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Peplau Stranger: receives the client in the same way one meets a stranger in other
THEORIST THEORY life situations, providing an accepting climate that builds trust.
influenced by: influenced by:
Teacher: who imparts knowledge in reference to a need or interest.
Percival Symonds, Harry Stack Sullivan's
theory of interpersonal Resource Person: one who provides a specific needed information that aids
Abraham, Maslow’
relations (1953) in the understanding of a problem or new situation.
and Neal Elger
Miller Counselors: helps to understand and integrate the meaning of current life
circumstances, provides guidance and encouragement to make changes.
Emphasized the give-and-take of nurse-client Surrogate: helps to clarify domains of dependence interdependence and
relationships that was seen by many as independence and acts on client's behalf as an advocate.
Leader: helps client assume maximum responsibility for meeting treatment
Purpose: Help others identify their felt goals in a mutually satisfying way
Referred as:
Additional Roles Technical expert Consultant Health teacher
Psychodynamic Understanding of include:
nursing one's own behavior
Tutor Socializing agent Safety agent Manager of

• Nurse and the patient can interact. Administrator Recorder observer Researcher
• Peplau emphasized that both the patient
and nurse mature as the result of the
therapeutic interaction. PHASES OF INTERPERSONAL
• Communication and interviewing skills
remain fundamental nursing tools.
• Peplau believed that nurses must clearly 1. Orientation - The nurse’
s orientation phase involves engaging the client
understand themselves to promote their in treatment, providing explanations and information, and answering
s growth and avoid limiting their questions. (Ex. Starts when client meets nurse as stranger)
choices to those that nurse’
s value.
2. Identification - The identification phase begins when the client works
METAPARADIGM interdependently with the nurse, expresses feelings, and begins to feel
stronger. (Ex. Selection of appropriate professional assistance)

3. Exploitation - The client makes full use of the services offered. (Ex.
PERSON Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all avenues of help, and progress is
made towards the final step.)
The client is an individual with a felt
need. 4. Resolution - The client no longer needs professional services and gives up
dependent behavior. The relationship ends. (Ex. Now they need to terminate
HEALTH their therapeutic relationship and dissolve the links between them.)

A word symbol that implies forward

movement of personality and other
ongoing human processes in the HOW ARE INTERPERSONAL THEORY
direction of creative, constructive, AND NURSING PROCESS BECOME
productive, personal, and community SIMILAR?
Both are sequential and focus on
therapeutic relationship.
Although Peplau does not directly ANALYSIS:
address society/environment, she
The theory sets of nurse’
s roles
does encourage the nurse to consider
that every nurse can use with
the patient’
s culture and norms when
their practice
the patient adjusts to the hospital

An interpersonal process therapeutic Peplau’s theory helped later Also, the theory cannot be used
interactions between: An individual who is nursing theorists and clinicians in a patient who doesn’t have a
sick or in need of health services and a nurse develop more therapeutic felt need, such as with withdrawn
especially educated to recognize, respond to interventions. patients.
the need for help.

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