The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Architectural Profession

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The Impact of Artificial intelligence on the future of architecture & architects

(The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence)

Preprint · November 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26502.91209


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1 author:

Dana Ismail Agha

Canadian University Dubai


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LNG 173- ARCH -01 FALL 19 / Professor: Claire Roberts / by Dana Nidal Ismail
Agha/student ID: 20160004795

The Impact of Artificial intelligence
on the future of architecture &
The Revolution of Artificial Intelligence
This research paper aims to examine the effects upon the rise
of Artificial intelligence in the world of architecture and over
architects’ job in the upcoming generation. It rises a debate on
the benefits and drawbacks of ways AI can contribute to the
future of architecture practice. AI allows better design
outcome, faster design process and appropriate solutions as
well as offer opportunities for future developments for
architecture and the world. In conclusion the findings are not
certain since the effects are still to be known. However, it is
conducted that AI will less likely to replace architect, and in
terms of architecture practice it will provide new methods that
adopt to future demands of people.

Research Question:

What is the future of architecture if artificial intelligence was involved? and What are the

effects of artificial intelligence’s involvement over architects’ jobs?


Innovations in computing technologies became a large part of fulfilling everyday needs.

Artificial intelligence machines are advancing beyond machine-like abilities, which is

allowing them to process, analyze, respond, and create just like a human. Nowadays AI
machines are majoring in many professional fields that require intelligence, creativity and

critical thinking such as architecture. The idea of automated architects taking over the jobs
of real architects rises many discussions about the future of architectural practice.

Architecture and its practitioners are involved in the rising world of artificial intelligence,
and the future upon that is to be investigated.

Literature Review:
According to Buttice (2018), the main idea about this subject is that Artificial
intelligence encompasses the ability to build and shape the future of the design and
construction of architectural buildings, however, AI can never equalize to the creativity
and flexibility of the human mind. Yet it can contribute to the efficiency of work, therefore
it should be used to push the limits of the design further.

The first fact is that: AI service in collecting, combining and sharing “Big data” in concept
means including a collection of Research, analysis, analytics, computations, storage, and

volume of data needed for a specific project. This concept can enhance design solutions
and project outcomes. sharing and collaboration platforms such as the building research

information Knowledgebase (BRIK) allows firms to share ideas and projects through
presented case studies which are proven to be efficient rather than traditional emailing

between firms and clients.

The second Fact would be that: Tools created by AI can not only create communications

among professionals, store case studies and projects, but also can contribute to an
architectural building’s longevity since softwares like BIM 360 for an example has tools

that can monitor building’s life cycle and long-term stability.

Another Fact is that: Automation can take the tiring side off of architects’ shoulders,

which is research and data conduction; of site, project type and case studies making it
possible for architects to invest more time and effort on the creative field of the projects

by creating simulation tools that simulate exact conditions and look of the site. by
showcasing different case studies similar to the project in process. and by offering

different suggested solutions for the design problems.

The next Fact is that: Technology advances like autonomous drones, softwares, and AI
are contributing to constructing buildings and cities. Made possible with the
establishments of 3D printing tools “robot crafters” that can construct every detail of the
project from nothing, arrange various structures, conserve ancient structures with high
precision, and analyze mistakes and clashes within the construction process.
The last Fact is that: The use of augmented reality tools to enhance the client perspective

of the project as well as virtual reality tools to visualize the proposed project. eventually
contributes to overall better client satisfaction.

In conclusion, Buttice says the machine revolution is only going to progress, therefore
instead of avoiding it, Architects should take full advantage of these advances into
forming the future of architecture.

Furthermore, Valencia (2018) argues that: Human’s chance of employment is slowly

being diminished due to the rapidly increasing rise of automation & Artificial intelligence,
attaining almost any job within the next following years, even the ones correlated with
university degrees. questioning if the architect’s job will be included. One fact is that:
According to wealthy technology entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, an advocate for AI
to substitute jobs, demonstrates that the rise of Automation will link to the introduction
of the "Universal basic income program" as a solution where everyone will get a standard

amount of money to compensate for living costs. This implementation will solve the
resulting unemployment. Besides, link to a greater matter that is to distribute fairly the
global wealth.

The second fact is that: Due to the ever-changing world of demands, the rise of
technology took place rapidly as an effect replaced many other jobs. As stated by
Academics like Ian Wyatt and Daniel Hecker, 32% of the US population in 1910 was
involved in agriculture. however, only 5% were involved in technology. ninety years ahead,
the statistics flipped the other way around making agriculture workers only 1% and
technicians 23%. this confirms that technology's role is increasingly rising.

