VD2103-FIT-ME-QCP-E02-0013-02_RO ERD Racks Quality Control Plan

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DAKHLA SWRO Desalination Plant

EPC Contractor Owner

Title: RO and ERD Racks QCP

Code: VD2103-FIT-ME-QCP-E02-0013

Rev: 02 Page: 1 of 2 Date: 10/10/2023

RO and ERD Racks Quality Control Plan

Process Civil Mechanical Piping I&C Electrical

Name X

Revision control sheet

Description of the
Revision Date Elaborated by Revised by Approved by
revision and changes

02 10/10/2023 Second Issue A.FACINO G.GARBARINO A.AMERI

01 05/10/2023 First Issue A.FACINO G.GARBARINO A.AMERI

Edited for :
Issue for design For approval
Issue for construction For information
Issue for BID (RFQ) X Internal review/issues
Issue for purchase As built

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DAKHLA SWRO Desalination Plant
EPC Contractor RO and ERD Racks QCP Owner

Code: VD2103-FIT-ME-QCP-E02-0013

Rev: 02 Date : 10/10/2023

EQUIPMENT : RO and ERD Racks (Steel Structures)
Supplier EPC Owner Others Remarks

UNI EN ISO 15607 EN ISO 15607
1.1 WPS - PQR - Welder Qualification Check of documents UNI EN ISO 9606 EN ISO 9606 Documents T1 AR R
UNI EN ISO 14732 UNI EN ISO 14732
1.2 NDE procedure Check of documents Reference UNI EN ISO Reference UNI EN ISO Documents T1 AR R
UNI EN ISO 9712 or UNI EN ISO 9712 or
1.2 NDE Personnel Qualification Check of documents Documents T1 AR R
1.3 Painting procedure Check of documents EN ISO 12944:2018 or equivalent Technical Specification Documents T1 AR R

Structure Parts :
-Steel Beam Chemical analysis and mechanical
2.1 Reference standard for material Reference standard for material Certificate EN 10204:2004, Type 2.2 R R R
- Handrail properties
- Ladder
Visual and Dimensional examination on UNI EN ISO 17637 ISO EN 17637
2.2 Structure parts Test Certificates T1 R R
welds (100%) UNI EN ISO 5817 UNI EN ISO 5817
Dye penetrant test (DPT) UNI EN ISO 3452 UNI EN ISO 3452
2.3 Structure parts Test report T1 R R
(Spot Check : 5%) UNI EN ISO 23277 Liv.2 UNI EN ISO 23277 Liv.2
Magnetic Particle Test (MPT)
2.4 Structure parts EN ISO 17638 EN ISO 17638 Test report T1 R R
(Spot Check : 5%)
G.A. Drawings G.A. Drawings
2.5 Structure parts Visual and Dimensional checks (100%) Test report T1 R R
Technical Specification Technical Specification
G.A. Drawings G.A. Drawings
3.1 Skid Rack Pre-Assembled Pre-Assembly Allignements Test report T1 W2 R
Technical Specification Technical Specification
Painting check
3.2 Skid Rack Pre-Assembled Painting specification Painting specification Test report T1 W2 R
DFT Check
Completeness supply check according to the purchase
3.3 Check of material Technical specification Technical specification Inspection report T1 R R
4.1 Structure Check of labelling Technical specification – data sheet Technical specification –data sheet Inspection report T1 R R
Completeness supply check according to the purchase
4.2 Check of material Reference standard for material Reference standard for material Inspection report T1 R R
4.3 Packed material Preservation and packing inspection Packing procedure Packing procedure Inspection report T1 W2 R
After completition of all inspections and
4.4 Inspection release certificate IRC issued by supplier IRC issued by supplier Authorization to despatch H1 AR R
4.5 Guarantee certificate Guarantee Technical specification Technical specification Guarantee certificate T1 R R
4.6 Compliance certificate Compliance Technical specification Technical specification Compliance Certificate T1 R R
4.7 Manufacturing Data record Check of document Quality documents Quality documents MDR T1 AR AR

T: Test – R: Review of doc. (Docs to send)– AR: Approval required - W: witness - H: hold - S: surveillance
1 = 100% - 2 = min. 10%

EPC inspection will receive all indicated documents before delivery authorisation (Authorization to despatch)
Final acceptance of equipment will be done after SAT (Site Acceptance Test)

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