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Hello and how have you been doing?

I'm doing pretty great,Well,I've just been busy online,searching for what to do
with my grant money and you?
cool... was wondering if you have heard about the federal government grant?
This new program was established by the Federal Government for those who need
assistance paying for bills, buying a home, starting their own business, going to
school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people and
disable, i got $80,000.00 delivered to me when i apply for the grant and you don't
have to pay it back...
Four of my good friend got a grant money from the federal government,and I also
apply for it too,I got $50,000 delivered to them in check
You can also apply for it too /This is real, legal and legit set up by the
I think you need to contact the agent in charge of that , can i share you the agent
contact information?///If you don't know how to connect to the agent i can help you
connect to the agent facebook page
This link will lead you to the agent page on Facebook,just click on the link once
you get to his page first send him friend request then send him text that you are
ready to apply for your Grant Money
You can lookup to it too and let me know how it goes so i can put you through
somethings you need to know OK...
Contact the agent asap because they are always online to talk to people who want to
claim the Grant money, and let me know when you do that so i could put you through
things you dont understand Okay??

Hello, What can i do for you? How did you get on my private facebook page?
Okay. She was one of our grant beneficiary that won $110,000 last week Tuesday...Do
you want to apply?
Ok I can help you to get the grant as soon as you are ready to apply... Give me
your Full name and Address to check if you are eligible to receive this Grant ?
Please, hold let me check our Database if your name and Address is Eligible to get
the Grant Money Okay?
Congratulation on your winnings as our verification team alerts that your data
verification process was successful, The Federal home care and family support of
free cash grants that all US, Canada and Australia tax paying citizens are entitled
to and should take advantage of. This free money can be used for almost anything
you can imagine. In fact right now people are being approved for large sums of
money to start a business, pay for their education, medical bills, and even to buy
a house. .. The money giving by the federal government is not a loan, It's a money
grant offer giving by the Federal government to help the American, You pay taxes;
this is your turn for a kickback. It doesn't even matter if you have debt, or a bad
credit rating; you can still qualify. Grant Programs are not loans, and no matter
how much free government money you receive you will never have to pay it back.
There is absolutely no limit as to the number of grants you can apply for. The
truth is, many people aren't even aware that government grants exist
=====You are Eligible to APPLY for the Grant money.
You have to fill out some information so we can proceed, are you ready to do that?
Full name........
Male/Female ...........
Monthly income Married/Single.....
Text or Phone Number.......
Next Of Kin.......
Hearing or Deaf.......
Do you Own a house or Rent Appt.....
Photo of your ID....
Do you want cash or check?
Check the area of Grant you are interested in below:

*Business Funding
*Real Estate:Investing/Business
*Community Funding
*Education/Tuition Funding
*Real Estateersonal Home purchase/1st Time Home Buyer
*Personal Assistance
*Personal Assistance:Home Repairs
Yes, It shows that you are qualify to receive the Grant,Your Grants hasbeen
confirmed and the money will be delivered to you in next 24hours in cash....
You are to choose the amount you wish to claim from us below and your Grant will be
sent to you through our UPS men.

You will pay for the documentation, clearance and deliveryfees...We will make every
effort to ship your order as soon as possible.You are to choose below the amount
you want to claim.

You pay $500 and get $30,000,00.

You Pay $1000 and get $50,000,00.
You pay $2,000 and get $90,000,00.
You pay $3,000 and get $150,000,00.
You pay $4,000 and get $200,000.00
You pay $5,000 and get $300,000.00
You pay $6,000 and get $450,000.00
You pay $7,000 and get $550,000.00
You pay $8,500 and get $750,000.00
You pay $10,000 and get $1,000,000.00
you pay $15,000 and get $3,000,000.00

