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Faculty of Engineering
Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Department

Tutorial for week 6

Covers material on chapter 14

Question 1

A series circuit comprises an inductor, of resistance 10 Ω and inductance 159 μH, and a
variable capacitor connected to a 50 mV sinusoidal supply of frequency 1 MHz.
What value of capacitance will result in resonant conditions and what will then be the
For what values of capacitance will the current at this frequency be reduced to 10 per cent of
its value at resonance?

Question 2
Calculate the voltage magnification created in a resonant circuit connected to a 230 V a.c.
supply consisting of an inductor having inductance 0.1 H and resistance 2 Ω in series with a
100 μF capacitor. Explain the effects of increasing the above resistance value.

Question 3
A series circuit consists of a 0.5 μF capacitor, a coil of inductance 0.32 H and resistance 40 Ω
and a 20 Ω non-inductive resistor. Calculate the value of the resonant frequency of the circuit.
When the circuit is connected to a 30 V a.c. supply at this resonant frequency, determine:
(a) the p.d. across each of the three components;
(b) the current flowing in the circuit;
(c) the active power absorbed by the circuit.

Question 4
An e.m.f. whose instantaneous value at time t is given by 283 sin(314t + π/4) volts is applied
to an inductive circuit and the current in the circuit is 5.66 sin(314t − π/6) amperes.
(a) the frequency of the e.m.f.;
(b) the resistance and inductance of the circuit;
(c) the active power absorbed.

If series capacitance is added so as to bring the circuit into resonance at this frequency and
the above e.m.f. is applied to the resonant circuit, find the corresponding expression for the
instantaneous value of the current. Sketch a phasor diagram for this condition.
Explain why it is possible to have a much higher voltage across a capacitor than the supply
voltage in a series circuit.

Question 5
A constant voltage at a frequency of 1 MHz is maintained across a circuit consisting of an
inductor in series with a variable capacitor. When the capacitor is set to 300 pF, the current
has its maximum value.
When the capacitance is reduced to 284 pF, the current is 0.707 of its maximum value. Find
(a) the inductance and the resistance of the inductor and
(b) the Q factor of the inductor at 1 MHz. Sketch the phasor diagram for each condition.
Question 6
Calculate, from first principles, the impedance at resonance of a circuit consisting of a coil of
inductance 0.5 mH and effective resistance 20 Ω in parallel with a 0.0002 μF capacitor.

Question 7

7. Calculate V o and I o in the circuit of Fig. 6-12.

Question 8

Perform the following for the circuit of Fig. 1. Assume no saturation for parts (a) and (b).

(a) Let R f =12 kΩ ,V a=2 V . and V b =0 V . Determine V o and I 0.

(b) Repeat part (a) for R f =9 kΩ, V a=4 V , and V h=2 V .

(c) Let V a =5 V and V b =3 V and determine the minimum value of R f that will produce saturation
if the saturation voltage levels are V o =¿ ± 14 V .

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