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Use these tables whenever a spellcaster gets a magical mishap result during spellcasting. A good rule of thumb is that spells of level 1-10 are minor and
spells of levels 11-30 are major. Or base it on circumstances; summoning a Shaitan even at spell level 2 could be a disaster. Unless otherwise stated, effects
apply to the spellcaster. The spell level of the effect should generally (with some exceptions) match the level of the spell cast by the mage. Should the same
spell failure happen twice in a row (same roll), the effect becomes permanent!

D100 MINOR SPELL FAILURES 50 A random low-level monster appears, confused.

1 Eldritch Barrier level 2d10 appears in front of caster. 51 Sudden extreme weather (snow, heat wave, etc.) 1d6 turns.
2 Caster smells like a skunk for spell duration. 52 Deafening bang affects everyone within 60'. All those who
3 Caster shoots forth eight non-poisonous snakes from can hear must save vs. spell or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.
fingertips, which promptly run & hide. 53 Area around caster becomes hot & steamy. (2D6 hours).
4 Caster's clothes itch (-1 DEX) 54 Ground 30’ around caster becomes soft, squishy and
5 Caster glows as a Spell of Radiance level 1d10. moldable (2d6 minutes).
6 Hair becomes white (1D3 months). 55 Spell functions but shrieks like a shrieker.
7 Eyes turn deep red, and seem to glow at night (1D4 days). 56 Hearing improves (+2 to hear & +2 sonic dmg), (1d6 days).
8 Caster's hair grows one foot in length. 57 Belch constantly for an hour after each meal (2d6 days).
9 Caster pivots 180 degrees. 58 Lose all body hair (2D6 weeks).
10 Caster's face is blackened by small explosion. 59 All weapons within 60' of caster glow for 1d4 rounds.
11 Grows a feature of a random animal (lasts for 3D10 hours). 60 Develop a fear of crowds, ten or more people (2D4 days).
12 Caster's head enlarges for 1d3 turns. 61 Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1-4 rounds later.
13 Sudden weight gain of 3D10 pounds (1 month). 62 All magical items within 60' of caster glow for 2d8 days.
14 Caster's touch becomes hot to others, does 1 dmg/rnd, 63 All domestic animals become afraid of you (1d4 days).
ignites small objects. (2D6 rounds). 64 Chronic insomnia (2D4 days); -1 to all actions if not cured.
15 Spell cannot be canceled at will by caster. 65 Fingernails turn long & black (1 week).
16 Dogs bark and howl when you are within 25' (for 3D4 days). 66 Caster develops a huge, hairy wart, -1 to CHA, (2d4 days).
17 Colorful bubbles come out of caster's mouth instead of 67 Target enlarged to twice its normal size.
words. Words are released when bubbles pop. Spells with 68 Darkness centered on target.
verbal components cannot be cast for 1d6 rounds. 69 Nose becomes elongated and thin (1d2 weeks).
18 No-one can understand each other’s language within 60 feet 70 You literally sweat buckets of water (1d6 hours).
of caster (1d6 rounds). 71 Unusual body odor (50% pleasant/offensive) (2d4 days).
19 Extra eye grows out of hand, forehead or neck (1d6 hours). 72 Develop a fear of the dark (lasts 2D6 days).
20 Caster's feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal 73 Tongue becomes thin and forked (lasts 1D10 hours).
and adding +4 to initiative rolls for 1d3 turns. 74 Ears grow large and floppy (2d6 hours) +1 on Listen checks.
21 Caster suffers same spell effect as target. 75 Caster becomes dizzy (-3 all actions, can’t cast spells) for
22 Caster levitates 20' for 1d4 turns. 2d4 minutes.
23 Caster's touch becomes icy to others, does 1 dmg/rnd, 76 Caster’s hair becomes long, blue and constantly stands on
freezes minor objects. (2D6 rounds). end (1d6 days).
24 Caster speaks in a squeaky voice for 1d6 days. 77 Target levitates 20' for 1d3 turns.
25 Caster gains X-ray vision for 1d6 rounds. 78 Target surrounded by a flock of colorful avir (1d6 hours).
26 Smoke billows from ears of all nearby creatures for 1 min. 79 Target is obsessed and paranoid about his possessions or
27 Caster’s images in mirrors do strange things and sometimes magic items (2d6 hours).
disappear completely (1d8 days). 80 Target forgets the last 1d6 minutes.
28 Grow an extra digit (50% on both hands, 50% on both feet) 81 Target's feet enlarge, SPD-3 (1d6 hours)
(falls off after 2 weeks). 82 Rust monster appears in front of target.
29 Reverse gravity beneath caster's feet for 1 round. 83 Acquire a craving for a random food (for 2d6 days).
30 Colored streamers pour from caster's fingertips. 84 Lose your appetite for (3d6 days)
31 Caster smells like carrion & vultures circle above (3d6 hrs) 85 Become drunk (for 1d4 hours).
32 Caster becomes incontinent (1d6 hours). 86 Small, black raincloud forms over caster.
33 Caster goes bald (1d3 months). 87 Fog appears & obscures an area of 100' around caster.
34 Stream of butterflies pours from caster's mouth. 88 Eyes glow brightly & voice sounds like a demon (2d4 min).
35 Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints, 1d6 hours. 89 Grow an extra set of ears, they are useless and appear in
36 Body steams and smells like coffee. (1d8 days). an unusual spot (lasts 1D6 days).
37 Bodorian multi-instrumental music fills the air and drowns 90 Lose sense of smell (for 1d6 hours).
out most other sounds (1d6 hours) 91 Target's clothes itch (+2 to initiative for 1d10 rounds).