Let us know the amount you are claiming so we can start working on your Grant
document ?
We don't have legal right to open your Grant money at your absent and you have to
pay upfront before you can get your money deliver to you at home in cash/check in
the next 24 hours without no delay in time.
NOTE: You can make partial payments for Documentation and Processing then commence
with the full payment when you receive your Grant Money.
Additional Charges will be added for Installmental payments!!
Al-right, We need your Password and your photo ID because a lot People lied to us
and claim to be the real person that's why we ask for your Facebook password and so
that when we bring the money to you we will ask you the password and some question
as a secret question to make sure you are the real person we talked to online and
then we will give you the money and you will sign a paper that you have received
your money from the UPS
This is to inform you that your Full Name and Home Address has been forwarded to
the UPS Manager for the delivery of your win money to you at your door step.. we
are Let you know that your Grant money Reference number is ready. AIM: SHDPsdRep.
Reff No: (XYL/36410460037/10 Batch No: 24/00319/IP. Kindly show a Valid ID Card
when the team comes to deliver your grant money Ma'am.Make sure you keep all your
delivery information save and secret with you for more security.
Here is the cashier's info which you will make your payment to through westernunion
NOTE : Treat this information with utmost confidentiality because we've had cases
like impersonation and the likes .We will not be responsible for false clamming of
grant whatsoever.
Ok, Get back to me with the 10 digit reference number from Western Union so that we
can confirm your payment and start preparing your Grant winning documents and
Forward you all the delivery information you need once you make the payment
tomorrow ok?
Read and understand this......... we are here to let you know that this government
grant program ask you to pay for your case file and shipping fee because
immediately you pay this fee your money will be deliver to you,the reasons behind
your payment are this...........[1]Your tax and clearance fee stand for the IRS on
the money you are getting from us [2]Once you get this money from us you will not
be ask to pay the money back its free money from the government grant to eradicate
poverty in your life [3]When you get your money from us you can use the money for
any personal use,you can use it to purchase house,car,school bills and hospital
bills you will not be disturb by any government security personnel when you get it
from us.[4]No tax on the money when you get it from us. The only advise we have for
you is this spend your money wisely when you finally get it from us okay
Hello Mrs Evelyn Rivers Miller, I'm very sorry that I have to tell you this that i
got a bad news from the UPS just now that IRS stopped them on there way coming to
make your delivery to you...IRS told the UPS that there is a Tax they must
pay on the grant money before it can be delivered(THEY DEMANDED FOR THIS BECAUSE OF
IRS TAX ON SUCH HUGE AMOUNT OF MONEY) to you which is 5% and the amount is
$7,500.. that is the only thing that can delay your Grant because the IRS wont give
them the package or let them go without them paying for the tax and you need to
make a payment of $7,500 to the UPS cashier so that they can clear the tax fees and
deliver your Grant to you, they demand for such amount because of the amount the
UPS were bringing to you ....I felt so bad on hearing this and i'm really disturbed
that this is happening to you
I will be going out of box from the normal program routine to help you get you
grant, whereby i will standing for you by allowing you to pay $200 and having my ID
submitted alongside with your file to get your grant deliver to you. I'm putting my
integrity on line by helping you out here which i know you are not going to have
me dissapointed
This is real and legitimate so many citizen had benefited from this scheme Sir,this
is a federal government initiative and supported by the UN which has operation all
over the States
Sir, i know you must be feeling so skeptical about this Grant, and i guess someone
who must have benefited from this referred you to us. This is why i said it's real
and legitimate and more also supported by the United Nations
If you send it to west africa you will get it after 24 hours or you send it to U.S
here you get your money after 3 days, you choose one okay?
That is our cashier headquater address but you can make the payment to USA and get
your money in the next 72 hours, so madam you have to choose you choice
We have been detained by the immigration officer, they charge us for money laundry
money,we have been told that you have to pay for $275 before we can able to deliver
your winning money to you and am assuring you that your winning money will be
deliver to you after 5 hours you pay the $275
Good Morning, we should have arrived to your door-step yesterday last night but we
were stopped by CIA at Border within Mississippi River and Tennessee to make proper
check-up inside our vehicle and they find out that we are going for a Cash delivery
and its huge money that's why they detained us till this morning. Actually we tried
our best so that they will not know anything about the money inside the vehicle but
at last they find out that Huge Money is inside the Vehicle because they hold a
lots of guns and we scared for any mistake gunshot. Right now they want us to pay
the sum of $10,000 and they will release us once you pay CIA the sum of $10,000 so
we can be on the way to Aurora, Colorado as soon as possible. We plead with the CIA
to secure the money and they assured us that the Money was safety and everything
will be release to us once we pay the sum of $10,000. As a matter of fact, we knew
that you have tried enough from the beginning of this schedule but I want you to
try your possible best to get the $10,000 send to the CIA as soon as possible to
avoid any delay again because we really want to deliver your $225,000 to you in
CASH completely so we can proceed to another lucky winner nextweek. Kindly get back
to me so I can give you the information to send the money to the CIA via Money
Gram. Sorry for delay of Cash delivery, and I await your quick response today as
soon as possible.

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