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ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No.

2 (May, 2019)



Agustina Lestary
STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin

Grammar Translation Method (GTM) has been regarded as traditional method of teaching language. Many
teachers might recommend other communicative method. However, in this paper, the writer shares her
experience in teaching Bahasa Indonesia to foreign learners by using GTM. The writer provides the
activities that can be used in this method and describes the characteristics of the learner. After all, just like
other methods, it is important for the teachers to pay attention to the characteristics of the learners before
applying certain methods.
Keywords: Grammar Translation Method, BIPA, teaching method

Introduction processed outside the system itself. Thus, BIPA

learning program needs to be well designed.
Introducing new language to non- The selection of teaching materials
native speaker of the language has never been and the teaching techniques in presenting the
easy. There are many things that should be teaching materials is surely essential. Like any
taken into consideration before teaching a other language learning process, it is important
foreign language, such as the characteristics of to incorporate aspects of culture and language
the learner, the environment of the learner, and into the learning program and present it to the
not to mention the different cultural background foreign students. Grammar Translation Method is
between the learner’s and the language being one of the teaching methods in teaching
learned. Those things will, then, should be taken language. This method, however, is regarded as
into consideration when the teachers choose the traditional by many experts and practitioners. It is
teaching method and material that could fit the not a popular method due to the nature of GTM.
learners. This article is intended to describe the
Bahasa Indonesia has been learned by Grammar Translation Method (GTM) used by the
many foreign learners in many different countries writer in teaching Bahasa Indonesia to foreign
outside Indonesia through formal classes. It is learner. This method has been widely used in
taught in Indonesian embassies as well as English language learning and reviewed by many
universities/courses. At least there are 19 English teachers and experts. Pros and cons
Indonesian embassies and 176 always come along the application of this method
universities/courses in 45 countries offer classes in English language classroom. This study is
on Bahasa Indonesia (Wiedarti, 2013). aimed to describe the use of GTM in teaching
As mentioned earlier, there are some Bahasa Indonesia to foreign learner. The
points that deserve special attention in teaching researcher believes that this method is not only
Bahasa Indonesia to foreign learners (BIPA). intended for English language classroom but any
Wojowasito (1976:38) mentioned that there are other language classroom. Despite the fact that
some issues in teaching Bahasa Indonesia, GTM is considered as traditional method and
especially outside Indonesia; (1) the learning of gives little room to the learner’s independency,
BIPA is not integrated into the student this method can still be applied in teaching
environment, (2) BIPA is usually learned in foreign language. However, there are some
adulthood or when the students has fully points that a teacher should be paid attention to
mastered their first languages, and (3) BIPA is before applying this method. 1
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

likely given in the first language. This helps

teachers to understand whether the students
Theoretical Framework have learned what they are taught or not.
The Grammar Translation Method Nevertheless, many experts have
GTM) is a foreign language teaching pointed out some disadvantages of the use of the
methodology derived from classical methods grammar translation method for the teaching of
(sometimes called traditional) method in teaching modern languages. Asl (2015) summed up some
Greek and Latin. In this method, the teachers flaws in GTM:
usually have the students to translate whole texts 1. Speaking and understanding are more
word for word and memorize grammatical rules important for learners of modern languages
and exceptions as well as sets of words. This than reading and writing. However, the
method relies on the activity of reading and grammar translation method focuses on the
translating text. reading and writing skills instead of the
Larsen-Freeman (1986) provides some speaking one.
typical techniques associated with the Grammar 2. Learners must gradually accumulate the
Translation Method: knowledge from the basic to advance level
1. Translation. The students are instructed to before they can use the language properly.
translate a text on target language to their This will bring a disadvantage for learners
native language. whose objective of learning the language is for
2. Reading comprehension. The students need practical use.
to answer some questions and find some 3. Nowadays, teachers and institution prefer
information based on the text they are learning through exposure and experience
learning. method while GTM uses memorization of
3. Antonyms and synonyms. The students are grammar rules or vocabulary instead.
instructed to find the antonyms or synonyms 4. Teachers and learners mostly communicate in
of a set of words. the first language but many experts have
4. Fill in the gaps. The teacher provides argued the importance of the use of target
incomplete sentences and the students are language in the classroom.
instructed to fill in the gaps with the words or 5. Teacher is the center of the learning process.
terms they have just learnt. Students interact with their teacher with little
5. Memorization. The students memorize a set to no student-student interaction.
of new vocabularies or grammatical rules. 6. Recently, experts and practitioners believe
6. Use words in sentences. Students need to that translation is not the best technique in
create sentences to define or describe the learning a language.
words or terms they have just learnt. 7. The Grammar Translation Method insists on
The Grammar Translation Method has accuracy which is quite the opposite of the
been practiced so widely and has survived so recent teaching methods which emphasizing
long for its main advantages. First, many schools on the fluency.
still have classes with large number of students.
GTM is one of the most effective method in Despite the objection to this so-called
teaching large class is it is a teacher-center traditional method, some recent studies have
method. Next, the translating of the text into the shown that this method is still applicable to this
first language (L1) technique helps learners to day. Elmayanti (2015) highlighted the reasons
fully understand the texts and avoid any why teacher used GTM in language learning.
misunderstanding This method could help the students to improve
Further, the words and phrases of the their vocabulary and comprehend the text. In
target language could be explained quickly as addition, the teaching-learning activities run quite
the students translated the text. Thus, it saves well. In addition, Khan and Hafiza (2016) also
time. Even teachers who are not fluent in the mentioned that GTM could help the students in
second language (L2) can still teach as it does learning English. By applying this method, the
not really on the spoken ability of the teachers. students could understand the new vocabularies
Finally, the students will not have any problem in better as they are introduced in their mother
responding to the questions as they are most tongue. 2
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

Method memorization, drilling. First, translation plays

important role in the learning process. In the
This is a qualitative research as it class, the student did not only translate the texts
provides description based on observation. A but also the questions given after each text. The
qualitative research, according to Creswell exercises provided by the book was also about
(2007) is a research that is started with an translating texts in target language to English or
assumption and also based on a certain vice versa. The teacher also helped the student
theoretical framework to learn about social with sentence drilling.
issues. It allows the researchers to conduct study The following character of GTM used
by using interviews, observation, or document in the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia is reading
review to get a closer look related to the issues comprehension. Once the student understood
addressed. the texts, she would answer the questions
In this study, the researcher describes related to the text. As mentioned earlier, the
the use of GTM in teaching Bahasa Indonesia to questions would be translated to English first.
Foreign Learner. There was one student in the New words and sentence structures are
class described. The student was a middle-aged introduced in each topic and usually one level
Korean woman who was fluent in English and harder than the previous lesson. What was
Korean. There were 8 meetings and GTM was learned before will be found in the new topic.
constantly used as the method of teaching. Thus, it affirms the principle of GTM which
expect the students to memorize the
Discussion vocabularies and structures. Furthermore, the
The teaching and learning of Bahasa student practiced forming new sentences by
Indonesia in this class followed specific pattern of drilling.
activities; text reading, reading comprehension, Despite some objections and flaws
new vocabularies, structures, sentence exercise. argued by many experts (i.e, Asl, 2015) and it is
The teacher started the lesson by text reading. A also regarded as traditional method, GTM is
text in Bahasa Indonesia was given to the applicable and adjustable to current language
student. She, then, read the text twice; first, the learning. In addition, the use of different kinds of
student read the text aloud and second, she tried texts will expose the students to the use of
to translate the text into English. The teacher and language learned in different context. This
the student would discussed some difficult or means that the application of GTM in classroom
new words found in the text. does not necessarily limit the exposure of the
Once the student understood the text, students to authentic texts. The translation of text
the teaching process then moved to specific and words from the source language to the
grammar rule. In this phase, the student was mother tongue will help the students to grasp the
given some grammar pattern followed with some meaning of the words and the idea of the text
exercises. Drills could also applied during better.
exercise activity. Once the student understood The memorization of words and
the grammar, the class would be ended by sentence structures will be able to help the
reviewing the material; from the vocabularies to students to the students language use in the
the grammar. future. Sentence drilling and exercises will help
The material chosen for this class is a the students to practice using a structure in many
book containing some texts in Bahasa Indonesia. different forms. As much as the students are
The texts are simple, mostly telling about daily expected to use language fluently, it is also the
activities. The book is chosen for its simple and hope of any language teachers that the students
effective pattern. The grammar section covers use the language properly and accurately.
varied rules, from affixation rules to the sentence Although the writer has conducted the
structures. Based on the writer’s observation, the successful teaching process by using Grammar
student struggled the most in understanding Translation Method, still, there are some things
Bahasa Indonesia’s affixation rules. that should be noted by those who are about to
The technique applied by the teacher apply the same method. The student should
affirms some principles of Grammar Translation have basic knowledge about Bahasa Indonesia.
Method; translation, reading comprehension, The student should, at the very least, know some 3
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

vocabularies. The basic knowledge will help the Science and Research Methodology, Vol.
teachers in introducing higher level concept of 1(3) 16-15.
words and structures.
In addition, this method is effective in Elmayanti, C. (2015). The USe of Grammar
small class in which the students are around 1 or Translation Method in Teaching English.
4 students. The translation and the explanation Journal of English as a Foreign
require quite amount of time, as well as the Language, Vol 5 (2) 125-132.
drilling practice. Thus, having more than four
students in the classroom will require the teacher Khan, A. B., & mansoor, H. S. (2016). The
to shorten the process of translating and Effectiveness of Grammar Translation
lengthening the drilling activities. Method in teaching and Learning of
Although communication in target English Language at Intermediate Level.
language is not the nature of GTM, the teacher International Journal of Institutional &
could try to communicate in the target language Industrial Research, Vol 1 (1) 22-25.
to the students once in a while. The teacher
could make insert short sentences and some Wiedarti, P. (2013). Pembelajaran Bahasa
words in target language in order to familiarize Indonesia Untuk Penutur Asing Hendak
the students to the target language. Kemana? Makalah Kongres Bahasa
Indonesia X. Jakarta: Badan Pembinaan
Conclusion dan Pengembangan Bahasa Kemdikbud.
Despite being regarded as ‘traditional’,
Grammar Translation Method can still be applied Wojowasito, S. (1976). Perkembangan Ilmu
in language teaching. This method indeed Bahasa (Linguistik) Abad 20. Bandung:
focuses more on translation, memorization and Shinta Dharma.
structure drills, yet it can be modified to fit
student’s learning style and needs. The
translation helps the students to get better
understanding, memorization helps the students
in the language use in the future, and the
structure drills will help the students to form
sentences correctly.
The writer has applied this method in
teaching Bahasa Indonesia to foreign learner.
The writer noted that it can help significantly the
student who has known some basic vocabularies
of Bahasa Indonesia. This method is also best fit
for a small classroom as it requires a lot of time
for translating and drilling activities. Finally,
though not required, the target language can be
used once in a while during the teaching-learning

Anderson, D. L.-F. (2011). Techniques &
Priciples in Language Teaching. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Asl, E. H. (2015). Comparative Study of
Grammar Translation Method (GTM) and
Communicative Language Teaching
(CLT) in Language Teaching
Methodology. International Journal of 4
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)



Ahmad Kailani
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


Media, such as newspapers, take their role in shaping public opinions by positioning the readers, either
to favor or disfavor with specific issues. Even though the sources are the same, the news item may be
presented differently. This is because the news reportings are socially, economically, and politically
conditioned, thus news is always broadcasted from a particular point of view. An attributed source is just
one of the ways journalists work to implicitly position the audiences’ inferences whether they want to
align or disalign the audiences with their attitudinal position. To understand this attitudinal positioning in
journalistic commentary, the current study identifies and describes the evaluative workings of excerpts
of three different newspapers which are called The Guardian Australia, The Jakarta Post (English printed
Indonesian local newspaper, and Daily Mail Australia, regarding the Australian Government’s responses
to the death penalty for the “Duo Bali Nine” in 2015. System of Appraisal is used as the framework to
help understand how reporters’ voices, in particular, position readers to support particular attitudes and
viewpoints, and hold particular beliefs or assumptions about something. The findings indicate that the
three newspapers used affective evaluation at the most although each has different way of amplifying
the issues.

