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. JELET-2019 Subject : B.Se. (Booklet Number) Duration : 2 Hours Full Marks : 100 INSTRUCTIONS, 1, All questions are of obje option is correct. Correct answer will any combination of more than one answer. % marks will be deducted. ive type havin y full marks 1. In ease of incorrect answer or four answer options for each. Only one 2, Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A.B, CorD, Use only Black/Blue ball point pen to mark the answer by complete filling up of the respective bubbles 4, Mark the answers only in the space provided. Do not make any stray mark on the OMR Write question booklet number and your coll number usefully in the specified locations of the OMR, Also fil appropriate bubbles, 6. Write your name (in block lewer). name af the esalntination eentre and pat your full a signature in appropriate boxes eeu - 7. ‘The OMR is liable to becomefivalid if there is any mistake in bubbles for question booklet number roll number or if there is any diserepaney in the name/ signature of the candidate. name of the examination centre. The OMR may also ing the correct become invalid due to folding or putting stray marks on it or any damage to it, The consequence of such invalidation due (o incorrect marking or careless handling by the candidate will be sole responsibility of candidate 8 Candidates docu-pen, log tuble. wristwateh. any communication device like mobile phones ete. are not allowed to carry any’ written or printed material. calculator. pen. inside the examination hall. Any candidate found with such items will be reported against & his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled. 9. Rough work must be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pag. given in the question paper for rough work sare 10. Tand over the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Tall MINIMUM a JELET_B. JELET-2019 If aand f be the roots of x? 2 O.then for any positive integer n. a! + B= (A) 22 cos (By 2? 4 (C) 22 sin (Dy) 2? sin 4 4 Roots of the equation (1+)?" + (1 =)" = 0, where n is a positive integer. are all on (A) the real axis (B) the imaginary axis yew (Dj the tin () the fi Let the points A, B and C represent complex numbers 7). Zy and Zs respectively and there exists scalars p. q. r such that p/, * 7; +1Z; = 0. Then (A) A. Band C are never collinear (B) A, Band C are collinear ip + q+ r=0 (C)_ A. Band C are vertices of @ right-angled triangle «(D) Let Z be any complex numbef. ‘then zy LReZaleiim( Z| (A) | [Re(Z)|-[1m(Z)] (C) [Z\= a7 a bPect+be 1 LetA=|t bc? +at+ ae]. Then 1c at +b? + abl (A) a=b is the only linear factor of \ (B)b—c isthe only linear factor of \ (C)_ ais the only linear factor of \ (D) a-b.b-«, = aare all factors of \ 3 JELET-2019 (beer, 6 I be (ct ay k abe(a+b+e)5, then k= (A) 1 (B) 2 «) 3 oy 4 7. Consider the system of equations xeyte 0 2v-y+dz=0 x+Sy-Tn=0 The system has (A) infinitely many solutions, “= (B} finite number of non-zero solutions (C)_ only trivial solution (D) unique non-trivial solution eh a+b 2b 3a+b 8 Leta=|2a+b 3a+b da+b| Then Ha+b Sab 6a+b) (A) a= (By Avo (c) A yo | Ipc p> ps] lev Pa Ps Then Gis (A). anull matix (By asealar mawix (C) alower triangular matrix (D) an upper viangular matrix JELET_BSe. 4 A 10. 