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10, OCTOBER 2018 8399

A Family of High-Voltage-Gain DC–DC Converters

Based on a Generalized Structure
Bhanu Prashant Reddy Baddipadiga , Member, IEEE, Venkata Anand Kishore Prabhala, Student Member, IEEE,
and Mehdi Ferdowsi , Member, IEEE

Abstract—A family of high-voltage-gain dc–dc converters de- preferred for a grid-tied dc–ac inverter [14]. The integration of
rived from a generalized structure with two stages is introduced low-voltage renewable sources onto the higher voltage dc bus
in this paper. On the input side, a two-phase interleaved boost is challenging. Use of classical boost and buck–boost convert-
stage boosts the dc input voltage to output a modified square-
wave voltage that feeds the second stage. This output of the inter- ers to integrate such low-voltage sources to a high-voltage dc
leaved boost stage is rectified and further boosted using a voltage bus is not advisable as the losses in their parasitics limit the
multiplier stage. As a result, a high voltage gain is achieved using voltage gain at larger duty cycles. Also, their semiconductor
the proposed converters. The two-phase interleaved boost stage on devices are subjected to higher voltage stress and reverse re-
the input side makes it possible for the converters to be operated covery problems. Isolated topologies such as flyback, forward,
using a single source or two independent sources. If a single source
is used, the input current drawn is continuous with a very small push–pull, half-bridge, and full-bridge converters have dis-
ripple. Owing to its generalized structure, the proposed family of continuous input currents, which make them unsuitable for
converters includes both nonisolated and isolated converters with renewable energy applications like solar. Therefore, they would
high voltage gains. The high voltage gain and low-ripple continu- require larger input filter capacitors, which would lead to
ous input current make these converters appealing in applications increased converter size and reduced reliability.
like the integration of renewable sources such as solar, fuel cells,
etc., on to a 400-V dc bus. Many nonisolated and isolated HVG dc–dc converters have
been proposed for the integration of renewable energy sources
Index Terms—High-voltage-gain (HVG) dc–dc converter, modi- and energy storage devices. A classification of nonisolated
fied square wave (MSW), two-phase interleaved (TPI) boost stage,
voltage multiplier (VM) stage.
boost-based dc–dc converters has been presented in [15].
Step-up topologies with wide conversion ratios have been
I. INTRODUCTION mainly classified into five types: cascaded boost converters,
coupled-inductor-based boost converters, switched-capacitor-
IGH-VOLTAGE-GAIN (HVG) dc–dc converters have
H been in use in many industry applications. In the past,
they have been mainly used for integrating the 48-V dc bat-
based boost converters, interleaved boost converters, and
three-state-switching-cell-based converters. This classification
gives a better picture on how most of the HVG converters are
tery plant onto the intermediate 380-V dc bus of uninterruptible
built. For this paper, the main interest is the interleaved boost
power supplies in telecommunication centers as well as pow-
converters. The authors of [16]–[20] have added different volt-
ering high-intensity-discharge lamps in automotive headlamps
age multiplier (VM) circuits to an interleaved boost converter
[1], [2]. Over the last decade, HVG converters have been gain-
to build a nonisolated HVG converter, where the authors of [17]
ing popularity for the integration of renewable energy sources
has used a simple voltage doubler, the authors of [18] used a
[3]–[7]. Renewable sources such as solar modules and fuel cells
voltage quadrupler circuit, the authors of [19] used a Dickson
provide low-voltage dc at their outputs—typically in the range
charge pump, and the authors of [20] used a Cockcroft–Walton
of 20–45 V. Applications such as dc distribution systems [8],
(CW) VM. To further improve the voltage gains, the authors of
[9], dc microgrids [10], [11], and solid-state transformers [12],
[21]–[30] have replaced the inductors in the interleaved boost
[13] include a 380-V dc bus. Also, a higher voltage dc input is
converter with coupled inductors. The secondary and/or tertiary
windings of the coupled inductors have been interconnected to-
Manuscript received July 17, 2017; revised October 7, 2017; accepted Novem- gether or separately within one or two VM circuits to improve
ber 8, 2017. Date of publication November 24, 2017; date of current version the voltage gain of the converter. In some HVG converters, iso-
July 15, 2018. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor D. G. Lamar. lation was achieved using the coupled inductors replacing the in-
(Corresponding author: Bhanu Prashant Reddy Baddipadiga.)
B. P. R. Baddipadiga is with InnoCit LLC, St. James, MO 65559 USA (e-mail: ductors of the interleaved boost converter. Some of these include
bbt68@mst.edu). the ones proposed in [31]–[37]. The secondary windings of the
V. A. K. Prabhala is with Infineon Technologies, El Segundo, CA 90245 coupled inductors have either been used separately with differ-
USA (e-mail: vkpzvf@mst.edu).
M. Ferdowsi is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ent VM circuits while connecting their outputs in series/parallel
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409 USA (e-mail: [31], [34] or connected together with a single VM circuit [32],
ferdowsi@mst.edu). [33], [35]. The authors in [38] and [39] have proposed HVG
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. converters that have achieved isolation using a transformer while
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2777451 using regular interleaved boost circuit and VM circuits. All the

0885-8993 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Fig. 1. Generalized structure of the proposed family of converters.

