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[New Jersey State Trooper Encounters Demonic Entity while searching for missing child]

Lilith, I need to tell my story. The events of this night, over a decade ago, have slowly eaten away at who
I am. Morally, Spiritually, and Mentally I am diminished because of it. Be warned, It’s a dark tale with a
glum ending.

I used to be a New Jersey State Trooper. I’ve since left the force, incapable of performing my duties as
an officer since the incident.

It was early evening and an APB had been sent out. A child, a 5-year-old girl, had disappeared from her
fenced-in backyard. On the force, you have to do a bit of pretending. Minor drug infractions, and traffic
stops, were the kinds of things that we had to enforce, but more often than not we would of rather just
turned a blind eye. But most of us being fathers and mothers ourselves, we took these kinds of calling
very seriously, and our search was an earnest one.

A search grid had been set up in the girl’s neighborhood, widening after each unsuccessful cycle. After a
few hours, nearing 10 pm we received new information. It wasn’t clear to me how it came about, but it
narrowed down the search significantly to a specific and uncommon vehicle, only 5 others being in the
relevant vicinity. Myself and three other officers, in two squad cars, were dispatched to a possible

The address brought us to the head of a long dirt road well outside of the town. A steel gate ran the
length of the trail, bordered by dense forest on each side. There was a lock on the gate, a circular anti-
theft one. Cutting it was impossible, and any damage to the gate was unwarranted at this point. Even in
a situation like this, you can’t destroy property simply because someone drives an uncommon truck.

We radioed in and were directed to proceed on foot. The four of us began the dark trek down the
surprisingly long path. It was hard to describe how I felt. Heading towards potential danger, with armed
comrades at your side and an innocent child’s life on the line, well, I think it’s the most human
experience I’ve ever had in life. If that makes sense.

The deeper we went the more the surrounding trees seemed to close in, looming over us like dark
sentinels. The air grew colder and somehow…sinister almost. I think the other officers felt it was well, in
an unspoken agreement we came almost shoulder to shoulder, quickening our pace down the trail.
Before long we saw a dim light cutting through the blackness up ahead.
The path ended in a dirt parking lot, and several cars were parked there including the one matching the
description. The house itself was an old Victorian, wildly out of place here back in the forest. The
windows…the windows were in the form of inverted crosses, a slowly pulsing red light radiated out of
each of them, splashing the surrounding trees with crimson illumination.

It was immediately clear that this was not a routine check. Whatever was going on in this house, related
to the missing girl or not, demanded a high level of caution and scrutiny. We attempted to radio in but
none of our radios worked. In fact, none of our electronics worked at all.

Standing back in the wood and discussing our next step, a shrill scream pierced the air. A child’s scream.

This cut short our deliberations and together we dashed towards the house. We all made intuitively
strategic decisions. Two officers went for the front door, one for the possible back, and I to the nearest
ground-level window.

Waiting a moment for my partners to get into position, I took a tentative glance through the window.

I was met with a spectacle that threatened to shatter my sanity instantly.

A group of people, wearing varying hues of red and black cloaks, stood surrounding a stone altar in the
middle of the floor. Strapped to the table was the small girl we had been looking for, crying and
struggling against her restraints.

Behind the table stood…a form. A shimmering cloud of pure black that seemed to trap any light that
touched it. The only corporeal features were a pair of elongated horns, curling towards the tip as you
would see on a Ram. And two narrow eyes, red and bloodshot, gazing at the poor child on the table.

Seeing the creature, the most profound despair came over me. An utter hopelessness that seemed to
drain the very essence of life from my body. My legs began to shake uncontrollably, and I strained to
stop myself from vomiting. I threw my hand against the wall to support myself, and a dull slap rang out.
When I looked again the entity’s eyes locked their gaze with mine.
I was on the verge of passing out when I heard a crash coming from the front of the house. It pulled the
creature’s attention away from me, and I immediately felt a sense of clarity and revitalization wash over

The window was too small to break through, so I drew my weapon and rushed toward the front of the
house to join my allies. Before I reached the door, I heard gunshots from inside followed by screams and
the sounds of general chaos.

Bursting through the battered down door and rushing into the fray I had a final look at the formless
creature. It gave a roar, inhumanely loud and guttural. Both us and the robed figures froze motionless.
All around the sounds of shattering glass, and a violent tremor shook the entirety of the house. The
earlier despair struck me again but faded just as quickly.

I don’t care to recount the next several minutes in the house. The taking of human life is not something I
am proud of and I will not glamorize it.

By the end five of the robed figures lay dead on the floor, each from a bullet wound. Our partner at the
back lay unconscious, a vicious but nonfatal blow to the head. None of the suspects were alive, several
having fled the backdoor into the forest.

Miraculously the girl was alive but also unconscious, having made it unscathed through the firestorm.
We had acted poorly and without discipline, potentially putting the girl’s life at further risk by firing our
weapons in the house, yet still. She made it.

Our electronics were working again, and we were able to call for backup. Within 15 minutes a swarm of
police and EMTs were at the house. I was surprised to see two priests accompanying the

Over the following days, we spoke with several agencies within the police department, as well as some
that didn’t name themselves, but were clearly government men. Our statements were changed over and
over, specific unexplainable elements having been left out. The event was never covered on the news,
and we were all under the strictest of orders not to discuss it.
I left the force the following year. Visions of that night invasively entered my mind each time I lay down
to sleep and I knew I would not survive another encounter like that. I fell out of touch with the other
officers who were with me, and don’t know if they fared better than me.

Over the years I have kept tabs on the girl we saved, from a distance. As she got older her mental
stability deteriorated. Random acts of violent aggression and troubled behavior like killing small animals
and hurting other children.

Two years ago, she entered the local church and attempted to stab a priest after his Sunday sermon. He
had been one of the same ones there on that night. She was mandated to an institution for the mentally
unwell and has been there since. The poor child.

As for myself. I go to church often, though in another town. I’ve taught my own children bedtime their
bedtime prayers and try to embody the Holy Spirit in all I do.

None of it helps.

I hope, that by emptying my soul and recounting this story, I might finally find some small semblance of

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