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Topics to be covered... y Galbrath's Model “Bigital transformation : Objective, Steps, Benefits “Digital Leadership and Its principles “Online PR “@inline vs Traditional PR Ainline Reputation management and Its tools of digital strategies How digital marketing is adding value to business Evaluate cost effectiveness of digital strategies Happy Ending! AA a Ie aan Model Jay Galbrath’s Model Key components of Jay Galbrath’s model used for design of digital organization for digital success. 1. Strategy: * Make a clear plan for how to use digital tools to reach your business goals. * This means figuring out what opportunities digital technologies offer and how they can help your company grow. 2. Structure: * Organize your company in a way that makes it easy to adapt and come up with new ideas. * This might involve getting rid of rigid departments and instead creating teams that can work together on different projects. 3. Processes: * Create simple and flexible ways of doing things that support your digital plans. * This could include changing how tasks are done, using new technology to automate tasks, and being more flexible in how projects are managed. Jay Galbrath’s Model People: uild a work environment where employees feel encouraged to come up with new ideas and use digital tools. This means hiring and keeping talented people, giving them the right training, and letting them try out new things without fear of failure. > Cee Ah Sx Technology: eae Use the latest digital tools to make your business better. = This could mean investing in software that helps you work more efficiently, using data to make better decisions, or creating digital products that your customers will love. 6, Metrics and Measurement: * Keep track of how well your digital plans are working by setting goals and measuring your progress. Z This might involve looking at things like how many customers you're reaching, how much pemies money you're making, and how satisfied yo = hae Jay Galbrath’s Model Bran Centricity: ‘ocus on making your customers fiappy by giving them personalized experiences and ing it easy for them to do business with you. * This means understanding what your customers want, using data to learn more about them, and making sure they have a great experience every time they interact with your company. is _ Digital transformation : Benefits, Objective, Steps ae (m= JT] fet EIOV Digital transformation Digital transformation: * Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of business operations, fundamentally changing how organizations operate and deliver value to customers. * It involves leveraging digital tools, processes, and strategies to improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation. One real-life example: * In the retail industry, particularly with the rise of e-commerce giant Amazon. + Amazon transformed the retail landscape by leveraging digital technologies to create a seamless online shopping experience for customers. = EIOV Digital transformation Benefits + Improved Efficiency * Enhanced Customer Experience * Innovation * Data-driven Decision Making * Global Reach Digital transformation + Enhanced Customer Experience * Operational Efficiency * Innovation and Agility * Data-driven Decision Making cw + Market Expansion + Employee Empowerment * Business Model Transformation * Brand Differentiation Digital transformation Steps 1. Assessment and Planning: * Evaluate current state and goals, then create a roadmap for digital transformation. 2. Leadership Commitment: * Secure support from top management to drive and sustain digital initiatives. 3. Technology Evaluation and Adoption: * Identify and implement digital tools aligned with business needs and objectives. 4, Process Optimization: * Streamline workflows and systems to enhance efficiency and agility in operations. 5. Skills Development and Training: + Empower employees with digital skills and knowledge to support transformation efforts. Digital transformation Steps 6, Data Strategy and Governance: * Establish policies and practices to ensure effective data management and utilization. 7. Customer-Centricity: * Prioritize customer needs and preferences to deliver personalized experiences and drive loyalty. 8. Change Management: * Manage organizational change effectively to facilitate smooth transition to digital processes and culture. 9. Continuous Improvement and Adaptation: * Embrace a culture of learning and innovation to evolve and stay competitive in the digital landscape. roy 1 aw Digital Leadership and Its principles Digital Leadership * Digital Leadership refers to the ability of leaders to guide their organizations through the complexities and opportunities presented by digital transformation. * It involves leveraging digital technologies to drive business growth, innovation, and efficiency while fostering a culture that embraces change and continuous improvement. * Characteristics: Visionary Thinking Customer Focus Adaptability Innovation Data-Driven Decisions + Example: Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft jet EIOV Digital Leadership Principles 1. Vision and Strategy: * Develop and share a clear digital vision aligned with business goals, setting a direction for digital initiatives to ensure everyone is on board. 