38 A lavish vegetarian feast appears in a mess around caster. 92 Target's race randomly changes until canceled by dispel
Feeds 2d6 people and lasts until it spoils. magic.
39 All normal fires within 60' of caster are extinguished. 93 Caster constantly smells a bad odour, but no one else does
40 Lose sense of taste (for 3d8 hours). (affects sleep and social interactions, 2d8 days).
41 Body glows with a random color at night (for 1d6 days), as 94 Target speaks 10x faster than normal (1d6 hours)
per a torch. 95 All cloth on target crumbles to dust.
42 In direct sunlight your image becomes ghostly (1d6 days). 96 Caster sprouts leaves for 1d6 days (no dmg, can be pruned
43 Teleported 5' to the left, but clothing remains in the same without harm).
place (this happens 1d4 more times). 97 Target sprouts new useless appendage (wings, arm, ear,
44 Dancing lights swirl about the caster's head and make him a etc.) which remains until dispel magic is cast.
good target. 98 Target changes skin color (1d6 hours).
45 All creatures within 30' of caster begin to hiccup -1 to all 99 Spell effect lasts for 1d4 rnds, regardless of intended
actions for 1d6 rounds. duration.
46 Constant buzzing in your ears (1d12 days), -1 to Listen. 100 Caster's thoughts can be seen in written thought-bubbles
47 A cloud of flies, 4' diameter, circles your head (5d6 hours). above his head (1d6 days).
48 Spell affects random target within 60' of the caster.
49 Spell fails but is not wiped from caster's mind.
D100 MAJOR SPELL FAILURES 47 Metamorphose into random nearby creature (roll on random
01 Caster phases in & out of existence half the time (1D6 days). encounter table; 1d10 minutes).
02 Caster's skin becomes scaly, grows tail & claws (1d6 days). 48 Target turns to a weird material like glass, amethyst or ice.
03 Hair turns to snakes, eyes to frogs (2d6 rounds). 49 Aberrant Weather appears for 1d10 minutes.
04 Caster’s flesh boils & bubbles and cannot hold anything but 50 Target turns ethereal for 2d4 rounds, visits the Gray Sphere.
no ill effects (1d8 hours). 51 Greater elemental appears & eats things it likes (1d10 rnds)
05 Hair and beard grows at an extraordinary rate for 1 day. 52 Everyone 20’ around caster encased in amberglass (1d4 hrs)
06 Spell takes physical form of free-willed elemental 53 Spell effect reversed, if possible, otherwise fizzles.
uncontrolled by caster, whose touch causes spell effect. 54 A random supernatural creatures appears, attracted by the
07 Female - grow a beard; Male - grow breasts (3d6 hrs). weird magical energies (roll on supernatural table).
08 Whole body develops fur (sheds in 2d6 weeks). 55 Caster falls into a death like trance (for 1d12 rounds).
09 Caster’s bones, nerves and muscles become 3 separate 56 Develop a fear of closed or open spaces (lasts 2d6 days).
beings, all alive and functional but horrific (1d6 hours). 57 Everything caster sees takes 1d6 dmg/rnd for 1d10 hours.
10 Skin changes to some other substance like glass, bark, onyx, 58 Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting for 1d6
slime, chitin or feathers (lasts 2d6 days). rounds. (compulsion level 2d10)
11 Gate to Oblivion opens and 1d4 Enim poke their heads 59 All mundane items on caster turn into lower or higher-quality
through to see if they can grab someone (1d4 rounds). versions of themselves (50/50 chance)
12 Develop tunnel vision, no Dexterity adjustment for Armor 60 Caster develops allergy to magical items, sneezes until all
Class and +2 to be surprised (2D6 rounds). magical items are at least 1' away (1d6 days).
13 Caster and target exchange voices until the original spell is 61 Caster develops an odor that repels all animals and attracts
cast backwards. If no target then random bystander. monsters (this lasts or 2D4 hours).
14 Wall of fire (or tentacles) encircles caster (1d6 minutes). 62 All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc.within 60' of
15 Irises change shape to shaitan eyes (2D6 days). caster become Sealed as per the spell.
16 An elemental demon appears on top of the caster’s head, 63 Caster polymorphs into a random Talislanta race.
where it perches for 1d6 hours (roll on Demon table). 64 Spell effect rebounds on caster at ½ level.
17 Body's appearance ages 50 years (no health effects). 65 A thunder cloud forms over the caster and rains once per
18 Hyperspeed: everyone within 100' of caster has 2x actions, hour for five minutes (this will last for 1D6 days).
but at greater chance of mishaps (-5 to all rolls) 66 Caster and target exchange places (instant, once).