Keywords : evaluative positioning, journalistic commentaries, System of Appraisal

Background attitude toward specific issues. Even though

the affordances are the same, the news item
The death penalty sentence for “Duo Bali may be significantly different. This is because
Nine”, the two Australian drug smugglers, the institutions of news reporting are socially,
became a worldwide topic of interest, and has economically, and politically even
highlighted the relationship between geographically conditioned, thus news is
Indonesia and Australia in 2015. There were always broadcasted from a particular point of
pros and conts regarding this issue. The view
opinions were split up into two polarities,
whether the execution was a wise decision In terms of value-laden and conditioned
regardless of their positive efforts during institution, language plays a central position in
imprisonment or whether the clemency was news reporting. Fowler (1991) suggests that
the most appropriate option. Media, such as “language is not a clear window, but a
newspapers, took their role in shaping public refracting, structuring medium”. He added that
opinions. Media, with their social, economical, “the world of the Press is not the real world,
and ideological interests, tried to influence and but a world skewed and judged”. It means that
position the readers, either to favour or the language used in media offer various
disfavor these arguments. There was also the interpretations, assumptions, or beliefs in
view that media which have a hidden agenda order to influence the readers’ position to a
by blowing up the news and not presenting certain issue. Real events are reported after
“objectivity”. In terms of media’s objectivity, being conventionally selected by news team.
White (2006) argues that news reporting, as It may be totally unworthy in respect to the
rhetorical mode is not free of being ” value substance of news material, but the way it is
laden” and a particular ideology. It always has presented in news reporting can make it
an underlying agenda to influence the readers’ different. For instance, the whole scene of an 5
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

event is not mentioned, and the selection is Judgement: our attitudes to the way people
merely made on a partial view. This situation behave, or in other words, assessment on
has the potential to mislead readers’ ethics, moral, law, honesty, normality and
inferences toward the case. We call this bias. other social values.
So, the individual has to read news carefully
and comparatively in order to avoid bias and The source said that politicians – including the
find out the truth. To counter this issue, many Prime Minister – were turning a blind eye to
news reports use the term “attribution” Clarkson's bad behaviour, in the same way
whereby the journalist or the author indirectly as people once did with Savile, the now
or directly quotes the viewpoints from the notorious pedophile. ( 2015)
external sources. This source can be from the
experts, public figure, the majority, and Appreciation: our evaluations of things, in
government. In this way, it seems that the respect of its worthiness, aesthetics, by
journalists are not the ones who judge and referencing social values to it.
evaluate something, but are quoted sources,
whose interpretations, beliefs, assumptions, You won’t find many sunbathers on Gokova
and opinions, pass judgment on to the media beach, but it’s a great place to picnic and
audiences or readers. Although this condition watch the kite surfers making the most of the
is set up, it is not a guarantee that media is windy conditions. Around the cove is sandy
free of any value-laden or hidden messages. Akyaka beach, which has sun beds and
An attributed source is just one of the ways the parasols and is surrounded by restaurants, as
journalist works to implicitly position the well as the Azmak river, which is great for a
audiences’ inferences whether they want to boat tour. Along the coast is pebbly Cinar
align or disalign the audiences with their beach, where you can hire a lounger and cool
attitudinal position. off in the calm sea. There’s a snack bar for
lunch and beers. A boat trip to Cleopatra
Related concepts to language of Island is a must, if only to jump off into the
evaluation serene and secluded coves. (The Guardian
Before stepping into an examination of the
texts, it is necessary to highlight in brief some b. Gradation: deals with the gradability, the
of the core elements of appraisal framework ways the speakers raise or lower the impacts
which can be applied to the analyses of news of the utterances produced and blur or
reports. sharpen the focus of meaning. Slightly,
a. Attitude somewhat, very, completely, totally are some
There are three broad sub sets of meanings of instances to force utterances. Whereas, I
implied by either positive or negative was feeling kind of guilty, they are my truly
attitudinal assessment. These are outlined best friend, are some instances to focus the
below. meaning of utterances

Affect: deals with expressing positive or c. Inscription versus invocation (token)

negative emotions or feelings, in terms of White (2006) defines inscription or attitudinal
news reporting, these feelings may come from inscription or inscribed attitude as an explicit
the author’s affection or those of third parties. attitude of the message sender, in this context,
the reporter’s voice, which explicitly convey
“The elephant in the room is the GST ... either positive or negative positions by using
Western Australia feels very poorly treated attitudinal lexis. This resonates with Austin’s
under the recommendations that have been speech act terms in respect of locution,
made to the commonwealth government ... illocution, and perlocution. Locution is all the
That is grossly unfair and what I sought out words uttered, illocution is the intended effect
of this meeting was the situation for Western of the words, and perlocution is the actual
Australia would get no worse. That’s all I ask effect of the word. So, attitudinal inscription is
for.” (The Guardian 2015) the illocutionary items by which a message
sender tries to envoy perlocution to the
readers. In contrast, the term “invocation”, or 6
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

attitudinal invocation, or invoked attitude, or

token, is used to formulate implicit viewpoints e. Provocation
by activating positive or negative assessment. Telstra has withdrawn sponsorship of a
It is activated through inferences and suicide prevention phone service- just days
associations. Examples provided below after announcing a $2.34 billion half yearly
shows how inscription and invocation are profit.
contrasted. These examples are taken from
White’s (2009) invented examples: The words just days after indicate a surprising
moment, the unexpectedness, or out of
Explicit/inscribed prediction. So, the underlined word has the
He entered the room and the class rudely potential to position the readers in a negative
talked amongst themselves. inference of Telstra’s actions.

Implicit/ invoked f. Alignment and Attribution

Although the Principal entered the room, “Hard news” has a great tendency to attribute
the whole class kept on talking its attitudinal positioning to external source
either directly or indirectly. External sources
From example A, we can directly know that can be from experts, influential figures, the
students’ behavior is inappropriate. The word victims of an accident, and any other quoted
rudely is typically constrained by its co-textual sources. The reporter may align, disalign, or
content, the teacher (he) entered the room, even be neutral vis-à-vis the external sources.
and the class (students) talked each other. Indeed, the readers may be positioned to favor
The attitudinal value can be easily identified or disfavor this point of view.
once the co-text is paid attention. Whereas, in
example B, the attitudinal value is culturally g. Attribution as attitudinal tokens
and ideologically conditioned, that is to say, It is possible that attributed sources can
this value is dependent on the ideological and activate positive or negative reader’s
cultural interpretation of the readers to the inferences. For instance, readers are
texts. Under the appraisal framework, the indirectly conditioned to regard the inferences
second example aims to indirectly signal an as valid or invalid. Reporters usually use
attitudinal response. The words “although” someone’s expertise, or the one who is well-
and “kept on” show an indication of known with high social rank, to invoke a
inappropriateness because it is culturally positive view of the attribution.
expected that students will remain silent when
the teacher enters the classroom. Example 1
Accordingly, the greater the degree of Relationships Australia spokeswoman Susan
inscription, then the less chance of the readers Visser has previously told Fairfax Media that
being aligned into certain attitudinal position. it's not seen as a "normal thing" to go for
White (2006) subdivided attitudinal invocation counseling if you're having problems or want
into evocation and provocation. He defines to improve your relationship. Australian
evocation as a trigger of potential positions, Association of Relationship Counsellors
either positive or negative by using truly national president Guy Vicars agrees that
informational content. While provocation is a people find it "amazingly hard" to get
trigger of positive/negative positions which is help. (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2015)
activated through implicitly evaluative
formulation. On the other hand, the reporters usually
invoke a negative view by quoting the sources
from those without expertise or the attributed
sources are narrowly presented.

d. Evocation Example 2
George W. Bush delivered his inaugural A minority of scientists dispute the official
speech as the United States President who view that greenhouse gasses have
collected 537,000 fewer votes than his contributed to global warming and that
opponent. (White’s 2006 example) 7
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

reducing emissions and recycling could slow it Method

down (Yates, 2009) To understand attitudinal positioning in
journalistic commentary, I will identify and
It is obvious that in example 1, the author uses describe the evaluative workings of excerpts
two experts’ opinions about people’s of from three different newspapers which are
willingness to go for counseling when they called The Guardian Australia, and The
face problems or want to improve their Jakarta Post (English printed Indonesian local
relationship. Such mechanisms can position newspaper), and Daily Mail Australia,
the readers to favour that inference, while regarding the Australian Government’s
example 2 tries to invoke the readers not to remarks on its tsunami Aceh aid to Aceh. I will
favour that position. use system of appraisal developed by Martin
and White (2005) and their colleagues to
h. Attribution as attitudinal inscriptions examine the evaluative resources in
Explicit terms such as rightly, falsely, correctly, language. This framework will help me to
incorrectly, convincingly, and unconvincingly understand how news reporting, reporters’
can trigger the readers to determine their voices, in particular, positions readers to
positions toward the author’s inference. support particular attitudes and viewpoints,
and influence the readers to hold particular
For example: beliefs or assumptions about something. The
The first time I saw Gallipoli the movie I was analyses will encompass text identification in
too young to know what syphilis was or what relation to author’s attitude, author’s indirect
those women had to offer the Anzacs in the implications or associations of a particular
flesh pits of Egypt. But I clearly remember orientation of attitude, and the influence of
hating the foppish British officers who ordered external sources (quoted sources) on reader’s
our boys over the top of the trenches to their attitudinal orientation..
death. (The Sydney Morning Herald 2015)
In attitudinal inscription, authors use inscribed
attitudinal evaluation to explicitly align Text 1 The Guardian (Australia), 18 February
themselves to the attributed sources and 2015
simultaneously position the readers to align
a. Attitudes (affect, judgement, appreciation,
themselves too. graduation) in text 1
The research is aimed to help readers
determine their views on a story, opinion, or
fact and then let them draw their own
Sentence Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation
Prime minister says a fair response
clemency for Andrew
Chan and Myuran
Sukumaran would be a
fair response to
Australia’s $1bn
tsunami assistance

