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Game-based Labeling Method Amend to Student’s Vocabulary Progress

An Action Research Proposal Presented to the

College of Education
Major in English

Pablo, Sheira S.
Pelayo, Mer Lindon B.
Torres, Michelle DG.

December 2022

Students were compelled to study alone at home for more than a year without any interaction

with teachers or other students, which hindered their ability to advance and increase their

knowledge with numerous challenging terms. Because of the pandemic's effects on the

educational system and teaching methods, students are unable to develop their vocabulary, which

serves as the basis of all other skills. Text and speeches can be understood when an individual

has a large vocabulary. According to Paul Nation (2015), expanding one's vocabulary is crucial

since it improves the performance of the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The

pandemic stopped students from attending school for more than a year, which prevented them

from attending face-to-face classes and making new acquaintances. The requirement for

adjustment is particularly acute for learners who struggle to interact socially due to a lack of

practice and vocabulary growth. Face-to-face instruction, however, is one of the most efficient

ways to acquire knowledge and skills because it frequently combines several teaching methods

that students would find enjoyable. One of the best ways to re-engage pupils is through game-

based lessons like labeling activities.

Sto. Rosario National High School is located at Deepwell, Sto.Rosario, Santa Rosa,

Nueva Ecija. It is well-organized and recognized by well-established buildings and a school

community. The school only has junior and senior high school students, limiting the scope and

respondents of the study. For six weeks, the researchers observed and participated in actual

teaching and learning procedures in the classroom. One of the observed issues is students'

difficulty understanding the teacher and instructions, particularly in English. This type of

scenario occurs frequently in all sections of grade 10 students, which the students attribute to
their inability to understand various terms used by the teacher. Vocabulary is important because

it's the basis of all language. It's the raw building blocks that can use to express thoughts and

ideas, share information, and understand others (Text Inspector, 2020). Most Grade 10 students

appear to find understanding teacher instructions and texts confusing and difficult. Some people

struggle to read complex words; others have difficulty comprehending directions; and still others

struggle to respond and react to conversations due to a lack of vocabulary. The researchers are

unable to observe the students to perform at a high vocabulary level that a student in grade 10

should have acquired.

According to J. Benoit (2017), vocabulary can be learned implicitly through extensive

reading and explicitly through direct and focused instruction. According to research, implicit

vocabulary is ineffective, and the need for effective explicit learning strategies is evident.

Because games are popular among adolescents in today's society, teachers should consider

incorporating this interest into the classroom to improve academic learning and success. In line

with the claim, the researchers like to propose the use or incorporation of games in improving the

vocabulary of grade 10 students.


1. How may the students' vocabulary level be described in a pre-assessment?

2. How may the students' vocabulary level be described in a post-assessment?

3.Is the game-based labeling activity successful at enhancing students' vocabulary?


The pretest-posttest method was first proposed by the researchers in order to select and

categorize the students with high and low level of vocabulary. By establishing a baseline with
pretest, educator can better track and measure student’s growth. Post-test on the other hand help

educator to see where changes need to be made to improve students' ability further, and to see

whether students have already improved.

The students will first undergo with a pretest as mentioned above every Monday for at least

10 minutes before the class begin. After knowing their weaknesses and what are the words they

are unfamiliar with, they will undergo a labeling remediation from Tuesday to Thursday for at

least 10-15 minutes. The pretest-posttest method was first proposed by the researchers in order to

select and categorize the students with high and low level of vocabulary. By establishing a

baseline with pretest, educator can better track and measure student’s growth. Post-test on the

other hand help educator to see where changes need to be made to improve students' ability

further, and to see whether students have already improved.

The students will first undergo with a pretest as mentioned above every Monday for at least

10 minutes before the class begins. After knowing their weaknesses and what are the words they

are unfamiliar with, they will undergo a labeling remediation from Tuesday to Thursday for at

least 10-15 minutes. Labeling remediation is a game-based activity in which students use

supplemented guide questions to identify and label the subjects of the images presented. The

terms that will be identified must be applicable to everyday conversation and instructions. As a

result, the intervention will be accomplished, and the students will be aware of the words,

allowing them to pick up and respond.

The same survey type of questions from the pre-test will be asked again to the students during

the post-assessment every Friday, following the implementation of knowledge or vocabulary

learned from the labeling remediation. The outcome of the post-test will reveal how effective
game-based labeling activity at improving students' vocabulary.

