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‘TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN PLANNING BOARD PROJECT REVIEW APPLICATION FORM. This Application Form io be submitted with each stage of eview APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant Name: ROCKO DANGEO Name of Primary Contact (if applicant is an organization): Applicant Address: @S ECs = a aS Applicant Phone: GO) 30) =3GS_ Applicant Ema: BOCK D2919 © GMAn com OWNER INFORMATION ‘Owner Name(s): ROCCE “DAsnicaey ‘Owner Contact information: —__Sdqge PROJECT INFORMATION Assessors Plat and Let of Parcels) Proposed for Subdivsion/Development: AP & Nes 15 Physical Address or Location of Pacel(s: SASS —Toen BOA. Zoning District(s) of Parcells): _Z=2.C__ Total Sze of Development Parcel: ZO. Ae = Date of intial Meeting with Planning Department Staff (before fist stage of review); ETAMLS ASW Zou TYPE OF PROJECT (select all that apply) 1D. Development Plan Review 1 Minor Land Development Project Administrative Subdivision 1D Major Land Development Project 2% Minor Subdivision, without street creation or G_ Mult-Houschold Land Development Project extension Flexible Design Residential Project (FORP) Minor Subdison, with sweet ceaton er Residential Compound 1B Major Subdivison SS CURRENT STAGE OF REVIEW (if applicable) 1D. Pre-Application Concept Review ©. Release of Performance/Maintenance Guarantee Conceptual Master Plan Change to an Approved Plan JK Preliminary ten Reinstatement or Extension to Approved Plan (D Final Plan Request to Combine Review Stages © Recording © other Project Review Application | page 1 WAIVERS AND MODIFICATIONS oes this application request waiver of or modification toany ofthe requirements of the Town of South Kingstown Subdivision and Land Development Regulations? yes" A no “ibys a stotement descbng the spec epusion(s for whch waver or modifatons requested mu be included m the pplication motes CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETE APPLICATION (2) The applicant hereby certifies that allo the materials required by the aplicabe checklists), as determined by Planning Department staff during the initial meeting, have been submitted including a review fee in the amount of SZHO.CO (2) The applicant hereby certifies that the plan set and other submitted materials conform tothe requirements of the current adopted version of the Town of South Kingstown Subdivision and Land Development Regulations, or, that awritten statement has been provided listing all requested waivers andjor modifications of the Regulations. Zoceo PANGS Printed Name ‘Town of South Kingstown Planning Board Project Review Applicaton | page 2 OWNER AUTHORIZATION FORM Submittal Date: (Owner Authorzaon Forms foreach owner ofthe property being considered for ssbahsion/development tt be submited with eochstoge of review If no chonges to the ownership have occured since the lst stoge of revew, a copy of the previously submited Form may be submited with an updoted Submittal Oe | BOCES DASGE WC _ hereby certify that | am an/the owner of property designated as Piat__$_ Lot___1 5 _ as shown on the Town of South Kingstown Tax Assessor Maps, further certify that | am the owner ofthe development rights for this property, \ hereby authorize and am in agreement withthe application, signed by BCCe ms DANG ELS {applicant), for subdivision or development forthe subject property: Said application i to be submitted to the Planning Department of the Town of South Kingstown for review and decision by the Planning Board. WITNESS its name this___day of. oy Z Signature of Owner STATE OF RHODE ISLAND ‘County of, wy on the —__ aay of ___, before me personally appeared. mS (name) tome known and known by me ‘tothe party executing the foregoing instrument and acknowledged said instrument, by him/her executed, to be his/her free act and deed, as Les 1AM. ingfidual, corporation, truste, partnership, non-profit, ete). Notary Public wy Commision epee: 741 Ze 44 ADE L BRENNAN Notary Publ, Sate of Rhode island (Commission #750489 ‘TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN PLANNING Roane PROJECT TEAM FORM. ‘Submittal Date: The Project Teom Forms o be submitted with each sage of revew Ifria dhanges to the Froect Team hove occurred since the last stogeof review. 