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= CATsMu 50 SH U Dirng exp


m=qnt ot Subst W=-Peur =-AYRT

Mecharical aok auioatoSH= CSTMu for liquidVapaur egbn
utth clarge i Vgat 2.303R
etèmalP. -Pest v Detenely slaw reac's
dw=-ed= vey shall H change eac's Explas Texp: com busn
oheh ont omplete Arelout under ada cpn's
pe by Sysc's
I1- CSTC=kcalo exlos temp.
ACarn Cycle: Aoglised
Cas ontratswdone on ys
W>0 reversible Cycle; Sys s
RAy luid,singe-paáe subst.
wer=-2-03nRTlo9(Ve) trhirmal reseraSak (6,)
stepl: sothermel evaxp"
-2.50nRT lo) dT
r a C e=Cvt R
Sfep2:qcabttic rév expn
EC+Y Ste3: sthurlav Comprn
fee erposion Seph:aolabtc rêv comprn
Tero othortian V. = .66 (wono)-|
Fora gien A, wev =ume e3Ecency( ato o w
=\iuolodia)s one by 3ysfem totothe ot ot
heat Trnferred Syste at
Tsobarc ä=0, H,=CxmxT gh tempP.
Specdeoar mas G4
Adabttc 0; NN=W i2 Golid elameñß ony
uO,4=-0 (ecapt Be, B,C, S) ohere, iheat abserbed i
Cyclie9 KIIsothermal AU=AH-0 Stepl
l2,=heat elease in
for aclobete revesbe, For ex work,
V=Cont; PVY=coExpA
Tttorel rev
ComerTsothermel rav
Workdone in Camd yee1
Tp = Cont
Waal =-(e)T)
oruhetke where, Va= AhelVol stepk
V, intil vofstepl
Lawollo¬en ot E. 79bAnc
Tf w done on Systems U‘ Lhame stak tep
Aokabtic sharper eater the d} ore the elRcany
Tw done by syten Ul Tochore
qnd Workone =O
olecræe e, no nat Conve o iinwi
honwdone aolabte. |Ada compr heatig otherma aycle alone.
ghen that isetheinmal is
Reversbe Aoiabate
DEHnolpy" Sum ot ancl , Va Adiabtie
pV wortk otsyste" Isothermal

