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Amazon Assessment Report 2021

Chapter 23
Impacts of deforestation and climate change on
biodiversity, ecological processes,
and environmental adaptation

Desmate no limite da Resex do Lago do Cuniã, 2020 (Foto: Bruno Kelly/Amazônia Real)
About the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA)

The Science Panel for the Amazon is an unprecedented initiative convened under the
auspices of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). The
SPA is composed of over 200 preeminent scientists and researchers from the eight
Amazonian countries, French Guiana, and global partners. These experts came together
to debate, analyze, and assemble the accumulated knowledge of the scientific
community, Indigenous peoples, and other stakeholders that live and work in the Amazon.

The Panel is inspired by the Leticia Pact for the Amazon. This is a first-of-its-kind Report
which provides a comprehensive, objective, open, transparent, systematic, and rigorous
scientific assessment of the state of the Amazon’s ecosystems, current trends, and their
implications for the long-term well-being of the region, as well as opportunities and policy
relevant options for conservation and sustainable development.

Amazon Assessment Report 2021, Copyright @ 2021, Science Panel for the Amazon.
This report is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-
NC-SA 4.0) License. ISBN: 9781734808001

Suggested Citation

Artaxo P, Almeida-Val VMF, Bilbao B, Brando P, Bustamante M, Coe MT, Correa SB, Cuesta F, Costa MH, Miralles–
Wilhelm F, Salinas N, Silvério DV, Val AL. 2021. Chapter 23: Impacts of deforestation and climate change on biodiversity,
ecological processes, and environmental adaptation. In: Nobre C, Encalada A, Anderson E, Roca Alcazar FH,
Bustamante M, Mena C, Peña-Claros M, Poveda G, Rodriguez JP, Saleska S, Trumbore S, Val AL, Villa Nova L,
Abramovay R, Alencar A, Rodríguez Alzza C, Armenteras D, Artaxo P, Athayde S, Barretto Filho HT, Barlow J, Berenguer
E, Bortolotto F, Costa FA, Costa MH, Cuvi N, Fearnside PM, Ferreira J, Flores BM, Frieri S, Gatti LV, Guayasamin JM,
Hecht S, Hirota M, Hoorn C, Josse C, Lapola DM, Larrea C, Larrea-Alcazar DM, Lehm Ardaya Z, Malhi Y, Marengo JA,
Melack J, Moraes R M, Moutinho P, Murmis MR, Neves EG, Paez B, Painter L, Ramos A, Rosero-Peña MC, Schmink M,
Sist P, ter Steege H, Val P, van der Voort H, Varese M, Zapata-Ríos G (Eds). Amazon Assessment Report 2021. United
Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, USA.
Available from DOI: 10.55161/VKMN1905
Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation


GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................. 2

KEY MESSAGES ............................................................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
CYCLING, FRESHWATER, AND COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS .......................................................................... 4
23.1.1 CHANGES IN BIODIVERSITY DRIVEN BY CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEFORESTATION ................................................ 5 Lowland forests .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Lowlands connectivity with highlands ............................................................................................................. 6 Aquatic ecosystems ............................................................................................................................................ 6
23.1.2 FOREST DYNAMICS IN A CHANGING CLIMATE .................................................................................................... 8
23.1.3 CARBON CYCLING AND STORAGE .................................................................................................................... 10
23.1.4 FRESHWATER IMPACTS ................................................................................................................................. 13
23.1.5 CLIMATE CHANGE AND HYDROLOGY ............................................................................................................... 14
23.2 IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ECOSYSTEM SERVICES ......................................................... 16
23.2.1 POLLINATION AND SEED DISPERSAL ............................................................................................................... 16
23.2.2 AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................. 17
23.3 CLIMATE FEEDBACKS OF VEGETATION AND LAND-USE CHANGES ............................................ 18
23.3.1 SURFACE ALBEDO AND RADIATION BALANCE .................................................................................................. 19
23.3.2 CHANGES IN SOIL MOISTURE AND EVAPOTRANSPIRATION ............................................................................... 21
23.4.1 IMPACTS OF BIOMASS BURNING EMISSIONS ON THE RADIATION BALANCE ........................................................ 23
23.4.2 IMPACTS OF OZONE FROM BIOMASS BURNING PRECURSORS ON THE ECOSYSTEM ............................................. 24
23.4.3 IMPACTS OF BIOMASS BURNING EMISSIONS ON CLOUDS AND PRECIPITATION ................................................... 25
23.5 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 26
23.6 RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................................................................................... 26
23.7 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................... 27

Science Panel for the Amazon 1

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Graphical Abstract

Figure 23.A Impact of human activities on the Amazon environment. Global climate changes affect the Amazon through temperature
increase, altered precipitation patterns and climate extremes, leading to increased tree mortality and terrestrial and aquatic biodi-
versity loss. This, coupled with land-use change through deforestation and degradation, reduces evapotranspiration, changes car-
bon cycling dynamics, decreases the resilience of the ecosystems, and leads to further biodiversity loss and tree mortality, emitting
greenhouse gases that impact not only the regional, but the global climate. On the other side, Amazonian deforestation enhances
climate change.

Science Panel for the Amazon 2

Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes,
and Environmental Adaptation

Paulo Artaxoa,b*, Vera M.F. Almeida-Valc, Bibiana Bilbaod, Paulo Brandoe, Mercedes Bustamantef, Michael T. Coeg, Sandra Bibiana
Correah, Francisco Cuestai, Marcos Heil Costaj, Fernando Miralles–Wilhelmk, Norma Salinasl, Divino Vicente Silvériom, Adalberto
Luis Valc.

Key Messages

● The Amazon is one of the world’s most at-risk regions, with a possibility that over 90% of species could
be exposed to unprecedented temperatures by 2100.
● Knowledge gaps on carbon balance are significant, including the role of forest degradation and natural
photosynthesis enhancements. To close these gaps, remote sensing of CO2 measurements, ground-
based tower flux data, aircraft measurements, and modeling tools must be integrated.
● Reducing emissions from biomass burning is critical to minimize the negative impacts on ecosystems
and human health.


Climate change is already impacting critical mechanisms of the functioning of the Amazon’s ecosystems.
The observed increase in temperature, precipitation changes, and increase in climate extremes affect eco-
system services, carbon uptake, and the duration of the dry season, among other effects. It also affects
biodiversity, selecting species that can adapt quickly to the changing climate, including freshwater fish
and other ectothermic groups able to do the same. In particular, fisheries’ yields are important to food
security and have been impacted by climate change in unpredictable ways. Moreover, projections indicate
that climate change will have significant adverse impacts on pollination and seed dispersal, essential eco-
system services for the maintenance of natural and agricultural ecosystems because of changes in species
distributions, and decoupling of biotic interactions. Rainfall in the Amazon is sensitive to seasonal and
interannual variations in sea surface temperature, as well as El Niño and La Niña. The increase in intensity
and frequency of droughts and floods have important impacts on carbon cycling. Levels of water at Óbidos
have significantly increased over the last 30 years, and the runoff of the Xingu catchment has risen by
10%, possibly owing to 40% deforestation in the Xingu catchment. The Amazon was a strong carbon sink
in the 1980s, and recent measurements show a much weaker carbon sink in the forests. The mean net
carbon uptake for the 1990s was -0.59 ± 0.18 Pg C y-1, and the decade of 2010s had a carbon uptake of -
0.22 ± 0.30 Pg C y-1. In dry years, such as 2005 and 2010, the forest loses carbon to the atmosphere, in-
creasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Increases in climate extremes are reducing carbon uptake by

a Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo, Rua do Matão 1371, CEP 05508-090, São Paulo - SP, Brazil,
b Research Center for Greenhouse Gas Innovation – RCGI, Engineering School, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
c Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Av. André Araújo, 2936, Manaus - AM, 69067-375, Brazil.
d Universidad Simón Bolívar, Apartado 89000, Caracas 1080, Venezuela.
e Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, Brazil.
f University of Brasília, Brasilia, Federal District, 70910-900, Brazil.
g Woodwell Climate Research Center, 149 Woods Hole Road, Falmouth, MA, United States, 02540-1644.
h Mississippi State University, 775 Stone Blvd, Mississippi State, MS 39762, United States.
i Universidad de las Americas, De Los Colimes esq, Quito 170513, Ecuador.
j Viçosa Federal University, Av. Peter Henry Rolfs, s/n - Campus Universitário, Viçosa - MG, 36570-900, Brazil.
k University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States.
l Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel 15088, Peru.
m Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Estr. Principal da Ufra, 2150 - Curió Utinga, Belém - PA, Brazil.

Science Panel for the Amazon 3

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

the Amazonian ecosystem. Biomass-burning emissions have significant negative impacts on the ecosys-
tem, such as high ozone concentrations that affect the stomatal opening and human health. Aerosols from
biomass burning alter the radiation balance, increasing diffuse radiation compared with direct radiation
affecting carbon cycling. The increase in surface albedo associated with deforestation changes surface
temperature and energy partitioning. Forest degradation could be as crucial as deforestation in terms of
carbon emissions. Our current scientific understanding points to Amazonian forests becoming increas-
ingly susceptible to wildfires and droughts. Feedbacks between climate change and Amazonian ecosys-
tems’ functioning are substantial and must be better known and quantified, especially for carbon and wa-
ter vapor feedback. We need more integrated studies involving biodiversity loss with the changing climate,
including resilience. Additionally, there is a need for a comprehensive network of Amazonian environ-
mental observations to provide society with diagnostic capabilities of the changes that terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems are already undergoing.

