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CLE 10

myBlueprint Assignment

First and Last Name: _______________________

Assignment Instructions:
1. Go to
2. Login using your SD43 email and password
3. You must complete the 6 surveys under ‘Who Am I’ (left hand side under Home
 Who Am I)
 Learning Styles
 Personality
 Interests
 Knowledge
 Motivations
 Compatibility
4. Once you complete the first 5 surveys, a list of
occupations will show up when you click on the
upper icon ‘Match Results’
5. You can gain more information on each one by
clicking ‘Get Started’ beside each occupation.
Once you complete the survey, it will give you a % of your compatibility.

List your top 5 Compatibility Occupations

Occupations % Compatibility



CLE 10



Top 2 Career’s to Explore Further (Pick the two that interest you the most regardless
of order)



Explore the 2 Potential Career Paths that interest you

(possibly the same as the two above)

Career #1: __________________________________

Click the ‘Overview’ tab to read more about that career choice.

1. What do they do?

2. What level of education is required?

3. What is the estimated salary for this career?

4. What is the workplace environment like?

5. What are 3 important skills needed or developed for this career?

Click the ‘Outlook’ tab

1. What are the future prospects like for this career? (read over the information
CLE 10

and the charts and write a paragraph response analyzing the data and

2. What are the salary ranges for this career? Is there one province that may
be more appealing to you? (If you plan on moving out of the country than
research the salary range elsewhere)

3. How might ‘Where you live’ affect the selection for this career? (Think about
living costs, living conditions, future prospects, entertainment etc)

4. Is there employment growth for this career? If yes, why do you think it is
growing. If not, why do you think it is declining?

Click the ‘Requirements’ tab

1. What level of education is required to become one?

2. What are the specific requirements to become one? What level of education
is necessary?

3. Pick one of the potential programs and discuss the pros and cons of that
CLE 10

4. Discuss the full approximate cost of the education required. Remember to

take into account the many steps that may be required. *For example, in
the sample Bachelor of Education, it is understood that a Bachelor of
Education is the final step toward a 5 year (typical) education path toward
becoming certified as a high school teacher in Canada*

5. How will this tuition be paid if you were to enter this program? Would you
have family help, personal savings, RESP’s, work, bursary/scholarships, or
possibly take out a student loan?

6. Click on the ‘Do I Match?’ tab, what % are you a match for this career?

Click the ‘Real Talk’ tab. Click one of the interviews and read over the interview.

1. Why did you pick this particular career? Is it a career you’ve always been
interested in?

2. What have you learned from reading over this interview?

3. List 2 pros and 2 cons after learning more from someone that is currently in
that particular career?



4. What type of challenges do you think you may face if you enter this career?
CLE 10

5. Are you still interested in pursuing this career after completing this
research? Explain why or why not.

Career #2: __________________________________

Click the ‘Overview’ tab to read more about that career choice.

1. What do they do?

2. What level of education is required?

3. What is the estimated salary for this career?

4. What is the workplace environment like?

5. What are 3 important skills needed or developed for this career?

Click the ‘Outlook’ tab

1. What are the future prospects like for this career? (read over the information
and the charts and write a paragraph response analyzing the data and

2. What are the salary ranges for this career? Is there one province that may
CLE 10

be more appealing to you? (If you plan on moving out of the country than
research the salary range elsewhere)

3. How might ‘Where you live’ affect the selection for this career? (Think about
living costs, living conditions, future prospects, entertainment etc)

4. Is there employment growth for this career? If yes, why do you think it is
growing. If not, why do you think it is declining?

Click the ‘Requirements’ tab

1. What level of education is required to become one?

2. What are the specific requirements to become one? What level of education
is necessary?

3. Pick one of the potential programs and discuss the pros and cons of that

4. Discuss the full approximate cost of the education required. Remember to

take into account the many steps that may be required. *For example, in
the sample Bachelor of Education, it is understood that a Bachelor of
Education is the final step toward a 5 year (typical) education path toward
becoming certified as a high school teacher in Canada*
CLE 10

5. How will this tuition be paid if you were to enter this program? Would you
have family help, personal savings, RESP’s, work, bursary/scholarships, or
possibly take out a student loan?

6. Click on the ‘Do I Match?’ tab, what % are you a match for this career?

Click the ‘Real Talk’ tab. Click one of the interviews and read over the interview.

1. Why did you pick this particular career? Is it a career you’ve always been
interested in?

2. What have you learned from reading over this interview?

3. List 2 pros and 2 cons after learning more from someone that is currently in
that particular career?



4. What type of challenges do you think you may face if you enter this career?

5. Are you still interested in pursuing this career after completing this
research? Explain why or why not.

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