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LeSSON 121

1. Change the sentences into negative.

1. She was late for class.

2. They were born in Switzerland.

3. She was expecting to get a promotion.

4. The artists were outside the gallery.

5. The interview was a complete disappointment.

6. It was possible to take the escalator.

7. The interviewer was a serious Japanese man.

8. In his generation, it was possible to live off the minimum wage.

9. We were pleased with their gift.

10. There were many Brazilian citizens living there.

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in parenthesis.
1. We were a lot of people. (to expect)
2. Their guests were with them. (to please)
3. It like it’s going to rain again. (to seem)
4. I she didn’t know the answer. (to bet)
5. He likes to his wife. (to please)
6. She is a baby boy. (to expect)
7. You can he will call me the moment I sit down. (to bet)
8. I wouldn’t my money on that horse. (to bet)
9. The interview was better than he . (to expect)
10. He very worried when I talked to him this morning. (to seem)

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3. Choose the best answer for each question.
1. What is the minimum wage in China? 6. Did it work as well as you expected?
a. It’s 16 years old. a. Of course I did.
b. It’s about three hours. b. Yes, it worked well.
c. I think it is about 2 dollars per hour. c. I bet it’s working.
2. Does he work at a gallery? 7. What’s the possibility of it raining tonight?
a. I bet he is. a. It’s raining a lot.
b. No, he doesn’t. He is an artist. b. There is no possibility.
c. He did it yesterday. c. It seemed like it was going to rain.
3. How was the job interview? 8. Is he an American citizen?
a. It was delicious. I love lobster. a. No, but he lives in the United States.
b. I like my job. b. Yes, he is a good citizen.
c. It was better than I expected. c. No, he didn’t seem dangerous.
4. Was she expecting somebody? 9. Is she expecting three boys?
a. No. She was expecting an important call. a. Yes, she is my sister.
b. She seemed disappointed. b. No, she isn’t pregnant.
c. Yes, she was my wife. c. Yes, she was expecting somebody.
5. Where were you born? 10. Was she pleased with your gift?
a. I was born on August 21st. a. Of course she was.
b. We were born in Brazil. b. She wasn’t there anymore.
c. I wasn’t home last night. c. Yes, she is.

4. Read and underline the mistakes, then rewrite the sentences correctly.
1. Real is the official current in Brazil?

2. I bet the future generation will be disappointment with us.

3. The minimum age is about two hundred dollars per monthly.

4. He was be born in march 1981.

5. Where you expecting for somebody?

6. It seems like its going to raining.

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7. Up to down, buying a biggest car this year does not seem to be possible.

8. She were expecting for get a good grade.

9. She did everything to pleased him.

10. It was a bigger disappointed.

5. Put the words in the correct order to create sentences.

1. this / wife / very / My / is / with / pleased / house. / not

2. was / The / the / with / interviewer / candidates. / disappointed

3. my / party. / expecting / wasn’t / parents / to / to / I / the / come

4. must / audience. / Artists / their / please

5. to / getting / We / good / are / is / see / pleased / our / grades. / son

6. pleased / It / executives. / seems / all / presentation / the / her

7. person. / I’m / that / we / pleased / finally / so / met / in

8. pass / I / she / bet / exams. / will / all / her

9. they / It / much. / was / a / because / were / disappointment / expecting / too

10. their / escalators. / kids / must / pay / Parents / attention / to / on

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Lesson 123

1. Change the sentences according to the model.

She takes dance classes.
She used to take dance classes.
1. They like Mexican food.

2. She works as a hostess in London.

3. That restaurant has a great seafood menu.

4. The girls go to the restroom together.

5. We have pizza every Saturday.

6. He gives me a pitcher of red roses for Valentine’s Day.

7. I give good tips to waiters.

8. We have some appetizers before dinner.

9. My niece is a naughty child.

10. I go to the beach on my vacation.

2. Write answers for the questions below using the information provided in parenthesis.
1. How often did you use to go to the movies? (every other Saturday)

2. What time did you use to wake up when you were a teenager? (after 10 a.m.)

3. Did she use to eat vegetables when she was little? (no)

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4. Where did you use to go on your school holidays? (to my grandma’s)

