The Gare Helbert Letter

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Gary C. Halbert
North of Jewfish Creek
Thursday, 8:37 a.m.

Dear Friend,

I have no idea how you got to this website.

Maybe you read about it in some publication. Maybe a friend

referred you to it. Perhaps you stumbled onto it by pure dumb

But, however you got here, you have arrived at what is,
without question, the most valuable website on the entire
Here's why: Back in September of 1986, I began publishing a
newsletter cleverly called The Gary Halbert Letter

. The subscription price was $195.00 per year and, with very
little promotion, I soon had readers in more than 50
countries. Then, I started offering a Lifetime Subscription
for $2,855.00.

And, guess what? It wasn't long until nearly all my

subscribers were Lifetime Subscribers!

Since I began writing this newsletter, I have received

thousands upon thousands of letters from people telling me how
my newsletters have helped them make millions (sometimes tens
of millions) of dollars, saved their health (and, in some
cases, literally saved their lives), kept their marriages
intact... and... in various other ways... improved their lives

So, I got to thinking, "Well, hell... if what I write helps

people this much, it should be available to everyone... even
if... they can't afford to subscribe to my newsletter."
Therefore, I've put all my newsletters (with some very sparse
editing) right here on this website... for... everyone in the
world... to read...

Absolutely Free!
Just click below where it says "Newsletter Menu"... then...
you'll be taken to a page where you'll see a forest of envelope
icons with "Headlines" on them.

Each envelope contains one issue of my newsletter. And, as

you'll soon see, the subject of each individual newsletter is
identified on the front of the envelope. If it looks like any
particular newsletter would be of interest to you, just click
on the envelope it's in... and... shazam!... the entire text of
that issue will appear instantly (no downloading required) on
your computer screen. You can read it on your screen, print
it out and read it, schmuck it onto a floppy disk or CD...
or... whatever your little heart desires.

It's 100% free. There's nothing you have to buy... and...

on this website...

You Will NEVER See

A Scum-Sucking Pop-Up Ad
A Scum-Sucking Banner Ad!
Please excuse my "French"... but... I hate those damn

Whatever. Anyway, I write a new issue of my newsletter

approximately every 30-days... and... if you want to know
immediately when a new issue is posted, just click below and
send me your e-mail address. Then, I'll send you a one-line e-
mail message each month telling you the brand new issue is now
on the website.
In any case, I hope you find as much value in these
newsletters as thousands of others have.


Gary C. Halbert
"The Prince Of Print"

P.S. Don't even think about reproducing and/or selling... even

one sentence... of these letters in any form whatsoever. They
are all copyrighted and, if you do rip them off, I guarantee
you will have experience" so unpleasant... it will give you
nightmares forever!

Click Here Click Here

To View Our If You Want To Be On My Newsletter
Newsletter Menu Announcement List

Copyright © 1986 Gary C. Halbert. All Rights Reserved

Copyright - The Gary Halbert Letter - All Rights Reserved

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