above-mentioned HVG converters [3]–[7], [12]–[14], [16],

[18]–[38], [40]–[42] have a lot in common. They use an inter-
leaved boost converter and VM circuits, and replace inductors
with coupled inductors and combine them within VM circuits
to improve the voltage gains. After carefully analyzing and un-
derstanding the working of these converters, a general structure
has been identified that enables these converters to offer HVGs.
In this paper, a family of HVG dc–dc converters is proposed.
The proposed family of converters has a generalized structure: a
two-phase interleaved (TPI) boost stage on the input side and a Fig. 2. Switching pulses (S 1 and S 2 ) and MSW voltage (V A B ).
VM stage on the output side. Based on the construction of its TPI
boost stage, the members of the proposed family of converters
can be classified into nonisolated and isolated topologies. These result in three modes of operation. For a symmetric operation,
converters offer HVGs with continuous input currents and low S1 and S2 can be commanded with similar duty cycle “d” with
semiconductor voltage stresses. The proposed family of convert- 180° phase shift between them.
ers is suitable for applications such as integration of renewable The MSW output (VA B in Fig. 2) of the TPI boost stage has a
energy sources. In Section II, the generalized structure of the positive peak “VX ” and a negative peak “VY .” The magnitudes of
proposed family of converters is discussed. Section III classifies these voltages is dependent on duty ratios d1 and d2 of switches
the proposed family of converters based on the input-side TPI S1 and S2 , the input voltage, and the turns ratios when the
boost stage. Few of the earlier cited HVG dc–dc converters fall TPI boost stage involves a coupled inductor or a transformer.
under the proposed family of converters. They will be referred Positive peak VX is the voltage across terminals A and B during
to when different TPI boost stages are discussed in detail. The mode II, i.e., switch S1 is OFF and switch S2 is ON. Negative
VM stage with few prominent examples has been described peak VY is the voltage across terminals A and B during mode
in Section IV. Section V discusses some of the practical con- III, i.e., switch S1 is ON and switch S2 is OFF. The voltage across
siderations for the proposed family of converters. An example terminals A and B during mode I can be nonzero. The case with a
converter derived using the generalized structure is discussed nonzero voltage across terminals A and B during mode I usually
and analyzed with supporting hardware results in Section VI. involves a TPI boost stage with coupled inductors. To achieve
Section VII concludes this paper. a symmetric operation, one can ensure this voltage to be zero
by selecting appropriate turns ratios for the coupled inductors.
II. GENERALIZED STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSED FAMILY The MSW voltage output of the TPI boost stage is rectified and
further boosted by the VM stage to provide a high-voltage dc
at the output of the converter. This is done through charging
The proposed family of converters is built using a generalized and discharging of its capacitors during modes II and III of
structure (see Fig. 1). It comprises of two stages: 1) the TPI operation.
boost stage on the input side, which includes switches S1 and
S2 ; and 2) the VM stage on the output side. The main link
between the two stages is the intermediate voltage between them III. TPI BOOST STAGE
(VA B in Figs. 1 and 2). It is similar to a modified square-wave The first stage of the proposed family of converters is a TPI
(MSW) voltage output of a single-phase inverter. It is generated boost stage. As there are two phases of boost on the input side,
by switching switches S1 and S2 of the TPI boost stage such the converter can either be powered from a single source or two
that both S1 and S2 cannot be OFF at the same time. If both different sources. The TPI boost stage can be further enhanced
the switches are operated at duty cycles smaller than 0.5, the to provide higher voltage gains by using coupled inductors and
switching condition to generate a MSW intermediate voltage is transformers. It also makes it possible to achieve galvanic isola-
not satisfied and the converter built will not be able to provide tion in the converter. Based on the construction of the TPI boost
HVG. As this defeats the purpose of the converter and is not of stage, the proposed family of converters has been classified as
interest for the application, it is not considered for discussion. As shown in Fig. 3. The family of converters is mainly classified
can be seen from Fig. 2, one of switches S1 and S2 is ON at any into nonisolated and isolated converters. It can be observed from
point of time to generate an MSW output. Such switching pulses the classification that there are at least six ways to implement

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Fig. 3. Classification of the proposed family of HVG dc–dc converters.

the TPI boost stage. Each of these implementations is discussed

in this section of this paper.
The discussions that follow analyze the two-source TPI boost
stage and then simplify it for a single-source TPI boost stage
with both switches operating at the same duty cycle “d.” For the
TPI boost stage to generate an MSW voltage output, the switches
should follow the switching condition discussed in Section II,
i.e., both switches cannot be OFF at the same time. The following
analysis of the ideal TPI boost stages is under the assumption
that the inductors and coupled inductors are selected such that
they operate in the continuous conduction mode (CCM). The
voltage derivations presented are based on volt–second balance
of the inductors. The continuity of input currents when operating
with two sources and a single source is also discussed.

A. Nonisolated TPI Boost Stage

The nonisolated TPI boost stage in the proposed family of
converters is classified into two types: one using inductors and
the other using coupled inductors. The TPI boost stage using
coupled inductors is further classified based on the number
of windings in the coupled inductor. In this paper, only two- Fig. 4. Nonisolated TPI boost stage using inductors. (a) Single source.
winding and three-winding coupled inductors have been con- (b) Two sources. (c) Voltage waveforms.
sidered, as increasing the number of windings increases the size
and makes the design more complicated. In mode III, when S1 is ON and S2 is OFF, voltages VA , VB ,
1) Nonisolated TPI Boost Stage Using Inductors: This is the and VY can be written as
most basic implementation of the TPI boost stage (see Fig. 4).
This stage outputs an MSW voltage at terminals A and B. For a VA = 0, VB = (5)
1 − d2
two-source TPI boost stage shown in Fig. 4(b), the peak values
of the MSW voltage can be calculated as follows. In mode I, Vin2
VY = VB − V A = . (6)
when S1 and S2 are both ON, voltages VA , VB , and VA B can be 1 − d2
written as For a single-source TPI boost stage with both switches oper-
VA = 0, VB = 0 (1) ating at switching duty cycle d, voltage equations VX and VY
can be written as
VA B = VA − VB = 0. (2)
VX = VY = . (7)
From (2), it can be seen that the voltage across terminals A The input current for this TPI boost stage is continuous in
and B during mode I is zero. In mode II, when S1 is OFF and S2 both the two-source and single-source cases. As both switches
is ON, voltages VA , VB , and VX can be written as are operating 180° out of phase from each other, the input current
Vin1 ripple in the single-source case is even smaller. Nonisolated TPI
VA = , VB = 0 (3) boost stage using inductors has been used in converters proposed
1 − d1
in [16]–[20] and [41].
Vin1 2) Nonisolated TPI Boost Stage Using Two-Winding Cou-
VX = VA − VB = . (4)
1 − d1 pled Inductors: One way to enhance the voltage gain is to use

