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Application for


By filling out this form you guarantee that the provided information is rightfully yours and true to the date
where the form is filled out

Date: …………07/04/2022…………………………………….


Name Yung adhian faesal

Gender Laki-laki

Place and Date of birth Padang , 15/12/1988

Marital Status Single

Religion Islam

Blood type Ab

Phone 081318540133

Email Oranghaluindonesia@gmail.com

Instant messaging account Faesaladhian

Social media account Daabss

Home Address Jln keuangan no 59 a cilandak barat Jakarta selatan

Contact Address


Does your wife/husband have

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RAW | Application for Employment

employment? If so, where and in

what capacity?

Number of children if any

Family members
(Father, Mother, Brother, and Sister)

Relative Name Relation Age Current employment and job title if any

Syamsurizal sh Ayah 66 pns

Maria syofnita Ibu 53 Pns

Rissa riandhini Kakak 37 Bumn

Rizky muhammad faesal Adik 27 Art director agency


Career position
Please tick the function you are seriously considering. Number in order of preference if you have more than one

Social Media Admin Graphic Designer Art Director

Ya Digital Strategist Content Writer Copywriter
Data Analyst Sales Account Content Engagement
Account Executive Digital Investigator Data Monitoring

Why do you want to work with Karna ingin mengembangkan kembali potensi dan karir pada perusahaan,
us? dengan profil perusahaan yang menurut saya sesuai untuk memulai
langkah dan menantang kembali kemampuan saya untuk memajukan
perusahaan dengan pencapaian yang telah ditargetkan.

Education History

University, College, Academy, or

From To Subject or Major GPA/IPK
School name

2008 2013 Universitas Widyatama Bandung Fsrd 3.03

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RAW | Application for Employment

Rate your knowledge of foreign language (Basic, Working, or Fluent)

Bhs. Indonesia English

Conversation Y
Reading Y

Result of TOEFL/GMAT if any 4,57

Additional Courses, Training, or Certifications

Please list your additional training courses or certifications you have

Training/Certifications Date Taken Pass/Fail Cost of Training

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RAW | Application for Employment

Work Experience
Please give Details of any full time employement, vocation work and industrial training which you have

From To Organization Name Job title Salary

2021 feb Dokter Joy Pa/dm 8000000

2022 Frelance Digital marketing / web

When will you be able to join?


Desired starting salary (monthly)


List expected benefits and facilities Bpjs

Signature of Applicant

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