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The banging on the door almost was enough to get Sid up.

Although to be fair he was

awake just not up. He just didn't care, it was 3pm and that wasn’t enough reason. Not
even the fact he was due at work… about 4 hours ago. Not nearly enough…

A few centuries ago, the planet turned. An unknow source was causing animals to
become monsters. Did the same to people too. The only warning was the affected
creature would have glowing eyes. It seemed to transfer by touch, air, liquids… so it
spread fast. Once fully turned they were no longer contagious, but they were monsters.
A process that ultimately changed their physical forms. Why the source stopped or
really anything about it is unknown.

A group of humans were discovered to not exactly become monsters. Those with
mental illnesses. It required they be suffering the illness in its full untreated state. A lot
died as their medications removed the immunity. Those on incorrect doses suffered

These people gained powers. Ones that on their own could make their users consider
monsters. In time, once they were understood, these changed individuals proved to be
mankind's greatest hope against the monsters.

After the restructuring humanity lives in armored cities. It's thought around 10-20% of
humanity is still around in these forts. No one is certain as nations don’t exactly exist
and long range communication isn’t what it once was. At any rate as such supply lines
were more important than ever. Thats where the guild came in.

The guild oversaw recording the Changed when they appeared. They analyzed their
abilities and found them work. Sort of like a placement agency. When possible, they
formed small forces of Changed to work together. Sid led one such group. Called Fire
Side they had three members. One who was trying to get Sid up.

When the knocking changed to the sound of metal on wood he got up. He shuffled over
to the door and opened it. Then he got stabbed. He looked down at the knife then up
at Tina. The hipper cheery girl frowned, nervously smiled, slide the knife behind her
back, and smiled truthfully again. She skipped down the hall knife having vanished. Sid
followed at a much slower rate. Once outside Sid took the lead sort of. Rather she let
him so she could dance out of his vision.

Sid was 5-8 to 5-6 depending on how straight he stood. He wore black denim from head
to toe. No one was sure why, but the secret was it was knife resistance, and he could
buy in an excessive bulk order. Tina was 5-7 and in the most intense pink body suit you
could imagine. Besides being form hugging it included matching gloves and boots. As
she danced her smile reached the level of disturbingly happy.
They stopped under an umbrella to wait for their third member. Ana the smallest in
their group. She was 4-1 and wore a dark blue sun dress. Her body sat between slender
and starved, regardless of what she ate. Sid was of average build and Tina many
considered fit to model like. Several eyes were watching her even now. Not just
because of the dancing.

Ana smiled at the two. It was all she could do as Ana was unable to speak. Sid forced a
smile back. Tina kissed Ana on the head with a full hug.

Age-wise they were also an odd mix. Tina was sixteen and Ana was around ten, they
think. Sid wasn't sure about is age. Sid was found wondering the streets with no
memory of his past. Ana never responded to such questions, so they went by height.

About then they reached garage three. The man they were supposed to protect looked
them over in surprise. He checked his paperwork again.

'You guys can't seriously be my escorts. You're just kids.'

Sid snaped his arm out and caught Tina's blade in his arm. It slid clear straight through
but didn’t draw a single drop of blood. It was meant for the driver

'If there is a problem we step down. You can get your refund from the guild at your

Sid turned to leave.

'Wait without a refund I can't hire another team! I won't make my delivery on time!'

'Then shut up and get in the truck.'

Some tiny hint of something dark came with his words. The drive did as he was told.
Once in the truck Sid pulled the knife from his arm and handed it back to Tina. A second
latter the knife had ghosted from this reality while Sid seamed no worse off from his
wound. Hence why Sid refused the drivers offer for a medical kit. He didn't seem
harmed at all.

The road was smooth and clear for an hour. On the left of the truck a herd of deer-like
creatures were easily keeping up with the truck. They had a shiny black skin instead of
fur. They also lacked heads. They did have horns though. They came out of the flesh
mound the neck should have been attached to. They were blade like with spikes coming
out the back.

Sid had been watching them for some time. While it looked like their path was parallel,
he felt different.
'Tina. Those critters there. Can you kill three of them. I want to see how they react.'

'Of course.'

Three massive blades erupted from the ground. Each one sliced a creature in precisely
half. The creatures turned and ran. They were hunting after all.