0 copy ofthe previously subm ted Form may be submited with on updotedSubmtel Date ATTORNEY This ent should be copied on all project correspondence @ YES © NO Name Name of Primary Contact (f attorney isan organization: Addeess: Phone; ———— ema ENGINEER This enbty should be copied on oll project correspondence Q YES ONO Name [Name of Primary Contact (f engineer isan organization) Address Phone: Email: SURVEYOR This entity shouldbe copied on oll project corresporlence YES ONO Name: DOs es Scie Sent PES ‘Name of Primary Contact (if surveyor is an organization): ACY SCS SQONEN WG \OC. Address: PQ. Pow AEA cwATSSTOWN FA Oz R Phone: HOI Rott 313C email: INC SON SON ING @ ve TOUNET LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Thisentity shouldbe copied on oll project correspondence Q YES 1 NO Name Name of Primary Contact lif landscape architect isan organization): Address Phone: mal ARCHITECT This entity should be copied on oll project correspondence 1 YES Q NO Name: Name of Primary Contact lf architect fs an organization); Address: Phone; matt; OTHER This entiy should be copied on allproject correspondence YES ONO Name: Role on Project Name of Primary Contac if entity i 2 organization): Address: Phone; ma; ‘TOWN OF SOUTH KINGSTOWN PLANNING BOARD DANGELO CUSTOM HOMES LLe Citizens OOOH 499D 725 7H DAFFODN._ GLADE PRELIMINARY PLAN CHECKLIST ‘Minor Subdivision, No Street Creation or Ertension ‘To initiate the application, the applicant shall submit tothe Administrative OMcer: 1. The application review fee, as established by the South Kingstown Subdivision and Land Development Regulations; 2. Steen (26) copies ofthe Project Review Application Form, prnted double-sided; 3. Two (2}copies of the Project Team For; (One (1) notarited Owner Authorization Form for each owner of property proposed for subdivision; 5. Six(6 fll size, paper copies ofeach required pln, as indicated in Sections (8) and (0), below: 6. Minor subdivisions proposed as Fenble Design Residential Projects (FORPS) shall submits (6) fullsize, paper copies of a Vield Plan, as described in Section (7) and af an Open Space Use Pian, as described in Section (), below; 7. ‘The number of copies of each of the required supporting nateras indicated in Section (F, below, printed double-sided as may be appropriate; and 3. PDFs of all application materi (all application forms, plans, and supporting materials), which are tobe uploaded tothe Town's FTP sie. If subsequent submittal ofa revised plan sets required, the Administrative Officer wil indicate how ‘many fullsize and/or reduced copies are required. Each revised plan set shall also be submitted a 8 POFIs). When the plan set is ready for review by the Planning Board ten (10) reduced (11 x27) copies ‘ofthe plan set wil be required. ‘The Administrative Officer shall have the authority to determine any of the requirements of this CChecklst are not applicable tothe proposed development and therefore not required fr aCerticate oF Completeness tobe issued. (A) Every plan sheet submitted shall contain the following information: XX 1. Name ofthe proposed subdivision X 2 Plat and lot numbers ofthe land being subdivided XX 3. Name and address ofthe applicants) 1% 4. ame and addres of the property owner(s) X 5+ Name, address and telephone number ofthe engineer and/otland surveyor who prepared the plan YK & Dateof plan preparation, with all revision dates), if any 1 Graphic scale D&B True north arow 1X 9. Zoning dstret(s) ofthe land being subdivided; if more than one district, zoning boundary lines must be shown 10. Perimeter boundary lines ofthe subison, drawn 50a to distinguish them from other property ines, with dimensions indicated X14 Location, wth and names of existing public and private streets within and immediately ‘adjacent tothe subdivision parel % 12. Perimeter of wetiand areas on the subdivision parcels, any, as Ragged bya certified ‘wetlands biologist, and associated wetland buffers as defined by RIDEM; verification by RIDEM ‘may be required if deemed necessary by the Administrative Officer due to the potential constraints on developable lat sie, and associated wetland buffers as defined by RIDEM X13, Buffer areas as defined by RIDEM, for any wetlands located on parcels adjacent to and extending Into the subdivision parcels) N/a 14 conta estures acento the subd parcel) any as Meni o lagged by certes