The researchers strongly advise using this classroom routine to address the issue that was

observed among the Sto. Rosario National High School students in grade 10.


A. Participants and/or Other sources of Data and Information

Students in the tenth grade at Sto. Rosario National High School will take part in this study.

The student-teachers observed that these students struggle with vocabulary, especially in their

English classes. To address the issues, it is necessary to undertake this study with these students.

The only data for this study will come from these grade 10 students.

B. Data Gathering Methods

The students will be asked to complete a survey type of questionnaire as part of the

researchers' pre-assessment. The number of pupils that have poor vocabulary skills will be

determined by the results of the pre-assessment. The labeling correction will be put into

practice. Also, a self-made Likert scale questionnaire will be given to the students during the

remediation to measure their perceptions of the benefits of using the implementation labeling

strategy as an amendment to the students' vocabulary growth.

The remediation will be carried out over the course of one week of meetings. The

researchers will give the students a post-assessment to assess their progress after the five-day

implementation period.

The purpose of the research is to is to offer intervention addressing the problem with

regards the student’s vocabulary level and this study will employ the qualitative approach.

According to Pathank et al., (2013), The qualitative technique is used to comprehend people's

attitudes, interactions, behaviors, and beliefs. It produces data that is not numerical.

Researchers from several disciplines are paying more attention to the integration of

qualitative research into intervention studies.

The major tool to gather the information needed to identify the factors is the semi-

structured interviews. In a semi-structured interview, questions are posed inside a prepared

theme framework as a means of gathering data. Semi-structured interviews are frequently

qualitative in character when used in research as stated by George (2022).

They are also frequently used in field studies with numerous interviewers since they

provide everyone with the same theoretical framework while still letting them to explore

various angles of the research subject.

C. Data Analysis Plan

To figure out who are the children in a classroom have poor vocabulary abilities, the

researchers will first examine the data from the pre-assessment outcomes. After that, the pupils

will be surveyed to determine their opinions on the labeling strategy's benefits. The researchers

will employ a Likert scale as a sort of questionnaire, therefore the basis for identifying the

benefits will be the mean of the students' responses. To ascertain how many students' vocabulary

abilities have improved as a result of the remediation, the post-assessment results will be


The vocabulary of students before and after the remediation will be compared by the

researchers using comparative analysis. Comparative analysis is the practice of comparing things

to one another and highlighting their similarities and differences (Indeed, 2021).

The results of the pre- and post-assessments will be examined in this study to determine

the degree of students development.


A. Pre-Implementation

Activities Schedule

Research Team Planning of Research November 1-30, 2022


Working on with the Introduction and December 1-11, 2022

Methodology of the proposed study

Formulating and preparation of January 1-15, 2023

relevant questions for assessment and

Validating and Finalizing the January 16-31, 2023

Interview Questions
B. Implementation

Activities Schedule

Pre-assessment February 13, 2023

Labeling Remediation February 14, 15 and 16 2022

Survey February 16, 2023

Post-assessment February 17, 2023

C. Post-Implementation

Activities Schedule

Data Analysis and Conclusion February 20 – March 17, 2023


Face-to-face remediation will be used in the research, and less money will be spent on it.

Only the travel costs associated with carrying out the remediation and other items that will

only be discovered during the course of this investigation will be included in this section.


Once the data acquired from the study and interpretations are finished, the following

suggestions will be developed. The teachers at Sto Rosario National High School will receive the

study's findings in order to help them continue and enhance the remedial process. The Nueva

Ecija University of Science and Technology's professors and other student-teachers will also be

informed about this study.

The researchers will continue to apply the method in the classroom once the study

demonstrates the efficacy of labeling as a remediation in enhancing students' vocabulary skills.


George, T. (2022). Semi-Structured Interview | Definition, Guide & Examples. Retrieved

from :
Indeed Editorial Team (2021). What is Comparative Analysis and How it is Used? Retrieved
Pathak, V., Jena, B., and Kalra, S. (2013). Qualitative Research. Retrieved from:
Jeanette, B. (2017)."The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Vocabulary Acquisition for Middle School
English Language Learners". Doctoral Dissertations and Projects. 1376. Retrieved from:
Paul, N. (2015). Teaching Vocabulary. Retrieved from:

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