Informal Letter Writing Package 2023 V2 (2)

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Informal Letter

Writing Package


Evergreen Secondary School

English Department | 2023
No. Item Page no.

Trigger activities 3

1.1 Thank-you Letter 3

1.2 The Penfriend 5

2 Writing letters in a digital age 11

3 Before writing the letter 11

3.1. PRAFT 11

4 Informal letter format 12

5 Writing the letter 13

5.1. Purpose 13

5.2. Greeting 13

5.3. Body paragraphs 14

5.4. Conclusion 16

5.5. Sign off 17

6 Things to note 17

7 Informal letter sample with format 18

8 Informal letter sample 19

8.1. Informal letter sample 1 19

8.2. Informal letter sample 2 26

8.3. Informal letter samples 3.1 & 3.2 30

No. Item Page no.

9 Marking rubrics 34

10 Useful phrases for informal letters 36

11 Guided practice 38

12 Individual practice 42
1. Trigger activities
1.1. Thank-you Letter

Poem 1: Thank-you Letter by Robin Klein Poem 2: Thank-you Letter by Robin Klein

Dear Aunty Grace, Dear Aunty Grace,

I’m writing this letter just to say I hate that terrible dress you sent
I adore the dress you sent today.
Eek! Mauve!
The colour’s just terrific! Frilly socks to match! It’s just too much!
Those little puff sleeves are really neat! I’d rather wear blisters on my feet!
Frilly socks to match! It’s just too much!
When I was made to try that thing on
Mum says the dress looks sweetly charming. It suits I really felt like throwing up!
me now I’m growing up.
The lace around the hem’s a nightmare
The lace around the hem’s a dream! I WON’T wear that ghastly dress!
I’ve never seen such pretty ruffles. I hope I wake up before I scream!

You shouldn’t have spent so much money, Of all the dum dum birthday presents,
But thanks for the lovely surprise – Yours, Aunty Grace, easily takes first prize!

You’re very generous. With some luck

So thanks again I can lose the socks.
For the wonderful dress! Ink spilled on mauve, I hope won’t wash out

Love, Love,
Jane Jane

Explain how Jane feels about receiving the gift Explain how Jane feels about receiving the gift
from her Aunt. What is the tone of the poem? from her Aunt. What is the tone of the poem?

1.1. Thank you Letter

Why do you think certain phrases are cancelled in the original poem?

1.2. The Penfriend (Part 1)

Read this extract.

Trudy had argued with her parents again. She couldn’t stand it anymore. She was old enough to look after
herself! Every time she wanted to go out it was the same old story.

They questioned her about where she was going, and who she was going out with. She felt that her parents
didn’t trust her at all. Things were getting worse and worse.

Tony had invited her to a party on Saturday night. When she told her parents about it, they said she could go
but… she had to be home by ten o’clock.

Her friends knew that her parents treated her like a child, and they often teased her about it. Most of her
friends had really liberal parents and could do what they liked. She sometimes thought about sharing a flat with
her friend, Sharon, but she knew it was only a dream. The money she earned from babysitting wasn’t even
enough to buy herself some new clothes.

If she didn’t go to the party with Tony, he’d probably never ask her out again. That’s what usually happened. She
got a lot of invitations but she always refused. It was much easier saying ‘no’ than explaining why she had to be
home by ten o’clock.

Trudy turned the music up louder and threw herself onto the bed. She thought she could hear her mother
shouting at her to turn the music down, but she didn’t care. She had lots of homework to do but couldn’t be
bothered. Instead, she opened a magazine and started looking through it when something caught her eye.

‘Are you depressed? Do you feel as though your life is not your own?
You’re not alone. Please write to me. Susan’

The address followed. Trudy was pleased to see that she wasn’t the only one with problems. She found it
difficult to talk to her friends — they didn’t understand her. Maybe this Susan could give her some advice.

She sat up and reached for a pen and paper. It took her half an hour to write a long letter. She wrote about her
parents and her problems in communicating with them, and also, about how she felt trapped.

When she had finished the letter, she felt much better. She posted it the next day.

What are Trudy’s reasons for writing to Susan, a total stranger?

1.2. The Penfriend (Part 2)
A week later, she got a reply. It was a long letter from Susan. As she read it Trudy realised that they both had
many things in common, apart from the fact that Susan had left school. The last paragraph made Trudy realise
that Susan’s problems were worse than hers.

...Things are getting unbearable. They never speak to me, or ask my opinion about anything. I’m almost ignored.
They don’t really want me here. I heard them planning their holidays yesterday. They’re thinking of going abroad
and leaving me here on my own. I don’t know what to do...

Write soon,

Trudy felt sorry for her new friend. She wrote back the same day.

Dear Susan,

Thanks for your letter, and for your advice. You were right. It’s much better trying to talk to my parents, than
shouting and slamming doors! I’m going to the party with Tony tonight but I have to be home by eleven. It’s not
exactly what I wanted but it’s better than nothing. What about your problems? Couldn’t you go on holiday with
them or speak to them? Tell them you don’t want to stay at home on your own.

By the way, have you got a boyfriend?

Write soon and let me know.


Things got better for Trudy. She learned how to explain things to her parents and they began to understand that
she needed her freedom. At school she was doing well. She studied hard and her results were always good.

While things got better for Trudy, they got worse for Susan. The next letter made Trudy very sad.

Dear Trudy,

I’m happy to hear that you’re now getting on with your parents. I wish I could say the same for myself. I
mentioned going on holiday with them, but it was useless. They don’t want me here — they want their freedom.
After a terrible row, they sent me to my room. They say if I want to live here, I have to do what they say.I had a
bad night — I’m so depressed. Nobody wants me. I haven’t got a boyfriend — there was one but they frightened
him away. I haven’t seen or heard from him since. They’re jealous! They don’t even want me to write letters.

