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Term 3 Final Revision Sheet

Level D Science

Section 5.1

1. A mountain is where the land is ________________.

flat flowing blowing high wet

2. A plain is where the land is _______________.

flat flowing blowing high wet

3. Land is made up of ________________.

gases water air rocks and soil soil and water

4. Water in a river __________________.

flows is still is dry is colored blows

5. Water in a lake _________________.

flows is still is dry is colored blows

6. An __________________ is a very large body of water.

river ocean lake

7. The water in an ocean is _________________.

Freshwater saltwater

8. Which of the following lives in water?

dog cat man bird fish

9. People live _________________.

in water in rivers in soil in air on land

10. What are the two shapes of land?


Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 1
11. Tell if each of the following is land or water.
a. River: …………….
b. Mountain: ……………
c. Plain: ………….
d. Lake: ………….

12. Fill in the blanks using words from the box below.
air space gases wind

a. Wind is moving ..............

b. We can feel the air when the .........blows.
c. Air is made up of many ……….
d. Air takes up …………...

Section 5.2

1. Things from nature that people use are

natural resources walls buildings statues roads

2. A nonliving solid that is formed naturally is a

wall size natural resource rock texture

3. TWO properties of rock are

odor shape color soil gravel

4. Rocks can feel

black high round big rough

5. Rocks break down into ……………….

sand and gravel sand and boulders sand and clay sand and water

6. The largest rock among the following is

sand gravel clay boulder soil

7. The smallest rock among the following is

gravel sand mountain boulder wall

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 2
8. Clay is (smaller or larger) than gravel.

9. Gravel is (smaller or larger) than sand.

10. Sand is (smaller or larger) than clay.

11. A boulder is (smaller or larger) than gravel.

12. Match each property of rocks to its description.

color . . round

size . . brown

shape . . small

13. Give two ways how people use rocks.

14. List two properties of rocks.


15. Arrange these rocks in order starting from the smallest rock.

sand boulder clay gravel

_____ _____ ____ _____

16. Fill in the blank using words in the box below.

nonliving decorate natural resources

a. Things in nature that people use are …………….

b. A rock is a ………………….. solid.
c. People use rocks to ……………………………………

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 3
17. Match each rock to its name.

Section 5.4: Air, Trees and Water as Natural Resources

1. List five natural resources.


2. Explain three ways in which trees are used, as a natural resource.

3. Give three ways how people use water.


4. How do people use air?


5. Fill in the blanks using words in the box below. adult life jacket swim
To stay safe in water
a. You should learn how to ……………….
b. You should stay next to a/an ……………….
c. You should wear a/an ………………….

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 4
6. Air is (living / colored / important) to most living things.

7. People use (air / land / wood) to make things, like paper and
furniture, such as chairs and tables.

8. What does a life jacket do for you?

a. It helps me look cool.

b. It helps me to float.
c. It helps me to swim.

9. Adult supervision is (fun / important / dangerous) when you are in


10. Like all-natural resources, trees can be harmed. Name one-way trees
can be harmed.


11. Write on the line whether it keeps natural resources clean, or if it makes
natural resources dirty. Write keeps clean or makes dirty.

Riding a bike, instead of riding in a


Man dumping trash in the stream.

Children walking, instead of riding in

a car.

Picking up trash, in a forest.

Gasses coming out of a car.

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 5
12. What can you wear, to help you float in water?

13. Give one way how can the water become dirty.


Section 6.1: Objects in the Sky

2. Identify one object that can be seen in the nighttime sky and the
daytime sky, too.

3. Identify one object that can be seen only in the nighttime sky.

4. Identify one object that can be seen only in the daytime sky.

5. Name three moon phases.

6. Classify the following as they are in sky for short time or long time.
Airplanes sun moon birds contrails stars clouds

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 6
7. Traces that appear, after an airplane passes by are called (contacts /
contrails) and they disappear quickly.

8. What might you see when you look up at the sky, at night?
a. contrails, stars and the moon
b. stars and the moon

9. What do we call the shape of the moon?

a noon phases a moon phase air land

10. The phases of the moon repeat in a (pattern / petunia) almost every
(35 / 29) days or around one month.

11. Use words from the box, to fill in the blanks.

full moon moon phase new moon

a. Some nights you cannot see the moon at all. This phase is called the

b. Then, the moon seems to get a bit bigger night after night and looks like a
circle. We call this a ________________________________.

c. The shape of the moon is called a __________________________.

12. Label the moon phases using words from the box below.
New moon crescent moon full moon quarter moon

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………….. ……………………………

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 7
13. Order the moon phases as the moon gets bigger starting from new moon.

New moon crescent moon full moon quarter moon

1 …………………. …………… ……………

Section 6.2: The Sun, a star

1. The ________________ is seen in the sky, only during the daytime.

A. frog B. sun C. moon

2. A ______________ is a HUGE ball of gases.

A. moon B. light C. star

3. The sun is a star.

A. true B. false

4. Why does the sun look so BIG?

A. It is a star. B. It is the closest star C. It is the moon.

to Earth.

5. If the light from the sun is blocked, we will see a _________________.

A. moon B. shadow C. star

6. A _________________ is a dark area that forms when light is blocked.

A. moon B. star C. shadow

7. Since the sun provides Earth with heat, if you stand in the sun for a long
time, you will feel _________________.

A. cold B. nothing C. hot

8. If you stand in the shade, like under an umbrella or under a tree,

you will feel ________________.

A. cooler B. hotter C. nothing

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 8
9. The sun heats __________, ______________ and ______________.

A. air, land and snow B. land, water and air C. water, snow and air

10. If you are outside on a HOT day and are holding an ice cream cone, what
is the evidence that the sun provides/gives us heat?

A. there is no B. the ice cream cone C. the ice cream

evidence is melting cone is freezing

11. If you wanted to read a book outside, what is it that the sun provides/gives
us that helps us to be able to see clearly?

A. heat B. sunglasses C. light

12. Stars are _____________________ in the nighttime sky.

A. nice B. scattered C. not

13. On a __________________ day, the air, land and water will feel HOT.

A. cold B. rainy C. sunny

14. At __________________ the sand, air and water will become cooler.

A. sunrise B. sunset C. noon

15. The leaves of plants must be above the ground, so they can take in the
light and air, to make food for the plant. Because of this, WHY is sunlight
important to all living things?

A. It is not important, B. I am not sure, I had C. Many living things

and we can live better re-read my eat plants.
without the sun. book.

16. Which of the following is EVIDENCE that the sun provides heat?

A. a book
B. water in a glass
C. ice cream that is melting

Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 9
17. If there was not a sun, the plants would not grow, and then animals and
people would not have food to eat. Nothing would be warm and then
there would not be any living things on Earth. True or False.

A. true
B. false

18. The sun is a ________________ and is important to ALL living things.

A. moon B. star

19. On a sunny day, the air is warm because the __________ heats it.

A. sun and moon B. sun C. moon

20. The sunlight helps plants __________________.

A. die B. grow C. Neither

21. A _________________________ is a dark area that is formed when light is


A. sun B. moon C. shadow

22. There are so many stars in the sky, that it would be too hard to ________
23. them.

A. see B. like C. count

24. What does the sun provide /give Earth?


Date 27-05-2024 | Level D | 10

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