Tony Abbott has called Has called on, to

on Indonesia to reciprocate:
“reciprocate” for mental process of
Australia’s $1bn aid affect
package after the 2004
The prime minister Strengthened:
strengthened his mental process of
public calls for affect.
clemency for Andrew Public call, a
Chan and Myuran warning: affection
Sukumaran with a (noun forms) 8
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

warning on Feel grievously let

Wednesday that down: mental
Australia would “feel process of
grievously let down” reaction.
and would “make our Displeasure :
displeasure known” affection (noun
if Indonesia proceeded form)
with the executions.“
we sent a significant lost : mental a significant
contingent of our process of affect contingent
armed forces to help in
Indonesia with
humanitarian relief and
Australians lost their
lives in that campaign
to help Indonesia
Threats are not part of responds well : a diplomatic
diplomatic language mental process of language
and from what I know, affect
no one responds well
to threats
I hope this does not the true colours
reflect, the statements of Australians
made, the true colours
of Australians,
it should be underlined purely a law
that this issue is purely enforcement
a law enforcement issue,
issue, law enforcement an extraordinary
against an crime
extraordinary crime
Abbott said the delay an encouraging
was “an encouraging sign, best values,
sign” and he hoped best interests
Indonesia “realised
that its own best
values and its own
best interests are
served by not going
ahead with these
We will be letting absolutely
Indonesia know in unambiguous terms
absolutely (focus)
unambiguous terms
that we feel grievously
let down.
He said he did not are ignored: a the best possible
want to “prejudice the mental process of relations (force), a
best possible relations affect very important friend
with a very important (force) , kind of thing
friend and neighbor (focus), the perfectly
but I’ve got to say that reasonable
we can’t just ignore representations
this kind of thing if the (force)
perfectly reasonable
representations we are
making to Indonesia
are ignored by them.
and if it’s right and The underlined
proper for Indonesia to words :
make these amplified
representations, if it’s attitude
right and proper for (amplified
other countries to heed judgement)
representations, it’s
right and proper for us
to make the
representations and
for them to be heeded
Abbott said Chan and deserve: a mental
Sukumaran – who process of affect
were part of the Bali
Nine group that sought 9
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

to smuggle heroin from

Indonesia to Australia
– deserved a long time
in jail but they did not
deserve to die
In fact, they have thoroughly thoroughly reformed
become, it seems, reformed characters:
thoroughly reformed characters: force
characters in prison in amplified
Bali judgement
so much better to use so much better:
these people for good force
than to kill them
as a last resort for the the most the most serious of
most serious of crimes serious of crimes:
crimes: force
Any delay in plans by a relief:
the Indonesian affect (noun)
authorities to execute
Mr Chan and Mr
Sukumaran will be a
relief to the men and
their families
we will continue our The highest level The highest level:
representations at the force
highest level across
the Indonesian
a modest opportunity a modest
for people to engage in opportunity
suggestions and
discussion” aimed at
preventing the

Here the reporter used affect more frequently readers that Australia really wants to build a
compared to other types of attitude. Feelings warm diplomatic communication with
and emotions are preferably used to construe Indonesia. The word like an encouraging
meanings and position readers to align signs, best values, best interest, a modest
themselves with writer’s inferences. By doing opportunity reflect Australia’s willingness to
so, the writer implicitly invites the readers to maintain a good communication. The
feel as Bali Nine convicts feel in this current Guardian Australia aligns with what Abbott’s
situation, and how Australian government call on the Indonesian government, in
really pleads for clemency for these two drug particular, and supports the position that the
smugglers. Furthermore, appreciation, which death sentence must be cancelled.
is mostly positive in this text, implicitly tells the

Text 2 The Jakarta Post, 23 February 2015

Attitudes (affect, judgement, appreciation, graduation) in text 2
Sentence Affect Judgement Appreciation Graduation
A number of an unusual fund-
activists from the raising event
Coalition held an
unusual fund-raising
event by collecting
coins for Australian
Prime Minister Tony
Many pedestrians to show :
and motorists gave a mental
coins to show their process of affect
support for the
action 10
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

Humanitarian relief be deemed

should not be
deemed the same
as crime
He said it was unethical
unethical for
Australia to link its
humanitarian relief
for victims of the
2004 tsunami in
Aceh with its efforts
to save two
Australians facing
execution soon on
Island, Central Java
it [Australia] threaten, raises: very low very low: force
threatens to boycott a mental
Bali and now, it process of affect
raises the
humanitarian relief
matter. Very low,”
he said
They said they were uneasy: affect
uneasy about
Abbott, adding that
Australia had
dispatched its
humanitarian relief
and helped to
reconstruct Aceh for
its own interests

Here the news reporter uses affection more The word “reciprocate” is preferably used by
frequently to position his/her attitudinal the writer rather than the other synonyms,
evaluation and implicitly to position the such as pay back, return, repay. This is to
readers to favour his/her inferences. He/she indicate “a must” to do or to feel the same thing
negatively uses feelings and emotions to as the one who did that to us. For instance, if
showcase that Abbott’s remark really hurts somebody has saved our life, in turn, we have
Indonesian people’s feelings. Words like to reward his kindness. However, in fact, the
threaten, uneasy give clues of this emotions. doer does not really hope that. The meaning
Additionally, these negative emotions are is also strengthened by the $1 bn dollars of
amplified by some negative judgement, such donation which are restated through the texts.
as unethical, very low which explicitly tells the The same phrases show up three times
readers about Indonesia’s condemnation of through the whole text; Australia’s $1bn
Abbott’s statement. By weighing these tsunami assistance, Australia’s $1bn package
components of attitude, we see that The aid, a billion dollars worth of assistance. It
Jakarta Post disfavors the idea of implicitly tells the readers that Australia spent
reciprocation, in particular, and cancellation of a huge amount of money for the aid and
the death penalty for these Bali Nine pairs, in deserve a reciprocal benefit for two countries.
Furthermore, the statement: “an unusual fund-
Discussions raising event held by a number of Indonesian
people to collect coins for Australian Prime
Text 1 Minister” is a factual or informational content which
Attitudinal inscription, invocation, and may potentially lead the readers to condemn Tony
attribution in text 1 Abbott. It is worth to note, this invocation depends
on the system of values the readers hold. If the
Regarding attitudinal inscription in text 1, the readers think that fund-raising is commonly
reporter repeatedly used some locutions, such conducted only for charity, then collecting coins for
as reciprocate, $ 1bn dollars tsunami aid paying back tsunami donation aid will be
donation, feel grievously let down, in order to inappropriate. Moreover, it is not acceptable to ask
amplify attitudinal meaning across the text. 11
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

for reciprocation after showing kindness to ignorance to enlighten the readers. The act of
somebody. collecting coins for Abbot is not a kind of
enlightened act for the readers. Like sarcasm,
The author also uses attribution in the journalistic satire is derisive (cited in Kreuz and Roberts, 1993,
commentaries. In this text, the reporter attributed p.102). The act of collecting coins is intended by
Abbott’s statements more frequently compared to Indonesian protesters to mock and condemn
the comments from Indonesian side. The idea of Abbot through an action. This serves as ‘scornful
reciprocation and Australia’s affect in regard to the metaphor’, for how the way Indonesian
death penalty was restated many times throughout demonstrators protest toward Australian
the text. This implicitly amplifies the urgency of Government.
abandoning the execution. Interestingly, the author
also quoted positive comments by the opposition Attitudinal inscription, invocation, and
leader, Bill Shorten, regarding the delay of attribution in text 2
execution. This is the comment on the delay
provided: “a modest opportunity for people to In text 2, the author positions the readers to
engage in constructive suggestions and negatively assess Abbott’s comment. The reporter
discussions”. As we know, opposition party, in tries to describe how all Indonesian people feel
every country, will always comment negatively on uneasy about this situation. A number of activists,
government policy. They try to find any pedestrians, residents, and students are taken as
weaknesses of current ruling government in order the representation of Indonesian people who
to provoke citizens to align with them. But, in this disagree with Abbot’s statement. By doing so, the
case, the author depicts that both government and writer wants to state that not only activists who
the opposition are in harmony. This indirectly really concerned with this issue, but all Indonesian
means that Bali Nine pairs deserve for clemency, citizens either. The phrase a number of show
because all Australian agree with that; the family collectiveness, a group of people. This attitudinal
of convicts, the Prime minister, the foreign inscription may lead readers to infer a negative
minister, and even the opposition party. By using evaluation of Abbott’s statement and to support
this attributed evaluation, the author can covertly protesters.
position the readers to favour his/her attitudinal
evaluation. In text 2, Mr. Nasir, Indonesia’s foreign ministry
spokesman, said he hoped that Abbott’s statement
Text 2 does not reflect “the true colors of Australian”. The
The act of collecting coins for Australian Prime invocation of the phrase by the reporter may shape
Minister is a satirical act, which is hard to analyse. readers’ attitudinal evaluation. If Mr. Abbott truly
As Kreuz and Roberts (1993) suggest that satires made that statement on behalf of Australian
have multiple representations which are people’s voices, the readers may infer that asking
constructed only when the audiences go beyond for reciprocation is part of Australian culture. If so,
the narrative and considers external issues of the the reporter successfully positions the readers to
story, such as background of the story. Generally negatively judge that inference.
speaking, when readers encounter a text, he/she
brings the prior knowledge to the text. The author’s attribution is totally different in text 2
Expectations about kind of text being read are one compared to text 1. In this text, the reporter
element of this knowledge. In particular, they indirectly wants to say that no matter the level of
should have the knowledge about the genre of the pressure coming from Australia, the death
text. Satire requires a reader to interact with the execution will be upheld. The reporter attributed
text by using multiple representational President Jokowi’s and Attorney General
experiences. At various times, satire is used by Prasetyo’s clarification about the delay of
those who want to avoid direct reaction for their execution. The President said that delay is totally
direct statement or action (Elliot, 1962). For due to the problems in relation to isolation rooms
example, the act of collecting coins is a way for for the death row convicts, not because of
Indonesian protester to indirectly respond toward Australia’s diplomatic pressures. Because the
Tony Abbot’s remark. They wish to do this despite attributed sources are The President and The
repressively doing protest. In addition to the nature Attorney General, it is much easier for the author
of satire, the author of the work pretends the to convince the news audiences. Additionally, the 12
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

writer strengthens his position by displaying a collected is unimportant. The meaning will be
number of Indonesian people who protest in different if the writer use “coin”. Coin is commonly
relation to Tony Abbott’s call for tsunami associated with small value of money;
reciprocation. This implicitly tells that Indonesian nevertheless, it is still decently valued. The
people back up their government decision. If we appreciation the writer gives to the thing, either
are the readers, this type of secretive evaluation positive or negative, may contribute to activate
may convince us to agree with the author position. certain attitudinal position of the readers. The
underlined words in that sentence may implicitly
Text 3 provoke the readers to take negative point of view
on Indonesian protesters.
Attitudinal inscription, invocation, and
attribution in text 3 Conclusion

