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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

PFM-5 Investment and Portfolio Management

Philippine College Foundation

School of Business and Management

Valencia City, Bukidnon

December 2022

We would like to acknowledge and give our warmest thanks to our school

President, Dr. Charmaine P. Pagonzaga who made this day possible. We

would also like to thank our Dean of Business administration, Sir George

Patron, for open handedly allowing us to use his business building for this

event .Thank you sir.

We would also like to give special thanks to our Subject instructor Miss

Charelle Tecson for allowing us to demonstrate our knowledge. To our

Panelist, Sir Sundae Buna, Sir George Patron and Ma’am Charelle Tecson.

Thank you maam and sir.

To our classmates who are actively enthusiastic for the whole semester. To


Group members who have help to create this report possible. To our

respective companies and organizations that have given us this opportunity

to be part of this memorable and important event. To our families who have

given us unending support.

Finally, we would like to thank God, for letting us through all difficulties. We

have experienced your guidance day by day. You are the one who let us

finish this report. We will keep on trusting you for the future.

Thank you very much!

Astillo, Christopher
Canlas, Ria

Cubelo, Ronald

Cuadra, Jecely

Esmeralda, Japheth

Esmeralda, Olivama

Importante, Danny

Molhay, Bea Grace

Saraus, Izielle Jane

Villahermosa, Avelia

Cover Page i

Acknowledgements ii

Table of Contents iii










Contact Information


Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

with a Major in Financial Management program at the College of Business

and Management own the start-up company Choose Your Fries. They were

Danny Importante, Bea Grace Molhay, Izielle Jane Saraus, Avelia

Villahermosa, Christopher Astillo, Ria Canlas, Ronald Cubelo, Jecely Cuadra,

Japheth Esmeralda, and Olivama Esmeralda. Each of them hopes to start a

company that will draw customers by offering something novel. They came

up with the idea of transforming the traditional old-fashioned French fries

into a healthier alternative by adding a new flavor and twist.

The company is prepared to compete with established ones despite it

being new. It will be visible to the target audience because it will be running

in front of Valencia National High School. Choose Your Fries, a privately

owned fast food outlet, will be positioned as a distinctive location through

creative handling of the business picture and thorough introduction. The

combination of delectable food at a reasonable cost and amusing packaging

and surroundings will be offered. The company intends to run in Valencia

City, Bukidnon.

Choose Your Fries has a lot of promise because our product, taro and

banana fries, is still very new on the market. Everyone can see how much

people adore fries and finger foods, especially teenagers. In addition to the

usual fries, the company provides them with an alternative flavor and style.

Now, people may enjoy tastier, healthier fries. Because most people

want to eat foods that are portable and simple to consume, finger foods will
always be popular. With the correct devotion and determination, we are

convinced that this business will succeed.

This section outlines the strategy the company's organizations use to

establish their goals after conducting a thorough examination of their current

situation and where they hope their ideal situation will be in the future.


Be one of the nation’s leading healthy snack producers through

customer satisfaction in ten (10) years’ time.


To provide the community with the best tasting, unique, and healthy

French fries while also supporting local farmers and utilizing the freshest



To thrive in a competitive atmosphere while satisfying clients and

customers, generating a profit, and keeping one's financial freedom and

physical health.

The business aims to provide tasty products in a healthy way, often

providing the greatest products at the most affordable prices. The variety of

tastes available at Choose Your Fries includes cheese, barbecue, and sour

cream. The company also sells many kinds of dips, including cheese, sweet &

spicy, and barbecue mayo. The company makes sure that the fries are

supplied hot and fresh with the various flavors that customers love. Direct

payment is how the company is paid; often, the products that are sold by
direct payment are those that are on display in a physical store where

customers can walk in and make walk-out purchases.

The ultimate objective of Choose Your Fries for the upcoming years is to

present the market with a portfolio of high-quality goods and reasonably

priced, healthy fries. Currently, Choose Your Fries Company intends to

advertise on social media to attract potential customers to its products.

Additionally, the pricing structure of the company is intended to compete

with that of its rivals and provide a lower price in the market.


The main goal is to become one of the most well-liked fast food stalls in

the academic atmosphere, with one site close to the school serving as a market

test. To rule the neighborhood fast food market, Choose Your Fries will put

up a lot of effort. The main focus will be providing delicious fries at a fair


Short Term Objectives

 To provide the best healthy and delicious snacks

 To be a well-known and successful fast food stall in the neighborhood.