wevands logs nd asoited wetland butlers 5 died by ICRME NOTE 15. Boundaries and notation ofthe FEMA Fload Zones within and immediately adjacent tothe subdhvsion, induding base flood elevation data for applicable zones (@) Existing Conditions Plan(s) ‘Te applicant shal submit an Gusting Conltions Plans), which shall accurately delet the following, Information, in addition to the information sted in (A), above: 41. Area ofthe subdivision parcels) Nlp\2. existing easements and rights-of-way within or adjacent to the subdivision parcels), with 2 ‘notation ofthe Book and Page reference tothe South Kingstown Land Evidence Records X 3 Plat and lot numbers of al abutting property and property immediately cross any adjacent publicor private streets 2% 4. Names of abutting property owners and property owners immediately across any adjacent public or private streets 3 5. Notation of existing ground cover with approximate locations of any existing wooded areas Ke Nore. 7. ~ NOTE. 13 Boundaries and notation ofthe sll ype classifications forthe entire are parcel(s), as identified by the most recent USDA Rl Soll Survey ofthe subdivision Location of any areas of existing, ative agricultural use, or fro such uses present onthe site, a rotation indeating such \dentication of areas containing prime agricultural soils and fermland sols of statewide importance, oi a such sila present on the site, a notation indicating such [sting contours at interval of two (2) fest Location, sie, and use/type ofexsting buildings or significant above-ground structures on the subivson parcels) ‘Approximate location and sie of esting buildings or sgifcan above-ground structures on parcels immediately adjacent tothe subdivision parcels) Location, ste, and ype of al existing sbove and below ground utes, including sewer, water, 35, electri, stormwater drainage and communications or telecommunications infrastructure, 1s may be present onthe site or within the right of way along the property front Location and assumed perimeter of historic cemeteries on or mmetiately adjacent tothe subdivision parcels), or, Ino historic cemeteres are present onthe ste, @ notation indicating such Location of any unique historic features present on the site including but not limited to stone walls orf nane, a notation inating such Location of any unique natural features present onthe ste orif none, a notation indicating such "Notation indicating thatthe subdivision parcels) are located or not located within the following, areas of special concern ‘2 Natural Heritage Areas, as defined by RIDEM b, The area(s) under the jurisdiction of any Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) of RI CRMC, including but et limited to the Narrow River SAMP, and the Salt Ponds Region same ‘& The Town of South Kingstown Groundwater Protecten Overlay District 4 Areas within a TMOL watershed, as ented by RIDE and the Town of South Kingstown 2. An OWTS Critical Resource Area, as defined by RIDEM f. ADrinking Water Supply Watershed, as defined by RIDEM LOVE! 17, Notation indicating that the subdivision parcels) or any buildings) within the parce is or isnot ‘sted on the National Register of Hstrke Places (>& 16, Certiteation by a Rt Relstered Land Surveyor that a perimeter survay ofthe land being subdlvided has been performed and meets a Class standard for property lines and 3 Class I standard for topographic and existing conditions information IS] (0 lta on nt Applicants proposing minor subivsions as FORPs shall submit a Vield Plan demonstrating te maximum number of lots that the subdivision would be allowed uncer the conventional zoning and subcvsion requirements, taking into account all environmental, natural ané man-made physical constraints to Improvement. The Yield Plan shall comply with the dimensional requirements of the zoning district in hich itis eeated, and shall accurately depet the following information: 1 Boundaries and total are of any land classified as “unsuitable for development,” as defined by the Sublvsion and Land Development Regulations 2. Number of buildable lots 3. Lot lines, with accurate eimensions and fot areas, drawn so as to distinguish them from existing property lines 4, Streets, with accurate areas and dimensions, designed n compliance withthe Subdivigon and Land Development Regulations street design