In text 3, (Daily Mail Australia), the headline states: Journalistic commentaries always have a
“Hilarious Indonesian protesters present bags of tendency to carry value loaded messages. After
coins to Australian embassy staff mocking Tony analyzing and comparing these texts line by line, I
Abbott’s foreign aid threat”. By using the word found that both newspapers, The Guardian
‘hilarious’ the writer tries to provoke the readers to Australia and The Jakarta Post, use affective
negatively evaluate what Indonesian protesters evaluation at the most. However, these news
did. Protest or demonstration is commonly done to reports are different in terms of amplifying the
advocate something serious, not trivial. Hilarious affects with other attitudinal components. The
protesters mean that they are not serious. The Guardian more frequently use affect and positive
writer implicitly insults what Indonesian protesters evaluation across the text. These news reports add
did. Another derogatory provocation: “but we fail to graduation to focus and strengthen meanings in
see the funny side of the firing squad”. It means order to implicitly persuade the readers to approve
that there is no ‘funny side of the firing squad. This the inferences. In contrast, The Jakarta Post tries
kind of statement can make Indonesians think that to use affect which are amplified by negative
there is a funny element in this accusation. They appreciations in order to influence readers to
will think that the firing squad is not funny, it is very condemn Abbott’s call about reciprocation.
scary. They are assigned to take someone’s life.
How we feel that they can entertain us by showing In respect to inscribed attitude, The Guardian
their funny attitude. Australia uses specific locutionary items to
emphasize the attitudinal evaluation. These items
In this text, it is much easier to understand to which are repeatedly used across the text in order to
direction the author tends to position the readers’ echo writer’s opinions and inferences. The
attitude. To invoke a negative view of the attributed locutions such as reciprocate, feel grievously let
inference, the author uses only a narrow sense. down, and tsunami donation occur more often
For example: across the text, whereas The Jakarta Post
attentively choose the word ‘a number of’ to
Carrying flags with Mr. Abbot’s face crossed out, represent Indonesian’s response toward Abbott’s
the small group of protesters were photographed remark. Additionally, the two texts quote external
handing over the petty currency to embassy sources, which are from the public figures,
officials. (The Daily Mail Australia 2015) influential politicians, a huge number of people, to
convince the readers about their positions. On the
The news reporter prefers to use the small group other hand, text 3, The Daily Mail, tends to provoke
rather than a number of…, because it will depict the audiences by presenting derogatory
only very few people; not many. This is conditioned assessment and narrow sense. It is still far from
to showcase that not many Indonesian people hard news ‘objectivity’ category that is to always
disagree with Abbott’s comment on the idea of attribute journalistic opinions to external source.
reciprocation, only very small number of people.
However, in fact, many Indonesian citizens protest The attitudinal position of the reporter, which is
that. In addition, the word “petty currency” is usually stated at the end of text, carries hidden
preferably chosen rather than “coin”. This is to messages in order to position the readers’
show to the public that the value of money inferences. 13
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

References Martin, J. R., & White, P. R. (2003). The language

of evaluation(Vol. 2). Basingstoke: Palgrave
Aubusson, K 2015, ‘Why my generation grew up Macmillan.
thinking it was UN-Australian to question Network writers, 2015, ‘Clarkson at war with BBC
ANZAC’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 April,
after Jimmy Savile smear’,, 19
Comment, Viewed 17 April 2015,
Http://Www.Smh.Com.Au/Comment/Why-My- March, entertainment, viewed 17 April 2015,
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1mmee6.Html. smear/story-e6frfmyi-1227268758006.
Fowler, R. (1991). Language in the News: Thomson, E. A., White, P. R., & Kitley, P. (2008).
Language and Ideology in the Press. “Objectivity” and “hard news” reporting across
Guardian readers, 2015, ‘Turkey’s best beaches: cultures: Comparing the news report in
reader’s tips’, The Guardian Australia, 16 April, English, French, Japanese and Indonesian
Travel, viewed 17 April 2015, journalism. Journalism studies, 9(2), 212-228.
/turkeys-best-beaches-readers-travel-tips. White, P. R. (2009). Media power and the
Hurst, D 2015, ‘Tony Abbott Talks Unity But Wa's rhetorical potential of the “hard news” report–
Colin Barnett Says He's Angry With Other attitudinal mechanisms in journalistic
States’, The Guardian Australia, 17 April, P.1, discourse. Käännösteoria, ammattikielet ja
Viewed 17 April 2015, monikielisyys. VAKKI: n julkaisut, 36, 30-49.
White, P. R. (2006). Evaluative semantics and
ideological positioning in journalistic
discourse. Mediating Ideology in Text and
Ireland, J 2015, ‘Don't break Up With Counselling
Because Of Kevin Andrews’, Sydney Morning image: Ten critical studies. Amsterdam:
Herald, 17 April, column 8, viewed 17 APRIL Benjamins, 37-67.
Kreuz, R. J., & Roberts, R. M. (1993). On satire
and parody: The importance of being
ironic. Metaphor and Symbol, 8(2), 97-109.. 14
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)


Dina Rafidiyah
Muhammad Julian Adhitama
Denny Wianto

English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


The best way to learn a language is by immersing yourself into it. One way to immerse into English is by
using video games as one of the innovative ways to master English. This media enables gamers to get
exposed to the target language since they play it for long times. The aim of this paper is to find out the reason
why the subjects of the present research play video games and how it can help them to learn English. Lastly,
this paper also wants to find out how viable applying video game in classroom’s lesson. The research
methodology is phenomenology approach. The data were garnered from in-depth interview, the participants
answered the questions correctly and coherently to be considered having good English. Subjects of this
research are six people with different backgrounds; they were united by their love of video games and their
use of English in video games online community. The results of this study were the subjects play video game
to entertain themselves through gameplay, story-driven, competitiveness of the game, interaction with other
players and releasing stress. All participants agreed that video games help much in improving their English
ability. Almost all participants considered that video games could be brought ito English classes, with some

Keywords: Video Games, Innovative Way, Phenomenology Approach

teaching method could be integrated with English

INTRODUCTION in the school curriculum (Griva, Semoglou, &
Geladari, 2010).
Video games have been around for more than Games can motivate students to learn subject
20 years and it has become so advanced. It is because of three reasons: basic information was
practically a simulation rather than mere game. given, therefore, students can win the game,
Firstly, video game graphic has become more learning content is related to the curricula, and
realistic recently and it helps with the immersion. multy-sensory engagement can support
Secondly, talent and work that have been put into experiental learning (Furió, Juan, Seguí, & Vivó,
the voice and the character of model also 2015). We can use video games for the same
contribute to an interesting narration pulling reasons. This is very important to consider how
players into the game world. Lastly, the control for children these days are familiar with technology,
video games has been refined where someone can much more technologically literate than elder
play without having to spare a thought on the person at times. It will also help them to be
controller when playing which lead them to be interested with learning English because they have
absorbed in the game. been playing video game ever since they were still
Using game-based approach from the early in elementary.
ages of schooling helped students to gain the Marcellino (2008) mentioned that there are
language not as a set of rules, but as the tool of many obstacles for English teachers in Indonesia
communication. Playful atmosphere can stimulate to apply competence based, because of two sides’
students’ motivation, make students feel confident limitations. On one hand, teachers do not have the
and safe, and create positive attitudes toward ability to master English, so they are incompetent
foreign language learning. Therefore, game-based to teach the language. The teachers also fail to 15
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

make students intrigued enough for them to be games, especially in gaining new vocabulary.
motivated in learning English. One of the reasons Some commercial games have benefits also in
is that how teachers revert to use traditional way of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills,
teaching which led to boredom. depending on gaming experience, learners’
On the other hand, students’ culture may hinder gender, specific educational objectives, and
them from being active in classroom. They are second language proficiency.
afraid of expressing their English because their One of the studies was done by Parsayi &
peers perceive this is arrogant or show off. They Soyoof (2018) about video games related to
are also afraid of making mistakes, so the other language learning also story telling. The study
students will make fun of them. They also never used qualitative approach for ten EFL and ESL
object if the teacher make mistakes. from 18 – 26 years learners. Video games help the
Therefore, we need to find new way to make participants with listening and reading skills, so
teachers and students engaged in the classroom. they can win the game.
This is why Video Game is one of the ways to be In the case of violent video game exposure
utilized in classroom. Not only it is effective, it is (VVE), there is a study about the negative effect by
also favorable by students as deduced in a Greitemeyer (2018). This quantitative research
qualitative research by Barr (2018) where he involved 499 women and 499 men, about reported
mentioned that video game help with their skills in aggressive behavior in the past six months. The
communication, resourcefulness, and adaptability. result is VVE has bad impact for not only the
Not only that, video game can be a catalyst for players but also their environments or social
students’ interaction and discussion with their network.
peers. This might also help students’ higher order
thinking skills, or HOTS. METHODOLOGY
Out-of-School exposure can be one solution to
develop learners’ language proficiency. Therefore, This study used qualitative approach
classroom interaction could not help much. ‘Phenomenology Study’, to gain in depth
According to Wilde, Brysbaert, & Eychmans information through interview (Korstjens & Moser,
(2017), the most out-of-school activities that can 2017). Respondents were invited through online
influence the Dutch-speaking-children (aged 10- post. The invitation was posted on Facebook. The
12) are gaming, social media using, and speaking. researcher could interview 6 respondents.
The participants of the research is those who The respondents came from various
love playing games. They have often interacted backgrounds. Respondent 1 (R1) was a College
with those from overseas. Next, they have been student in 7th semester majoring communication.
playing video game since they were young. This Respondent 2 (R2) was a high school student in
phenomenon is “Incidental Language Learning” his 3rd year, so were Respondent (R5) and
where someone acquires new words and structure Respondent (R6). Respondent 3 (R3) was
through simply engaging in a communicative interactive fiction author. Respondent 4 (R4) has
activities, or in other word, they are learning the just graduated from college. What these
meaning based on context rather than from theory respondents shared were their love playing video
(Hulstijn, 2008). games and how they learned English through
The purposes of this paper are to find out the video games.
reason why the subjects of the present research The interview was conducted using Discord
play video games and how it can help them to learn server. Discord is an online chat and call just like
English. Lastly, this paper also wants to find out Skype. However, Discord has stable connection
how viable applying video game in classroom’s and is much more reliable than Skype. The
lesson. interviews itself were done in real time and
recorded using Audacity. After that, the recorded
interviews were transcribed and encoded.
The analysis was to interpret the meaning of the
Using video games for teaching language skills experiences of each respondents about playing
and vocabulary are very common in several video games and their reflection about how they
studies. Yudintseva (2015) held synthesis of learnt English. As the result, we can gain detailed
twenty-six researches to identify digital game- description about the phenomenon, then compare
based on second language learning. He mentioned it with the previous researches to enrich the
that there are many positive effects of video analysis (Moser & Korstjens, 2018). 16
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘I ate it yesterday’. If I don't know the tenses i will
reply with I eat it”
What do they like from video games?
- R3 confirmed this and elaborate it with,
- R1 answered with immersive gameplay
“…English has been part of my life and thanks to
and story driven content. He elaborated more by
knowing a bit of English, I got into my current job
adding “…. I always love roleplaying. When I feel I
and met lots of people in the forum. Imagine if I
am the character, participate in their combat and
didn't know any English my life would be in
shenanigans and building fictional relationship
completely different one and not to mention I
either for purely event or for pursuing late-game
wouldn't be here right now. (laugh)”
gear by maximize the affection. …” He also added
- R4 agreed then added “I learn more
“…And also their interaction to player that feels so
English words that's (did) not come from study in
real, like a person. Relying on us (Player) and
school from video game”
acknowledge that we are useful in our own way.”
- R5 answered by “yes, video games help
- R2 also answered the same as R1 by
me learning English. from the reading, listening,
answering with stories (of the game)
and grammar. Since almost all of the Offline
- R3 concur with two of the previous
games, including Visual Novel, RPG, and others
respondent and add “… The competitive nature
have what they call ‘Conversation’ and ‘Choosing
behind the game, like Pokemon VGC for example.
which is the good option or bad option’ by
- R4 played game for the story and the game
conversation, for RPG we do follow the quest and
mechanic or in another word, gameplay.
then meeting the NPC and then kill him. Oh sorry,
- R5 mentioned, “I like to be an OP character
and then talking about the quest”
basically a god that control console command.” He
- R6 said “Basically true. Learning English
added, “for first person shooter, I just like to shoot
pronunciation. For example there are three way of
people using a Sniper Rifle or be a pilot”
saying ‘tangga’ in English, ladder, stairs, and
- R6 mentioned that Video games could
steps. Most people only knows that English only
release stress. He also added “... It's great to meet
consist of bad words, but there are much more than
other people online, but if you play offline, it can
still be entertaining.”
In conclusion, all respondents agree with it,
From these, we can conclude that most of these
albeit with different reasoning.
people played video games for their stories. This
was appropriate considering most of video games
What is your thought if video games are
text and dialogues come from the story. This can
incorporated with English materials?
be quite an incentive because when someone is
curious about something and try to understand it
- R1 welcomed the idea and said “That's the
themselves, the information will be effectively
kind of English lecture I want. It is easier to
stored in their memory.
understand. Not by textbook, but real example.”
Not only that, video games can release stress.
- R2 elaborated more with, “…people have
This is also true considering video game is created
their own ways of learning like reading a text,
for entertainment purposes. It can make them
listening someone's conversation, and usually
relaxed. This is perfect for unconscious learning
doing the same activity for a long time will make us
method. While it is not effective in one setting, from
bored but games have their own ways to makes
sheer quantity of times people play video game, it
things interesting”
can build up on par with people that learn English
- R3 has mixed reaction in the subject
in class maybe even more.
matter, “An interesting idea, if it makes to learn
English fun and easy, then I am all out for it. But
Based on your experience, does video game
then again, there are people who don't like video
help you practice your English? How so?
games, so it might depends on the person.”
- R1 said, “Absolutely. It helps me remember
- R4 followed similar vein with what R3 has
some difficult word and applying more direct
told us, “(I) agree with it, since I already seen one
conversation, especially fantasy-driven content.”
in my university before, but I think not all school
- R2 mentioned, “Yes, It helps a lot. I can
gonna accept that method. Some people,
answer some questions right because of the
especially elders, only think games as games.
tenses for the example like ‘Where is my apple?’,
(And) just for fun purpose only.” 17
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