5. What did he use to do when he was a child? (play with his brother)

6. What kind of clothes did you use to wear in the 80’s? (colorful clothes)

7. What did he use to do after work when he was single? (go for a walk)

8. How many times a week did you use to have Mexican food? (every Friday)

9. How did you use to go to school in Canada? (by bus)

10. Where did they use to play when they were children? (on the street)

3. Chose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1. Where is the , please?
a. men room’s b. men’s room c. man’s room
2. She suggested choose lobster.
a. to us b. to we to c. we
3. We to eat shrimp every weekend.
a. were use b. used c. are used
4. My grandpa made a of lemonade.
a. pitcher b. bunch c. push
5. When I travel by bus, I like to sit .
a. for the window b. by the window c. on the window
6. I don’t like restaurants.
a. all you can eat b. for here or to go c. on you can eat
7. We would like to make a .
a. suggested b. suggestion c. appetizer
8. Please, when cleaning my crystal glasses.
a. be careful b. take careful c. be care of
9. I ordered a sandwich and the employee asked me “ ?”.
a. to here or to take b. for here or to go c. for me or to go
10) I the doorbell button, but I didn’t hear anything.
a. pushed b. pitcher c. push

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4. Read the sentences and match them accordingly.

1. She is a good dancer. ( ) She used to watch this movie every day.
2. They like winter sports. ( ) She used to make the best desserts.
3. I have been to many countries. ( ) He used to be a good student.
4. She still knows every scene by heart. ( ) French used to be taught in schools earlier.
5. I don’t understand why he chose lobster. ( ) She used to take dance classes.
6. My aunt Elizabeth taught me how to cook. ( ) He used to go for a walk after work.
7. I’m surprised by his bad grades. ( ) We used to study together.
8. Mrs. Scott speaks French fluently. ( ) He used to be vegetarian.
9. He first met her in the Central Park. ( ) They used to go skiing in the winter.
10. He is my boyhood friend. ( ) I used to travel a lot when I was single.

5. Change the sentences into affirmative.

1. She didn’t use to play dolls when she was a child.

2. They didn’t use to have chocolate every day.

3. My kids didn’t use to watch TV for five hours a day.

4. He didn’t use to take Italian classes in college.

5. We didn’t use to travel every month.

6. I didn’t use to go to the beach on weekends.

7. She didn’t use to wear black clothes when she was a teenager.

8. I didn’t use to help my mother after school.

9. He didn’t use to take care of his siblings.

10. Boys and girls didn’t use to play together.

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LeSSON 125

1. Read and underline the mistakes, then rewrite the sentences correctly.
1. It weren’t you who made the reservation.

2. He was my brother who was buying an apartment.

3. She was catch stealing money from the guests.

4. It was him who have an imaginary friend.

5. There is no vacancy rooms to the weekend.

6. I need to book a room over the name of Jason Cooper.

7. The guest was out of one’s mind.

8. She was Kate who call the front desk.

9. Yes, it was me who talk to the receptionist.

10. The hotel is chip, but every service is charge as an extra.

2. Put the words in the correct order to create sentences.

1. who / the / he / was / was / It / team. / managing

2. mother / It / my / wedding / who / was / my / chose / dress.

3. under / Joseph Underwood. / have / a / name / the / I / of / reservation

4. luggage, / help / please ? / the / the / bellboy / with / Could / us

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5. hotel / told / It / was / credit / receptionist / who / us / the / the / cards. / accepted

6. there / She / in / last / time / arrived / to / the / bus. / catch

7. a / relatives. / into / his / He / partnership / shouldn’t / business / go / with

8. voice? / she / refined / Don’t / you / tone / think / has / a / of

9. got / It / sister / the / who / my / scholarship. / was

10. who / I / wasn’t / invitation. / accepted / this / It

3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1. The room was very good. (service / single / skycap)
2. I’ll be waiting for you at the . (receptionist / front desk / locker)
3. He booked a under the name of Peter Jacobs. (double bed / room service / double room)
4. She is late because she the wrong bus. (catch / passed / caught)
5. It is cheaper to stay in a . (hostel / valet / luggage)
6. You shouldn’t for this man. (to feel sorry / feel sorry / felt sorry)
7. I was expecting her to have a voice. (tone / locker / soft)
8. It was my mom who me to do the dishes. (told / tells / ask)
9. I just passed your parents, on my way to the mall. (for / by / from)
10. Could you me the salt, please? (passed / passes / pass)

4. Change the sentences according to the model.

Jane passed by us.
It was Jane who passed by us.
1. She suggested we should order the cheesecake.