Keywords: Impacts of climate change, hydrological cycle, biodiversity, carbon cycling, precipitation, fisheries

23.1 Impacts of climate change on biodiversity, last few millennia (Maezumi et al. 2018; Maksic et
including forest dynamics, carbon cycling, al. 2019; Cordeiro et al. 2014; Anhuf et al. 2006).
freshwater, and coastal ecosystems
Freshwater ecosystems also interact with the
Terrestrial ecosystems and climate interact in whole ecosystem in complex ways, and in the case
complex ways through changes in climate forcing of the Amazon, the Basin houses unparalleled
and multiple biophysical and biogeochemical feed- aquatic biodiversity. Regarding fish, more than
backs across different spatial and temporal scales. 2,400 species (see Chapter 3), from old to modern
Climate change impacts tropical forest ecosystems groups, inhabit all kinds of water bodies, such as
in various ways, but the attribution is not always small streams, lakes, and large rivers, and many
clear because the climate system’s natural varia- are adapted to challenging conditions. Some of
bility can be large. Precise characterization of hy- these fish species are important protein sources
droclimate variability in the Amazon on various for local people (see Chapters 15 and 30). Other
timescales is critical to understanding the link be- species are essential to maintain the biological
tween climate change and biodiversity (Cheng et al. equilibrium of local systems and floodplain forests’
2013). The temperature, precipitation, and climate natural regeneration. However, the current chal-
extremes are increasingly changing in tropical and lenging conditions of particular water bodies, such
Amazonian forests. The large biodiversity of the as low pH, high temperature, and low dissolved ox-
Amazon somewhat helps to protect the forest, but ygen, could be worsened by the ongoing climate
there are limits and thresholds for the environ- changes. As many fish species already live near
mental impacts. The complex forest dynamics are their physiological limits, environmental impacts
closely coupled to the carbon and water cycling, on those water characteristics would impact the lo-
and changes in a single component affect the whole cal aquatic biota (Braz-Mota and Almeida-Val
structure. Geologically, the Andean uplift was cru- 2021)
cial for the evolution of Amazonian landscapes and
ecosystems (see Chapters 1 and 2). Current biodi- This chapter will discuss the observed and pre-
versity patterns are rooted deep in the pre-Quater- dicted impacts of climate change in the Amazonian
nary period (Hoorn et al. 2010). Amazonian paleo- terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. We will focus
climate studies help to understand the formation on the impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services,
and evolution of this rich environment and show carbon cycling, fisheries, and biomass burning
evidence that human impact on the Amazonian emissions. All these aspects are closely linked, as
ecosystems could have been substantial over the shown in the schematic in Figure 23.1.

Science Panel for the Amazon 4

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Figure 23.1. Links between climate, deforestation, forest degradation, and fire impacts on the Amazonian ecosystems. In order to
establish solid public policies on land-use change, it is necessary to have an integrated view of the main drivers and impacts. Adapted
from Luiz Aragão.

23.1.1 Changes in biodiversity driven by climate change is becoming an increasingly relevant

change and deforestation driver. Climate change and deforestation com-
bined could cause a decline of up to 58% in Amazon Lowland forests tree species richness by 2050. Species may lose an
average of 65% of their original environmentally
An increasing body of literature indicates that suitable area, and a total of 53% are considered
global climate change can affect the future distri- threatened (Gomes et al. 2019). Some Amazon re-
bution of biodiversity and the composition of eco- gions are more likely to be affected by the syner-
logical communities, species range sizes, extinc- getic impacts of deforestation and climate
tion probabilities, and species’ local richness. Sev- changes: eastern Amazon may suffer up to 95% of
eral paleoclimate studies have reported changes in forest loss by 2050, followed by southwestern
biodiversity and ecological communities associ- (81%) and southern Amazon (78%). Furthermore,
ated with climate change over a range of time there is the influence of wildfire in the interactions
scales (Anhuf et al. 2006; Cheng et al. 2013; Cor- between deforestation and climate change (Gomes
deiro et al. 2014). Climate variability associated et al. 2019).
with internal (such as ocean/atmosphere/land cou-
pling) and external forcing (such as solar activity or The floristic and functional compositions of well-
volcanism) has altered ecosystems for thousands preserved lowland Amazonian forests have been
of years. But, over the last 20,000 years, the Ama- changing according to records of long-term inven-
zon has had relatively stable climate. tories covering 30 years. Among newly recruited
trees, drought-tolerant genera have become more
Although deforestation and forest degradation are abundant, whereas the mortality of wet tolerant
currently the most significant threat to biodiversity genera has increased in plots where the dry season
in the Amazon (see Chapters 19 and 20), climate has intensified most (Esquivel-Muelbert et al.

Science Panel for the Amazon 5

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

2019). The results suggest a slow shift towards a ological communities (see Chapters 2–4), and mi-
drier Amazon, with changes in compositional dy- gration towards wetter and colder habitats as the
namics (recruits and mortality) consistent with cli- lowlands become warmer is predicted for many
mate change drivers. The increase in atmospheric species. Being the most extensive and highest
carbon dioxide (CO2) is driving tree communities mountain range on the continent, the Andes may
towards large-statured species. Despite the im- represent the only refuge for many Amazonian
pacts of climate change on the forest composition, species, potentially resulting in a net loss of species
the long generation times of tropical trees imply a in lowland forests (Colwell et al. 2008).
lagged response of tree diversity to climate change
(Esquivel-Muelbert et al. 2019). Lowland Amazonian species are likely to be highly
vulnerable to climate change because of their nar-
Although climate change affects biodiversity, plant row thermal niche. Some areas in the Andes may
trait diversity may enable the Amazon forests to increase in species richness owing to the immigra-
adjust to new climate conditions protecting the tion of lowland species. However, these gains may
Amazon’s ecosystem functions (Sakschewski et al. be offset by other threats to biodiversity, such as
2016; see also Chapter 24). However, the risks to bi- habitat loss. In parts of the northern Andes, cli-
odiversity will increase over time with anthropo- mate-driven shifts of bird, mammal, and amphib-
genic climate change progression, with future pro- ian species are predicted to lead to minimum aver-
jections of potentially catastrophic global biodiver- age gains of 21–27% in species richness, based on
sity loss. Projections (from 1850 to 2100) of tem- two emissions scenarios according to Nakicenovic
perature and precipitation to estimate the timing and Swart (2000) (Lawler et al. 2009).
of exposure of a large group of species to poten-
tially dangerous climate have indicated that future Because most tropical species might migrate to
disruption of ecological assemblages would be ab- habitats that match their ecological requirements
rupt (Trisos et al. 2020) because of the simultane- in response to climate change, protecting low-
ous exposure of most species to climate conditions lands’ connectivity to the cooler highlands may
beyond their realized niche limits. Under the Inter- provide an escape route for many species from the
governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) megadiverse Amazon and Andean foothills. The
shared socioeconomic pathway SSP5-8.5 (high forest belts are typically subdivided into upper
emissions), such events will affect tropical forests montane (2,500 m to timberline) and lower mon-
in the following decades. tane (1,500 to 2,500 m). However, very few eleva-
tional gradients of intact habitat extend from the
Despite the lower level of warming relative to tem- lowlands on either side of the Andes to the tree line
perate regions, exposure is most significant in the or above. Because forests often remain in isolated
tropics. Little historical climate variability and belts at intermediate elevations, many species will
shallow thermal gradients mean that many species face rising temperatures, forcing them to shift
occur close to their upper realized thermal limits upslope. Simultaneously, they are pushed down-
throughout their geographic range. The Amazon is slope by the expansion of human population cen-
one of the regions (together with the Indian sub- ters and the advancing agricultural frontier.
continent and Indo-Pacific) most at risk, with more
than 90% of species in any assemblage exposed to Aquatic ecosystems
unprecedented temperatures by 2100 (Trisos et al.
2020). A significant effect of climate change on the func-
tion of aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity Lowlands connectivity with highlands (see Chapter 3) is the disruption of the natural hy-
drological cycle owing to unusually low and high
Amazon harbors one of the world’s most diverse bi- peaks in water levels during extreme drought and

Science Panel for the Amazon 6

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

flood events (Marengo and Espinoza 2016; see also fragmentation, blockage of fish migrations, and lo-
Chapter 22). Such extreme events affect plants and cal extinctions (Freitas et al. 2012). However, stud-
animals, causing changes at multiple levels, from ies assessing the magnitude of climate change dis-
individuals and populations to communities and ruptions to migrations are needed.
ecosystems, at local and regional scales. In central
Amazon’s floodplains, the extreme drought event Tectonics and climate change are clear marks in
of 2005 affected detritivore curimatids’ health the evolution of the Amazon biota. Amazonian fish
(branquinhas), leading to thinner fish relative to have experienced speciation booms during critical
their body length (Correia et al. 2015). It also caused periods of oxygen availability, high temperatures,
shifts in fish abundance and the composition of and extreme carbon dioxide levels (Albert et al.
fish communities, which were noticeable a decade 2018). Environmental pressures in these geologi-
later (Röpke et al. 2017). In the western Amazon, the cal periods shaped the biology of thousands of fish
extreme drought of 2010 caused significant de- species in the Amazon, including the appearance
clines in wading birds, river dolphins, and fish pop- of peculiar physiological, biochemical, and repro-
ulations (Bodmer et al. 2018). In contrast, extreme duction features in these species (Val and Almeida-
flood events in 2009 and 2011–2015 caused a 95% Val 1995). Three water quality aspects deserve to
population decline of ground-dwelling mammals be highlighted here, given their connections with
and altered predator-prey interactions. Such long- the conservation of the Amazon biome in light of
lasting reductions in game-wildlife abundance the new scenarios imposed by the current climate
shifted local Indigenous people’s hunting effort to changes and foreseen for the near future. These as-
fishing and increased local fishing pressure during pects are oxygen availability in the aquatic envi-
the flood period (Bodmer et al. 2018). ronment, water acidity owing to the dissolution of
CO2, and temperature increase.
Higher future sea levels will have important im-
pacts on aquatic systems in Amazonia. Marine wa- The availability of oxygen has always been a signif-
ters would be driven deep into the Central Amazon, icant environmental challenge for fish in the Ama-
altering shorelines, habitats, microclimates, and zon; fish have developed a wide range of adapta-
regional rainfall patterns (see Chapter 1). This tions to transfer oxygen from the environment to
large marine incursion would convert large areas the different organs (Val and Almeida-Val 1995; Val
of lowland Amazon rainforest to nearshore estua- et al. 1998). Some of these adaptations, such as aer-
rine and marine habitats and possibly drive many ial breathing as in Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas)
species to extinction. (Brauner and Val 1996) and the expansion of the
lower lips of Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum)
Many fish species in the Amazon are migratory (see (Saint-Paul 1984) for breathing on the surface of
Chapter 3), and their ability to migrate is threat- the water column, among others, place these ani-
ened by climate change. Goliath catfishes (Brachy- mals in contact with a modified atmosphere. The
platystoma rousseauxii, B. platynemum, B. juruense, increase in temperature contributes to increased
and B. vaillantii) undertake the longest documented ventilation and, therefore, increased contact of the
migrations of freshwater fish on Earth (Barthem et gills and respiratory organs with water and air with
al. 2017). From headwater spawning habitats in/or modified properties (Almeida-Val and Hochachka
near the Andean piedmont of Bolivia, Colombia, 1995).
Ecuador, and Peru to nursery habitats in the Ama-
zon Estuary on the Atlantic Ocean, their migratory As the water warms, it loses its ability to hold oxy-
journeys can expand to 11,600 km when older ju- gen, but at the same time, triggers a greater oxygen
veniles of B. rousseauxii return to their places of demand in cold-blooded animals such as fish. An-
birth (Barthem et al. 2017). Low water levels during dean Amazon fish species, particularly those that
extreme drought events can lead to temporal river inhabit high elevations and prefer cold water, are