- R5 disagree with the notion, however Second INACELT held by IAIN Palangkaraya on
concur that it may work but only if the game choice 16-17 November 2018.
is appropriate to use.
- R6 lament the fact that video game has bad REFERENCES
reputation in education and disagree with the
notion. Abbasi, H., & Hadadi, A. (2014). The Possible
Negative Outcomes of Putting Learners in
1/3 (R1 and R2) completely agree with the idea. Spotlight. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
R1 implied that he become bored with using Sciences, 98, 3–8.
textbook in lesson and really want to use another
mean of learning. R2 added how video games Ahadi, S. D., & Marandi, S. S. (2014). Social
have the accessibility for those that learn visually, Software in the Classroom: The Case of
auditory, and kinistetic. After all, video game is built Wikis for Scaffolding. Procedia - Social and
from several components such as visual, audio, Behavioral Sciences, 98, 100–108.
and the mean to interact with it.
Another 1/3 (R3 and R4) are not completely Barr, M. (2018). Student attitudes to games-
sure with the notion. While they do like the idea, based skills development : Learning from
they have several issues when it comes to video video games in higher education. Computers
games. One of the issues is that how only several in Human Behavior, 80, 283–294.
people like video games. Another is that how video
game may not be accepted because some peole Furió, D., Juan, M. C., Seguí, I., & Vivó, R.
see this is only an entertainment without looking as (2015). Mobile learning vs. traditional
a media to learn (Abbasi & Hadadi, 2014). classroom lessons: A comparative study.
The last 1/3 (R5 and R6) disagree with the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,
proposal. R5 went into a tangent and closed off 31(3), 189–201.
with “… I couldn’t recommend just choosing any
games for teaching”. R6 told the researchers that Greitemeyer, T. (2018). The spreading impact of
video game is infamous in education. Many playing violent video games on aggression.
children can be addicted to video game instead of Computers in Human Behavior, 80, 216–
learning with it. It is certainly a hard thing to do to 219.
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Implementation of a project in a game-based
context. Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 2(2), 3700–3705.
Video games have been around for quite a
while. From a game where you are playing a Korstjens, I., & Moser, A. (2017). Series: Practical
classic game like pong to full-blown AAA grade that guidance to qualitative research. Part 2:
make the game more challenging and exciting. Context, research questions and designs.
This challenge and excitement may be used as The European Journal of General Practice,
media of learning. However, conventional 23(1), 274–279.
language teaching still has gaps for more
innovative and fun way to learn language. 90
The reasons gamers play video game are Marcellino, M. (2008). English language teaching
gameplay, story, competitive nature, interaction in Indonesia: A continuous challenge in
with other players, and releasing stress. Moreover, education and cultural diversity. TEFLIN
all participants agree that video games improve Journal, 19(1), 57–69.
their English. Lastly, it can be concluded that video Moser, A., & Korstjens, I. (2018). Series: Practical
games can be applied to English class with some guidance to qualitative research. Part 3:
consideration. Sampling, data collection and analysis.
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Our deepest gratitude to University of 91
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research. This research was presented in The 18
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The interface between langugae learning input are important? Artevelde University
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Pedagogies & Learning, 13(2), 103–118. Yudintseva, A. (2015). Synthesis of research on
Wilde, V. De, Brysbaert, M., & Eychmans, J. video games for the four second language
(2017). Learning English through out-of- skills and vocabulary practice. Open Journal
school exposure. Which levels of lanuage of Social Sciences, 03(11), 81–98.
proficiency are attained and which types of 19
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)



Ninuk Krismanti
STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin


The main focus of this study is to investigate how Banjarese men and women use hedges,
boosters, and tag questions in their conversations. By analyzing how language features used
by different genders in Banjarmasin, it is hoped that gender-based social segmentation in the
given society can be revealed. The data of this study are taken from three conversations with
all-men participants, all-women participants, and cross-gender participants. The conversations
investigated are transcribed before analyzed using interactional sociolinguistics approach.
From this study, it is found that Banjarese women use more hedges than its men. Moreover,
the frequency of boosters and tag questions used by both genders is not significantly different.
However, Banjarese men commonly use tag questions for politeness purpose, while women
mostly use them for showing uncertainty. As the conclusion, based on their frequencies and
purposes of using hedges, boosters, and tag questions, women and men’s position in
Banjarese society are still unequal. Banjarese women tend to be more aware of their roles in
the society that it affects their language choices.

Keywords: hedges, boosters, tag questions, gender, Banjarese society

INTRODUCTION In other words, hedges, boosters, and tag

questions are tools used by language users to
Do men and women speak differently? This
modify their degree of assertions, to give tone to
question may easily get a ‘yes’ answer as long as
the intended meanings behind their utterances.
people – especially feminists – still believe that
the world that we live in is patriarchal. However, in Research findings regarding differentiation
what way they speak differently and to what between men and women’s use of hedges,
degree they are different may not be as easy to boosters, and tag questions vary from one
address. When you go questioning further about researcher to another. Those who believe that
the difference between men and women’s men use more boosters while women use more
linguistic behaviors, a serious investigation needs hedges and tag questions include Lakoff (1975)
to be conducted. My curiosity as a researcher and and Holmes (1990). Meanwhile, the findings of
my interest to gender study drove me to Granqvist (2013) and Pellby (2013) show
investigate conversations in Banjarese language otherwise. The variations in previous researchers’
– my mother tongue – to reveal whether or not findings are most likely caused by the fact that
men and women talk differently in this society. they investigated people coming from different
Because there are too many linguistic aspects of cultural and social backgrounds. Thus, it is only
the two genders that can be studied, I limit my wise not to claim anything about men and
research on three features of language: hedges, women’s frequency of hedges, boosters, and tag
boosters, and tag questions. questions in a certain socio-cultural background
before analyzing the occurrences of the three in
Hedges, boosters, and tag questions are
the utterances produced by the speakers of that
common devices used as intensifiers in any
given society.
language. Hedges and tag questions are
functioned to mitigate possible threats for the METHODS
interlocutors as well as to show doubts. In
In this study, I investigated three
contrast, boosters are used for showing certainty.
conversations taken places in different domains. 20
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

All conversations recorded were done in casual misbehaves, normally people will put blames on
situation so that the language used by the his/her mother instead of father. This role of
participants was natural. The participants of the women makes them aware of their language
conversations becoming the data were all-men choice better than men. Thus, they tend to hedge
participants, all-women participants, and cross- more than men to mitigate the effects of their
gendered participants. utterances when talking. The following excerpt is
the example of how a Banjarese woman uses
There were 306 utterances analyzed to
hedges in the conversation:
reveal whether or not men and women in
Banjarese society talk differently in terms of their Excerpt 1
use of hedges, boosters, and tag questions.
These utterances were transcribed W1: Aku kam kadanya pang handak meugai
orthographically because the focus of the study buruknya kawanlah… tapi inya tu kada tapi
kawa diasi pandirannya.
did not fall on the phonetic analysis. Moreover,
silence and other paralinguistic findings were I don’t actually have any intention to
neglected in the study. reveal my friend’s flaws, but what comes
from her mouth is not always the truth.
I applied a simple mathematical formulation
to calculate the percentage of hedges, boosters, W2: Iyalah? Mun bepander pina iya aja pang
and tag questions found in each gender to ease sidin tuh.
my contrast. To relate my findings to social and
Really? She sounds convincing when talking
cultural situation underlying the conversations
investigated, I based my discussion on Holmes’
claims on women’s linguistic behavior (Holmes,
2013). Hedges in women’s speech might be
uttered for two reasons: showing politeness and
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION showing hesitation. The two are still related to
The findings of this study are summarized in women’s subordinate status. The ones with lower
the following table: status need to be more polite than those in higher
status. Women are easily labeled bad when using
‘impolite’ language. On the other hand, ‘impolite’
GENDER HEDGES BOOSTERS TAG language can show masculinity for men and is
MEN 11 37% 27 59% 25 45%
often considered acceptable and normal. This fact
WOMEN 19 63% 19 41% 30 55% makes women use hedges as one way to make
Table 1 result of analysis their utterance sound more polite.
Hedges are also used to show hesitation.
From what I analyzed, only in terms of This reason of hedging is found both in men and
hedges do women outnumber men significantly. women’s utterances. Hedging when in doubt is an
The results of two other features of language do effective tool to give information without taking full
not show significant difference between men and responsibility of it. Moreover, hedging when in
women’s use of boosters and tag questions. More doubt also shows that the speakers do not want
detailed explanations on each language feature to put themselves in knowing-it-all position.
becoming my focus of study will be discussed in Please observe this following excerpt for a better
the following parts of the paper. understanding on how to hedge to show
Based on the result of study, of 30 hedges
found in the data, 63% of them were uttered by Excerpt 2
women. This is in line with Holmes’ arguments
Woman Mun kada salah dangar semalam tuh ada
about the roles of women in society (2013).
1: pang si anu… bini Rahmat tu betakun soal
According to Holmes (2013), women are social rumah. Handak nukar rumah pinanya.
value keepers. Their behaviors are models Tawari ei ampun ikam.
reflecting desired values of the community.
Women also have the burden of passing these If I heard it right, Rahman’s wife asked
information about house. She may want to
values to their children. That is why when a kid 21
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