Please write soon.


What are Trudy’s reasons for writing to Susan, a total stranger?

1.2. The Penfriend (Part 2)
Dear Susan,

I got your letter this morning. You’re in a difficult situation but don’t forget that adults often say things they
don’t mean. I’m sure they don’t realise how much they are hurting you. Tell them you’re not a child anymore —
sending you to your room won’t solve anything! I can understand them not wanting you to go out at night (just
like my parents!) but writing a few letters... What harm can that do?

Things here are getting better. There’s a concert next week and they say I can go. I think they’re beginning to
like Tony!

Bye for now.


Susan’s reply came after a few days.

Dear Trudy,

I’m pleased things are improving for you — the situation here is getting worse! They went out for the day
yesterday and wanted me to stay at home on my own. When I told them I wanted to go out they locked me in my
room. I can’t stand it anymore — I feel really depressed. You’re the only person I confide in. Now, they’re
refusing to post my letters so I give them to the boy who brings the newspapers. As for going out in the
evenings, they won’t even let me out during the day. I used to meet a group of friends every Saturday but they
stopped me going. Now I’ve lost contact with them all. I know they wish I didn’t exist, and sometimes, so do I.

Please write soon. Your letters are the only thing I look forward to.

Trudy was shocked. Susan was being mentally tortured! She decided to show the letters to her parents. “Oh,
Trudy. You don’t really believe everything that Susan writes, do you? It seems to me that she’s got a very vivid
imagination,” her father said. Write to her again,” her mother suggested. “Invent something yourself. Play the
same game.” Trudy wasn’t convinced. She wrote back the next day.

Dear Susan,

Are you on the phone? Why don’t you call the police? What they’re doing to you is a crime — they can’t treat you
like this! It’s your life — you’ve got to change it now!

Please let me know what you decide to do.


This time Susan took a while to reply. The contents of the letter didn’t surprise Trudy.

If you were Trudy, what would you advise Susan to do? Why?

1.2. The Penfriend (Part 3)
Dear Trudy,

Thanks for your advice — I appreciate you’re trying to help me. I almost made the phone all you suggested but
the more I thought about it, the more I decided against it. I know you find it hard to understand, but even though
they treat me so badly, I still love them. If I call the police, or social services, it’ll create even more problems.
Then, the police will arrest them. I’m not sure this is what I want. They’re not too bad if I obey them.

Please write soon.


Trudy began to think that her parents were right. If Susan was really desperate, she would ask for help. She
wrote back but didn’t mention Susan’s problems. Instead, she wrote about herself and Tony, and about life in
general. This time she enclosed a photograph and asked for one in exchange. When Trudy received Susan’s
reply, she knew she had to do something.

Dear Trudy,

Thanks for your photo. You sounded really happy in your letter. Things are a bit different here.

A few days ago I wanted to go out for a walk, but they wouldn’t let me. I was so annoyed I told them I was going
to call the police. I’ve never seen them so angry, especially her. She slapped me and told me to go up to my
room. As I was going up the stairs I slipped and fell. I was a bit bruised, but luckily didn’t break any bones. I had to
stay in bed for a day, but I’m much better now. I’m sure they didn’t mean to do it — but since then we haven’t
spoken. Maybe it’s better, at least we don’t argue!

Hope to hear from you soon.


Trudy took the letter to her parents and insisted on phoning the police. Her mother had an idea. Her friend
Maggie was a social worker. She phoned her and explained the situation. Half an hour later, Maggie called at
their house. She wanted to read the letters. When she’d seen them, she told Trudy that she had done well to
call her. Maggie explained that a social worker would go and see Susan. She promised to keep Trudy informed.
Trudy didn’t write back to Susan. She preferred to wait and hear from Maggie. Besides, she didn’t know if Susan
wanted to write to her again, after what she had done.

One evening, Maggie came to visit them bringing them news of Susan. It seemed that Susan had suffered
physically as well as mentally. At first, Susan would not admit that she had been treated badly. When she saw
the letters she had sent Trudy, she agreed to tell the truth. After a brief stay in a hospital, the social worker
found her somewhere to live. She had given a letter to Maggie, for Trudy.

Dear Trudy,

At first, I was upset when I found out that you’d contacted the social services. Now I understand why you did it.
I’m very happy here; the people I live with are very friendly and kind.

I live quite near to you now — why don’t you come and see me?

Hope to see you soon.


1.2. The Penfriend (Part 3)
A few days later, she took the train down to Hampton and then took a taxi to the address on the letter. A young
girl answered the door. “Susan’s in the living room. She’s waiting for you...” When Trudy walked into the room,
she thought there had been a mistake. An old woman was sitting in an armchair reading a book. Trudy turned to
leave, but the woman called her.

“You’re Trudy, aren’t you? I’m Susan,” she said, putting down her book.

“Susan?” Trudy answered perplexed. “I thought…”

“Yes, I know. You thought you were writing to a young girl who had problems with her parents. Now you’ve
discovered I’m an old woman who had problems with her son and wife.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“Because you didn’t ask me,” Susan replied, laughing. “I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t mention a few details.”

“Yes, but why?”

“If you had known I was old enough to be your grandmother, would you have written to me?” Susan asked.

“I supposed not!” Trudy admitted.

“I enjoyed your letters so much. Young people are so full of life but think they’re the only ones with problems...
God only knows how many people there are in my situation. I was forced to live with a son who only wanted me
for my pension (retirement money). After all I’ve done for him!”

Susan and Trudy talked for a while. It was as though they had known each other for years. As Trudy left the
house she could see Susan in the garden chatting away happily to her new friends. She decided to write to her
the next day.

(Taken from The Penfriend by Bruna Deriu)

What suprises you about the ending of this story? Why?

