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Tiefling NPCs
Sister Radiance
Servant of the Brilliance and Leader of the Brilliant Church

Sister Radiance was raised as an orphan in Lowburg, the poor half of a city cleanly and
ruthlessly divided between Haves and Have-Nots. She despised how her tiefling brethren and
others unlucky enough to be born different from what society deems acceptable were treated. In
the face of hopelessness, she sought strength to enact change, and she found it in the sun.
Sister Radiance speaks of a vision she received: of a figure that stood against a blinding sun,
with no defining characteristics other than the halo of pure light at the edges of their shape, like
an eclipse’s corona. The figure spoke to her and bestowed a divine power upon her, so she may
make it that that those that walk under the light of the sun may be treated as equal. Ever since
this vision, Sister Radiance has given herself in mind, body, and spirit to this cause and to the
worship of what she calls The Brilliance.
Sister Radiance now leads the strong and growing Brilliant Church, composed mainly of
fervent devotees from Lowburg. They make up for their lack of connections to the upper
echelons of society in the city with their fervor, an almost supernatural determination, and their
unwavering community outreach. In the few years since they’ve been established, they’ve
largely changed the landscape of the lower city for the better, but they’ve also made themselves
a key pillar of most aspects of life in the Lowburg. The Church has become inescapable to its
denizens, who completely rely on them. Sister Radiance’s most devoted holy agents, her
Sunrays, are now raising their gaze upwards--not towards the sky, nor towards the sun, but
towards Highburg, the seat of power that controls both halves of the city.
What their next step is, only the sister knows.

Name(s): Sister Radiance, Sister
Race: Tiefling
Pronouns: she/her
Age: Not known even by herself; speculated to be in her late 20s, early 30s
Class: Cleric
Occupation: Leader of the Brilliant Church

Sister Radiance moves around any space as if she’s walking through a temple. She keeps her
hands clasped together in front of her, and rarely moves them when speaking. She always
makes direct eye contact when she speaks, which some find honest and some terrifying,
depending on their standing with her. Her demeanor exudes piety and holiness, but she
becomes somewhat more relaxed when in presence of trusted members of the church.

Sister Radiance’s tone is slow and deliberate, only emotional when she’s rallying the followers
of her church or in the rare times she speaks candidly about her mission or The Brilliance
themselves. Extremely well-spoken, she has a particular knack for speeches and could make for
an incredible politician, although one might wonder if she isn’t one already.

If asked, Sister Radiance will state plainly that her goal is for every citizen of the city and beyond
to be equal under the brilliance of the sun. She is not lying, but she has had other goals before.
Her first one was to establish the Brilliant Church, and she succeeded. Her second was to make
the church help the people of Lowburg, and she succeeded. Her third was to make the church a
cornerstone of Lowburg, making its people rely on the church and grow its numbers, and she
succeeded. Her next goal is to depose the current political structure that governs the city,
instating in its place a parliamentary government with representatives selected by the people of
both Lowburg and Highburg, even if it just so happens that there are many more people living in
Lowburg than in Highburg.

Plot Hooks:
Snuff out the Sunrays: A rich merchant hires the party, explaining that dangerous
cultists have infiltrated and poisoned the minds of those living in Lowburg. The cultists wear the
insignia of a blazing sun, and the most dangerous among them are called the Sunrays. They
answer to a wicked woman who claims to speak for a god that appears in no records and is
worshiped nowhere else, a clearly false deity. When the party descends into Lowburg, they are
told about the Brilliant Church, and their services and prevalence throughout the entirety of
Lowburg. If the party chooses to seek out and hear out the Sunrays, they’ll ask the party to act
as double agents. The merchant who hired the party just so happens to have a seat at the
parliament that rules the city, and Sister Radiance would be interested in knowing what else is
said about the church there.

Academic Curiosity: A theologian in one of the temples of Highburg has heard whispers
of this new Brilliant Church that has all but taken over Lowburg. He has scrutinized volumes
ancient and modern to identify this “Brilliance” this church worships, but he’s had no luck. He
offers a frankly indecent sum of money for the party to disguise themselves as people new to
the city and infiltrate the Brilliant Church. The more information they find out about their god, the
more he’ll pay.

