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Ministry of Education Elementary Provincial Report Card

Date: 06/27/2024
Student: Ola-David, Eunice Eniola OEN: 565634862 Days Absent: 0.5 Total Days Absent: 0.5

Grade: 05 Teacher: A Baillie Times Late: 4 Total Times Late: 6

Board: Toronto District School Board School: Davisville Junior Public School

Address: 5050 Yonge Street Address: 50 Davisville Avenue

Toronto, ON Toronto, ON
M2N5N8 M4S 1E8
Principal: D. Finkelstein Telephone: (416) 393-0570



Learning Skills and Work Habits E – Excellent G – Good S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement

Responsibility G G Organization G G

• Fulfils responsibilities and commitments within the • Devises and follows a plan and process for completing
learning environment. work and tasks.
• Completes and submits class work, homework, and • Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks
assignments according to agreed-upon timelines. and achieve goals.
• Takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour. • Identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information,
technology, and resources to complete tasks.

Independent Work G G Collaboration G G

• Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans • Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group.
to complete tasks and meet goals. • Responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions
• Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. of others.
• Follows instructions with minimal supervision. • Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships through personal and
media-assisted interactions.
• Works with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to
achieve group goals.
• Shares information, resources, and expertise, and promotes
critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions.

Initiative E G Self-Regulation G G

• Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities for learning. • Sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards
• Demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness achieving them.
to take risks. • Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
• Demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning. • Assesses and reflects critically on own strengths, needs,
• Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude. and interests.
• Recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights • Identifies learning opportunities, choices, and strategies
of self and others. to meet personal needs and achieve goals.
• Perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.

Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Eunice has had a successful year in grade 5. Responsibility: Eunice is usually accountable for her learning tasks and behaviour. She
continues to complete and submit assignments of good quality according to agreed upon timelines. She manages her behaviour
appropriately throughout the school day and often follows rules, routines and expectations. Organization: Eunice manages her materials
(e.g., desk, belongings) and time well. She is able to quickly get what she needs (e.g., computer, notebooks, writing supplies) and start work
promptly. She uses graphic organizers and success criteria to plan effectively to complete tasks. Independent Work: Eunice is a focused
learner who follows instructions and pays attention to the current task with minimal assistance. She usually applies problem solving skills to
tasks in order to achieve strong learning results. She seeks support when needed and often checks work to make sure all criteria have been
met before handing in completed tasks. Collaboration: Eunice is able to work with a variety of her peers. She often shares information,
listens to others, and gives positive responses, even if she may disagree with the opinions of others. Initiative: Eunice displays
self-motivation to seek out new information and enjoys new tasks. She tries her best to persevere when a task is challenging and uses her
problem solving skills to accomplish as much as she can. Self-Regulation: Eunice puts in a lot of effort to meet her goals. She effectively
uses the skills she has learned this year along with classroom resources to improve her work. She independently recognizes when to seek
clarification or assistance to help promote her learning.
Next Steps: Eunice is encouraged to continue being an advocate for herself and those around her. She will benefit from seeking positive
outcomes when problems arise with her peers and to be open and honest about everything that has happened.
It has been a pleasure to get to know Eunice this year. I wish you all the best for the next school year and into the future!

0461E (2023/09) © King’s Printer for Ontario, 2023 Grades 1–6 Page 1 of 4
Student: Ola-David, Eunice Eniola OEN: 565634862 Grade: 05
Subject 1 2 Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
Language NA Literacy Connections and Applications, Foundations in Language, Comprehension, Composition
Foundations of Language: With some effectiveness, Eunice uses a variety of verbal and non-verbal
communication strategies (e.g., tone, gestures, word choice) to help communicate in different situations
C+ C+ (e.g., presentations, discussions). Comprehension: Eunice has shown some effectiveness while
making inferences, expressing opinions and describing elements of style (word choice) throughout her
ESL/ELD novel study of Baboon. She identifies the narrator0s point of view in a variety of texts and describes the
advantages and disadvantages of the approach used in the story. Composition: Eunice follows the
IEP writing process to plan, write drafts and produce final pieces for various topics with some effectiveness.
With some assistance, she was able to gather and record information for her biography and record
where she got the information from. During persuasive writing, Eunice was able to establish a personal
voice in her writing by expressing her thoughts, feelings and opinions about a topic.
Next Steps: Eunice is enouraged to add more details to her written work and to check the success
criteria to ensure that she is folloiwing the expectations of each task.

