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not in play Do first possible:

- Build Gate
Control < 2 Yes - Move acolyte to enemy free area using Flight as
gates? needed
- Recruit (first at area w/ most monsters, then w/ no
No enemy)

Yes Power ≥ 4 AND Acolyte can reach area Yes Move acolyte to eligible
Control < 3
to build gate leaving NO acolytes at risk location and next turn
anywhere after building? build gate (sticky)

Do first possible:
- Summon Nyarlathotep at gate w/ most units if power ≥ 12
- Summon cheapest monster if acolyte in area w/o monster
(priority area w/ most acolytes at risk)
- Build gate
- Recruit at area w/ most monsters and no acolyte
- If monsters in area w/o controlled gate (or abandoned gate),
move acolyte to that space.

Yes Move a monster to

Capture Enemy Cultist Locked AND Power ≥ 2
target acolytes
AND enemy acolyte eligible for capture?

Do first possible:
Control < 4 gates AND (Acolyte in area
No - Pay to unlock spellbook (first 4 power)
w/o gate OR can reach area w/o gate
- Summon most expensive monster (priority: unprotected
and no enemy monsters/GOOs)?
cultists, most units, random)

Do first possible:
- Build Gate
- Move acolyte (alone if power > 4, w/ cheapest monster if power > 2). Don’t
abandon gate. Use flight, target area
- area w/ enemy acolyte and no monster/GOO
- area w/o gate and no enemy units (prefer no
Note: if power =1 only move acolyte (to area w/ no enemy monster)
- Summon Cheapest monster
Nyarlathotep in play
Capture Enemy Cultist Locked AND Move appropriate unit to target acolyte. Prefer Hunting
Yes Horror (if seek and destroy unlocked, then cheapest,
Power ≥ 3 AND enemy acolyte then Nyarlathotep if acolyte alone). Sticky: Next turn
available for capture? capture acolyte.

Do first possible:
- If enemy GOO w/ friendly acolyte, move Nyarlathotep + Monsters (leaving
one if cultist in current area)
- Summon cheapest monster if acolyte in area w/o monster (priority area w/
most acolytes at risk) OR move existing monster if not placing at risk
- Build gate
- Recruit at area w/ most monsters and no acolyte
- If monsters in area w/o controlled (or abandoned) gate, move acolyte to
that space.

Do first possible:
Area exists with 4+ non acolyte units (if Seek - Build Gate
and Destroy in play count Hunting Horrors - Combat w/ Nyarlathotep
anywhere on board; Nyarlathotep counts as 2)? - Summon most expensive monster (priority: unprotected
cultists, Nyarlathotep, most units, random)

Power ≥ 10?

No Do first possible:
- Pay to unlock spellbook (first 4 power)
- Combat w/ Nyarlathotep (prefer faction with GOO, if >1, then select
Control < 4 gates AND (Acolyte in No
cheapest combat)
area w/o gate OR can reach area w/o - Move Nyarlathotep + monsters (leave one behind) toward either enemy
gate and no enemy monsters/GOOs)? GOO (if possible) OR lightest defended gate. Include acolyte if target
area has gate AND combat dice favorable
Yes - Summon most expensive monster (priority: unprotected cultists, most
Do first possible: units, random)
- Build Gate
- Move acolyte (alone if power > 4, w/ cheapest monster if power > 2). Don’t
abandon gate. Use flight, target area
- area w/ enemy acolyte and no monster/GOO
- area w/o gate and no enemy units (prefer no
Note: if power =1 only move acolyte (to area w/ no enemy monster) provided
that won’t place at risk of capture
- Summon Cheapest monster
Spellbook Selection Spellbook Usage
Nyarlathotep in Yes Thousand
Play? Forms Thousand Forms
Use whenever remaining power < 4

Emissary of Madness
the Outer In priority order, apply to each enemy unit one at a time
Gods - Acolytes move to area with Crawling Chaos monsters
- Scatter units to as many areas as possible
- Move to area with highest enemy combat score
- Area without any units
Yes - Area with fewest friendly units
2 Hunting Horrors in Seek and
play? Destroy
No Always take Elder Signs.
Exception: After battle will be 0 or 1 power, would receive 4+
power, Nyarlathotep still in play after battle, enemy out of power,
Yes and can repeat battle.
2 Flying Polyps in
Seek and Destroy
Always use. Exception: leave one behind if leaves acolyte at
immediate risk of capture.
2 Nightgaunts in Abduct
play? Always use.
Use to reduce enemy combat dice by greatest amount. If dice
reduced is <= 1, then apply to Flying Polyp itself if friendly dice

Global Overrides
Locations Flowchart Deadend?
When moving to new area for gate, prefer to not be adjacent to any Move monsters to form largest battle group
enemy unit (if not possible, then not adjacent to enemy controlled

Hunting Horror Movement

If Seek and Destroy is unlocked, then only move Hunting Horrors
to capture an enemy acolyte OR to protect own acolytes.

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