Science Panel for the Amazon 7

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

highly susceptible to contractions in their distribu- al. 2002). We also know that Tambaqui is remarka-
tion range and eventually to extinction as they bly resilient to acidic water exposure (Wood et al.
move upstream, searching for cooler water (Her- 1998). Thus, at least for the species studied so far,
rera et al. 2020). Increases in the metabolism of except for fertilization, the acidic pH does not rep-
warm-water species in lowland habitats can trigger resent an expressive limiting factor. However, fur-
greater food intake and cause unforeseen conse- ther studies involving other fish species are neces-
quences in local food webs. Tambaqui exposed to sary.
experimental conditions that mimic elevated air
temperature and CO2 predicted by climate change We are far from understanding the effects of cli-
scenarios increased their food intake, but their mate change on fish in the Amazon. However, ac-
growth decreased under the most extreme warm- cording to IPCC models, we already know that fish
ing scenarios (Oliveira and Val 2017). Such physio- are significantly affected when exposed to simu-
logical responses of large and long-living fish such lated environmental scenarios for temperature,
as the Tambaqui can increase competition with CO2, and humidity for the year 2100. In the case of
other fish species and reduce the carrying capacity Tambaqui, an important commercial species for
of aquatic ecosystems. the entire Amazon, transcriptional readjustments
(Prado-Lima and Val. 2016), intense vertebral dis-
Many fish species in the Amazon are susceptible to orders with increased levels of lordosis, kyphosis,
small temperature increases (Campos et al. 2018). and scoliosis (Lopes et al. 2018), and reduced feed
The maximum critical temperature of some fish conversion, with animals eating more and growing
groups is already very close to the current average less in the most drastic climatic scenarios (Oliveira
maximum temperatures. Small temperature in- and Val 2017), were observed. The disturbances
creases affect multiple physiological processes. also occur with ornamental fish species of Rio Ne-
Studies with Tambaqui demonstrated that the gro (Fé-Gonçalves et al. 2018). Undoubtedly, fishing
most basic reproductive processes, such as fertili- and fish farming will need to incorporate new tech-
zation, are sensitive to environmental conditions, nologies in the face of new climate scenarios to
including temperature and pH (Castro et al. 2020). maintain protein production and ensure food se-
Moreover, changes in metabolic processes that curity.
provide the energy necessary for fish survival un-
der different situations may be an example of the 23.1.2 Forest dynamics in a changing climate
increased environmental variability in Amazonian
environments. Forest dynamics are characterized by interactions
between disturbances and demographic processes
Acidic waters are common in the Amazon (see (e.g., recruitment, growth, and mortality), which to-
Chapter 4). The black waters of the Negro River, for gether shape much of the structure, carbon con-
example, are typically acidic, and some of its mar- tent, and species composition of Amazonian for-
ginal lakes may have waters with pH values as low ests. Despite their high resilience, anthropogenic
as 3.5. Even so, hundreds of different fish species climate change is severely altering forest dynamics
inhabit these waters, including hundreds of orna- across the entire Basin. This includes old-growth,
mental fish species that support a significant econ- degraded, and secondary forests. Climate change
omy of some Amazonian villages (see Chapter 30). exacerbates chronic drivers of forest change (e.g.,
We are far from knowing the resilience of Amazo- rising temperature and CO2) and the extent, fre-
nian fish to pH variations. However, we know that quency, and intensity of single and compounding
they use different strategies to maintain ionic ho- disturbance events—including wildfire, drought,
meostasis in the face of challenging situations im- windthrow, and biotic attack. An outstanding ques-
posed by the acidity of the Negro River (Gonzalez et tion is whether such interactions between stress-

Science Panel for the Amazon 8

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

ors and disturbances will be large enough to sur- and cause significant shifts in species composition
pass the capacity of tropical forests to resist and re- (towards a more generalist, less diverse commu-
spond to such changes, especially as they interact nity of plants). The forests most susceptible to
with land-use change (see Chapter 24). these disturbances grow along the driest southern
and eastern margins of the Amazon, where
Global carbon emissions have impacted Amazon’s drought, wildfires, and fragmentation already in-
most remote forests by changing the atmospheric teract synergistically (Morton et al. 2013; Alencar et
composition and air temperature. The accumula- al. 2015). Lowland forests (e.g., igapos) are also par-
tion of atmospheric CO2 has contributed to the in- ticularly vulnerable to some of these disturbances,
creased growth of primary forests and mortality including fire and drought interactions (Flores et
rates in the mid-2000s (Brienen et al. 2015). Alt- al. 2017). Despite the extensive degradation caused
hough this likely CO2 effect has ultimately pro- by drought-fire interactions in the Amazon, it is
moted forest carbon (C) gains, especially during the still unclear how much is caused by climate change
1990s, carbon accumulation rates are now slowing itself, given complex interactions involving land-
down. One possible explanation for this change is use change.
that forest mortality losses are outpacing potential
gains from forest-enhanced growth. Another con- Although forests disturbed by compounding ex-
tributing factor to increasing mortality—other than treme events may eventually recover, it is still un-
CO2—is the increase in air temperature in the re- clear how long it will take. A single disturbance
gion. Many Amazonian trees operate close to their event such as drought may kill the most suscepti-
bioclimatic limit. Thus, when air temperatures ble species and select more drought-resistant
rise, autotrophic respiration increases the carbon- trees, which can potentially reduce tree mortality
related costs for tree growth, partially explaining in successive events. Furthermore, previous stud-
why carbon accumulation in Amazonian forests ies suggest that even severely disturbed forests can
decreases nearly 9 MgC ha per degree Celsius in- recover some pre-disturbance characteristics (e.g.,
crease in air temperature (Hubau et al. 2020). Ex- fluxes of H2O) within decades (Chazdon et al. 2016).
treme daytime temperatures are critical in de- However, climate change is expected to increase
pressing tree growth rates. the risks of new disturbances impacting the area,
perhaps before recovery occurs. Although higher
Another characteristic of intact lowland forests levels of atmospheric CO2 may facilitate forest re-
that are changing is their floristic and functional covery, more frequent disturbances would result
composition, with an ongoing shift in tree species in chronic impoverishment of biomass and biodi-
composition in the Amazon towards a more dry‐af- versity, especially in landscapes becoming more
filiated community (Esquivel-Muelbert et al. 2019). fragmented by deforestation (see Chapter 24). In
These changes have been linked to climate‐change fact, as the regional climate changes, forest resili-
drivers altering forest recruitment and mortality, ence is expected to decrease (Schwalm et al. 2017).
with atmospheric CO2 playing important roles.
Overall, these ongoing changes in primary forest Modeling studies indicate that climate changes will
dynamics have been subtle, with their detection have potentially significant effects on forests in the
concentrated in field plots located in primary for- near future. Considering only primary forests, in-
ests. creased atmospheric CO2 concentration could the-
oretically offset losses in carbon stocks from in-
Although forests have evolved being exposed to creased temperature. However, recent studies sug-
some small level of disturbance, increased disturb- gest that the CO2 fertilization effect is limited
ance regimes can cause severe and prolonged for- mainly by the availability of other nutrients and the
est degradation. This can sharply reduce forest diversity of functional strategies across species
species richness, reduce carbon storage capacity, (Fleischer et al. 2019). Most predictive vegetation

Science Panel for the Amazon 9

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

models or Earth System Models (ESM) used to pro- spired back to the atmosphere. Simultaneously, a
ject potential trajectories of Amazonian forests are smaller fraction is stored as sugars and starch, al-
too sensitive to CO2 fertilization, lack adequate nu- located for growth or to maintain physiological
trient limitations, are not very sensitive to variabil- processes. The total gross primary productivity
ity in precipitation, and lack disturbances such as (GPP) allocated for growth (net primary productiv-
drought-induced tree mortality and logging wild- ity; NPP) ranges from 30 to 45%, with more of the
fire, and edge effects. Another priority for dynamic NPP being used for wood increment (39%) than for
vegetation models is the representation of plant leaf (34%) and fine root (27%) production (Malhi et
hydrodynamics, distribution of water and nutri- al. 2011). There are relatively few direct measure-
ents below ground, and partitioning of solar radia- ments of NPP and GPP across Amazon. The magni-
tion between competing plant canopies (Fisher et tude of GPP varies significantly with rainfall and
al. 2018). soil nutrient status, with the highest values found
in the wet forests of northwestern Amazon and
Improving our understanding of the potential im- lower values found in regions with a long dry sea-
pacts of climate change on forests in the near fu- son (Malhi et al. 2015). However, few studies have
ture requires long-term monitoring, from individ- quantified all these NPP components and their dis-
ual trees to the entire continent. It also entails im- tribution between forest components.
proving the current climate-global dynamic vege-
tation models, which are the primary tool used to The spatial variability of C uptake and productivity
forecast tropical forests’ potential trajectories. of Amazonian forests strongly relates to climatic
ESM predict the Amazon to be dryer than today, gradients across the basin. Overall, photosynthesis
with an additional exacerbated sensitivity of vege- is lower in regions with an average total annual
tation models on the CO2 fertilization effect (Ahl- precipitation < 2,000 mm and dry seasons longer
ström et al. 2017). Although these models have rap- >3.5 months (Guan et al. 2015). Extreme wet areas
idly advanced, this extraordinarily complex sys- can constrain GPP owing to high cloud cover and
tem with more than 15,000 tree species remains to low light availability (Lee et al. 2013). Despite varia-
be fully understood. The potential legacies of in- bility in GPP across the Amazon, most high-eleva-
creased forest degradation by compounding dis- tion primary forests average between 20 and 40
turbances can persist for long periods. This neces- megagrams of carbon (MgC or 106 g)/ha per year
sitates urgency in identifying potentially cata- (Malhi et al. 2011). NPP can follow similar spatial
strophic thresholds of forest health declines asso- patterns to GPP, although differences are common
ciated with rising temperatures and changes in because of the influence of autotrophic respiration
precipitation patterns (see Chapter 22). on NPP (Brando et al. 2019a).