standards, 2s may be necessary to provide the requied ‘Frontage foreach buildable lot 5, Demonstration that each developable lot would have permanent and adequate physical access to 8 publistreet 6. If future development is to be serviced by an On-Site Wastewater Treatment Systems), soll evaluations on each la, which have been performed by 3 licensed Rol evaluator and witnessed by. IDEM, indicating that an OWTS system would be permitted within the boundaries of each developable ot {0) Proposed Conaitions Plans) ‘The applicant shal submit a Proposed Conditions Plan(s) that complies with the standards found within the Subslvsion and Land Development Regulations. The Proposed Constions lan() shall accurately depict the folowing information, n addition tothe information listed in (A), above: % Boundaries and total area of any land clasiied at “unsuitable for development,” es defined by the Subdivision and Land Development Regulations Proposed numberof buildable lots x 4 3. Proposed easements and rights-of-way within the subdivision patel), or those tobe acquired adjacent to the subdivision parcels) as may be necessary drawn so as to dstnguih them from 2X4. Proposed lot lines, with accurate dimensions ad lt are ‘sting property lines 5. Location, dimension, total area, and proposed use of land tobe st aside at open space any x A & Proposed lection, site, and type fal above ground and underground wtlites servicing the property, including wastewater, water, gs, electric stormwater drainage and communications ‘or telecommunications infrastructure, s may be required forse development NNR. 7 itproposed, plan and profile design information for any extension of public or privare tity infrastructure X 4: future developments tobe serviced by an On-Ste Wastewater Treatment Syten() sl ‘evaluntionsinthe lative location where each ystems proposed, which have be performed ty licensed sl evaluator an witnessed by IDEM > % Alttltyand ste improvement related detail, including those related to the instalation of drainage systems, and utlity infrastructure, as applicable JA. 10, Certification by 2 Rl Registered Professional Engineer that the Proposed Conditions Pan is correct Minor subdivisions proposed as Flexible Design Residential Projects (FDRPS) shall also include the {oliowing items on the Proposed Conaitions Ptan(): 11. The location of proposed building footprints 12, The location of proposed driveways and any other areas proposed for parking NIA. (©) Open space Use ian FORE oy) ‘The Preliminary Plan submittal for any minor land development project proposed as 2 Flexible Design Residential Projects (FORF) shall include an Open Space Use Plan, which depicts the following 1 The general location and area of all proposed open space 2. ‘The general proposed uses) ofeach open space area Existing topography of the open space areas Eating ground cover of the open space areas “The location and nature of any bullaings, structures, stone wall, or other unique natural and/or bistore features within the open space areas Indication of areas of open space from which existing vegetation wil be removed or altered and areas which are proposed tobe elsturbed o otherwise graded, excavated, or altered from their isting natural state Generalized proposals for re-grading,re-vegetaing, and/or landscaping of proposed disturbed ‘Areas proposed tobe letin their existing natura states without any disturbance (F) Supporting Materials ‘The following supporting materials must be submitted atthe time of application: Plan 1 x2 Wp 3 NID 6 Nie 7. 10 copies of vicinity map drawn to/a measurable scale as necessary to show the area within ‘one-half mile ofthe subdivision parcel, identifying the locations of all streets, zoning district boundaries, schools, parks, fre stations, and other significant publi ecites 10 copies ofan aerial photograph ofthe subdivision parcels) 90 freshwater watlands and/or wetland butfers are depicted within the plan set, 2coples of an affidavit signed by a qualified professional stating that there are no feshwater wetlands and/or buffer areas within the subdivision parcels) if wetland edge verification is required by the Administrative Officer, 2 copies of documentation of such verification from RIDEM, If no coastal features and/or coastal feature buffers are depicted within the planset, 2 