The third Fact is that: Many technology specializations are branching out from each job
field, like social network experts, data scientists, UX designers, drone specialists,
application developers, virtual reality creators, 3D Renders, BIM specialists and many
more. This proves that while technology is advancing, more jobs concerning technology
continue being created. for all these specific jobs it is essential to learn and practice new
The last Fact is that: As stated in the telegraph newspaper resourced from the university
of oxford 2013, Automation will overlook over 700 different jobs. And according to the
ratings, Architecture scored 1.8% as one of the least likely jobs to be replaced by Artificial
Intelligence, along with many other industries that also require Human interface, diverse
activities in their day to day work, cognitive skills, creativity, and critical thinking.
To conclude: Valencia says that artificial intelligence will not take over architects’ job,
however, it will revolutionize its practice capacities by eliminating repetitive action work,
allowing for new construction and structural developments, as well as Valencia, suggests
that architectural offices will require less space since fewer architects will be working on
developing complex projects. furthermore, Valencia concludes; architecture is an ever-
changing major that is still under debate whether it should be practiced traditionally with
pencil or modern-day mouse. The future of architecture is yet to be discovered and is
more likely to be shaped according to artificial intelligence increasing development.

In addition, Alexander (2018) states that Artificial intelligence’s advantages overcome its
disadvantages by allowing architects to practice their creative work despising the boring,
time-wasting side of architecture which is served and accessed easily thanks to AI.

The first fact is that: AI performs tasks that are time-consuming for humans such as,
limitless data collection and analysis. As well as advances in AI allow the ability to test
various solutions in construction structure and design.

The second Fact is that: parametric design and architecture which utilizes geometric
programming with complex algorithms were only possible due to the advances of
technology. As a result of this, many new methods of structure and construction were
being designed. Not only that, it also provides freedom for the architect to pick the way
the design follows, creating multiple iterations of the project.
The third Fact is that: city planning is becoming much easier because of AI with the
introduction of smart cities; technologically governed cities that utilize data collected from
electronic sensors to steer assets, resources, and service efficiently and effectively. The
concept of Smart cities is being illustrated and being put into reality, thanks to AI
machines’ abilities to implement solutions and simulate how various factors of a city such
as; traffic, can be enhanced to fit the needs of people.
The last fact is that: Artificial intelligence is shaping the future of not only cities but also
houses. Smart houses are the new trendy yet trouble-free way of living. with AI, houses
can adapt to human’s modern-day needs. As a matter of fact, Smart houses are
customizing the resident’s experience inside depending on the person’s moods as well,
by Controlling light, sound, and devices to make a perfect atmosphere that fits the
resident’s needs.
Another source concludes that: Architects will face the challenges of infusing the ever-
changing technological advancements into the creative design process for the result of
more prominent outcomes for all.

A fourth source Meltzer (2014) states that: Automated machines in the developing
world of technology has taken over many manual labor jobs before, whereas nowadays

Automation is striving to displace many higher professions such as medicine, dentistry,
law, and architecture. The professions’ earned skills through years and years of hard work
will be considered a matter of computation within seconds to machines, affecting the
overlook of the jobs, making what were once Exceptional skills into normal. For that
reason, Meltzer believes that the idea of Automated architects isn’t so far-fetched from
reality considering how fast technology is developing.

One fact explains: The vice president of Autodesk; an architecture-based software firm,
Pete Baxter explains that architects aren't going to be replaced by artificial intelligence
machines since fully automated design by AI isn't going to be fresh and exciting as one
would think. therefore, Meltzer referenced Baxter's statements about how AI will
revolutionize architects’ jobs rather than stealing it, by easing the process for them and
creating an accessible database. forming a debatable discussion considering now any
level architect will be getting the same access to this powerful database.
The second Fact is that: In fact, Baxter emphasized that collaboration platforms in
software are the most crucial in the revolution. with the involvement of Technology, a
collaboration between highly skilled specialists around the world is possible on the same
project, making use of the best minds together to create the best, most innovative and
highly integrated architectural design decisions.
This author concludes that: Architecture as a profession will not be replaced by
automation, yet will definitely be in collaboration with it. even though, architects will still
dominate the decision-making part.