2. Peter got hurt in the game.


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3. The bellboy talked to the receptionist.

4. The guest forgot his passport in the room.

5. I was working at the front desk last night.

6. Mary told me you got the scholarship.

7. She chose a white crib for our baby.

8. You bought a king-size bed.

9. I didn’t ask a wake up call.

10. She wanted to buy new curtains.

5. Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Have you accepted their suggestion?
a. Yes, I will accept.
b. I have a suggestion.
c. Yes, I have.
2. Was it you who was managing the team?
a. No, I started managing the team three weeks ago.
b. Yes, I was on his team.
c. No, he was my manager.
3. Was it he who took you home?
a. She was home when I arrived.
b. I don’t remember who took me home.
c. Yes, I was.
4. Was it you who chose this wonderful dress?
a. No, I want to choose my clothes.
b. It was my mother-in-law who chose it.
c. I don’t know what to choose.


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5. Did Peter leave work early yesterday?
a. No, it was John who left early.
b. Yes, Peter worked yesterday.
c. No, it haven’t.
6. Did you tip the bellboy who helped you with the luggage?
a. I didn’t help him.
b. Yes, I did. He was very kind.
c. I did a lot of things to help them.
7. Why didn’t you talk to Sally when you passed by her last night?
a. It wasn’t I who passed by Sally last night.
b. I passed by Sally last night.
c. My name isn’t Sally.
8. Do you have any vacant room for two nights?
a. Yes, please.
b. We have a vacant single room, but you must check out tomorrow.
c. Yes, I know this hotel.
9. Was it the bellboy who brought your luggage?
a. No, it was I who bought it.
b. No, I brought the luggage myself.
c. No, this is my luggage.
10. Was it her husband who gave her the car?
a. No, it wasn’t. She bought the car herself.
b. Yes, she gave him a car.
c. No, it wasn’t her father.


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LeSSON 127

1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs to produce, to miss, to expire or to
1. Their company is a new model of parachute.
2. I’ll you a lot if you move to London.
3. We the beginning of the movie.
4. My driver’s license will next month.
5. She came into my room and my drawers.
6. If we don’t hurry, we will the flight.
7. The agents are coming to the airplane.
8. Why were you my backpack?
9. He shouldn’t this great opportunity.
10. He got lost in the airport and his connecting flight.

2. Read the text and statements, then select true or false.

Flight Attendant
The job of flight attendant represents one of the largest categories in the airline industry.
Flight attendants have the safety as their primary responsibility. They must instruct passengers on the
correct use of safety equipment, ensure that seat belts are fastened and seats are locked in the upright
position and all the carry-on items are properly placed in the overhead compartment. They also need to
attend preflight briefings, when the pilot informs them about the length of the flight, weather conditions
and evacuation procedures.
In addition to the safety responsibilities, flight attendants must be focused on excellent customer service,
anticipating and responding quickly and pleasantly to passengers’ needs. As they represent the airline company,
they must ensure the passengers have a great flying experience, from the moment they board the plane.

1. According to the text, at least 90% of the employees in the airline industry are flight attendants.
( ) true ( ) false
2. Safety is the most important responsibility of flight attendants.
( ) true ( ) false
3. Passengers must put their carry-on baggage in the upright position.
( ) true ( ) false
4. Before the flight, the pilot informs the flight attendants about the weather conditions.
( ) true ( ) false


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5. Customer service is not an important part of flight attendants job.
( ) true ( ) false
6. Flight attendants represent their company and must ensure passengers have a great flying experience.
( ) true ( ) false

3. Change the sentences into negative.

1. He was going to buy a one-way ticket.

2. They were going to produce her new album.

3. The custom agent was going to inspect the baggage.

4. They were going to live in China.

5. She was going to buy our house.

6. I was going to fasten my seat belt.

7. We were going to miss our connecting flight.

8. He was going to produce advertising movies.

9. She was going to jump off the plane with a parachute.

10. He was going to work as a flight attendant.

4. Put the words in the correct order to create sentences.

1. pay / Weren’t / to / her / the / parents / wedding? / for / going

2. was / flight / compartment. / to / The / attendant / put / in / my / overhead / bag / going / the


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3. told / to / The / the / us / they / officers / inspect / were / plane. / going

4. was / serve / Her / the / brother / to / in / going / Army.