buy one. Try offering her your house then. garbage as they wished.
Excerpt 4
Woman Bini Rahmat yang mana? Yang semalam
2: kita tadapat di undangan tuh kah?
Woman Aku handak mencobai ngegym di parak
Whom are you talking about? Is she the 1: pasar tu ih. Jarnya bagus di sana
one whom we met in the party?
I want to try the gym near the market.
People said it is a good place there.

In the excerpt 2, “mun kada salah dangar (If Woman Ih kenapa di situ? Mun aku nalah hakun
I heard it right)” is the hedge employed by the 2: wadah Rei tuh. Inya pelatihnya tuh sabar
speaker to show her hesitation on the information mun.. mun di situ tuh
she was intending to convey. By using hedges, Why going there? If I were you, I would go
speakers try to lessen their guilt when they utter to Rei’s. The trainer is patient there.
false information.In short, hedging can save
speakers’ face when the information is found
invalid or wrong. Men’s boosters commonly indicate their
Furthermore, the results of this study show certainty. When talking about serious topics such
that when the intimacy among speakers increases as the cause of flood, men boost more. They want
through jokes, women tend to hedge less than to show they know what they are talking about
they did when talking about serious topics. In without any doubt. In this sense, I conclude that
other words, women feel safer of being frontal men’s speech is their channel of showing their
with words when joking. The hedges that they use identity as someone trustworthy and responsible.
to mitigate the force of assertions are forgotten for This conclusion is based on the fact that men
a while when jokingly teasing or mocking other increase their degree of certainty for serious
speakers from both genders. On the contrary, conversation because they try to convince their
men hedge more when joking. It shows that speaking opponents to believe in what they utter.
actually men try to lessen the impact of their jokes This also indicates that they are responsible of
when talking with women. They more hesitate in any information they utter as they don’t use
using straight words when joking with women. It hedges to mitigate the possibility of being blame
shows their attempt of being gentlemen who are for uttering misinformation.
not harsh with words when dealing with women. On the other hand, women boost more
Boosters when talking about casual topics such as gym
location in town with other women as displayed in
In terms of boosters, I found that the excerpt 4. They boost because they want to show
frequency of booster occurrences in men and they know better than other women. Women use
women’s utterances are not significantly different. more boosters when the conversation is set in all-
However, men tend to boost when talking about women-participant setting. However, when talking
serious topics while women tend to boost when with men, usually they boost less and hedge
talking about casual topics. The examples of how more. This indicates that women’s boosters are
a man and a woman use boosters in not intended to show responsibility; they are used
conversations are displayed in the following as status symbols. Women are more aware of
excepts: social status than men (Holmes, 2013). For this
Excerpt 3 reason, women tend to use language as the
channel to show their social status. Therefore,
Woman Uma ngerinya banjir sampai kaitu lah… when talking with other women, women boost
1: more to show their level of education, level of
What a terrific flood…
richness, and so on.
Man 2 Pasti sudah kena pemerintah pulang yang Tag questions
: disalahkan… padahal dasar warganya jua
buang sampah sembarangan. Similar to boosters, the frequency of
occurrences of tag questions uttered by
The government will indeed be the one to
blame again… Banjarese men and women does not show
It is actually the people who threw their significant difference. However, the two genders
commonly use tag questions for different 22
ISSN: 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

purposes. Men tend to use tag questions to show Tag question “lo” in the excerpt 6 above serves a
politeness while women use tag questions to different function from the one used in excerpt 5.
show uncertainty. In this study, men use tag In excerpt 6, tag question “lo” was uttered
questions more than women when talking to older because the speaker was not sure about her own
people as seen in the following excerpt: opinion. Women tend to use tag questions more
Excerpt 5
often when talking about serious topics. They
seek for agreement from their speaking
Young Politikus ni kadada yang kawa dipercaya opponents by inserting tag questions in their
Man: lo, Pak? utterances when they are unsure on something.
Also, tag questions uttered by women are often
None of the politicians can be trusted,
their way to share responsibility. When they do
can’t they Sir?
not wish to take a full responsibility of their
Old man (Ketawa) ya… namanya mereka sudah utterances, women can opt to use tag questions
: tau nyamannya jadi wakil ini… wakil to seek for support.
rakyat… jadi ya janji terus supaya dipilih CONCLUSION
The conclusions that can be drawn based on the
(Laugh) it is because they already know
how good it is to be people’s results of the study include:
representative. They keep on making 1. Women use more hedges than men.
promises to be voted again. However, when the intimacy among
speakers increases, women tend to drop
their hedges and speak straightly.
By using tag questions such as “lo” in 2. The frequency of boosters and tag
Banjarese, men try to appreciate older people’s questions used by men and women is not
opinions. Tag questions are linguistic tools that dramatically different, yet the purposes are
enable our speaking opponents to feel invited to often not similar.
chip in their ideas, comments, or opinions to 3. The results of the study show social
respond to our utterances. Thus, tag questions segmentation where Banjarese women
uttered by men are usually their way to show their are still inferior compared to men. It affects
respect toward their speaking opponents. their way of using language.
Meanwhile, women use tag questions more REFERENCES
frequently when talking about serious topics. This Granqvist, K. P. (2013). Hedges, Boosters, and
shows that the purpose of their tag questions is to Tag Questions in The Big Bang Theory – A
show uncertainty. The example of tag question Gender Perspective (Unpublished BA
used by a Banjarese woman to show uncertainty thesis). Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborgs.
is displayed in the following excerpt:
Holmes, J. (1990). Hedges and Boosters in
Excerpt 6 Women’s and Men’s Speech. Language
Woman Penelitian ampun sidin ni harusnya pakai
and Communication, 10, 185-205.
1: metode tri.. triangulasi lo? Holmes, J. (2013). An Introduction to
His research should apply triangulation Sociolinguistics (fourth edition). Routledge:
method, shouldn’t it? London and New York.
Lakoff, R. (1975). Language and Women’s Place.
Woman Hmmm… kada harus jua pang. Perasaku
New York (Harper and Row): New York.
2: kadapapa jua kaya itu aja
Hmmm… It is not necessary. I think it’s Pellby, E. P. (2013). An Analysis of Hedging in an
okay to leave his research as it is. American City Council (Unpublished BA
thesis). Gävle University, Gävle. 23
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)


Rezqan Noor Farid

Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


User manuals are always included in the package of electronic products to make sure the optimality
of devices usage. Those manuals are often delivered in English and local languages. This research is
intended to measure the equivalence level of translation and also aimed at revealing the strategies of
translation used in the manual. The data are taken from the user manuals of Samsung Galaxy Young GT-
S5360 series Mobile Phone. The manual is printed in two versions: English and Indonesian. Both of the
manuals are available online on The source language (SL) data are taken from
English version, as for the target language (TL) data are taken from Indonesian version. The data consist of
100 various instructions for the users. The analysis of word level equivalence is used to analyse the data.
First, the writer took 100 sentences from the sources. Second, the data were then analysed to find words
that is not literally equivalent with source language and to analyse the strategies which are used by the
translator. Third, the writer then gives comments about the naturalness of translations based on the
strategies used by the translator. Based on the analysis of data, the writer found that there are five
strategies of translation in word level equivalence used by the translator. The strategies are: (1) translation
by a more general word (super ordinate), (2) translation using more neutral word / less expressive word, (3)
translation by cultural substitution, (4) translation using a loan word, and (5) translation by paraphrase using
unrelated words.

Keywords: translation, equivalence, word level.

Introduction 8) Translation by illustration

Electronic devices always have a user Method

manual included to make sure the optimality of
devices usage. Those manuals are often The data is taken from the user manuals
delivered in English and a local language. This of Samsung Galaxy Young GT-S5360 series
research is intended to measure the equivalence Mobile Phone. The manual is printed in two
level of translation and also aimed at revealing versions: English and Indonesian. Both of the
the strategies of translation used in the manual. manuals are printed online on 2011 as pdf files
Commonly, there are several strategies applied in and taken from The data is
translation to achieve word level equivalence. taken from both of the manual versions. The
source language (SL) data are taken from English
1) Translation by a more general word version, as for the target language (TL) data are
(superordinate) taken from Indonesian version. The data are
2) Translation by a more neutral/less consisted of 100 various instructions for the user
expressive word of mobile phone.
3) Translation by cultural substitution
4) Translation using a loan word or loan word To analyse the data, the writer uses
plus explanation comparison at word level equivalence. The steps
5) Translation by paraphrase using a related in analysis of the data are:
6) Translation by paraphrase using unrelated 1. The writer took 100 sentences from
words the sources.
7) Translation by omission 24
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

2. The data then analysed to find words general word mengeluarkan to translate word
that is not literally equivalent and to ‘emit’.
analyse the strategies which are used
by the translator. In this table the data Data 2
became 20 because in a sentence is (SL) Using an incompatible memory card
found more than 1 word in SL that is may damage your device or the memory
not equivalence with its translation in card and can corrupt data stored on the
TL. card.
3. After found the strategies that are (TL) Penggunaan kartu memori yang tidak
used, the writer extract and arrange sesuai dapat merusak perangkat atau
the data based on the strategies kartu memori, dan dapat merusak data
applied to them. yang tersimpan di dalam kartu.
4. The writer then gives comments about
the naturalness of translations based In data 2, the translator use word merusak
on the strategies used by the means damage. As for Corrupt in source text
translator. means to change something become useless
which is in Indonesian means mengubah sesuatu
Finding and Discussion menjadi tidak berguna. The translator then uses
merusak because there is no equivalence of word
Based on the analysis of data, the writer corrupt in Indonesian.
found that there are five strategies of translation
in word level equivalence used by the translator. Data 3
The strategies are: (1) translation by a more (SL) Slide a hand strap through the slot
general word (super ordinate), (2) using more and hook it over the small projection.
neutral word / less expressive word, (3) (TL) Sisipkan tali gantungan melewati
Translation by cultural substitution, (4) Translation lubang dan kaitkan pada tonjolan kecil.
using a loan word, and (5) Translation by
paraphrase using unrelated words. The findings In data 3, word slot is translated into
will be described below. lubang. In fact, In Indonesian slot is equivalence
with celah which means space in a thing or a tool.
1. Translation by a more general word But here, the translator use lubang which is the
(super ordinate) general word of celah to make the sentences
In translating some words in the manual, more natural for Indonesian reader.
generally the translator use this strategy in order
to give more general meaning and to overcome a Data 4
relative lack of specificity in the target language (SL) To avoid scratching the touch screen,
compared to the source language. The data 1 – 7 do not use sharp tools.
in table 3 show clearly the strategies which are (SL) Agar layar sentuh tidak tergores,
used and its purpose. jangan gunakan benda tajam.