'What was that?'

Sid turned enough to look at the driver from the corner of his eye.

'It's Tina's power. She can create blades from anywhere. Earlier if she had wanted to
actually hurt you, she would form it in your heart. I know as she keeps doing it to me.'

The rest of the trip was in silence. It gave Sid's mind time to wander. A feat he tried to
avoid. Today it went to powers.

The changed were told their powers were random. Factors beyond human
understanding were responsible and no further research on it was possible.

Sid had a different reasoning. He felt the powers one got were interconnected with the
personality the person had. Normally in a negative way.

For starters Tina had anger and impulse control issues. There were the manic moods as
well. Until it got quiet. Like right now Tina was still. Behind her mask of smiles Tina was
a shy, quiet, timid girl. She had a huge heart and wanted everyone to be happy. She
didn't want to hurt anyone.

Her power was creating blades. Something a person with anger and impulse control
should have handy. She had hurt several people already.

That was why I agreed to team with her. Nothing could hurt me. No what...

Sid shook his head. Going to deep made things weird. While his mind was clear it
started down the road again. This time for Ana.

Ana was listed as amongst the most dangerous changed in the world. Her power was
pyrokinetic at a startling level. If she saw you, you would burn. If she heard you, you
burn. If she smelt, you...
Sid noticed how she avoided stoves, fires, barbeques, and any heat source she could.
Like she was afraid of being burned. Sid had felt her back once. On a mission she
crawled into his bed upset. I rubbed her back and noticed the scars. Sid bet they were
burn scars. The fact Ana's home was ingulfed in flames told him she had been abused.
Her tormenter was already punished.

The final clue though was she couldn't speak. A sign of intense trauma. She could still
write if she felt like it so she could communicate. Yet her perfect vocal cords would not
say words. The whole thing was connected.

Then there was Sid. Suffering severer depression and dark urges. What was his power?
He could feel nothing and could not be hurt by anything. Lord knows Tina had tried
often enough.

As for me...

Sid came back to reality as the lights of a city garage blinded him. They were at the
destination. Safe again if they had ever been in danger.

After getting the driver to sign the completion forms Sid led them to the guild station.
He left the girls to turn the papers in. Due to the nature of guild work you needed to
both wait and respond quickly to a job request. As such the place always had a restraint
with chefs waiting to cook. They went for food.

Sid waited at the desk while the worker typed up the file. As he had the time, he looked
up his file. Its top read Sid level six-A leader of fireside. Levels were a guide to how
experienced and powerful a Changed was. At least from the guild's point of view. The
letter marked the difference in similar levels and how close you were to leveling up.

You started at level 1. After some missions you became 1C. Then 1B, 1A, 1S, and finally
level 2. The levels went up to 10S. Of course, a fail lowered your rank if you survived.

Sid touched the small black circle on the bottom corner of his picture. It recognized Sid
so a second file opened.

----data net access confirmed

----accessing file---Sid of the Fire Side

---Please enter password.


--Sid Armor
Power level 10-S. [Potentially higher but current systems can’t measure beyond 10-S.
Pluss he isn’t easy to work with. Dr Seven]

Primary ability is invulnerability: No know source of damage can affect or harm him.
This extends to environmental effects such as low oxygen and starvation.

Secondary power is vulnerability recognition. If a target has a weakness, he can detect it

by sight alone. It doesn't matter what the target or even if it's alive or not.

[I personally watched him walk up to a tank and drive a knife into the fuel tank causing it
to explode. Not possible but he did it. Dr Seven]

Mental state.
Suffers severer depression. Sid will do the minimal he can do at any time. His lack of
motivation is total and even basic tasks like breathing will last for periods of time.
Surprisingly this has led to him being more efficient in nearly all tasks than expected.

Progress Notes
Placement of Sid in Fire Side has resulted in ideal situations. His activity is up nearly
200%. In addition, his presence has lowered Tina’s injuries rate by 90%. As for Ana, the
family mentality they have developed has recovered Ana’s stability to normal human.
That said it is advised no effect to remove Ana from the party for our safety.
---Special notes

Elimination—Dealing with Sid has a single point. Once inert he stays so. Let him lay
down and seal him in.

Sid's long-term mission is to contain subject 7154-3. Please see 7154-3 for details.