2. Customer-Centricity: * Focus on customer needs and preferences using digital tools and data to provide personalized, seamless experiences. 3. Innovation and Agility: * Encourage creativity and experimentation, adapting quickly to market changes and technological advancements. 4, Empowerment and Collaboration: * Provide employees with necessary digital skills and tools, promoting a collaborative, cross- functional work environment. Digital Leadership Principles _SeData-Driven Decision Making: * Utilize data analytics to make informed decisions, ensuring data quality, security, and privacy through robust governance. hange Management: * Effectively manage change by communicating its benefits, addressing resistance, and engaging employees for a smooth transition. Fittical and Responsible Leadershi| * Commit to ethical digital practices, prioritizing data privacy, security, and regulatory ompliance while considering social impacts. 8. Continuous Learning and Development: * Promote ongoing learning and upskilling to keep pace with the evolving digital landscape and maintain a competitive edge. (== TON (Oval are M mans Wes © Online PR a a * Online PR refers to the practice of managing and influencing an organization's reputation and public perception through digital channels. * It involves leveraging online platforms, such as social media, blogs, websites, and news sites, to communicate with the public, promote positive news, and manage any negative publicity. * Benefits Increased Reach Real-Time Communication Cost-Effectiveness Enhanced Brand Awareness Improved Relationships Tools Used in Online PR * Social Media Platforms * Press Release Distribution Services + Content Management Systems (CMS) + Media Monitoring Tools * SEO Tools = * Email Marketing Software * Analytics Tools (== TION ST vs Traditional a3) EIOV Online vs Traditional PR ree Targets global audience through digital * Reach: Focuses on local or regional audience channels. through traditional medi: * Real-Time Communication: Enables * Time-Consuming: Communication process is immediate interaction with stakeholders. slower due to reliance on print media. * Cost-Effectiveness: Utilizes digital platforms —_* Cost: Involves higher costs for printing, with lower costs. distribution, and advertising, * Measurement: Provides detailed analytics for * Measurement: Difficult to measure, relies on tracking campaign performance circulation audience estimates. + Engagement: Facilitates direct engagement + Limited Interaction: Offers limited with audience through social media. ‘opportunities for direct interaction with audience compared to online channels. Brey eT aol fe management and Its tools Online Reputation Management(ORM) * Online Reputation Management (ORM) involves monitoring and influencing how an individual or organization is perceived online. * It aims to shape public perception by managing online reviews, social media mentions, and other content to maintain a positive online reputation. + Importance of ORM > Brand Perception > Crisis Prevention %» A © Customer Trust > SEO Benefits A i, > Competitive Advantage jet EIOV ORM Tools 1. Social Media Listening Tools: * Platforms like Hootsuite, Brandwatch, and Sprout Social monitor social media mentions and conversations about the brand, allowing for timely responses and engagement. 2. Review Management Platforms: * Tools such as Trustpilot, Yotpo, and help manage online reviews across various platforms, encouraging positive reviews and addressing negative feedback. 3. Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) Tools: * SERM tools like BrandYourself and Reputology monitor search engine results, helping to push down negative content and promote positive content through SEO strategies. 4. Online Review Generation Tools: * Tools like Podium and Birdeye automate the process of soliciting and collecting customer reviews, helping to build a strong online reputation. ORM Tools 5. Social Media Analytics Tools: nalytics tools provided by social media platforms such as Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics offer insights into audience sentiment, engagement metrics, and trends, informing ORM strategies. 