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For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Maceo on oan ea Tomes Coreen a Look at the first picture. It shows tat tees are home to many animals. On the other hand trees provide humans with oxygen. Trees utilize carbon dioxide to reduce air pollution. In the second picture, humans are cutting trees to use them for different purposes. LEM batt te SF . mete LE Ler tine Bi tiie ai gh Seilh Let's Talk ) © What would happen if there were no trees in the world? Son Pnoasantys! Ansilf there were no trees in the world then there would be no more life in the world because living orgarisms need oxygen to live. . ne Ona NE Mana Le nibs Ose © Have you ever planted a seedling or convinced anyone to help you plant one? te Aabgh ti tng en IAF cet ag Ans. Yes, once. | planted arose and lemon plant and my mother helped me. Sab ch edinS cae biog tach LiL Sabi Li he © What sto NK Juce def a‘ ps would you take to red OTERO uh TLL ieee ‘Ans. | would like to raise awareness about the harmful effects of deforestaton. Ott ur pen lot DEW Gott | would request the authority to impose ban on unnecessary cutting of trees. far tn fLNS Hh Wr AL Pre OL ‘Ans. Trees, trip, excitement, seedling beauty © Have you ever visited a farm or any other place surrounded by natural beauty? SAL coho Uns fe dart ah SSE ‘Ane. Yes, many times, | have visited my grandparents villa si lly rea Me eS UAL Stine TL Ls T visited my_| ganaparents [in wo | yeas | ago. or sy a esx/ w ler? A i Z| fhe | ee ‘Gilow @ [oe | mo |e z T visited my grandparents in Swat two years ago. ye pbb Sok Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 40 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) year, during | summer | vacation, | my my grandparents’ farmhouse was quite a marvel Se “Ze Kivi Siig [My family and | were very excited about this visit because] 6/2 Jr iid Cte taweie Ae asricibin se sess on a A te £ eZ oe “a@ a] ie [hyat [oe et =r A : father | again | tookus to visit them. by a vit wit sae & te om is ve zie 2 e* ‘during summer vacation, my father lucas " a again took us to visit them. ke rrMe tui soey My | family | and | | | were | very | excited | about | this visit a £ ew | a | de | va La ve fue fw fe ae | ee a | ielete because | my | grandparents’ | farmhouse | was ‘quite a_|_ marvel 7] & vant wie Laer T wa a ie | oT Fee feathery bitds were all around that made the surroundings pleasant and vivid. it_|_had | tall_| dense | trees] with | an | exotic | lush | grassy | floor. af x ue Pal Z Pe ee # eu [ & v fe | oe [wel a wl Vw TF Thad tall dense trees with an exolic lush grassy floor AL pb AE Feathery | birds were all that made ea Be 4 wr aul oe ¥ ad Lay z oe wae Zz nm the surroundings | pleasant and vivid Fey o et fos wwe? ee el MPU ee seh (When|we [reachec,| | [was | shocked [to seeihe poor] condition | of | the farmhouse, a lol # [Slo] 2 [orl ae Fe [lw vaio | ~lAl# l4elel@ [flor] ws | When we reached, | was shocked lo see the] Poor condition of the farmhouse. Ee TE eo AS Ai IE Ae There was nothing but bumt yellow grass with There | was | nothing | but | burnt | yellow | grass | with | bushes | everywhere, a oo Pa a | a» fe ” at fast ow [oe | ate | ene | [Tow [ALT aw ae Meshes Beenie Pirhuba tt Lees ba Zis lh prs The tall dense trees T had wilted. des wt v Bs ee of se 2 brigs Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 41 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) fd einiifotnt The tall dence trees had wited | Oh | my | Goat | What | hampered | to | them? [1 murmured ow | & [oe Te ag i? | % e ee ai Tee[ ¥ Bie a | aoe z Vixieytins Oh my God! What happened to them? | murmured Pix 2A PL glee St T [ran] | and] asked my Grandparents | the reason | behind | i St fs bo fe | et oh Sant ee dag [er “| tala] we ale wale *” [ron in and asked my grandgarents the reason behind t Filia Snks er © Why was the writer shocked to see the farmhouse? ul GAL rigthow Ans. The writer was shockec to see the bad condition of the farmhouse because there were burnt yellow grass and wilted trees. <2 sind nu pny rignkycs They | explained | that | the gardener a aa we BG a ete zr J Z of [the garden | hed | passed away iliness w era & ay 5] € Zz @ view Se They