coples of an affidavit signed by a qualified professional stating that there are no coastal features and/or bulfer areas adjacent to or within the subdivision parcels) For subdivisions proposing sevice by an existing public water main, 2eoples of a written statement from the appropriate water company or dstret tat the proposed plan, with plan revision date indicate, has been reviewed and which provides confirmation that water service is avaliable For subdivisions proposing water service through extension of a public water cin, 2 copies of a written statement from the appropriate water company or district thatthe proposed plan, with plan revision date indicate, has beon reviewed and which provides: Nine Was Xx NIA a. We 2. + Confirmation that water service is avaiable; Approval of connection t the existing water main as depicted on the plan, if aplicabl: and, + Hfestension is proposed, approval from the company or district of the extension of the water main as depicted on the plan, if applicable For subdivisions proposing service by an exiting publ sewer main, 2 copies of a writen statement fom the Town of South Kingstown Department of Puble Services tht the proposed plan, with plan revision dat indicated, hasbeen reviewed and which provides confirmation that sewer service is avaliable For subdivision proposing wastewater service through extension ofa public sewer main, 2 copies ofa writen statement from the Town of South Kingstown Department of Public Services thatthe proposed plan, with pan revision date indicated, has been reviewed and which provides: ‘Confirmation that sewer sarvice i available; ‘+ Approval of connection tothe existing sewer main as depicted on the pian; and ‘= Ifextensions proposed, approval of extension ofthe sewer main as depleted onthe plan For subdivisions proposing service by OWTS(),2 copes of ether: ‘+ Subdivision ste suitability certification from RIDEM: oF ‘© Soll evaluation approval rom RIDEM For developments proposing new physical access toa State right-of-way, 2 coples of a RIDOT Physlal Alteration Permit For developments proposing use of existing physical acces to a State right-of ay, 2 copies of ‘an amendment to the orignal RIDOT Physical Alteration Permit, or of a letter from RIDOT Indicating that no further RIDOT approval necessary ‘Minor subevisions proposed as FDRPS shal submit the following additional supporting materia tthe time of Wa application: 16 copies ofa narrative report or writen statement including: ‘A general description of the existing physical environment and existing use(s) of the property: ‘+ Ageneral description ofthe uses] and type(s of development proposed; ‘+ Ageneral analysis of sol ypes and suitability forthe development proposed; 1 + Astatement and supporting maps and/or graphics that illustrates the approach utilized in esiging the preposed subdivision, including consideration of existing conditions and significant site features; ‘+ Ageneralviewshe analysis, showing the location and extent of significant views both from ‘and within the peoposed development parc, as well as antiipated views Into the property from agjacentpuble or private streets and properties: ‘+ An estimate of the approximate population ofthe proposed subdivision; + An estimate of the sumber of school-aged children to be housed subdlvsion; the propored ‘A statement of the potential fisal impacts of the subdivision on Town expenses and revenues; and ‘= Adescription of proposed phasing, fan. 36 copies of a writen plan forthe use, management, and maintenance of all open space areas Within the FORE ECOTONES, INC. esr caLinwict Mais ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Pt SE foceo DeAngelo (October 27,2018 65 Echo Lane Project 19081 West Kingstown, ft 02882 RE: Letter ofFndings~ Freshwater Wetland Delineation Porton of Sand Turn Lane, AP @ Lot 15, South Kingstown Me, DeAngelo: Ecotones, Inc. completed the delineation on October 3, 2019, The work was performed in accordance with the State of Rhode Island Freshwater Wetlands Act and Department of Environmental ‘Management (RIDEM) Rules and Regulations Governing the Administration and Enforcement ofthe Freshwater Wetlands Act, December 2014 (Rules) and the US Army Corps of Engineers Programmatic General Permit (PGP). A feshwater Wetland was Identified and delineated as the Aeris (fags 8-100 to A-111) anda ‘Swamp was identified and delineated asthe B-Series jags 8-100 to 8-112). A SO-Foot Perimeter Wetland extends upland from the delineated edge ofthe 8-Series swamp, The ASeries Forested Wetland is a sparsely vegetated depression. There are some dense areas of peat ‘mosses (Sphagnum spp., but they do not appear to cover 50% or more ofthe wetland area, iit were determined that 50% or greater coverage exists, the wetland would be a Bog, as defined in the Rules, I¥determined to be a Bog, there would be an associated 50-fot Perimeter Wetland. Identified as 3 Forested Wetland theres no associated Perimeter Welland ‘The soll within the upland portion af the property I classified in the United States Department of Agricuture (USDA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey (2019) as 3% hydric Agawam fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes (AIA). AFA may contain up to 39% of hydrle Walpole soil. The wetland portion of the property is classified as Freetown muck, 0 to 1 percent slopes (Feb). FeA is listed as ayer soll stones, ne Fae olt eaLectinasin ca, Rocco etree october, 2018 Freshwater Wada eter of Figs Proje 9088 Porton of Sand Tun Lane, AP Lat 5, Sath Kgstown ‘Test holes were hand:-augered in numerous locations. High chroma, sandy sub-horiions typical of Upland sols were observed throughout the upland area. No hydric sol fld characteristics as ascribed in the New England Hydric Soils Technical Committee (NEHSTC Field indicators of Hydric Solisn the New England (2017) or USDA NRCS Field Indicators of Hyde Solsin the United States (2010) were observed. In wetland areas sols avery dak, tick Achorizon over a chroma, gravely loamy sand sub-horizon with greater than 2% redoximorphic features was observed. These characteristics are consistent with NEHSTC (2017) and USDA NRCS (2010) Field indicator SS ~ Sandy \With Redox. Other hydrologic indicators observed included water-stained leaves, sol saturation within 12-nches, water marks and buttressed tee trunks, Al delineatons are subject to review and/or verification by the CRMC and Federal agencies, Wetlands ‘and their positions can vary through time asa result of changing processes, changes in hydrology, seasonal variations, and/or site alter jons. No long-term monitoring or lab analyses have been conducted. Accordingly the results ae limited tothe observations on and valid forthe specific date of ‘the evaluation only. Given the site characteristics as wellas fany portion ofthe project is within or has the potential to impact wetlands or butfers/setbacks Its recommended, at minimum, that an application to verity the delineated edge be submitted to RIDEM prior to investment, extensive site design, or determination of inal layouts). Please note that ths letter does not consider every possible development scenario. Other Town, state, and/or Federal regulations may apply. Ecotones, Inc. offers no assurances or guarantees regarding the ability to develop the property or likelihood of recelving necessary approvals for development plans. Ifyou have any questions regarding this letter or require additional information, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, (a zones ne Page 207 oecoDetngso ctor, 2018 Fresmuster Wetland eter a Findings Project 9081 Porton of Sand Tun Lane, A 8 at 5, Sout ingsown Kevin Fetzer, Principal Bologst/Sll Scientist sso aot REFERENCES CrTED: New England Hydric Sols Technical Committee, 2017 Version 4 Field Indicators fr ldentiying Hydric Solls in New England, New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, Lowell, MA. USDA, NRCS. 2019. Web Soil Survey. National Cooperative Sol Survey. Soll Survey Area State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties Survey Area Dat 18, Dec. 6, 2019, hito_//websolsurvey.nrcs.usda gov. Last accessed: October 25, 2018, USDA, NRCS. 2010 Feld Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, Version 7.0. LM. Vass, G.W. Hurt and Cv. Noble (eds) USDA, NRCS, In cooperation with the National Technical Comittee for Hydric Sols Feoteres Ine Page 3.017 Welland Edge Determination Data Form (UPLAND) Applicant: Rocco DeAngels Welland No. A-Series Project: Sond Rentees ator slag No. A100 to A-ltt ClyrTown: South Kingstown Date: etober 17,2019 Vegetation List the three dominant species in each vegetative strata along with their NW status: Inieator Indicator ‘Trees ‘Status Herbs ‘Status 1. Quereus rubra rau 2. Acer rubrum rac 2. 