6. Online Monitoring Tools: * Tools like Google Alerts, Mention, and Talkwalker monitor mentions of the brand across the web, providing real-time alerts for brand mentions and sentiment analysis. (== TON] Ld SX) } eu eeh) strategies = EIOV ROI(Return on Investment) * ROI stands for Return on Investment, a financial metric used to evaluate the profitability or efficiency of an investment relative to its cost. * Itis calculated by dividing the net profit or benefit from the investment by the initial investment cost and expressing it as a percentage or ratio. * It measures the effectiveness of digital campaigns, channels, or activities in generating revenue, leads, conversions, or other desired outcomes compared to the resources invested. == EIOV ROI of Digital Strategies * Cost-Effectiveness * Measurable Metrics * Targeted Marketing * Real-Time Optimization "a * Global Reach * Brand Engagement and Loyalty Digital marketing Metrics to Measure ROI * Conversion Rate: Measures the percentage of website visitors completing desired actions, indicating better RO! with higher rates. * Click-Through Rate (CTR): Reflects the percentage of users clicking on ads, higher rates indicating improved engagement and potential for better ROI. * Website Traffic Sources: Analyzing traffic origins helps allocate resources to channels yielding the highest ROI and optimize marketing spend effectively. * Customer Retention Rate: Indicates the percentage of returning customers over time, crucial for increasing lifetime value and overall ROI. * Social Media Engagement Metrics: Metrics like likes, shares, and comments offer insights into audience engagement, contributing to enhanced brand awareness and ultimately, improved ROI roy 1 en How digital marketing is adding value to business jet IOV Adding value to business “increased Reacl * Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a wider audience compared to traditional marketing methods. * With the global reach of the internet, companies can connect with potential customers from around the world, expanding their market reach and opportunities for growth. 2. Targeted Advertising: * Digital marketing platforms offer advanced targeting options based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and more. * This enables businesses to tailor their marketing messages to specific audience segments, increasing the relevance of their ads and improving the likelihood of conversion. 3. Cost-Effectiveness: * Digital marketing is often more cost-effective than traditional marketing channels such as print, radio, or television. * With digital advertising platforms, businesses can set budgets, track spending in real-time, and optimize campaigns to maximize ROI. = EIOV Adding value to business A Measurable Results: Ability to track and measure the performance of campaigns in real-time. * Marketers can access detailed analytics and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. 5. Improved Customer Engagement: * Digital marketing provides channels for interacting with customers, including social media, email, and websites. * By engaging with audiences through personalized content and targeted messaging, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers. 6. Enhanced Brand Awareness: * Through consistent and strategic digital marketing efforts, businesses can increase their brand visibility and awareness online. * By creating valuable content, participating in relevant conversations, and maintaining a strong online presence, companies can attract more attention from potential customers. roy mA Evaluate cost effectiveness of digital strategies EIOV Evaluate cost effectiveness of digital strategies 1. Cost Analysis: * Identify all expenses related to digital marketing, including ads, software, content creation, agency fees, and salaries. * Consider both direct and indirect costs for a full picture. 2. Performance Metrics: + Measure success with indicators like conversion rate, return on ad spend (ROAS), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and lifetime customer value (LTV). * These metrics gauge how well your strategies meet goals. 3. RO! Calculation: * Determine if your campaigns are profitable by comparing revenue to costs using the RO! formula. * A positive ROI means your campaign earned more than it cost, making it a wise investment. EIOV Evaluate cost effectiveness of digital strategies _# bttribution Analysis: * Assign éonversions and sales to specific digital channels to understand their impact. * This helps allocate resources effectively and improve overall performance. 5. Benchmarking: * Compare your digital strategy's effectiveness to industry standards and competitors’ performance. This gives context and insights for improvement. 6. Long-Term Impact: * Consider the lasting effects of digital strategies on brand awareness, customer retention, and lifetime value. Sustainable growth indicates true cost-effectiveness. 7. Testing and Optimization: * Continuously refine your digital marketing efforts by experimenting with different strategies and elements. * This ensures ongoing improvement and maximizes effectiveness over time.

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