1.2. The Penfriend (Part 3)
What have you learnt about the pros and cons of having a penfriend?

Pros Cons

2. Writing letters in a digital age

Writing a letter takes time.

It forces you to thoughtfully

It is a wonderful way to construct a story that would be
tell someone they personally significant to the
crossed your mind for person reading the letter.
more than a few seconds.

3. Before writing the letter...

3.1. Analyse the Qn using PRAFT

P Purpose Why are you writing this letter?

R Role What must you do as the writer?

Who is reading your letter? Refer to the question to get some

A Audience
background information about the reader.

F Format What style must you write in? Formal? Informal?

T Tone How must your letter sound? Why so?

4. Informal letter format

B Block

R Road name Address of

U Unit number (Write # first)
It may be made
up but it has to
Singapore postal code
be realistic.
S Postal code has 6 digits and no brackets. Last 3 digits
should match the block number.

Write the date in FULL.

Da Date
Write the current year.

Male / Female?
De Dear _____________ (recipient's name)
No comma after name

Enquire about your recipient

Talk a bit about yourself
State your purpose for writing the letter (link back
to task requirement)

Body para 1
Depending on
the question,
Body para 2 you may write
up to four body
Body para 3


Sign off No comma. Sign your name legibly

5. Writing the letter
5.1. Purpose

Example 1

Block 123
Woodlands Ring Road
Singapore 510123
Use this greeting to
7 June 2022 i. tell the recipient a little about your life and
ii. ask them about theirs
Dear Samantha

How are you? It was so lovely to hear from you! I am fine and have
made many new friends in my new secondary school. I hope you
This introductory
are also having fun in your new secondary school. In your previous
paragraph enables you to
letter, you mentioned that you want to spend time during your
school holidays doing volunteer work. I came across two
recipient of your letter.
volunteer organisations on a webpage that I think you might be
interested in. Let me tell you more about them so you can
consider if you would like to go there.

5.2. Greeting

Remember to SHOW CONCERN for the recipient.

How are you? I hope you are coping in your new secondary school and doing
well in your studies!
I hope life is treating you well. Are you and your family members doing fine?
I have not heard from you in such a long time! Have you been busy recently?
I was so happy to receive your letter and I really enjoyed reading it!

5.3. Body paragraphs

Must answer ALL the points (task requirement) in the question.

Follow PEEL format, where possible
State a point
Elaborate by giving details (describe what and how)
Give example(s)
Link the significance of example(s) to the point stated
Cannot copy large chunks of information from the text. You have to write in your own
When writing your letter in your own words, you must write your own version of the
information and ideas by either adding new information or expanding existing information
provided in the stimulus such as flyers or posters.

Example 1

For those who are not into sports, you can book a room and
sing your troubles away with your loved ones! We have an
updated song list with the latest hits as well as state-of-
the-art equipment to make your singing experience a blast!

$10 an hour on weekdays
$15 an hour on weekends
Each room can accommodate up to a maximum of 6 people.

Sample answer:
One activity that I would like to recommend is Karaoke. We can book a room and sing our hearts
out! The karaoke in Woodlands Community Centre has an updated song list with the latest hits so,
we can sing our favourite song, The Fight Song! The karaoke room is also equipped with the state-
of-the-art equipment to make our singing experience a blast! Imagine singing as if we are
performing in a concert! I also chose karaoke because you have such a beautiful voice! Since both
of us love singing, this activity is definitely perfect for us!

5.3. Body paragraphs

Tips when writing in your own words:

a) Understand clearly what you need to write.
Re-read the original sentences until you fully understand its meaning.
b) Identify the main information found in the stimulus.
Pick out all key words that you will need to use in your sentence so that they will make sense.

Example 1

Look at the description below on 'Badminton'. The words /

phrases underlined are all the key words that you will need to
choose when writing in your own words.

Book a badminton court and enjoy a game which tests your
reflexes and agility! Have loads of fun with your friends and
family and enjoy a good workout at the same time. Badminton
rackets and shuttlecocks are not provided.

$5 an hour on weekdays
$8 an hour on weekends

c) Use synonyms to express the same meaning

Replace verbs and adjectives with synonyms or phrases that mean the same.

Example 2

Book a badminton court and enjoy a game which tests your reflexes and agility!
Have loads of fun with your friends and family and enjoy a good workout at the
same time. Badminton rackets and shuttlecocks are not provided.

enjoy --- fancy

tests --- examines
reflexes and agility --- flexibility and coordination
loads --- plenty
fun --- enjoyment
workouts --- training / exercise
provided --- supplied / given

5.3. Body paragraphs

d) Change perspectives
Try writing from a different Point of View (POV) - Your POV or your friend's POV

Tips on how to amplify your points:

a) Give details by adding descriptions.
Eg: "The karaoke in Woodlands Community Centre has an updated song list with the latest
hits so, we can sing our favourite song, The Fight Song!
b) Give a personal justification.
Eg: "I think you will like this because..."
c) Give an example by adding personal anecdotes
Eg: "Remember the time we..."

5.4. Conclusion

Summarise your choices / recommendations made

Prompt recipient for a reply
Remind about the next course of action to be taken by the recipient
Send greetings to family members
Suggest meeting up with him or her soon

(All about English, Pearson Longman, 2010)

Sample answer:
That's all for now. I hope you will consider the two activities that I have suggested. Do write
back soon and let me know your decision. I am really looking forward to a meaningful and well-
spent holiday with you! Send my regards to your parents. Take care! Bye!