----access File_Zero

--Zero Titalini
Power level {unknown}

Primary power is alteration. Zero can alter matter at a microscopic level. In effect he can
change matter into anything he desires. Curent limits in this power are unknow.

Secondary power [unknow]. If Zero has a secondary power, it would easily be mistaken
for his primary one.

Mental state.
Zero's previous mental state was sociopathic. He would do anything to ensure his
survival and had no value for life.
Currently his mental state is in question. There have been few chances to speak with
him. In addition his actions are contradictory to his old personality. He is mostly seen
when Sid is in a situation he can't deal with. In these cases, Zero appears to only desire to
assist Sid. In all cases this help often ends in numerous dead bodies.

---Special notes
During a mission Zero was forced to turn himself into a sentient parasitic creature. In
every attempt to restore his form or take a host the result was a failure. The body he'd
enter would get sick and immediately fight against him like a bacterial infection. This
ended when Sid offered to become his host. Sid's invulnerability balanced Zero's
infection. Sense than Zero is usually dormient with Sid in control.

---access file_ 7154-3

---7154-3, a.k.a. Tina Moon of the Fireside team

Power level—10

Primary power is blade creation. 7154-3 can create blades at any point she is aware of.
This effectively means if talking to you on a phone 7154-3 can form a blade in you
as 7154-3 is aware of your existence. These blades require nothing to form and leave no
traces when vanish. There is no known material these blades can cut through. In
addition the number of blades 7154-3 generates is only limited by the number 7154-3
believes is needed for the task.

Secondary power [none]

Mental state.
7154-3 suffers several mental scars due to her creation. This has led to a quick temper
and lack of impulse control. Numerous personnel have been injured because of this. As
a result, 7154-3 was scheduled for termination. Under orders of the council, she was
instead entrusted to agent Sid. He accepted and immediately renamed her Tina.

----Special notes
7154-3 was found as one of a few survivors from an illegal research lab trying to create
changed artificially. 7154-3 is the only survivor allowed to become an agent as she was
assigned to agent Sis.
Strangely this team up has proven mutually beneficial. Tina has not harmed personal
sense. Sid has been more active and it's clearly the result of her pushing him along.

----access file_Ana

--Ana [last name unkown]

Power level--10A

Primary power is pyromancy. Ana can create fires at will. She can cause anything she
can see, hear, or smell to ignite. Fortunately, this is limited to a 1-mile range. Her fires
can be normal flames or can be set to burn a specific target. For instance she can burn the
gun in a person's hand without burning their hand.

Secondary power is immunity to heat, cold, and fire. This extends to an inability to feel
hot or cold. As such she has been seen several times in shorts while walking through

Mental state
Ana appears to be calm and collected at all times. Despite her oddly cheery disposition
her inability to talk stems from some sort of traumatic event. While she claims to not
remember any such event, she is to be monitored for these memories to appear.
Ana seams to deal with stress in destructive ways. As an agent this is fine as the
destruction of monster is a requirement. Should she leave the field additional effects will
be needed to help her vent.

----Special notes
As Ana was found by agents Sid and Tina, she has been allowed to remain with them.
The environment has proven considerable beneficial. Ana now has a family and has
stopped having the nightmares she had during initial retrieval.
---access file_Nomad Lea Armor

---Nomad Lea
power level—2

Primary power is regeneration. Lea's body regenerates at 10,000 x the normal speed.
While not immortal and wound that isn't immediately fatal will heal in seconds.

Secondary power is healing. Anyone Lea touches will heal at an accelerated rate. This
closes wounds and replaces lost tissue at speeds have of what Lea heals. The limit is this
healing drains from the injured person's body. It will take several days to fully recover
fully. In cases with significant damage there may not be enough tissue to heal the wound.
This power also takes a toll on Lea. Her own regeneration drops to normal for twice the
required time to heal her target.

Mental state
Appears normal

---Special notes
As a Nomad Lea is not a human or a monster. She currently lives in the ruins in sector
13-A. She has added to this report as she has requested several times that the Nomad
colony there be recognized for trade purposes. As Nomads lack human rights this has
never been approved.
Her bother also fights to get the colony recognized. Normally this isn't much of a
concern but her brother's power is considerable. He also has allies in all five departments
that would approve the recognition. If only to keep him working for us.

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