13. JELET_B.Se. JEL Ik | and the determinant of a matrix A? isk, jk ka pl where A=|0 a kof 0b 0k ‘Then u is A) 1 B i (A) BE 6 . © -E (Dk fo oo = 1 LetA=|0 -1 0 Then -1 0 0 (A) Aisanull matrix (B) A is no} yn orthogonal mattis (C) Av! doesnot exist _ (PP SALET the idemity matrix of order 3 > 12 M09 sam A= [ il then. the value of the determinant | A2"— S.A2°8 | js (A) 6 iB) 5 © 1 (Dy -1 Ww = ml > nb. m and a are wo real numbers. then tt 412 0B) 02.4 «) 4) Dy dD 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. JELET-2019 PRo-1 4) The mat 01) is invertible if 1 2 (A) AenIS (B) he-I7 (C) Re=16 (D) Re -I8 If A and B are two square matrices of same order. then the matrix AB ~ BA is (A) asymmetric matris (8) skew symmetrie matrix (C) anull matrix (D) the identity matrix 123 f) 23] Rank of the matrix |2 3 4 {is 01 2| (A) 3 1 . 0 ¢ det (A — XY = 0 (ly be the identity matrix of order 2) are “ (B) 22 ©) oid IPA isa 3 «3 non-singular matrix such that A!A = AA! und B= A“TAT then BBTis way ata (By EE «) BT (D) 1 identity matrix of order 3 ‘The equation x44 3x°+ x -1 = 0 has (A) exactly vo real roots (8) at least vo real roots (C) four real roots (D) atleast avo imaginary roots JELET_B.Se. 6 20. 2. 22, 24. JELET-2019 To remove the second term of the equation 9 + 6x° -12r + 32 = 0. we have to increase the roots by (A) 2 (B) ct i) Let a. B. y be the roots of the equation x3 — 3px? + 3(p-1) x + Then the equation whose roots are 1 a. 1. ly is given by tA) 6py +2=0 (B} — 3py? + 3p? -1) y-b= © 3py-1=0 (Dy ye 3p) 7 = Spy 41 0 On 5 x A. the binary operation * be defined by (a. b)*(e. d) = (a= e. b= d>2bd) Then (A) (S, *) has no idemtity element. (B) (8, #) has identity element but | a. = has no inverse, (C)_ Every element of (S. +) has inverse (D) (S, *)isa group a Les=(( f fab = 82200 then (A) S forms a group w. r. 1, matrix multiplication (*) (B) S$ isnota group w. r,t. matrix multiplication (C)_ Sisoniy a semi group (D)(S, 9) has no identity element Let fs & 5 3 be given by f(y = (v1 +1), Then (A) fis one-one and onto ({B) fis acither one-one nor onto (©) Fis one-one but not onto (D) Fis onto but not one-one JELET_BSe. 7 JELET-2019 afand 2 (x) = [x ~ 3] forall. x * then 25. If: > and g: > are delined by Fo { 8B ig cqua {liye 6g, equal to (A) {0.15 (By tL. 2} (CO) -3.-31 Dd) (2.3) 26. Ina group (Q-{-1}.). where * is defined by wtb = at b > ab, the inverse of 3 is WA) 3 (B) hee ) ; wm = 27. Leta binary operation ‘** on Q be defined by a * = a+ 2b forall a. be -. Then (A) the operation is commutative _ ¢ (B) the operation obeys the assoviativegndpery. (C) there does not exist any identity-8Jement with respect to the operation detined (D) there exists lef identity elpaleft with respect to the operation defined, 28. Which is the simplified representation of (A' > BPO C) IB. ©) & (AOC) where A.B, Care non-void subsets of X ? (A) A (B) B @¢ wy X 29, Which of the following statements is true ? (A). The mapping f:1/ > 1 given by f(x) =a + 2 is bijective. {B) The mapping f: © > 2 given by f(x) = 3x + 7is bijective, vis injective s.r) =6 (C)_ The mapping f: © > ® given by f() = (D) For the mapping f: A > ® given by f(x) JELET_BSe. 8 ai. 32, 34. 