 Ensure every customer's satisfaction by being open to suggestions to

improve business performance.

Long Term Objectives

 We strive to achieve the bestselling fast-food product by maintaining

customer satisfaction.

 Widen the range of product offerings selection in the existing outlet.

 Expand market reach by establishing a total of 5 outlets in strategic

locations in Bukidnon including Valencia, Dologon, and Maramag in

the next 3 to 5 years.


This section of the marketing strategy defines the target market,

determines their wants, and then describes how the product will meet those


1. Students

Our primary market is made up of Valencia National High School

students. They often look for quick and affordable solutions. They can be

looking for a place to eat as well as a place to study or do their coursework.

They may also be drawn to companies that offer student discounts or


2. Faculty teachers and staff

Our secondary market category is comprised of educators. They look for

options that are fast and easy. They might favor food that can be delivered

fast or that is prepared for consumption. They may also be interested in

healthier options because they typically do not need to prepare snacks. This

audience's real significance lies in the legitimacy it lends to the company.

People trust them, making them credible representatives for the company.

Thousands of children and their families will be significantly impacted by

each teacher over the course of their careers since they are the second most

potent influences after parents. In other words, by purposefully focusing a

portion of the marketing strategy on educators, will have a halo effect that

attracts interest from the entire neighborhood.

3. Residents and by passers

Finally, individuals who live close to the school will also go to Choose Your

Fries. The town's residents can get delectable treats without venturing further

from the coziness of their homes. These commodities help raise public

awareness of the importance of supporting domestic production more often

rather than importing goods.

Strategies, plans, pricing, distribution, and activities are explained to

help, sell and advertise the products of Choose Your Fries. This marketing

plan provides the overall strategy to run the business which includes the use

of effective pricing strategies and promotional strategies to boost the business.


The best side dish for any dinner is fries. The interior is warm and

fluffy, while the exterior is salty and crispy. They are so incredibly satisfying

that both huge and little hands are continually craving for more of them. It is

therefore not unexpected that they are among the most well-liked foods in the

Philippines because they go nicely with burgers, pizza, and barbecue.

With almost everything, these fries provide a delicious layer of starchy

carbohydrates. For high heat cooking techniques like frying, the Taro root

utilized in Taro Fries has a firm texture. It mashes well and soaks up flavors

like a sponge. The sweetness of it enhances the flavor experience, especially

when mixed with savory and spicy flavors. In comparison to potatoes, it also

has significantly more fiber and nutrients. It has several positive health

effects, including as improving heart health, boosting immunity, and

regulating blood pressure. Of course, many people have a particular place in

their hearts for the regular, everyday potato fry. These taro root fries,

however, are a more wholesome, energetic, and wealthy addition to the table


Cardaba, sometimes known as Cardava and occasionally mistakenly

referred to as saba, is the most popular cooking banana cultivar in the

Philippines along with saba. Choose Your Fries used this particular banana

fruit to make banana fries. Due to their sweetness and smooth texture, these

fruits are extremely irresistible. Similar to other bananas, cardaba fruit is high

in potassium, which is a vasodilator. This can lower strain on blood arteries,

so reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke, increases blood flow. This

fruit, which has a high iron content, can increase oxygen circulation. Cardaba

is an excellent snack or dessert due to its high fiber, vitamin, and mineral


Choose Your Fries specializes in selling our special dipping sauces and

fries. The three main products are banana fries, taro fries, and conventional

and most popular potato fries.


A company's productivity will be greatly impacted by its location. In

front of Valencia City National High School on Lapu-Lapu Street is where

Choose Your Fries' physical location located. Since it is in front of the

mentioned high school, where it is simple to draw clients, the location has

been deemed appropriate. The separation of the production process is also

apparent on the site. All procedures are also split and centralized to allow for

uninterrupted worker productivity. Finally, the location of production is great

because it is convenient for customers.

The physical location of the business is located at the educational institutions

around the city. The food cart caters order for takeout and walk through only.


The choose your fries food stall offers a three categories of fries( potato,

banana and taro) that is readily available in in three sizes: small, medium and


The price varies according to sizes and categories:

Size Potato Banana Taro

Small 15 10 10

Medium 25 20 20

large 35 30 30

The choose your fries price is based on the average allowance of the target

market which was the students, faculty and staff and residents/by passers.