19 Horns sprout on the creature's head, and spurs on their feet. 67 Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds.
They are too small to be effective in combat (1d6 hours). 68 1,000 lbs. of non-living matter within 10' of target vanishes.
20 Gate opens for 1d6 rounds to random locale (see Portal 69 Everyone within 100’ of caster goes back in time and can re-
Destinations table). do their last round of action (1 round).
21 Spell effect changed by ± 1d10 levels. 70 Caster’s skin is inverted; he lives but is in terrible pain (d4
22 2d4 Bolts of eldritch, mystic and elemental magic hurl out hours, -5 to all actions). Can be reversed with spell.
from caster hitting random bystanders (level 1d10 each). 71 Body becomes charged with electricity, involuntary 1d6 dmg
23 Portal to plane of fire opens centered on caster; 1d10 spell to anyone within 10' of you (2d6 rounds).
level of 1d6/level damage/round for 1d6 rounds. 72 Cause fear with 60' radius centered on caster. All within
24 Massive ogront materializes and explodes, showering radius except the caster must make a saving throw.
everyone in gore (-2 physical tasks bc of slipperiness). 73 Caster falls madly in love with target until a dispel magic or
25 Gender changes for (3D6 hours). remove curse is cast.
26 Narcolepsy, fall asleep easily, save vs. Will once each turn or 74 Nose turns into an elephant trunk (2d6 rounds).
fade off (1D3 hours). This lasts until you get 4 hours of sleep. 75 Hair catches fire, 1d4 dmg/rnd, until put out.
27 Become nocturnal, -1 to actions while in sunlight (1d4 days). 76 Heavy object (boulder, anvil, whale, etc.) appears over caster
28 Caster switches allegiance to enemy side and philosophy and crushes him for 2d20 points of damage.
changes for 1d6 hrs. 77 Caster ages 1 year, with full effects.
29 Spell reagents smell delicious, attract creatures (+1 higher 78 Am Erx appears and starts draining spells from casters.
encounter chance) 79 The animal closest to you dies (instant).
30 Plagued with terrible nightmares, save vs. Will each night or 80 Good luck follows the caster +1 to all rolls for 1d6 days.
suffer -1 "to hit" and to saving rolls (2D4 days). 81 Develop an intense itch, -1 to Dexterity (2d8 rounds).
31 Caster’s mind expands to another dimension, sensory 82 Caster turns into negative-reality opposite-alignment version
overload -5 to all tasks for 1d6 hours. of themselves for 1d6 rounds.
32 Plants in 100' radius grow to giant size (1d6 hours). 83 Become a fool, -4 to Intelligence. (1d6 hours).
33 Everyone within 10' of caster gets attacked by astral 84 Grow an extra set of eyes on the back of head. (1d8 days,
parasites which do 1d6 dmg/rnd for 1d6 rounds. this cancels any surprise rear attacks).
34 Begin sneezing constantly. No spellcasting for 3d10 minutes. 85 Target grows 2d6 tentacles out of his head.
35 Fall into 10'-wide, 5' deep/level pit that appears under you. 86 Caster becomes undead for 1d6 hours.
36 Vortex appears and sucks in party to another random 87 Caster’s body merges with random creature (1d6 hours).
destination (roll on table). Sucks them back in 1d10 minutes. 88 Super strength +1d6 STR(1d6 minutes) in ½ of body.
37 One limb become paralyzed (1d8 rounds). 89 Lightning bolt shoots toward nearest ally, 1d10 spell level.
38 One normal item within 30' of caster (randomly chosen) 90 Memories of a powerful person flood your mind, add 1d8
becomes permanently magical. skills of levels 1d12 each; fight for dominance (1d6 days).
39 Fingers fall off and run around for 1d6 minutes. Effect ends. 91 You forget one skill, randomly picked for 2d6 days.
40 Go mute (for 2d6 rounds). 92 Sucked underground for 1d6 minutes, visit crystal caverns.
41 1d6 random people grow 2 extra arms (1d4 hrs). 93 All weapons within 30' of caster turn into blue adamant but
42 Spell effect has 60' radius centered on target (all within radius also into a different type of weapon (1d6 rounds).
suffer the effect). 94 Your shadow becomes an independent being (1d6 days).
43 One magical item within 30' of caster (randomly chosen) is 95 Target’s forelimbs grow to twice their size (2d6 rounds).
permanently drained. 96 Vermin (rats, bugs, bats, etc.) follow you around (2d6 hours).
44 Caster is cut into 4 independent floating chunks (1d6 rnds) 97 A bull’s-eye target magically appears on your back which
45 The landscape biome changes (eg from jungle to desert) for provides a +5 bonus to any rear attackers for 1 round.
100’ around caster (1d6 weeks). 98 Caster cries uncontrollably (-2 to all tasks for 3d6 rounds).
46 1d100 raknid eggs land within a mile, hatch and mature 99 Caster turned to mobile slime, but only for 1d6 rounds.
instantly and form an army within 1d6 hours. 00 Caster polymorphed into a giant version of a local small
animal (such as a drac, avir or malkin) for 2d6 rounds.

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