Yet another idea from Link (2018) is that: upon reading “robotic architecture” book, co-
written by Daas, Link is inspired by the idea of robots transforming the world of
architecture by working side by side with architects to influence design decisions for
architecture on earth and beyond.

The first fact in the article is that: Based on Daas’s chapter “parametric chemistry”
robots are producing digitally fabricated structure materials, that mimic characteristics
and properties of nature’s living structures. the mixture of technology and nature makes

the materials responsive, more adaptable to the environment, and much more intelligent
to be functionally effective.
The second Fact is that: robotic architecture is paving the way for establishments on
mars. NASA is doing a Mars 3D printed habitat challenge, to form a suitable plan before
going to mars. Daas argues that settling and constructing in mars without robotic
technologies will be nearly impossible due to the unknown circumstances that might
The third Fact from this article is that: Novikov; the author of the last chapter in robotic
architecture describes, that the best fitting structures on Mars would be a 3D printed
translucent and fiber-reinforced ice house done by autonomous ice bots. the ice house
would serve as a livable space to host astronauts upon their arrival.
This author concludes that: technologies are helping humans face and solve new
challenges that weren't made before, for that reason, architects should look forward to
maximize the capacities of utilization to shape the future.

Yet another idea from Archistar academy institute (name not listed) (2019) is that:
according to the 2016 economic report of the president, the article investigates the
chances of architects being replaced by AI, and what are the consequences upon that. the
answer according to the article lays on how the business market is working, AI has
improved production, allowing work to be done faster and produced much more money,
this method made a lot of companies interested in AI, not only that but it presented to
companies, the idea of replacing workers from a business point of view, investing in one
machine seems much more reasonable than employing 10 different workers to do the job
when one machine can do easily.

The First fact is that: The technological advances have specific criteria called
“technological bottleneck” that judges the possibility of the replacement of certain jobs,
this depends on three factors; rating on a spectrum of how much the job requires
creativity? Is manual manipulations and perception required? and what is the role of social

intelligence in the job? It is less likely for jobs that scored high in these criteria to be
replaced completely by AI.

The second fact is that: Automation, like any other topic, has two opposing sides;
Advantageous when several factors are achieved:

Reducing the amount of labor work since all AI is programmed, less to no errors are likely
to happen during work.

from a business point of view, AI is time-efficient, speeding up work allowing companies

to produce and profit more.

Advanced level AI machines allow risk-free processes since it presents several suitable
solutions for the engineer to choose from depending on the event, causing the decision-
making process to be much more productive.

The opposing fact is that: Artificial intelligence has many disadvantages next to its
advantages that involve:

Causing massive unemployment in the world, affecting people and families.

Letting AI control and manage all decisions is a bit risky since robots cannot handle human
matters fully without the need for human influence.

AI machines are programmed in a pre-existing knowledge base, for that reason AI lacks
creativity and originality.

The argumentative fact is that: supposing AI is not in control of architects' and

engineers’ jobs. what is expected to happen isn’t very desirable. The first point explains
that if robots were to become project managers, they will be less likely to interact with
people properly since they lack in public relations skills which are very important in
managing groups of people.

Another argumentative fact is that: Unlike assumptions, Computers and brains aren’t
alike. Computers take in information, store data and implement plans and conclusions

according to the data given. However, unlike computers, brains include additional
decisions based on not only the data processed, but also depending on the five senses
that computers don’t have. These senses influences decision-making more than the data
or calculations made based on the situation.

The last Fact is that: computers cannot create and innovate as a human does. In fact,
computers, robots, Artificial intelligence machines all were created by humans, for that
reason, robots cannot create, nevertheless it can, in fact, suggest some possible design
solutions but they aren’t comparable to what a real architect can do. Machines also cannot
maintain themselves by themselves; humans are needed in this area.

In conclusion: AI cannot carry the entire industry on their shoulders, in simpler terms AI
cannot function alone without the existence of humans. Also, AI requires constant
maintenance and updates otherwise It will become outdated and useless.

In Addition, Anagnost (2018) stated that: Automation has affected the lives of most
people in several ways, changing numerous factors of life, and as it proceeds to grow, the
change will be more effective and evident.

Fact number one is that: the author argues, that estimations show that 47% of jobs will
be automated by 2050 and that means this enormous change will force people to adapt
to the change, similar to any change of a state. True it will cause some jobs to be
inaccessible, however, it will bring in new jobs with new skills to be gained.