23.1.3 Carbon cycling and storage Recent studies have shown that forest carbon cy-
cling in the region is changing, with important im-
The long-term balance between carbon uptake plications for this large global carbon reservoir. A
during photosynthesis and carbon losses during few decades ago, primary forests of the Amazon
respiration and tree mortality dictates how much were removing carbon from the atmosphere at a
carbon Amazonian forests can store. The mature rate of approximately 0.5 tons per hectare per year
Amazonian ecosystem stores large amounts of car- (Ometto et al. 2005; Araujo et al. 2002; Chambers et
bon above and below ground (~150–200 Gt C; see al. 2001; Artaxo et al. 2021). However, the rate of
Chapter 6). Production of woody biomass (longest- carbon accumulation has sharply declined over the
lived plant tissue and an important C stock) ac- past two decades. One important reason for this re-
counts for approximately 8–13% of the photosyn- duction is significant droughts causing widespread
thetic carbon uptake. Most of the remainder is re- reductions in tree growth and increases in tree
mortality, especially the larger, carbon-rich ones,

Science Panel for the Amazon 10

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

as shown in Figure 23.2 (Brienen et al. 2015; Given the significant impact of climate (precipita-
Brando et al. 2019a). Another potential cause for tion, temperature, cloud cover) on the geography of
the reduction is the increase in atmospheric CO2, carbon stocks and productivity of Amazon forests,
promoting higher forest turnover rates (McDowell ongoing climatic changes are expected to cause
et al. 2018). As a combined result of these changes, significant shifts in the forest carbon cycling. Fu-
the carbon accumulation capacity of undisturbed ture temperature and precipitation changes, in ad-
forests is getting weaker for both the Amazon and dition to increases in climate extremes, will bring
tropical Africa, with the possibility of forests be- additional stress (Lovejoy and Nobre 2018, 2019;
coming global carbon sources (Hubau et al. 2020; Nobre et al. 2019; Aguiar et al. 2016). Although in-
Brienen et al. 2015; Gatti et al. 2021). tact tropical forests are estimated to be Earth’s
largest carbon sink (Pan et al. 2011; Phillips et al.

Figure 23.2. Long-term net above-ground biomass changes of old-growth tropical forests in the Amazon. Trends in productivity and
mortality across all sites from 1985 to 2010. a) Net biomass change, b) biomass mortality, and c) forest productivity. It is possible to
observe a decrease in net biomass change owing to an increase in biomass mortality. Adapted from Brienen et al. 2015.

Science Panel for the Amazon 11

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

2009; Ometto et al. 2005), the stability of this sink is and feasible to reduce tropical deforestation (Fig-
susceptible to a warming climate and disturbance ure 23.3; see also Chapter 17). Unfortunately, from
processes (Lenton et al. 2008). A change in drought 2012 to 2020, deforestation has significantly in-
regimes is expected to reduce the carbon storage creased, and the annual rate of deforestation in
capacity of tropical forests, especially those located 2020 was 10,851 km² because of changes in Brazil-
in the southeast portion of the Basin. Such changes ian national policies for the Amazon region. The
in climate–forest interactions will most likely 2019 deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon re-
change the emissions and atmospheric processes leased approximately 559 MtCO2, according to esti-
that have been discussed in previous sections, es- mates from Brazilian National Institute for Space
pecially if global climate change is aggravated re- Research (INPE 2021), and the deforestation pres-
gionally by deforestation (Hoffmann et al. 2003). sure is increasing carbon emissions. The remain-
Burned forests in the Amazon have 25% lower than ing forest edges have become much more flamma-
expected carbon stocks 30 years after the fires, ble and prone to burning (Brando et al. 2020). These
with no further recovery in growth and mortality emissions go against Brazilian Nationally Deter-
dynamics (Silva et al. 2018, see also Chapter 19). mined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agree-
ment, whose commitment is to eliminate illegal de-
The Amazon is currently subjected to pressures forestation by 2030.
that go well beyond climate change (see Chapters
14–21). A wide range of severe disturbances, either There is an ongoing debate about the net carbon
natural or human-made, have directly or indirectly flux between Amazonian forests and the atmos-
threatened the ecosystems’ health, functions, and phere when the entire Basin is considered (see
services in the Amazon, affecting biodiversity and SPA’s Cross-Box on Carbon Budget). Some studies
carbon storage functions (Trumbore et al. 2015). A indicate that the carbon accumulation of standing
significant issue is that these disturbances interact forests is large enough to offset carbon losses from
with global climate change, having potentially disturbances and deforestation, while others point
compounding effects on forest carbon stocks (see to Amazonian forests acting as carbon sources
also Chapter 19). In southeast Amazon, forests be- (e.g., Pan et al. 2011; Gloor et al. 2012; Baccini et al.
come much more vulnerable to fire along their 2017; Schimel et al. 2015; Brienen et al. 2015). This
edges with agricultural fields, during droughts and apparent disagreement is mainly because the net
heatwaves, and where logging removes canopy carbon flux is the difference between two large
cover. Once forests burn, they tend to be more se- gross fluxes. The carbon emissions primarily re-
verely disturbed by windstorms than primary for- sult from deforestation, and the carbon uptake is
ests, explaining why forest carbon stocks can re- due to forest growth, likely supported by the in-
duce by 90% when impacted by these disturbances creasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
(Brando et al. 2019b).
Consequently, any change in the processes that af-
Unfortunately, the carbon stocks of Amazon for- fect atmosphere–biosphere interactions can sig-
ests are not threatened only by interactions be- nificantly change the net carbon transfer between
tween forest disturbances and climate change. De- the tropical forests and the atmosphere, with sub-
forestation has also been an essential driver of car- stantial repercussions for atmospheric CO2 levels
bon storage reductions. Over the last three dec- and global climate (Lewis 2006; Chambers and Sil-
ades, the Brazilian Amazon forest has lost 741,759 ver 2004). In other words, if deforestation, forest
km2 of forests (MapBiomas 2020), representing degradation, wildfires, edge effects were to be
19% of the Brazilian Amazonian forested area. The avoided, the net carbon uptake of Amazonian for-
annual rate of Amazonian deforestation was ests would contribute much more effectively to
strongly reduced from 27,772 Km² to 4,571 Km² per carbon removal from the atmosphere (Houghton et
year from 2004 to 2012, showing that it is possible al. 2018).

Science Panel for the Amazon 12

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Figure 23.3 Time series of annual deforested area in the Brazilian Amazon, from 1977 to 2020. Data from the INPE PRODES pro-

23.1.4 Freshwater impacts is the primary driver of both the appearance and
extinction of new species, the latter being the most
Amazon freshwater ecosystems have been im- substantial impact in freshwater systems. Ongoing
pacted by changes in landscape during their for- impacts, though, do not give sufficient time for fish
mation and evolution (see Chapters 1 and 2). Alt- assemblages, species, or populations to recover or
hough natural, these changes leave a signature that adapt to the new conditions, threatening the per-
will be part of several ecosystems, and all aquatic sistence of species in those ecosystems.
organisms are adapted to them. The highest evolu-
tionary impact on recent freshwater evolution is Recent human activities have caused several habi-
river capture owing to geological changes (Val et al. tat losses and the extinction of many species in the
2014). River capture is a geomorphic mechanism current evolutionary time. These changes are hap-
of network reorganization by which a basin cap- pening so fast that it is currently known as the 6th
tures large portions of the network of an adjacent mass extinction (Ceballos et al. 2017). On top of the
basin, thus creating a barrier for species dispersal. current extinction rates, the impacts of mining, hy-
Landscape changes in the Amazon water bodies, droelectric power plants, overfishing, and the re-
such as drainage network reorganization, influ- lease of industrial, urban, and medical pollutants
ence the distribution range and connectivity of result in synergic effects over the aquatic biota in
aquatic biota and, therefore, their evolution (Albert the Amazon Basin landscape (see Chapter 20). Fish
et al. 2018). Such natural changes have occurred in of the Amazon are, as already mentioned, adapted
the Amazon since the Andean uplift, resulting in a to extreme conditions such as low pH, variable dis-
change in the landscape and causing habitat loss solved oxygen (both spatial and day/night
(Wittmann and Householder 2016). Loss of habitat changes), and also periodic lack of oxygen and var-

