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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Surigao del Norte
Alegria Stand Alone Senior High School
2nd Semester Mid-Term Examination
Name : __________________________ Date: _____________________
Section : _________________________ Score: ____________________
Direction: Read and understand the statement carefully.Choose the correct answer.
1. This media is designed to help people who have visual and hearing impairments.

a. Assistive media b. Long tail c. Facebook d. Blogger

2. It is dubbed as the ICT hub of Asia.

a. Hongkong b. Philippines c. Singapore d. Vietnam

3. An interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the internet.

a. World Wide Web b. Browser c. Website d. URL

4. This is a type of social media that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news

a. Social networks b. Social news c. Blogs d. Forums

5. This is the operating system used in iPhones.

a. Android b. Symbian c. Blackberry OS d. Ios

6. Twitter is a social media site that can be classified as

a. Media sharing b. Microblogging c. Blog d. Social news

7. A feature of Web 2.0 in which a user can give a feedback to a certain product.

a. User participatio b. Rich user experience c. Mass participation d. Folksonomy

8. This type of social media allows user to download videos from a website

. a. Blogs and forums b. Bookmarking sites c. Social News d. Media sharing

9. Facebook is a type of social media website that can be classified as

a. Microblogging b. Media sharing c. Social networks d. Social news

10. This is a read-only webpage.

a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 4.0

11.An application program designed to create spreadsheets which can later be used to analyze statistical

A. Microsoft Word B. Microsoft PowerPoint C. Microsoft Excel D. Microsoft Publisher

12. One of the most talked about internet threats.

a. Virus b. Spam c. Malware d. Adware

13.What function that adds a range cells


14. Refers to the program which is the electronic version of the familiar columnar pad.

a. Spreadsheets b. Cells C. Data d.Formula

15. refers to the first generation of the Internet when most websites were read-only or static.

a. Web 1.0 b.Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 4.0

16. Which of the following cannot be inserted in your document?

A. Chart B. Clip Art C. Shape D. Sound

17. Which of the following is not a component of the mail merge?

A. File name B. Main Document C. Data source D. Merge Document

18. What feature of Microsoft Word allows you to efficiency create documents that have the same
general content but may have different recipients or purpose .

A. Print merge B. Mail merge C. View merge D. Send merge

19. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?

A. File tab B. Home tab C. Mailing tab D. Layout tab

20. What types of document can you create using mail merge?

A. Posters B. Letters C. Envelopes D. Labels

21. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or send it out?

A. Address block C. insert merge field B. greeting line D. Preview results

22. What file contains the information you need to merge with your main document?

A. Address block B. Greeting line C. Contact List D. Directory

23. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?

A. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print

B. Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview

C. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print

D. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print

24. Under what ribbon group does “Insert ► Shape” fall?

A. Media B. Pages C. Illustrations D. Apps

25. What image compression / file type is capable of displaying simple animation?

A. .gif B. .bmp C. jpg D. .tiff

26. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in line
with the text, treating the image like how a text is treated?

A. Square B. In line with text C. Tight D. Through

27. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like organizational
charts and flow charts on your document?

A. Smart Art B. Chart C. Screenshot D. Pictures

28. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures?
A. .tiff B. .gif C. .jpg D. .bmp

29. Where can you find the Citations and Bibliography in MS Word?

A. Mailing tab B. Home tab C. Reference tab D. Insert

30. What features of MS Word that corrects common spelling errors well as capitalization?

A. AutoFormat C. Auto checker B. Grammar Checker D. AutoCorrect

31. It is a code of appropriate online behavior that is similar to politeness in society(Internet Etiquette).

a. Netiquette b. Behavior c. Online Procedure d.Pharming

32. These are unwanted emails.

a. Spam b. Emails c.Trojans d. Virus

33. It displays unwanted ads when a user is surfing the internet

a.Malware b. Adware c. Spam d. Software

34. This media is designed to help people who have visual and hearing impairments.

a. Assistive media b. Long tail c. Facebook d. Blogger

35. It is dubbed as the ICT hub of Asia.

a. Hongkong b. Philippines c. Singapore d. Vietnam

36. An interconnected system of public webpages accessible through the internet.

a. World Wide Web b. Browser c. Website d. URL

38. This is a type of social media that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news

a. Social networks b. Social news c. Blogs d. Forums

39. This is the operating system used in iPhones.

a. Android b. Symbian c. Blackberry OS d. iOS

40. Twitter is a social media site that can be classified as

a. Media sharing b. Microblogging c. Blog d. Social news

41. A feature of Web 2.0 in which a user can give a feedback to a certain product.

a. User participation b. Rich user experience c. Mass participation d. Folksonomy

42. This type of social media allows user to download videos from a website.

a. Blogs and forums b. Bookmarking sites c. Social News d. Media sharing

43. Facebook is a type of social media website that can be classified as

a. Microblogging b. Media sharing c. Social networks d. Social news

44. This is a read-only webpage.

a. Web 1.0 b. Web 2.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Web 4.0

45. These are photos or electronic or digital images that you've saved on a local storage device.

a.Pictures b. Clip Art c.Smart Art d.Chart

46. It is a spreadsheet program that allows you to store, organize, and analyze information.

a.Powerpoint b. Word c. Excel d. Outlook

47. They present themselves as harmless computer programs so that hackers can penetrate your
computer without being detected.

a. Torjan b, Virus c. Spam d.Malware

48. It can monitor your keystrokes, read and delete your files, reformat your hard drive, and access your

a. Spyware b. Malware c.Adware d.Trojan

49. These are official-looking emails that are sent impersonating a well-known provider, such as a bank.

a.Spam b.Phishing c.Worm d.Roque Security System

50. Another type of malware.

a.Adware b.Worms c.Spyware d.Internet

Good Luck!

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