehru —_(d) Maya Angelou Choose the correct option. What is the plural of "foot"? (a) foots (0) footes a feet (d) fotos 2 What is the plural of "mouse"? (a) mouses mice ()_mouses (¢) mices 3. What is the comparative degree of "heavy"? heavier (b) heaves (c) heavyer (d) heaviest 4. What is the superiative degree of big? (a) bigger biggest (ce) bigost (d) begging 5. Tick the sentence with correct use of an article. (a) Anindus is the longest river in Pakistan (b) A Indus is the longest river in Pakistan The Indus is the longest river in Pakistan. A Indus is the longest river in Pakistan Se Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 25 of 245)

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