Promotions and discounts will be available seasonally and occasionally which

will be a combination of desired fries and juices.


During the pandemic, social media has emerged as the most popular

and successful means of product promotion and sales. The company will use

this method of business promotion now that we are about to enter the new

normal because it is where the target market is most engaged. The Choose

Your Fries Company intends to employ current technologies, particularly

photography when it is appropriate for the region we intend to operate in, to

invest in high-quality publication materials and advertising.

Positive reviews, testimonials, and ratings will increase brand

exposure thanks to social media's broad reach. To promote brand visibility

through online word-of-mouth, the company intends to use hashtags and

encourage customers to take images of the product and post them to social


2. Personal Selling

The distribution industry relies heavily on relationships for its success.

The majority of the promotion will also be done through personal selling. The

company intends to advertise the product through interacting face-to-face

with clients in order to capture the interest of potential customers. By

outlining the taro, banana, and French fries' benefits and nutritional content,

businesses can influence people to buy healthy products. Through personal

selling, there will also be the possibility to receive free samples and discounts.


The ownership of the company, its type of business venture, its partners,

and an illustration of the organizational structure are all included in this

section of the business plan. The specifics in this part will draw attention to

the key players and their roles in the business manipulation.


The company Choose Your Fries is a partnership. In particular, the nature

of the firm is a general partnership, in which all partners take part in some

capacity in day-to-day management. The partners also collectively and

individually share responsibilities for the management of the company.


The partners in this partnership worked closely with one another to

create a remarkable business with shared goals. Ten (10) Financial

Management Students make up the members.

 Avelia Villahermosa came up with the idea of innovating Taro into

Taro fries, wherein all of the members of the organization agreed to


 Ronald Cubelo also suggested the idea of adding banana fries to the

menu together with the traditional potato fries.

 Ria Canlas will supervise the entire business.

 Avelia Villahermosa, Jecelyn Cuadra, and Christopher Astillo will

spearhead the financial department, marketing department, and

Operations department respectively.

 Bea Grace Molhay and Olivama Esmeralda will be the committees

under the financial department.

 Japheth Esmeralda and Ronald Cubelo will be the committees under

the Marketing department.

 Izielle Jane Saraus and Danny Importante will be the committee under

the Operations department.



 Ria Canlas. Supervisor. She will be in charge of managing the capital

of the business, including all of its operations.

 Avelia P. Villahermosa. Financial Manager. She is responsible for

making sure that the finances of the business are stable.

 Jecelyn Cuadra. Marketing Manager. She is in charge of advertising

and marketing the product that the company offers to sell. She is also

in charge of creating the firm's marketing strategy's vision and

managing it.

 Christopher Astillo. Operations Manager. He is in charge of managing

all organizational operations. He plans the strategy of improvements as

part of hir job to make sure everyone completes their work on time.
 Bea Grace Molhay & Olivama Esmeralda. Finance Committees. Their

main duty is to make sure the business has the funding necessary to

operate and deliver the goods to the community.

 Japheth Esmeralda & Ronald Cubelo. Marketing Committees. They

will make sure that the organization's entire marketing strategy aligns

with the company strategies and operational requirements.

 Izielle Jane Saraus & Danny Importante. Operations Committee. They

will get insights into the company's operations and make strategic

recommendations for the application of company objectives.


This section forecasts the company's future by carefully examining its

strengths, weaknesses, and potential market position.

This section focuses on the company's potential threats, opportunities,

weaknesses, and strengths. These elements establish the vital success areas

that give the company its competitive advantage and serve as a foundation

for making important business decisions. Utilizing a SWOT analysis, this tool

is used to assess the company's position in relation to present concerns. It will

also assist and direct the business's strategic planning process and help it

position itself for the future.


1. Extensively Skilled Workers

Choose Your Fries Company employs people with experience in the

food industry, including some who already hold a Cookery NC II

qualification, some who have the know-how to run their own bakeries, and

some who operate as internet retailers. The majority of the employees already

have a variety of experiences or skills necessary to manage or operate a

business, which is favorable to the company. Because of this, workplace

productivity will surely rise and employee errors will happen less frequently.

