Application for 7 classes_4 APs

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Application for 7 Classes and/or 4 AP Classes

Name: Current Grade: Advisor:

When a student requests a heavy load of 7 classes or 4 AP classes, they are required to fill out
this application. In an effort to ensure that such a student will be able to maintain a balance
between their academic and co-curricular endeavors, these responses will be reviewed carefully
by faculty and administration prior to granting permission for such a request. Please submit
your completed application to Ms. Collard in the Math Office (FAB 2) by Monday, March 4th.

Please respond neatly and thoughtfully to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:

1. Please list your current classes along with your first semester grades.

2. a. Please list the classes you plan to take next year.

b. Do any of your requested courses require an audition or application? If so, would you
plan to replace it with a different course if you don’t get in or just take fewer classes?

3. Explain your rationale for enrolling in 7 classes and/or 4 AP classes.

4. What other commitments do you expect to have outside of your classes (for example,
sports/PE, jobs, performance groups, club leadership, college meetings, etc.)?

5. Explain how you will manage your workload, outside of school commitments, and
teacher/counselor/academic support meetings (when needed)? In other words, how will
you maintain a work/life balance?

Signatures (to indicate approval of your plan):

Your signature: ______________________________________

Parent/guardian signature: ______________________________________

Advisor signature: ______________________________________

College counselor signature (rising seniors only): __________________________________

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