35. JELET_B: ELET-2019 For three non-void subsets A, B,C of asetX. if AG B= A ACand AUB=AUC. then (A) A= BEC (B) BOC () Agc (D) BEC=X On §*. the set of positive reals, the operator * is defined by a*b=alogybYabe St andqe Sq 1. then (A) (a* by c= a #(b* c) holds ¥ a. b. ce (B) a*b=bta¥ahe 5 (C) (a by cea ttb* ec) Vabec (D) 3nob © %*for which a * b =a holds If p be a relation on 7. defined by a p b iff'a? — b? is divisible by 5. then p is (A) only reflexive (B) only symmetric (C) only reflexive and transitive (D) an equivalence relation With reference (o a universal set, the inclusion of a set jp apalhg is a relation, which is (A) symmetre only ABE a ait (C)_ reflexive only 8.84) reflexive and wansitive = : we Ina college of 300 students. every student needs 5 newspapers and every newspaper is read by 60 students. The number of newspapers are (A) at least 30 (B) almost 20 (D) exactly 15 ivalence relation (C) exact If: A» Bis surjective. then (A) n(A) or greater than the transverse axis according as (A) 0 > 2 or e <2 respectively, (B) c 2 respective (C) e>afBor ¢ <9 respectively (D) ¢ <3 or e> V2 respectively trie 46. ‘The distance of a point on the con = I from the cenwre is 2. Then the « iare given by (A) only F (B) only (WD) only PF JELET_BSe. " JELET-2019 x = 47. Chords of the ellipse I touch the circle 4x7 + dy? Then iocus of their poles is al iw 48. The polar of @ point P with respeet to the parabola 7 = dav is parallel to the line Ly + my = 1. The locus of P is (A) le + 2am =0 (B) ly +2am=0 (©) by-2am=0 (D) ly -2am=0 49, The equation r? sin 26 = 2a? represents (A) an ellipse (B) acircle (C) abyperbola of eccentricity 2 (D) akyperbola of eccentricity v2 oe , oat 50. Anellipse of axes 2a and 2b slides in a plane alwaygtouching the co-ordinate aves, The locus of the centre is au (A) acirele _ (By ancllipse (C) aparabola (D) wstraight line , 1 a Sl. I the line Ties nthe plane Ix-+ my — 7 = 9. then P+ m? will be (A) 26 (B) 18 ) 6 wp) 2 52, A variable plane is at a distance 3 units from the origin and meets the axes at A. B and C ‘The locus of the eentoid of the wiangle ABC is 5+ <5 + 4 =o., Then a (ay 1 (B) «cy 3 (Dy 3 JELET_B.Se. R JELET-2019 53. ‘The equation of the plane through the intersection of the planes x+y # 2 = 1 and 2x4 3y— 744 =0 and parallel to x-avis is, (A) y-3246=0 (B) 3y-2+6=0 cc) oy +6=0 (D) 3y-27+6=0 54. ‘The shortest distance from the plane 12x + 4y + 32 = 327 to the centre of the sphe ie yt 4 224 dy — 2y — Gz = 155 is (A) 26 unit (By 13 unit 4C) 12 unit (D) 39 unit cy + bz. y = az + cy and 7 = by + ay have a common linc of intersection. 1+ kabe. where k = a If the planes x then a?+ b+ (Ay l (B) 1 (Cc) 2 (Dy) 2 2p + 4q and B = pq. where p and ¢ are unit 56. The angle between the vectors & vectors inclined at an angle 120°, is (A) 60° (8) 30" og (©) 120° (Dy ei? 57. The value of [a b+ ec a+b eid (a [abe] (Br 0 (©) Zabel (D) ax(be ey 58. ABCD is a quadrilateral with AB= a. AD = b and AC = 2a + 3b . If area of the quadrilateral is o times the area of the parallelogram with AB, AD as adjacent sides, then ais (Ay 5 (By \ 1 iM) 5 JELET_B.Se. 13 60. ol. a. 63. JELET-2019 Kor nonevero vectors a, by &, (a * b). €)|= Fa [Ib |e [holds if? (A) ab=b.c=0 (B) adebe= © =2.b=0 (D) abahe=eR=0 If D. FE. F be the mid points of the sides BC. CA and AB respectively of \ ABC, then AB + BE + CP wo «By DE « wD) FD (A) lim fix) exists x30 (B) the limit does not exist as © {D)_ ifsc take RO) 1. f(x) will be