3 3 ‘Saplings & Shoubs Vines 1. Acer rutrum FAC 1. Smilxrotundifoba FAC 2, Sessafrosobidum racy 2 2, Rhododendron maximum rac 8. List other vegetative species noted which may have affected determination of the wetland edge: Sol; SCS Soll Survey Mapping Unit: 4% - Agonan fie san lnm (On Hyde Sof List? (YIN) ‘Soll Profile (Note wetland lag no. nearest sol est pi): _ 4-11 ‘Matix oi | Molina | Depth te foie, Depth | Matixcoter | description | Saturation | Free Water af or tore elf a TORU be | aa TOR Other hydrological indicators (e.g. water marks, drainage patterns, root hizospheres, jtc, see Appendix 4(A)(4) of the Rules): "Re Water hed eves, No buPresse tee Yank, 15 WaRP RIG Pa FAT CATOTIRS ‘Candseape postion ‘Landscape poston: pectsepe ‘Atered/atypieal siualion? (Gescrbe) —Undvhrbed pond ‘Comment (plant ares ceared by Ridden marina stn rue he? \Wetiand Eidge Determinztn Data Form (WETLAND) Applicant’ Rocco DeAngelo Wetland No. A-Series Project Sod tentve wauris Flag No A100 0 Ath CiyTown: South Kingstown Date: ceteber 17, 2019 \eastation: List the three dominant species in ach vegetative strata along with their NW status: Indicator Indicator Trees ‘Staus Herbs ‘Status 1 Acer rubrum Fac 2. 2 3 3 ‘Saplings & Shrubs ines 1. Veccinium corymbosion raw 2, peer rabrom rac 3. Cerhraalnifoia rac. List other vegetative species noted which may have affected determination of the wetland edge: Soi SCS Soll Survey Mapping Unit: Fea - Freetown OnHydie Soll List? (VIN) y Soll Profle (Note walland fag na. nearest soles pit: _ 4-101 Mati Color Saturation worm er TORE 2av62 (Other indicators exhibiting an absence of wetland hydrology (eg. absence of water ‘marks, lack of redoximorphie features, lack of >xidized hizospheres, ol. Water-sared loves. buttressed tree runs mer mars, prt edeptahios Landscape postion: reese ‘Alered/atypical stualion? (describe) Wevladareaappears af naval apresson “nents Wetland reappears ob te arate eal agbdT ‘econo Wetland Edge Determination Data Form (UPLAND) Applicant: Reces DeAngelo Welland No, B-Series Project: Sod Rentood 47810018 Flag No. 100-8112 CciyiTown: South Kingstown Date: October 17, 2019 \egatation: List the tives dominant species in each vegetative strata along with their NW status: Indieator Indleator Toes. ‘Staws Herbs ‘Status 1. Anus strobus ACU 1. Pius strobus ACU 2. Acer rubrum FAC 2. Derdralyeopediom ebscurum ACU 3 8. Rubus flegllris acu Saplings & Shubs Vines 1, Pinus strobus rau 2, Sassofrasobdum Facu 2. 3. Homamelis virginiana rau. List other vegetative species noted which may have affected determination of the wetland edge: Quercus rubra (FACU) Rhededendren macinum (FAC) Soll SCS Sol Survey Mapping Unit: 474 - Agowon fine sendy aan (On Hyde Sol List? (YIN) Soll Profle (Note wetland flag no. nearest soltest pity, BH1U7 = = cau | Mating | Depo] Oapinto Hoty Depth _|_MatixCcler | oescripton | Saturation | Free Water a oF TRIE Bat | far ze D4 Bee | a Tae Za B (Other indicators extbling an absence of weiland hydrology (e.g, absence of water marks, lack of redoximorphic features, lack of oxidized mizospheres, ee 7a water seined lees, rs hy ol morphology, no a startin w/in 2 [Landscape positon: foe ‘Akeredlatypcal situaion? (Gescribe) — Navara conditions uplnd oreo ‘Comments ares pears dhe pression Fes he Paes ‘Wetland Edge Determination Data Form (WETLAND) Applicant: Recco DeAngelo Weland No, &-Senae Project: Sind TrnRuod 42842015 Flag No. 8:100- Bite CiyrTown: South Kingstown Date: etober 17,2019 \Veastation: List he three dominant species in each vegetative stata along wih thei NW stats: Indicator Indicator Trees Staus Herbs ‘Status 1 Acer rubrum Fac 2. Chamaecyparisthyoides om 2, 3. Quereusbiclor racw ‘Saplings & Shoubs Vines 1, Rhododendron mestimum rac 2. cettra alifola rac 3. Veccnium corymbosum raw 3. List other vegetative species noted which may have affectec determination of the wetland edge: Sol SCS Soil Survey Mapping Unit Fea - Freetown Muck On Hydric Sol List? (YIN) Soll Profle (Note watland flag no. nearest solltest pit): _ 2-141 a] Moting | Derthto | Depinto peoseoa) Depth |_ Matix CoIor | Descriptor | Saturation | Free Water er ro TORE

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