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Vin2 N22 Vin2
VY = VB − VA = +
1 − d2 N21 1 − d2
N22 N12
− Vin2 + Vin1 . (13)
N21 N11
In (8)–(13), N11 and N12 are the turns in the primary and sec-
ondary windings of coupled inductor Lm 1 , respectively. Also,
N21 and N22 represent the turns in the primary and secondary
windings of coupled inductor Lm 2 , respectively. On a closer
observation, the sum of the last two terms in (11) and (13) is
equal to voltage VA B in mode I shown in (9). If the coupled
inductor turns ratio is selected such that voltage VA B is zero in
mode I, (11) and (13) can be further simplified as
Vin1 N12 Vin1
VX = + (14)
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1
Vin2 N22 Vin2
VY = + . (15)
1 − d2 N21 1 − d2
As MSW voltage peaks are dependent on the coupled inductor
turns ratio, higher peaks can be achieved using higher turns
For a single-source TPI boost stage [shown in Fig. 5(a)] with
both its switches operating at duty cycle d, the MSW peak
Fig. 5. Nonisolated TPI boost stage using two-winding coupled inductors.
(a) Single source. (b) Two sources. (c) Voltage waveforms.
voltage equations can be simplified as
VX = VY = (n + 1) (16)
coupled inductors. A two-winding coupled-inductor-based TPI 1−d
boost stage is shown in Fig. 5. For a two-source TPI boost stage where the turns ratio in the two-winding coupled inductors is
shown in Fig. 5(b), the peak values of the MSW voltage can be assumed as follows:
calculated as follows. In mode I, when S1 and S2 are both ON,
N12 N22
voltages VA , VB , and VA B can be written as n= = . (17)
    N11 N21
N12 N22
VA = − Vin1 , VB = − Vin2 (8) Comparing (7) and (16), it can be observed that the two-
N11 N21 winding coupled inductor TPI boost stage provides an MSW
N22 N12 voltage whose peak value is “n” times more than the peak volt-
VA B = VA − VB = Vin2 − Vin1 . (9) age obtained using the inductor-based TPI boost stage. The
N21 N11
additional boost in the voltage is provided by the combination
of secondary coils of both coupled inductors. Some HVG con-
In mode II, when S1 is OFF and S2 is ON, voltages VA , VB ,
verters based on the above-mentioned TPI boost stage have been
and VX can be written as
    proposed in [43].
Vin1 N12 Vin1 N22 The input current ripple for this TPI boost stage is dependent
VA = + − Vin1 , VB = − Vin2
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1 N21 on its operating conditions. If two separate sources are used,
(10) then the current drawn from the two separate sources will have
a higher ripple compared to the single-source case owing to
  the ripple cancellation due to the phase displacement between
Vin1 N12 Vin1 the two switches. However, a nonzero VA B voltage during mode
VX = VA − VB = +
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1 I appearing as a dc bias on the MSW voltage could lead to
    higher input current ripple in the single-source case making
N12 N22
− Vin1 + Vin2 . (11) it less appealing for renewable energy applications. Therefore,
N11 N21
voltage VA B during mode I is always desired to be zero and can
In mode III, when S1 is ON and S2 is OFF, voltages VA , VB , be achieved by selecting appropriate turns ratios for the coupled
and VY can be written as inductors.
    3) Nonisolated TPI Boost Stage Using Three-Winding Cou-
N12 Vin2 N22 Vin2
VA = − Vin1 , VB = + − Vin2 pled Inductors: In cases where the secondary coil of the cou-
N11 1 − d2 N21 1 − d2 pled inductor is not sufficient to achieve the voltage boost, one
(12) can add more windings to the coupled inductor. The tertiary

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Vin2 N22 Vin2 N13
VB = + − Vin2 + Vin1
1 − d2 N21 1 − d2 N11
Vin2 N23 + N22 Vin2
VY = VB − VA = +
1 − d2 N21 1 − d2
N23 + N22 N13 + N12
− Vin2 + Vin1 . (25)
N21 N11
In (18)–(25), N11 , N12 , and N13 are the turns in the pri-
mary, secondary, and tertiary windings of coupled inductor
Lm 1 , respectively. Also, N21 , N22 , and N23 are the turns in the
primary, secondary, and tertiary windings of coupled inductor
Lm 2 , respectively. On closer observation, the sum of the last
two terms in (22) and (25) is equal to VA B in mode I (19). If the
coupled inductor turns ratio is selected such that voltage VA B is
zero in mode I, (22) and (25) can be further simplified as
Vin1 N13 + N12 Vin1
VX = + (26)
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1
Vin2 N23 + N22 Vin2
VY = + . (27)
Fig. 6. Nonisolated TPI boost stage using three-winding coupled inductors. 1 − d2 N21 1 − d2
(a) Single source. (b) Two sources. (c) Voltage waveforms.
As the MSW voltage peaks are dependent on the coupled
inductor turns ratio, higher peaks can be achieved using higher
winding of the coupled inductor will be used just like the sec- turns ratio.
ondary winding and is shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). For a single-source TPI boost stage [shown in Fig. 6(a)] with
For a two-source TPI boost stage shown in Fig. 6(b), the peak both its switches operating at duty cycle d, the MSW peak
values of the MSW voltage can be calculated as follows. In voltage equations can be simplified as
mode I, when S1 and S2 are both ON, voltages VA , VB , and VA B
can be written as VX = VY = (2n + 1) (28)
N23 N12
VA = Vin2 − Vin1 , where the turns ratio in the three-winding coupled inductors is
N21 N11
    assumed as follows:
N13 N22 N12 N13 N22 N23
VB = Vin1 − Vin2 (18) n= = = = . (29)
N11 N21 N11 N11 N21 N21
N23 + N22 N13 + N12 Comparing (16) and (28), it can be observed that the third
VA B = VA − VB = Vin2 − Vin1 . winding in the coupled inductor provides an additional boost
N21 N11
(19) of “n” times the peak voltage obtained in the TPI boost stage
using inductors when compared to the two-winding coupled
In mode II, when S1 is OFF and S2 is ON, voltages VA , VB , inductor TPI boost stage. HVG converters based on the three-
and VX can be written as winding coupled inductor TPI boost stage have been proposed
    in [21]–[23].
Vin1 N12 Vin1 N23
VA = + − Vin1 + Vin2 (20) The input current ripple for this TPI boost stage would follow
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1 N21
    the same pattern as in the two-winding coupled inductor TPI
N13 Vin1 N22 boost stage. It has higher ripple when two separate sources are
VB = − − Vin1 − Vin2 (21)
N11 1 − d1 N21 used and smaller ripple while using a single source. The input
  current in the single-source case can have a larger ripple if
Vin1 N13 + N12 Vin1
VX = VA − VB = + voltage VA B during mode I is nonzero. Therefore, it is desirable
1 − d1 N11 1 − d1
    to have voltage VA B during mode I to be zero. This can be
N13 + N12 N23 + N22 achieved by selecting appropriate turns ratios for the coupled
− Vin1 + Vin2 . (22)
N11 N21 inductors.
In mode III, when S1 is ON and S2 is OFF, voltages VA , VB , B. Isolated TPI Boost Stage
and VY can be written as
    Galvanic isolation can be achieved using the TPI boost stage.
N23 Vin2 N12
VA = − − Vin2 − Vin1 (23) Based on the components used to achieve isolation, the isolated
N21 1 − d2 N11 TPI boost stage is further classified into two types: one using