5.5. Sign off

Example 1

Much love No comma after 'love'

Ruth Sign your name legibly

6. Things to note

Everything is written on the left side (beside margin / NO SPACING before paragraphs).
Count and write the total number of words below your signature.
Count only from the first word in your introduction paragraph to the last word in your
conclusion paragraph (starting from "How are you?").
You must leave a line between the various paragraphs.
Read carefully if the gender of the recipient is stated and choose the name for the person
accurately. If the gender is not specified, you may choose your own preference.
You may use contractions such as 'don't', 'can't', 'i'm', etc as you are writing an informal
letter. However, try not to use slangs such as 'wanna', 'gonna', 'gotta', etc.

7. Informal letter sample with format

B Block 123

R Woodlands Ring Road

U #10-456

S Singapore 510123

Da 7 June 2022

De Dear Melvin

i. Greetings
Introduction How are you? How have you been?
(1 short ii. Purpose of letter
para) Why are you writing this letter? What will you be explaining in the body

Body Use PEEL format

paragraphs Each paragraph = one point + elaboration + example + link

Reiterate your choice and summarise why it is the best decision (link back
to question).
Remind recipient about the next course of action to be taken by him / her.
(Eg: he / she needs to make a decision based on the recommendations
(1 short
stated in the letter)
State how you are looking forward to something (eg: receiving the
recipient's reply / meeting up with the recipient / doing the activities
together with the recipient)

Lots of love

Sign off

8. Informal letter sample
8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Situational Writing Question [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 180 and 250 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a pamphlet on the next page, study the information carefully
and plan your answer in the space provided below before beginning to write.

Your friend mentioned that he does not read enough and wants to start making reading a habit.
However, he has no idea what to read, and has asked you for help. In your research, you came
across a pamphlet from a book store.

Write a letter to your friend, including the following:

Two books from the pamphlet that you would like to recommend to your friend.
Why you think that these books that you have chosen will be suitable for him.
How you feel about your friend’s desire to read more.

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in an enthusiastic tone, to support your friend in
his decision to read more frequently.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Can you identify PRAFT?

1.What is the PURPOSE of writing this letter?

2. What is your ROLE?

3. Who is the AUDIENCE?

4. What is the FORMAT?

5. What is the TONE to be used?

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Dannie's Book Store Classics

These are our store's bestsellers of the month!
If you are looking for some light reading, check out the popular titles below.

Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief

This is a story about a teenager who discovers that he is the descendant of a

Greek god. He sets out on an adventure to settle an on-going battle between
the gods. If you are someone who has a spirit of adventure and mystery, this
fantasy novel is for you!

National Geographic: Wild Pets

National Geographic magazine is the world-renowned source of stunning

photography, captivating info-graphics and illustrations, as well as articles
about wildlife, geography, popular science, history, culture, the environment
and current events. This month’s issue talks about the debate over owning
exotic animals.

Lewis Carroll: Complete poetry collection

This book showcases the collection of poetry works by Lewis Carroll. In it

contains poems about life, adventure, mystery and mayhem. If you are a fan of
poetry, you would not want to miss out on this classic that is perfect for
people with a love for literature.

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

In 1942, during World War ll, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled
their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. In her diary Anne Frank
recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period. Thoughtful,
moving, and amusing, her account offers a fascinating insight on human

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Question: Step 1:
Analyse the question using PRAFT
Your friend mentioned that he does not read enough before you write
and wants to start making reading a habit. However, he
has no idea what to read, and has asked you for help. In Context (The situation):
your research, you came across a pamphlet from a What is / are the background /
book store. circumstances?

Write a letter to your friend, including the following: Purpose:

Why are you writing this letter?
(T1) Two books from the pamphlet that you would
like to recommend to your friend. Role:
(T2) Details about the two books that you would What is your role?
like to recommend to your friend.
(T3) Why you think these books that you have Audience:
chosen will be suitable for him. Who is going to read this?
(T4) How you feel about your friend’s desire to read How is he/she like?
more. Create an imaginary profile of the
(T5) Why you feel this way about your friend’s recipient (refer to visual stimulus for
desire to read more. ideas)

*T = task

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in an Format:

enthusiastic tone, to support your friend in his decision Formal or informal letter?
to read more frequently.
What words express such tone?
Should the language used be formal
or informal?
What tense should be used?

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Dannie's Book Store Classics

These are our store's bestsellers of the month! Step 2: Analyse the Given
If you are looking for some light reading, check out the popular Stimulus
titles below.

Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief Profile of readers:

This is a story about a teenager who discovers that

he is the descendant of a Greek god. He sets out on
an adventure to settle an on-going battle between
the gods. If you are someone who has a spirit of
adventure and mystery, this fantasy novel is for you!

National Geographic: Wild Pets Profile of readers:

National Geographic magazine is the world-

renowned source of stunning photography,
captivating info-graphics and illustrations, as well as
articles about wildlife, geography, popular science,
history, culture, the environment and current events.
This month’s issue talks about the debate over
owning exotic animals.

Lewis Carroll: Complete poetry collection Profile of readers:

This book showcases the collection of poetry works

by Lewis Carroll. In it contains poems about life,
adventure, mystery and mayhem. If you are a fan of
poetry, you would not want to miss out on this
classic that is perfect for people with a love for

Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Profile of readers:

In 1942, during World War ll, a thirteen-year-old

Jewish girl and her family fled their home in
Amsterdam and went into hiding. In her diary Anne
Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences
during this period. Thoughtful, moving, and amusing,
her account offers a fascinating insight on human

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Letter Language
(BRUS - DA - DE)

*Capitalise proper nouns
*3 digits ______________________________

*Capitalise proper nouns ______________________________

*Use # and - ______________________________

*Postal code has 6 digits
and no brackets. Last 3
digits should match the
block number

*Write the month in full ______________________________

Dear ____________*
*Capitalise first letter of Dear __aul
the name, Paul

How are you, my dear friend? It has been

such a long time since we last met. I have Demonstrate an
adjusted well in Evergreen Secondary enthusiastic tone by
Show a clear awareness
School, especially after I have made some using suitable words
of the context (Why
new friends. You know, birds of the same and idiomatic
does he want to read?)
feather flock together so guess where I expressions.
and audience (who is
met these kindred spirits? At the local
bookshop called Dannie’s Bookstore! They Purpose: ‘I recommend/
are bookworms, just like me! In your last suggest/ propose’ OR
Show a good
letter, you mentioned that you do not read ‘My recommendation/
understanding of
enough and want to start making reading a suggestion/ possible
purpose (Why are you
habit. I am eager to recommend two books books are…’
writing this letter?)
to kickstart your reading journey.