Hard in Highburg: Sister Radiance contacts the party after hearing of their exploits from
one of the Sunrays, who happens to be a big fan. She’s aware that they are not above a job that
is somewhat outside of the law, and she’s willing to pay handsomely. She wants to move on with
the next phase of her plan: destabilizing Highburg and turning the public opinion against the
current parliament. She can’t use her Sunrays for the job, though, since if they were discovered
they’d be linked directly to the Brilliant Church. She tasks the party with destabilization missions,
including stealing sensitive documents from the houses of members of parliament, disrupting
trade routes, turning the opinion of the city’s allies against the city, and gathering information
from private meetings between parliament members to use it against them. She understands
and will explain that this will hurt the city in the short term, but she believes that these temporary
hardships are worth it if they mean lasting change in how the city operates, and in the lives of
those who currently suffer under its unjust rule. Will the party agree with this assessment?
Commander of the Weeping Battalion

Evoke is the warmage commander of an army contingent that is permanently posted
next to the Weeping Wound, a dimensional tear that leads directly into the hells. Hordes of
devils use the Wound to cross from the hells into our realm, and Evoke’s contingent is the only
barrier stopping them from seeping into the rest of the world.
They are called the Weeping Battalion because of their task, but also because few join
the battalion of their own free will, as it's seen as a death sentence. Most of its members are
criminals who are given a choice between capital punishment or joining the batallion, and who
prefer to delay the inevitable by becoming part of its ranks. Evoke is an exception to this rule.
Close to where the Weeping Wound appeared, there was a village. It was founded in
living memory by a group of tieflings who chose to retreat from a world needlessly cruel to them.
Among these people were Evoke’s parents. The village thrived over the years through hard
work and by being close to a popular trading route. Merchants smart enough to understand that
tiefling gold is just as valuable as human or elf gold took the chance to sell wares there on the
way to major hubs of commerce, and the town continued to flourish.
The Weeping Wound put a stop to this idyllic place, and although the villagers fought
valiantly to keep their homes, the incessant attacks became too much to bear, and they were
forced to run. Evoke stayed, and joined the newly formed battalion that had been posted to
defend the rest of the realm from the hordes spewing out of the wound. He had learned the
basics of magic from his mother, and he put those to good use. After years of battle, he now
leads the Weeping Battalion, and has shaped its disparate members into a group of warriors
that worked together like a well-oiled machine. He leads the vanguard with his fellow warmages,
using spells and banishments to repel, maim, and weaken the devil horde, but when asked he
says he doesn’t plan to do this for long.
Evoke is not interested in unending war, or to see his fellow battalion members perish an
inevitable death at the hands of hellish monsters. He wants to close the wound, cauterize it
forever, and raise that village his parents believed in so much from the ashes of the battlefield.

Name(s): Evoke, Commander
Race: Tiefling
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 35
Class: Wizard / Fighter
Occupation: Commander of the Weeping Battalion, Warmage

When outside of battle Evoke holds himself casually, with charismatic self-assurance and a
generally casual and laid-back attitude. Rarely seen not smiling, he is a calming presence and
exudes confidence. When in battle, his presence is less calming and more inspiring; he remains
just as confident, but the laid-back demeanor is replaced with purposeful movements and a
clear vision for how to best accomplish his mission. He is a natural-born leader.

He’s not much for military jargon and decorum, and speaks to the members of his battalion in
their language. His speech shows his leadership skills, speaking confidently and clearly. He’s
not much for flowery speeches, but knows how to rouse his troops when they need a boost of
morale. He also has the emotional intelligence to know how to speak to them when they need a
confidant or a shoulder to cry on.
Evoke’s goal is to close the Weeping Wound and rebuild the village where he spent his
childhood. He’s been researching devils and the Wound itself with the help of the few
academics that have joined the ranks of the Weeping Battalion, but the cause of the tear and
how to close it eludes them.