French NA Listening: With considerable effectiveness, Eunice identifies and uses interactive listening strategies to
suit a variety of situations while participating in social and academic interactions. She uses information
Listening from oral French texts and identifies French-speaking communities in Quebec. Speaking: Eunice
ESL/ELD IEP B B identifies a range of speaking strategies and uses them appropriately to express herself clearly and
Speaking coherently in French for various purposes. Reading: With considerable effectiveness, Eunice
ESL/ELD IEP B B demonstrates an understanding of French texts containing visuals and familiar names, words, and
expressions, with teacher support as required (for example, La lune et le chat; Les trois petits
Reading cochons). Writing: Eunice writes a variety of age- and grade-appropriate French texts, applying her
ESL/ELD IEP B B knowledge of the basic structural and stylistic elements of each form.
X Core Immersion Extended

Native Language Oral Communication, Reading, Writing



Mathematics Number, Algebra, Data, Spatial Sense, Financial Literacy

Number Sense: Eunice solves multiplication of two digit by two digit whole numbers and division of
three digit numbers by two digit whole numbers with some effectiveness. With some accuracy, she
B C reads, compares and orders fractions and decimals. Algebra: Eunice shows some understanding of the
concepts of equality and inequality and is able to use this to help her solve expressions where
ESL/ELD variables are included (eg 5x+7=32). Eunice is able to read, alter and create some code including code
that includes conditional statements. Spatial Sense:With some assistance, Eunice uses the formula for
calculating the area of rectangles and can apply this to help her find the area of triangles and
French parallelograms. Data: Eunice is able to use fractions to express the likelihood of an event happening.
She is able to calculate the theoretical probability of an event happening and can compare it to the
experimental probability. Financial Literacy: Eunice creates basic budgets to manage finances for
various earning and spending scenarios. Next Steps: Eunice is encouraged to review all areas of the
math curriculum with regular practise adding and subtracting 5-digits, multiplying and dividing 2-digits.

Science and Technology STEM Skills and Connections, Life Systems, Matter and Energy, Structures and Mechanisms, Earth and Space Systems
Conservation of Energy and Resources
With considerable effectiveness, Eunice has shown an understanding of how various forms of energy are
A- B used in everyday life. She is able to identify a variety of non-renewable and renewable energy sources and
understands why we use both. Eunice studied her ecological footprint and daily energy use. With
ESL/ELD considerable effectiveness, she used this information to analyse the long-term and short-term impact of
human energy use on society and the environment. Eunice is able to suggest ways that she can save energy.
Properties and Changes in Matter
Eunice is able to describe matter as everything that has mass and occupies volume with considerable
effectiveness. She capably identifies the properties of solids, liquids and gases, and can describe changes of
state of matter observed around her. Eunice researched how the use of specific manufactured materials
affect the environment, and she can describe actions that can be taken to lessen the negative impacts.

0461E (2023/09) Grades 1–6 Page 2 of 4

Student: Ola-David, Eunice Eniola OEN: 565634862 Grade: 05
Subject 1 2 Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement
Social Studies Heritage and Identity, People and Environments
The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship
Eunice is able to describe the different levels of government (e.g., municipal, provincial, federal and
A- B Indigenous) that exist in Canada. She demonstrates a good level of understanding that each level of
ESL/ELD government has different responsibilities. Eunice describes the major rights and responsibilities
associated with citizenship in Canada with considerable effectiveness. She describes different ways in
IEP which citizens can take actions on issues that concern them and why different groups have different
French perspectives on social and environmental issues. With considerable effectiveness, Eunice
investigated a social or environmental issue that is significant to Canada and prepared a poster with a
plan of action on her topic.