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

T1: Mention the two books

from the pamphlet that you Yesterday, I stumbled upon a pamphlet from
would like to recommend to Dannie’s Bookstore which listed some
your friend. bestselling titles of the month. Based on
this pamphlet, I recommend “Percy Jackson:
The Lighting Thief” and “Anne Frank: The
Diary of a Young Girl”. I had read both books
T2: Details about the first and thoroughly enjoyed them. Use synonyms to
book that you would like to rewrite the details
recommend to your friend. The first book, “Percy Jackson: The Lighting of the books in your
Refer to the given Thief”, is a story about an adolescent, just own words (IYOW).
stimulus like you and I, who discovers that he is the
Write 2 details about descendent of a Greek God. He went on an
the book adventure to halt an on-going battle
between the gods. I know that you have a
T3: Why you think this book thirst for adventure because you are an avid
that you have chosen will rock climber. Moreover, you are interested in
be suitable for him/her. Greek mythology. Therefore, this fantasy
Give details of your novel will spellbind you.
friend’s personality and

T2: Details about the The second book that I would like to
second book that you recommend is “Anne Frank: The Diary of a
would like to recommend to Young Girl”. This story is about thirteen-
your friend. year-old Anne Frank and her family who
Refer to the given escaped their home to hide from the Nazis.
stimulus In her diary, Anne Frank recorded vivid
Write 2 details about impressions of her experiences during World
the book War Two. Considerate, touching, and
humorous, her tale offers a mesmerising
T3: Why you think this book insight on human bravery. Aren’t you a
that you have chosen will history buff? Remember the times when you
be suitable for him/her. made me watch this war movie ‘Dunkirk’
Give details of your thrice when I stayed over at your house? I
friend’s personality and am quite confident that you will finish
preference reading this book in no time!

8.1. Informal letter sample 1

Honestly, when you wrote that you would

T4: How you feel about
like to start making reading a habit, I was
your friend’s desire to read
elated because I am a bookworm myself.
Welcome to the bookworm club, buddy! I felt
excited as we can discuss the books we
T5: Why you feel this way
have read in our future letters. Perhaps you
about your friend’s desire
can encourage your rock-climbing friends to
to read more.
begin reading too!

For the conclusion, Finally, I hope you will read both books and End with an
summarise and reiterate enjoy them as much as I did. I was so enthusiastic tone.
your recommendations. engrossed in the books that I finished
Let your friend know reading both books within one week Share
what action to take. with me your thoughts about the
recommended books in your next letter! I
look forward to hearing from you soon!

Much love
Complimentary close
Sign your real name legibly. Rachel

8.2. Informal letter sample 2

Situational Writing Question [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 250 and 350 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a webpage on the next page, study the information carefully
and plan your answer before beginning to write.

You received a letter from your uncle in Thailand, congratulating you on your excellent
examination results. He has decided to sponsor you for an overseas trip to Thailand during the
December holidays as a reward. In his letter, he has attached a picture of a website advertising
two tourist packages in Thailand and asked you to make your choice.

Write a letter to your uncle to:

thank him for his offer
state clearly which tourist package you have chosen
give reasons for your choice
explain how the trip would benefit you

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a warm and friendly tone, showing your
appreciation for your uncle's kindness.

You should use the information given and include ideas of your own. You are advised to write in
complete sentences and in paragraphs.

Can you identify PRAFT?

1.What is the PURPOSE of writing this letter?

2. What is your ROLE?

3. Who is the AUDIENCE?

4. What is the FORMAT?

5. What is the TONE to be used?

8.2. Informal letter sample 2

Read the question carefully. Highlight the PRAFT aspects mentioned in the question.
Then, using PRAFT, do a brief plan of the content for the writing task and note the tone
that needs to be adopted.

8.2. Informal letter sample 2
Task fulfillment: How to approach the writing task?
You should first analyse the question using PRAFT.

I did well for my exam, and the trip is a reward.
Given that I did well for my exam, this would be the best time to unwind and go for a
holiday to one of my favourite destinations, Thailand.
Trip is sponsored by my uncle.
Have to convince him of my choice so that he does not feel it is a waste of money to pay
for my trip.

What is the purpose of the letter?

To show appreciation for Uncle's offer.
To convince Uncle that my choice of tour package would be
beneficial to me.

Provide details for the following tasks:

Thank Uncle for his offer.
Tone of letter and chosen content needs to show appreciation.
P Purpose State clearly which package I have chosen.
Give reasons for my choice.
Reasons should convince Uncle that I have thought it through
carefully, so as to show my appreciation for his kindness.
Providing a comparison with other option would make my letter
sound more convincing.
Explain how the trip would benefit me.
What are the kinds of things that I like to do on trips? What kind
of person am I? (Adventurous, book-lover, shopaholic etc)

As a nephew / niece
R Role
Need to show familiarity with family

Tone of letter should be informal, but respectful.
A Audience
Content of letter should show familiarity with Uncle and family -
enquire about Uncle and other members in the family.

F Format Informal letter

T Tone Informal, but respectful. Warm and friendly.