Plot Hooks:
Conscripted: After being caught in one of their many not-exactly-legal adventures (whether
justly or not), the party is sentenced to serve in the Weeping Battalion. The party can serve their
sentence--or they can try to flee, which will prove challenging and dangerous, as there’s nothing
Evoke and the battalion hate more than a deserter.

Got to Hell: The party meets Evoke while the battalion is out fighting a devil scouting party.
They learn of his plight and his goal, and he asks for their help. His team of researchers has
pinpointed the source that keeps the Weeping Wound open inside of the portal, but he can’t
afford to send his troops into the Wound in case there’s another attack. He asks the party to
enter the Weeping Wound, find whatever source of energy is keeping the dimensional portal
open, and destroy it.
Ambassador of the Gleaming Court

Mesmer was the first daughter born to one of the most rich, influential, and powerful
noble families in her country. There had always been whispers that one of their ancestors
accrued their wealth through some demonic pact, and Mesmer’s existence did nothing to
disprove those rumors. Regardless of this, her human parents accepted their tiefling child with
open arms and loving hearts, and started to work. They knew that there were those who would
not be so welcoming to Mesmer, and they understood the challenges she would face in her
future, so they did everything they possibly could to set her up for glowing success.
They brought the best tutors to the house on a permanent basis; ten different and
exhaustively vetted nursemaids -- half of them tieflings themselves -- reared the child from
infancy; horsemanship experts and fencing instructors were called as soon as Mesmer could
stand on her own two feet. By the age of 12, Mesmer was nothing short of a prodigy.
But Mesmer did not just receive the best education, she also met the expectations put on
her, and rose even higher. She danced at the right balls, attended the right soirees, and made
the right connections, until she became the youngest ambassador in the Gleaming Court’s
history at the tender age of 19.
Now, at 37, she continues to strive ever higher. Her influence among the other
ambassadors and courtiers is strong, but she has garnered many enemies and faced myriad
difficulties. Many have tried to destroy her, to expose her as a monster, to accuse her of treason.
All who opposed her so far have been cast down from the court in shame or even disappeared
altogether, never to be seen again, but no matter how high she rises, there’s something
stopping her from achieving her goal of becoming the head of foreign relations for the Gleaming
Court. The other ambassadors have seen Mesmer’s ascension, and they are afraid of what
putting someone like her in such a position of power would mean for the court -- and, more
importantly, for them. Mesmer has managed to pierce through every barrier in her way to the
top. Will this one be the one that stops her rise?

Name(s): Mesmer, Lady Mesmer, Ambassador
Race: Tiefling
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 37
Class: No specific class, but knows bardic magic
Occupation: Ambassador of the Gleaming Court

Mesmer moves around a room like a parade of one, instantly attracting the attention of all those
present. Every move seems effortless, but is perfectly rehearsed and calculated. She instantly
reads the person in front of her and changes her demeanor to reflect what they are most
comfortable with, able to go from casual and relaxed to perfectly poised and proper on a dime.

Her tone is elegant and refined. Every word is measured and perfectly chosen, as if she always
knows the right thing to say. Her sentences linger just long enough for you to pay attention to
her every word.
Mesmer’s goal is to become the head of the Gleaming Court’s foreign relations. She’s made
connections and proven her worth as an ambassador, but the other ambassadors must vote in
her favor for her to gain that position, and the majority has found common ground in their bigotry
and selfish self-preservation and banded together to stop her in her tracks.

Plot Hooks:
We’re Having a Ball: Mesmer requests the aid of the party. She’s throwing a ball where
the ambassadors and their foreign counterparts have been invited. Mesmer wants the party to
use their accomplishments and social skills to convince the majority of the ambassadors to vote
for her in the upcoming election for the head of foreign relations, but many are hesitant and
some outright hostile to her getting that position.