Science Panel for the Amazon 13

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

iable types of water that have different amounts of warming of the tropical North Atlantic relative to
dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Most anthropic ac- the south leads to a northwestward shift in the In-
tions induce changes in these water quality char- tertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and compen-
acteristics, resulting in temperature increases, hy- sating atmospheric dry air mass descent over the
poxia, and acidification. Synergic effects of the re- Amazon, sometimes producing intense droughts
lease of herbicides cause tissue, cellular, and DNA such as those in 1963 and 2005 (Marengo et al.
damages that are acute and even worse when fish 2008a,b). Gloor et al. (2013) showed that the Ama-
face hypoxia and higher temperatures (Silva et al. zon river discharge at Óbidos is significantly in-
2019; Souza et al. 2019). creasing during dry and wet seasons. This could be
caused by an increase in the input of water vapor
The exposure of some species, particularly the from the tropical Atlantic owing to the substantial
Tambaqui (a model species), to climate rooms built sea surface temperature increase since the 1980s.
to mimic the future scenario forecast by IPCC for A time series of the Amazon river discharge at Óbi-
the year 2050 revealed many damages and some dos is shown in Figure 23.4.
degree of mortality to fish subjected to warmer
temperatures. The whole transcriptome gene ex- Observations and models suggest large-scale de-
pression showed that differentially expressed forestation could cause a warmer and somewhat
genes act to readjust or adapt protein expression drier climate by altering the regional hydrologic
and respond to changes in their metabolism (Fé- cycle (see also Chapter 22). Model results (Sampaio
Gonçalves et al. 2020). Either they adjust their me- et al. 2007; Sampaio 2008) suggest that if more than
tabolism or die. These are few studies considering 40% of the original extent of the Amazon forest is
the effects of climate change on the dimension of lost, rainfall will significantly decrease across the
aquatic biota in the Amazon. We are far from un- eastern Amazon. Complete deforestation could
derstanding how the complex network of impacts cause the eastern Amazon to warm by more than
caused by humans in the recent past will modify 4°C, and precipitation from July to November
the aquatic biota at several ecological and biologi- could decrease by 40%. Crucially, these changes
cal levels. would be in addition to any change resulting from
increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; reduc-
23.1.5 Climate change and hydrology ing deforestation can offset the impacts of GHG. It
has been suggested that 20–25% of basin-wide de-
Several climate drivers perturb the hydrologic cy- forestation may be a tipping point beyond which
cle of the Amazon Basin. Rainfall in the Amazon is forest loss causes climate impacts that cause fur-
sensitive to seasonal and interannual variations in ther forest loss (see Chapter 24; Sampaio et al.
sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical 2007).
oceans (Fu et al. 2001; Liebmann and Marengo
2001; Marengo et al. 2008a,b; see also Chapters 5 A key question is whether a general long-term
and 22). The warming of the tropical east Pacific trend exists during recent decades toward drought
during El Niño events suppresses wet season rain- conditions and, if so, to what degree it is associated
fall by modifying the (East–West) Walker Circula- with GHG emissions and deforestation. Li et al.
tion. Large-scale teleconnections lead to simulta- (2008) show that the Standard Precipitation Index
neous changes in the northern hemisphere extra- (SPI), a measure of changes in precipitation nor-
tropics, altering moisture flow into the Amazon, in- malized by the standard deviation, does indeed
ducing drought events (Williams et al. 2005; Ron- suggest a more pervasive drying trend over the
chail et al. 2002). Moreover, variations in Amazo- southern Amazon between 1970–1999. Previously,
nian precipitation are also linked to SST in the tendencies studied by Marengo (2009) for the pe-
tropical Atlantic (Liebmann and Marengo 2001). A riod 1929–1998 suggested that no unidirectional

Science Panel for the Amazon 14

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Figure 23.4. Long-term time series of the Amazon river discharge at Óbidos during the dry season (blue), wet season (green), and
whole year (red). Source: Gloor et al. (2013).

rainfall trend existed in the entire Amazon region. the Amazon Basin, such as the eastern Amazon re-
However, a slight negative/positive trend was iden- gion, a transition zone between rainforest and sa-
tified in the northern/southern Amazon. To under- vanna environments, remain particularly vulnera-
stand the discrepancies between these studies, it is ble to feedbacks from ongoing land-use conversion
necessary to evaluate the timescales over which to agriculture (Coe et al. 2013). The expansion and
the data were analyzed. Perhaps, the most critical intensification of agriculture (see Chapter 15) shift
aspect of natural Amazonian precipitation change how incoming precipitation and radiation are par-
is interannual and interdecadal variability in rain- titioned among sensible and latent heat fluxes and
fall. Studies have identified a negative trend for runoff (Bonan 2008; Coe et al. 2013; Foley et al.
southern Amazon during 1970–1999 coincided 2005; Neill et al. 2013). Relative to the forests they
with the mid-1970s–1998 downward rainfall trend replace, crops and pasture grasses have reduced
of the interdecadal rainfall variability in northern root density and depth and lower leaf area index
Amazon (Marengo 2009). This decadal variability (LAI). This decreases water demand and evapo-
seems to be linked to interdecadal variations in the transpiration (ET) (Coe et al. 2009, 2013; Costa et al.
SST in the tropical Atlantic (see Chapter 22). 2003; D’Almeida et al. 2007; Moraes et al. 2006;
Lathuillière et al. 2012; Nepstad et al. 1994;
Despite some progress in reducing deforestation Pongratz et al. 2006; Scanlon et al. 2007). At local
rates from 2002 to 2011, after 2005, some parts of and regional scales (i.e., watersheds of 10-100,000

Science Panel for the Amazon 15

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

km2), such reductions in evapotranspiration lead southeastern Amazon to assess the potential cli-
to increased soil moisture and runoff (Coe et al. mate change impact on avian assemblages. Using
2011, 2009; Hayhoe et al. 2011; Neill et al. 2006). At Species Distribution Modeling (SDM), they ana-
continental scales (i.e., Amazon Basin), these land lyzed how different climate change scenarios could
cover changes may reduce rainfall and decrease affect the pattern of species distributions and as-
runoff (D’Almeida et al. 2007; Davidson et al. 2012; semblage compositions. They grouped species
Stickler et al. 2013). based on their primary diet (frugivores, insecti-
vores, nectarivores, and others) as a proxy to eco-
23.2 Impacts of climate change on ecosystem system services (seed dispersion, pest control, and
services pollination). They estimated that between 4–19%
of the species would find no suitable habitat con-
23.2.1 Pollination and seed dispersal sidering the entire study area. Inside the currently
established protected areas, species loss could be
Nature in the Amazon has a wealth of ecosystems over 70%. The results suggested that frugivores
and biodiversity, which are indispensable to deliv- would be the most sensitive guild, bringing conse-
ering ecosystem services across scales (Díaz et al. quences on seed dispersal functions and natural
2019). At landscape to regional scales, Amazon’s regeneration. Moreover, they identified the west-
forests regulate hydrological cycles (Salazar et al. ern and northern parts of the study area as climat-
2018), water quality, and nutrient cycling, which ically stable. At the same time, climate change will
supports freshwater and forest biodiversity (Men- potentially affect avian assemblages in southeast-
ton et al. 2009). Ecosystem services result from the ern Amazon with negative consequences to their
interactions between several biotic and abiotic ecosystem functions (Miranda et al. 2019).
components, with biodiversity supporting ecosys-
tem functions that affect life on the planet (Mace et Bats have also been associated with hundreds of
al. 2012). Anthropogenic climate change is one of plant species (Kunz et al. 2011; Ghanem and Voigt
the main current threats to biodiversity linked to 2012). They occupy different trophic niches and
species decline (Díaz et al. 2019). Among biotic in- perform various functions in nature, acting as
teractions, pollination and seed dispersal play an flower pollinators (nectarivores), seed dispersers
essential role in determining plant diversity and (frugivores), and pest controllers (insectivores).
distribution in natural ecosystems (Wang and Frugivorous bats work in a complementary way
Smith 2002) and agricultural production. In this with birds with the same trophic habits, acting to-
context, bees, birds, and bats that act as pollina- gether to diversify the microhabitat where they de-
tors, seed dispersers, and pest controllers are cru- posit seeds, thus contributing a significant service
cial (Kremen et al. 2007). These groups are suscep- when considering the quantity and quality of dis-
tible to spatially operating ecological factors, which persion (Jacomassa and Pizo 2010; Sarmento et al.
makes their services highly contextual (Kremen 2014).
2005; Mitchell et al. 2015).
The effects of climate change on the distribution of
Birds are good biological indicators of climate bat species occurring in the Carajás National For-
change impacts on ecosystem services. Their occu- est (eastern Amazon, southeastern Pará state, Bra-
pancy of all terrestrial habitats and the consump- zil) was examined by modeling species distribu-
tion of virtually all types of resources provide criti- tions (Costa et al. 2018). The authors evaluated 83
cal ecosystem functions and services such as polli- species of bats to identify the species potentially
nation, seed and nutrient dispersion, predation, more sensitive to climate changes and if they
and scavenging. Miranda et al. (2019) compiled ex- would be able to find suitable areas in the Carajás
tensive species occurrence data representative of area in the future. Besides, they assessed the prior-
ity areas that protect the most significant number

Science Panel for the Amazon 16

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

of species from climate change. A considerable also Chapter 30). The potential effects of future dis-
fraction (57%) of the analyzed species would not tribution mismatch of seed dispersal and pollina-
find suitable locations in Carajás under the climate tion of Brazil nuts were studied by Sales et al.
change scenarios. Pollinators, seed dispersers, and (2021). The projections indicated that Brazil nuts’
more generalist (omnivorous) bats would poten- pollinators would lose nearly 50% of their suitable
tially be the most affected, suffering a 28–36% de- distribution in the future, leading to an almost 80%
crease in suitable areas under the 2070 scenario, reduction in co-occurrence potential. Local polli-
affecting the plants that interact with bats. Accord- nator richness was predicted to diminish by 20%,
ing to the scenarios, current protected areas in the potentially decreasing pollination redundancy and
Brazilian state of Pará would not protect most spe- resilience to environmental changes. Another
cies in the future. study pointed out the magnitude of the loss of seed
dispersal services by primates as a function of the
Both studies (Miranda et al. 2019 and Costa et al. future redistribution of species. Primates are re-
2018) emphasize that the possible effect of climate markable seed dispersers, comprising up to 40%
change and protected areas’ location needs to be frugivore biomass in tropical forests (Chapman
considered for conservation strategies of pollina- 1995). The projections indicate average contrac-
tion and seed dispersal services in the case of fu- tions of 56% (23 to 100% reduction) on the studied
ture climate change. primates’ suitable areas (Sales et al. 2021).