Data 1: In data 4, Tools means peralatan in

(SL) When your battery is low, the device Indonesian, it is subordinate of benda. The
will emit a warning tone and display a low translator use benda to generalize the meaning of
battery message. tool for Indonesian reader.
(TL) Ketika baterai hampir habis,
perangkat akan mengeluarkan suara Data 5
peringatan dan menampilkan pesan (SL) For best performance, tap the touch
baterai hampir habis. screen with your fingertip.
(TL) Untuk hasil terbaik, sentuh layar
In the data 1, the word ‘emit’ is translated sentuh dengan ujung jari Anda.
into mengeluarkan. In fact, word ‘emit’ equivalent
with memancarkan, but the meaning of word In data 5, Tap means knock which is
memancarkan is usually paired with light/cahaya translated as ketuk, in case the screen of the
not sound/suara. The translator then takes more 25
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

product cannot be knocked /ketuk, to make it In this data, the equivalence word for
natural the translator use sentuh or touch. ‘supplied’ is menyediakan/ memenuhi. It is
translated into disertakan to make the sentence
Data 6 natural in Indonesian context. The use of
(SL) Touch once with your finger to select disertakan is not change the whole sense of the
or launch a menu, option, or application. sentence.
(TL) Sentuh sekali dengan jari Anda untuk
memilih atau membuka menu, pilihan, Data 9
atau aplikasi. (SL) Slide a hand strap through the slot
and hook it over the small projection.
Launch means to begin something which (TL) Sisipkan tali gantungan melewati
is translated as memulai, to make it more natural lubang dan kaitkan pada tonjolan kecil.
in Indonesian context the translator use
membuka. In this data, in order to maintain the sense
of the sentence, word sisipkan is used by the
Data 7 translator instead of using menyelipkan or
(SL) This device will provide you with high meluncurkan as the literal equivalence of slide.
quality mobile communication and
entertainment based on Samsung’s Based on the explanation above, the writer
exceptional technology and high conclude that the purposes of using more neutral
standards. word or less expressive word to translate the
(TL) Perangkat ini memberi Anda word in SL into TL by the translator are for
komunikasi dan hiburan seluler berkualitas maintain the sense of the sentence and make it
tinggi sesuai dengan keunggulan teknologi natural for target language reader. It is the
dan standar tinggi Samsung. strategy which is mostly used the translator.

In data 7, word ‘Exceptional’ means ‘much 3. Translation by cultural substitution

greater than usual’ which is translated as Third strategy that is used by the translator
luarbiasa, to make it more natural in Indonesian is translation by cultural substitution. The use of
context the translator use more general word this strategy can be seen on data 10. The reason
keunggulan. why this strategy is used because by culturally
substituted, the translation will give the reader a
In conclusion, what the translators has concept with which s/he can identify, something
done is to go up a level in a given semantic field familiar and appealing.
to find a more general word that covers the core
propositional meaning of the missing hyponym in Data 10
the target language. (SL) Plug the small end of the travel
adapter into the multifunction jack.
2. using more neutral word / less (TL) Colokkan ujung kecil adaptor travel
expressive word ke colokan multifungsi.
There are two data in which the translator
uses more neutral word or less expressive word Plug means to fill a hole with a piece of
to translate the word in SL into TL. The data are suitable material, it is equivalent with pasangkan,
number 8 and number 9 in table 3. but to be easier to understand and accepted by
Indonesian reader the word colokkan is used
Data 8 because it is common in Indonesia to ‘colokkan’
(SL) The items supplied with your device something in a hole than ‘pasangkan’ something
and available accessories may vary to a hole.
depending on your region or service
provider. 4. Translation using a loan word
(TL) Item yang disertakan bersama The fourth strategy is translation using a
perangkat dan aksesoris yang tersedia loan word. In the translation of the manuals, the
mungkin berbeda tergantung kawasan dan translator tends to use loan word from SL text to
penyedia layanan Anda. use in TL text because the loan words that are 26
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

used are now common for TL (Indonesian) Data 16

reader, it also does not need any additional (SL) Insert a memory card with the gold-
information or explanation for those loan words. coloured contacts facing down.
The use of this strategy can be seen on data 11 (TL) Masukkan kartu memori dengan
through 19 in table 3. kontak berwarna emas menghadap ke
Data 11
(SL) Content in this user manual may Data 17
differ from the product, or from software (SL) Formatting your memory card on a
provided by service providers or carriers, PC may cause incompatibilities with your
and is subject to change without prior device.
notice. (TL) Memformat kartu memori di sebuah
(TL) Konten dalam buku panduan ini PC dapat menyebabkan
mungkin berbeda dari produk, atau dari ketidakkompatibelan dengan perangkat
perangkat lunak yang disediakan oleh Anda.
penyedia layanan atau pembawa, dan
dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan Data 18
terlebih dahulu. (SL) Control your touch screen with the
following actions
Data 12 (TL) Kontrol layar sentuh dengan tindakan
(SL) Available features and additional berikut.
services may vary by device, software, or
service provider. Data 19
(TL) Fitur yang tersedia dan layanan (SL) You can activate or deactivate
tambahan mungkin berbeda untuk setiap wireless connection features and access a
perangkat, perangkat lunak, atau penyedia list of notifications, such as messages,
layanan. calls, events or processing status.
(TL) Anda dapat mengaktifkan atau
Data 13 menonaktifkan fitur koneksi nirkabel dan
(SL) Formatting and delivery of this user mengakses daftar notifikasi, seperti pesan,
manual is based on Google Android panggilan, peristiwa, atau status proses.
operating systems and may vary
depending on the user’s operating system. The word konten, fitur, format, ikon,
direktori, kontak, ketidakkompatibelan, kontrol,
(TL) Format dan penjelasan buku panduan and notifikasi from data 11 through data 19 are
pemakai ini berdasarkan sistem operasi loan words from SL, those word are used
Google Android dan bisa berbeda because TL (Indonesian) reader already familiar
tergantung sistem operasi pengguna. with them. Those words also sound more modern
and high class.

Data 14 5. Translation by paraphrase using

(SL) The battery icon will also be empty. unrelated words
The last strategy that is used by the
(TL) Ikon baterai juga akan kosong. translator is paraphrase using unrelated word.
This is can be seen on data 20.
Data 15
(SL) When you insert a memory card in Data 20
your device, the file directory of the (SL) Formatting and delivery of this user
memory card will appear in the sdcard manual is based on Google Android
folder. operating systems and may vary
(TL) Ketika Anda memasukkan kartu depending on the user’s operating system.
memori ke dalam perangkat, direktori file
kartu memori akan muncul pada folder (TL) Format dan penjelasan buku panduan
sdcard. pemakai ini berdasarkan sistem operasi 27
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

Google Android dan bisa berbeda

tergantung sistem operasi pengguna.

The real translation for delivery in this

sentence is ‘give something’ to achieves a high
level of precision in meaning penjelasan is used.


There are five strategies of translation in word

level equivalence used by the translator. The
strategies are: (1) translation by a more general
word (super ordinate), (2) using more neutral
word / less expressive word, (3) Translation by
cultural substitution, (4) Translation using a loan
word, and (5) Translation by paraphrase using
unrelated words.

E. References

Baker, Mona. (2018). In Other Words : A

Coursebook on Translation (3rd Edition). London:
Routledge. 28
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)



Tenny Murtiningsih

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, English Department

University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin


This is classroom action research. The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of outlining
in improving students’ paragraph writing skill for English Department Students, Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin. There are 6 students as the respondent of
this research. The researcher took them as the respondent when they studied Writing 2 subject. The
researcher got the data from the treatment in 2 cycles that were conducted in this research, the questionnaire
that was distributed to the respondents above and also the observation during the cycles.
The descriptive analysis in cycle 1 shows that the mean score is 71.3333, the minimum score is 63.00, the
maximum score is 80.00 and the standard deviation is 5.85377. Meanwhile cycle 2 shows that the mean
score is 76.6667, the minimum score is 70.00, the maximum score is 85.00 and the standard deviation is
5.16398. The research result explains that there is significant improvement in students’ paragraph writing
skill by using outlining. The student’s paragraph writing skill is improved. Beside that the result of questionare
and observation shows that outlining really works to improve students’ paragraph writing skill.

Keywords: improvement, paragraph writing, outlining

There are four language skills. One of them should get sufficient writing practices to stimulate
is writing. By writing, we can express our idea, the student’s skill in writing and expressing
share the messages, and also have thought in a good passage.
communication with others. Nunan (2003) states So there is no choice, if we want to improve the
that writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, student’s writing skill, it is just giving them some
thinking about how to express them, and writing practices.
organizing them into statements and paragraphs According to the lesson plan for the third
that will be clear to a reader. semester student’s of English Department,
Writing is as productive skill also needs to Teacher Training and Education University of
be improved. When the students’ writing skill gets Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, teaching writing
improvement, it can support the student’s English for the student is emphasized to paragraph
competency. Patel and Jain (2008) states that writing. In this case, the student is given the
writing skill must be taught and practiced. This knowledge of paragraph writing, kinds of
idea also supported by Nunan (2003). Nunan paragraph and more practices in paragraph
states that writing almost always improves with writing.
practice. It means that the students must be According Oshima and Hogue (2006)
taught what the writing skill is and gives some paragraph is a group of related sentences that
opportunities to have practices in writing so they discuss one main idea. The idea explains more in
will get improvement in their writing skill. Or in the paragraph. There are three parts of the
otherword, the students will get improvement in paragraph, namely topic sentence, supporting
writing when they have more practices in writing sentences and also concluding sentences.
and it can be taught also at the class. Beside that a good paragraph must reflect a unity
The previous study conducted by and a coherence. All of them should be given first
Kartawijaya (2018) shows that the students before they study about kinds or genre of 29
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