explained that the gardener wha used to lake Mio SRM oa-uet care of the garden had passed away due to illness fistre They [were | not | able | to | pay | as | much | attention] as | required =» |» [or[oaye [es Ta & wt [2 sii » a J [eo] 6 FF | Seolmey They were not able to pay as much attention as required” _| Lb FEE AIS t decided to bring the same scenery | back with oF ; f jz } A Z f & = the help my father. sister th ” a ai - I ab e ah hi az i | decided to bring the same scenery back with] 6 i alwah Sec snd Je iA! the help of my father, sister and brothers. Coron © How do you take care of your plants? (/Teedio have a area Seah Sd durian t (tum A a = Ans. put my plants in the sun light, give them water regularly ¢ and cut dead leaves. mune AUR Ne santerdy Sat Font, SS Corie Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 42 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) The very day, 1 my | father ae mt bw os ow [ie] ee [ee] ow p) ARR. to gve as diflerent__| responsibilities DP Pai vi wt eee gag & ke ant > baad . \ [The very next day, | requesied my fatner (0 1 Be erna weet My [give us cifferent responsibilites * iy elder_|_ brothers [took charge of ___]_brnging ad at ihe = bey oo A a az vin v “3 e ty Tertliser_| from | themarket | and Planting |__new | plants. ae} win R ay € et oe = ie at ret a 4 IMiy elder brothers took charge of bringing fertiis rom the market and planting new plants. Rye Lhd Lustre] My sister opted to water plants in the afternoon and he es DP To wits r vel of | eee Toy for Le T_| had | the responsbility of taking care of of Fs ow nk Z jehal sf Si Suds 1 saw| many | creepy | crawlies. wheal £ | ef | ZW eel [ewes [ at [kn My ssster opted to waler plants in the aftemoon land | had the responsibility of taking care of the nests where | saw many creepy crawlies, SUPPL taste im tgel tue deen phewt LN SAEs We | started [working] with | full] energy | and | ot | everything | back oe | ke 7 a ig} vey ve TACT YK | swe] to | theway |_| usedto [be [within 3 ry Zt Fig ¢ oy 7 leer] = Fin _| te Z to the way it used to be within a month's time ‘We siarted working with full energy and got everything back] z [then - we ested [Seat Valey i bn ea = | an Le ey | oe Then we visited Swat Valley. WekeinsnLen Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 43 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) We were the vist. Se 3 Sa z z z [We were excited about the visi. 2 SRP Lh There | we | decided to zip] _lines fe dn yl i Law be i¢ ¢ [Ox There we decided toride zip lines La Thing 3k Fp We dared other to try the zip lines oe a i we <2 * é Vitex an iu es EN tomove from one to another. ed 3 o i aieg! Cay = fi = We dared each other to try the zip lines to| Liga by, move from one hill to another it [was [an exciting and_| memorable a e Le x but 3 rg a ~ a itwas an exciting and memorable experience ®@ Can you tell the names of two places you have vit in Pakistan? Snot ig eset lying Ans. Yes, | have visited Murree and Naran Kaghan. EE NMS LE Soon our Toraays ‘ended o at ibe i Sab we wet ee ‘Soon our holidays ended. RP Sasa The days|[pessed] 20 | quickly | but | we | were | glad | that | we | had | restored 2 | |-| ee [=|m) so) le lela] oe ww [Ze ex [#Telz/[s[sfely fle our | farmhouse | to | its [ originat [condition] and | enjoyed | zip | tine. | rdes Pa 3ST AT Ss [ x a wet = i i emul vies [7 fil A ow [ow feel es | A [ oe that wa hee restored our termnause ota] OO ONO L LEAR FanS original condition and enjoyed zip line rides. Evite bird bg tate Neale Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 44 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) © What were the writer feolings when he saw the burnt grass and wilted trees? Retryluib stot nauplii sn Ans. The writer was very sad and he decided to restore them. prt Ale iL ity rene © What did you feel when you read this story? UALS Oi ‘Ana.When | read the story, | was also sad to see the bad condition of farmhouse and nappy to see its restoration. BRE S cS iin AE SM SAIN AL LIS ea tor A) Orat Communication deed: Diphthongs ore i, Read the given sentences and pronounce the diphthongs. -.; /outiugrunityimtes © In August, I'm going to Hunza with my tarnily. (CO | © They arrived in the town. (au) o