Fact number two is that: Anagnost explains that upon this change, a gap will start to
develop. That gap is the disconnection between what people are and what they have of
skills as opposed to what skills the jobs created by the automation revolution demand.
Therefore, it becomes a golden opportunity for those who have the required skills or can
adapt to them. On the other hand, for those who cannot keep up with the developments
and change will be left behind.

Fact number three is that: Anagnost Compares this change to the industrial revolution
in the 18th century, in a way the industrial revolution brought in much more development
to the world, created many job opportunities for people and paved the way for more
advances for the future. Anagnost then questions the reason for being afraid of the “new
machine age”? Automation will only take the industries further, creating new methods of
development into the future.

The last Fact is that: Anagnost explains the advantages of combining traditional industry
with automation that will result in a more efficient outcome, saves time, cost, as well as
contribute to better environmental since the use of automation will allow calculated,
precise use of materials that will not be wasted but recycled due to the inclusion of AI.

Concluding the article with: to be able to fully take advantage of the change that’s
happening and will continue to happen, three factors interconnected with each other
should be considered; adaptability, resiliency, and community. The people should be
adaptable and accepting of the developments, resilient to disruption caused by AI, and
contributive to sharing a common goal that will be achieved if technology and people
were together.

Moreover, Bunge, (2019) argues about: Machines and Softwares have previously
impacted the architecture and engineering industry tremendously before, the

Introduction of CAD design tools is described as “the greatest advance in construction

history” has improved the entire industry. Bunge breaks down the role of an architect

today to illustrate where artificial intelligence can be beneficial.

The first fact is that: the contribution of AI in building and creating designs in which data
is based on previous agendas and precedents, as well as create a new platform of
designing according to the constantly changing needs of the people and the project
requirements. Bunge referenced a project developed by the Harvard school of design,
that illustrates how Artificial intelligence machines can generate and implement plans that
fit the requirements. Another reference was from the why factory explains the

development of the block maker tool which is an algorithmic tool to how AI can power
buildings according to users’ needs. As well as a reference from Spaceform, which include
a virtual reality tool that can showcase how design decisions affect the overall experience
and the building itself, to clients and architects together by the given data. This allows for
adjustments and improved design outcomes.

The second fact is that: AI machines are currently developing into machines that can
produce creative designs, created under certain industries like Google’s Deepdream
machine that produced a classical composition painting, which can be in comparison with
paintings done by a human. Bunge continues to explain that with the near future
everything is possible, however, how should architects react to this fact?

In conclusion, Bunge states that: the role of the architect is to create and deliver designs
that meet the requirements. Not only that but to create livable, inhabitable spaces that
are stable, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. And just like humans, no building is
perfect, but it should strive for perfection which is why architects should work hand in
hand with the constant advancements of technology that might provide the needed extra
effort to improve designs. therefore, the necessity to design buildings that strive for
enhancing people’s lives is evident as well and equally important.

Discussion and Analysis

Upon researching on the proposed topic and going through 8 different articles, half of
them agreed that artificial intelligence ease the design process through storing, sharing,

collecting, combining and analyzing data. this is the original purpose all robots were made
for, easing the human’s job decreasing the amount of time required for each task.

However their arguments aren’t really specific to AI since literally AI is short for artificial
intelligence which is different than robots, because robots are machine programmed to

achieve a certain group of commands, but AI machines are made to be intelligent

machines that are supposed to learn, perceive and propose intelligent solutions that

humans can do. Thus, the arguments made by the articles don’t really make a new point

to how AI adds to those factors.

All articles available on this topic are highly recent, out of the 8 the earliest one was written

in 2014 and the latest one is in 2019 done 2 months ago, and because its highly new, it
sparked curiosity among the public creating controversies and making people wonder

about the benefits and drawbacks of AI. Many people are conducting more research on
the topic since more things are being discovered as it develops.

In opposition to Alexander, Architecture design process is not boring and time-wasting.

The process is the input that makes the design effective, appropriate and creative. The
worst-case scenario would be the architect working in collaboration with the machine and

allowing them to do the process on their own, because then it will be almost impossible
to reach the same design conclusion as the architect would’ve reached if he did it by

himself. The suggestion would be to let the machine do the research with the supervision
and direction of the architect so that the work is achieved easier, yet the architect would

have all the details needed to design accordingly.

AI are designed by humans as the intelligent machine version, and for the AI machines
available now can be creative to a certain limit, unlike a human brain that has the capacity
to invent many new things that has no limit. As well as the machines are programmed in
a pre-existing knowledge base which means that they actually are in no use if not updated
by a human, therefore AI couldn’t possible be ahead of a human.

