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It is important for all towns and cities to have large public spaces such as
squares and parks. Do you agree or disagree?
(Ngày thi: 27-09-2021 tại IDP)

Many people claim that the construction of new public spaces such as squares and parks
is very crucial. While the presence of these projects could bring about several benefits,
I would argue that all towns and cities do not have to build large public spaces.

To begin with, constructing public spaces has many advantages. First, since public
spaces are usually equipped with an abundance of sport facilities, this would stimulate
physical activities of rural residents who usually have sedentary lifestyles.
Consequently, there would be remarkable enhancements in both their mental and
physical health. An excellent example of this is Nguyen Hue square in Ho Chi Minh
city. This public space attracts not only hundreds of visitors a day but also a considerable
number of people going there daily for physical excises. Second, since most tourists are
enticed by locations that offer high-quality public places, cities which invest money in
building recreational spaces for the public are likely to witness growths in the quantity
of tourists. As a result, the economies of these cities would be significantly boosted.

However, I think that the government should not force all towns and cities to build parks
and squares. Firstly, metropolis like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city are currently facing
shortages of land which result from overpopulation. Therefore, finding a land spacious
enough to construct recreational places for the public appears to be a challenge. The city
authorities might decide to demolish plenty of houses in order to make room for public
places, which makes many people lose their houses. Secondly, since constructing and
maintaining these places require a great amount of money, cities which have weak
financial conditions could encounter imbalances in budget for other sectors. If city
officials decide not to build these places, more money would be invested into other
urgent needs such as medical care, drainage system and unemployment.

In conclusion, while I recognize that building public spaces is important, I strongly

believe that the construction of these places should be based on the current situation of
each town and each city

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