My elder brother bought a new bag of fertilizer. (ya) ou © We bveto see birds flying in the sky. (CO © His grandparents’ farm house had tall, dense trees with a lush{(gjay ou» grassy floor Wise A diphthong is a combination of two vowel sounds or letters in a single syllable. The sound begins with one vawel and moves towards another, e.g. soll, plain, cow. Lee Wes Se pute Int spear sr Sunt Ee Lr inl Sadak Aruhisrn com, plain, sallgo* ji, Read the lesson again and circle five words with diphthongs. Make sentences with the words in your notebook, — fea AVL SYNE, Orin Lsierobh alte hE Ans. about, because, farmhouse, day, quite. oe or about GPL || am sad about the bad condition of the farmhouse. because JU" | We are late because the bus was out of order. farmhouse _ijr.¥ |1 saw a farmhouse last year. day 1» [tis a hot day today. quiet <3 [The weather is quiet pleasant i. Read and practise the given dialogue. Paty deity Miss Rabia: Assalaamu Alaikum, students. Our school is going to organise a tree-plantation activity. Are you ready for it? SARL CU epee bw Se Nesp Fin Ape ia” Tina: ‘Ma'am, ean you tell us why we need to plant trees? Sedna All tnytiPot is & Miss Rabla: Sure. We need to plant trees because trees help us in many ways. They provide oxygen, contro! levels of carbon dioxide in the air, help to maintain the ecological balance, provide home to birds and prevent soil erosion, Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 45 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS neeeeeees Serh tainge Set Ahsan: Thank you, Ma'am, fo this valiabe Information Miss Rabia: Students let's go to the garden and plant trees. . Students: — Okay, Ma'am e ii, Get students into pairs and ask them to share some information and instructions from a tourist guide. MAL yar he pledge ly Ans. Practical work te GrbFotoy ‘Answer these questions, ~ @ What happened to the grandfather's farmhouse? MUAH PEL webb Ans. in the grandfather's farmhouse the grass was ‘bumt yellow and irees were wilted. BLY Resins AP miLobs © How did the writer restore his grandparent's farmhouse? SBA seb L Suvibe lace ‘Ans.The writer took help from his father, sister and brothers to restore his grandparent’s farmhouse mone ULM eMelezted £ Soh yitbE Some id © How can you restore a garden in your surroundings? Ve AlecLSti Levies if Ans.| will clean the garden. | plant new trees with my friends and Icok after them daily. Nad Seishin ib last. Prove i eibr Sure fi. Look at the picture and notice the use of positions and directions in the sentences given below. RSL priate lle fn iled [The birds are flying th The a [The rabbilis sifting under the tree. wel tinn sg we tnind Los {he git Zplining above the pand The bay is standing in front of the pond eS Gig iE OS? wet FA VL Ws The fragis silting ona lotus leat The sun is between the clouds, ne Wee Se -eeerd wher} ii, Look at the given picture and write five sentences about it using the position words above. Lend Aer teLnd Sho sgn leh Oo. y uta} $y > |. The duck is swimming in the pond -eSedetgt The dog is sitting in its house. see eee The flowers are swaying over the pond The fish are in the pond. A bird is sitting on the hut geen Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 46 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) iv. Write a sentence to describe each picture. LCA Soles I oe The boy is watering the plant. The man is planting a seedling. weet? eS ingot v. Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks with the correct options. atlas fiir Penns wand © His grandparents’ farmhouse had tall dense trees. -2et02d pusppiL about i) short ii) green D iv) yellow © The writer's family decided to visit Swat. Ys peted girlie i) Multan il) Kashmir iv) Hunza © The writer was shocked to see the condition of the farmhouse. OS LoS oipihs~ i) swing DD farmnouse it) the Jhelum river “iv) zip lines, © The writer decided to restore greenery of the farmhouse. YE Keke xls sy ee 1 greenery ii) electricity fi) gas iv) animals The writer had two siblings. 