2. Product is more nutritious than other snacks

The company Choose Your Fries delivers tasty and healthy fries and is

made of the vegetables Taro and Potato as well as the fruit Banana. These fries

are good for your health and can aid in healthy weight loss because they are a

fantastic source of fiber and nutrient-rich carbs. It has an advantage over

competing products because it benefits people who are concerned about their


3. Fresh Produce

The business will create innovative, healthful food that appeals to the

tastes of the target market. Producing freshly created goods is a strength of

the company because it will appeal to customers' eyes. Because the company

offers a staple of all-natural taro, potato, and banana fries (in a variety of

flavors), this is a huge benefit for the business. Choose Your Fries also offers

unique, freshly created snack meals.


1. New Unfamiliar Brand

Unfamiliarity with the brand among target consumers is undoubtedly

one of the company's shortcomings, especially in comparison to other well-

known brand names on the market as Potato Corner, McDonald's, Jollibee,

and the snack stands at the City Market. Because consumers have a variety of

preferences, it is much easier to choose or access well-known products among

this type of snack fries in the market, giving all of these competitors an

advantage in the market industry.

2. Resources and Equipment Constraint

Since the majority of the proprietors are still students, they don't have

as many resources as they would like to manage the firm on a wider scale.

This is one of the company's shortcomings or limitations. Aside from that, the

company also has funding challenges for some of the machinery required for
production, including accurate and comprehensive machinery for producing

the product, such as larger fryers, automatic crushing tools, and refrigerators.


1. Unique in Bukidnon

One of the distinctive snack fries in Bukidnon is produced by The

Choose Your Fries Company, which stands out from the competition thanks

to its taro and banana fries. It is distinctive due to the product's creative and

unique appearance, especially the wholesome flavor that the manufacturer

delivers to the market.

2. Online Selling Platform

Utilizing online sales as a platform for interactive connection with

clients and potential clients is highly timely and pertinent. Customers and

workers can easily share chats on this platform about questions that are

regularly posed by customers. Online sales offer a chance for corporate

expansion and trend-driven adaptability.

3. Preferences of consumers

More people are starting healthy diets and becoming health-conscious.

People are steadily investing in vitamins and food supplements to strengthen

their immunity as a result of the pandemic because they are becoming more

concerned about their health. Taro, potato, and banana fries can be highly

helpful to their diets, making this a terrific business option. This snack of fries

is healthy. They don't have any artificial additives. It is filling and rich in

magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, and copper. It

also contains a stunning quantity of dietary fiber and large amounts of

vitamins A, C, E, B6, and folate. Additionally, shoppers who have busy lives

want to explore fresh, wholesome, reasonably priced, and delectable snack



1. Increase in Prices

The production of the company is significantly impacted by the ongoing

increase in electricity, water, and oil prices. Another significant aspect that has

an impact on the business is the rise in prices for goods and services. The cost

of raw materials and the price of completed goods are two areas where

inflation has a substantial impact on business; it can also have a big impact on

the purchasing power of money granted to students as a stipend.

2. Intense Market Competition

Competition alters a company's management approach, creating

ferocious competition. The business competes with other snack makers for the

taste and preferences of students, who make up its target market. The potato

fries from Potato Corner, the food stands within the school buildings, and

other junk food are among these additional snacks.


Time horizon

The time horizon for investment return is approximately 2 to 3 years. For the

first year, the business is expecting a return of investment of 30%from capital.

For the rest of the expected year of investment return remaining, the business

is expecting the total investment return of 100%.

Income needs

The choose your fries business is eager to hit the target sales expectation for

the first three years of operation. The total profit accumulated within this

period will be reinvested for a higher and bigger operation capital and profit.

Regular withdrawals will be executed after the evaluation of total

accumulated profit within three years.

Asset allocation

The choose your fries business is starting with a capital of P200,000.00

The asset allocation of this amount is as follows:

Motorcycle 80,000

Cart 30,000

Fryer 15,000

Raw materials and packaging 10,000

LPG tank with burner 4,000

Operating expense 10,000

Need for liquidity

The cash reserve to be used in near-term expenses is 51,000. This amount will

be classified as reserves for the future use of operation.

Invest philosophy

The choose your fries management team will actively manage the operation.

In this strategy, the whole management team will be openly available and

aware of the current operation targets, sales and strategies.

Contingency plan

If the investment return is not met within the given period of time. The

management team will conduct a re-evaluation of product and services

through surveys. The survey will be a guideline for the reformation and

improvement of product and services catered to meet the objectives of the


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