paragraph and write a paragraph. They need to Oshima & Hogue (1998) explained more
master how to develop a paragraph better before that outlining will help us to improve our writing
giving kinds or genre of the paragraph and askes skills. It will help us organized our ideas. Our
them to have a paragraph writing. ideas will come in good ordering and hierarchical.
Meanwhile giving knowledge of kinds or Indeed, we will strict on the topic sentence. We
genre of paragraph writing is also important for won’t write anything that doesn’t have correlation
the students. As Syahri (2008) states that with the topic in our paragraph writing. Because
presenting a various genres of written text to the things that we will write in our paragraph
rouse their motivation to write is a paramount writing has been planned in our outline before.
importance in teaching writing at the present Writing a paragraph writing by using
time. It means that student’s motivation in writing outlining also gives us effective time
can be driven by giving some genres of management. We will write our paragraph writing
paragraph writing in their writing practices. It is smoothly, because we have prepared our ideas
natural, because every paragraph genre has in our outline before. As Nehiley (2004) in Latief
different goal in writing, and also different writing (2014) mentioned that an outline allows the
product. So it can avoid student’s bored in writing students to write rapidly and fluently.
and gives a challenge to write for the students. At Since outlining is useful in developing
last, it will give them motivation to write. paragraph writing. We can chose which outlining
It is not a secret anymore that some of the that we want to write in writing paragraph outline.
students have lack writing competency. It is There are two main outline form, namely :
because there are some aspects deal in writing. sentence outline (complete sentence) and topic
They are punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, word sentence (key word or phrases) in a paragraph
choice, word arrangement, grammar and time outline. So we can format our outline in anyway
management to write, etc. Those aspects that we think is suitable for processing our
influence the student’s ability in producing a paragraph writing.
paragraph writing even for the respondents of this
research. Some of the respondents have low
competency in writing skill. To cover those
This research is classroom action research
problems, the lecturer should have a better
(CAR). The subject of the research is The
technique in teaching paragraph writing, so it can
students of English Department, Teacher
help the student to cover the process of writing
Training and Education of University of
Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin who took writing 2
One of the techniques to improve the
subject at that time. There were 6 students as the
student’s ability in paragraph writing is by using
outlining. An outline is like an architect’s plan for
The research problem is : How is the effective
a house (Oshima & Hogue.1998). It designs
outlining in improving students’ paragraph writing
what we are going to write in our paragraph
writing. We can write our ideas that we want to
This research tries to describe the process of
explore in a paragraph outline. The ideas that we
outlining in improving students’ paragraph
write in the outline must be written systematically.
writing skill. In this research, the researcher
Brandon & Brandon (2005) also states that
assessed the effectiveness of outlining in
outlining is the tool that most people think of in
improving students’ paragraph writing.
connection with organizing.
According to Latief (2012), Classroom
It means that the outline must be well organized.
Action Research is done by the teacher to solve
It should in good order or good structure that
their classroom problems or to improve the
connects one to others. Futhermore the outline
quality of their classroom practices to get
also must show the connection with the
students’ better English achievement.
paragraph writing. The ideas that we write in an
The researcher did two (2) cycles for this
outline should be presented also in the paragraph
research. Every cycle has 4 steps. Briefly, it
discuses below :
The sentences that we write in the paragraph that
are as outline development must be related with Planning • Selecting the topic
the outline. In conclusion, there must be a that will be given to
connection between both of them. the students to 30
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

develop paragraph researcher planned to explain about

Action • Give introduction
descriptive paragraph outline more detail first.
about paragraph So they had paragraph background
outline and knowledge.
paragraph writing.
• Give the topic to the
students and asked b. Action and observation
Cycle 1 them to develop the In this step, the researcher told about outlining
topic into paragraph
outline and how to develop the theme into an outline
• Then ask them to by giving an example.
write their outline to In this step, the researcher also explained
paragraph writing
Observation • Monitoring the action about paragraph writing.
• Answer some After that, the researcher gave the students
question related to some themes and asked them to choose one.
• Collecting the data Those themes were about places or scenes.
Reflection • Evaluating and After the students choose one, then the
analyzing the data researcher asked them to develop it into
Revised Plan • electing the topic
descriptive paragraph outline in fifteen
which is helpful for minutes. There were some questions comes
the students to from them when they started to develop the
develop paragraph
writing by using outline. The question were about how to
outlining organized their idea into the outline and even
Action • Review of about some vocabularies related to
paragraph outline their own theme.
• Give the topic to the For the question about outline organizing, the
students and asked researcher answered it in detail. But for the
them to develop the
topic into paragraph question about vocabulary, the researcher
outline asked them try to find out by them selves.
• Then ask them to
write their outline to
After they finished to write the outline, the
Cycle 2 paragraph writing researcher asked them to give their outline to
Observation • Monitoring the action the researcher for checking it. In this step, the
• Answer some researcher gave feedback for their paragraph
question related to
subject outline.
• Collecting the data Some of the students had mistake in writing
Reflection • Evaluating and the outline form. They mix between complete
analyzing the data
sentence and phrases in developing their
outline. It is forbidden in writing paragraph
The researcher got the data by collecting the outline. There was discussion between
students’ writing score from both of the cycles researcher with the students about their
above, observation during the research and also paragraph outline one by one.
give them the questionnaire. After the researcher finished to check, she
The research analysis is about the success, the gave back the outline to the students and
failure and the obstruction during the research. asked them to develop their paragraph outline
Based on the analysis, the researcher can decide to descriptive paragraph writing.
whether continue or not for the next cycle. When the students finished to write their
descriptive paragraph, then the researcher
tried to check their work again. The researcher
RESULT AND DISCUSSION checked the paragraph by using writing
scoring rubrics. There are some element in
Cycle 1 writing scoring rubrics, namely: format of
a. Planning writing, mechanics, content, organization and
According to the lesson plan, the students also grammar and sentence structure
must be taught about descriptive paragraph (Oshima & Hogue.2006). The result of Cycle 1
writing. This paragraph described about as written in the table below :
places or scenes. In line with this rule, the 31
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

No Score Freq % Valid Cum students gave the outline to the

% %
1 50-55 - - - -
researcher for checking.
2 56 – 60 - - - - As the cycle 1, here the researcher also
3 61 – 65 1 16,7 16,7 16,7 gave some feedback for their outline.
4 66 – 70 2 33,3 33,3 50,0
5 71 – 75 2 33,3 33,3 83,3
There wasn’t no fundamental mistake in
6 75 – 80 1 16,7 16,7 100,0 their outline. It means that they got better
7 81 -85 - - - - understanding in developing paragraph
8 86 – 90 - - - - outline.
Total 6 100, 100,0 - Next, the students tried to develop the
0 paragraph outline to descriptive
paragraph writing again. When they
finished, they gave it to the researcher to
According the table above, there was no check. In this cycle, they needed short
students got 50-60. 16,7% students got 61-65. time to write the paragraph.
33,3 % students got 66-70. 33,3 % students It seemed the paragraph outline was
got 71-75 and 16,7 % students got 75-80. really work to develop in writing process.
Next, The researcher checked the
c. Reflection paragraph by using scoring rubrics as the
Based on the result above, we can conclude cycle 1 before.
that : The result of descriptive paragraph by
a. There was still a student who got a using outlining in cycle 2 as follow :
problem in paragraph writing by using
outline. No Score Freq % Valid Cum
% %
b. There were some students who got fair 1 50-55 - - - -
understanding in paragraph writing by 2 56–60 - - - -
using outline. 3 61–65 - - - -
4 66–70 1 16,7 16,7 16,7
c. During the discussion, the researcher 5 71–75 3 50,0 50,0 66,7
knew that they still have problem in 6 75–80 1 16,7 16,7 83,3
vocabulary and outlining structure 7 81-85 1 16,7 16,7 100,0
8 86-90 - - - -

Cycle 2 Total 6 100,0 100,0 -

a. Revised plan
Revised planning was taken to develop According to the table above, 16,7 %
better outcome in paragraph writing. student got 66-70. 50,0 % students got
In this cycle, the researcher still focused 71-75. 16,7 % student got 75-80. And
in descriptive paragraph but it described 16,7 % student got 81-85.
about a person who they know. To make
easier the writing process, the researcher
asked them to bring a picture of someone Descriptive Statistics
in the class.
N Min Max Mean Std
b. Action and observation Cycle 6 63,00 80 71,3333 5,85377
In this step, the researcher review some 1
vocabularies related to someone’s Cycle
6 70,0 85,00 76,6667 5,16398

performance first at the class. It was given

to develop students’ vocabulary. So it
When we try to compare between cycle 1
could drive them easily in writing process.
and cycle 2, it seemed that there was
Next, she asked the students to wrote
improvement in the mean scoring from the
paragraph outline to describe someone in
data above. It proves that there was
the picture. It was given in fifteen minutes.
improvement in students’ paragraph
They seemed focus in the picture and
writing skill by using outline. Developing
outlining. When the time ended. The
writing outline before writing the
paragraph is really work. Based on the 32
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

result above, we know that outline is 9 Developing 6

useful in paragraph writing. outline
helps to
c. Reflection write some
Based on the result above, we can 10 My idea 5 1
conclude that : rarely
a. There was no student anymore who comes out
when I I
got a problem in paragraph writing by must
using outline. It showed that no develop
student got score 61-65. writing first
b. The students’ understanding in 11 Paragraph 6
paragraph writing by using outline outline
gives much
increases. positive
point in my
To establish the result of this research, paragraph
12 Paragraph 6
the researcher also shared the outline
questionnaire to the respondents above. gives much
The result of the questionnaire is listed in point in my
the table below : paragraph

No Statement Number of student as

the respondent The result of this questionnaire :
Yes No Sometimes
1 Develop an 5 1 1. All of the students really know about the
before function of paragraph outline and parts of
develop the paragraph.
2 Know the 6
2. All of the students agree that paragraph
function of outline is helpful , to help them to focus on
paragraph the theme and help them to write some
3 Know the 6
parts of 3. No students agree that paragraph outline
paragraph will give bad effect to develop their
4 Paragraph 6
outline is imagination and paragraph.
so helpful 4. Some students agree that they will have
to develop idea easily through paragraph outline
paragraph 5. Developing paragraph outline doesn’t
5 Paragraph 6 spend much time for them
outline help
to focus on
the theme
6 Paragraph 1 2 3 CONCLUSION
gives The result of this research shows that there is
limitation to
write other significant improvement to students’ paragraph
idea except writing skill by using outlining for English
the idea
which is
Department Students, Teacher Training and
written in Education University of Muhammadiyah
the outline Banjarmasin. It shows that the mean score in
7 Paragraph 6
outline lose
cycle 1 is 71.3333 and the mean score in cycle 2
me out to is 76,6667. It means that the mean score in cycle
develop the 2 is higher than the mean score in cycle 1. Beside
8 Developing 5 1 that the data from the questionnaire and
paragraph observation during the research shows that most
outline of the students support that outlining gives the
much time positive feedback for their paragraph writing skill.
The idea of the paragraph is organized. The 33
ISSN : 2654-5152 Vol. 1 No. 2 (May, 2019)

paragragh writing becomes systematic, good

ordering and hierarchical, well planned and strick
on the topic sentence. Beside that outlining offers
writing more rapidly and fluently. It gives us more
effective in time management when writing.
Outlining really works to improve paragraph
writing skill.

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