You’ve Got Blackmail: Mesmer contracts the party after hearing of past shady jobs
they’ve performed successfully. She believes there is no way to convince the ambassadors to
vote for her to become the head of foreign relations. Her competitors have been playing dirty, so
she’s about to do the same. Mesmer needs the party to infiltrate the houses of three key
ambassadors who are actively opposing her candidacy and find some information that these
ambassadors would prefer to stay secret. She has no plans to reveal the information if they vote
for her, at least for now.
Champion of the Blood Circus

Win was born under the name Galatea Floronos, daughter to the immensely wealthy
Floronos family, famed merchants across the realm. While her siblings didn’t have too much
trouble taking to the bourgeois life, Galatea could never quite get it. She hated dresses, she
couldn’t focus for hours like her tutors expected her to, she seemed to lack any elegance when
it came to waltzing lessons, and could not be bothered to remember the many complicated rules
that are involved in table etiquette. Her parents were endlessly disappointed in her, as the only
part of her education she seemed interested in was fencing. As a teenager, she often escaped
into the night to walk among the people of the city, talk to strangers, witness and participate in
bar fights, and generally do anything that would make her parents’ blood boil. It was during one
of these escapades that she found the Blood Circus, a huge circular building where powerful
warriors fought battles that often ended in death. She was instantly smitten.
Using her sizable allowance, she paid an old gladiator to teach her how to fight like a
Circus warrior, and at 17 she made her debut in the sands, defeating two opponents and losing
to a third. She got a concussion that she had to pass at home as a series of fainting spells that
required many rounds of smelling salts, but she returned and she kept fighting.
Without her parents’ knowledge, Galatea kept rising in the ranks of the Circus fighters.
She took the virtue name Win because of her extremely competitive spirit, and before long,
whispers of this incredibly powerful warrior reached Win’s parents’ ears, who were known to
make quite a bit of money on Circus gambling. The shock and horror of seeing their daughter in
the sands fighting against other bloodthirsty opponents was quickly erased by the amount of
gold they won when she emerged victorious.
Since then, she has enjoyed the generous patronage of her parents and has managed
to climb to the very top of the Circus, becoming its current reigning champion. Along the way,
she’s made quite a bit of money for herself and her family, who are all very happy that she finally
found a passion that excited her and filled both her and their coffers. Champions burn bright but
not forever, however. How long will Win manage to stay at the top of the Blood Circus?

Name(s): Win, (the) Champion, Galatea Floronos (only used by her family)
Race: Tiefling
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 41
Class: Barbarian / Fighter
Occupation: Champion of the Blood Circus

Win is boisterous in her mannerisms. Her movements are just as loud as her voice, and she
often uses the full breath of her arms to explain herself. She is very descriptive with her hands
when speaking, sometimes miming her words with her hands as she talks, as if playing
charades. Her general demeanor is cocky, but it’s clearly earned.

Win seems to lack an inside voice, even whispering loudly. She speaks plainly and from the
heart, and doesn’t mince her words or care to hide her true feelings. Her choice of words is
always very colorful, much to her family’s dismay.
Win, true to her virtue name, wants to win above anything else. She enjoys the glory and the
money, but more than anything she enjoys competing and the rush of adrenaline from a fair
fight. She wants to remain the champion of the Blood Circus for as long as possible, to keep
fighting more and more powerful opponents and to become a legend in Circus history.

Plot Hooks:
You and Me: A new type of competition has started in the Blood Circus: team battles. Two
teams fight against one another, and the winners get the new Team Champion title and an
absurd sum of gold. The party learns about this from an advertisement from someone looking
for extremely talented fighters to join their team. When they meet the person who put up the
request, they find out it was Win, the current reigning champion. She doesn’t have a team yet,
and doesn’t know many who can do magic, so she’s looking for potential teammates. She
states, however, that the party will have to impress her if they want to join her in the Circus.

You Versus Me: The party hears of the impossible amount of money that one would
theoretically win if they dethrone the reigning champion of the Blood Circus. They would have to
fight their way through several brackets against increasingly powerful opponents, to then square
off against the champion herself. Can they make it to the end and win against Win?
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