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Fig. 8. Isolated TPI boost stage using three-winding coupled inductors.

Fig. 7. Isolated TPI boost stage using two-winding coupled inductors. (a) Single source. (b) Two sources.
(a) Single source. (b) Two sources.

coupled inductors and the other using transformers. In the iso- MSW peak voltage equations can be simplified as
lated TPI boost using coupled inductors, only two-winding and  
three-winding coupled inductors have been considered. VX = VY = n (35)
1) Isolated TPI Boost Stage Using Two-Winding Coupled
Inductors: An isolated TPI boost stage using a two-winding where the turns ratio in the two-winding coupled inductors is
coupled inductor is shown in Fig. 7. In this stage, the secondary assumed as follows:
windings of the coupled inductors are connected such that volt- N12 N22
age VA B is an MSW voltage. For a two-source TPI boost stage n= = . (36)
N11 N21
shown in Fig. 7(b), the peak values of the MSW voltage can be
calculated as follows. In mode I, voltage VA B can be written as Converters using an isolated TPI boost stage using two-
    winding coupled inductors have been proposed in [31]–[33],
N22 N12
VA B = Vin2 − Vin1 . (30) [36], [42], and [44]. If two separate sources are used, then the
N21 N11 currents drawn from the two sources will have larger ripple. In
case there is only one source used, a continuous input current
Voltage VA B during mode I is desired to be zero for similar with low ripple is achievable if VA B is designed to be zero
reasons mentioned for the nonisolated TPI boost stage with during mode I of operation.
two-winding and three-winding coupled inductors. This can be 2) Isolated TPI Boost Stage Using Three-Winding Coupled
achieved by selecting appropriate values of turns ratios for the Inductors: An isolated TPI boost stage using a three-winding
coupled inductors. In mode II, voltage VX can be written as coupled inductor is shown in Fig. 8. This stage is very similar
      to the isolated two-winding TPI boost stage. The main differ-
N12 Vin1 N12 N22
VX = − Vin1 + Vin2 . (31) ence is that the tertiary windings of the coupled inductors are
N11 1 − d1 N11 N21
also connected in a manner similar to the secondary windings.
In mode III, voltage VY can be written as Therefore, the output across terminals A’ and B’ is also an
      MSW voltage (similar to voltage across terminals A and B of
N22 Vin2 N22 N12
VY = − Vin2 + Vin1 . (32) secondary windings). The tertiary windings can be connected
N21 1 − d2 N21 N11 in series to the secondary windings (connecting B to A’ or A to
In (30)–(32), N11 and N12 are the number of turns in the B’) to achieve higher MSW voltage peaks or used separately in
primary and secondary windings of coupled inductor Lm 1 , re- an interleaved manner.
spectively. N21 and N22 are the number of turns in the primary For a two-source isolated TPI boost stage shown in Fig. 8(b),
and secondary windings of coupled inductor Lm 2 , respectively. the peak values of the MSW voltage can be calculated as follows.
On a closer observation, the sum of the last two terms in (31) In mode I, voltages VA B and VA  B  can be written as
and (32) is equal to VA B in mode I. If the turns ratio in coupled    
N22 N12
inductors is selected to make voltage VA B zero in mode I, (31) VA B = Vin2 − Vin1 (37)
and (32) can be further simplified as N21 N11
  N23 N13
N12 Vin1 VA  B  = Vin2 − Vin1 . (38)
VX = (33) N21 N11
N11 1 − d1
  Voltages VA B and VA  B  during mode I are desired to be
N22 Vin2
VY = . (34) zero for same reasons specified in nonisolated coupled-inductor-
N21 1 − d2
based TPI boost stages. This can be achieved by selecting ap-
As the MSW voltage peaks are dependent on the coupled propriate values of turns ratio for the coupled inductors. In
inductor turns ratio, higher peaks can be achieved using higher mode II, voltages VX and VX  can be written as
turns ratios.      
For a single-source isolated TPI boost stage [shown in N12 Vin1 N12 N22
VX = − Vin1 + Vin2 (39)
Fig. 7(a)] with both its switches operating at duty cycle d, the N11 1 − d1 N11 N21