Besides bats and birds, projections indicate the im- 23.2.2 Aquatic ecosystems
pacts of climate change on the distribution of bees
in the Amazon, impacting crop pollination (Gian- Climate change is predicted to affect ecosystem
nini et al. 2020). Using two different algorithms and services provided by freshwater ecosystems, in-
geographically explicit data, the analyses and pro- cluding access to drinking water, electricity de-
jections of the distribution of 216 species occurring rived from hydropower, navigation, and, most im-
at the Carajás National Forest showed that 95% of portantly, fisheries (Castello and Macedo 2016), the
bee species would face a decline in their total oc- primary source of animal protein and major eco-
currence area. Only 4–15% would find climatically nomic driver in the Amazon region. The monetary
suitable habitats in Carajás. Bees with medium and value of Amazonian fisheries is estimated at more
restricted geographic distributions and vital crop than USD 400 million annually, and just in the Bra-
pollinators would experience significantly higher zilian Amazon, it involves more than 200,000 fish-
losses in occurrence areas while wide-range habi- ers (Barthem et al. 1997; Barthem and Goulding
tat generalists would remain. The decline in crop- 2007; Duponchelle et al. 2021). These figures, how-
pollinator species will probably pose negative im- ever, likely underestimate the actual value of Ama-
pacts on pollination services. zonian fisheries, given that fish used for consump-
tion at fisher households are not included in fish-
Climate change will promote the redistribution of eries landing statistics and because small-scale
biodiversity, and species-specific differences in re- fisheries are highly heterogeneous at natural, so-
sponse to the changes can decouple the interacting cial, and economic scales (Castello et al. 2013).
species’ distribution. Such pervasive and indirect
effects of climate change may have spillover effects Fisheries’ yields are being impacted by climate
upon economies and human well-being. The ex- change in unpredictable ways. For example, over
traction of Brazil nuts, açai, guarana, cocoa, and ten years (1994–2004), the body length of fish har-
others can be critical socio-economic activities as- vested in the central Amazon (Solimões), Madeira,
sociated with non-timber products in the Amazon and Purus rivers have declined in response to the
(Peres and Lake 2003; Zuidema and Boot 2002; see intensification in drought. This change in fish

Science Panel for the Amazon 17

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

yields reflects a decrease in the abundance of large Household-based aquaculture facilities lack con-
predatory fish, which is compensated for by in- trol and regulation and can use and release many
creasing the number of smaller fish that feed lower toxic substances to the natural environment. Alt-
in the food chain (Fabré et al. 2017). Over the same hough this activity is considered essential to avoid
period, fisheries’ yields in the lower Amazon River overfishing and provides protein to local people, it
(Óbidos, Santarém, and Monte Alegre) declined by is still considered a threat to the environment
50% relative to those from adjacent floodplain (Silva et al. 2019).
lakes. Moreover, target fish species responded dif-
ferently to local environmental stressors related to 23.3 Climate feedbacks of vegetation and land-
climate change, such as reduced discharge, ele- use changes
vated water temperature, and wind, but also to
global-scale stressors such as sea surface temper- The Amazon ecosystem is directly affected by cli-
ature and climatic indices related to El Niño- mate and land-use changes in many ways, but
Southern Oscillation events (Pinaya et al. 2016). there is also feedback between these two processes
Calculating the economic losses owing to reduc- that may amplify the negative impacts (Betts and
tions in fisheries yields induced by climate change Silva Dias 2010). Deforestation for the expansion of
is challenging because of the sparse knowledge on agricultural lands affects climate through changes
fisheries yields per habitat type (e.g., floodplain in the energy and water balance and the carbon cy-
lakes, flooded forests, flooded savannahs; Barros et cle. For example, pasture and crops that typically
al. 2020; Castello et al. 2018; Goulding et al. 2019) replace forests have a lower capacity to cycle water
and the lack of reliable long-term fisheries statis- through evapotranspiration, and the extra water
tics to assess trends across the Basin. tends to increase the runoff. A large amount of car-
bon emissions from Amazon deforestation con-
Although aquatic ecosystems provide many more tribute to increases in the atmospheric GHG and
services to human populations beyond fisheries, temperature globally, which are also expected to
the lack of quantification of many of those services increase forest water use efficiency through CO2
hinders our ability to estimate losses. Extreme fertilization and reduce the amount of water vapor
droughts will likely reduce access to fresh water for recycled to the atmosphere. Recent studies have
drinking and bathing, alter natural flow regimes, shown an increased vapor deficit throughout the
which in turn will affect riverine navigation and ac- Amazon, but it is still unknown if this is a transient
cess to off-channel fishing, hunting, and farming or permanent trend nor how this can affect the for-
grounds, and affect cultural services, including est and drive feedback over the long term. The re-
recreation and the persistence of sacred places, duced ET can impact precipitation, but changes in
usually linked to river-rapids. Lastly, spatial gradi- response to deforestation depend on how large and
ents in the effects of climate change on ecosystem where deforestation occurs. Therefore, the impact
services are expected, given the differences in flow of deforestation and climate change on hydrology
regimes and precipitation patterns across the Ba- in any location will be a complex function of those
sin as one moves from north to south and west to competing impacts (Coe et al. 2009).
east (see Chapter 22).
Forest conversion and degradation impact climate
Aquaculture activities may be considered an envi- through two pathways. The first is through the car-
ronmental service when done in natural ponds or bon cycle. Globally, photosynthesis removes al-
cages on the rivers. It is among the services that most 30% of all global anthropogenic CO2 emis-
aim to protect wild fish populations and increase sions each year. Tropical forests are the most sig-
protein availability to humankind. However, this nificant fraction of that carbon sequestration. With
activity has some adverse effects on the natural an area of 7.3 million km², the carbon stored in the
water systems if not monitored by specialists. Amazon’s forests (~150-200 billion tons of carbon

Science Panel for the Amazon 18

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

stores in soils and vegetation) is equivalent to more strong evidence to suggest that it occurs at the
than ten years of current global carbon fossil-fuel same or more significant scale than deforestation
emissions. More than half of all CO2 emissions from (Walker et al. 2020).
Amazon nations result from deforestation and deg-
radation, and the total contribution to global at- 23.3.1 Surface albedo and radiation balance
mospheric CO2 content has been significant
(Global Carbon Project 2019). The net emissions Deforestation to expand agriculture results in per-
from 2003 to 2016 alone were estimated at 4.7 Gt manent changes to the surface radiation balance,
CO2 (Walker et al. 2020). impacting climate at local and regional scales.
Crops and pastures that typically replace forests
The second mechanism by which deforestation have shallow roots systems and a seasonal growing
and degradation affect climate is through the en- season, which tend to decrease the net surface ra-
ergy and water balance. Tropical forests have a low diation (Rnet), which is the sum of solar shortwave
albedo, high evapotranspiration, and high rough- and net longwave radiation fluxes absorbed by the
ness compared with croplands and pastures that land surface (Coe et al. 2016). Rnet reduction is
often replace them (see Chapter 7). Those charac- linked to increases in the surface albedo and the
teristics firmly control the local and, less strongly, outcoming flux of longwave radiation, limiting the
global climate. The low albedo results in the ab- system’s capacity to cycle water through evapo-
sorption of a significant fraction of incoming solar transpiration. These local changes in the Rnet and
radiation and the production of high net energy in water balance alter circulation and shorten the
the forest system. Much of that energy is used in rainy season (Butt et al. 2011; Knox et al. 2011), af-
the cooling process of evapotranspiration, which is fecting crop productivity over the agricultural
generally high throughout the year because of rel- frontier over the Amazon and Cerrado regions.
atively abundant sunshine and rainfall or stored
soil moisture. The relatively high surface rough- Surface albedo is the ratio of reflected radiation to
ness and aerodynamic conductance increase the the incident total solar in the short wavelength
atmospheric mixing of ET and energy into the trop- spectrum. It is the main factor affecting the land ra-
osphere (Panwar et al. 2020). Deforestation and diation balance and has frequently been consid-
degradation reduce evapotranspiration, increase ered in global and regional climate studies. The
the surface temperature (e.g., Silvério et al. 2015), primary identified sources of variation of land sur-
and if large enough, reduce rainfall regionally (e.g., face albedo are land cover, solar elevation angle,
Butt et al. 2011; Spracklen and Garcia-Carreras canopy wetness, and cloud cover (Pinker et al.
2015; Leite-Filho et al. 2019). The type of land use 1980; Bastable et al. 1993; Culf et al. 1995).
that follows from deforestation has a lesser but still
important impact, with crops having a relatively The albedo of different tropical land covers has been
more significant impact than pasture (Silvério et al. studied for over 40 years. The first measurements in
2015). the Amazon during Amazon Region Micrometeoro-
logical Experiment (ARME) indicated an average al-
The high deforestation and forest degradation bedo of 12.3±0.2% for a tropical forest near Manaus,
rates have impacted biodiversity, forest resilience, Brazil (Shuttleworth 1984). Later, during Anglo Bra-
and climate over the past few decades (Davidson et zilian Amazonian Climate Observation Study (ABRA-
al. 2012). In addition to large-scale deforestation, COS), Bastable et al. (1993) verified an average albedo
the Amazon has experienced large amounts of for- of 13.1% for the same site and 16.3% for a nearby pas-
est degradation, calculated as 1,036,080 km² over ture, a difference of 3.2%. Synthesizing the measure-
the last 30 years (Mapbiomas 2020). By 2018, ments at three Amazonian forest sites and three pas-
870,000 km² of forests have been lost in the Pan ture sites, Culf et al. (1996) found average albedos of
Amazon (Mapbiomas 2020). However, there is 13.4% and 18%, respectively (4.6% difference).

Science Panel for the Amazon 19

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Figure 23.5. Seasonal variation of the forest, pasture, and soybean albedo. A single soybean growing season is represented. A strong
increase in surface albedo can be observed when the forest is changed to pasture or soybean. Figure adapted from Costa et al.

