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1. Machine OFF.

If the machine cannot be turned on, pls check the main

fuse inside the power plug socket. If any handle doesn’t work, pls check

the fuses on EM board and inside the machine. If any fuse are burnt, pls

change a new fuse, the fuse is 10A.

2. Machine OFF. Pls check these connectors and chips on boards if they are good or not, we can disconnect

and connect them again. when we disconnect the cables, pls make sure we unplug the connector, not cables.
3.Machine ON. Test the input on EM board, Pls use AC grade on multimeter, and check the input of the ch1

board, if it has 220V input or no. If it doesn’t have, pls disconnect and connect the cable again.
4. Machine ON. Test the output on EM board. Pls use DC grade on multimeter for the test, red pen insert

red wire pin, black pen insert black wire pin. Use manual setting and set F1 at 1hz, power at 5%, then start

the CH1 function and test it. Check if it has output about 400V or not. If it doesn’t have output, we need to

do more test as below. We need to use multimeter with voltage range higher than 500V for this test
5. Machine OFF Test
small capacitor. Disconnect one cable from it, and
use capacitor test grade 1uF/2100V for test, if the
read higher than 0.8uF, it means it is ok. If the read
is 0, it means small capacitor is defect, then it causes
the handle work with very weak power or no power.
Machine OFF 6.1. Test big

capacitor. Turn off the machine,

and test the voltage on big

capacitor, Pls use AC grade on

multimeter,, if the read is 0, we

can do the test 7.2 for big

capacitor, or we need to wait for

the voltage become 0 and then

we can do the test for it.

6.2 We need to use Red pen and black pen touch the 2 pins on big capacitor, and use capacitor test grade

200uF/2100V for test, if the read is about 50uF, it means big capacitor is ok. If the read is much lower than

50uf or 0, we can test the other one and compare the result and then we can confirm if it is defect or not.
7. Machine OFF.

Test SCR. Set Buzz

grade on multimeter

and do the two

tests(exchange the

two pen on the test


If the reads is

similar to the

picture, it is normal.

Or it mean the SCR

is possible defect.
8. Machine OFF. Test Diode. Set Buzz grade on multimeter and do the test(Make sure the red pen and black

pen positions are the same as the picture), If the reads is about 0.85, it is normal. If 0, it is possible defect.
9. Machine OFF. Test 2 Big golden resistance. Pls

use ohm grade for the test when the machine is off,

red pen insert red wire pin on EM board output

connector, black pen touch the middle screw on

Diode as the picture shows, check if it has 100ohm

read or not. If the result is 0, it means the big golden

resistance is defect. When doing the test, make sure

the pen touch the metal parts on the positions.

10. Machine OFF. Test 10Ω(Smaller resistance). Pls

use ohm grade for the test when the machine is off,

red pen touch the metal parts on the side of

resistance, black pen touch the middle screw on

Diode as the picture shows, check if it has 10ohm or

not. If the result is 0, this small resistance is defect.

When doing the test, make sure the pen touch the

metal parts on the positions.

11. Machine OFF. Test input cables on multimeter, we need to use multimeter with inductance measurement

function, and set 20mH grade for the test, if the read is similar to the picture, it means the cables are ok.
12. Machine OFF.Test output cables on multimeter, we need to use multimeter with inductance

measurement function, and set 20mH grade for the test, if the read is similar to the picture, the cables are ok.

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