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N13 Vin1 N13 N23
VX  = − Vin1 + Vin2 . (40)
N11 1 − d1 N11 N21
In mode III, voltages VY and VY  can be written as
N22 Vin2 N22 N12
VY = − Vin2 + Vin1 (41)
N21 1 − d2 N21 N11
N23 Vin2 N23 N13
VY  = − Vin2 + Vin1 . (42)
N21 1 − d2 N21 N11
In (37)–(42), N11 , N12 , and N13 are the number of turns in
the primary, secondary, and tertiary windings of the coupled Fig. 9. Isolated TPI boost stage using a transformer. (a) Single source.
inductor Lm 1 , respectively. N21 , N22 , and N23 are the number (b) Two sources.
turns in the primary, secondary, and tertiary windings of the
coupled inductor Lm 2 , respectively. The sum of the last two In mode II, positive peak VX of the MSW voltage can be
terms in (39) and (41), (40) and (42) are equal to VAB and written as
VA  B  in mode I, respectively. If the coupled inductor turns ratio  
is selected to make voltages VAB and VA  B  zero in mode I, N2 Vin1
VX = . (48)
(39)–(42) can be further simplified as N1 1 − d 1
    In mode III, negative peak VY of the MSW voltage can be
N12 Vin1 N13 Vin1
VX = , VX  = (43) written as
N11 1 − d1 N11 1 − d1  
    N2 Vin2
N22 Vin2 N23 Vin2 VY = . (49)
VY = , VY  = . (44) N1 1 − d 2
N21 1 − d2 N21 1 − d2
In (48) and (49), N1 and N2 are the primary and secondary
As the MSW voltage peaks are dependent on the coupled
turns in the transformer, respectively.
inductor turns ratio, higher peaks can be achieved using higher
For a single-source isolated TPI boost stage [shown in
turns ratio.
Fig. 9(a)] with both switches operating at switching duty cy-
For a single-source isolated TPI boost stage [shown in
cle d, voltage equations VX and VY can be written as
Fig. 8(a)] with both its switches operating at duty cycle d, the  
MSW peak voltage equations can be simplified as Vin
VX = VY = n (50)
VX = VX  = VY = VY  = n (45)
1−d where n is the turns ratio of the transformer and is written as
when the turns ratio in the three-winding coupled inductors is n= . (51)
assumed as follows: N1
N12 N13 N22 N23 Converters using the isolated TPI boost stage using the trans-
n= = = = . (46) former have been proposed in [38] and [39]. The input current
N11 N11 N21 N21
for this TPI boost stage is much lower ripple in the single-source
Converters using the isolated TPI boost stage using three- case compared to the two-source case.
winding coupled inductors have been implemented in [31] and From the above analysis, it is seen that the six implementa-
[34]. If two separate sources are used, the input current ripple tions of the TPI boost stage are capable of generating an MSW
is high. In the case where there is only one source, it draws voltage at their output terminals. For all the above-mentioned
continuous input current with lower ripple under the condition TPI boost stages, the voltage stress on switches S1 and S2 is
that voltage VA B and VA  B  in mode I are zero. Therefore, by calculated as follows:
selecting the appropriate turns ratios for the coupled inductors,
Vin1 Vin2
VA B and VA  B  are ensured to be zero in mode I. VS 1 = , VS 2 = . (52)
3) Isolated TPI Boost Stage Using a Transformer: Another 1 − d1 1 − d2
way to achieve isolation in the TPI boost stage is by using a
transformer (see Fig. 9). It can be observed that a transformer is
connected across terminals A and B of the nonisolated TPI boost The VM stage in the proposed family of converters could
stage using inductors. This isolated TPI boost stage outputs an be either diode-capacitor based or switched-capacitor based.
MSW voltage at terminals A and B. For a two-source TPI boost The diode-capacitor-based VM stage provides unidirectional
stage shown in Fig. 9(b), the peak values of the MSW voltage power flow, while the switched-capacitor-based VM stage is
can be calculated as follows. In mode I, voltage VA B can be capable of bidirectional power flow. In this paper, we only use
written as the diode-capacitor-based VM stage, as the sources considered
are unidirectional. The input to the VM stage is an MSW voltage
VA B = 0. (47) (VA B ) shown in Fig. 2. The VM stage rectifies the MSW voltage

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Fig. 11. CWx8 VM stage.

Fig. 10. Basic VM stages. (a) Basic diode–capacitor VM cell. (b) Voltage
doubler. (c) Voltage tripler. (d) Voltage quadrupler.

and boosts it to a high dc voltage by charging and discharging

its capacitors. Assuming that both positive and negative peaks
of the MSW voltage are equal, i.e., VX = VY = Vpk M SW , and
the VM stage gain of “GVM ,” the output voltage can be written
as Fig. 12. Dickson-charge-pump-based VM stage.

Vout = GVM × Vpk M SW . (53) respectively:

If positive peak VX and negative peak VY of the MSW volt- VC 1 = VX , VC 2 = VX + VY , VC out = 2VX + VY (56)
age are different from each other, the voltage gain can only be
calculated based on the operation of the VM stage. VC 1 = VY , VC 2 = V X + V Y , VC 3 = 2VX + VY ,
A few prominent VM stages that can be used in the proposed V C3 = VX + VY . (57)
family of converters are discussed in this section (see Fig. 10).
In some of the VM stages discussed, “Out-” terminal of the The CWx8 VM [45] is shown in Fig. 11. It is a network
output capacitor is left open as it can be connected to the ground of eight basic diode–capacitor VM cells shown in Fig. 10(a).
(GND) or to terminal “B.” When “Out-” is connected to “B,” Higher output voltages can be achieved by adding more diode–
the output capacitor voltage is represented using VC out . When capacitor cells to the VM stage. The output voltage of the CWx8
“Out-” terminal is connected to GND, the output capacitor volt- VM stage shown in Fig. 11 is the voltage across capacitors C2 ,
age is represented using VC out−GND . VM stages with “Out-” C4 , C6 , and C8 . The voltages of the VM stage capacitors and
connected to “B” can be used with all six TPI boost stages. VM the output voltage are calculated as
stages with “Out-” connected to GND can only be used with
VC 1 = VX , VC 2 = V C 3 = V C 4 = V C 5 = V C 6
nonisolated TPI boost stages. Voltages VC out−GND and VC out
are related as follows: = VC 7 = V8 = VX + VY (58)
VC out−GND = VC out + VB (54) VC out = VC 2 + VC 4 + VC 6 + VC 8 = 4 (VX + VY ) . (59)
where VB is terminal “B” voltage in mode II [either (3), (10), or
(21)] of the TPI boost stage used. In the following parts of this A CW-VM-stage-based converter has been proposed in
section, only VC out is calculated for VM stages as VC out−GND [20]. Assuming that both the peaks of the MSW voltage are
can be calculated using (54). equal, voltage gain of the CWx8 VM stage will be equal to
A simple diode–capacitor VM cell is shown in Fig. 10(a). 8 (GVM = 8).
It forms the basic building block for different diode–capacitor A Dickson charge pump [45] based VM stage is shown in
VM stages. Few simple VM stages are shown in Fig. 10(b)–(d). Fig. 12. The VM stage shown has four diode–capacitor cells.
Fig. 10(b) shows a voltage doubler circuit. The negative peak The voltages of the VM stage capacitors and output voltage can
of the MSW voltage VA B charges capacitor C1 and the positive be calculated as
peak discharges it to charge output capacitor Cout . The voltages
VC 1 = VY , VC 2 = V X + V Y , VC 3 = VX +2VY ,
of the VM stage capacitors are calculated as
V C5 = 2VX + 3VY (60)
VC 1 = VY , VC out = VX + VY . (55)
VC out = 3VX + 3VY . (61)
Assuming that both the peaks of the MSW voltage are equal,
voltage gain of the VM stage will be equal to 2 (GVM = 2).
Hence, it is called a voltage doubler. Voltage-doubler-based con- If VX = VY , the voltage gain of the VM stage would be five
verters have been proposed in [17], [32], and [33]. Fig. 10(c) and times the MSW voltage peak, i.e., GVM = 6. A Dickson-charge-
(d) shows voltage tripler (GVM = 3) and quadrupler (GVM = 4) pump-based converter has been proposed in [19].
circuits, respectively. The voltage of the capacitors in voltage The voltage rating of the capacitors in the Dickson charge
tripler and quadrupler circuits are given using (56) and (57), pump VM stage are high as they double every time a new VM

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All the analysis done in the previous sections is true when the
converters are considered to be ideal. When practical converters
are considered, there are a few effects that should be taken into
account. The two main possible effects that could be observed
are the effect of nonzero voltage across terminals A and B during
mode I and the effect of leakage inductance in the coupled
inductors and transformers.

A. VA B During Mode I
In nonisolated and isolated TPI boost stages using coupled
Fig. 13. Modified Dickson-charge-pump-based VM stage.
inductors, voltage VA B during mode I can be nonzero. This
nonzero voltage VA B during mode I appears as a dc bias (either
positive or negative) on the MSW voltage. This dc bias leads to
high ripple input current in the single-source case making the
converters unsuitable for renewable energy applications. There-
fore, it is desired to have a zero voltage across terminals A and
B during mode I. This can be achieved by proper selection of
turn ratios on the coupled inductors. In practical cases with mis-
match in turns ratio, the discontinuity seen in the input current
is reasonably small.
Fig. 14. (a) Noninverting and (b) inverting VM stages.

B. Clamping Circuits for Reducing the Effect of Leakage

cell is added. Therefore, the size of the VM stages will increase Inductance
as more VM cells are added downstream. A modified Dickon
charge pump [41] (shown in Fig. 13), on the other hand, provides Ideal coupled-inductor-based TPI boost stages operate as ex-
an HVG while having low voltage ratings for its capacitors. The plained in Section III. But, in practice, the coupled inductors
capacitor voltages and the output voltages can be calculated as have leakage inductances, which are approximately 1–2% of
their magnetizing inductance. The leakage inductance has some
VX VX advantages and disadvantages. The energy stored in the leakage
VC 1 = VC 4 = + VY , VC 2 = V C 3 = (62)
2 2 inductance introduces high-voltage spikes across the switches.
VC out = 2VX + 2VY . (63) This high-voltage spike across switches can lead to switch fail-
ure. So, a clamp circuit is required to channel the energy stored
If VX = VY , the voltage gain of the VM stage would be four in the leakage inductor and prevent higher voltage stress across
times the MSW voltage peak, i.e., GVM = 4. the switches. Therefore, the clamp circuit adds to the component
Noninverting and inverting VM stages [46] are shown in count and cost of the converter.
Fig. 14. As the names suggest, the output voltages of the VM Apart from requiring a clamp circuit, the leakage inductance
stages are noninverting and inverting, respectively. The nonin- also has a negative effect on the voltage gain of the converter.
verting and inverting VM stage capacitor voltages and the output The voltage gain of the converter with leakage inductance is
voltage are calculated as observed to be lower than the ideal converter. The drop in voltage
VC 1−NI = VC 2−NI = VY , VC 1−I = VC 2−I = VX (64) gain is dependent on the clamping circuit used. However, the
leakage inductance of the coupled inductor has some positive
VC out−NI = VX + 2VY , VC out−I = 2VX + VY . (65) effects. The leakage inductance alleviates the reverse recovery
of the diodes and thereby reduces the reverse recovery losses
Owing to the symmetry of the TPI boost stages, both nonin-
[22], [23], [35], [40]. Also, zero-voltage switching is possible
verting and inverting VM cells lead to a similar converter when
due to the use of active clamping circuits [22], [23], [35], [40].
used in the proposed family of converters. If VX = VY , the volt-
This helps in reducing the switching losses in the MOSFETs
age gain of the VM stage would be three times the MSW voltage
and thereby allowing the use of higher switching frequencies.
peak, i.e., GVM = 3.
Practical nonisolated coupled-inductor-based TPI boost
The VM stages mentioned above are just a few that could be
stages using a simple diode–capacitor clamping circuit are
used in the proposed family of converters. Few other VM stages
shown in Figs. 15 and 16. Few active clamping solutions for non-
that can be used in the proposed family of converters have been
isolated TPI boost stages have been used in [22] and [23]. Sim-
mentioned in [18], [34], [47], and [48]. With “N” different VM
ilarly, in the isolated coupled-inductor-based TPI boost stages,
stages available, the proposed generalized structure will lead to
the leakage of the coupled inductor leads to similar effects in the
“6N” different HVG dc–dc converters.
converter. There are many clamping circuits that can resolve the
leakage inductance issues [31]–[35], [39] in isolated topologies.
In most of the cases, the input current drawn from the source
The generalized structure of the proposed family of converters using these clamping circuits was observed to have a large rip-
will lead to many different converters capable of offering HVGs. ple. A clamping circuit capable of resolving leakage inductance