8.2. Informal letter sample 2

Block 765
Toa Payoh Lorong 8
Singapore 310765

19 November 2022

Dear Uncle Levi

How are you? Let me begin by first thanking you for this incredible surprise. I'm really
overwhelmed by your generous offer! Yes, i'm ecstatic about my examination grades. I suppose
those sleepless nights finally paid off.

When I first received your letter, I have to admit that I was on cloud nine thinking about going to
one of my dream destinations - Thailand! After much thought, I have decided on Package A. For a
start, a city like Bangkok offers bustling hives of cultural activities and shopping! Then, there are
the luscious green mountains in Chiang Rai where I can go trekking and get up close and
personal with elephants and other animals at the Night Safari in Chiang Mai. You know, I have
always wanted to visit another Night Safari, other than the one we have in Singapore. This will be
one opportunity not to be missed!

I was also considering the value of the trip. No doubt Package A costs slightly more than
Package B, but I feel strongly that the amount paid for the trip will commensurate with the
enriching experience, given the myriad of activities highlighted in Package A. It is a pity though
that Package A does not include a one-night stay in the hill-tribe village, but it's all right. I'm sure
the visit itself will be an eye-opening experience. All in all, I find the itinerary in Package A
satisfies my thirst for culture, retail therapy, and adventure.

What do you think of my choice, Uncle? Undoubtedly, Thailand's attractions are very diverse.
Regardless of my choice, I believe the trip itself will provide a rewarding and memorable
experience in its own way, given Thailand's unique history, culture, and beauty.

So thank you once again, Uncle Levi. Your offer could not have come at a more opportune time.
By the way, Mum wanted me to remind you about the woven basket that she ordered from you
(although I have no idea what that is). I hope to hear from you soon. Please say hello to Aunt
Roxy for me.

Your loving niece,


8.3. Informal letter sample 3

Situational Writing Question [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 180 and 250 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a webpage on the next page, study the information carefully
and plan your answer in the space provided below before beginning to write.

Your friend mentioned that he wants to spend his time doing volunteer work during the June
holidays. However, he has no idea what to volunteer for, and has asked you for help. In your
research, you came across a webpage on volunteer opportunities.

Write a letter to your friend, including the following:

Two organisations with volunteering opportunities shown in the printout of the webpage
that you would like to recommend to your friend.
What he can do, as a volunteer, in these organisations.
Why you think that these organisations you have chosen will be suitable for him.

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in an enthusiastic and encouraging tone, to
encourage your friend in his decision to take up volunteer work.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Can you identify PRAFT?

1.What is the PURPOSE of writing this letter?

2. What is your ROLE?

3. Who is the AUDIENCE?

4. What is the FORMAT?

5. What is the TONE to be used?

8.3. Informal letter sample 3

A Heart for the Community

Have a little time to spare? Make a difference today! Every act of service counts.

The Salvation Army Children's Foundation TOUCH Home Care (THC)

At the Salvation Army, there are many opportunities We provide home medical services to help the frail
for you to help impressionable young children. You can elderly with mobility problems to have a better quality
organise workshops or classes to impart the valuable of life at home. We are looking for volunteers who are
skills that you have, such as, handicrafts, cooking, comfortable with speaking and handling the elderly to
sports or music, to our beneficiaries. You can also accompany the elderly who are wheelchair bound, for
choose to coach children with their schoolwork or help their hospital checkups and ferrying them to the
to organise learning journeys or outings with the other different parts of the hospital. We also need
volunteers. volunteers to help to deliver food to the wheel-chair
bound elderly who are living in the vicinity.

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Singapore Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals (SPCA)
Are you a nature lover? Be a nature guide at the Bukit
Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore's oldest and largest If you have a passion for animals and would like to help
rainforest. Volunteers are needed for our outreach in a tangible way, we want you! We need volunteers to
programmes to educate the public about the park’s help our shelter staff with the cleaning of cages and
flora and fauna and the importance of not releasing feeding the animals. Apart from that, you can also be
pets into our wild places. You can also help in our stationed at our external events to answer pet care,
reforestation efforts by planting seeds and saplings. adoption and SPCA-related queries.

8.3. Informal letter sample 3.1

Block 100
Woodlands Ring Road
Singapore 730100

5 May 2022

Dear Weiyi

How are you? It was so lovely to hear from you! I am fine and have made many new friends in my
new secondary school. I hope you are also having fun in your new secondary school. In your
previous letter you mentioned that you wanted to spend time during your school holidays doing
volunteer work. I came across two volunteer organisations on a webpage that I think you might
be interested in. Let me tell you more about them so you can consider if you would like to go

The first organisation is (T1) The Salvation Army Children’s foundation. (T2) You can
volunteer to coach the children with their schoolwork. (T3) This is a perfect opportunity for you
to contribute since you help your younger sister with her schoolwork daily. I know you are also
the top student in your class yearly so you are definitely the best person to impart your
knowledge to these young children.

The second organisation is the (T1) TOUCH Home Care (THC). (T2) They need volunteers to
accompany the wheel-chair bound elderly for their hospital check ups. (T3) This is a suitable
volunteering opportunity for you as you have experience accompanying your wheel-chair bound
grandmother for her monthly hospital checkups. You know how to handle the wheelchair safely
and how to communicate with them during their hospital visits so that they do not feel bored.
Your skills will be an asset to them!

I feel very proud that you are willing to sacrifice your holidays to do volunteer work when most
teenagers would rather stay at home and play their video games. I now feel inspired and
motivated to do volunteer work during the holidays too. Spending our time to make a difference
is definitely a meaningful way to spend the holidays.

I hope you will consider the two volunteering opportunities that I have suggested. Share with me
which organisations you would like to give your time to in your next letter! Do send my regards to
your family. I hope to hear from you soon!