eGgipitions at x ~ 0 Let (27? be such that Ry 9) Pix) Cy) forall x. ye Also let f (x) = 1 +4 aGayithere lim gts = 1. Then fixris (Ay (By 2 (C) @non-constant polynomial (D) 1 for ally Let f: [-1, 1) > © be twice differentiable and £(0) = £7(0) = 0.1" (0) = 4. Then the value 3f(2x) + M49) (Ay It (B) 2 «cy 12 (Dy 13 JELET_B.Se. 4 JELET-2019 64. Wy = lim (eye x?) x) and? < t then = “1 By Tay ic) 65. A body of mass 6 gm is in rectilinear motion according wo the law iy (nG +1) + W410. The Kinetic energy of the body one second aiier i move is (A) 300 unit (By 468% unit (C) 41S unit (D) 384 unit Then 66. Let fr) = (A) ifa> 1,B > 0.1'(0) exists (B) iO 0 67. Let lim (0) +1" (Oy =a] AD. Then (A) lim fx) =0. lim F109 =a (B) Tim fers a lim MoO (C) tim #0 lim £0) (Dy one of the limits does not exist JELET_B.Se. 15 68. 69. 70. m. SELET-2019 IPfory = y= O then k = (A) me? (By 2m? (C) =m? (D) 2m? Choose the correet one: (A) Rolle’s Theorem is applicable to {x| in [a b](c ) {B) Rolle’s Theorem is never applicable to | in a. b](< * ) (C) Rolle’s Theorem is applicable to fy| in [a b](c ~.). where 0 © be continuous in [a. bl. uihigble in (a. by and F(a) =0= f(b). Then (A) there exists at least one point’y’é a. b) such that f'(e) = 1 (c) (B) £'(x) = F(x) does not hold at any point of (a. by (C) there exists a point d (a. b) for which f(x) » P(x) holds (D) there exists a point pe(a. b) for whieh F"(p) < F(p) holds 2 ~ Soe Depso <3 Then (By Iyskisd, (D) sll, JELET_B.Se. 16 n. 14, 15. 76. JELET_] JELET-2019 ICL. g be dill iable functions on [0.3] such that £(0) = 2. £03) = 6, g (0) = 0, 9 (3) #0 and f(x) = g(x) {+ 0) in (0, 3). then (A) @(3) may have any real value (B) (Cc) 23) (Dy In the expansion of log( L420). -1 << 1 the co-efficient of x8 is 1 (A) 1 (By \ 1 () § (D) =5 it tim SABE _ 5. then (a, b.c) is equall to ye! (IF (A) 2.4.2) (B) ©) 4-2 «D) The slope of the tangents drawn from P 46. the’ piirabola y? = day are m; and m, If m,= km, then locus of Piso © 2x?-Inx, Then Let f(s) - : 1 1 (A) decreases for x <5 (B)_ Ff decreases for 0 0 (3) I<0 ) J=0 (D) J possesses both signs for various values ofx and y Let f(a, yp=at ey? + vey +1). Then fle. 9) (A) has no extrema (B) has saddle point at ( yaa) . then es mvy =e Then is es ©) (D) 19 85. 36. 87, JSELET-2019 (Ay 2x (B) ay (C) 2u (Dy 3u (A) fy do not exist at (0, 0) (BY f,,.(0. 0) = £0. 0) (C) fy (0.0) # (0, 0) (D) (0. 0) exists but f,, does not exist 3 Let u (x. y) = log ty sinxt sin y). (A) I-J (c) Ist rifle dy. then (By oh wm | JELET_B.Sc. 0 JELET-2019 3 a 1 89. lim {14 + {—"__, ig sn, 21 ae3 {assm=n{ ® (A) 2 (B) 3 oma (dy 18 qed 90. Lett= [dx Then (A) I=b-a (B) I=a-b (C) 1=[b[-[a| (D) l=la}—|b] 91. 1=f costinx) dx. Then i (A) T=3x?sin (Inx) +e Is (B) 1=3x7cos(inx) +e . L (C) cos(in x) + sineth (D) tsin (In x) — cos(In x)} #¢ (cis constant of integration) 92. JELET_BSe. (B) 8 (D) does not exist a JELET-2019 (A) exists for all m,n Loaf (B) exists form > 0.n> 0 and is equal to 4 B(Z (C) never exists 1 (D)_ exists form > 1m > 1 and is equal to 5 (mn) 94. Consider Ia) where the symbol has its usual meaning. Then (A) Va)=al foralla = (8) Va)=(a+ 1 forall a> 0 (C) Ma) = (a— 1)! for all positive imegral values of (D)_ Mea)= (a= 1)! for all rational positive values of ye & [ x

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