Health and Physical Education HEALTH EDUCATION: This term in Healthy Eating, Eunice has been able to show an understanding
of the food label found on packaging to make an informed decision as to its nutritional value. She has
Health Education: also looked at how advertising and food marketing can have an affect on the food choices a person
Healthy Living makes. In Human Development and Sexual Health, Eunice has learned about the reproductive
ESL/ELD IEP B B system, different stresses someone may experience related to puberty and has also looked at the
French idea of self concept, body image and has reflected on the positives of who she is now. (T. Hannah)
PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Eunice demonstrates an appropriate development of movement skills, such
Physical Education: as traveling (e.g., sprinting, pacing), manipulation (e.g., using a racquet, passing, catching) and
Active Living,
stability (e.g., jumping for distance using various take offs), required to participate in lead-up games
Movement Competence
(e.g., badminton, ultimate frisbee) and track and field. Eunice regularly follows directions and stays on
ESL/ELD IEP B B+ task during a variety of activities and games. (F. Piccione)

The Arts DANCE: Eunice demonstrates a general understanding of how the elements of dance (e.g., body shapes,
levels, pathways and timing) can be used in dance phrases. She can effectively create and present a
Dance French dance composition within a small group using a variety of pattern forms. (F. Piccione)
ESL/ELD IEP NA B+ Drama was assessed at the end of term 1. (S. Shragge)
MUSIC: Eunice performs a variety of melodies and accompaniment patterns on keyboard and uses
Drama French position playing with right and left hand when performing melodic exercises. She uses percussion
ESL/ELD IEP X NA B instruments to perform layered patterns from a variety of musical traditions including rock/pop and
Indonesian gamelan, demonstrating an understanding of dynamics, musical form, and how her part
Music French
interacts and lines up with others. (S. Shragge)
ESL/ELD IEP NA B B VISUAL ARTS: With considerable effectiveness, Eunice uses elements of design in art works to
Visual Arts French communicate her ideas, messages, and understandings. She demonstrates a good level of understanding
B B of composition, using proportion as a principle of design to create narrative art works or art works on a
ESL/ELD IEP NA theme or topic.

French X NA

Early Reading Screening (ERS) for Grades 1 and 2 Only:

ERS completed: yes no NA X Date: ________ / ________ / ________ Benchmark met: yes no
year month day

Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please have your child complete the form below, and return it to your child’s teacher.)
Student: Grade: OEN: Teacher:
Ola-David, Eunice Eniola 05 565634862 A Baillie

Student’s Comments
• My best work is:

• My goal for improvement is:

Student’s Signature

0461E (2023/09) Grades 1–6 Page 3 of 4

Student: Ola-David, Eunice Eniola OEN: 565634862 Grade: 05

Letter Grade Achievement of the Provincial Curriculum Expectations

A− to A+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with a high degree of effectiveness.
Achievement surpasses the provincial standard. (Level 4)
B− to B+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with considerable effectiveness.
Achievement meets the provincial standard. (Level 3)
C− to C+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with some effectiveness.
Achievement approaches the provincial standard. (Level 2)
D− to D+ The student has demonstrated the required knowledge and skills with limited effectiveness.
Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. (Level 1)
R The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills.
Extensive remediation is required.
I Insufficient evidence to assign a letter grade

ESL/ELD – Achievement is based on expectations modified from the curriculum expectations for the grade to support
English language learning needs.
IEP – Individual Education Plan
NA – No instruction for subject/strand for reporting period

To Parents/Guardians and Students: This copy of the report card should be retained for reference. The original or an
exact copy has been placed in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for five years after
the student leaves school.

Teacher’s Principal’s
Signature X Signature X

Elementary Provincial Report Card (Please complete, sign, and detach the form below, and return it to your child’s teacher.)
Student: Grade: OEN: Teacher:
Ola-David, Eunice Eniola 05 565634862 A Baillie
Parent’s/Guardian’s Comments
• My child has improved most in:

• I will help my child to:

I have received this report card. Parent’s/Guardian’s name (please print) Signature Date

I would like to discuss this X

report card. Please contact me.
Telephone (day): Telephone (evening):

0461E (2023/09) Grades 1–6 Page 4 of 4

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