Yours lovingly

8.3. Informal letter sample 3.2

Block 100
Woodlands Ring Road
Singapore 730100

5 May 2022

Dear Weiyi

How are you? It was so lovely to hear from you! I am fine and have made many new friends in my
new secondary school. I hope you are also having fun in your new secondary school. In your
previous letter you mentioned that you wanted to spend time during your school holidays doing
volunteer work. I came across two volunteer organisations on a webpage that I think you might
be interested in. Let me tell you more about them so you can consider if you would like to go

The first organisation is the (T1) Singapore Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(SPCA). (T3) I know you love animals very much and would like to have one. It is unfortunate
that your parents forbid you to have a pet. They are probably worried that you might not know
how to take care of the pet. Well, why not use this opportunity to learn how to take care of pets
at SPCA? (T2) They need volunteers to clean the cages and feed the animals, while spending
time with the animals there. (T3) Hopefully, you may be able to convince your parents that you
are ready and responsible enough to own a pet through your volunteer experience at SPCA!

The second organisation is (T1) Bukit Timah Nature Reserve. I know you are a big nature lover
so you can volunteer to be a nature guide there. (T2) They need volunteers to help in their
reforestation efforts by planting seeds and saplings. (T3) Since you are the President of your
school’s Green Club, I thought this is a great opportunity for you to play your part in saving our
planet. You may even spread the news to your Green Club members and get them to volunteer in
this project too.

I feel very proud that you are willing to sacrifice your holidays to do volunteer work when most
teenagers would rather stay at home and play their video games. I now feel inspired and
motivated to do volunteer work during the holidays too. Spending our time to make a difference
is definitely a meaningful way to spend the holidays.

I hope you will consider the two volunteering opportunities that I have suggested. Share with me
which organisations you would like to give your time to in your next letter! Do send my regards to
your family. I hope to hear from you soon!

Yours lovingly

9. Marking rubrics


The 30 marks are allocated as follows:

Task fulfilment (10 marks)
Language (20 marks)


Addressing the required points
Showing awareness of the purpose, audience, and context
Using the given information

Band Marks Band Descriptors for Task Fulfilment

All points addressed and developed in detail

5 9-10 Purpose, audience and context fully and clearly addressed
Ideas consistently supported by given information

All points addressed with one or more developed in detail

4 7-8 Purpose, audience and context clearly addressed
Ideas generally supported by given information

Most points addressed with some development

3 5-6 Purpose, audience and context addressed
Some attempts to use given information to support ideas

Some points addressed

2 3-4 Purpose, audience and context partially addressed
Some reference to given information

One point addressed

1 1-2 Purpose, audience and context occasionally addressed
Occasional reference to given information

The response is so weak that there is no evidence of understanding the

nature of the task or
0 0 The candidate has merely copied out the question or parts of it at
random or
The question is not attempted at all

9. Marking rubrics


Organisation of ideas
Clarity of expression
Accuracy of language

Band Marks Band Descriptors for Language

Coherent and cohesive presentation of ideas across the whole of the

5 17-20 Effective use of ambitious vocabulary and grammar structures
Complex vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling used

Coherent presentation of ideas with some cohesion between

4 13-16 Vocabulary and grammar structures sufficiently varied to convey
shades of meaning
Vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling used mostly accurately

Most ideas coherently presented with some cohesion within

3 9-12 Vocabulary and grammar structures sufficiently varied to convey
intended meaning
Vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling often used accurately

Some ideas coherently presented with attempts at achieving cohesion

Mostly simple vocabulary and grammar structures used; meaning is
2 5-8 usually clear
Vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and spelling used with varying
degrees of accuracy

Ideas presented in isolation

Simple vocabulary and grammar structures used
1 1-4
A few examples of correct use of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and

0 0 No creditable response

10. Useful phrases for informal letters

Greetings Introducing Points

Dear Jim By the way…

Dearest Uncle Did you hear about…
Hello Jim Did you see…
Hi Jim Have you seen…
Tell me about…
Introduction You won’t believe...
You’ll never believe this but…
Thanks for your letter. Believe it or not...
Lovely to hear from you. Guess what?
It was good to see you again / last week. As you know...
It was really nice meeting you yesterday.
Sorry I haven't written for ages. Topic Shifters - To signal a slight change
Sorry it's taken me so long to write. in topic in a smooth and natural way
How's it going?
How are you? Speaking of which...
How are things with you? Talking about...
How are things? Anyway, ...
I hope you're well. Incidentally...
As I was saying before...
To Relate Good News That reminds me...
By the way, ...
Glad to hear about … While we’re on the subject, ...
I'm really glad to hear about … Oh, yes, ...
I'm very happy to hear about … Before I forget, ...
I was very happy to read about … Anyway, the reason I'm writing...
Great news about your … I thought I'd write to tell/ask you…
I'm so pleased to hear... Anyway, I was wondering...
It's great to hear... Oh, and another thing…
What wonderful news about... What’s more…
Come to think of it...
To Relate Bad News Well...
I suppose...
I'm extremely sorry to hear about …
I'm very sorry to hear about … To Make Suggestions
Sorry to read about …
It’s very sad to hear about your … Why don't you...?
I can't tell you how sad I am that … Maybe you could...
How about...?

10. Useful phrases for informal letters

Conclusion Sign off

Well, it’s time to go Love

I've got to leave now Lots of love
Write soon All my love
Write back soon With love
Take care of yourself Much love
Well, that's all for now With much love
Looking forward to hearing from you again Your friend
Look forward to seeing you soon!
See you soon!
Send my love to…
Give my love to...
Send my regards to…

11. Guided Practice

Situational Writing Question [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 180 and 250 words for this section.

You should look at the printout of a poster on the following page, study the information carefully
and plan your answer before beginning to write.