Seasonal albedo for the rainforest, pastures, and adopted (single cropping or double cropping), the
soybean cropping systems typical of the Amazon crop itself (soybean, maize), and the planting date.
are shown in Figure 23.5. Rainforest and pasture Other factors are crop residues on the field after
albedo are from Culf et al. (1996). Although the for- harvest, the albedo of the soil itself, and whether or
est albedo is more stable throughout the year, pre- not the field is plowed before planting. Here we
senting low variability according to the elevation of present soybean albedo data from Costa et al.
the sun and the moisture of leaves and soil, the pas- (2007), adjusted for a late planting date (Novem-
ture albedo is more sensitive to these factors, ber). The soybean albedo (for the growing season
showing large variability during the year. Canopy only) indicates an increased albedo as the crop
height, vegetation density, the proportion of the ex- grows and decreasing albedo as the crop drops
posed bare soil, or the predominantly vertical incli- leaves and dries out. For the period between grow-
nation of the leaves probably explain the wider var- ing seasons, the albedo rises again due to crop res-
iability of the pasture albedo. It is important to ob- idues (straw) on the ground, decreasing as straw
serve the significant difference between the forest decomposes and the field is prepared for planting.
albedo (approximately 13%) to pasture albedo Although many details of this seasonal curve will
(17%), whereas soybean shows much higher over- vary according to the factors listed above, crop al-
all and seasonally variable albedo. bedo is typically much higher than pasture albedo
and forest albedo.
The seasonal variability of crop albedo depends on
several factors, including the cropping system Sena et al. (2013) analyzed surface albedo changes

Science Panel for the Amazon 20

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

from land-use change radiative forcing over Ron- at large and small spatial scales throughout the
donia from 2000 to 2009. The top of the atmos- Amazon and Cerrado environments. Conversion of
phere (TOA) flux for aerosol optical depth (AOD)=0 the native vegetation results in a decrease in the
(no aerosol particles) for forest areas was 147 mean annual ET of approximately 30%, and during
W/m², and over deforested areas, this value was the dry season, this decrease is much larger
160 W/m². The difference of 13 W/m² is the radia- (Arantes et al. 2016; Lathuillière et al. 2012; Panday
tive forcing due to a change in surface reflectance et al. 2015; Spera et al. 2016). The changes to ET di-
from forest to deforested regions of Rondonia. rectly impact other variables that influence the
Evapotranspiration has also changed significantly, surface water balance, soil moisture, and ground-
from forest areas to pasture with 0.35 cm column water storage increase by as much as 30% locally
water vapor smaller at the pasture. This is approx- and streamflow by 3-4-fold in small headwater
imately 10% of the total column water vapor, a very streams and as much as 20% in very large rivers
significant change. such as the Tocantins/Araguaia (Coe et al. 2011;
Hayhoe et al. 2011; Heerspink et al. 2020; Levy et al.
23.3.2 Changes in soil moisture and evapotran- 2018; Neill et al. 2013).
Much of the precipitation in the Amazon is a result
More than half of the precipitation in the Amazon of moisture recycled by the forest (Salati and Vose
is transferred back to the atmosphere through 1984; Maeda et al. 2017). Therefore, the decrease in
evapotranspiration, consuming a lot of the energy ET resulting from deforestation directly impacts
and cooling the surface (see Chapter 5). However, the amount, location, and timing of rainfall. Nu-
land-use transitions can disrupt this system by merous observational and numerical modeling
dramatically reducing evapotranspiration. There- studies have shown a clear link between deforesta-
fore, changes in evapotranspiration and soil mois- tion and delayed onset and an earlier end to the
ture associated with land use and land cover rainy season (Butt et al. 2011; Debortoli et al. 2015;
change, including deforestation and degradation, Fu et al. 2013). In numerical modeling studies, Li
are crucial to understanding the possible trajecto- and Fu (2004) and Wright et al. (2017) showed that
ries of Amazon forests health in the coming years. evapotranspiration, by increasing humidity
Pasture and cropland that typically replace forests throughout the atmosphere during the late dry sea-
have smaller roots and do not access deep soil son, is a crucial factor needed to initiate rainfall,
moisture or groundwater and have a much shorter with initiation being hastened by 2–3 months com-
growing season than the forests they replace (Coe pared with simulations without forest ET. Evidence
et al. 2016; Costa et al. 2007; Negrón Juárez et al. indicates that dry season humidity in the Amazon
2007; Pongratz et al. 2006). For example, crops and decreases, making the dry season more severe
pastures in the southern Amazon evapotranspire (Barkhordarian et al. 2019). Using detailed analysis
at rates equivalent to forests but only for 2–3 of rain gauge data in the southern Amazon, Leite-
months per year at the peak of the growing season Filho et al. (2019) estimate that for every 10% in-
(von Randow et al. 2012). At the same time, forests crease in deforestation, the onset of the rainy sea-
evapotranspire at near-peak rates (>100 son is delayed by approximately 4 days (see also
mm/month) for up to 10 months per year because Chapter 22), which has amounted to an 11–18-day
of their access to the ample stored soil moisture in average delay in the rainy season onset in Rondô-
the top 10 m of the soil column. nia, Brazil (Butt et al. 2011).

These differences have a profound impact on the GHG emissions and deforestation have opposite ef-
seasonal distribution of evapotranspiration and fects on evapotranspiration. Increased emissions
the annual total. This has been extensively studied (and associated increased atmospheric tempera-
tures) tend to increase ET, whereas deforestation

Science Panel for the Amazon 21

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

(and associated land conversion to agriculture) de- changes associated with increasing greenhouse
creases ET. It has been suggested that an overall re- gases and the same direction—significantly in-
duction in the area of Amazonian forest will push creased temperatures, decreased rainfall, and re-
much of the Amazon into a permanently drier cli- duced length of the rainy season.
mate regime (Malhi et al. 2008). At an annual scale,
deforestation-reduced ET only partly offsets the 23.4 Biogenic and fire aerosol emissions and im-
positive effect of GHG emissions on ET, resulting in pact in and outside the region
a net increase of runoff by the end of this century.
In southeastern Amazon, model simulations with The Amazonian atmosphere is dominated by two
50% forest area loss combined with climate change clear seasons. In the wet season, the atmosphere is
led to a consistent ET decrease, which offsets posi- dominated by natural primary biogenic aerosol
tive ET changes owing to climate change alone. For particles emitted directly by the vegetation (Prass
instance, model projections of the water budget in et al. 2021; Whitehead et al. 2016; Pöschl et al. 2010).
the Xingu basin (Guimberteau et al. 2017) are con- In the dry season, biomass burning emissions have
sistent with Panday et al. (2015), who found oppo- strong impacts on the Amazonian ecosystems and
site effects of deforestation and GHG impacts dur- atmospheric properties (Davidson et al. 2012; An-
ing the past 40 years using a combination of long- dreae et al. 2004; Andreae et al. 2012; Andreae
term observations of rainfall and runoff/discharge. 2019). Significant emissions of carbon monoxide,
ozone precursors, nitrogen oxides, aerosol parti-
Generally, the resulting increase of runoff owing to cles, and other compounds significantly alter the
deforestation (i.e., ET decreases are associated atmospheric composition over large areas of South
with runoff increases) is consistent with other America, and they can travel for thousands of kilo-
studies at local and regional scales (e.g., Sterling et meters (Andreae et al. 2001; Freitas et al. 2005; Red-
al. 2013; Rothacher 1970; Hornbeck et al. 2014). For dington et al. 2016). Critical ingredients of forest
instance, the increase of annual runoff in the Xingu emissions, such as biogenic volatile organic com-
catchment (+8%; Guimberteau et al. 2017) owing to pounds (VOCs), are changing, possibly associated
deforestation is of the same order as the results of with higher temperatures (Yáñez-Serrano et al.
Stickler et al. (2013), who found a 10–12% runoff in- 2020). These emissions have significant impacts
crease given 40% deforestation in this catchment. on the ecosystem, including the radiation balance,
From August to October, in the southeastern catch- atmospheric chemistry, and human health (For-
ments, deforestation amplifies the effect of climate ster et al. 2007; Artaxo et al. 2013; Bela et al. 2015;
change in reducing ET, particularly in the south of Butt et al. 2020). Fire emissions are calculated with
the Tapajós catchment and in the north of the Ma- fire burned area derived from remote sensing data
deira and Xingu catchments where deforested ar- and emission factors measured in field experi-
eas are the largest. Therefore, deforestation con- ments (van Marle et al. 2017; Randerson et al. 2012).
tributes to the increase in runoff (+27 % in the Ta- Future climate variability is expected to increase
pajós). the risk and severity of fires in tropical rainforests.
In the Amazon, most fires are human-driven. A way
In summary, the initial significant decrease in ET to assess the aerosol column in the atmosphere is
initiated by deforestation has already impacted by looking at the so-called aerosol optical depth,
much of the Amazon, particularly the south of the which expresses the total amount of particles in the
basin, and has large-scale feedback to precipita- whole aerosol column. AOD can be measured using
tion. The changes in hydrology in response to de- a moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer
forestation depend on where and how large defor- (MODIS) sensor or sun photometers from the NASA
estation is (Coe et al. 2009; Heerspink et al. 2020). AERONET network.
However, evidence suggests that the climate
changes can be expected to be of the same scale as

Science Panel for the Amazon 22

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

Figure 23.6. Schematic diagram of the complex relationship between the main fire drivers in the Amazon. Figure adapted from
Barlow et al. 2020.