If we imagine the world where AI took over most of the jobs in the world, many issues will
be raised. The humans no longer can achieve their dreams since most companies by the
time will adapt AI machines leaving no spot for a human to make their own money and
success and this can lead to mental health problems. People will lose their purpose of
living which will lead to depression. Not only mental health will be affected but physical

health as will. they won’t get up early and work exercise the brain and body therefore this
might lead to health problems. Everyone will stay at home no communications will

AI should be transforming architecture practice by making everything Smart in the future,

offering many new possibilities that weren’t possible before, AI should be doing things
that are limited to humans like discoveries in astrology and more.

The world doesn’t stop developing, more technological advancements are happening
within the second this article is being written, this means that Artificial intelligence isn’t
going to stop evolving, who knows what new opportunities those advancements will bring
us and to the table of architecture, for that reason AI could potentially progress as a
creative designer in the future, perhaps even stronger in the creative field, however the
automated hi-tech machines can never create sensible spaces that communicate within
humane understanding of a space and, that’s what architecture is all about. Architecture
is defined as the built environment that provides stability, aesthetics, and comfort for the
human, not just physically but psychologically as well, which AI doesn't understand. AI will
probably suggest various new structures and forms, precisely how it introduced the
parametric design platform, which became the popular style at the moment, however, the
fact is that architecture is arguably attempting to grasp the concept of how vernacular
architecture and cities were before being highly industrialized. The needs of people are
changing. People are getting tired of beautiful complex structures that don’t do much for
comfort, it’s only a matter of time when people will start changing their perspective on
architecture and what is should be and AI probably will not be able to comply with that.
If only AI could develop into creating more platforms that provides all the ways architects
can use to make these future demands possible.

The research doesn’t fully answer the research proposed questions because truthfully
there isn’t an answer yet. In the topic of Artificial intelligence we are talking about
something that is currently developing and will be integrated in the future of the world
therefore its not a phase that will end , regardless whether it will be more beneficial or

fatal, it is something that barely just started and, already involved in all aspects of life from
the smallest task in homes to city planning to life on mars. Still, it is analyzed that AI will
revolutionize architecture in the future as practice, design, and construction and the
possibility of AI taking over architect’s job in conclusion is less likely according to all the
facts mentioned above, AI could never overcome the abilities of a real architect. Also, the
research would’ve been stronger if more books and journals were provided for this
discussion and since there was a lack in evidence more supported references and statics
are needed.

The effects of artificial intelligence on the architecture profession are
yet to be defined since the topic is highly current and is still under
development. The advantages of AI are attracting people and
companies to adopt them, though the consequences of their rise on
people’s lives, industries, and jobs remain unknown. In the case of
architecture, AI will increase efficiency in the design and construction
of buildings as well as create multiple solutions that will push
boundaries of architectural developments and it is an opportunity to
discover what ways the world could be improved through AI.
However, the debate and investigations come from the possibility of
AI potentially taking over an architect’s job in the practical and
creative field and since it lacks human sensibility and needs constant
updates and as concluded from the provided articles it will not be
replacing architects.

1: Buttice, C. (2018). AI Advances in Architecture: How the Machines Can Help Us Build a
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[Accessed 5 Nov. 2018].

2: Valencia, N. (2018). Will Automation Affect Architects? [online] ArchDaily. Available at: [Accessed 10 Jan.

3: Alexander, D., Alexander, D., English, T. and McFadden, C. (2018). 5 Ways Artificial
Intelligence Is Changing Architecture. [online] Available at:
architecture [Accessed 8 Dec. 2018].

4: Meltzer, T. (2014). Robot doctors, online lawyers and automated architects: the future
of the professions?. [online] the Guardian. Available at:
automatedarchitects-future-professions-jobs-technology [Accessed 15 Jun. 2014].

5: link, j. (2018). Robots in Architecture: 3 Effects of Future Robotics Technology. [online]

Redshift EN. Available at:
[Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

6: ArchiStar Academy. (2018). Will Architects and Engineers be Replaced by Robots?.

[online] Available at:
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7: Anagnost, A. (2018). Automation and the Future of Work. [online] Autodesk

University. Available at:
university/article/Automation-and-Future-Work-2018 [Accessed 2018].

8: Bunge, j. (2019). Artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies are changing
what it means to be an architect. [online] propmodo. Available at:
[Accessed 16 Oct. 2019].


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