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Aventuria Order of Play v3

1. Heroes start the adventure

Step 1. Resolve “At the start of the turn” cards
Step 2. Draw 2 cards from the draw pile
Step 3. Ready any exhausted cards
Check for your special ability
Step 4. Put up to 2 cards face down as endurance cards
Step 5. Play action cards (pay endurance)
Free actions at any time
Step 6. Make an attack (pay endurance; exhaust card)
Only once per type of attack
Roll equal or below the attack attribute
Roll 20: Critical Failure:
Enemy draws 1 random card from your hand or discards
Failure: Take fate
Roll 1: Critical Success! and draw a card.
• Dodging: enemy rolls =< his dodge
• Roll weapon’s damage (half if dodged)
• Reduce damage by amour value
Step 7. Take fate if enemy defeated
Step 8. Resolve “At the end of the turn” & cards to 7

2. Enemies attack
Roll and consult each enemy card
Roll 20: Critical Failure:
Enemy turn ends
Roll 1: Critical Success!
Fights again with one more action roll
Against attack: Dodge roll

3. Remove and resolve time counter

Fate points
2 per player in center when beginning
Receive on defeating enemy
Discard to get one of the following advantages:
• Draw a card (any time)
• Receive 1 endurance until the end of the turn (any time)
• Reroll an attack (you don’t receive fate points at all for this attack)
• Reroll skill roll

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