The drivers of Amazonian fires are complex and al. 2003). The geographical distribution of DRF fol-
very diverse (see Chapter 19). A schematic view of lows the sources and transport of biomass burning
the complex relationship between the main fire aerosols and impacts in areas outside the Amazon
drivers is shown in Figure 23.6. The impacts are region, such as central and southern Brazil, north
also various, and fire emissions influence the re- of Argentina, Pantanal, and other regions. As most
gional carbon and water cycle, human health, and biomass-burning aerosols scatter sunlight, the im-
ecosystem health, besides being a significant con- pact on the temperature is to cool down the sur-
tributor to global warming. Global deforestation is face. Black carbon (an absorbing aerosol compo-
responsible for 13% of greenhouse gas emissions nent) emissions from Amazonian biomass burning
(Global Carbon Project 2020). changes the snow and ice albedo in the tropical
glaciers, impacting the melting of Andean glaciers
23.4.1 Impacts of biomass burning emissions on (Aliaga et al. 2021; Bianchi et al. 2021). The black
the radiation balance carbon component absorbs solar radiation and has
a heating effect on the top of the boundary layer.
The high loading of aerosols from biomass burning The average surface radiative forcing can be as
impacts direct radiative forcing (DRF) over large high as -36 W/m² (Sena and Artaxo 2015; Redding-
areas in tropical forests (Procópio et al. 2003; Eck et ton et al. 2016). Just for comparison, the global an-

Science Panel for the Amazon 23

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

thropogenic forcing that drives climate change is to 2002 in Rondônia shows a 29% increase in NEE
+2.3 W/m² (Boucher et al. 2013). when the AOD increased from 0.10 to 1.5 at 550 nm.
In Manaus (ZF2 tower), the aerosol effect on NEE
A long time series (2000–2021) of aerosol optical accounted for a 20% increase in NEE. High aerosol
depth over five sites in the Brazilian Amazon is loading (AOD above 3 at 550 nm) or high cloud
shown in Figure 23.7. In the wet season, very low cover leads to reductions in total solar flux and a
atmospheric aerosol loading is observed, with a substantial decrease in photosynthesis up to the
very clean atmosphere. AOD is among the highest point where NEE approaches zero (Cirino et al.
values observed everywhere in the world during 2014). Large-scale modeling studies show similar
the dry season, with significant year-to-year varia- results in terms of strong aerosol effects on carbon
bility. This high year-to-year variability is partially uptake for the Amazon. Model simulations with
driven by climate and also by policies affecting de- three times the biomass burning emissions of 2012
forestation and biomass burning (Morgan et al. show significant increases of 20 to 40% in surface
2019). diffuse radiation, GPP, and NPP, especially in Au-
gust at the peak of the biomass burning season
Clouds and aerosols influence the flux of photosyn- (Rap et al. 2015).
thetic active radiation (PAR) critical for carbon as-
similation (Net Ecosystem Exchange - NEE) by the 23.4.2 Impacts of ozone from biomass burning
forests. Also, the ratio of diffuse to direct radiation precursors on the ecosystem
is controlled by clouds, and aerosols and plants do
photosynthesis more efficiently with diffuse radia- The Amazon in the wet season shows very low
tion because of the more extensive penetration of background ozone (O3) concentrations (<20 ppbv),
radiation into the forest canopy (Rap et al. 2015; and the ecosystem is adjusted to this low O3 con-
Procópio et al. 2004). Analysis of the change in NEE centration. However, in the dry season, high values
from the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Ex- of 40 to 80 ppbv were observed downwind of bio-
periment in Amazonia (LBA) tower data from 1999 mass burning plumes (Bela et al. 2015), and at this

Figure 23.7. Long time series (2000–2021) of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over 5 sites in the Brazilian Amazon. Significant year-to-
year variability is driven by climate and public policies toward reducing deforestation and biomass burning emissions.

Science Panel for the Amazon 24

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

level of ozone, damage to vegetation occurs. Bio- trolling CCN, the interaction between vegetation,
mass burning emits significant amounts of ozone boundary layer, clouds, and upper troposphere
precursors, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and VOCs that (Liu et al. 2020). These processes were all in perfect
lead to surface ozone formation downwind of the combination, defining a stable climate that pro-
plumes (Bela et al. 2015; Artaxo et al. 2013). Tropo- duces rainfall equivalent to 2.3 meters over the
spheric ozone is an important air pollutant, which area of the Amazon Basin, equivalent to 14×106 km3
causes adverse effects on human health, crops, and of rain each year on average. However, these
natural vegetation (Jacobson et al. 2014; Redding- unique nonlinear complex mechanisms have been
ton et al. 2015; Pacifico et al. 2015). Simulations modified by human activities (Silva Dias et al. 2002;
with a global chemistry transport model show that Pöschl et al. 2010). Biomass burning with signifi-
NO2 increased in concentration by 1 ppbv per dec- cant aerosol particle emissions alters the CCN con-
ade and ozone by 10 ppbv per decade, a substantial centrations, changing cloud microphysics, cloud
increase (Pope et al. 2020). Pacifico et al. (2015) lifetime, and precipitation (Andreae et al. 2004).
used the UK HadGEM2 earth system climate model With plenty of water vapor, these extra CCN en-
to assess the impact of biomass burning on surface hance the number of droplets with a reduced size.
ozone and its effect on vegetation. The impact of These smaller initial droplets reduce the efficiency
ozone damage from present-day biomass burning of droplets to grow to precipitable size, increasing
on vegetation productivity is approximately 230 cloud lifetime and reducing precipitation. The ef-
TgC yr−1. This ozone damage impact over the Am- fect of deep convective clouds is difficult to predict
azon forest is of the same order of magnitude as the because of insufficient knowledge available on
release of carbon dioxide due to fire in South Amer- mixed-phase and ice cloud microphysics (Artaxo et
ica, showing that the effect is significant. The in- al. 2021; Machado et al. 2018). The primary bio-
crease in ozone will further damage natural vege- genic aerosol particles are quite efficient ice nuclei
tation and reduce photosynthesis (Pacifico et al. (IN) particles necessary to produce deep ice clouds
2015; Sitch et al. 2007), leading to reductions in (Prenni et al. 2009; Schrod et al. 2020; Patade et al.
crop yields downwind of forest fires, including in 2021). There are significant differences among
Mato Grosso and Goiás (Brazil), with large agribusi- cloud droplets from pristine and biomass-burning
ness areas. These effects combined could substan- polluted environments, as was observed in the
tially impact natural vegetation, agriculture, and GoAmazon2014/15 experiment (Martin et al. 2010;
public health, with potential degradation in ecosys- Nascimento et al. 2021), including differences in
tem services and economic losses. Ozone is also an the vertical distribution of the cloud droplet num-
important greenhouse gas, so biomass burning ber concentrations, especially in convective clouds
emissions also contribute to the global tempera- (Wendisch et al. 2016).
ture increase and radiative forcing.
Evapotranspiration provides a significant propor-
23.4.3 Impacts of biomass burning emissions on tion of the atmospheric moisture over the Amazon,
clouds and precipitation becoming increasingly critical towards the west-
ern part of the Basin (Spracklen et al. 2012; Molina
Clouds are formed from three main ingredients: et al. 2019). Deforestation and increasing atmos-
water vapor, aerosol particles that act as cloud con- pheric CO2 reduce evapotranspiration, the amount
densation nuclei (CCN), and atmospheric thermo- of water available for rainfall in the western Ama-
dynamic conditions (Boucher et al. 2013). The com- zon Basin, and adversely impact rainforest resili-
plex physical-chemical interaction seen in the Am- ence (Zemp et al. 2017). This effect extends beyond
azon basin includes the processes of rainfall for- the Amazon Basin into the Rio de la Plata region,
mation, diurnal, seasonal, inter-annual cycles, for which Amazonian evapotranspiration is a vital
cloud spatial organization, the mechanisms con- moisture source (Camponogara et al. 2014, 2018;
Zemp et al. 2014).

Science Panel for the Amazon 25

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

In terms of biomass burning, aerosol impacts pre- and an increase in climate extremes. Reducing bi-
cipitation and monsoon circulation, where many omass burning is essential to minimize several
confounding factors make it difficult to establish negative aspects associated with high concentra-
causality from purely observational studies (Zhang tions of aerosols, ozone, carbon monoxide, and ni-
et al. 2009). Changes in surface properties, evapo- trogen oxides over large areas of South America.
transpiration, albedo, thermodynamic conditions, Three main effects of climate changes in aquatic
and other parameters make predicting the effects systems (both marine and freshwater) are ocean
of aerosols on precipitation very difficult (Artaxo et and hydrographic basins warming, acidification,
al. 2020). One of the few observational studies of and oxygen loss. If we consider only these effects,
the impacts of biomass burning on rainfall was by we can expect habitat loss, changes in fish migra-
Camponogara et al. (2014). Combining Reanalysis, tion, disturbances in fish assemblages, and
data from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission changes in spatial fish species distribution. These
(TRMM), and AERONET data from 1999 to 2012 are the main impacts climate change will cause for
during September–December, a clear relationship aquatic systems biota. However, other effects may
between aerosols and precipitation was derived. be an important driver for biodiversity loss but oc-
Results show that high aerosol concentrations tend cur either in continental or marine water systems.
to suppress precipitation. A significant reduction The loss of biodiversity is expected not only from
in rainfall at the La Plata basin was observed with direct deforestation but also from different sensi-
increasing biomass burning aerosols in the Ama- tivities of plant species to increased temperature
zon. and reduced precipitation. It is important to em-
phasize that in addition to reducing tropical defor-
The lack of a significant meteorological observa- estation, it is also essential to reduce fossil fuel use
tion network in the Amazon makes assessing to reduce the rate of climate change.
changes in precipitation quite tricky and inaccu-
rate. The same is true for an extended aerosol and 23.6 Recommendations
trace gases observation network.
● A comprehensive network of Amazonian envi-
23.5 Conclusions ronmental observatories and a system for shar-
ing comparable data is needed to detect changes
There is no question that the impacts from climate in ongoing terrestrial, freshwater, and estuarine
change and deforestation in the Amazon are ecosystems.
strong, diverse, and well documented. From biodi- ● More integrated studies on biodiversity loss and
versity, carbon cycling, hydrological cycles, bio- climate change, such as species resilience, are
mass burning, wherever we look, climate change, needed.
and anthropogenic land-use change are already ● The possible effect of climate change and pro-
impacting the Amazonian ecosystems. And the re- tected areas location needs to be considered for
verse is also true, especially in terms of carbon conservation strategies, taking into account pol-
emissions owing to deforestation. Tropical defor- lination and seed dispersal services.
estation is responsible for 13% of global CO2 emis- ● More studies on the feedbacks between climate
sions (Global Carbon Project 2020), and Brazil, Co- change and Amazonian ecosystem functioning
lombia, Bolivia, and Peru are among the top 10 are vital and must be better known and quanti-
tropical deforestation countries. Reducing tropical fied, especially for carbon and water vapor feed-
deforestation is the fastest and cheapest way to backs.
mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, with many co- ● It is necessary to perform studies on the basin-
benefits. Tropical forests suffer from significant wide water balance considering evapotranspira-
stress from climate change, particularly an in- tion, aerial rivers, and all water balance compo-
crease in temperature, altered hydrological cycle, nents in the Amazon.

Science Panel for the Amazon 26

Chapter 23: Impacts of Deforestation and Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecological Processes, and
Environmental Adaptation

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Science Panel for the Amazon 33


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