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Fig. 18. Nonisolated HVG converter using the noninverting VM stage.

Fig. 15. Two-winding coupled inductor TPI boost with a passive clamp circuit.
stage [see Fig. 14(a)] are selected from the possible solutions
discussed in Sections III and IV. In this example, for the sake
of simplicity and symmetry in the circuit, a single-source non-
isolated TPI boost stage with inductors with its switches S1 and
S2 operating at same duty cycle “d” is used. The MSW output
voltage of the TPI boost stage would have equal peak voltages
that can be calculated using (7). Using a noninverting VM stage
and the selected TPI boost stage, the example converter obtained
is shown in Fig. 18.
The output voltage of the converter can be derived as follows:

Vpk ,A B = VX = VY = (66)
Fig. 16. Three-winding coupled inductor TPI boost with a passive clamp  
circuit. VC out = VX + 2VY = 3Vpk,A B = 3 . (67)

Consider the example converter operating at an input voltage

of 33 V and a duty cycle of 75%. Then, according to (67), the
proposed converter offers an output voltage of 396 V. The peak
of the MSW voltage is calculated as 132 V. The average and
RMS values of inductor currents can be calculated using (68)
and (69). Inductor L2 has twice the average current in L1 . For
the above-considered ratings and an output power of 200 W,
the average inductor currents iL 1 and iL 2 are about 2 and 4 A,

Iout 2 × Iout
IL 1,avg = , IL 2,avg = (68)
(1 − d) (1 − d)
 2  2
Iout V ×d
IL 1,rm s = + √ in ,
(1 − d) 2 3 × L × fsw
 2  2
Fig. 17. Isolated two-winding coupled inductor TPI boost stage with an active 2 × Iout V ×d
clamp circuit. IL 2,rm s = + √ in . (69)
(1 − d) 2 3 × L × fsw
issues while providing a smaller input current ripple [40] has The voltage stress on both switches is same and is calculated
been shown in Fig. 17. using (70). The voltage stress on the switches would be 132 V for
the above considered ratings. The RMS currents in the switches
VI. EXAMPLE CONVERTER are calculated using (71):
This section uses the theory proposed in the earlier sections
of the paper to build an HVG dc–dc converter. For building an Vin
VS 1 = VS 2 = (70)
example converter, a TPI boost stage [see Fig. 4(a)] and a VM (1 − d)

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Parameter Value Component Value Part No.

Input voltage 33 V Inductors L 1 and L 2 95 µH ETD-49 A250 core, 21 turns

Output voltage 396 V MOSFET 150 V, 43 A IPA075N15N3G
Switching frequency fsw 100 kHz Diode 600 V, 15 A MURF1560G
Load resistance 800 Ω VM capacitors 22 µF EPCOS B32796E2226K
Output power 200 W Output capacitor 15 µF C4ATGBW5150A3LJ

Fig. 20. Efficiency plot of the example converter.

8 − 7d 5−d
IS 1,rm s = Iout , IS 2,rm s = Iout
(1 − d)2 (1 − d)2
The diode-blocking voltage is twice that of the switch stress
(72). The average value of the current in all the diodes is equal
to the output current as shown in (73). At 200 W, the average
output current is about 0.505 A. The voltage stress on the VM
capacitors can be calculated using (74). Capacitors C1 and C2
will be charged to 132 V in steady-state operation
2 × Vin
Vd1 = Vd2 = Vdout = (72)
(1 − d)
Id1,avg = Id2,avg = Idout,avg = Iout (73)
Vin 3 × Vin
VC 1 = VC 2 = , VC out = . (74)
(1 − d) (1 − d)
A hardware prototype of the example converter shown in
Fig. 18 has been built based on the specifications in Table I. The
switching frequency used was 100 kHz, and the components
used are listed in Table I. The inductors are selected to operate
in CCM. All the above-calculated voltage and current stresses
on the power components can be verified in the following ex-
perimental results. The experimental waveforms obtained are
shown in Fig. 19(a)–(d). The output voltage (Vout ) is observed
to be 396 V and it conforms to the output voltage calculated
using (67). The MSW peak voltages are 132 V. The experimen-
tal efficiency observed at 200 W of output power is 94.05%.
The inductor currents (iL 1 , iL 2 ) and the input current (iIN ) are
all continuous. Switching signals of switches S1 (GS 1 ) and S2
(GS 2 ) are seen to be at 75% duty cycle and 180° apart from
each other. The maximum voltage stress on the switches (VS 1
and VS 2 ) and diodes (D1 , Dout ) can be observed to be 132
Fig. 19. Waveforms of the example converter operating at 200 W. (a) Input
current, inductor currents, and output voltage. (b) Switching signals and MSW
and 264 V, respectively. The experimental waveforms verify the
voltage (V A B ). (c) Switching signals and switch voltages. (d) Switching signals theoretical analysis of the component stresses. The efficiency
and diode D 1 , D o u t voltages. plot for the converter has been shown in Fig. 20. This example