2 hutul ow i) five three iy) four ® Find and read information about any two famous hill stations of Pakistan on the internet and write their comparison in your notebook. aut Ssdsar tolalyty alt Afra eS isig eS SL te yet Comparison between Murree and Naran Kaghan. Murree and Naran Kaghan are two famcus hill stations of Pakistan. Both are famous for the natural beauty. Every year many people visit these places to enjoy the beauty of nature and peaceful environment. For the whole year the environment remain coo! at both places. Both the places have green lush mountains and eye capturing scenes. Naran also has 2 ‘small bazaar like Murree mall road. The basic necessities of iife are readily available at there. Mobile snopes, bakery, general store, tailors and even barbers are available in the main bazaar. Both the places are just like a faniasy which grabs the attention of the tourists Moreover, at both the places, there are a number of restaurants and hotels with all facilities. None of them is less. eas and beautiful to visit Ba drck ia hatt: i 3 ree “he menl oe tbontatSs “Cheeta leh FOL L co Lh cBstreierD LS eos ‘with their meanings and practise them in your conversation. cP Src gun ey ALIWL wwe [exotic brightly-coloured / exciting and unusual daa Leee Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 47 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) vivid) very bright shocked very surprised font [choose Anagrams 4i,_Read the given anagrams. _ {nest sent | ee | { silent [tow fowl wor team iii,“ Make anagrams from the given words. fet = —> left heart —> care —> race thing —> taste —> hear —> Read Me ‘An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. Lyme tein h (ee Fillin the missing letters to complete jearn their spelling. Tne Loins Lee bed LL LV Iiah exotic experience creepy vivid hungry Gender Nouns (wef i. Read the following use of gender nouns, WILD Ser ebiour © My nephew is learning to ride @ bicycle © Westayed in a hotel Lite © Raza met his aunt last year shldgie seis, * There isa lioness in the zoo. ed AeA © Ali's grandfather lived in Jneium. ete iy * There are many trees in the farmhouse. Bench LIYE Ji, Classify the given gender nouns and write them in their respective columns. AFL eeLhaigob Ales king lioness tree milkmaid chair ‘pencil unce | __lion niece prince ‘goose desk Masculine Feminine Neuter king Tones, tree. uncle milkmaid chair lion niece Pencil prince goose desk GS Masculine nouns are used for men, boys and mala animals. Feminine nouns are used for women, giris and female animals. Neuter nouns are used for neither a male nor a female done BE MIO Lanien hs EAI hers Eid Laniyin inane Bee Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 48 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Sentence Structures . Pie iii, Read the given sentences and notice their structures. Sfp estou Ms Meb hau ‘Subject_+ verb + direct object Toyeer planted aires abject ck_+ direct object Grandmother] [iad The children aslory Sentence structure with a direct object SEAL eb subject + verb + direct object . Zia built a house. eh Gins My father made a sandwich. Linge fine e Raza drew a picture. wapALv, Sentence structure with an indirect object ee SEAL tei, My father gave me an old watch. Mother fold the children an old story. Ayesha bought her sen a new car. ells A-simple sentence has a subject, a verb and an object. Sentences can sometimes have (wo Objects: direct object and indirect object. atte dude niet Ene t te ti Pe tI Pl bi Li Aldo. Subject: Sombody or something thal performs an action wee PW adi Verb; Shows an action. eb? Indirect object: A noun or pronoun for whom the action is done. ee filertaled Direct object: Whoever or whatever receives an action directly. - Lyra wicht Shr Sundown iv. Write five sentences with direct and indirect objects each in your notebook. EYL Sree bbeAnle gtd! Direct object ii 4. Aliwon a prize. Capi 2. fate a mongo. “WPL 3. We played hockey. WELE 4. Sara watched a drama. * aide 5. Ahmed learnt astory. iyi Indirect object eb 1. She gave me a flower. “UK 2. My teacher gave nim punishment. iiyeibiree 3. Ali tought his son a present é 4. Aqsa gave All anew pen. 5. Hamza passed Umar a ball Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 49 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS (PUNJAB) Capitalisation Athi y. Read the following titles of books and observe the use of capital letters. nthe LE