5Iotermel ep work is D brk done in Qdia ep

4DU=H) araste than aolia exp" w. W=

Tchange TSobaric adabitie xp whera

°C per dr
Urder cond^s of cont
Temp atuwhich H3e eto
+ve-Tversion Temp!
Ccells of eon are multiyed 5 AU eyo Poeses are
dviced by ntien AH ao equilertot Ht n Spotaeos gnco universe
Mutpltes or diviles by . G Lotes" conbines uthil eqv naualy ants to Curee
Readon eg? reverse ’ 1gnof o . ntegad multple
ts ererg
evese stong+ Stong ’
BBEnoo’ SH70; Exo AHO A sontmety: Minnisng
lomy ot Q2 o-(3-7 kl
$9 Phyaical state,Astapic qz ionisaton ce energy
Theere OManisng
Tem constP'or V?
AÈRect H ranomnes
For A B ) <),-(cr)a )ks 68Abso,kJvale ot Ath of HF AS =Lray Reatabzotba
qnd ot 57| becquse
Hyatan o F îs very bj:Unts ) Reat evolved
DCp=coßt bo T& Te
obsere u53) Solc -’ ast enty
Liplds maim entro
Gares ’ most entro py
Bondl clsicoton erttalgy: Thz
unttl egbmistachod.
Sucasive braking|STt <O diret-non-spon
dyatomie rerersR= spOn
boroly aives dPerert sH sowe
aueragt. Entropydegorda
o (Geyn)
44ess La chaSHstar many sep5
remnss e
Stardae enttalpy o tac
recwherelaifie E: psecus fong concenge inb
B) ethapy chage of stal LatheE LaiaE anbieñt oi hosphoe.
by hraig =2(BE),-BE) Uhavalade (Tusot
Calorie yalie:9, Podolad resonney
19 subst cr Compe~eyodisgtt. Resono E: then a
Calorte value = AtHertst. oor Conws |Consileabe,Hdppercnca
mdeawlarustexptal qnd AH b/w
calaslateS Etopy otnierse
by' BE. Thederer %ResoE. alwyd eincases inevery
isterat A a Resonana E-
Expt He- (alesfotfneas poe
Solute molecules bHistrerç ling o}robber
bq 3t enttaly chang | b9nd macoholeues
enttalgy charge Hn Subst Store
For allotofesHi oto =0.Harol bojling egg’ Pretey
sady olenetored Prhelcal to
oton's Ruete_88 JmdkranornPoST
DHeintegral enthalpy of son" s:entray
Dsolstion breaklvg/enistion
hydrate J nverson Rxb
where ab Ven der Wkalke an|elements in Stavlad state
Breaking r Te egergy absorb I sdsolty kroun at 2 dHTS0 byt S Porhose is
Hhen we0n elar i
2.303RT Adiabtc e x p t=ona
o t is calas isoenthale.
OHyolraton -’jord Gurrounded by
H20 due to loncan totes
Gs-SolBbttyt; Sqne honologasS seriey
’anhyoo or partilly
hyrted sat'qets|4 rst.Aud fals to telles
hyorated conpourdin aooot siotaety & feasility
molecularma T.
dnd ecome) agueouS. on its Own ohe intatel
necaary oitaton
Vwhen ax-’-TodS reuersoee5or const.
Enerag0c DA suraundygojed.
itbelouthtanoteudg coldest Syitenorsraunding
It Coolingderive
Kel v in in
choneCompltely 63Causis: hat wthoeo
wths E praloace p
ngine Godot Thonson: o Produs
maRce AS=+e)or(Dtvey
SHe, : specitehgher G
DS ) Colerv, is wotwithot canaso Aubays
ag La
wt Spon inposibe -planck:
work ompletely an¡ be
in ¡.e. ot Botemann: om o spatankout aolieMtalic
eversbe) uivesepoehesstate. Les more
n eyothermieSauy heat
t \oo, Pom t heat
inct anverte wor k e gReas
terion any Sohe
dangd readas mad
probae nt to tnpossbla ofcddet be eenwthot (dog elemert
"Entropy an st ate -ve,
AS=0 Dealwh
s yiveseand SecOndLauw CLau are
ejenyhake matterby Souce
or Osatat patnanertor =X tohitallays x
cam or ( tt h
sforle tercltahore
rerersld heaT s=DRu’6o onetedAOy oT this . spoitnca wth
ot noMZ0tomae odotkEa to besy unless bt be Tbe alaeyo La). lauer
ertoy er dhag
ytala o non-eo orm 3RAes,
lig&Foro&TK enopy Nytaae K2) isolbartc)
AS in
Entagy Can S-2.303plo) As
CytalleSobsis0. TT d to
haue \Qu: vap
o be =S
n is or sbind|vaporis':|Sy lwol wuteplied 2.30} in
S=0 gaph aréa soid at kochoe)
called MaDereds o, log
AHe + calalated ot integal en Sb
aotoy Tex
T Ce Resduel atthen T-boillgS = by
cure ota = Hie
vs 0parlecD
T: bw K. S
e theEnthelpy H for
Tis l pt
the AoQisKe eob,
|At I8 DH
o a ba=-2.303RT "coupled"wth andieam
spon,is AotEndotherne Snallthhaé spon.
PTisbg |S poñneas when DeceeM l69GibS
canot chang Coupl eoereang
tep. unlenty (aua when E
S have SothatM=e Cordttioy y elettaal tor
can favcued
éac's vsekol A=HTAS
useRul sate
UnttJinol 4onc
-ve Vspontaeous) uwork
bebe n Reac's: thenalrien +(Faiairal)|
t+ w
obisined system (Aavorai) TAS abos
obtatned. ec'reac'sfawoJd
s s Sfor w
is is aok =non
log Sothey some en
lrge Aa Readtent sbewae done
hapfen Ken that Spon lone Es inep usekul
(egs -ve Ary hust oy elataysis
bot-tt Cont T havea are & Mgnitole a E
urclar Tis sH, wegvtbolendeieyof be-ve! se, sabe.sytey mol'etz W meghe wortavailabe or tk
qustiat do
by So by

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