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Number TPI boost stage Voltage gain Number of switches Voltage gain V inat
V o u t /V in and voltage stress (d = 0.8) d = 0.8

2 V in
1 See Section III-A1 1− d 2, 1− d 10 5
2 (n + 1 ) V in
2 See Section III-A2 1− d 2, 1− d 10 (n + 1) 5
2 (2 n + 1 ) V in
3 See Section III-A3 1− d 2, 1− d 10 (2n + 1) 5
2n V in
4 See Section III-B1 1− d 2, 1− d 10 n 5
4n V in
5 See Section III-B2 1− d 2, 1− d 20 n 5
(B connected to A’)
2n V in
6 See Section III-B3 1− d 2, 1− d 10 n 5

converter verifies that the generalized structure is useful in build- REFERENCES

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vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1306–1317, Mar. 2015. 27th Annu. IEEE Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo., 2012, pp. 364–368.
[26] M. Muhammad, M. Armstrong, and M. A. Elgendy, “A nonisolated inter-
leaved boost converter for high-voltage gain applications,” IEEE J. Emerg.
Bhanu Prashant Reddy Baddipadiga (S’12–M’17)
Sel. Topics Power Electron., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 352–362, Jun. 2016.
received the B.Tech. degree in electrical and
[27] C. M. Lai, C. T. Pan, and M. C. Cheng, “High-efficiency modular high
electronics engineering from the Sreenidhi Insti-
step-up interleaved boost converter for DC-microgrid applications,” IEEE
tute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, In-
Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 161–171, Jan./Feb. 2012.
dia, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in electri-
[28] W. Li, W. Li, X. He, D. Xu, and B. Wu, “General derivation law of
cal engineering from the Missouri University of
nonisolated high-step-up interleaved converters with built-in transformer,”
Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA, in
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 1650–1661, Mar. 2012.
[29] C. Tseng, J. T. Lin, and C. C. Huang, “High step-up converter with three-
He is currently a Senior R&D Engineer with
winding coupled inductor for fuel cell energy source applications,” IEEE
InnoCit LLC, St. James, MO. He is involved in ex-
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 574–581, Feb. 2015.
ploring the uses of widebandgap devices for grid-tied
[30] T. Nouri, S. H. Hosseini, E. Babaei, and J. Ebrahimi, “Interleaved high
converters. His research interests include high-voltage-gain dc–dc converters,
step-up DC-DC converter based on three-winding high-frequency coupled
400-V dc distribution systems, and widebandgap-device-based power convert-
inductor and voltage multiplier cell,” IET Power Electron., vol. 8, pp. 175–
189, 2015.
[31] W. Li, J. Liu, J. Wu, and X. He, “Design and analysis of isolated ZVT
boost converters for high-efficiency and high-step-up applications,” IEEE Venkata Anand Kishore Prabhala (S’14) received
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2363–2374, Nov. 2007. the B.S. degree in electrical and electronics from the
[32] Y. Zhao, W. Li, W. Li, and X. He, “An active clamp ZVT converter with National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India, in
input-parallel and output-series configuration,” in Proc. 25th Annu. IEEE 2005, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
Appl. Power Electron. Conf. Expo., 2010, pp. 1454–1459. engineering from the Missouri University of Science
[33] Y. Zhao, W. Li, Y. Deng, and X. He, “Analysis, design, and experimen- and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA, in 2010 and 2014,
tation of an isolated ZVT boost converter with coupled inductors,” IEEE respectively.
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 541–550, Feb. 2011. From 2005 to 2008, he was a Project Engineer at
[34] R. Xie, W. Li, Y. Zhao, J. Zhao, X. He, and F. Cao, “Performance analysis Larsen & Toubro Ltd., India. Since 2014, he has been
of isolated ZVT interleaved converter with winding-cross-coupled induc- an Application Engineer with Infineon Technologies,
tors and switched-capacitors,” in Proc. IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. El Segundo, CA, USA. His research interests include
Expo., 2010, pp. 2025–2029. design and control of power electronic converters, ac and dc microgrids, electric
[35] W. Li, L. Fan, Y. Zhao, X. He, D. Xu, and B. Wu, “High-step-up and high- drive vehicles, and renewable energy systems.
efficiency fuel-cell power-generation system with active-clamp flyback-
forward converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 599–610, Mehdi Ferdowsi (S’02–M’04) received the B.S. de-
Jan. 2012. gree in electronics from the University of Tehran,
[36] Y. Hu, W. Xiao, W. Cao, B. Ji, and D. J. Morrow, “Three-port DC- Tehran, Iran, in 1996, the M.S. degree in electronics
DC converter for stand-alone photovoltaic systems,” IEEE Trans. Power from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, in
Electron., vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 3068–3076, Jun. 2015. 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
[37] Y. Hu et al., “Ultrahigh Step-up DC-DC converter for distributed gener- from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL,
ation by three degrees of freedom (3DoF) approach,” IEEE Trans. Power USA, in 2004.
Electron., vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 4930–4941, Jul. 2016. In 2004, he joined the faculty of the Missouri Uni-
[38] B. Yuan, X. Yang, X. Zeng, J. Duan, J. Zhai, and D. Li, “Analysis and versity of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA,
design of a high step-up current-fed multiresonant DC-DC converter with where he is currently a Professor with the Department
low circulating energy and zero-current switching for all active switches,” of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 964–978, Feb. 2012. interests include power electronics, energy storage, smart grids, vehicular tech-
[39] Y. Lu, Y. Xing, and H. Wu, “A PWM plus phase-shift controlled inter- nology, and widebandgap devices.
leaved isolated boost converter based on semi-active quadrupler rectifier Dr. Ferdowsi was a recipient of a National Science Foundation CAREER
for high step-up applications,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 63, no. 7, Award in 2007 and the Missouri S&T’s Faculty Excellence Award in 2017. He
pp. 4211–4221, Jul. 2016. is an Associate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS.

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