re xnrtyol ue bioue Two Little Kittens Honesty is the Best Policy Colours of Pekistan The names cf stories and books are proper nouns. They are written in capital letters. att Pina fol th mip utr vi. Rewrite the following sentences using correct capitalisation in your notebook. And P Li guert nS NOE re een @ — togeer is reading ‘lifecycle of a plant’. Togeer is reading, “Lifecycle of a plant.” the title of this book is ‘my favourte memories. The title of this book is, "My favourite Memories”. the 2p line in malam jabba is 2,000 feet long and 1.000 feet high The zip ine in Malam Jabba ts 2,000 feet long and. 1,000 feet righ @ swat is famous for its natural beauty ‘Swat is famous for its natural beauty. © ‘an ant and a dove’ isa story with amor “An Ant and 2 Dove' is a story wth a moral Make three sentences using the names of stories and books in your notebook. Remember to capitalise properly. hb Bee ive nL ibe L le nL WL eons! 1. Ahmed is learning, ‘The Function of Hear.” 2. My favourite story is; ‘The Olé Man and his Sons.’ 3. Saraoften reads, ‘A House on Fire." Writing os i. Read the given dialogue in the speech bubbles. auto bieer tle ha Mahe data (eek, 1 Yes. you can To ‘Speech bubbles tell us about thoughts or words of characters. ph ePL yar weil yoni te inhs) ii. Read the dialogue written in the speech bubbles. Fill in the speech bubbles to make your own dialogue. peed be Mine Purr fMe£ BR snl FP Visit for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 50 of 245) For more notes & academic material visit our Website or install our Mobile App Website: Mobile App: ENGLISH NOTES FOR 5™ CLASS Ae ee —= as iii, Write a short paragraph about the "Benefits of Trees" in your notebook. Ans. Benefits of Trees iC ui Pa PE IC Us 0! “Trees are important to us ina lt af ways, and we cannot ignore thelr importance. They gives fresh arto breathe, food to eat and shelter from sunlight and rainfall Besdes this, ere are many medicines that are made trees. Moreover, they bring peacefulness, create a pleasing and relaxing environment. Without trees life carnot be expected, no trees means no life on earth. And due to lack of trees, water, air and noise pollution are increasing So, we should pant trees for our good neath Sig Liga yeied LAA Be Liu plea Sains fie Me VBR jyepess LMaglrighioiPin te ote lisy fie uP nei bucetonly ao nga ied GP MSS a SLIP ithe SEES Lime OL 2 LUFT EIS AL Poet LGsind ert G) Tr Have you ever experienced an adventure in your life? Share your experience. fete LW Sef EL Once, | experience zip tines in Murree. That was a vely excling moment ra aes also but | enjoyed it jot. It was really beautiful te see the lang lush green trees on the hills. When, | reached at the center of the zip line, | was shouting to see the height. But, | enoyed allot the natural beauty. |, stl, miss that moment seat Paz vi it cna tere KIM RETA Re hot wn S tbe tote BARBIE ) a Read the following passage and tick the correct option. Visited my grancparents in Swat two years ago. This year, curing summer vacation, my father again took us to visit them. My family and | were very excited about this visit because my grandparents’ farmhouse was quite a marvel. It had tall dense trees with an exotic lush grassy floor. Feathery birds were all around that made the surroundings pleasant and vivic. When we reached, | was shocked to see the poor condition of the farmhouse. 1. visited my grandparents in Latporti le agteeur (2) Lahore (By Swat (@) Karachi (@) Murree 2. My family and | wore very. about this visit. (a) gay (b) happy @ excites (d) enjoying 3. Ithad tall dens, 4 Bl tees (b) fruits (©) vegetables (d) woods: 4 birds were all around. @ Colourhui (b) Fat © Big Bi Featter 5. When we reached, | was shocked to see the poor condition of farmhouse" (b) city (©) house’ (@) Swat f se the correct option. The teminine of unde" is (a) brother J aunt (c) gi (2) woman 2. Select the anagram of ‘care’ A rare (e)cares. (4) car 3. The masculine of ‘woman’ is, (b) queen (c) lady man 4. Select the noun. (0) s (c) walking slowly 5. Select the pronoun. () is (eating (4) pizza for Notes, Old Papers, Home Tutors, Jobs, IT Courses & more. (Page 51 of 245) Visit

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