5. going / I / you / instructor. / were / to / to / thought / talk / the

6. she / I / going / bet / away. / was / run / to

7. to / inspect / Why / did / pockets? / think / I / you / going / was / your

8. going / said / the / He / expire. / contract / was / to

9. going / their / You / the / kids / knew / weren’t / to / seat / fasten / belts.

10. I / rope. / I / use / to / told / going / you / this / was

5. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1. All the flights are .
a. boarding b. departure c. on schedule
2. Would you jump off a plane with a ?
a. parachute b. chartered c. gate
3. You can check flight status and airport over the Internet.
a. gate b. delays c. entrance
4. He was going to serve .
a. in the Air Force b. Air Force c. the Air Force.
5. How do I get to the area, please?
a. round-trip b. baggage claim c. overhead
6. You must place your in the overhead compartment.
a. seat belt b. boarding c. bag
7. The flight attendant asked all the passengers to their seat belts.
a. fasten b. fastest c. exit
8. Why was she going to buy a ticket?
a. run away b. delay c. one-way
9. They were going to wait at the gate.
a. overhead b. arrival c. delay
10. All the flights are .
a. delay b. departure c. nonsmoking


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Lesson 129

1. Read and underline the mistakes, then rewrite the sentences correctly.
1. Do you pretend to study overseas?

2. She is not supposed to staying home alone.

3. I’m used live by myself.

4. You are supposed to give us a hide.

5. My grandfather is used to hiding a motorcycle in his town.

6. They weren’t supposed to arrived before noon.

7. She intend to started a small business.

8. His used to teach kids.

9. We’re suppose to join they for dinner.

10. My son is used riding his bike to school.

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs to join, to ride, to intend or to
1. My son is to be sleeping.
2. I would my bike to school today, if it was not raining.
3. Sally is us for lunch.
4. As part of her senior project, Gaby to be pregnant.
5. Eric once his motorcycle on a sidewalk.
6. She to stay at the same school for the next 3 years.


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7. When your motorcycle, you must wear a helmet.
8. They to live in Canada permanently.
9. She the team last week.
10. My daughter to study gastronomy in France.

3. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences.

1. You are not supposed to go .
a. one-way b. straight ahead c. wrong way
2. Does she to study overseas?
a. pretend b. intend c. intending
3. Can you a motorcycle?
a. ride b. riding c. pilot
4. That salesman is used to traveling on .
a. sale b. business c. deal
5. She is used to wearing when riding her motorcycle.
a. a downhill b. a dead end c. a helmet
6. are supposed to know how to read traffic signs.
a. A driver b. everybody c. Drivers
7. You are not supposed to give to everybody.
a. discounts b. deal c. crossroads
8. She is not supposed groups without her parents’ permission.
a. joined b. to joining c. to join
9. When I was young, everybody was supposed to have in the car.
a. a map b. a deal c. a cashier
10. Sarah doesn’t want to change jobs. She is used to working as a .
a. career b. cashier c. bank

4. Put the words in the correct order to create sentences.

1. the / to / She / is / work / not / holiday. / supposed / during

2. is / the / He / to / rain. / riding / used / in / a / motorcycle

3. go / waking / We / are / up / to / to / to / school. / early / used

4. not / You / everyone / are / to / to / the / invite / party. / supposed


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5. from / used / I’m / my / not / to / away / parents. / living

6. used / every / Susan / to / her / calling / day. / is / fiancé

7. call / You / to / supposed / after / your / work. / mother / are

8. used / He / not / working / is / overtime. / to

9. are / English / We / to / at / speak / school. / only / supposed

10. for / used / He / is / large / to / groups. / cooking

5. Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Are you used to working on a computer?
a. Yes, I am.
b. Yes, I used to work there.
c. No, I don’t know him.
2. Is she used to teaching adults?
a. Yes, she cooks for us.
b. No, but she has some experience in teaching teenagers.
c. No, but I like them.
3. Were you used to cooking before you got married?
a. Yes, I’m used to speaking English.
b. Yes, they have a happy marriage.
c. Yes, I’ve been cooking since I was 12.
4. Weren’t they supposed to give us a ride?
a. Yes, they were.
b. I can’t give you a ride.
c. I’m sorry. I don’t have a car.
5. Are you used to speaking with foreigners?
a. No, I’ve never.
b. Yes, they are. They arrived yesterday.
c. Yes, I am. I speak with foreigners every day.


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