Your cousin who lives abroad is planning a visit to Singapore during the June holidays. He hopes
to spend more time with you after being away for more than 5 years. You chance upon a poster at
Woodlands Community Centre that lists some interesting activities which you would like him to
participate with you. Write a letter to your cousin to recommend activities that you both can do
together during his stay in Singapore.

You must include the following details:

two activities that you have chosen and why

why you think your friend will enjoy the activities
how the activities will benefit both of you

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in a polite and friendly tone to encourage your
cousin to consider the activities that you have selected.

You may add any other details that might be of interest. You should use your own words as much
as possible.

Helping Words / Phrases Your Own Word Bank

keep fit
over the moon
quickened reflexes
develop the ability to….
interactive entertainment

11. Guided Practice

Activities at Woodlands Community Centre

Book a badminton court and enjoy a game which tests your
reflexes and agility! Have loads of fun with your friends and
family and enjoy a good workout at the same time.
Badminton rackets and shuttlecocks are not provided.

$5 an hour on weekdays
$8 an hour on weekends

This activity provides wholesome fun for everyone as even
the very young can participate. For those who like to play
indoor games, this is the activity for you! Have fun knocking
down pins and compete to see who will emerge the top.

Cost per game:

$3 on weekdays
$1 on weekends
$1 for rental of bowling shoes

For those who are not into sports, you can book a room and
sing your troubles away with your loved ones! We have an
updated song list with the latest hits as well as state-of-
the-art equipment to make your singing experience a blast!

$10 an hour on weekdays
$15 an hour on weekends
Each room can accommodate up to a maximum of 6 people.

For enquiries or booking of facilities, please come down to the General

Office of Woodlands Community Centre. We hope to see you soon!

11. Guided Practice

Underline all the errors found in this informal letter and then write the correct answer above
each error.

Blk 346

woodlands Dr 13

#16-392 Identify 5 errors

Spore 730346

14 Sept 2018

Dear Jack

How are you? Hope all was going well with your studies and that Uncle Tan
and Aunt Julia is in the pink of health. I was jumping under the moon when I
read your letter! After being away for more than five years, you are finally Identify 6 errors
coming to visited me during the June holidays! I chanced upon a poster at
Woodlands community centre that list some interesting activities which I
would love to participate by you. Let me share two activities that we could
do together.

One activity I am recommending is badminton. We could book a badminton

court and play. This activity killed two birds with one stone as we get to
have fun as well as a good workout! The badminton rackets and
Identify 6 errors
shuttlecocks are not provided but I had a spare racket as well as
shuttlecocks. I would prefer to go on a weekday because it is cheap. It
costs $5 an hour on weekday and $8 an hour on weekends.

Another activity that I would like to recommend was Karaoke. We can book
a room and sang our hearts out! The karaoke in Woodlands Community
Centre has a updated song list with the latest hits so, we can sing our
Identify 5 errors
favourite song, The Fight Song! The karaoke room is also equip with the
state-of-art equipments to make our singing experience a blast! Imagine
singing as if we are performing in a concert!

11. Guided Practice

Underline all the errors found in this informal letter and then write the correct answer above
each error.

I chose badminton as we had so much fun play it at the field outside my

house. Do you still remember those day? I hope to be able to relive those
times when you’re here! I’m sure an sporty person like you wouldn’t say no Identify 5 errors
this activity! I chose karaoke because you have such the beautiful voice!
Since both of us loves singing, this activity is perfect for us!

The activities will benefit us as we will be able to spending quality time with
Identify 2 errors
each other while do things we enjoy.

Well, that’s all by now. I hope you would consider my suggestions! See you
at the June holidays!

Identify 3 errors
Lots of Love


12. Individual Practice

Situational Writing Question [30 marks]

You are advised to write between 180 and 250 words for this section.

You should look at the printout on the next page, study the information carefully and plan your
answer in the space provided below before beginning to write.

Your cousin from overseas is coming to visit you during the December holidays. She would like to
participate in some activities which will allow her to spend time and bond together with you. As this
is her first time in Singapore, she has no idea what to do, and has asked you for help. In your
research, you came across a webpage on some holiday programmes.

Write a letter to you cousin, including the following points:

Two holiday activities shown in the printout that you would like to recommend to her
What both of you can do together in those two recommended activities
Why your cousin might enjoy these activities
One other activity not in the webpage which your cousin might enjoy

Write your letter in clear, accurate English and in an enthusiastic and encouraging tone.

You should use your own words as much as possible.

Helping Words / Phrases Your Own Word Bank

raise funds
bond with nature
proactive attitude
building camaraderie
ability to influence others
commitment to charity’s cause
using good communication skills
boost self-esteem and social skills
the joy of crafting your own pottery
participate in adventure-like activities

12. Individual Practice

It's the holidays!

If you are looking for different ways to spend your time during the holidays,
check out the exciting line-up of activities below!

Horse Riding Lessons

Saddler’s Riding Club is offering discounted rates this

holiday season! The beginner’s course would equip you with
basic horse riding techniques with the help of experienced
trainers. If you love horses and would like to try your hand
at this sport, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Volunteer at a Fundraiser

The Willing Hearts Organisation will be holding a three-day

carnival fundraiser for children aged three to seven. The
proceeds from this fundraiser will go to a charity
organisation. Volunteers will be expected to mend the
stalls and help with the cleaning of the venue. This is a
meaningful experience not to be missed!

Youth Adventure Camp

Love the outdoors? Step into nature in this four-day camp

where you get to soak in the beauty of the outdoors. If you
are a beginner, fret not! Camp instructors will be around to
offer assistance in tent-pitching and fire building. Sign up
with a friend today to enjoy this fun-filled adventure!

Ceramics Workshop

Dannie’s Art Institute is offering an affordable ceramics

workshop this holiday! If you are good with crafts and have
an interest in all things arty, do attend this workshop and
learn how to mould and create beautiful pieces of pottery
and tableware.


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